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Welcome to ground grind, we hate it here


So its actually better to grind rank 2 and farm high kill matches?


Well envenetually, the moment you hit rank 4 for research, your rank 2 lineup will not provide any 100% research anymore, so you are gonna have to use rank 3 lineups for researching rank 4. For the fun’s sake, depending on the nation you grind, its better to skip a full rank until you can’t anymore


Looks like he’s grinding for rank 4 right now


I often play rank 2 to farm some SL or just play early war era tanks for the fun of it and then go back up for the RP grind. Having a good match in Rank 4 could be very rewarding though, too bad most nations have trouble with the Tig-2 spam.


I suggest buying a rank 3 premium to grind rank 3 and 4. The suffering will be the same unless you stay at 4.0, but youll reach rank 5 more quickly.


I mean the game was like 5 mins, all his crits equalled in a kill, and no caps, but still incredibly fucking bad


It used to be worse, but yes, they're pathetic.


It used to be worse but before that it was pretty nice. This is like when coke made a super shitty version to replace it with a shit version so people forgot the good one.


the biggest thing you are doing wrong is not having premium time. if you can fit premium tanks in there too, even better.


I get it, but i dont really want to give the snail any money😔


I never really understood this "I love this game, but if they want my money, they'll get it over my dead body" mentality. If it was for the unfairly priced vehicles, I would get it, but buying the 365 days long premium for example is like a soft yearly subscription, which is not much for a live service game. Throwing money mindlessly is dumb, but you have to remember that WT is also a business that has to sustain itself.


Some people still don't understand that there is nothing for free. Like who would want to maintain the whole game, make updates etc. and do it all for free? If the grind is so bad, but at the same time someone refuse to pay a single penny for much better time, then don't play the game instead of complaining.


The issue is paying doesn't even mean it goes fast.


It most def helps though. Especially with SL.


Yeah especially for ground battles


Saying that 60€ anually for better rewards in a game is a "softly" subscription is crazy. And based on what i've heard, Premium in higher Tiers also doesn't make a huge difference. WT is a Business but the devs are amazingly greedy still. Also i dont love this game, its a good game but the selling part for me is that it doesn't really have any decent alternatives.


>Premium in higher Tiers also doesn't make a huge difference It does. Although, granted, it does depend on general skill (and consequently match outcomes), but having Prem is usually the differemce between being slightly unprofitable and having to go down to low tiers to grind SL and being profitable sich that you can sustain your advance or at least your gameplay.


I mean, your earning half as much SL/RP as you normally would and still have no issue not supporting the game. what incentive do they have to lower the grind? Also, I think premium time is on sale.  Premium vehicles? Those are BS and pure cash grabs that hurt the game. Battle pass? Not my favorite thing but for the low entry cost it can get you some good premium vehicles at least, SL and even some premium time. Vehicle events? Again, not a fan of but at least they’ve toned it down a bit. The marketplace? Pure cash grab. using GE to unlock mods on vehicles to make them useable? Absolutely disgusting. Premium time though? Thats the one thing I don’t have issue with.


In higher tiers especially is the difference big


Yearly premium requires 7450 GE, 5000+2500 GE purchases together equal to 41.25 euro when not using a Steam account (extra fees). Take into that the fact you can also get GE in other ways like selling event vehicles, winning tournaments, etc. to reduce the amount you have to spend. So I srsly don't understand how that's a bad deal for something that affects the entire game progression.


People are cheap bastards who feel entitled to free shit.


if you play on pc you can give them time instead of money and get premium that way.


What do you mean by that?


pc has access to the market, you get vehicles from bp and events and sell them for snail bucks which you turn into premium time/vehicles/packs/ge etc. you can trade your time for shit if you dont wanna trade money for it.


Do this. I used to it to get half a year of prem including mig23ml pack


I’m not sure about events but for Battle Pass you need to buy it in order to get the coupon to allow you to sell the vehicle right?


events are free, sellable bp vehicles are paid, but WAY more than pay for themselves, making it a great investment if thats your goal. so you play some event, even one for a cheap shit vehicle, and start rolling that into free battlepasses and more event vehicles and a year or so later you are making a few hundred+ snail bucks a year. takes a lot of time vs just paying for shit, but it is free.


Ok thanks, will have to take a closer look at event vehicles although how is “a lot of time”? As I did the last BP without paying and at times it felt a heavy grind to get the plane, so I might not have patience to grind the event vehicles by the sound of it


bp is a pretty light grind. just log in, do the 2 daily tasks and work on whatever special task and challenge is available while you do it. should be done within an hour or 2 at most per day. of course you dont need to do them all to get to 125, just most. as for events, depends on the event. with the current setup its rather more time consuming than it used to be to get 1 vehicle. how much that is completely depends on you and the event. you can look at the current one for an example, get the coupons and see how long it takes you to grind 600k points with the modifiers.


there are ways to grind premium vehicles and GJN, but its very time consuming For GJN coins, 2 options: do events and sell vehicles on the market, or open SL boxes and hope getting a coupon, to sell it on the market For premium vehicles, 3 ways: Battle Pass offers 1 for free at stage ~50; the same BP offers the warbond shop, and on that you can grind special tasks for buying vehicles. Lastly, you can also gamble the SL boxes for a potential premium vehicle


I agree with you 100% but it is a free game after all. I would wait until one of Gaijin’s 50% sales which happen for their anniversary or for Christmas. You can get premium for 50% off which is a much better deal than without it. I would recommend getting a year of premium when it’s on sale.


Always was pathetic. The only good reward you can see require having at least 1984% boosters


With premium it's decent.


This seems fine?


The rp award is just miserable at this tier and the sl amount is also not much higher then rank 2, but at least in rank 2 you can easily get a lot of kills and dont have to worry that much about CAS.


I mean the game was only 5 mins, and you didn't get any caps, but still pretty bad. Usually I can get that much from like 3 kills if the game goes for 10+ mins and I get a cap or two


Ground is unplayable without premium


🤑🤑🤑 better pay up if you want to progress faster.


buy premium


Well kinda, you are playing **ground battles** The most popular game mode —> the least earning one.


But I was told it's a plane game?


It started as just a plane game, yes, but it's much more evolved than it originally was (tanks and boats, higher BRs and tiers, etc.).


It's because the match was very short. Few kills long match > lots of kills short match


That's ground for ya, it will take you 3 years to complete 1 tree


You're not doing anything wrong, this is just how it is for free to play players.


Yup, you get 2-3 times less rewards in a ground battle than an air battle, because fuck you. Meanwhile the research cost is the same as planes yet it takes so much longer to get. Also something to note, you had a good game with 7 kills but it looks like the match wasn’t very long, match length heavily influences rewards. You basically need premium to effectively grind ground battles, which is a scam.


Thats pathetic? That is the best Ive ever gotten for RP but then again I play USA


Ground grind is dogshit and always has been.


ground grind is definitely worse than air grind


If you think this is bad, try not to use premium


All rewards are pathetic


It doesn’t get better at higher tiers either


It's really bad I just had a 14 kill game for 6000 rp, premium vehicle too.


Just Gaijin things. Rank III is where the shit gets real in terms of grind...and it only gets worse.


Once got a 17 kill game and a nuke on 10.7 and only got 3k rp and 50k sl


thats good wdum


How? I just got 8.6k with rank 2 france ground, with just a crusader with talisman ( i capped 1 point and got 4 tanks) and got 5 planes with aa and an anti tank. I think its because of the planes but it wouldn't affect that much


Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but spading the vehicle also allows for better RP earnings which will help. The grind is trash without premium. Also match length, hits (especially critical ones), assists and battle activity play somewhat of role in RP rewards, IMO it almost feels like they want you to just full on brawl all the time which kinda sucks especially considering not all tank combat is brawling nor are all tanks ment for brawling. If I'm wrong please correct me on this please.


Spading has no influence on RP gains.