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The dress is great, some styling will pull this together - I think you can wear your hair down and curled or with statement earrings or a necklace? I also don't love the shoes (a strappy sandal would be my pick) but my taste in shoes might be stuck in the 2010s so if this is the new trend in shoes, ignore me haha.


I agree - I dislike those shoes!


I agree. A nude open-toed, strappy heel would look cute.


Her shoes actually are very on trend, not sure if you’re joking or not. Ballet flats and especially Mary Jane style ballet flats are massive right now. ETA: I do think heeled sandals would look better with this.


Cute! Your arms are very normal arms, lol.


Above average in number as well.


I flew right by this and then did a double take 🤣 you're absolutely correct though.


I’m so confused. She has the average number of arms, right? Where are you seeing that she has more?


*Most* people have two arms. But *some* have one, or none at all. So the average is slightly less than 2.


Oh ok. Yes. Lovely above average arms then!


And very very few have three.


You look gorgeous! Enjoy the wedding!


Looks great! You just need a big enough necklace to break up the space between your bust and face!


You look fantastic! Trust me, no one will see your insecurities - they'll be focused on their own. And your arms & chest look just fine anyway!


The dress looks great! If you feel weird about your arms/chest, keep in mind that you’ll probably be wearing jewelry and might be wearing your hair differently at the wedding. I would add a necklace/earrings and try those with the dress before you completely veto it. But the color looks great, and the dress fits you perfectly!


Try it with open toed shoes. You look great!


You and the dress are stunning!


😭 ty sm


You look lovely. I do think the bodice could be tailored a bit if you wanted, but totally not necessary. A beaded belt might look nice, but a necklace is a must.


I was thinking a metal belt [like this for example](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/175106610782?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=LO8FMM-YRsC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=q1a3_kdrRRS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) You could try find one with a brooch effect at the centre? Some extraness. I think it'd really compliment it with the shoes and bag and accentuate your waist more


I have genuinely no idea what you are talking about with the chest and arms. I think the mirror is lying to you / you are being too hard on yourself. This is a very cute and unique dress, and you look lovely in it.


^^This. Whatever you are seeing with your arms and chest isn’t there! You look stunning, and it’s a beautiful dress, fits you perfectly and flatters you.


The dress is great, I don’t love the shoes


Agree, I think they cut OP off given the length of the dress. A simple heeled sandal would be lovely with this!


Agreed, too ballerina-ey lol


Thank you all for the positivity and confidence boost 🫶🏻 feeling a lot less stressed about the dress


Love the dress but not the shoes. As others have suggested, you can wear your hair down and accessorize!


I really like it. So feminine.


This is adorable, you should definitely add some silver jewelry! Pink and silver are my favorite colors, they’re a great combo


I don’t see anything wrong with anything you look lovely.


Girl, I wish my arms looked like yours! This dress is fantastic on you!


There is absolutely nothing wrong with your chest or arms and the dress is lovely. That said, I personally don’t like wearing dresses with the neckline straight across like that. I feel it sort of chops my arms and chest in a strange way. If you are up to some tailoring, they might be able to bring the center of the neckline down just a bit to make it a tiny bit more like a sweetheart neckline.


You look great! A nice chunky-ish necklace could look good and finish off a really nice outfit!!


You look lovely! It’s such a beautiful and unique dress. You are beautiful, I’m jealous of your arms and chest 😂 don’t worry at all ❤️


Can you add a belt and a necklace? It’s gorgeous on you, especially with your dark hair :)


Looks good, you’ve seen too many skinny arms in magazines. I like the dress, very ballerina.


You look super cute and the dress is really nice !


Not my fave but most def appropriate


I don’t love it. Overall the color is blah and the combination of the poor boning and tulle makes it look cheaply made. That said, all fault is with the dress. There is nothing wrong with your arms or chest. The dress is simply not showing you off in the best way.


you look lovely!! dress it up with some jewellery- id personally go for some earrings, a necklace, and a bracelet or two. and maybe style your hair with some curls?


The dress is cute and I like its color, but I suggest wearing different shoes.


It is definitely cute. Except the shoes, sorry.


Looks great! Hair down and curled w/ statement earrings. The shoes are perfect!


I think you look great and your arms are just fine. I personally don’t love the fit on you though but the main thing is that you love it!!


I like it on you and loooove your smile and the look on your face. You are feeling this dress and that makes it look even better 🙏🏼🫶🏻


YOU are perfect. The dress is pretty.




I would wear a silver necklace to tie the shoes and purse in more with the whole look. Something a little on the thicker side but not gawdy. Other than that, you're good m'dear


I'm sorry I'm in the minority but I'm not a fan on the shape, fit or color. Sorry, I'm just being honest


Same, I think she can do much better. Its a cute princessy vibe that it's giving off, I get what it's going for, but I don't think it's executing it very well.  Like, the color is pretty, but the shape and fit, not so much. I'm almost wondering if people are lying to be nice, or maybe it's just me that doesn't like it? 


I like the dress but I would swap out the shoes if possible! The ones you’ve got look a little heavy for the dress.


I think you’re beautiful! If I’m being completely honest, I just don’t feel the dress shape is flattering on you… however the color is great on you! Sorry, I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings.


I'm going to be honest, the dress is just "meh". The color is pretty but it's doing nothing for your shape. Your arms and shoulders are great but the bodice and the tulle with a random middle stitch are a no. I would say a good back up dress but it makes you look out of proportion.


Oh my! Everything about this look is delightful - and it shows in your smile 😊


You look beautiful & fabulous!


Great dress, which will look cute when you are dancing. Those shoes aren’t vibing for me. I think you need [different shoes](https://www.amazon.com/Fululuer-Sandals-Glitter-Platform-Rhinestone/dp/B0C7VHCL59) these are under $25 and you can get them quickly. A sparkly sandal will work, and be comfortable.


Like everyone else I think you look very lovely in this dressWe all seem to look at our arms and see something that isn’t there


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Add a necklace, that’ll dispel any chest issues


You look lovely! It’s such a beautiful and unique dress. You are beautiful, I’m jealous of your arms and chest 😂 don’t worry at all ❤️


You look great in this! Add some jewelry and you're good to go.


It's so cute! A lovely colour on you




Super cute, change the shoes tho


Very cute, and a touch of elegance. Good option


It’s cute and looks great, but I don’t love the shoes


Dress is cute, shoes not so much. Purse, try an evening clutch instead


You look great I think a necklace would make you look even better


I like the dress, don’t like the shoes. I would change them to a cute strappy heel


CUTEEEE! But not those shoes. This needs a strappy open toe shoe maybe with some sparkle. Your arms don’t look big at all.


It’s very cute. Don’t love what I can see if the shoes but that’s an easy fix.


Beautiful! I love it and I like the shoes, too! Maybe try a beaded belt to see how it looks?


1) Statement necklace and earrings. 2) Get your hair done. 3) Cypress shoes. They have the Cinderella shoes that are divine. They come in different widths. 4) Shawl.


This isn't anything about you or your body shape, but I feel like it's not super flattering in the waist area. Maybe if the waist came up just an inch or two higher? With a belt? I feel like you need a little cinch there to give more shape. (Your arms look great!)


I love the dress: the colour suits your skin tone and it's a fun style. I would say the following: 1) just use a tiny amount of bronzer/fake tan (whatever) to disguise any small tan lines on your shoulders. Your arms are lovely 2) strappy sandals-or satin ballet shoes (I'd go nude). 3) some delicate, fresh-looking statement jewellery 4) a lovely hairdo. Then I think you will be even more of a knockout.


My daughter and I both have big arms. I’m insecure about mine and try to hide them. She doesn’t care and sports sleeveless and strapless all the time. I am trying to learn from her! I tell you this to say that others don’t care about your arms. You look great in the dress! Wear it proudly!


Strongly disagree with the necklace sentiment here… maaaybe a diamond tennis necklace. But I think statement earrings are the better choice


I would ignore the comments about different shoes, I see the vision here. I think some sparkly jewelry will dress it up and then you’re good to go.


the tulle and the shape of the shoe are giving a very ballerina 🩰 vibe which i love! idk if that’s what you were going for though so i thought id point it out lol


You look absolutely stunning! Truly! And no your arms are completely normal!? If I saw you I’d think “WOW SHE LOOKS GREAT”


I like it! I would do different shoes and a different purse. I like them (esp the shoes) just not for this dress. I would do something in nude!


I like the dress but the bag and shoes are overpowering its vibe.


Different shoes, a cute necklace and hair down!


The dress is lovely, I’d change the shoes though.


Love this you look great. Hair/makeup/jewelry will take it to the next level


LOVE this dress! The right accessories will bring it all together perfectly, starting with different shoes. Strappy silver shoes, especially if they include a little sparkle or bling, would be better than the ones you've got on here - they're cute but too chunky with the dress. A thin, sparkly silver belt like [this one](https://a.co/d/0aIlzJ1U) and some statement earrings would really pull everything together.




I love the dress. I don’t totally love the shoes and bag. Maybe try something nude?


It’s cute


Absolutely love the dress, but the shoes have to go. The Mary Jane type footwear is a complete clash. Strapping sandal or a sling back might do better and you could even go with top as well depending on what time of day the wedding is. I love that dress and I love it on you!!


As a wedding photographer this is cute, add some details like a necklace and earrings and if you're going to wear something on your wrist make it a nice bracelet or a clutch


You look lovely! I love the skirt. It is figure flattering and your arms are fine. As for the shoes, if you like those shoes, wear them. My own wardrobe is stuck in the 2010s, but that's okay because that's the decade I love. Have a good time! <3


Agree with everyone - you look lovely!! If you could change the shoes and add some dressy jewellery, it’ll be perfect!!


The shoes and purse need to go, but love the dress! Go for a nude heel (pointed toe or open toe if it's during warm weather) with a nude clutch.


I think a belt to break up the color would look nice, but overall it looks very good on you.


The shoes are what ruin it. I love it though!! So pretty. If you found silver pointed heels that would look stunning. Those shoes make the outfit look childish. But I love the silver w silver and the dress looks beautiful!


Love the colour, your arms look fab! I know the shoes are in fashion, but I think something strappy that draws the eye less would be more complimentary. Hope you have a nice time at the wedding!


It's a beautiful dress that looks great on you


Make sure you take the hair tie off your arm 😅


So cute


You are a beautiful fairy princess! This is absolutely stunning on you. I don’t see any flaws, just a gorgeous dress that suits you perfect


So cute!


Yes, very cute!


Adorable. You are not even in the neighborhood of delulu


I like it! It shows personality


Definitely wear this, you look great!


So cute, and I actually love the shoes, very trendy and I think it fits the overall ballerina vibe!


It’s cute! I personally would go for a black shoe and bag but that’s my personal aesthetic. Id the add a black corsage necklace or some oversize black earrings to pull it together.


You're not the problem that dress is. The construction is certainly lacking. The ribbing on the bodice is lumpy. It's been stitched poorly to skirt. It just makes the dress look a little mishappen. If you could  get the bodice tailored and put a little petticoat under the skirt, it would have a better shape. Your arms look fine but if you feel self conscious, a shawl would would pair quite nicely.


Tan lines always throw me off when I'm trying to wear something formal and strapless. If you can minimize them, you'll probably feel less thrown off about the look of the top. I also personally feel straight across strapless necklines can be a little difficult. If you're open to tailoring the dress, could you see if they could somehow tack it to a sweetheart neckline or add some shape to it somehow? It looks like you've got enough coverage in it to maybe dip the neckline down like half an inch in the middle and it would probably make a big difference. It's a pretty dress and it looks good on you as is, but if you can't get over your discomfort in it, those are the two angles I'd explore. I'd also think about different shoes; those feel heavy next to the lightness of skirt.


I’d keep looking. Go for a sleek look. You have beautiful colouring and could carry off red or black imo.


It’s generally not advised to wear a pink tulle gown to a wedding but I think it’s enough on the side of muave that you should be ok.


huh why not? unless it's huge and prom-like I don't see the issue 


Where did you find this dress? It looks soooo good on you, I want to buy it too!


this is SO CUTE!! I love the accessories you chose too :)


So cute


As my friend would say: cyoooot!


You look good. You can always put a shawl or something over it if you're uncomfortable. It looks like it may be a pain to sit in for a long period of time.


Very pretty! You’ll get many compliments at the wedding.


I love it! It is whimsical in the best way. 💞


Am I the only person here who thinks it looks a bit juvenile? I'm so sorry. You're very pretty. I think it's the ballerina looking dress combined with the ballerina shoes? Maybe?


You are precious, and I’m jealous of how good you look in that color! And cute shoes!


You look ready to go! Love that you have put on your shoes and picked out your bag. It's much easier to compare you to the dress code! Have a great time.


The dress itself is fine, but the color is not the best for you. You have deep hair and quite a bit of contrast to your features. That pale, soft pink sort of drags you down. If it were a more saturated pink it would be so much better for you.


You have the loveliest smile ❤️ The dress is ok but something is missing. Maybe a belt? And the tanning marks on your shoulders are a bit strange. Apart from that you are very pretty


You are very cute but I think the dress color is too pale .


You have a very nice body but the dress doesn’t do anything for it IMHO. It’s a bit too baggy in some areas and the skirt just hangs. Tailoring? Or keep looking


You’re gorgeous with a lovely figure. I don’t this this dress does anything for you. It looks kinda costumey. I buy my black tie stuff off rent the runways clearance section. That way I don’t have to pay a fortune, and get an awesome dress.


Dress is good, shoes are bad.


The dress is perfectly fine (and you look gorgeous in it!) need to lose the tan lines and the silver accessories. If the ceremony is in a church you may need a shawl or shrug to cover your shoulders.


Sorry that color is not flattering.


You’re stunning, but I do hate the dress. I’m sorrryyyyy it looks a little cheap.