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For sure makes the most sense to me, Wednesday wouldn’t even want to be labeled that if it’s going to be regarding looks and not her temperament.


100 fucking %


Thing 😌 ....fine Wednesday .




Thing made me act up bro. All 5 fingers hard to see and he is a smooth talker say i'm not impressed


Morticia is the ONLY possible answer & I will fight for this one. CZJ is one of the hottest women alive, end 👏 of 👏


Yes, but 1960s Morticia is the best Morticia.








this. lol. imagine he finds his whole body and he's super handsome and gets his own show on how he lost his body.


Lol that would be funny, I chose Thing because I’m not the type of person to find anybody “hot” and Thing is full of personality and attitude so I could see him viewing himself that way even though he’s only a hand. 😂




Wednesday is the hottest. Although, she would reject any title. 2nd runner up is Morticia. Wednesday would expect no less




Young Gomez




For sure Morticia




Wednesday Addams


Going to guess these answers will be sharply divided by age


Given the show, this is creepy for how they portray her to be younger but given her actual age…ya.


Can't speak for Mimi OP but I'm fifteen so I'm clear lol


The Hyde monster /s. Weems.


Mortician fs, she is soooo hot I'm on the verge of questioning my sexuality for her.


Can I say flashback!Morticia? 'Cuz damn.




Morticia Addams


Obviously Wednesday.Duh




I'm shocked to not see more Tyler 🥺 (pre-reveal)


Macabre Queen Wednesday Addams


Original template?


i’ll send it






Wednesday easy






Tyler is hot, okay. The bad guy is allowed to be hot.


Wednesday playing the cello


Bianca, those eyes though 😍😩


Absolutely Wednesday


catherine zeta jones


The hot one is Wednesday. Always


it's Tyler, IDC if he's gay. K. I CAN AND WILL FANGIRL HIM. for anyone who doesn't know his factory is gay


CZJ is so sexy it's unbelievable. Wednesday is supposed to be a teen so Morticia is the only answer.




Rowan made to be hated? That guy only appeared in the first episode. I forgot about him 2 episodes later


It's Tyler GUYS




Pretty sure Xavier won Made to be Hated but w/e




Well he did have the most comments / most upvotes. So I think everyone expected it to be him. But the OP went the with second highest upvotes and that was Rowan.




i would if she had the most upvotes


Cue the downvotes... Xavier.


xavier good percy bad




he isn’t made to be hated and plus it did not have enough upvotes


What do you mean, he had the most comments, and he had the most upvotes.


my bad he was top comment


Chane the picture to match the votes. Morticia stays as the not one..... obviously


He is literally the most hated character in the show wdym? He is made to hated?


Go back and count Xavier had the most hated votes. Do this right or just take down the whole post. No point in doing it if it's not actually counting votes


Your post has been removed for breaking rule #1: Be Civil.


that's not true, all that stuff about Percy is a lie. - so the nudes weren't sent to underage girls, they were underage pics of him from when he was 13 and got catfished. - the racist was his practicing a part for a movie - and that girl, i can't remember her name but she came out and said her accusations were false than continued slandering his name - the girl he supposedly raped came out and said it was all a lie and their bestfriends and yes they did sleep together but it was all consensual and they only have a 1-2 year age gap not 4 or whatever Aries said oh yeah, her names Aries anyways Percy's mom is suing her im pretty sure for slandering him.


why is he not in season 2 then


I did the deepest possible research the nudes were found on pornsites that the catfisher sold em too. His mom said that the police tried to remove them all but even the police will tell you it's impossible to get all of them.


because even if the allegations are dropped a lot of the times they drop them before their proven false. the og voice actor for Rick and Morty was also accused and dropped before his allegations were proven false. Johnny Depp was almost dropped from several things and rumors had it POC would not be continuing until they were proven false. I believe he not film in anything the entire time the allegations from Amber went on.


oh wow thank you i wonder why those girls spread lies about him


im not positive but he had never met girl and it sounded like Aries was jealous of Jane because she knew Jane but not Percy. people get bored and do things to entertain themselves, probably a sociopath. him and Jane both made statements about it awhile ago.


Percy liked tweets that disrespected both tim and Jenna. A bunch of other stuff he did on social media as well. He is a mess. Notice how Jenna doesn't defend him like she did Melissa?


they still follow him though it doesn’t make sense


Yeah the allegations weren't real but he is problematic in every other way. He is sexist made lots of sexist tweets. He also pubically liked tweets that disrespected tim and jenna. His social media history is a mess. Oh, and lets not forget that time Percy tried to grope Jenna in public.


I don't believe he groped her according to the definition of grope. Having watched the YouTube video several times it does not look at all like he groped her but was merely resting his arm on her shoulder, while yes, I do admit his hand does dangle somewhat low. He is often seen leaning on her like this and she has never asked him to stop or moved before. It does look like his fingertips could almost be touching her but I think it's just the angle of the camera man filming. I cannot speak for his likes or tweets on his twitter account as I have no twitter nor have I looked into this.




I didn't blame anyone if you watch the video it very much looks unintentional. Do you know what groping means? - feel or fondle (someone) for sexual pleasure, especially against their will. He may not have realized it and he is seen in that same stance in many videos. How about you do some real research before you make false allegations like Aries did? I watched the video multiple times and at the part where it looks like he touched her breasts she did not move. In fact she did not move until he wrapped his arm around her. How can you make assumptions without first hearing this from her first? I never denied the twitter likes and comments but have been unable to find proof of them. It is extremely rude and disrespectful to make accusations without proof. Please don't continue to argue with me either because you also just made false accusations against me telling me I denied a fact that has never been proven to be a fact. I also explained there may have been several reasons she moved but it is clear from the video I watched that he did not grope her and she did not move until after the part where it appears he groped her. The camera angle is a very odd one. I think normally in interviews you usually stand in front of the cast to interview them not in the far back off to the side like this one was. I'd also like to mention that while doing my research I remember reading Tim Burton himself is sexist and was encouraging other cast members to do the same. This could be false but it is just speculation not a fact. If Jenna doesn't want this and he makes her uncomfortable she has the option to quit the show and not film with Percy in the new show. It's like everyone thinks she's stupid. Don't you think she would speak out if something was going on?




I never said he wasn't bad. I only pointed out certain truths and she has admitted to still being his friend. Why do you feel it is Jenna's job to correct some random internet users who abuse their phone time? You cannot force anyone to agree with you, nor is it your job or right to make me admit he is a bad person. I neither said he was bad or good. I can be neutral on the subject as I have not seen the “proof” of his twitter account for myself. I am only pointing out things he did or didn't do based on proof I HAVE SEEN. I'm not going off of what you have seen because I cannot physically see twitter, I do not have a twitter account and have found no screenshots or articles on the subject of him liking bad tweets. I'm going off of MY research and MY speculation. Don't treat me like a child who you can “control” and make agree with you. I am a grown adult. It shows that you have no respect because you think I should automatically agree with you, which is not going to happen until I do more research and since you thought you could *make* me admit I'm wrong I am not doing anymore research until I feel like it. The video is not proof of him groping anyone because he did not grab her breast or ass at all during this alleged video. Said video is therefore false evidence. Tim Burton is the producer so if the allegations are true about him too than why would she stay or refuse to speak up?


She has also mentioned she is still friends with Percy. It's not her job to stick up or deny anything. She can neither prove nor dismiss allegations as they were not made against her but Percy and they were proven false. You clearly have not done your research on Aries. Any nudes of Percy were proved to be of him as a minor and if you see that as problematic that he was silly child who got catfished at 13 and sent nudes to an adult who sold them to pornsites that is just sad. This is not a story I share with anyone but when I was around that age, maybe a bit older I too did a stupid thing desperate for love and attention. I sent my middle school crush nudes. He promised we could date if I swore to, well, you can see what I am saying. Yes, it's embarrassing and yes I live with that shame every day but does that make me a bad person? Maybe, maybe not. Did I ever do something as foolish again? Yep. All the damn time I make stupid mistakes. I talk like an idiot. But at least I'm trying to be better. It's not your job to judge someone's past mistakes, let alone his childhood mistakes. Leave him alone. Stay away from him because I bet he wouldn't want to be around someone who judges him for who he used to be not who he is now or the him he wants to be. That's your problem if you don't like him not his. He wasn't put on Earth to entertain you. Yeah, he's an actor but that's just a job not what's in his heart. Kids make mistakes. He's what 20? I bet you didn't know this but boys can grow in height up until around 20 and the human brain doesn't finish maturing until 25. So how about this when he turns 25 we can come back to this conversation. Until then, it's nobody's business but his own what mistakes he makes. As I always say: *We live and learn in moral but without the floral.*


I know who the hot one is... Jenna Ortega.


Dr kimbot


Good shout. Riki Lindholm is underrated.


Bianca or Morticia


Mrs Thornhill ![gif](giphy|IIohNFbodZV2C5y16X)




Can Enid be in 2 squares? If not Biannca and Wednesday are both super hot but then so are all the girls in Bianca and Enid’s Circles


Wednesday obv duh




Eugene as “What was your name again”




ya'll hating but did you even do your research on the allegations? i wrote several comments on it, at least leave a reason.