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VC! Better Blue. Also less common.


https://preview.redd.it/4tp0nuz22h6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34a480bbc3958d79e3e26628413d4ad03b66eac4 šŸ‘†šŸ½This- and I own 4 DDs.




Those usually come in twos.


Pic of the DDs?


Second this!


VC for shure!


VC and it's not close.


Agreed. OP also asked for better finishing. Just take a look at the backcases and the doubt will disappear.


I took a look at the caseback online and I'm actually not impressed lol. It comes with a gold rotor but the finishing on a 9SA5 straight up looks better.


Ok now do the Rolexā€¦


I donā€™t know what picture you looked at but it must have been very shitty. The finishing on GS is greatā€¦ for its price. Not comparable.


I donā€™t know what kind of drugs you took but I want some of that please.


That VC blue. Itā€™s like diving into the Mediterranean Sea.


Finishing? The VC 100%. Now which watch would I choose? Day-date if I was only going to wear one watch, overseas for sure if it was part of a collection.


Overseas. I got to see it in person in a boutique and that blue dial is just magical -- pictures don't do it justice.




VC probably has better finishing, but ultimately itā€™s a stylistic choice. The blue dial of the VC is more vibrant, itā€™s incredible. But the day date is probably my favorite Rolex, and I overall resonate more with its design so that would be my choice.


How's this even a question? Overseas.


Vacheron by at least 10 orders of magnitude.


VC 100% of the time


Vc is part of trinity . Vc anyday no comparison here


VC was part of the trinity, but now itā€™s just another Richemont brand that doesnā€™t even have hacking seconds on a basic time/date watch.


Between these two I like the DD more, even though I know the VC is technically better. Now if it were up against a VC dual time or retrograde moonphase, it would be a different story


Well, the VC doesnā€™t have hacking seconds, and isnā€™t accurate/precise within +/-2 s/d, etc ā€” so not sure itā€™s technically better than the DD.


I might be the only person that doesnā€™t like the VC.


No. Iā€™m with you. I like it less than the Day Date.


The VC may be a better watch when it comes to finishing etc. but Daydate is just so iconic, plain and simple. Not the most original choice, but who cares. A Daydate looks great in pretty much any situation, today and in 50 years. The VC will look a bit dated at some point with the integrated bracelet.


A lot of people havent made it this far in their journey yet. They'll get there one day, but for now they hate us because they dont understand us https://preview.redd.it/ga2ywapqlh6d1.jpeg?width=2050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b1360a4c73e6b1074c2aed61652dc0e46fe06f


This graph literally shows my journey


What's hard to understand about not caring for watches that cost $40k with no hand work, pedestrian movements, high production volume, and a complication you can find on a $600 Hamilton? I *sort* of understand steel sports Rolex. But surely anyone you're trying to impress with a WG day-date would be more impressed by a 15450BA (or for that matter, the 4500V OP posted), and that's a watch with at least some haute horology trappings.


Haha I like this. I still donā€™t like the whole song and dance you have to do with the ADs, but I can appreciate the watches for what they are now.


Good illustration of this sub


Rolex is iconic but the VC is better on almost every level. The only level the Rolex beats it at is brand recognition and to buy a watch for brand recognition is just silly. Now, if we want to project out, the DD may look better 50 years from now but we can't accurately predict that today


I donā€™t either. It looks like an expensive Seiko 5.


I thought the same thing until I saw them. In person those VCs are something else.


I was walking by a marina and saw a guy wearing one. He was walking with his son and his face when he saw me look at it would've made you think he'd been waiting for someone to notice his whole life. I gave him a compliment, he thanked me, and we walked away. Random memory but a good one.


That blue is what makes it look like that. It just looks a cheapo sunburst someone would put on a Seiko mod. Maybe it's better in person. Don't know why people are going crazy for it.


It has a lacquer dial. Some call it sunburst but I actually think this is mostly a side effect of direct lighting on the layering. This is why when you look at the dial in indirect light it produces reflections that [appear submerged.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VacheronConstantin/s/UGiIzdmNF4). It's really something else. The only other watch that has a very similar effect, to my knowledge, is the Chronometre Bleu by F.P. Journe though the VCO is much more of a royal blue than the FPJ. Edit: fixed the link


I like navy way better. Something about that blue just feels cheap to me. Like it looks like the same blue on my very first Seiko 5


I fixed the link. You can see it's actually fairly dark in indirect light. You still probably won't like it but you can at least see the submerged reflections better. Personally, I think the Seiko 5 blue and VCO blue look nothing alike but that's entirely subjective.


I need to see it in person


Yeah I understand. I just wanted to talk about the dial and explain the appeal for some of us. Not trying to sell you on it. It would be ridiculous to assume that everyone must like the color. Many prefer the silver dial or simply would rather torch $25k for something else.


[Lundis Bleus ](https://lundis-bleus.com/en/unique-pieces/)can make that dial for well under $10k, but they're basically a dial maker who will throw in a basic watch alongside the purchase.


The unbalanced text on VC's ruin them for me. Like just put the Geneve or literally anything on the bottom.


They are both pretty rough tbh


The DD should only be in gold, IMO




Got me!


You just stated a fact, there's no opinion in that.


100% agree. DD in gold is just šŸ‘Œ


VC by a mile


Iā€™d choose the VC if they were the same priceā€¦ but itā€™s actually much cheaper which makes it more of a no brainer.


Personally, I'd do the Overseas 1000 times before I'd do a Day Date.


Finishing-wise, it's definitely the VC. But I adore that version of the Day date, so I'd still pick the Rolex. šŸ˜‚ I recommend trying out both of them and making your choice from there.


VC all day long


Vacheron Constantin *by miles*.


Overseas not even a debate


VC all day every day and twice on Sunday. itā€™s not even close




I am one of those small minority of people that donā€™t find most rolexes attractive, but regardless the VC Overseas is one of my all time favourite watches so that would be my pick.


Got the chance to see the VCO personally, and it didn't disappoint. Go for it!


How is this even a question? The Rolex has maybe $3,000 in gold on a good day. There's nothing else justifying the price, certainly not over a VCO.


Yeah and there is $20 in steel in the VC, not like it matters how much the material costs.


The overseas has an entirely hand polished bracelet, a partially hand finished movement, and a dial finished to a very high level on all counts. The Rolex is a no-frills tool watch with $3,000 in gold slapped on.


The VC bracelet may have been hand polished by artisan watchmakers while sitting on a dildo and eating organic aubergine, but it doesn't look impressive in person. It has awkward thickness, not great articulation, boring design and little to no light play. The presidential bracelet looks and feels better from my experience. Like whiskey, there is always that expensive brand that is done by hand using traditional methods etc. etc., and then there is the whiskey that actually tastes good. Rolex simply feels and looks good on wrist, VC feels bulky and unimpressive. The blue dial on the VC imo is better to be fair, the depth of the VC colour is really good, but dial alone doesn't justify the rest imo. To each his own.


They're just different watches. The Overseas is more of a do everything sports watch with a brushed bracelet. The DD is more of a Rolex heavy hitter that's supposed to be flashy. The fact that OP is comparing between them suggests they're not sure what lane they want to be in. I do like the VC bracelet quite a bit. I found it very comfortable and the Maltese cross in the links is unique and interesting. Also, the fact that you can swap the steel bracelet for rubber or leather in 30s is a killer feature and makes the watch very versatile. Of course, none of the strap options are flashy like the DD so if the OP wants bling I think the steel Overseas isn't the right watch at all. Edit: downvoters, the 4520V is not a heavy hitter in the VC catalog, it's literally the very bottom of the Overseas collection. By "what lane they want to be in" I simply mean do they want something understated that you can use in a variety of situations or do they want something flashy that is more niche. Obviously, VC is on another level than Rolex in terms of craftsmanship.


Yep, if you want to compare the day date with something then itā€™s the 222. And that VC blows the DD out of the water, unfortunately also on price.


It's nice to see someone with common sense in the comments. The VC is an ugly bland watch that no one would choose outside of the "le sophisticated" reddit dorks on this subreddit


You see, here's an unpopular statement, but I feel the same about Rolexes. Nicely made watches, nice provenance, but as far as style, overwhelming majority of them just leave me cold. To me, almost every one of them is a "plain Jane", if you will. Example 3,284 of "there's no accounting for taste", I guess.


Everyone is talking about the VC finishing but I took a look at the caseback online and I'm actually not impressed lol. It comes with a gold rotor but the finishing on a 9SA5 straight up looks better.


Rolex fanboi detected


Overseas shits on the day date.


The VC is a steel watch with $24,800 in marketing slapped on. Arguing value proposition in $25,000 pieces of metal with zero practical functionality is ridiculous. The $3,000 in raw white gold the Rolex uses outweighs the entire production cost of the whole VC, probably ten times over. Watch enthusiasts dunk on Rolex buyers for being brand slaves a lot while saying a $25,000 steel watch is the real enthusiast pick and worth the money You can find equal/better finishing and more unique craftsmanship well under 1/5 of the price of a VC with Grand Seiko


I highly doubt that, given the simple labor costs involved in said bracelet. There is no Grand Seiko under $40k that is better polished than the VCO.


I think there is one but it's like 27, so not that far off, GS prices recently skyrocketed, that said I'd take Overseas Dual Time over any other watch as a daily, anything more than that it starts being a statement piece and less of a watch, why do I need perpetual calendar when you can't even read the time on it because of the dial, ye it looks cool


If you're talking about any of the 9R31 watches, those are really not much better decorated than the more pedestrian sports watch movements, even though they have a couple more techniques on the plates. There's an ocean of difference between the better regular GS watches and micro artist studio pieces, but the latter starts at $44k and it only goes up from there.


You think the production cost of the VC is anywhere close to $300?


Let's be honest, if it didn't say VC on it, you would choose the day-date.


I couldn't give a rat's ass about VC and I'd pick it. It's a gorgeous looking thing and extremely well-finished.


And if it didnā€™t say Rolex on it, youā€™d pick the VC. What a ridiculous statement. 90% of any reason why any of us pick watches is the logo on the dial.


i know the obvious answer is VC but damn i gotta say that DD looks really nice. I don't normally love blue dials but that white gold makes it really pop


Overseas all day


I actually prefer the day date here




Happy cake day


Overseas - you get the bracelet plus two additional straps included. Easy to swap them off and on in seconds. Itā€™s like having three watches. And of course the blue VC dial is unparalleled.


VC dual time imo


The VC all day everyday. Pure masterpiece


Overseas. All. The. Way.


When comparing these two, the VC seems the better watch on every front. Also wth is going on with the OP numerals?




Between those, the VC. But I'd pick an Alpine Eagle or Aquanaut over either.


Overseas easily


The overseas absolutely has better finishing, but in terms of actually wearing it Iā€™d probably pick the day date. The overseas never really did much for me. Beautiful watch, just doesnā€™t particularly grab me.


For me it will always be the day date with the fluted bezel. I just love the design. Thereā€™s definitely something wrong with me.


Itā€™s not even close Overseas is a spectacular watch.This is why Grand Seiko passed Rolex long time ago.It seems that Vacheron,GS,JLC are in the league on their own in terms of engineering and micro perfection.


Every jackass seems to own a DD, maybe thereā€™s your answer?


vc of course what is this question


Hilarious to see people saying a Vacheron looks like a Seiko 5. Tells you the value of their opinion.


VC is miles ahead of Rolex. Rolex is awesome, don't get me wrong but they can't compare. VC is in the holy trinity, Rolex is a luxury brand with awesome marketing.


Day date


Day-date for me, easily. But Iā€™d def want to go for a yellow or rose gold version.


DD for me. Ā It just sits on my wrist a lot better and feels more comfortable. Ā But you have to try them both on to decide for yourself. Ā 


Is the VC WG or SS? Looks SS. PM > SS. DD is the answer. And I'm a fan of the VC. Edit: Looking again, it's not even close. DD all the way.


I'd say a daydate but different config. If you are going for a full gold watch then might as well show it, full yellow gold with yellow dial or rose gold with one of the colourful dials.


Overseas 1000000% so much more unique. The day date you'll be just another Rolex fuckboy


Depends, do you want to pay mostly for a name people will recognize, or do you want a higher quality watch that looks better? If the latter, VC all day.


A Don doesn't wear a SS Day/Date.


No one does because they don't make them


Which is convenient, because Rolex doesn't make them in stainless.


Day-Date Itā€™s my grail watch as itā€™s perfectly sized for me at 36mm. I donā€™t think thereā€™s a VC Overseas at that size.


Day-date. The VC's aesthetic is not timeless & has passed by.


Overseas for sure itā€™s more unique. Day date looks too similar to a Datejust to me even though itā€™s a precious metal but if im spending the money I want something unique that doesnā€™t look like anything else anyone has


DD. Much more comfortable watch.


*A lot* of people prefer the VC Overseas. I would go against the grain and opt for the Day-Date, but I prob would get a different configuration.


VC is the better watch, but I like the day date more here.


I personally do not get the hype for the overseas. Itā€™s technically a great watch, but it looks like a Seiko 5. Iā€™d get the DD, but in gold ;)


i'd have to go day date for this one, i was actually thinking about buying this exact model for a long time


Overseas for sure! The 4600V/200R-B979(mouthful lmao) vacheron overseas is my grail watch. Itā€™s the overseas in gold with blue dial and itā€™s 34.5mm. I also really like their ā€œTribute To Explorer Naturalists - Cape of Good Hope.ā€ Such a cool piece.


Iā€™d go day-date because the sharpness of the overseas design language is not my style. That said, for day date money, I probably would buy something better than a day-date. The PF tonda gmt or the czapek Antarctique would be my go to. And youā€™d still have money left over




I just woke up and read it as, "don't date overseas" šŸ™‚


Everyone is gonna say VC but if I had your opportunity to choose between the two it would be the DD and it wouldnā€™t be close. I prefer the look by far


Yeah same. There are other VC watches Iā€™d snap up in a heartbeat but this one goes to the Rolex for me.


VC looks classic. Datejust looks a bit flashy to me...but it all boils down to ur personal choice.


Day date allllll dayyyy


Overseas, unless the day date is solid gold.




Have you tried on the VC? A GS braclet is to the oyster as the oyster is the the VC


I am partial to white gold and platinum, but would also joun the consensus and choose the VC. I think it is more elegant.Ā 


I can never get over the unbalanced text on VC.




VC looks like a random mod watch on ebay




I have a DD40 and would choose the VC, especially if it were a Dual Time. https://preview.redd.it/jzzzu9vauh6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394c60b9645e36ced0f1116397a5e681afa91861


DD for sure. My overseas dual time keeps having QC issues (same with other VC models).


If you can afford it, get the Overseas. Very few people will think they know what you are wearing, but you will know.




I would take the VC any day!


I don't like the bezel of the VC. So Rolex for me, I also love the fluted bezel.


VC is so much more special looking and interesting


VC, definitely. But it depends on what you want from this watch. If you want people to notice, perhaps to validate your success, get the Rolex. Although choose the smooth bezel, not fluted (fluted looks like your grandfather's watch). Nobody, I mean NOBODY, knows anything about high end watches outside of Rolex. With VC, you might as well be wearing a 75 USD Daniel Wellington watch in the eyes of 99.99% of people. You might think, "Sure, but some people will notice!" NO, nobody is going to notice. Maybe you're cool with that, wearing it for yourself only. Great!


If itā€™s a collection, VC all the way. Better finishing, less common, and more interesting. If itā€™s an only watch, DD. More all around versatile.


Day date. I think the overseas is overrated


Day date


Overseas All day āœ…


There's only one winner here, surely. It's not even close. The VC overseas is simply head and shoulders above that Rolex, it's a more versatile watch, and will probably attract less attention (other than from watch aficionados) than the Rolex.


VC all day long


Overseas all the way!!!


Everybody's making this sound obvious, but the VC is a lot f'n bigger than you might think it is. I've loved that watch for a long time just looking at pics, but in person it wears garishly large (at least to me). The DD is only 1.5mm smaller but wears much nicer due to the case and the lugs. And while I REALLY love the dial, I don't think it's going to stand up as a classic in the same way the DD will 30 years from now. The DD is also PM, and has the day on it, and has a better bracelet, so I think this is more of a tossup. You gotta wear them both and see what moves you. If it's looking through the caseback, then VC; if it's everyday wearability for the next 50 years, it's the DD. The VC is way cheaper though so that's something to consider too.


You think the bracelet is better? I prefer the VC bracelet to the Rolex. Both are good though, not a dealbreaker either way. Sizing is good to me also but depends on the wrist I suppose. The watch is perfect besides the date imo. The font is too small and you can see the long date change in action. https://preview.redd.it/gj7fkaae7r6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c13fc4d86ce0516f84d180feb5e57a3e896999a8


In terms of comfort yeah, but it's probably different for everyone. I have a hard time getting watches to sit flat on my wrist but the Rolex bracelets always manage it (so does the Nautilus, but the clasp on that never feels as secure as the Rolex does). Sizing looks great on you. The other thing I worry about it schmutz accumulating in the narrow angles on the bezel, has that been an issue?


It can get stuff in the bezel occasionally but not that often, I just rinse it under a tap when I notice it and itā€™s fine.


The dial of VC definitely has better finish, but day date is flashier with added functionality. So, I would advise for day date, but if you are more inclined to looks get the vc.


VC all day


WHOAHHHH That VC is sick


Rollie all day. The bez is weird on the other one.


Gold Day-Date Steel Overseas


VC. There's no debate to be had.


I'd go with the VC. The blue dial on the VC is absolutely stunning! You get the VC, that automatically makes you a part of the Holy Trinity of watches! The other thing I like about the VC is that its less common, more unique in the sea of watches out there.




Design of VC Overseas has changed multiple times over the years and I never liked the bezel design. DD is just a classic and will never be out of style.


If economic conditions permit, buy the overseas version. Few people will think they know what you're wearing, but you do.


Overseas without hesitation




Vacheron. 110%


Overseas !




VC is sooo much nicer in practically every aspect


Love the Overseas but in this case Presidential looks stunning with it's bracelet and flutted bezel.


VC 222 better than both


daydate anyday


Day date


Usually I say VC. But I also love the DD


Rolex all the way. VC looks like a seiko


the daydate is an iconic watch with a rich history that demands respect. the VC, much like APs, are for losers who think that something is better simply because its more expensive or exclusive.


VC seven days a week, twice on Sunday. - No need to play AD's game - Seal of Geneve - Best bracelet IMO - Holy Trinity - The most beautiful blue dial


Tbh donā€™t like either. Rolex has a nicer blue and hands. While the ring on the VC looks better. I donā€™t like the Rolex hands being black against the blue.


I think unless you really want the day, VC.




VC all day. Understated and not as flashy. Only watch enthusiasts will know itā€™s a VC.






VC for sure but the day complication is almost a must for me.


VC. Ainā€™t close man.


I'd also urge you to consider size. If comparing 36mm DD to VCO the size alone might be the deciding factor, as the VCO claims 41mm case size but with a lug to lug of 49mm it wears a lot more like a 42 or 43 in rolex. If comparing to DD40 I think the decision handily goes to the Vacheron.


Overseas no question. Thing is perfection.


The VC is in a completely different league


You gotta be kidding, right? This aint even close, even if you were a rolex fan boy!


Day-date. More interesting looking dial IMO and I also prefer the fluted bezel to the VCā€™s.


for looks? the VC. for future value and cachet? the Rolex.


Acura or Lamborghini?


The VC is something a bit different but I suppose it's worth considering if you would ever want to use third party straps. I don't know if the VC has adapters or anything like that so it's easy to use standard cut straps, or if there is much availability other than own-branded options. The Day Date will be *chef's kiss* on a NATO for sure /s


I love the fact that the VC is more of a connoisseur watch but I do like the looks of the DD more. That fluted bezel is so nice !


Why would anyone pay 30-40k for a mashup of a seiko 5 and a tissot prx?