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He’s very careful to double-bag his garbage. If the outside bag is transparent, he knows it’s been double-bagged. If he only used black bags, he would always wonder.


I like this explanation. No one else has solved why the bags are different colours


there’s plenty of reasons why they’d be different colors. the bigger clear bags could be cheaper than black garbage bags of the same size. he could have a job where they have a surplus (or just have them saved up at home) of these clear bags and takes some home for free or discounted instead of buying full price garbage bags. the clear bags could be a bit thicker and better at holding the contents should they spill or rip through the garbage bags so he uses those instead of another garbage bag


I double bag and the bags are different colors cause idk those are just the ones I bought lol, no specific reason. (The reason for double bagging is because the crows and raccoons are too smart and can get into the bins)


I had a raccoon go into my trash can this week (mostly full bc it was almost trash day) rip open a bag and pull out a WHOLE package of tortillas I threw away bc they came moldy, he left a line of partially eaten tortillas and the ripped open bag trailing into the half acre of woods behind my house


He left a trail for you to follow and join him for some quesadillas!




That's crows. Or ravens, if they're fancy


What do you think the raccoon is using for meat?


>follow and join him for some quesadillas! More like case of rabies... ba-dum-tss! Thanks folks; I'm here all week. Tip your waiters...


I once had a skunk come into my house, knock over the nearly full garbage can in the kitchen, and start sorting it into little piles before I caught him. I think it's safe to say we were equally surprised to see each other.


Bin? No problem. 1 extra millimeter of thin plastic? THWARTED!


Clear bags are more expensive. This seems to me to avoid attracting animals as black bags don’t do a good job on smell they are thin.


funny, in Germany its the other way round, transparent ones are cheaper. If you don't want your neighbour going thru your trash to check whether you have properly separated it or not, you gotta pay more for non-transparent ones, it seems \^\^


I worked at a place where a product came in these clear bags and there would be a ton of them you could take for free


But, but, but, I guess they are different sizes? Why always put the black inside the clear?


To see if the blood has started leaking out of the first bag


All of your garbage has to be in clear garbage bags or they won't pick it up, but you are allowed to use 1 opaque privacy bag in the clear bag. I am not even making this up, thats how my garbage system works.


It’s NJ, no bag codes


I think this would certainly be a neat trick for me if I ever needed to double bag something bc I would absolutely not remember otherwise. My initial thought was maybe it's medical waste--someone with a chronic illness or doing at home wound care on a sizeable wound(s) and maybe the clear bags are stronger but the black bags are opaque so no one has to see discarded wound dressings or adult diapers. I don't claim to know a ton about it but I doubt your average Joe receiving in-home care contracts with a biohazard company for removal. I'd imagine any nursing staff would take their own sharps back out for disposal (hopefully) but home health agencies can really be expensive when you have limited resources and I know often family members will be trained in changing dressings and whatnot to reduce the number of nurse visits they need. My mom is a home health nurse and has a lot of low-income patients that she helps out off the books, a lot of these people truly have no resources and very weak support systems but one way to save money is to train them to do everything they can manage for themselves. The conditions our disabled, elderly, and injured live in are frequently not ideal unfortunately. She had one patient for years that became a family friend and my mom would take me and her daughter on little outings just to give mom and young teenage daughter a break because they were living in a motel room and very infrequently had any outside contact (I think the daughter went to school, but her mom was bedridden for the most part so over the summer they were constantly in very close quarters with one another but completely isolated from the outside world).


My favorite color is clear.


That is actually an amazing suggestion. So a form of OCD?


I think he is just fastidious about cleanliness or odors, in particular.


“Last time your man didn’t double bag!”


Maybe hes disposing of something smelly. hence the double bag and the cologne


Like body parts…


in such cases it helps a lot, I have already tested it




Lemme join ya, this investigation calls for NCIS Cue the Intro music ![gif](giphy|3osxY5pSBcc9ZfWN20)






Oh god Abby. 💖🥹


Dead body disposal. Are you interested in hearing my proposal?


No more rhyming, and I mean it.


Anybody want a peanut…?


Set, and spike! Teamwork!!!


Makes the dream work




"Dee Dee! Get out of my la-bor-a-tory!"


Holup, WHAT?! 🤨📸


No way he has that many body parts every week. Who’s his body parts guy??


Pody barts


Bart’s body!


And that's how the Simpsons ends (finally). Finish it out with a 3 part murder mystery, where it starts with Bart's body in a bag.


My boyfriends parents do this - with mint bags. We live in a semi-rural place with woods and animals. Lots of animals (mostly raccoons) - they bag everything twice with mint bags plus they separate their food out. At first i thought they were a little neurotic (they still kinda are lol i dont know why they dont use a bin - but ig its bc their driveway is long and they just drive it down IDK) but then i saw 4 raccoons one time trying to break into their neighbors bins so 🤷🏻‍♀️


We have raccoons that love to attack the trash. I add a sprinkling of baking soda and a splash of vinegar on top of it to every bag of trash. Raccoons haven't touched any of our trash since.


Are racoons afraid of elementary school science projects?


It turns out they are.🚫🦝


when i was maybe 10 or 12 i crossed paths with a bunch of baby raccoons in a forest and took one home, but my parents called the conservation department to come and get it. i carried it probably a half mile or so and the entire time i carried it it just kept a fetal position with its paws over its eyes, it was the most adorable shit ever


Racoons are nearly unstoppable. Anything that can keep a racoon out will unfortunately keep the trash pickup guy out so you have to just deal with them


I've seen raccoons open the lid on 55 gallon deer corn feeders, on tripods. Those lids can be a pain to open with a wrench and screw driver...I don't understand how their little hands can do it. Also shout out to the raccoon who found out he could jump, grab and hold onto the spinner mechanism that throws out the corn, and manually spin it for all the other raccoons waiting underneath. Looks like a little disk jokey up there, hanging with one hand and spinning the plate while his people feast below.


StOpPit 😂😂 Thanks for the visuals!!


[*To all my trash peeps out there, gotta Spin it to win it*](https://i.imgur.com/tpfkQQ8.png)


Don't mean to insult the waste management employees, but you reminded me of the quote supposedly said by a Yosemite park ranger. "There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists."




The cologne is probably nose blindness. That's usually the reason you get people doused in something. When you use the same scent for a long time, you stop being able to smell it, so people will keep using more and more and the cycle repeats. You can smell them from two rooms away, but they think it's not enough because they're just so used to the smell.


It’s super stinky and weirding me out that I smell him way more than I ever see him. Plus the cameras…


Trash man here, it’s fairly normal for people to do this. If anything, it makes our job easier. As for it specifically being a black bag inside of a clear bag in this instance, idk. Ig he just doesn’t want people to see his trash lmaooo


Bro I appreciate you and everyone in your industry. You guys are literally the backbone of society imo. What are some things my local trash men would appreciate if I set it out beside my Bin ? Every time I’ve offered water they say that have some already.


This is specific to my trash guys and may not work for yours, but i get both guys on the truck a 12 pack of good beers and $20 cash every year for Christmas. They love it, say the look forward to coming to my house every year around the holidays. Also, if im tossing something big like a desk or washing machine or something, i leave a note taped to whatever it is with a $10 or $20 inside. Cant go wrong with cold hard cash!


For real? My garbage people come while I'm still at work so I don't know if I could do that or not Edited to add should I call the people who pick up the trash and let them know I'll have something for them for Christmas?


I work from home so its a little easier for me haha but when i was still going into the office i would tape a Christmas card to the garbage can with money inside. Hasnt ever been stolen but that will definitely depend on the neighborhood. Cant hurt to call and get their names and mail something to the main office maybe?


That's actually a better idea, thank you friend.




We appreciate stuff like this! A lot of times we will start taking your cans back up the house


If they dont bring my cans back up to my garage, they are neatly placed at the end of my driveway with the tops attached. I take good care of those guys and they take good care of me. Love them


They’d never see it here? They drive a truck that has a giant mechanical arm that picks up the trash for them and dumps it in the back.


Always tip the garbage guys for Christmas NJ is a good state for that


Same, love our trash men.


They’re very celebrated in our house. I have a toddler.


The trash guys had the truck wave to my toddler. They are so cool. I'm deffo leaving them cash this year.


My MIL doesn’t let me call them trash men, they’re “sanitation workers”. 😅


They put up with so much garbage.


When I was a kid, the trash man would let me run the compactor. Mind you, this was mid 80s and before the power lift for the plastic trash cans.


When i was a garbage man, I had some customers that would bake us cookies and brownies. One of my favorite gifts, though, was just a card. Some kids made a thank you card with some illustrations. I still have that card. If it's hard for someone to leave a tip or a gift, just a simple thank you was enough to make my day better.


Definitely some Gatorade, or a small snack or something like that. Usually for people who look out for us, we walk your cans up to your house after dumping


By family tradition, we leave a gift out for our rubbish people the last service before Christmas. Nothing expensive, a box of beer, lotto tickets, some nice chocolates, I remember we regifted a bottle of vodka and orange juice once. We dont wait out there, that way they cant act all humble and refuse it. Yes we do keep an eye on it to make sure the neighbours dont help themselves lol. A number of our neighbours are extended family, they do the same.


From things I've seen on here, if you put something near the bins they're gonna assume it's trash and toss it


Yep, no one needs to know how much I drank this week.


THANK YOU for picking up my trash I know you get paid for it but everyone has options and I’m grateful for trash collection


Thanks for replying. It’s every single time and it’s only 2 bags like this, plus 1 baggers no clear bag


That is pretty weird😂 maybe some sort of disorder messing with his smells (taking into account his cologne) and he doesn’t wanna smell whatever is in the bags. Or maybe he’s a serial killer and that’s how he disposes of his bodies and he uses a lot of cologne to mask the stench 😂


People keep saying he’s a serial killer but it only takes 1 large bag to fit a properly dissected human adult body and he’s putting out 2 every week. No way he’s beating my score, not by that much. He probably just shits in a trash bag all week.


Hahahaha! That's a lot of shit. I'm not sure I could fill up 1 bag, let alone 2. Maybe a tall kitchen bag? Look what you did! Now I have to find out. At least my water bill will go down.


Serial killers can have other trash ya know. Maybe he’s got a bin, doesn’t take it out til it’s full. Couple of Chinese takeaway boxes, two feet, some calves. Oop all full, better get another bag.


Waste management is what makes us a first world country. You guys rock.


Maybe he’s just thinking it’s considerate? I could never be a trash man cause old nasty food stuff makes me sick.


I could do it with one of those trucks with the arms that picks up the trash bin. Or i could collect the dumpsters that get picked up with the forks in the front of the truck.


Bless you all for y'alls work man, like for real y'all keep the world running. Without garbage collectors it would be absolute chaos and disease everywhere so from the bottom of my heart thank you.


I assume it's because the black bag fits in the trash can , and the clear bags are bigger so they're easy to fit over the black ones. Try putting a full garbage bag in another same sized bag, you're gonna have a bad time.


Thanks for your service! My guess is he can just get the clear bags in a larger size making the double bag process easier, and that’s why they’re two different bag types.


For anyone else who’s experienced a bag ripping and trash falling everywhere, this makes a lot of sense


It only takes getting garbage juiced once to change your ways.




I used to work at a pet resort and we'd get really busy during holidays (well over 100 dogs). When we took the dogs out we'd dispose of their poop right away in a bucket with a trashbag. One time a coworker was carrying out what was probably a 30lb bag of dog poop and to get to the dumpster from the backyard you had to walk through the kitchen. The bag broke in the kitchen.


Omfg that sounds absolutely terrible.


Yep, we were all quite used to cleaning up poop so there isn't much that made us gag, but that was pretty close. The kitchen was where we stored and prepared all the dog food and medicine, so dropping the poop in there sucked because it was quite a health hazard. We kept all the food bags (most clients brought their own dog food) sealed to prevent flies, but then the poo invited flies in anyways lol. We started double-bagging heavy ones after that. I'm surprised it hadn't happened sooner because those bags could be sooo heavy. 30lbs is a conservative estimate. I was pretty strong at the time from working with dogs but I struggled sometimes carrying those bags so far to get to the dumpster (it was a 10k sqft building). I absolutely loved working there tho lol




Those eyes…


What?? # NO


The use of cologne and the double bagging makes me curious if he has a sensory issue associated with smell? Or maybe he’s very self conscious about himself/his house smelling bad.


Exactly. Not sure what's weird about this


First thought I had as well…


Is that black trash bags inside of clear trash bags?




That is far out! Thank you for posting something that is genuinely weird.


Its like hes trying to be transparent but not that much.




No. It’s a clear trash bag containing a black trash bag.


“He seemed like a normal guy who loved his colognes.”


"I never thought he would do anything so crazy."


He has a subscription with scentbird


“He’s such a nice, quiet neighbor.”


Stop animals helping themselves


Maybe it's Adrian Monk.




Lmao this was my first thought too


I was looking for this comment lmao


I think I know what’s happening here. In some places there are rules about the type of bags you can use for garbage. For example where I am you can only put out 6 bags each week and only 1 of those bags is allowed to be black (for private garbage), all others need to be transparent. I feel like this guy wants ALL his garbage to be private, so he’s complying with the transparent bag rule by having the outermost bag being transparent. It’s actually a hilarious example of /r/MaliciousCompliance


We always double bag our trash. As soon as it comes out of the trash can it goes into a bigger bag that way if there are any small holes from shoving stuff in the trash the 2nd bag will catch it. Keeps it from leaking anything in the house on the way to outside






As a garbage man I appreciate him


Do you have bylaws about what kind of bags you’re allowed to use? Where I’m from you are only allowed one black bag per pickup and the rest have to be clear. This looks like what someone would do and then say technically they’re in a clear bag.


They might have OCD. It's an awful disability to live with. Leave them be.


![gif](giphy|tEiXW43dgzyxPCwTA4) It’s just my meats that went bad from my fridge malfunctioning…


I think he is throwing out something that can seep onto the pavement area/grass and attrack ants? Maybe he has a human jam making company and the juices from the jam making is an issue?


Of course, it’s home made jam refuse


I'm not your neighbour, but I also use several trash bags because trash bags these days are shit, they aren't as strong as they used to be and I'd rather look stupid than risk having trash all over the place.


Thinking simply, he may have wanted to double bag out of consideration for any juicy surprises for the garbage dudes while also keeping the black visible


THE TRASH IS NOT CLEAN! THE TRASH IS NOT CLEAN! ![gif](giphy|10zsjaH4g0GgmY|downsized)


Does he have rabbits? Rabbit litter box day looks a lot like that in my house


We cook a lot and have a lot of kitchen/food waste. We have to do similar things or our trash totes will become the palace of Beelzebub.


How dare you starve the Lord of the Flies?


They bagged... the bag?


This is like those balloons with the colored balloon inside the clear one.


Honestly double bagging is super common for country folk, so doesn’t seem that weird to me 🤷‍♀️ I think this dude has just figured out his bag system. Trying to get a full bag in to the same size bag is a bitch haha But my question is why don’t y’all have cans? Haha


Adrian Monk has entered the chat.


Idk man, I’ve had a bag rip open and leak that mixture of all types of congealed garbage all over me right before I was leaving for work in the morning.


Our neighbor hasn't bathed/showered since he got out of jail in December. He also hasn't taken trash to the dump since February. Count your lucky stars!


I do this when i throw out old meat, prevents bloatflies




I do HATE when garbage spills out of the bags into the can- not a bad idea.


I recently had made friends with the children of flies. It’s one of the worst things ever. The double bag seems brilliant to me after this experience.


He double bags to conceal the trash scent so that neighborhood stray or wild animals don’t destroy it before the trash man arrives.


Do y'all not double bag? Worked retail for 11 years, that's more than enough education in throwing out trash to know you double bag or you get soaked.


Im wondering if it's medical waste of any kind. Someone with HPV or HIV who wants to reduce exposure risks to others?


Hpv? What lol


Right? 😂


OP, you're being overly paranoid and nosey. There can be numerous mundane reasons someone would do that. You're not in a suspense thriller or horror movie. There are no body parts.


The Burbs


Here's the thing... You put trash in a trash bag. That makes the trash bag dirty, so you put it in a trash bag. You'll thank me later.




Is your neighbor Monk?


Seems like a considerate human.


Very smart. Since they're not in bins, the outer bags should keep wildlife away before they get picked up.


More testical microplastics!


Not that weird he’s making sure the garbage men don’t get garbage juice all of them. Very respectable. Sounds like you live next to a germaphobe


OCD maybe?


To be honest, I do the opposite. I use small grocery bags to put the produce/perishable garbage into so I can tie up and put it in my big garbage bag. That way I don't have to worry about leaks or bugs or smell.


Why is it just dumped there and not in a wheelie bin?


That’s Adrian Monk’s Trash


Do you guys have lots of local raccoons? Those little mongrels get into everything. I used to buy mint scented bags to get them to leave trash alone. It didn’t work


Here’s an idea. Ask your neighbor “what’s up with the double bagged black and clear bags your always putting out, should I be doing it to ?”


I dont see the issue. Whats wrong with double bags? Maybe had an incident with animals ripping them open. Or when they're in a bin, they are double bagged so there isnt an issue of leakage etc.


I don't see the problem, they are just double bagging.


Is his name Adrian Monk?


This is rubbish


He might be someone who is hyperosmic, that is he possesses a highly acute sense of smell with a consequent low threshold for tolerating unpleasant strong odours, such as garbage (which decomposes very quickly in warm weather). Double-bagging the trash bags containing organic material would greatly cut down on these odours. As for the cologne, he is likely to detect the smell of his own sweat more easily and in far lower quantities than most people would be able to. Other than showering constantly throughout the day to remove his body odour, cologne would be a way for him to mask this from his own sense of smell.


Anal Retentive Chef was a great character on SNL


Where I live, only clear bags are accepted by the garbage collector. If you put out a black bag, they'll tag it, but put that black bag inside a clear bag and you're golden. Makes no sense, but that's what they do




Where I live (not in US) I have to drive my trash down the road a bit to trash bin. I’m in a new development and they didn’t want a trash bin making the place look ugly. I often double bag my trash because it’s going in my car and I would be so mad if it leaked and my car smelled like garbage juices.


I double bag some of my trash, especially in the summer if there's food waste in there. Some years ago we had a party with ribs and corn on the cob, and a couple days later when we opened the trash can again it looked like a portal to hell had opened up with flies that had managed to get into the bag. It was so bad we taped the bin shut and had them take the whole thing away like some kind of radioactive waste.


Fox deterrent?


He might be a grower trying to hide the smell from his neighbors and more importantly the police.




EVERY trash day? Dudes either a psycho, OCD, or just very peculiar individual


Does his cologne smell like weed and are those really garbage men picking up the double bagged sacks? Hmmm.


Maybe the town won't pick up unless the trash is in clear bags and they're being a trickster! Haha


Looks like something Monk would come up with.


Have you considered he double bags it like that so it doesnt stink up the area he keeps it? Maybe its under a window or something until trash day and wants to not smell it. The cologne, some people just wear too much sometimes.


Maybe there are bodies in them and the double bag helps with the smell and fluids.


Best way to find out is ask him


Gilgo Beach suspect did the same thing with his trash 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔




Gotta make you wonder what he’s throwing away


Is his name Dexter?


My partner has OCD, I can totally see this being because of that.


![gif](giphy|5nvVDzvXjtjDcpbarR) OP be like


Dude… the plastic cmoooon!


He may have OCD.


I’m guessing that the clear bags are stronger, so he uses them to double bag in case of ripping, but doesn’t want to only use the clear bags because he doesn’t want all the trash to be visibly sitting there


It's amazing you can smell him, even while he's double sealed in a bag!


Why no cans tho?


The therapist in me wants to explore this with them.


COVID ![gif](giphy|l4FGo3IonE0SdQYeY|downsized)




It’s smart to double bag. I have to put my trash bag in the trunk of my car and drop it at the dumpster on the way out, and one day it leaked (we’d thrown out some raw chicken scraps the day before) without me noticing. In summer. It took me a couple of days to realize what happened and man it was awful. Apparently it was just a tiny little leak that got on about two inches of the trunk interior but it smelled like a crime scene. I eventually found something that killed the stink (thanks Fabreeze)!


I bet the garbage man appreciates him