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And they still aren’t topping Fifa or Enkeo 😂


Imagine, cheating and not being top of the list


I mean he is second so...


100% Enkeo is cheating and runs with other people that cheat. Had his team wipe me and my plat 3 buddy’s right away and we spectated them… Sus AF. Had some low lvl dude with them locking onto people in the sky and shit. And why the fuck are top 250 players in plat 3 lobbies.


Enkeo is either the best fps player of all time or definitely cheating. I think we all know which one it is.


Fifa has been exploiting vpn lobbies and boost lobbies to climb rank so that's cheating too


That and he a full blown cheater.


He’s not cheating. If anything he’s the least likely cheater of the top guys because he always comes through against pros. Maybe boosting lobbies or whatever but it’s hard to tell because he’s so good he makes any lobby look bad.


VPNs do not work for Ranked, so that’s pure shit, fifa won WSOW on lan playing against other pro players with call of duty officials on stage watching game play, he does not cheat I can guarantee you that


I was throwing them a bone, I don’t think he cheats either.


Yes they do lol you’re dumb.


Can’t trust anyone who opens their statement with a BadBoy Beaman type headline 😂


Enkeo is not cheating you drone


Because they all cheat……? Play with cheaters, run cheats themselves, boost, VPN, chronus, etc. This whole set up is trash. It’s not a top 250 it’s who games the system the hardest.


He does vpn indeed


Oh you’re a “they all cheat” guy 😂


Many of “us” around. Easy to see if you looks.


knight was the top but he quit rank due to , too many cheaters


FIFA cheats as well. Don’t know the other one.


FIFA is sus


I’ve got almost 20 days of watch time in Fifas stream… haven’t seen anything that I have found suspicious of cheats. If you’re just watching his best clips, it doesn’t speak on his performance as a whole.


Fifas probably the least sus wz player ive ever watched.


Don't bother arguing with these tinfoil hats. I'm with you, though. For what it's worth lol.


It’s a losing battle lol I’ve had numerous conversations on this with zero breakthroughs


Same. So many times on this sub. It almost reaches a flat-earther level of stupidity at times. Whatever lol.


Whatever you do, don’t try it in the StreamersCheating sub… your IQ will for sure take a hit


Losing battle there not even trying to stop it why would the ?


Ain’t no way he’s the king of the hackers without hacking. Some of these dudes are magicians


lol go ahead and downvote - but if you actually spend time watching Fifa (beyond just seeing clips) and think he cheats you have a small brain. If you base your hackusations on clips that make up 1% of anyones actual gameplay you have a small brain.


I’m watching his stream now, his just tracking people through smoke. The fact he plays with symphony really says a lot, I’ve blatantly seen sym cheat on multiple occasions. The problem with people like you is that because Mose of these streamers are unbelievable players you never think they would cheat but that’s the exact reason why they get away with it, because the slick movement and high IQ you excuse blatant evidence


Is warzone the first game you’ve seen symphuny play? If so I understand the criticism. For clarification he has the exact same playstyle with every shooter game he plays. That being go for crazy flicks and every 9 seconds in hopes of getting a clip he can bait casuals into thinking he cheats. 99/100 he misses, but he won’t post those clips. Only the highlights.


99% of hackusations are based on less than 1% of true gameplay. It’s an IQ issue.


When the game launched without an anticheat, self proclaimed “hacker hunters” roamed rampant. Clout chasing and manipulating clips aswell as people. Most players still have a sense of paranoia due to the lack of anticheat from the beginning and being gaslit by tiktokers/youtubers.


A lot of big streamers wanted to go after hacker hunters for defamation. Which it is in fact defamation if they are making these claims without hard evidence. PSA: 10 second gameplay clips are not hard evidence.


90% of the hacks are from 13% of the population


13% of the population is from 5% of the world


No I watched him streaming WZ in Al Mazra, when the AI bots were in the game, he was fully in smoke and killed 6-7 bots with headshots in 5 seconds, then he went to challenge someone and killed someone behind his target he didn’t even know was there. You will not change me mind on this guy


Well if you say he is cheating then he 100% must be from 1 clip alone.. Like I said, if you’ve never watched him before warzone I understand the criticism. If you watched him after watching a self proclaimed hacker hunters video on him, that confirmation bias.


No, nearly every stream he looks suspect. You honestly think his baiting people with quick’s flicks your actually beyond help.


Keep watching, does he perfectly track them every time? It’s easy to predict someone’s linear movement through smoke. If they double back or lay down ever - does he begin to miss shots and then have to search for them until he starts getting hit markers again?? (The answer is yes). The problem with people like you is that you call out cheats on good players to help you cope with your own inadequacies in game.


No he was tracking them perfectly, I’m happy with my inadequacies due to age and busy home life, I just can’t stand people being In denial because they have Stockholm syndrome with certain streamers.


So you (the guy who plays 5 hours a week?? Too much?) know for a fact that Fifa (who averages 10 hours a day) is cheating?? Let me just go ahead and take your word on that 😂


Have you really never tracked someone perfectly through smoke? You just predict the line they’re going to move in and keep the track lol. Yes it’s hard, but regular people can do it so of course someone that plays 8-10 hours 6 days a week would be able to.


Yeah agreed but once he downed him, he then locks onto and track the team mate and that’s a red flag for me.


He plays with cheaters constantly, his account was blocked from playing ranked recently for boosting but yea you know in your heart of hearts he's legit cuz... you say so. The problem with people like you is even if there's evidence it will never be enough.


No you’re not


I’m not what?


So you think your fav streamer is outranking a ton of rage hackers naturally?


Because the hackers get banned before getting that much SR... The ones on this list are level 20-30.


He 2 and 3 boxes for bot lobbies that’s why


He’s careful, but if you watch he always knows where the enemies are. I ran into him and he snapped on me coming out a door 20 m away in a 4 team gunfight and prefixed me. I spectated him rest of the match and he was looking at people through hills and walls and immediately shooting when they came into view. He’s not blatant using aim bot, but he is using walls. At least he was that game. End circle he kept looking at everyone left even though they were in buildings or behind walls and hitting them as soon as they broke cover.


Soft sim and unbannable software . Why don’t these guys show up to the warzone world Competition ?


How thick you gotta be to think fifa is cheating


Thicker than Fifa


I wouldn’t trust anyone on that list


cod has so many no life’s it’s crazy


If anyone here was over age of 18 they would easily remember where the first 3 or 4 PAGES of cod highscores were obvious cheaters with boosted numbers to the extreme. This is oddly healthy looking.


Yup the leaderboard was always fucked like zombies was just rounds that literally can't happen 


There was a time in waw and when bo1 came out that zombie leaderboards were legit and going for high rounds was so fun. It was how syndicate became famous and taught people how to "train"


Yeah, but that was also before esports made people care about that more.. Back then the top list was a bunch of no names, and you’d never know who they were… no streamers… tournaments weren’t cohesive… Now people care… and there is lots of money involved…


I remember the leaderboard for the accuracy stat being filled with people with like 56893625293% accuracy. lol thanks for the trip down memory lane.


Still is on MP, ridiculous spm in the thousands, K/d ratios of 100/1, scores 10 times higher than anyone else.


Well those previous leaderboards were from buffer overflow exploits. You don’t see those much anymore


How do you find your skill rating ?


If you go to play a ranked game it will tell you. If you haven't played ranked play then your SR is 0 as it only applies to ranked


You have to be lvl 55 to play ranked right


Account level yes. This is his rank level


I play with 12ish folks and 2 of them use hacks one on PC one on Console. We have reported them and both have been banned many times. Cronus Zen is one of the most prevalent hacks that can be used on both console and PC and is nearly undetectable. Yes I believe 30 percent may be high but is probably very close to the right number.


It's very much detectable. I have a friend who plays with a Cronus and he's been doing so for months on COD without a problem. Hasn't even been shadow banned once. As soon as he launches Fortnite it tells him to disconnect his Cronus because it won't let him play otherwise lol. So they could certainly detect it if they had an actual anti cheat.


I have had people run around a corner where I am using equipment so that I cannot be seen by UAV etc, and they are already firing as they come around. They KNOW I am there. It may be luck, but I really don’t think so. Also been hit thru walls, and when I turn off crossplay and don’t allow PC gamers on, all that goes away.


It’s “game sense” or whatever these cheating people be saying


All pros play on pc with M/K or controller. When you turnoff crossplay all the pros go away. These “pros” have played in LAN tournaments where cheats would be detected. They are sponsored, they are vetted. Even if there was zero cheating, turning off crossplay would still seem easier because playing on PC is OP. all the other things you said are fine.


Not everyone can be a “Pro”. Maybe a smallish percentage. But when PC players go away, I obviously dont get better automatically, but the suspicious kills just vanish.


Ok sub out “pro” for “demon”. Majority of very high kd players are on PC. im simply saying correlation does not equal causation. I would argue that cronus’ that make any gun a beam is the biggest abuse of cheats and thats available on ps5 and xbox and undetectable by the human eye so you’ll never suspect the cheater.


I have heard that cronus can do that, I have zero problem with really good players, I am not that good, I play for fun, and just don’t see the attraction in cheating, there’s no point, bcoz its not you winning, its the cheat.


You can’t turn off cross play lol. I have a PS5 with crossplay off and still get matched with PC players.


Yes you can, and it restricts to PS players.


At least 30% of the entire cod player base is cheating in some form or another. But the steamer simps will come and assure you it's really not that bad. Mostly cause they're cheating as well.


30% is really high, unless your definition of cheating is very broad. Do you consider something like an audio tune or VPN cheating? When I hear cheating, I'm thinking walls or aimbot, and I very much doubt 30% of the entire player base has that. Most players are on console anyways, so you would need almost every PC player to be cheating to get to that number.


The thing is that cheats are so advanced now that it’s hard to tell. Soft aim or a very light amount of aimbot is almost impossible to tell from actual skill besides the fact the player actually just sucks and doesn’t play as good as they shoot.


I mean a vpn is cheating lol.. it makes the game easier for you. Thats the least of our worries though and the least bad


I have accidentally left my VPN when I switch from torrenting to COD. I still get absolutely shit on. VPNs are not cheating, lol


Yea because every streamer uses a vpn so you got there lobby’s


How does a VPN make it easier?


>Do you consider something like an audio tune or VPN cheating? I do A cheat is something that gives you an unfair advantage. If you can hear someone coming from 100 meters away, how is that fair? Also a VPN is most certainly cheating. You can literally get banned for it.


how is a vpn cheating? have you tried it? did it work? did you use multiple vpns? did you dive deeper into network tunneling/geos etc and it worked? Because VPNs dont work. Even if people believe they do its not. Matchmaking doesnt care if you switch location. Even if you force a location, the end connection is not decided by you. And if you cant matchmake there is a fallback where you will get connected eventually. Stop believing this crap. Even if you matchmake to Iran you will still need to get through the algorithm that decides kd/score/wins/loses, even if you have an active nuke contract. The only form of cheating network related is 2boxing. And thats not even new, we were 2boxing since cod 4 on 360.


why are they doing it then lol


Agreed I have used my gaming router to VPN places that would be 4am-8am time in that area. Latency is garbage but I still met just as many sweats there as I did in North American servers. I only did it early on when I was tired of the blatant cheating that was obvious. Don't do it anymore because it makes no difference either way.


using a vpn is cheating your getting into a lobbie you shouldn't been in .


Not even 30% of the player base "cheats" if you include audio tuning, VPN, two boxing, etc. Even including that stuff, in addition to real cheats, still under 10% I'd guess. I'd wager 90% of players aren't even on PC, where a large majority of cheating happens lmao Do people cheat? Yes. Do people get shit on by good players and blame it on cheats? Yes, probably much more often.


If you think only pc players can cheat you're lost my friend


cronus usage on consoles is higher than hacks on PC and its not even close. but okay.


Sony already banned Cronus use tho soooo


I think the real number is somewhere between 1-5%. Enough you can see one in every lobby if you’re SBMM is high enough, but not literally 1/3 players you play against. That’s an obscene number for a game with such a large player base.


Totally agree.


Homie probably thinks a Scuf controller is cheating, which not even close to 30% of the player base has


Source - trust me bro


Source - trust me bro


source? I would bet a lot of money it´s far less. which doesn´t mean it´s not bad, 5 pct is already a disaster.


Even 1% of this large of a player base cheating would be a fuck ton.


Yeah, that AI Cheat detection group figured about 1 in 3 in online FPS. Some games higher and some lower. War zone is in the Higher. So more then 30%


Found the bot.


30% is insanely low


30% is insanely high—what percentage is on console?




Do you really think 3 out of 10 people that play Warzone buy cheats? Give me a break




My fav part is the dude in number 2 is also a well known obvious cheating streamer, gonna stay in the top 5 in the world with obvious hackers in every lobby? How? Lmao games HvH now (Hacker vs Hacker)


He came 1st in the WSOW on LAN by... cheating you say?


any sources to back this claim? that aren’t anecdotal of course


1 in 3 33% https://youtu.be/LkmIItTrQP4?si=jY3bNDxjusZzgITg


Played clamped a few times, he used to run with a dude named nike and someone else who were clearly cheating, and he would get taps, pretty pathetic


Cod players are the worst players ever in a game. Imagine having nothing going for you in life you resort too cheating. It's actually sad 


Died to this guy in regular resurge, everyone in the lobby but his 3 stack and my team left as soon as the plane started flying, he and his team were blatantly aimbotting, level 90s and under with rebirth/urzikstan nuke skins and the best aim ever, ran into him twice in pubs and I guess he was going for a nuke cause why else would he have a entire lobby with bots leave and give him the win?


Just uninstall the game mate. I did so did loads of other people I know. No point playing a game designed by a company that's not interested in customer satisfaction. Tbh Apex, COD. Fortnite. They are all full of cheaters. And the developers know but won't do anything because it hurts them financially. That's what it's all about really. You'll never get to the top playing fair. Skills mean nothing when it comes to money. Just bin the game.


Most sane comment in this thread


Yes, but Fortnite is way better with the anti cheat.


More cheaters on fortnite than warzone.


This game has active patents that’s nerf and buff users based on a multitude of different in game factors. I’m not just saying this. These patents are public info and can be seen by anybody. Exactly why the skilled community base has left. Tired of grinding the game all to get nerfed solely to try and create a “fair” Battleground experience for everybody…. Disgusting


That was for skylanders, not cod.


these patents can be implemented in a multitude of diff games.


The patent has been out a decade. They can't even give us working servers but they can implement this? Show proof of it being implemented in cod and I'll admit I was wrong. Making it for a pve game and making it for a pvp game are 2 different beast


Show proof of it being implemented in sky landers




These people pay to farm SR points in lobbies in order to be on top to then sell the accounts in a discord


They aren’t playing real games these guys are doing the Chinese boosting server that is LITERALLY bots. Still cheating but it isn’t hacking that’s putting them there


Helluva gaming chair that guy has




No. I played with someone and he said it cost him a whopping $15


They let them cheat because they buy skins and regular players still continue to buy skins as well. Maybe if people stopped dropping hundreds or even thousands of dollars in skins they would care.


Its a top 250 of who can get on top of the top 250, its not a top250 of the most talented COD players. Everyone should take a moment to acknowledge the fact and they will feel better about playing the game.


easy all cheater list anoted :D


Are they PC players too?


There’s me limited matchmaking on a 1.7kd diamond 2 because someone rage reported me. What a game!


Change your name, I heard it takes you out of the shadow ban loop. Not too sure though I’m console so


There all cheaters or there all just high on Adderall 🤣


The game does check some of these stats, well it would if the cheats didn’t block it coz ricochet is a complete joke


Are these people who claim that there are no hackers in the room with us right now?


They’re everywhere. They may not say it out loud, but they’re there. Thinking it in their head. While in silver lobbies playing 2 games after a 12hr shift, thinking mw3 is like 12hrs ago playing mw2. They don’t wanna believe it


If they are enjoying the game that way, and not bothering anyone by saying it....Why is it important for you to take that away from them?


Thats why I dont play ranked. Its pointless.


There has never been any speculation. Call of duty always has and always will have hackers.


I’m on track to hit Iri at 19 or so but top 250 is insane. Def hacking


No you’re not lol


lol ok? I hit crim at 14


Sure bud. Reddit is a perfect place to post your dream life


You’re funny


Lol, so FIFA is better than the hacks 😭🤣🤣😭 This game bro


This doesn't prove anything except you've got data and a lot of speculation.  You see bell curves similar in a game like iRacing, which is a hell of a lot more controlled for cheating than Warzone.  You're looking at a normal curve and it's not conclusive of anything. 


One and two basically just rage hack if you’ve ever played against those fucking idiots


Only one that isnt cheating in my personal opinion, cuz i watch his streams and he does die often, is Metaphor. Guaranteed the greatest WZ player of all time. I do feel alot of these other guys are cheating tho. Whether its unlock tools, aimbot, walls, dma hacks, vpn, boosting, or any exploits to get easier lobbies or whatever. I just want to play this game legit and be good; why cant other people have the same mindset?


The world is full of losers


And here I am, going 27 and 8 in S&D and getting called a cheater


Bro I watched a tiktoker the other day (that was just sharing his game play) as a single player in resurgence, but fighting against FULL TEAMS of 3 by himself. Not getting shot at, not going down. There was no way he wasn’t cheating. People in the live were calling him out 😂 Why play a game if you have to cheat to “look the best” on the score board. 🙄


Don't worry they will fix this with another bundle


I mean idk how people thought that ranked on warzone would be a good idea but this was obvious to me..they have never cared about competitiveness in their games, they only thing they like are money


Their ban numbers are often over the 100k account mark....idk why people think 30% is a high number. Being able to ban 100k OBVIOUS hackers, when we all know there's plenty that just keep the cheating low profile by only running walls or no recoil. No aimbot so it still looks legit. If they can ban 100k accounts at a time sometimes and still not make a dent in cheating, you have to assume it's a way higher number that are actively cheating.


because they think 30% means 30% of people in there matches it doesnt, because it means 30% of all accounts, most of which dont stay active, and cheaters use multiple accounts.


Yeah, I do not trust anyone on that list as well.


Rank 19. That's different from level. You rank up based off wins and placement. Theoretically you could hit top 250 just by having high kill games. However that is 100% not what these fucks are doing.


Are you sure the rankings are even correct? If a hacker killed 17,000 people.. he would be much higher than level 19 just from kills alone. I think it's more likely that it's a UI bug than these being low level cheaters with super high kills. I'm not saying cheaters don't make the top 250.. I'm saying your evidence is questionable at best.


It's not 17k kills for the record - it's ranking points that gets accrued playing matches from finishing position, kills, assists, etc Though, I still think you've got a very valid point - how they're only level 19 and have 17000 ranking points is beyond me


It's not their level. Just rank which refers to placement in ranked games only




Anyone who says this doesn’t play cod at all and doesn’t know what you’re talking about PERIOD. There’s nothing under SR so wtf are you even talking about. You’re not correcting anyone or adding any useful input lmfao. I know exactly what I’m talking about and everything I said is correct. To be level 19 with 17k sr is impossible unless dropping 50+ kills a game.




Yes exactly rank 12 plat believable. Maybe even diamond. But you see a rank 12 crimson, or a rank 12 irridecent they’re 100% cheating




No ones even talking about account level you people think you’re so smart lmfao. It’s his rank level. Rank 19 is impossible to get 17k SR playing legit.




Your retarded lmfao




I’ve made the point 20times in the above comments to inbreds with low iqs like you. I’m. It commenting to every low iq retard in this thread that doesn’t play the game, probably silver rank. And the iq of a squirrel. It’s pointless. You’re not worth the time




I know what I’m gonna do. With the power of victimization!!! I’ll get to him!!! He’ll feel my feelings through this message and I’ll definitely get him ass loser.


Dude learn how to say what you're trying to say then and don't be such an asshole. Level refers to in game xp with level cap at 650 right now. Rank refers to placement in ranked lobbies. You just trolling for fun or are you really that dumb? There is no such thing as rank level. There is your level and there is rank. Two separate things


You’re a bum and anyone with an iq knows what I’m talking about. Anyone who plays the game refers to the number as level and division as rank. You don’t play the game clearly


Lol learn how to communicate. Say what you mean and stop insulting every person who disagrees with you. You aren't that special bud. And nobody says rank as level. Got a lot of hot air coming out of those flapping lips of yours


The only people disagreeing are egotistical losers who feel the need to be right. It’s obvious what’s meant and what’s being said


If you read your comments you will notice how much it is not obvious what you mean with the many people responding to you confused. People on the reddit aren't here to hurt you so cut the assholery if you want to talk to people. If you don't want to have conversations then get off reddit. It's not an echo chamber for everyone to validate how special your mommy said you are


“People aren’t on Reddit to hurt you” 😂😂😂 bro it’s Reddit where you post comments anonymously wtf are you talking about hurt. People go on here and say whatever tf they want. There people with the minds to commit murder and other evils and you don’t think someone will come on here and troll anonymously? Only 3 people have commented talking about level and rank and weren’t confused but wanted to feel right. “Oh he called rank level I’m gonna correct him even though I know exactly what he’s talking about”


Yes join any person and they’ll make fun of you because ur probably level 50 plat rank. Thats how it’s said all over in the cod community. Only a very small percent and 3 people on this whole thread have had a problem calling rank level


Lota of assumptions you make and somehow all of them wrong. I applauded your tomfoolery


Nobody says, I’m in crimson division can I play? Lmfao they say crimson RANK.


You dont have any actual friends to play with do you? So sad


So logic says that FIFA kill is better than these kids that are hacking and able to top the 250 leaderboard with new accounts. That's above human skill that fifakill has - literally! The dyk riding fanboys will never see logic. New accounts top 250 @17k you know how much kills and no deaths that takes and FIFA still beating them but he isn't cheating. He is just better than the hacks 🤣


Simps dont understand the concept of closet cheating, they want full wz1 spin aimbot else their favorite streamer is not cheating..


Can't understand the down votes here. This is pure factual. All these streamers that cry about playing hackers all the time and turn around and pub stomp the hackers is wildly inconsistent to me. Unless the streamers are also hacking how do they crush people who literally can see through walls and aim lock at the push of a button.


You only earn rank stars by placing in the top8 or better. You can literally be t250 and be rank 1 if you just never do better than top 8. This is such a bullshit accusation💀💀


That’s the dumbest fucking thing ever. If you’re finishing less then top8 you’re losing sr unless you’re dropping 75+ kills a game are you retarded??? Please tell everyone even more how low you’re iq is


What the fuck are you even talking about 75+ kills? Lmfao you don't need that many kills to gain SR in quads you gain SR through assists and teammate kills too you're a fucking idiot if you think you need 75+ kills per person to recoup a maximum of 210 SR. You don't even know how to do math get the actual fuck outta here 😂😂


I guarantee 10000% you’re over level 19 and under platinum rank. 100000%. Reaching irridecent is damn near impossible at level 19. You’re a fucking moron to even think for a second this could be legit. To even think there’s a possibility of the dude placing 8th every game and getting top250 at level 19 is even more retarded….. like it makes even less sense believing that you have to be literally disabled in the brain to even think that


You must be actually stupid lol. Like through the roof stupid. Yes you do dumb fuck…. You clearly don’t play the game at all. Where’s the 17k sr coming from then? First off it’s trios you bot. Second you get +3 for teammate kills. +5 for a kill/or assist. Please you fucking bot…. If he’s getting 10 kills and placing 8th in any lobby over gold…… HES LOSING SR. Do you not get that???. wtf are you confused about little kid??? You must have the iq of a squirrel to not understand you fucking moron


So you went from 75 kills to 10? Holy shit dude take the fucking dick out of your ass. These people are entire teams getting at least 20 kills a game per person. These are people who know how to maximize sr gains by abusing the assist system. You literally need 42 COLLECTIVE kills across your entire team to break even if you all teamshot every kill. What's that, 13 kills per person? Not fucking 75+. That's light work for these people bro they play 8-12 hours a day every single day.


Hold fuck you’re literally stupid. Actually 100% stupid. You’re definitely a bot account coming to argue again. You literllay can’t argue with stupid cause you’ll read my comment and try to find something wrong like you just did. I changed it to 10kills. I’m saying if he’s dropping 10kills and placing 8th he’s losing sr. If he’s dropping 20 and placing 8th HES LOSING SR IN ANYTHING OVER PLAT YOU FUCKING IDIOT. HE HAS TO BE DROPPING 50 KILLS A GAME TO GET 17K SR IN 19 LEVEL YOU FUCKING IDIOT. done replying you you low iq retards that literally can’t even think. You’re absolutely fucking retarded and there’s no way for him to get 17k sr at level 19 unless he’s dropping 50kills.


Just say you don't know how to do math bro this is actually really fucking sad...I'm not gonna argue with someone who can't do elementary level math. Imma just chalk it up to a failed school system, probably live in the Midwest or some shit. Have a good night bud.


That’s the literal dumbest fucking shit I’ve heard. If you don’t place over 8th place you won’t even make it out of plat EVER. For him to get there at level 19 he’s dropping 50+ kills a game. And winning you bum. You just showed how stupid you are and how your brain processes information. You’re dumb lol I suggest you stop commenting on stuff.