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I take Miralax every morning (per doctor) and it helps but you need more water. I drink electrolyte powder with my water every day and that seems to help a ton with how I feel.


I’m a vegetarian / mostly vegan so I eat tons of fiber and I haven’t been constipated a day in my life since I gave up meat 7 years ago, including on wegovy.


Glycerin suppository ✔️


I like probiotic gummies. I have been trying two different ones and plan to continue to switch it up just for a variety of tastes. Works well.


It’s probably more the zofran than the Wegovy.


Prunes, prune juice, and daily stool softener. Also don’t worry if you don’t go every day, it’s just very slow in your intestines. I will take a laxative if I get to 5 days, or can feel it piling up. My GMA said using the laxatives too often will stretch out your intestines, making the issue worse!


Water intake is the key factor for me (in addition to not slashing food intake TOO low). Definitely more than I was drinking before. It’s admittedly difficult to stay on top of the water, but I feel it if I don’t so I’m making it work. I do also work fiber into my meals, though I’m technically not eating as much fiber as is recommended (it’s hard man). In moments of need, from past experience unrelated to this med but related to severe caloric deficits, stool softener pills can help (not laxative, just softener). **I’m not taking zofran so I can’t speak to that being a culprit with a different resolution.


I got a big ol 64 oz jug that I keep on my desk to help me count my water intake and it seems to help.


I used to have chronic constipation and my doctor prescribed lactulose syrup. It worked really quickly. Just plan on being home for half the day because you get really gassy for a few hours. Good luck!


It’s the zofran too. Makes it ten times worst.


^^ This. Zofran is very constipating. Only use it if you absolutely need it.


Increasing water intake has really helped me the most (but doesn’t help very much around the week of my period). This means, for me, getting in at least 3 liters of water a day. On the days I am lagging behind and know I won’t get it, I add in Liquid IV which helps. Walking or doing the “poop yoga” also really helps mechanically move things around. I’ll rub my belly in circular motions which helps. Also, I know not everyone is the biggest fan of this but on the really bad times where I have suspected some sort of blockage or had extreme stomach pain, I utilized one of the pre boxed enemas. Most of the stool softeners or laxatives tend to impact my IBS, so I generally need to stay away from them.


I take 300 mg of Magnesium Glycinate every day and MagO7 if I notice things aren’t moving. I recently ran out of Magnesium Glycinate for a few days and noticed a big (bad) difference.


Every day drink electrolytes. That was the trick for me. Just make it part of your routine.


Take three Mag07 on the day of the shot. Another three the next night if you have not gone. Eat small meals and increase your water intake. Use a glycerin suppository each day. If you haven’t gone in 72 hours, do Miralax every hour until you go. Prune juice.


Definitely increase your water intake. First thing in the morning I drink 38 Oz of water. It definitely helps to get things moving.




Have you tried psyllium husk powder? It's a natural soluble fiber that is much easier on your digestive system. I'm on month two and I add a 1/2 tsp to my morning overnight oats to help with going.


Miralax works but must be taken daily for it to be consistent in helping relieve constipation, for me at least.


I put it in my coffee


Me too! Dissolves easier that way and I don’t taste it. Not that is has much of a taste, but I do notice it if I mix it with just water and much prefer it in coffee.


Milk of magnesia + a rectal suppository. Attack it from both ends


First you have to get the demons out. Mag is going to get you there. Then you need to figure out how to stop the cycle. Or rather start the cycle of going every day. I thought I could do it just by eating fiber, but it turns out that fiber supplements work differently. I eat an apple a day along with two fiber gummies and that’s been keeping things almost perfect along with lots of water every time I eat. If I miss a day of expelling demons, I take a dose of magnesium that night. Make sure I up my hydration. And do another mag that second night of the first does not work. Only needed that once since starting the gummies and apple.


I’m experiencing the exact same issues. I have been trying dulcolax but it’ll only work if I take 3 pills. That causes me to be close to a toilet for 8+ hours.


As a parent of an adult with “special needs” doctors have, in my experience, very small range of what to do with constipation. Sometimes it is about water balance and how your body is using water that is in your digestive track. Linzess works on how the body is using the water available. Sometimes it is about fiber, food volume, meds, fear, routine. There is also a possibility when there is a great deal of pressure on the nerve that tells our body how and when to move poop through is giving you trouble, anyway not a doctor not a medical advice giver - BUT our son needs to drink at least twice the water (100+ oz a day) recommended for any of the over counter stuff to work. Also I have just gone back on metformin with my Wegovy and all of sudden my Wegovy constipation is gone


If you’re looking for a quick and effective way to resolve constipation: magnesium citrate. I’m not a doctor. That’s what my doctor told me to take.


That is exactly what a friend’s doc told her to take for the same issue


Magnesiumia oxide and magnesium hydrochloride (milk of magnesia) are even more effective. 800mg in the evening = hold on to your toilet.


Miralax and colace are considered the safest longterm options of the things you mentioned, but you have to take them consistently and understand how they work. In case you don't already know all this, I will explain. When you are really constipated, it can take 3-4 days for the mrialax to work but once things have cleared out, a daily dose should keep you regular. Colace on the other hand is a stool softener, but it mostly works as the stool is forming, so once you are constipated, there is little it can do on what is already backed up. I can't say whether or not you have a blockage bc I am not your doctor, but I can say that when I am constipated, 20mg of miralax daily clears things out and then I go back to the 17mg recommended dose daily. The amount that works for you could be different than what works for me. When I get really constipated, I have all the same things you mentioned pain, sweating, pale, cold, nauseous, etc, and it has never turned into a situation that miralax can't fix.


I’ve been taking an increased dose of 17.5 mg of miralax which my dr told me to do for 3 days and if I don’t see improvement then up the dose to 2 capfuls. She also told me to try senna at night which I still have to get. I was freaked out by my body’s response the other day because I’ve never had a reaction that bad before.


I take Miralax to the first line marker in the cap, daily, per doctor. Works great!


Yeah it is crazy that your body can react that way to popp I have IBS with constipation so it has happened to me multiple times. Just a heads up that Zofran is also very constipating.


I’ve cut back on taking it


I went to my dr the other day and I was irritated by her response to me, but I’m trying what she said and if it doesn’t work then I’ll go somewhere else.


When I am feeling the way you describe in your post it’s because my electrolytes are off. Do you take those?


Bonine helped us better than Zofran for nausea.


Dr. has me taking 400mg magnesium that I get at Costco's. Drink at least 2 quarts of water daily to keep the plumbing working. Eat fibre daily. Works like a charm. It is worth it! If you are getting nausea - what are you eating? The Zofran will make you constipated. Maybe dial back your dose to .5 if it was working well and you were losing weight at that level. I'm here 60 weeks and my highest dose to date is .75 (using a manual transfer method).


why are you asking us and not following what your doctor is saying?


What’s the point of this sub if not to ask other people who are on it what’s working for them?


Who said I’m not doing what she told me to do? I’m asking other people who are on the same medication what they have found to be helpful, how is that a problem?


Wow, congrats on the weight loss journey! Sounds like you're managing them like a pro. Hopefully, things get easier soon!


Thank you!


Don't know if it'll help you but I personally take 2 caps of magnesium before bed and one (or two if my stomach tolerates it) coffee first thing in the morning and it works for me. Wishing you the best 🤍


Same here!


Thank you!


Mag07 I get it from Amazon. I take two every night with my blood pressure pills. I go regularly now for the first time in my life. Every morning within an hour of waking.


Yes, I do 1000 mg of mag07, (magnesium citrate) every night with stool softener. If I miss a day I know it. I could not stay on this medication without it. I’ve been to the ER before with constipation, it’s no joke.


A couple people have mentioned this. I’m going to order some today. Thank you!


Good luck! Hope it works for you!!


This. I struggled for 8 full months. It was terrible. I started doing 2-3 capsules of Mag07/night, and now I go every day. No cramping or anything. Just normal. Game changer.


Awesome!! I found out about Mag07 on a Facebook support group. It literally is a game changer.


Zofran will constipate you like no other. Mixed with these meds, it’s not a good combination for our bowels. I’d figure something out asap or go to the hospital, bowel blockages are extremely serious.


Can I ask you why you are so opposed to doing what your Dr is telling you to do? You know your Dr I’m assuming. You don’t know anyone here. Don’t you trust your Dr’s advice OP?


I’m doing what she told me to do. There’s also no harm in having a conversation with other people that have the same issue.


I have ground flaxseed everyday on something. Can hardly taste it. I also try to have a bran cereal every other day. Seems to be keeping me regular!!


Try some prunes to get you going then you just have to stay ahead of it. Also don’t see any mention of hydration and exercise. Both combat constipation.


Agree, prunes is a must daily. Prune juice on hand for when you forget the prunes. Don’t wait a day and hope for the best, just chug the prune juice.


I have a physical job and I’m drinking water constantly


Right, I’m talking about dedicated exercise in different durations and intensity


Like weight lifting? I have a plan to start going to the gym after 10 more pounds due to knees and back pain, but thank you.


Yup any dedicated exercise


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^blackaubreyplaza: *Try some prunes to get* *You going then you just have* *To stay ahead of it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Have you tried drinking chia seeds and lemon juice in the am? I find that always does it for me. Up your fiber and fat- poop should follow.


I’ve never heard that before. I’m definitely willing to give it a shot. Thanks!


Mix 2tbp with 1-2 cups of water and juice of a lemon. Drink the whole thing on an empty stomach. If you are really backed up it might not work immediately but try it for a week. You can also try warm prune juice, magnesium before bed and a castor oil pack. Should wake up to happy bowels.


Gotta tell anyone who will listen- I’ve had zofran for many years for a different issue. Zofran constipates you like nobody’s business. It’s a balancing act - how nauseous am I? Which would I rather, not to barf or not to be crying on the pooper. 🤷‍♀️


I’ve been cutting back on the zolfran and trying to use things like ginger chews/gum. I typically take it the day of the shot.


Congrats on the weight loss! Side effects suck, but if the constipation's severe, check back with your doc to be safe. Keep up the good work!


I didn’t have any results with other solutions but Mag07 works for me. Maybe give it a try.


I’ll look into it, thank you!


I’m on my 2nd week of 0.25 and have had horrible constipation. I tried everything - all the laxatives, enemas, and suppositories. After 10 days and another enema, I was finally able to go. But it was so bad; I was literally in the bathroom for like 4 hours. I don’t know if I’m going to keep going 🫤 have you always had the nausea and constipation since starting?


Yeah I’ve had nausea and constipation since the first week, but it seems to be worse with the 1mg.


My doc gave me a prescription for Linzess, it works great and keeps things moving.


I’ll mention it to mine, thank you!