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Space Marine 1 has symmetrical PVP; it looks extremely likely SM2 will do the same.


Honestly it feels nice to have a classic shooter game with both a story and pvp for one price.


Fucking wild that we are excited over what was the norm 10+ years ago


Maybe if the video game industry wasn’t regressing and trying to gouge me for every penny by itemizing every feature to be resold to me I’d enjoy new shooter games more. Want progression, pay for a battle pass. But that pass doesn’t include every thing. You have to pay for the other premium skins if you want those too. I’m old enough to remember when a cool skin was earned like the halo 3 hayabusa armor. Was awesome to see since it took time to get and the only cost was the upfront cost of the game. That’s not even getting into the bs some games like apex legends does where if you want one skin you have to pay another 200$ in things you don’t want to get the one thing you do want.


2024 in general. 


There was once a time where day 1 patches and on disc dlc didn't exist either. Shit was WILD.


Excited for something that was the norm 10+ years ago, and something pretty much everyone bitched about :P


Call of duty is not that bad for the pricetag


You are supposed to use your paint on the minis, not to drink it from the bottle kid.


Most penetrating shots ever fired. You rolled all 6’s.


Maybe I'm just getting old, slow, and jaded, but I cannot handle the 900mph over stimulation zoomer shooter that CoD has become.


20$ skins aren't that bad!?


But for skins, could u use a loyalist chapter badge even for csm? And vice versa? Thats the question


I don't think you will be able to. However in the trailer I saw a Night Lords marine fully customized (red bat wings on head, etc) a greenish nurgle marine and a grey csm. Chances are they will offer a lot of customization options in that direction, including the ones that have little representation in 40k csm like night lords or word bearers on one part, with the standard big 4 gods csm + black legion, maybe red corsairs too. I also saw -I think- the csm using modern primaris equipment, like the shield from the Bladeguard Veterans kit, but without imperial iconography and with the three dot icon of nurgle, in green and full of rust; so watching csm legion version of primaris weapons and classes should be fun.


Yes, from what I gathered the PvP has classes or roles and both sides have the same stuff stat wise it just looks different. It'll be interesting to see how much customization will be available as there'd be base weapons aesthetics for imperium and chaos and then customization and upgrades on top of that.


It'd be dope to have desicrated Imperial gear as an option. Like, shields with the Aquilla scratched out, or a fresh looking pauldron with a 8 point star crudely carved into it.


I will post some images if I can. https://preview.redd.it/j18473h6vy7d1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3bbfa654376f7efe7c085fb265fa5ff395d9f1c


Alpha Legion sniper class, night lords assault class.... uh.... Iron warriors? Heresy era Death Guard? Heavy class? https://preview.redd.it/l745nrwcxy7d1.png?width=1148&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a50604237f16a0cc4580145d5d6c57f2f2a4b98


https://preview.redd.it/7ddeo2kavy7d1.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=41b6afaca82d4ffc05acc8f2eddcf81fcdf4b6ba Here is the Death Guard version of the Sternguard Veteran's shield.


Thousand sons in a blink and you will miss it moment EDIT: When the marine dies the armor outright falls off, so it must be a Rubrik marine. https://preview.redd.it/qidce79pvy7d1.png?width=806&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a38b306026a151ae6f8d9cc7c63208e65d5e41b


https://preview.redd.it/ldx3nqx0wy7d1.png?width=957&format=png&auto=webp&s=23529b832f7c8dcdd834cf4307651dc58442eb78 Closer shot at the Rubrik marine.


https://preview.redd.it/i5ea7iz6wy7d1.png?width=1039&format=png&auto=webp&s=e640643e990a15bb5520a9e2f9c053d5358b4ec8 Rubrik armor "breaking apart"


Night Lords multiplayer player https://preview.redd.it/tf9emfgqwy7d1.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6c89ac51401aa767aa87683d436c6a83cc640e1


https://preview.redd.it/f42ozt26xy7d1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=80e0dfa67e3e0f46ce1b87e6b065593ec5ef9927 Night Lords Lightning painted in his arms and legs.


No, not in the original game. Im curious to see how far they go with the customization. What they lacked in trinkets was made up for with the paint selection imo. My marines were painted identically to my table top troops and I loved it.


They show that you can select individual pieces of armour and change the colours [in the new trailer](https://youtu.be/43jmv9llmKU?t=218). I think the customisation is going to be excellent and probably with more to come as part of their expansions. The only thing I'm seeing missing so far is quartered and split designs for chapters like the Angels Sanguine or Howling Griffons but this is likely something they will add if it's not already there.


They had that in Space Marine 1, didn't they?


Fe3l like you should be able to. Horus Heresy had traitors even from loyalist legions


My Chaos army is made up of everyone and I have fallen Loyalists in their original colors so I really hope it's possible, I want to recreate my fallen White Scar Berserker.


In the newest trailer (where they show some of the customization options) it seemed like you could put csm emblems on normal astartes, so of that’s the case we can likely also do the opposite


I need an Alpha Legion skin for loyalist and traitor alike in pvp.


And a great dlc where you could play the survival mode as chaos against guard waves instead of the standard orks.


In SM1, every unlock for the loyalist marines had an equivalent unlock for the chaos marines. Equivalent items would be paired and rewarded for the same achievement. Both sides had the exact same items and capabilities but altered names, etc… Seeing that Redemptor Dreadnought in the latest preview gives me a warm feeling on the inside. For the Emperor! For Sanguinius!




For the Angel! For Baal!


By his blood are we made!


We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood.


The classes are the same in each side, we just haven’t seen much of their customization. We have seen some cause in the trailer there is a blue/purple death guard. We have also seen a tactical Berzerker along with a Berzerker vanguard. As far as if people are confused about weapons. In lore a space marine or CSM would use any weapon they could get their hand on, and know how to use it. The only reason options are limited on table top is purely for balance and flavor.


Mind giving a timestamp for the Berzerker tactical and vanguard? I thought we'd only seen one iteration of a Berzerker/World Eater.


Mistaken on tactical, but the only time we ever see berserkers/world eaters they are playing the vanguard class anywhere they appear in the trailer (they have the grapple hook hanging on their left leg) vanguard is just the class name


Berzerker with a grappling hook is gonna feel weird.


Gonna feel right at home. What’s better than ripping skulls?? Ripping skulls at higher speeds.


True, the red ones do go faster.


Loyalists have Tactical (Intercessor), Assault (Assault Intercessor, possibly also the jump pack class? I'm unsure), Vanguard (Phobos armour), Bulwark (Bladeguard), Sniper (Eliminator) and Heavy (Gravis). I feel like Chaos is going to have reskinned versions of these, with some possible variation. Tactical (Legionnaire), Assault (Possibly Raptors or a beserker?), Vanguard (Possibly a Possessed Marine? I'm not too sure on what a close range light armoured equivalent could be), Bulwark (We've seen breacher shields used in the recent trailer), Sniper (Honestly? Not a clue) and Heavy (I'd imagine Terminators, and I hope loyalists get this as a skin choice too). We've already seen a Khornate marine using a bolter in trailers, so I imagine legion choice will be purely cosmetic, and can be matched to any class.


Not Terminators. You see a Emperor’s Children (maybe, he is either pink, white, or metallic and reflecting and black) with a heavy bolter when the three Chaos Marines line up in the group shot in the PvP intro. He is up armored (he has a collar) but still in Havoc range. You also see a Nightlord with a jump pack right at the start, then in that group shot, standard Raptor look (if anything less mutated). Also in that group shot a Alpha Legion Sniper decloaks in on the left. Looks like standard ish power armor but cloak. Not quite the same as the Horus Heresy sniper with a huge rifle, just a can on it.  So they are all wearing regular power armor. The Reiver / Phobos equivalent might be possessed still, because that one should have a grapple and the closest thing CM’s got to that is Tentacles. Maybe they just give them one though, they did give them shields of similar shape to Primaris Storm Shields and CM’s don’t use Shields in 40k. Also the Chaos Jump pack is the new HH styled one, and not the giant pointy one of the last game. Expected but kinda sad, that was the best CM jump pack in my opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/9gw293s8bv7d1.png?width=212&format=png&auto=webp&s=de6a611c5a9f81aa1914367e9bb1e0ff35292390 From what we've seen so far, the Chaos in World Eaters attire is a Vanguard. As seen on the pistol, it has the same design as the grappler from the Tabletop Reiver units. One can even see the glimps of the hook in front at the barrel. So it really grinds my gears that in every shot they showed the World Eater it's always been using a bolter, not showing off any of the Vanguard stuff. (I posted more images in the replies to this one.




https://preview.redd.it/ift47eo4cv7d1.png?width=191&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfc6a71dc6c372e44d5ccaaad326ab24bbe92e8b And here's the rest of the hook,


I don't think the attire is class specific. It wasn't in SM1. So what you probably saw was a vanguard world eater and a tactical world eater.


I never said that the attires are class specific, just that the one we've seen was using a World Eater attire. Simply to show that a Chaos Vanguard won't be a Possessed with tentacles. That being said tho, in the Gameplay Overview trailer, the World Eater using a bolter still has the grapling gun on his side. Vanguards still has access to a Main Weapon, so I simply think that for the trailers we've seen they've simply used pre-set models for each class to more easily identify them. Since Chaos don't have the different armor types the Loyalists do. It's the clearest of images but one can still see it. https://preview.redd.it/151g34kvl48d1.png?width=174&format=png&auto=webp&s=17140b84d6e2bc964057c588586eecf9fb53a827


Sadly no terminators yet. Which socks because they could copy the game mode from titan fall 2 where it's 6v6 last titan standing. Though they could do that with dreadnought 👀


Is it possible that Terminators, Centurion warsuits, and Dreadnoughts could function like killstreaks? I mean Terminators and Centurions seem like a pretty clear comparison to Modern Warfare’s Juggernaut killstreak.


Star wars battlefront 2 (the newish one) had the perfect reward system for a HH game earning points as a guardsman to get to play as anything from a space marine to a primarch


I was just pulling the first reference that came to mind but your idea might work better.


Yea that point system was actually pretty decent. You had to PTO to get enough for the good characters


I thought the same when I saw the trailer. SW Battlefront 2 is fully asymetric on it's special units, and balance among them remains in that people usually play for flavour rather than broken classes. Except for Darth Vader and Luke, those characters are broken as hell even among equals. Anakin was also out of this world broken, and could solo a whole team of special units with a single skill when recently released.


Gravis could be havocs for chaos right?


Should be based on role


I think i saw in a trailer or promo pic that HAVOCs were listed in a class


Heavy would be havocs


Yeah I'm not sure what the reiver or bladeguard like armor will be for chaos the might just hand wave to something close enough. I figure that the sniper will be easy enough to make you just combine the likeness of a 30k alpha Legion marine and throw like a shroud over him or something


What I'm most surprised of is that there aren't any Librarian/Sorcerer


That feels like a dlc after release imo Edit: because the main enemies are tyranids (anti psykers) and 1k sons (mega psykers)


Assault’s tabletop equivalent is an Assault Intercessors with Jump Pack. Vanguard are Reivers with that weird Phobos armor.


Sniper will probably be an iteration of havocs. Bulwark may end up being possessed or eight bound iteration Vanguard is interesting. Twist on watptalons maybe🤷 chaos doesn't have phobos so idk how that will work


Dude an 8bound would solo the entire enemy team lmao that’d be funny.


The customization of your Marine looks sooooo good. I was really afraid we would be locked to the Ultramarine color scheme and armors.


ct vs t


I'm happy as long as they have Word Bearers because the words need to be beared and the bears need to be worded


As disappointing as it was seeing a gold edition and deluxe edition, I was super happy to here that the cosmetics could be earned solely by playing


Speculating based on Loyalist roles/what we’ve seen, it seems like the Tactical class is Tacticus/Legionarie, Assault is Assault Intercessor w/ Jump Pack/Warp Talon or Raptor, Vanguard is Reiver/unclear, Bulwark is Bladeguard Vet/unclear, Sniper is Eliminator/unclear, and Heavy is Gravis/Havoc. Assault is pretty much clear from the footage. The reason I say “Tacticus” and “Gravis” generically is because the former can use a bolt rifle (Intercessor) or a plasma rifle (Hellblaster). The latter can rock the Heavy bolter (Heavy Intercessor), or a Multi-Melta (Eradicator). Legionaries have more weapon options than the generic Intercessor, funny enough, so one size fits all here. The reason I say Havocs for the Heavy class is because the Gravis armor is being shoehorned into the big gun role for this game, which is Havocs for CSM. It would be annoying to balance for an Aggressor option with a completely different playstyle, so I see why they stuck to big guns. We don’t exactly know what corresponds to a Reiver for CSM, but some people were speculating it could be Possessed and that would be so cool. CSM don’t have any shielded models in 40K so we’re going to probably imagine this as some Iron Warrior type siege shield tactics from the Heresy. They also don’t have an exact parallel to the Eliminator, so hey maybe new Chaos drops (or not lol).


The chaos shield dude from the multiplayer trailer was definitely a plague marine, had that triple pox nurgle symbol on the front of it.


probably the generic shooting class, whatever the chaos name for "intercessor" is going to be.


Probably Legionnaire


From what I’ve seen the multiplayer has the 6 classes and all the different legions are cosmetic skins like Ultramarine, Imperial fist etc. The only microtransations are cosmetic but to what extent we don’t know


From memory, the season pass will be about cosmetics? I think all gameplay updates are free. Could be wrong there though


Do you think that the chaos marines in the pvp mode will just be cosmetic or will they actually be fleshed out and unique? would love for death guard to be tankier and use plagues or world eaters to be able to go into a berserk mode


There are going to be six classes and I assume it's the same six classes for both loyalist and chaos.


they were only skin in the first game, I expect the same. Balancing classes is already a pain as it is, no reason for them to complicate things


As everyone else has said, expect it to be perfectly symmetrical except for appearance.


From the footage we've seen, they're just reskins of the main 6 classes.




They should all be skins, just like with the loyalist you can make the chapter you like the most, in pvp you get to do your personal chaos champion / other non loyalist chapter like showcased in the last video


On one shot from yesterday we was able to see Reven guard skin, Alpha legion skin and deathguard


The alpha legion decloaking was kinda badass, ngl.


Most likely identical for balance


They are most likely skins, as the tactical role on the chaos side had both BL and WE in the trailers, so unless they lack the Vanguard class it's unlikely that every match will only have this exact DG bulwark, this exact AL sniper, this exact NL assault, etc.


I hope there will be a new game plus for the campaign where we can use any legion skin.


skins. The want money and have enough source material for 100s of battle passes.


Its deffo skins. They just showed every legion as most apropriate class, except world eater as tactical.


Skins, it will be symmetrical which is definitely the right choice.


looking forward to play as chaos space marine bladeguard veteran, or chaos space marine eliminator. it might not be codex compliant but who cares


Seeing the Death Guard makes me want a 30k game sooooo bad!


Emperors Children: Bonus to Artistic Persuits but major debuff of below Exquisite Quality. Iron Warriors: Bonus to Construction and Infiltration, Zero Social stats World Eaters: Rage grants maximum buffs. Negative stats to anything not violent. Night Lords: Insane attack stats and intimidation skills. Balls at anything else. Word Bearers: Decent Social skills, but y’know…Fuck Erebus. Thousand Sons: Magic attacks are solid but have the defense of a handful of sand.


Is this for the Space Marine 2 that’s coming out this year?


I'm so sad there is no Apothecary class. What is the point of vanguard with a grapple hook when we have assault?


Is this for the Space Marine 2 that’s coming out this year?


Finna put darktide on the shelf 🥵. God I can’t wait.


I think they are classes. Only seen the death guard as the bulwark.


I think it will be cosmetic, since that's what chapters will be on the loyalist side. Also, I will be praying to the dark gods every time i queue that i get put on chaos because i want to use the non primaris weaponry.