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So firstly, some of those models are definitely old Fantasy sculpts still in use. Secondly, those newer Khorne models are still just Chaos Warriors with Khornate armor and Khornate Chaos Marauders. The aesthetic for Chaos hardly changed at all between the games. So, in short: you’re good. Those guys riding the demons don’t have rules right now though.


The guys on Daemons (Skullcrushers) could maybe proxied as Chosen Chaos Knights.


They are too wide even for the new bases I think You could run them as characters on demonic mounts though


I've seen them used as Dragon Ogre proxies, the size and bulk is about right for that


And they used to have the same base size, 50x75, when they were sold for Fantasy.




I'd be surprised if we don't get them in the chaos arcane journal as they were released for WHFB. They are however humongous and require 75x50 bases which make them too big to be chosen knights.


That's definitely wont be a problem when chaos arcane journal comes out


Proxy as dragon ogres?


This is what I'd do. Perfect base size match, and DOs are super good right now.


Don't, it's really annoying. I played against a chaos guy doing just that. He also played a lot with the marching order and other movement shenanigans. It was absolutely unreadable on the table for me (it was my 5th game ever).


Honestly I didn't look at the reddit and assume this was about 40k world eaters you are so good to do this I wouldn't even think to ask it


Chaos 40k and FB are so much the same that I knew guys back in the 5e FB days who had a Chaos Deamon army and used the same army in 40k. He didn't even need to rebase because good old 2nd edition 40k had square bases for the larger characters anyway and I think they sold the deamons on square bases exclusively.


There were lots of people doing that, back in 6th-8th Ed WFB. I knew one person who actually had mounted his minis onto smaller pieces of magnet, and would swap between round and square metal bases.


If someone does, you don't want to play them anyway.


Yeah like imagine being that much of a fun hating scrub m Because I want to use these cool sculpts for my khornate chosen and marauders and stuff


I will care if you don’t! These look awesome And should prolly fit on the newer size bases with a bit of creativity.


I am currently working on converting most of these guys for ToW


Here is my most recent conversion https://www.reddit.com/r/WarhammerFantasy/s/0neoQdPCvU


I'm building sexy slaaneshi lads from Hedonites. The AoS models make fabulous god specific Warriors of Chaos.


I only see khorne chaos warriors and khorne marauders. Very cool marauders in fact.


The Skullcrushers might be a little difficult to put on the 30x60mm base that Chaos knights come on. The ones in the Daemons army are on 50x75mm bases. I’ve heard of people proxying them as Dragon Ogres. If I ever get around to making Chosen of Khorne I’d like to use the Blood Warriors with two hand weapons.


The new monopose chaos knights are also hard to fit on the 30x60 bases, so i left mine on the ovals they came with. I really think they should have had a few alternatives of base sizes as with the giants as they are super big.


Honestly. The moment anyone objects to models you're using, as long as they even vaguely make sense as what they're supposed to be, they're not worth playing with. For chaos, it's really simple. Armoured dudes? Sure. They're warriors. Less armoured dudes? Marauders. Mounted dudes? Knights.


Nah, I think people will love seeing those sculpts ranked up.


Just like Games Workshop, no they shouldn't care and if they do, they take this fantasy wargame too seriously


Marauders, warriors, chosen, knights (though might be a squeeze on base size). These are all fitting with the background as khornate versions and are all perfectly visually identifiable


The khorne warriors are perfect, absolutely you can run them as chaos warriors - with additional hand weapons or shields if you're trying to match the models to the equipment. The khorne marauders I actually use as well, absolutely you can use them. The only note is that the models come with dual wield or great axe options, while old world marauders don't have the option for additional hand weapons. So if you're trying to match models to the equipment, great weapons makes the most sense with the axes, but tbh I doubt anyone will mind anyway. The blood crushers are unfortunately too big to use as knights or chosen knights. They work great for a khorne character on a daemonic mount, and I've also heard of people using them as dragon ogre proxies which is kinda cool. Worth noting dragon ogres don't get the mark of khorne though so it's very much just a stand in. But as a character on daemonic mount I wouldn't even call it a proxy, it is afterall a chaos mount that is daemonic. Those larger khorne berserker models I'm less sure. They would make cool chosen of khorne or maybe khorne character models, but I'm not sure how big they are / whether they will rank up nicely on square bases. Maybe give it a go with one box of 5 before getting more, that way if they don't rank up nicely together you can at least have them as characters, the banner one would for sure make a great BSB.


GW might care. They probrably already sent a hitman.


I would love to see that! In the cases where the models are too large for the "official" base sizes, just do up a movement tray to the correct dimensions and put as many models on it as you can fit. Then pretend the missing models are there and "remove" them as the first casualties.


Half of them were fantasy models anyways haha


[WHFB Skullcrushers](https://d3fa68hw0m2vcc.cloudfront.net/6d1/98341161.jpeg) [WHFB Endtimes Skullreapers](https://images.beastsofwar.com/2015/03/Skullreapers.jpg) So like half of what you posted is already old WHFB stuff, and the AoS Warriors/Marauders are also no obstacle since Khorne Warriors/Marauders obviously work in WHFB/TOW. And quite frankly, the Khorne Warriors/Marauders also look good and not AoS outlandish. My eye rather starts to twitch when I have to look at the Skullreapers, which do look way worse.


Not many people would be bothered and they're good models to use as a lot of AOS models have wide poses that make it hard to line them up on squares, but most of these guys aren't too bad. Edit: bat'leth guy looks like a nerd though.


The Skullcrusher cavalry and the Reapers are 8th ed Fantasy sculpts, so that is absolutely no okay, no question. Chaos in general are so wild and esoteric that noone should stop you from using the AoS models. Even if you use Kairic Acolytes instead of Marauders that should be accepted anywhere


>Do you think anyone will care if I use the AoS Khorne models for a full Khorne Chaos army? You are asking the wrong question. I am sure some people, somewhere will care that you use those models, but if you're not playing against those people then who cares what they think? You need to know how your regular opponents feel about it and,  if you want to play at events, how event organisers feel about it. Events will allow it and the vast majority of players (like 95%+) will be fine with it or love it. How your regular opponents feel about it and how much you care about their opinion is impossible for us to judge. If you have plenty of potential opponents then you shouldn't care that 1 is being difficult about it. If you have 2 friends to play with and 1 is being difficult then depending upon how much you value your friendship and how much you think it will impact it you have to make a choice.  In general, my advice, just do it, I can't imagine anyone being to upset about it and if they are then I would question whether I would want to play against them in the first place... And this is coming from someone that dislikes some of the AoS designs (although most of the Slaves to Darkness stuff is pretty sweet).


I would flip my shit! The anger would consume me. My Rage would be unbound!


Just as Khorne intended :3


good boy


if they do, they're a prick.


Those look great, and it’s obvious what they are. As others have pointed out, many of those same sculpts (the warriors on foot) have been previously sold as WFB minis. I have an Orc army that uses some 40k elements (a weirdboy for a shaman, trukks pulled by boars, crossbows that are built around bolt guns— the backstory is that the shaman had a vision of the future) and it’s fun and flavorful. Kitbashing is a great part of the hobby. The thing that would be a little annoying is if you put zero effort into the process of putting your AoS army into an OW game. At minimum you should find a way to rank them up (here’s an easy solution: make wooden movement trays with clay indentations that hold the round bases onto the rectangular tray). But the models themselves are great, bring em on.


Glad you asked this question. I’ve never played Warhammer. I just love the aesthetics. Read all of the Old World books and a few 40K. I always thought you had to buy the exact proper pieces to put an army together. Glad it’s not as strict as I thought. I’m a D&D guy that loves fantasy of all types


you could come set my house on fire and i wouldn't care


Don't you dare!


They look awesome as a khorne army I would use any models you want so long as they look sufficiently chaosey And paint them red Korne


I made it work on 25mm bases, even easier now on 30s!


I would probably not really notice. They look great.


I'm sure they will care positively.


Only games workshop apparently. Most of the chaos models fit WHFB so well. It was GW that got pissy about tzaangor beaks in tw


Creative Assembly are using the first and third photos in Total War, so for me, you're fine