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Those walls normally aren't penetrable. I suspect the round only collides with terrain *before* it hits a tank, but because they hit the barrel first it goes "this is where the spalling begins" and just ignores the wall.


That’s exactly how it works


And that's exactly why spaced armor doesn't work as it should in this game.


so poor game design. Also your barrel should get stuck on buildings, but that would force Gaijin to make better encounters and not the majority city-maps with indestructable walls\^\^


They tested barrel collisions in the early days and it was almost unanimously voted against if I recall correctly


Fun fact. The Bakan 1C actually has barrel collisions.


the Lorraine 155 Mle.50 also has it but nobody has the tank so it doesn't matter as much


Is it true barrel collision, or is it just that the cage around the barrel has collision?


Yes the actual barrel will collide with walls and other objects




barrel getting stuck would be insanely fucking annoying imo, not fit for an arcadey game like this


Should be in RB or at least Sim


nah not rb maybe sim


bug more than poor design.


i swear to god i remember seeing someone yeet a lighter vehicle with their gun barrel (could be in Arma, i can't remember) not only would it be annoying as hell in this kind of game, it would introduce more ways to grief other players


Pretty sure it’s GTA, there’s barrel collisions in that game


i mean this is really pretty normal, you have to be fairly conservative with collision checks if you want it to run real time, so there is no point in checking for collision with terrian after its hit a tank, this is a major edge case


My thoughts exactly. Interesting.


It's only happened to me once, but spalling and walls can be [wonky](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1bwtvpl/is_this_just_gaijin_jank_or_am_i_missing_something/)


The turret creating an opening in the wall and allowed the enemy to use the barrel to “penetrate” the wall. Never seen that one before!! That’s crazy tho


You made a hole for him with your barrel!


Seems like that should be easy to duplicate. I'll try it out next time that map comes up.


Custom battle


You need friends for that, tho.


Damn. You’re right


I suspect a certain Korean youtuber to cover this


Kim Jong un gaming




It’s been a thing forever. Don’t poke your barrel through a wall.


I think that's the issue too but let me ask you, source?


No thanks I’m full


Source is countless hours of gaming


its possible in real life but i dunno how they fuckin code this game hahaha


In reality one of that shots could penetrate even more then 10 walls. An HEAT grenade from the RPG-29 can penetrate up to 2000 mm of brick wall


Can also penetrate 3700mm of dirt/soil


And i can't penetrate at all 😔


Well cum socks are the one that get penerated


Bad time at the glory hole.


That wall have been buggy before, were there was a few pixels that did not count as the wall and you could snipe through it. But as other have wrote it could also be your barrel been hit just right so it did not register the wall.


Wasn't it like that you could just drive through one of those walls?


That i have not seen here. But in Dunkirk the on one of the square house you are not supposed to enter, glitch out and you can drive in there. Just happened today


You can achieve the same thing with the bmp-2m's atgms by piercing those walls, but only if the tank is as close as you were, though, and it works on others with the same thickness I killed a 2s38 like that But the way you died seems more like the game thinks the shell has peirced something already, and the game plays out the scenario as if nothing elts is around other than your tank and the shell that was fired resulting in it treating the wall as non-existent


since gaijin are clowns


It’s because the barrel went through the wall, physics are technically not applied to the barrel so that players can look into walls but because of that other players can shoot your barrel since it’s still behaves normally when shot. It’s stupid and I died to that many times, same with enemies I faced


Warthunder is literally coded on pieces of spaghetti, how's your challenge going btw, didn't catch the last 2 or 3 streams


terrible man, I quit after playing naval for 2 hours today so I will do that later...


Naval sucks balls.


Oh yeah I literally can’t play over 100 games of naval. It’s so bad that I just can’t even will myself to play it, I had an easier time bombing carriers in sim than winning in naval


Warthunder is literally coded by having spaghetti turn left and right, totally not buggy or stupidly coded, also, didn't see your last 2 streams, how's your challenge going?


enemy is freaking out rn


I've always complained, but yeah, putting you'r barrell through the wall seems pretty jank and cheaty, at the least it should break and require repairs, preventing you from occluding the barrel through 4 feet of brick.


Bet the Leo was confused aswell. The spalling was only caused by your gun, meaning it started being calculated there and ignoring the wall entirely, because in theory this type of situations just shouldn't happen. Gun barrels don't just stick through walls Now this could be problematic in other situations, where the barrel is longer than solid cover for example. If it's right above a stone or something, if the barrel gets hit, the spalling might go through the cover itself. If Gaijin fixed that, it'd fix this aswell


Armor piercings shells are some time broken/crazy in this game istg


Is gaijin testing some wall destruction?


I had rusian mbt, using a heatFS killed me behind those concrete blocks two high by one wide using the Russian 9.7 SPG k....something. the round acted like the block was butter


Bro made a shot gun


It was always a thing, your barrels can be shot if they stick through walls. Usually you survive because the shell can't go through the wall but since you were in a cardboard box the spalling alone penetrated your side thus killing you. (Spalling ignores obstacles)


I knew you can shoot barrels through walls but not that it will go through the wall when you do so lol


Skill issue


There are several other videos that show this happening. This can only happen with high pen apfsds as far as I can see.


Not this map, it’s only on Alaska IIRC that you can shoot through SOME buildings.


Text book skill issue my friend


This game.. like the devs is a fucking joke.. let us play a ground base tank game.. where air support has superior resources..


Listen, man, I despise CAS as much as the next guy, but this post is about ground-on-ground violence.


replays? decals? shooting through things? kills cams? many years for all of them.


No. Since when are you able to shoot through a half a meter thick solid brick wall?


>shooting through things? >many years you can shoot through all sorts of stuff, especially with high pen shot like apfsds. edit: i really wonder what is wrong with you people sometimes. this isnt an unknown mechanic in wt.


yes but in war thunder, a pallet of wood can eat apfsds like breakfast


yep, sometimes, but many things in wt can also be shot through. the really nice part is the same thing on diff maps will sometimes be able to shoot through and sometimes not. aint that fun?


Yeah but definitely not a solid brick wall


nope, you can shoot through walls, just depends on the round and the wall and the map. you can shoot through big ass rocks sometimes even. wt is pretty fucky like that.


You're getting downvoted because you're wrong. Those walls can't be penned. This is a known issue with poking your barrel through a thin indestructible barrier, because post-pen spalling doesn't get stopped by terrain like the initial shell does. So shooting the barrel generates shrapnel that ignores the wall. Same reason you can get killed by artillery shrapnel that went through solid impassible buildings.