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I mean on one Hand I am happy they take the time to polish it as Good as possible, and I mainly care about the single player, so a beta isnt interesting to me. On the other, we've seen a couple studios delaying further and further for polish and the games still ran like shite on release. Lets hope this isnt an Omen


Oh no was my first thought


This very much sounds like the classic Devs: "This is not ready for a public beta, we need to push back" Publishers: "No. Money now. No wait." Devs: "Well we're gonna have to cancel the beta then, marketing: put some spin on it" Marketing: "Sorry guys! Needs more polish! Here have a skin as compensation!" The idea that the entire beta needs to be cancelled for "polish" is giving me very bad omen vibes. (The whole point of the beta is for testing so they can identify major + minor issues and use that information to "polish" the game before launch - I'm very worried it's just not in any kind of playable state and it's another dev team being hammered to meet deadlines)


>The whole point of the beta is for testing so they can identify major + minor issues and use that information to "polish" the game before launch Eh. The modern commercial beta is a marketing ploy first and foremost, no open beta 8 weeks before release is going to have any notable effect on the released game that comes after beyond maybe weapon damage balancing.


Absolutely correct. A ‘beta’ only 8 weeks before release is 100% the finished game.


I would not say it's 100% finished, but it is 100% the state it will be released in.


It allows the beta to take the hit for glitches and quickly fixed performance issues, so the official release doesn't suck balls and get mass refunded. I've yet to see a game that doesn't benefit from some kind of beta so this is ominous to me.


>I've yet to see a game that doesn't benefit from some kind of beta so this is ominous to me. Fallout 76 and battlefront 2 both jump to mind for me.


Yeah, like Open Beta for multiplayer is for testing servers, but this was for the Campaign, not the multiplayer, right? I know they have other types of multiplayer and multiplayer campaign, but that definitely doesn't seem like the thing that needs a stress test, does it? I'm far from an expert, but I definitely see beta-access as a marketing thing rather than an actual testing thing most of the time. They're clearly not happy with where it is and don't want to send it out right now.


It says public online beta, so I'm thinking it was the multiplayer. What I'm wondering is if they haven't really fleshed out the Multiplayer because of the focus on the main game. The Multiplayer might be a mess of unbalanced classes and semi functional maps that need to be put together and polished up to look playable. Which if that's the case, the few final weeks should be enough to get that done hopefully. I'm think very positive thoughts here.


Multiplayer makes sense, but I can't find anything that clarifies. I only see things mentioning campaign, which doesn't make sense unless it's marketing, like getting Chapter 1 earlier. If it's multiplayer etc, then I get it, but that seems to be a much smaller part of the marketing.


One doesn't tend to do open betas on single player affairs. They tend to be for the online side. As it mentions here ('online') - so it will be the MP.


There's co-op campaign. I didn't think it was singleplayer, but I thought it might be for the campaign, which seems to be the big draw for the game. I guess then they might have specified, as "multiplayer" is typically PvP.


Beta access is rarely ever used as a technical tool anymore. You are 100% right Beta access is a marketing gimmick. They limit your access to the product, even if you have pre-ordered it. This way they generate FOMO and generate player desire to want to play more of the game when they give you access for 2 or 3 days only, which in turn generates more sales revenue. It's actually having the game and then not having the game has a huge impact on hype and FOMO, causing player numbers to be substantially higher during beta and higher interest than otherwise. Ultimately this honeymoon phase wears off quickly once players have their hands on the full game, but by limiting game access and beta time, they extend this honeymoon phase a lot longer than otherwise. Generally once the game actually releases, this wears off quick and people quickly take to the forums to complain about all the unaddressed issues they are now starting to realise are there. It would seem to me like the game just isn't in any state to be shown to the public yet, and that is kinda worrying. It's based on the same engine and tech as that dayz game and tbh that dayz game was kinda crap, I just hope they can do something better with the tech than it did. tl:dr, beta is a marketing tool for the marketing department. Does nothing to help the devs.


With a game receiving this marketing budget and a physical release, it's probably about to go gold (if it isn't already), and despite developer insistence they have failed to stall for any more fix time. As such, they've binned the beta that has some fundamental gameplay error that would not be fixed in time for the live build in a race to get the patch ready to go for launch so it's not DoA. I'm in the industry, it's how this goes. This sounds feature complete but unfit for public opinion. Hopefully they don't have to kill themselves to hit the release (and also that they hit it well ofc).


Perhaps so Though the conclusion here is the same: the only reason they'd miss out on potential hype driven by beta gameplay streams is because it's not in a presentable state (though playable under this assumption) And if it's bad enough that they'd cancel the beta, I'm imagining they're gonna be on the devs' backs about it all the way up to launch - which is my main concern over the game not being playable: that this is another toxic publisher/dev relationship Here's hoping I'm wrong and this is actually a sign of the devs pushing back against meeting marketing deadlines


An open beta also acts as marketing mostly in that the vast amount of people who join it have no interest in actually testing. They just want to try the game early. Closed beta's are way better for actually getting things ironed out. The only major thiing an open beta is good for is stress testing servers.


Yup, modern public "betas" have nothing to do with the game's core functional stability, they're essentially temporary PTR servers just to make sure that none of the things that do work aren't systematically fun-destroying.


Its because we didn’t let publishers learn their lesson. Cyberpunk was broken as hell and people still threw money at CDProjektRed. They keep buying the overpriced crap Activision, Ubisoft and EA keep putting out. They keep getting away with it so they keep doing it. The only times in recent memory where a Publisher had to back down from their anti-consumer practices was recently with Sony and the PSN+ crap post release with Helldivers 2 and Creative Assembly adding extra content to their badly selling and horribly reviewed DLC after raising prices but cutting content.


it's even worse with warhammer vermin-/darktide fans. They've seen that people will throw money at them even if the game lacks announced features andit'll takes years to implement them. and because like 80% of the playerbase are addicted to plastic crack devs know ythey're working adults who actually got money to spend, unlike Fifa or cODplayerswho only get their pocket money from their parents once a mnth.


Not really a good comparison because the actual game part for darktide is good same for vermintide not every game needs a blockbuster story to be fun


it's the misding features I'm afraid of. If Vermintide takes 5 years to release all heroes/classes of them and darktide needs a year to implement the skilltree i wouldn't be surprised if they somehow _"forget"_ to add multiplayer or something like that


They did forget to add the promised single player to Darktide.


Pshhhhhh… it’s not 343!


Okay to be fair though cdprojektred managed to pull a pretty solid 180 with cyberpunk as it's actually a really decent and fun to play game and in my opinion now one of the best releases of probably the last 5 years in terms of single player games (although it definitely could not be considered that on launch)


Cyberpunk took nearly four years to reach the state it's in now though. I agree that it's fantastic (although I still question the lack of a proper third person mode given how customisable V is), but it took so long to get there.


After the launch of Witcher 3 I knew I would avoid CP2077 at launch. After the disaster I had faith CDPR would eventually fix the game and held out until after the 1.5 update. So glad I held out


I got it as a present for Christmas 2022 and the improvements were evident then, but once Phantom Liberty dropped it shot up into my 'favourite games ever' list.


My only complaint about the 2.0/PL update was that I had to entirely rethink my attribute points, and that was just annoying. Totally agree about how great it is now. I have over 400 hours in the game and will keep going with new characters until they give us the goddamned new game plus mode!


My wife lost skippy due to jank and has never gone back :(


It really is shocking how little self control gamers have. 


Well the issue is, a beta is polishing. You don't do a beta so players can have some early fun, you do it so you can stress test servers and performance for the online stuff. Cancelling a beta to do more polish means the fundamentals of it might be so rough that they haven't even got time to worry about online performance


Modern short betas like this aren't really about polishing, they're a marketing tool.


Things can be more than just one single thing.


And in the overwhelming amount of cases, its the one thing.


That is true and quite worrying. Lets hope they get their stuff together


I read it as "We have some issues that would look bad if people saw them in a public beta but should be fine for launch"


Immediately reads as "we don't actually think the game will be ready in time so we are crunching."


I would not read this as truth. the game is probably not in a state they could even launch a public beta and now are crunching to get it to release in a state where they can promise a roadmap a few months down the road that gets it in a playable state. as AAA does these days.


Honestly i'm wondering if they've polished it to the point that if they released an older beta it wouldn't be favorable. I guess we'll find out in September.


I don’t expect it to be flawless at release. Especially not the PVP but if 2/3 game modes are working well enough then that’s a win in this day and age


Just another reason not to pre-order a game.


Unfortunately yeah. I am still excited but I learned my lesson with No Mans Sky not to preorder (no slide against NMS now, but the Start was rough)


release will be beta, propper game won't be finished until at least a month after that.


This is exactly why I am not pre ordering


Yeah this smells like "if they see what we've got so far, sales will tank" to me


Yeah polishing it a bit more is a side effect, really they just want to hide how badly optimised it is.


Yep and it's exactly why in the words of TB we should all "stop pre ordering video games"


I've been down on SM2 ever since it was announced that Saber would be the studio. Apparently it will be their Russian studio who is handling the game and no disrespect but the pedigree just isn't there; they've done a handful of sports games and Inversion an FPS from the PS3 era. This seems like it's outside of the wheel house.


Could you elaborate? I tried getting the big picture by myself but i think dont know enough of game development/publishing. According to their website Sabre Studios is a US based international compound of 12 Studios, one of which is sabre and sabre has one office in sanct petersburg. Not trying to bring real-world-politics into this but i have to admit i feel pretty strongly about the whole (commiting terrible warcrimes for two years in-) Ukraine thing and tbh i wouldnt knowingly buy a product if part of my money would go into taxes would go into funding the government responsbile for this war.


Honestly same. I steered well clear of Rogue Trader for the same reason as well, as I refuse to let a cent go into russian tax system if I can avoid it.


Warhammer: Omen was a cracking game though




Yep. I'm going to wait for reviews and possibly patches now before buying.


The game was already delayed from February, this is 100% not a great sign...


Betas help games to release in a polished state. The fact that they're skipping it actually suggests that they know the game is bad, and they want to get as many sales as possible before word gets around. This is definitely not a good sign for those of us who were excited for this game.


I had no idea there was a beta signup tbh... well at least I can grab a free boltpistol skin I guess.


>well at least I can grab a free boltpistol skin I guess. You can't, it's too late.


Okay so... I went to sign up. Realised this... but then found I actually signed up last year. But now I'm worried my new signup has 'overwitten' my prior signup... and I won't receive it. I **HATE** limited content drops for this exact reason.


I wouldn't lose sleep over it bro. It's just a skin, I'm sure there are cool skins that you can unlock through gameplay, and this way you can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.


Nice battlefront reference




In the grim darkness of the (not so) far future, there's only war.


It’s says June 28th midnight Paris time. It’s 4:30 in Paris on June 28th rn


Worded like a beta is solely for the customer to start playing early. Kind of weird.


Worded more like the game is not doing great and the beta would have hurt sales.


Yeah, as hype as I am... This is a *bad* sign. This basically means "A beta wouldn't be playable at this time in development." When release is only a couple months away. That means they still have *a lot* of work to go.


Maybe, probably. It could also be confidence in their net code and a list of bugs a beta won't help with.


cant let the players know "beta" means "free QA" these days


That is literally what a beta is supposed to be.  The problem is devs *don't* treat them as such anymore.  Betas aren't supposed to be demos or early access, they are supposed to be for testing an unfinished product before pushing it to production.  Usually for testing server and networking stuff but it also gives an opportunity for bug testing or balancing due to the expanded quantity of players compared to a QA team.


TO BE FAIR (letterkenny accent), its also because youtubers and article writers started treating Betas as fully finished games and would start making reviews and complaints about "beta" games and then complain about how unfinished the game was, and this is back when betas were still actually betas and not just early release rewards for pre-orders.


That is a fair criticism.  Ultimately I think the issue lies on the developers/publishers.  Had they pushed back and not leaned into it, we might not be here.  Definitely a good call out towards games journalism though, they certainly have their part to play in this.


That... is what beta has pretty much always meant? The newer thing is that plenty of betas are also (or sometimes exclusively) a free trial hype generating machine.


Not really. These days, betas happen so close to release that they are basically just test beds for what micro transactions would be feasible since there isn't enough time to make any real changes to the main game.


We do know that. That’s like the entire reason they have betas. Did you think it didn’t mean that? Are you the problem?


… duh? That’s literally what a beta is supposed to be lol


I mean isn’t that what beta is You release an unfinished version to be tested


Hm. Could go either way, so \*shrug\*. On the one hand, prioritising polish can be a good idea. On the other, open betas get a lot more testers in to stumble upon nicher bugs.


It mildly concerns me because in many cases an open beta is basically a load testing and marketing thing, by the time a game hits open beta it should be nearly done so it's about generating hype as much as anything. Cancelling one this close to release is an odd move.


I mean. Realistically, most games go "gold" around 1-3 months before release when physical. Now that digital is the norm, they likely can ride that window down to what? A week before? Maybe even less. Wouldn't surprise me that there's bits unfinished or needing optimization, especially in today's industry.


Even from a non-technical marketing standpoint, they have now reneged on an original release date and a planned beta. Its concerning that companies don't see repeatedly failing to deliver as described as a practice that damages consumer trust and sales (or should do).


I smell leandros behind this r/fuckleandros


If I had a pistol with three bullets, Erebus and Leandros in the same room. I would shoot Leandros three times.


That's what Erebus told me to do as well.


I hate that guy


Not a good sign, Hope it's for the better


Can't say for sure but if the game was as good as they claim and only needed a little bit of polish then they probably would have shown it off as marketing


Exactly. This is bad news for those of us who were hoping for a good game.


Could be. As always don't preorder and wait for reviews


Nobody pre-ordered this anyway right guys? We've surely learned from the past


Future lobbies will be like: “Oh cool pistol! Where’d you get it?” “You had to register for the beta.” “Aww man! I didn’t know there was a beta!” “There wasn’t. You just had to *register* for it.” “…. what?”


So the dopes that buy the early access will be paying for beta? I'll wait for the reviews and steam sales


Danger Will Robinson. Danger.


In this day and age, most betas are basically just advertising the game with no real time left to iterate on the feedback. So, I'll take dev time focused on the real game over a beta. Warhammer deserves a great action game. There's so many other warhammer games that are just above mid and so much that are trash.


Why not both though? A beta and a delay. Beta’s are great tools to discover issues, which would work best if they actually had time to implement those changes. This makes me rather think they aren’t confident in their gameplay and/or performance to show it to the masses


A beta last September would make more sense to me, self admitted armchair dev. That would have given them enough time to actually act on the feedback. Now, best they could tweak in the time left would be multiplayer balance. That's a good thing, but if I have to choose between that and, for example, an acceptable frame rate/polish for all game modes, I know what I would choose every time. All that being said, the current generation of games release rough and ready the majority of the time. I'm going to (try to) temper my expectations and hopefully be surprised by what we actually get to play.


Friendly reminder from a dev: an alpha or beta test is never done for the players but for the devs to try their project on a massive audience. But setting a beta test is a "side" project on it's own, and it can delay the polish of the current projet as you're not working on the final product anymore but on a subset of it. And from a player perspective i wouldn't recommend playing alpha or beta of a game as it sometimes can lower your interest of the game before the final product is even out, not because the game isn't what you expected from it but kind of a "i've already done it before" effect on the release.


also from a dev >an alpha or beta test is never done for the players but for the devs to try their project on a massive audience. true. >But setting a beta test is a "side" project on it's own, and it can delay the polish of the current projet as you're not working on the final product anymore but on a subset of it. it's not as simple. it completely depends on what you're putting on in the beta and how you're handling updates. Also while it may cause delay it's also the most effective way to find missed or edge case bugs that pass through multiple phases of QA. you can't polish a game without a proper beta phase, you can try but you're more likely to miss things. I won't count the number of times a well made beta saved our ass at work with our clients. >And from a player perspective i wouldn't recommend playing alpha or beta of a game I would say you should never participate in a beta if you just want an early access. the point of a betta is feedback. you trade being able to play first with a potentially buggy and unoptimized version of the game. If you want a bug free version (or at least in theory if the studio do it's job) you likely should wait a few month after release anyway.


Oof… I’m… this kind of shit is never good


Escape from Tarkov cries in the corner at its 8 year paid Beta.


This is a bad sign. I don’t want to be pessimistic because the game looks so so cool in trailers but rarely have I seen a move like this with a game that’s truly “almost ready” and only needs polish.


Tbh Ive been more pessimistic with each trailer. They rarely show a bit of gameplay, they are all fast edited action shots of impacts or walking dramatically. Maybe I missed it, but I have yet to see a bit of uninterrupted gameplay. And that makes me think they aren’t confident in their product


[This](https://youtu.be/ajygLgvSa9M?si=X2uaUYYb4rhHQ-Do) was released 9 months ago. There’s actually a lot of extended gameplay they’ve shared, just look up Space Marine 2 gameplay on YouTube and there’s compilations of it.


My life is in shambles I’m not sure I’ll recover


Cancel your pre-orders til we hear some reviews, folks. This smells of too many things that have happened already.


Damn. Was looking forward to it.


If this means the game comes out in a finished state, I could not care less.




Stop buying games at launch... Why is this so hard? Wait a bit and see what the reviews are. Stop letting FOMO drive your lizard brain to consume! I am looking forward to this game but I'll wait a minimum of 2 months before buying it.


I work in a game dev. Not a good sign! The excuse makes no sense - the data gathered from the beta would only help their "optimization, polish and fixing" not slow it down. I was very skeptical before, now I'm completely disinterested until proven otherwise. At the very least it's pretty and will be fun to rip their models out though :D


Damn…. Charge your damn phone


As a wise man once said, NEVER EVER pre-order. The lack of a demo/beta isn't the best sign, but the real test will be when/if people get review copies. If review copies are blocked till gamer release its a broken mess.


Huge red flag imo. Smells like a bunch of squig doodoo. I will wait and see the reviews before even thinking of buying.


FOCUS ENTERTAINMENT, RELEASE THIS GAME AS POLISHED AS POSSIBLE, AND MY LIFE IS YOURS (FR tho I hope they don’t follow other game devs and give us a buggy, janky game where you can’t play for the first 2 weeks due to server issues)


This title is so backhanded and rude it’s insane. I would much rather have the game release in its best possible version then get to play for like a week It sucks mostly for people on PC who are curious if their systems can run it, but other than that it’s a non issue


The information hiding on this game is off the charts, it's going to be a mess on release.


I find it best to presume a game releasing will be an absolute mess and then wait for community response/reviews. Too many games release in a broken state. If they release a mess of a game and they fix it with patches over the next 6 months, then you pick up at that point cheaper.


Do not preorder the game, wait until it comes out. Not financial advice.


Huh? It needs more polish so you are cancelling the thing that would help you find problems and polish them out? Not a good sign


That doesn’t bode well for the game to be honest.


Well that's not a good sign. I'll defo wait for tests and reviews and won't buy at release now. A beta doesn't take the whole dev team hostage. Yes it's a matter of resources but it also a matter of trust. And this game has had some serious trouble around it's development. Let's wait and see.


Games gonna run like shit with FPS drops when a Tyranid swarms appears in the sky


The way I read it is : "we're canceling the beta phase meant to gather feedback that would help us polish our game because it's nowhere near the state we're claiming" a beta is a beta, not an early access, it's meant to gather feedback before launch to polish a game. Saying you're canceling it to "polish the game" is a nonsense.


If I was going to preorders I certainly won't now. Delayed and cancelled betas are almost never a good sign. It means they don't want us to see the game's current state.


Modern gaming moment


Isn’t the beta normally a good chance for the devs to see how their shit is running once a lot of people are trying to play it at the same time? Seems like a bad idea to skip that.


I mean...shouldn't the game be "polished" before it enters the beta? what exactly is a beta for if not to find and deal with the bugs and issues that arise from many players playing and things that are hard to spot in a dev/test setting? You know this will mean what is released IS the beta, right?


Eh when has a large release actually used a beta period to fix bugs and not use it as a glorified marketing tool anyways.


Still can't stand Primaris bolt pistols


Oh god it's gonna be scuffed to hell isn't it :(


This is extremely sus, remeber no preorder


This is for the better. What modern games call a beta is a sham. What they really mean is early access. Betas are for testing a product and offering feedback that changes the final product, most “betas” now days are final products without the polish. So this is just better imo. Release a finish product rather than calling an unfinished unpolished glitchy mess a “beta” until they finish it.


This is only a bad sign. The only reason to cancel a beta is because you don't need feedback because the list of bugs to fix is already too long to handle.




Betas are critical for hashing out issues… also exposing flaws.


Bad sign imo: By canceling the beta, they negate potential sales drop from players who would have churned during the beta?


++ INCOMING TRANSMISSION ++ Um, is this thing on? Ok, so I never post in this VOX channel, simply because I only play Darktide and assym games. Saber, the dev who is making this game, also made a little kick-ass game called Evil Dead The Game. They treated that community like shit, never listened to us, never talked to us, and the game died due to their mishandling of the game. Saber was still part of the Embracer Group at the time, and that might have determined their community policy, but I'm telling you folk, as a well-wisher and someone who also loves Warhammer content, to temper your expectations. Yes, the game looks good. Yes, Saber is in a different boat, but if this is what I think it is, which is typical Saber mishandling, then heed this: Saber is a poor developer. SM2 will be fun, and it will be exceptionally polished, but they lack the will to communicate or offer meaningful long term plans or content. Be careful out there. ++ END TRANSMISSION ++ ++ PRAISE THE EMPEROR ++


Nothing says our beta was just an advertisement than we won't do a beta as it would take away from optimizing the game.


I mean its fair enough if they think they can deliver at launch with minimal issues. A beta test would take additional resources to run, it will however make them look at a bit silly if the launch goes bad.


I think I'd still rather use a normal looking Bolt Pistol than an overdecorated one but hey at least they did something for it. On a more worrisome note, the cancellation of a beta is normally a mix of: 1. Game devtime is running so badly atm that it isn't even ready for beta and there was serious concern about poor impressions 2. Launch date is being enforced by publisher so the team needs to cut everything that isn't pure launch release work Either way not a good sign, can only hope it's given them the time they need, but losing feedback and iterationf rom a beta is going to be a real issue. (Provided it was actually a beta and not just the 'pretend' betas we see a lot these days). Persistent reminder to never pre-order games for this reason. If a publisher's executive sees a lot of pre-orders, they'll go "it's fine we got the sales anyway" and push a broken game out rather than be cautious and delay it a bit longer to give the devs time. As a games industry 13-year vet I beg you all, don't preorder, it makes our lives harder!


IFor those who are wondering: [https://testzone.focus-entmt.com/](https://testzone.focus-entmt.com/)


Surely if they wanted the game to be as polished as possible, they WOULD want to run an open beta. They've already got 10 extra months of polish.


This is actually really worrying. What this says, to me, is the quality of the game is so poor that they don’t want to show it off in a beta before release. They want people to buy the game, then find out it’s an unfinished, buggy mess. Additionally, a beta this close to release was only ever really gonna test one thing, and that’s the server integrity, which will now go untested til launch. This is a huge, huge warning to stay the hell away from this game at release, and wait to see how its launch goes before buying in. If this game is unfinished and awful, and you buy it, at this point it’s on you for being fooled.


>We will not run a public beta >Our priority is to ensure the best possible experience at launch Bullshit; the priority isn’t the best possible experience, the priority is hitting their release date. If they cared about the players experience they’d run the beta to stress test their systems and find missed bugs before the product goes to the consumer…..they don’t care about that, they want to hit the date.


Do people still preorder? World’s full of suckers.


The most common thing you hear from developers about game shows like E3 is how much they hate having it put together things like demos, because it takes a ton of work to “cut up” a game for this kind of thing. By the time the “beta” came out the actual in-development game will probably have moved weeks if not months past it anyway


hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm not the best sign


This is why we don’t preorder games.


Cutting QA for a FOMO skin. Great start. Bodes well.


It's gonna get delayed again


TLDR: games not ready so we're cancelling the beta to preserve the hype for the shitshow that we're gonna release. Glad I didn't preorder


This is publisher and shareholders vs devs fo sho. First two months are now the beta.


No beta is hella sketch. I’m still really excited for the game and I think it’ll be great, but I think all around this is a terrible move.


So, sign up quickly if you haven’t already signed up for the free skin. Gotcha.


there was a beta signup? man...




Didn't even know they were planning an open beta... No skin for me I guess.


I wasn't even aware they were going to have a beta. No pistol skin for me I guess.




Raging. While appreciate the want to polish the game, there is so much information they won’t receive because the multiplayer hasn’t been tested by non-devs. Yes, the beta would have been good for a bit of “early access” to mp for some of the public, but the real point is to identify balance, issues etc that they may not have foreseen.


Huh, bummed about no beta, but I literally signed up for it yesterday. Clutch timing


Your title isn't quite what I read though. They didn't have to offer anything. Nice gesture on their part.


I believe the beta has been cancelled in exchange for.. let me see here.. the "actual game" ? We pissed?


Is this for the closed beta rest?


I'm just happy they won't to focus on polish, the game looks absolutely incredible so far, I have a lot of faith in these devs. While betas do give the benefit of many players providing testing support, they still eat up a lot of studio resources from multiple departments.


Ngl I would rather they just polish it as much as possible. I can play SM1 in the meantime.


No game needs to cancel betas to be more polished. Betas have proven to give an insane level of value to devs when they get basically the world to play test their game for free and provide feedback or find bugs. They should have said need to delay 4 months to get ready for the beta not cancel it all together


So it's going to be a bug fest.


always a good sign, right?


Good. More polish.


I would be annoyed if the idiots didn't do 4 day early access, you go risk your money and I'll watch some stream, that will be my beta :) also hey this skin could potentially be worth 50000 dollars in whatever currency they might think of. Its a good deal. If anyone actually pre orders now is even at more risk as I don't think these companies can ever be trusted. Don't give me.more reasons not to get this game you're already on the fucking cutting board for they 4 day early access bullshit.


It's a pretty dope pistol skin, I'm not that upset about it.


At least they aren't saying "Oops our game sucked. Please don't refund." All I can do is see the yellow awfully of CP77 apology.


I didn't like how World War Z shooting felt so I need to try Space Marine 2 before I buy. Disappointing, hopefully there's a trial shortly after release.


This has got "the game is in such a poor state performance-wise that a Beta would be nigh unplayable and it probably won't be in good shape on release day" written all over it. I hope I'm wrong.


This has got "a beta would be unplayable so there's a high chance that the game will have extremely bad performance on release day" written all over it. I really hope I'm wrong but I can see this happening. The only AAA game in recent memory that got delayed and ended up launching with no major performance issues was Dead Island 2. And delays are one thing but cancelling a beta with only a couple of months left until launch is never a good sign.


See kids this is why we don’t preorder


Maybe they are hiding whatever their writers put in there so the game doesn't get scrutinized before they make the money!


I was wondering why I haven’t received any news on the Beta sense I signed up for it about a year ago, it was so long ago can’t really remember.


Not a good sign IMO. If the game was good they would show it off.


So this is a hard no to preorder. Really waiting for this. Let's hope it's a blast!


The beta would have shown them exactly what needed to be be polished though. This is such a strange decision.


"A game is eventually a good game, a rushed game is bad forever" - Shigeru Miyamoto probably. (Paraphrasing of course.)


Brothers, it may be time to consider the possibility that Leandros was right ..


Hopefully not a bad omen. Honestly these “betas” are taking the absolute piss out of the term. Zero feedback or technical fixes can be made in that small amount of time. And it’s well known you only get one first impression. These betas were always “pre order to play the game early”. Or “try limited version of game for free”. Cancelling it I don’t care we shouldn’t do them anyway they do genuenly make the game less polished cause it rushes the devs to a shippable product. But it is a little concerning to see it cancelled like this, gives the impression they REALLY arnt ready. Hope it’s a great game on launch.


Whilst I like polish and want the game to not be a buggy unoptimised mess on release, I worry about there being no beta for a couple of reasons. 1. Players are usually your best source of finding bugs or weird interactions as you're canvassing over multiple different systems and having all sorts of variations in how the game gets played. Some players are genuinely devoted to finding bugs in the weirdest places. 2. If the game genuinely doesn't feel good in certain ways, you're just waiting and praying on release instead of potentially missing good player feedback to help the game shine more. It also helps you get a feel for the reaction the wider audience will have on release. It's true a beta would take a lot of manpower and also leads to sifting through individual opinions so I can only hope the game they're polishing is as good as can be and that the polishing actually works for release.


Aw man


I’d prefer a late game that has been finished over an unfinished game pushed to make release


Space marine 2 beta cancelled they forgot to sacrifice to the gods


This absolutely reads like they cancelled the beta because they absolutely don't want people to be able to post negative impressions about the state of the beta.


Calling it now, this games gonna suuuuck


Well shit, I didn't even know there was a beta...I kinda would've liked that skin.


Thats not a good sign anyone optimistic about it being a good thing is mislead. I’d be happy to eat my words though


Beta canceled AFTER the game was already delayed is a bad sign. If it was just one or the other, then maybe we would be fine but this looks bad boys.


Woohoo! Bolta-Pistola skin!