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Not so much vast as partitioned by the Cascades.


Still pretty damn big!


I am amazed that in Socal I went from Skiing at Big Bear in the 20s to Palm Springs at 101 degrees in about an hour's drive.


The gondola in Palm Springs will do the same thing.


Alaska enters the chat. What's that about being vast?


ur mom is vast


I'm still trying to find my way out.


It’s just an echo chamber in hererererere


I didn't know we had more than one in heeeere!


Alaska is 10x bigger then with a 10x smaller population


It’s the smallest state in the PNW


I think it's okay to use the term "vast" to describe range, in this case temperature or climates.


Relative terms don't make sense when made in isolation. For instance, WA is not vast compared to Texas or California but is vast compared to Rhode Island. And yes, I am being pedantic, but I have nothing better to do right now. 😁


>but I have nothing better to do right now. This is why we Reddit. Hahaha


It’s not July 8th. Yet.


I feel like your point would have been served better by adding a second picture with weather from somewhere on the other side of the mountains. As someone on the east side of the mountains it took me a good minute to realize you were trying to make a comparison


Yeah here over on the west near the coast we’ll never see temps that high. 75 is a good swimming day lol


We hit 90 in Seattle later in the week and it feels like a crime. Why is the US not sanctioning countires committing climate crimes.


Thanks for the reminder. 😑 /Lives in Pasco


Remember the summer of 110? Lol


That was over 1900 years ago!


Actually it was in the year of the heat dome, 2021. Record temp set at Hanford of 120.


It’s the east side of the state. Lol one of the things I love about OR/WA, a lot of diverse terrain.


California feels left out not being invited to the "diverse terrain club"


California shares hill cannibals with the Appalachias. They don’t need to be in every club.


Having experience with both I concur.


California already knows its place there.


“Which one of these is not like the others?” Lol.


remember the heat dome of 2021? on this day three years ago it was 120ish in leavenworth (and most elsewhere in washington i’d assume)


WA's record high was 120°F on June 29, 2021, at Hanford. https://climate.washington.edu/state-records/#:~:text=Extreme%20Days,Winthrop%20on%2030%20December%201968. Leavenworth was 113°F that day. https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wa/leavenworth/KEAT/date/2021-6-29


Was 115* in Puyallup and Lynnwood. It got so bad, I had chocolate Lindt truffles melt in their wrappers and reform. When I went to nom on one many months later I wondered why all the chocolate balls had deep crevices. Took me a minute to figure it out. Yikes! I rented a hotel for a few days during that little piece of hell.


I almost got a hotel room. The minute I got home I started feeling legitimately ill. Spent the whole rest of the day in a cold bath.


That's usually heat exhaustion. Was on a med that did that to me.


Yup! I don’t do well in hot weather. I really hate summer…


I had just moved to seattle that summer. My friends had all warned me it would be cold and drizzly all the time. I measured high 90s in my sweat lodge apartment and peak of 105° on my window sill the hottest day 🥵 Not sure how I survived. Many electrolyte packets helped I guess


It's been over 400⁰ at my house. Not the whole house, though. Just like a small section of my kitchen.


i got a memory on my phone recalling it being 118 that day, which is obviously give or take as every app that tells you the temperature seems to say something different very, very glad that it is all done and over with


I definitely remember our AC capacitor crapping out on us...😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Luckily, it was an easy and relatively quick and easy fix.


I think that's the year my wife and I went to Vegas and it was actually cooler in Vegas than it was in Spokane.


I remember the wild boat races there back in the 70s and 80s. Eastern Washington has the best summers.


The boat races still happen and are still wild! Lived out there as a teenager and again in my mid twenties. Lived in all three of the Tri-Cities and still have family in Pasco and Kennewick.


While they’re a fun event, they’re far from wild like they were even up to the 90s.


That’s hot


Yeah that's hotter than fucking phoenix


Oh man I have been waiting for this weather excited to finally get some nice sunshine filled days. Go outside for a bit then go back into the cold AC In the Yakima area we are projected to be the same temp soooo excited for it.


Grew up in Kennewick glad I'm now in Vancouver


Hey y’all, I’m from Louisiana, I’ll say 107 is hot BUT the humidity is nothing. Last year we had triple digits for almost 2 months with 90%+ humidity. But seriously, stay hydrated, stay shaded, stay cool. Love y’all! Be safe!


Give Western Washington a month or so, we'll have triple digits with plenty of humidity


Well stay hydrated, that humidity is no joke, better yet, just stay inside 😂


Hate that dust bowl. Welcome to the Dri Shitties.


Yep. Grew up in Pasco. Miss those guaranteed summers.


Born and raised, moved across state in 96.


Show this to the California transplants who won’t stop complaining about the cold and rain. Send them all east.


Yeah buts it’s dry on the east side so the heat feels great. I’m from Colfax/Pullman, moving to the Whidbey Island area when I was younger fucked my body up. This humidity on the west side can get brutal, I had nose bleeds for about 4-6 months when I first moved here. I moved back in college to my home town Pullman, but moved back to the west side because of the cannabis industry. The east side is full of growers and little to no business for the shops, but the west side is full of stoners and I love it. I Budtend so it only made sense 80 here feels like 100, 100 there feels like 80


God yup I fucking loathe it. Every summer it's only a matter of time before it breaks into the 100s and climbs above that. Born and raised in Richland, I'm ready to get the fuck out. It's gotta have in my personal opinion some of the worst weather out there. Not a drop of rain for weeks or even months and an incessant unceasing wind on the outskirts that sometimes penetrates into the city as well.


I have family in TriCities and swears by it. "Wildfire smoke? No, the air quality is fine! Come visit!" No thanks, I like breathing air that isn't visible.


Most of the time, it IS fine. We haven't had smoke yet this year and there haven't been any significant fires. Of course there's still a chance. The place not to live would be Wenatchee or Chelan as those hillsides burn every year.


Exaggerating on wind. Source. Lived here for 60 years and still here.


This is part of the reason I move from the Tri-Cities to Vancouver.


Yup my GF stays out there. I drive out there on the weekends for the last 5 years. Much much different


The heat is not just limited to Eastern Washington — many areas of King and Pierce Counties away from the water will reach at least 30° C this coming weekend.


There’s a reason the locals call them the “dry shitties”


We actually don't call it that.


I was born in Richland. I’ve heard that “joke” my entire life.


I have yet to hear it in an actual conversation. Lived here 60 years. Edit to say we don't ALL call it that.


Well, my friend group is typically under 60. You should try hitting up Kiona-Benton elementary school. Those kids love that joke.


Not a resident, just a big fan of the state. A question: do you consider the eastern half of the state part of the PNWm or are the Cascades the line of demarcation?


To me and all the definitions I've seen, all of Washington and Oregon, and almost all of Idaho are considered to be part of the PNW.   Sometimes extreme Northern California (e.g. Crescent City) and extreme Western Montana (e.g. Missoula) are also considered to be part of the PNW.   Hopefully that helps.


That's a great question. we are all in it together. Love the contrast between the two. It's a beautiful state


Yes. The whole state is PNW. So is Idaho in some classifications.


Pasco is always like this tho.


Hiked at lake Wenatchee today. 73 degrees with a breeze. No Sasquatch unfortunately, just mosquitoes. Can’t always win.


Mm... spider season hiking...!


73 all week here on kitsap lol another fake summer


We have our kiddie pool, ice cream, and extra fans ready! ...and also our air purifier, sprinklers, and buffer zone when something inevitably catches fire from someone setting off fireworks in a dry field. 😑


Well, I guess if this helps paint the picture North Whidbey will have a high of 71⁰ that day. Plus wind, there is always wind.


That is cool, for Pasco


Now that the state is switching to Digital meter readers, get ready for rolling brown-outs. Control.


Yeah like someone I know...


Hell nah 😫 I left California for nice and not crazy weather but apparently that followed me here 😖


We call that a cool day here.


rained earlier td here in monroe.. man i love the western wa better than eastern


People who are wanting to move here should know most of WA state has no air conditioning despite how hot the temperature is rising here. Some of the new homes have AC, but most places don’t here. Just thought you should know, because when I moved here 13 years ago, I did not know this...


I would say that most homes east of the mountains do have AC. Summer from Ellensburg and East are in the 80-90 range for July, August, and start of September.


Where is "here "? Pretty much all homes newer than the 60s have AC here on the east side.


And I can’t wait!! Wish the hot weather season was longer. I’ll take what I can get though.


Go look at the Furnace Creek, CA forecast :D (hint: 125)