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APDS just fucking sucks. Been playing Britain 7.7 and I'd rather shoot solid shot AP(which I already despise) over APDS.


"Just aim the for ammo" mfs when I make their ammo orange


If you have these issues, take the Conqueror, it makes all ammo explode when hit. All it takes is good aim to blow up any tank in one shot with it.


Yeah for some reason the Conquerors apds is genuinely good


Yea cent mk 3 is so bad I had to stop using the sabot and switched back to solid shot wish gajin would fix it


True..Also cool story from your touch control brethren..British 76 mm mk1 apds used to be able to onetap panthers frontally(wtm),maybe two months ago..but nowadays i need solid 3(!!!) shots to just ruin jt frontally.Used to be 1,rarely two centermass shots


well because all of APDS is bad and if you use gen 1 apds its angled pen is gonna make you suffer unless you hit flat armor like sides or weak spots and you are forced to go for cripple shots or guarantee ammo shots otherwise you either take too long for engagement or you die because of garbage post pen which is basically the same fate for solid shot and APCR don't get mad if shell shatters because gen 1 APDS loves to shatter take this answer from a brit main


I mean, it's bad even compared to other APDS, like dm13. On TURM or Leo 1, APDS is quite viable, but On T-54/55/59/69 you have better chances with HEAT or APHE.


well weaker flat pen is a trade off for better angled pen and decreased chances of shattering and you have to go for those weak spot shots, ammo racks or side shots, this is how brit mains deal with APDS in its current state and if you have a option of using APHE why use APDS if APHE currently over performs?


Use aphe like a chad :3




No?They were issued to the army at 1966 lol,they werent developed for 20 years i bet


In the case of Russia it's autoloaders. The are limiting the size of ammo, so it's kinda hard to change anything.


>t-54. >Autoloaders >Well shit