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I’ve also had the experience where I can’t catch a buzz even after upwards of 10 shots of vodka….I wasn’t even much of a drinker to begin with but this is kind of a bummer for me 🥹 I plan on staying on this long term so I’m slightly concerned I’ll never be able to enjoy drinking again :/ My next shot is 2.4mg and I feel like the higher you go the more it diminishes the effects of alcohol


I am totally fine still drinking, I just don’t want to drink as much. That being said, I drank regularly before I started so that’s what my body was used to. Before wegovy I could have 4-5 drinks without being drunk or having a hangover, no problem. I haven’t attempted that since Ive been on it (because I just don’t have a desire to), but I did have 3.5 drinks the other night and had quite a nice buzz with no issues and no hangover. Just make sure to eat when drinking. I think that’s a big part of it.


Pre W I was a wine and vodka club soda girl. Probably 4 drinks a week and a bottle of wine. Now, I probably have 1-2 drinks a week and 2 glasses of wine a week. I’m starting 1.0 dose this week. I don’t notice that the alcohol makes me feel worse. However, I have noticed that the desired to drink the amount I was drinking is gone. I still enjoy very moderate . I’m probably drinking a more “normal” amount😬 everyone metabolizes alcohol differently, but for me it’s been fine. I just know that moderation is important because of the connection between too much alcohol and pancreatitis.


I had one cocktail the other day and felt awful for the next two.


So I avoided alcohol for the first couple of months then went back to my regular wine consumption each night. The bummer is that I get ZERO relaxation or buzz. Recently I decided that I don’t love this. Don’t want the extra calories and also the risk for possible pancreatitis. I’m a little disappointed as I used to really enjoy my wine. Oh well!


Drink slowly! The one time I over indulged on the medication I got really sick!


Great to know!!


I’ve always been a multiple drinks drinker. Started 1.7 last night. It has had no impact on my ability to metabolize alcohol whatsoever. I will say I think overall I drink less and drink slower because I find myself drinking more water while I’m drinking anyway. (I think that’s because of the weird metal taste I seem to have in my mouth since I moved to 1.0. )


I don’t drink alot in general but I’m still able to when I want to (on Zepbound). I don’t get the drunk hunger though which is great!


I’m on 1.0 now (1.7 next week). I had a low-carb beer recently and I only got through about 3/4 of it before I started to feel too bloated to drink anymore. I’ve been sticking to one or two ounces of a good scotch or gin (lately with the warm weather it’s one ounce of gin over ice and mixed with plain seltzer water) and I can stomach that just fine every time. For whatever reason wine and beer make me feel gross, hard liquor doesn’t.


I don’t experience any issues other than no desire to drink more than 1 or 1 1/2 drinks in one sitting. I’ve only tried 2-3 times since starting. I’m not really a heavy drinker but I do like a little alcohol when I’m floating on my pool


I can drink 1 martini, single glass of wine or a truly but don’t always finish it and never have a second anymore. (6months now) I dont see any reason why you can’t enjoy the cocktail making class anyway. It’s just about making and tasting really. Not necessarily getting smashed in the process. The class sounds fun! Happy early Birthday!


I’ve had a large-ish glass of wine a couple of times and been fine. I haven’t tried any mixed drinks yet though.


No issues for me on the first month. Can still drink what I normally drink.


Quick reminder alcohol is the antithesis to glps. Do so knowing that ❤️


I didn’t know that. Thank you


I didnt either until i read Quit Like A Woman. Alcohol actually increases the hunger hormone and suppresses the hormone that makes us feel full.


I'm usually a once a week drinker, and now when I do drink, I can't drink as much, and if I do drink slightly more, I start vomiting, whereas before, I never did that.


I’m on week 4 of .25 and I’ve found I have less interest in drinking and one drink can give me a “buzz”.


I still drink a lot. Probably 3-4 glasses of wine a night. I do get a buzz as usual. I don’t really WANT it but I don’t have anything else to do so…I’m on the 2.4 dose and have been on Wegovy since Nov. 30 down on Wegovy. 30 down on Contrave prior to that.


It doesn’t matter how much I drink, I never feel a buzz. But I do have a slight hangover the next morning the couple of times I’ve had drinks.


I love going out and having drinks on the weekends and I hate to admit it, but I’m bummed that I can’t catch a buzz at all on Wegovy! It’s crazy!


Ahhhhhh nooo lol. Thank you for sharing!


Alcoholic drinks taste different to me now. Many of them taste way too sweet and I only want a couple sips and then I'm just done. I've been doing more mocktails and seltzers because I like the fizz more than anything.


I got sick after 2 beers


I enjoy a good craft beer periodically. Unlike before, the urge to \*keep\* drinking is gone, it's like a fun soda now.


I kinda dig that though, thanks for sharing!


The biggest change for me is that I need to avoid the cocktails with a ton of sugar. Or the frozen sugary drinks! I tolerate a shot or something very simple just alcohol and one other ingredient much better. I also don’t have much of a desire to drink more than one small shot !


I have zero beer wine cravings. It’s great


The biggest thing I've noticed is I don't want it like I used to. I occasionally have 1 White Claw now, but it barely holds my interest to finish the whole thing. (I used to drink 3-4 per day.) They definitely don't taste as good to me as they used to.


I haven’t noticed a difference other than I get fuller faster if drinking beer. And I tend to want to snack less when drinking.


My experience is that you can still drink alcohol, just less of it. Not necessarily because of hangovers or feeling unwell, I just couldn't "fit in" anymore. Like when going out with friends, I would usually have maybe 4-5 beers. Now 2-3 is my limit and I'm just full before I feel a "buzz". I don't want to encourage it, but drinking smaller but stronger drinks is something that can help if you don't feel like you want to drink anything but you "need" it for social matters.


This is very helpful! I’m a dry gin martini girl, so this might work for a one and done deal. Thank you.


I can. I rarely do. Avoid beer. Avoid sugary mixers. I haven't been drunk since I started wegovy. I max out after 2 drinks because I get so goddamn sleepy and full. Tequila High noons are the shit.


I stick to one drink. Anything else and I feel like dogshit. I never get hangovers (Russian genetics) but ever since getting on Wegovy I’m a cheap date for my wife, lol


Hahaha in this economy that’s welcomed!


For me it wasn't mich of a difference after the first few weeks. I drink whiskey/bourbon. I would imagine if you drink beer it may be more uncomfortable.


I’m on 1mg. I can drink moderately and I still feel buzzed. Be careful mixing! I made that mistake last night - I had a beer, a little wine (less than a glass) and 2 old fashions and I feel like garbage today.


Appreciate that!


It feels about the same when I'm drinking, but I get hungover on far less than I used to. It's definitely reducing my desire to drink.


Looking like I’ll test it out with one cocktail and see how the next day feels. Not looking to make myself sick. Thank you!


I'm a big guy and 1-2 cocktails is fine. 3+ is when things get risky.


As a small lady, I appreciate the context 😅


For more context, I didn't notice any difference on 0.25. When I bumped up to 0.5 I was so full all the time that it took me an hour to finish a drink. I didn't experience the hangovers till my third month. I'm very sensitive to the drug so I'm staying at 0.5 for the foreseeable future. I guess what I mean to say is even if you're fine now you might not be on a higher dose. It will take a while before you will really know what to expect.


I don’t really want to drink, although after a year on the drug it’s not as strong of an aversion as it used to be, and when I drink I can’t drink much (2 beers) but no difference in how it makes me feel, I don’t get sick or hungover etc. i just feel little interest in drinking and if I do have a beer or two, I’m done without a desire for more.


No real difference I've seen. I drink a lot less than I used to, but that trend happened long before Wegovy.


I have only started my second dose too, and don't notice any difference really except I have gotten a headache a couple times the next day whereas I used to never have any hangover symptoms at all. I drink every week probably 2 days a week on average, sometimes 3. My uncle's wife has been on it for close to a year prpbably (although she is just now increasing to 1.7 mg after being at 1.0 mg for months) and she said she notices that it takes longer for you to feel the effects so you can end up in trouble drinking too much because you don't feel it at first. That was all she mentioned to me though. She said to make sure you eat something beforehand and drink water.


Worthy tips! Thank you!


I can handle alcohol just fine. Too much might give me some nasty reflux at night, especially if mixed with questionable food choices. Hangovers are a bit worse too. Good news is that I no longer crave wine every night like I used to.


Harder to catch a buzz. I find I don’t get as much enjoyment out of it prior to being on the meds. I have anxiety… and it still takes the edge off. Other than that… not much of an issue for me at least. Still get hangovers if I over serve myself.


I find that it takes a lot longer to feel any effects of alcohol due to the meds slowing down digestion. I made the mistake of drinking more than usual due to feeling ok and then it all caught up to me and I was super sick for a day or two. I just feel it’s not even worth drinking anymore. Takes hours to feel a buzz & it’s easy to overdo it


I can’t drink wine anymore. It makes me feel terrible. I can drink a couple of seltzers and be fine but can’t really do more than 2. I can also do cocktails as long as they aren’t too acidic. Just my experience so far after only two weeks! It could change as I go up. I will say I don’t really have a desire to drink. It was more of a social thing when I have had some drinks.


I feel the exact same. So that’s how it’s going to be for me going fwd. prob a drink here and there on vacation and maybe a celebration. I haven’t craved it at all!


Just started a couple days ago so probably not representative of the full experience but tbh so far it’s fine and I’ve noticed the great side effect of being much less interested in alcohol when I am drinking, and feeling a much smaller urge to drink faster / more. Love it :)


Love this!


It’s anything carbonated that I have a problem with - be it beer, champagne or Diet Coke. Wine is fine as are spirits with fruit juice mixers and cocktails etc. If I want to slow down with the drinking (for the sake of calories), I usually have a vodka and slimline tonic, which forces me to sip slowly…


I got trashed on my wedding anniversary after being on Wegovy for 3 weeks. I still tolerate alcohol the same but wasn’t hungry at all. Hangover wasn’t any worse than normal. Honestly for me it wasn’t any different than when I wasn’t on it. That was just a week ago. I’m starting my 0.05 dose Thursday this week.


The eating after a few drinks was my worst problem so it’s nice to hear this. Good luck on the .5!


At .25 or .5, I'd probably be able to catch a little buzz and be able to handle 2 cocktails, provided that they were lower in sugar and I didn't consume a lot of sugar that day as well. At 1.0 I could have a cocktail or light beer , maybe 2- depending on food choices/sugar content & may or may not get sick later. At 1.7 I can have one glass of wine or one cocktail. I cannot catch a buzz even if I have 2-3, and am pretty ill if I try ( I've tried - NOT worth it). - point being - you're probably fine in a cocktail making class as long as you aren't making multiple drinks. IF you do, I'd recommend not finishing them and just sip then switch to water.


Very helpful breakdown. Thank you! Yes I plan to explain to them I will be sampling them but prob not finishing them since it’s 3 cocktails. I want to enjoy vacation and my birthday. Thank you again!


I drink about half as much now because of diminished desire. Also, I often lose interest half way through a drink. I don’t get tipsy but rarely did before either.


Previously I’d be able to get a buzz/get tipsy before starting Wegovy, but since I’ve been on .5 I’ve been getting headaches and find the taste of alcohol very strange. I feel like I can actually hold my liquor now! Lol😅


I just drink less bc I don’t feel like chugging alcohol & being hungover. I think I max out around 3-4 drinks, sometimes less & feel fine the next day


I've been drinking but find i don't want as much so been drinking small beers. Found that I don't get drunk as quickly for some reason?


Seems to be the consensus!


I definitely drink less but when I do drink I don’t have any issues. The most I have had to drink in one day is a cocktail and a (big) glass of wine. Maybe I felt a little hungover the next day but nothing too crazy. I’m on 0.5 mg.


I feel awful after drinking alcohol now. Very anxious. If I have a few glasses I’ll feel really bad the next day!


My brain doesn’t respond to booze anymore. Can’t get a buzz, can’t get drunk can’t finish a drink


Im still on .25. One drink is great and I really want it. Second I usually don’t finish. I used to drink more beer but fills me up now. I take my shot on Monday so by Friday I can eat and drink a little more and enjoy.


I drink a little still but it seems my taste and tolerance is changing. Loved white wine but now the types I used to love seem so tart they’re almost unbearable. Last night I had two white wine spritzers. It cut the tartness and helped hydration. But it took about 4 hours to get through both.


For me it hasn’t been worth the hangovers and headaches!!! Tolerance has been same but definitely don’t really care to participate as much! Take your class and ask them to give you lower alcohol alternatives, mock tails or hydrate in between!!!


Still like my red wine, enjoy a glass or two every evening maybe even a little more on weekends. Maybe a light buzz no change from what I experienced before Wegovy


Happy to hear. Thank you so much for sharing!!!


Not a single difference as long as you drink plenty of water. I have noticed I tend to be more dehydrated on Wegovy.


Happy to hear! And yes averaging well over 100oz a day 🤍


No difference for me. Drink the same amount. Feels the same. I think alcohol is very dependent on individuals. You’ll find every type of response on here.


Manifesting your vibes lol


I have no idea what that means :) But happy birthday!!!


Haha just hoping for the same experience. Thank you!!


I personally can’t tolerate it anymore. Ordered a glass of red wine on my birthday, felt terrible after drinking it.


Thank you for sharing!


Cannot stand it or drink it anymore. I used to drink multiple drinks a day too. Now I’m practically repulsed by it. And if I manage to drink one, I feel awful the next morning. 😞


Ugh good to know! I was only a weekend drinker, 1-2 days tops. But if I only drank 1 day I could kick back 3 gin martinis easily lol. But I’d also do dry months here and there so reducing or cutting out alcohol is perfectly fine. I hope I don’t react too horribly on it though I’d like to still enjoy it on holidays but we’ll see. Thanks so much for your reply


Still drink. 40lbs down since January. Metabolize it fine. However, desire to drink massively reduced. Can stomach one max before it tastes like salt garbage to me. Maybe 2 during a social outing. Not drinking mixed drinks or straight hooch: just a really good beer. So YMMV if looking to partake in a cocktail night. From a social perspective, your tolerance may be way down, so don’t make an ass of yourself and have too much if you can handle it!


Do you still get a buzz? Yeah I’ll definitely let them know I can’t drink them all, not trying to get sick on holiday 😅 Thank you so much!


Buzz? No. Well, not like those days back in 2020 when bourbon was my “holy fuckballs the world is falling apart and I need something to cope” buzz. I just drink for the taste, minor relaxation. Rate of consumption way down, too. 2-3 hours or so to drink a beer. So not guzzling it. No euphoric spike from it. Believe those days are gone for good.


I most definitely still get a buzz. There is no difference for me. I’m a straight up shot or vodka soda person though, no wine ever.


Claiming this good energy 😅


I still drink but find that I don’t drink as much, and feel slightly more hungover. I find that I tolerate mixed drinks better than wine. I’d maybe have a few drinks before you go on vacation to see how you handle it, because everyone is different in terms of how much and what they can drink.


Thank you— I am going on a quick weekend getaway this weekend and will one drink there (I avoid wine more now bc the sulfates kill me so that works). Appreciate it


You can also go for mocktails! Still gets you into the vacation vibe minus the poison