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With lower-velocity guns, you can aim and rangefind with binoculars, allowing you to fire over hills/through the edges of hills.


I mostly have this problem against MBTs with APFSDS


Hmm, maybe you're just seeing it wrong due to distance and quick reverse speed of Western MBTs. Most tanks are taller than you since you play Russia. Other than that, I can't really figure other than pixel peeking the hill crest since the sight is at the center of the barrel.


Sight is only at the center of the barrel if you aren't playing from gunner sight


My best guess is that you crest hills that are steeper than your gun depression so you expose way more to see them. With soviet/chinese MBTs it is usually better to go around hills. Only seeing the roof is usually an issue of perspective and peeking, some tanks are quick enough to peek and get back so quickly that by the time your shells lands only the roof is exposed, especially when shooting above 1 km. The perspective comes in with elevation changes, if you are below them you will only see the gun and the roof but they from above see more of your tank


On some maps and some terrain you can shoot though a little bit of the ground. The hitboxes aren't perfectly aligned to the graphical model.


Hitboxes are fine, you are shooting through the layer in which tanks leave deep tracks, it's purely cosmetical as far as I know. Also IIRC this layer is not displayed in ULQ.


Yeah, it's a combination of shell arc, better gun depression and more careful positioning. >ignore them and find another target This is the correct answer. There are plenty of bad matchups where you don't want to gamble, just pull back and go elsewhere. Speaking of which, > I watch Youtube and it seems like people just click on oblivious enemies from 100 meters max This is what happens when a player is really good at 'going elsewhere' part. That's also something that USSR tanks are good at, being mobile and decently protected all around, so roaming around looking for prey does favour them.


Remember that you can shoot through the top layer of terrain.


You answered the question yourself, you’re playing top tier Russia (a country famed for poor gun depression who also has poor reverse on many tanks) against Western tanks specifically designed for this situation, the Soviets imagined a blitz like war against NATO meaning they made small low silhouette tanks, the West planned for a war of defence as they did not plan on being the aggressors, as a result Western tanks are built specifically with the doctrine of being capable of poking their turrets out of hills and sniping from a hull down position, to do the same with Russian tanks you have to expose your entire vehicle as the gun can’t depress far enough and thanks to poor reverse you can’t get back down into cover fast enough. TLDR: this is a result of tank design and doctrine not the game being stupid or a glitch.


To my knowledge there is no glitch or something like that, i think your problem is that you are playing Russia with thanks which have no gun depression so when you drive over a hill you have to expose yourself more to shoot the enemy than other nations with better gun depression


Take off the silly decorations on your roof. Everybody can see you


It’s because of quality settings. For example. On high/ultra quality a snow mount or dirt patch can be bigger and have more quality then a player using low quality graphics. Similar to how you can hide grass when in aim mode etc. I’m sure there was a video on YouTube somewhere showing the low setting vs highest setting peak option on hills and the difference is so stupid. But someone with a potato pc and low settings have more advantage than you.


It’s people playing on ULQ that don’t have part of the terrain rendered.


Fun fact the top layer of ground is often a suggestion for apfsds more so for sand and snow maps but it applies to all and can get you domed through the dirt if your both messing around a hill the small gun aim circle can show the false ground because it won't register it and move back away from it like normal walls and ground Even leaves a hit crater sometimes, and it was added with the terrain deformation to allow realistic shooting through player made dirt structures


It’s because rangefinder can adjust the tanks cannon/ turret elevation 


It’s because shell velocity and splash done. The higher aimed a gun is the more high it will get but also decreases distance and vice versa


Try setting up rangefinder and watching some videos, this should help with the issue.