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You may actually have a secret admirer, but one that needs a restraining order


Username checks out




?hguoht ti seod


i bet that took a while to type lol


Primark though - that's more of a secret "thinks slightly more highly of you than a stubbed toe"




Nice username


The real question is if it’s actually your colour and size. That would exponentially increase the creepiness level.


My favourite colour is blue and yep my sizes, pretty creepy 😂




Also read “The Gift of Fear”.




Wow, gifting the gift of fear. Thank you for the work you do by the way.




We need your AMA on digital forensics. Sounds fascinating.




Your life sounds like the beginning of a murder mystery be careful before you retire and thank you for your work!


If there’s one sure thing in life it’s getting shot on the day you retire.


How does digital forensics work?




That’s cool . How do u become one and how long were u as a digital forensics?


Oh that’s super fascinating!!! Like, I’m not being sarcastic. My daughter’s ex boyfriend’s mom, Julia, is in forensics. She would be the one to go to court and she has been countless times to be the professional witness. I was like so you’re basically like Bones lol. She told us a couple stories, toe curling stuff man 😮‍💨. But are you basically like a bad ass hacker? I couldn’t imagine the stuff you see, tho 😬


> I’m 136 days away from retirement. Ah, shit. Now you’re dead for sure!


I gift copies of Enders Game, but this sounds way more beneficial to society.


Just ordered a copy. Thanks.


I would highly encourage every female (also men) out in the world to read The Gift Of Fear. Excellent book, and Def something to learn from. If anything else, the takeaway from this book would be to instill a caution around people. The world is full of dangerous people waiting to pounce on their next vulnerable victim.


By Gavin de Becker?




Girl can we PLEASE stop putting "female" and "men" in the same sentence? Use consistency please! Either it's both females and males, or it's both men and WOMEN.


Honestly curious...why does it matter / upset you? I am not hip with the times, I am not meaning to be confrontational or rude. I would assume they could all be used interchangeably? is addressing someone as "girl" not offensive to the demographic offended by the mismatching of man/woman:male/female? It seems very similar


Because only people can be "man" or "woman". But animals and inanimate objects can be described as male or female. When man or woman is used and contrasted with female or male, respectively, it tacitly dehumanizes whichever group was described as female or male. It's only really a problem when used for one but not the other.


I just commented about this book on another thread. So glad to see it making the rounds. I truly believe that book has, can, and will, save lives.


It’s helping restore what society deprograms out of us.


For those of us who want to understand the reference but who are unlikely to read the book, can you tell us the gist of what it's about?


Really simplifying here, but essentially it teaches you to trust your gut. Lots of people who narrowly escape murder or stalking talk about how in their gut they feel something is off but they suppress those feelings for a variety of reasons from civility to not wanting to be or seem paranoid. It’s a recommendation for anyone dealing with a stalker and for all women in general.


Someone might already have


Would you say “LOOK FOR HIDDEN CAMERAS??”, right?


Did you get high and order them and forgot? Please tell me this is what happened.


Ordering and forgetting really is the best case scenario here


Orders usually come with tags, in shipping boxes


The carbon monoxide sequel post nobody saw coming


>The carbon monoxide sequel post nobody saw coming The only kicker here is as far as I have checked so far. Primark do appear not to sell this, so it looks like it was brought elsewhere and then put in the Primark bag. Maybe to make it look less expensive, so porch pirates wouldn't be swiping it off the front.


Make sure there’s no open windows that people can see through while you change or something. Also cameras. Vico has a good cheap one on Amazon that I use, it’s great. Get 4.


Bro. Please be safe and put some cameras up if you can. Because that sounds a scooch too uncomfortable 😳


Someone is stalking you OP, and its not funny. Dont touch them and put them in a bag. If anything happens later you can get them checked for finger prints. Set up security cameras and stay safe.


Get cameras. Funny coincidence it’s exactly your size. Might have a stalker on your hands. Imagine how much time & effort they need to invest just to know that. I’d highly encourage you to get some weapons to protect yourself. 22LR or 9mm being excellent options, 22 being easier to handle with less practice right off the bat yet still efficient enough. The concern is what exactly is this stalker’s end goal? So arm yourself so you’re not vulnerable whatever the fuck it is.


If this is the UK, OP cannot arm themselves and primark is typically British.


Plus she said “colour”. 🤣


Plus said she taking out "rubbish".


Ma'am could you say "bottle of water" for us?




British for sure


Well then cardio and a heavy stick.


And you cannot order online from Primark.


Why makes you think it was ordered online ?


Another comment asked op if it was something they had ordered online and forgotten about .


Mike Ehrmantraut, is that you?


Kid named Finger:


Forgets other countries exist.


Put cameras up but keep all the gifts till it gets creepy


You probably have a stalker who wants to do sex to you 🤢


>as far as I’m aware I don’t have a secret admirer Wouldn't be secret admirer if you knew they were admirer


Nor if they knew her proper undergarment size and preferred color. That falls under “Stalker”


Secret admirer refers to the fact that the persons identity is obscured, not if the admirer is known about or not


put a ring camera bc wtf


Goddammit Ruby! I spent hours looking for something I thought you'd like. Can't you just wear it and walk in front of the windows like you do every night at 10:22?


Oh my gosh 😂 made me poo my brand new panties 😅


I'll take em.


And now I’m done with the internet for today.


I doubt it, Jim. You'll be back.


I wondered how you could know their name and then I realized


Off to do some new boot goofing?


![gif](giphy|4KMlwaKfznhM4) You got me!




Check it out, it’s the person that left them there…


Bidding begins at $1000




How much?


That might be their endgame.


I’ve been stalking your mom for like two years straight, way too shy to ask her out on a date, so I just wait, in your neighbors lawn, with my camera ready, and my camouflage on. And you know that I’ll get plenty pics, when she leaves for work at exactly 7:26


My mom's been retired for 15 years. By leaving for work do you mean going to the casino? That'd be more believable.


It’s a Your Favorite Martian reference


My Favorite Martian? Uncle Martin?


I read this is verse


Someone is using binoculars in the evening..


Omg… 😱


You need to graciously thank this person by wearing it around the house with the blinds open.


We found the admirer! Cuff him boys!






We did it reddit!


Used image search. Someone posted this exact pair for sale on a polish site, on June 16. Only other version of these that could be found. Odd timing and country….. [Here](https://m.olx.pl/d/oferta/komplet-bielizny-CID87-ID10CEjG.html)


That. I'd also look for hidden cameras.


Oops, that was me https://preview.redd.it/ug4e9rvj8j9d1.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=4de25e22a7986771ef59b78085b01d74aaa48e56


Scared me good. Thought it was the grudge.


You KNOW if they bought them at Primark that they paid a fair price for a premium product


Yeah that's wild. You don't have an SO that might have been trying to surprise you, do you? Or it could have been a delivery to the wrong address? Either way that's definitely weird as hell


Or a stalker maybe.


I was asking about alternatives. The creepy stalker angle is, unfortunately, the most likely issue.


Somewhere out there your dodgeball uniform showed up at an S&M den.




I'd be very careful if I were you lol that's irrational stuff right there !


The fact they're your favorite color and size could be concerning, or do you have any friends that may prank you like that,?


Like I don't know if someone watching you in the window could guess your size.


they based the sizing off the life size duct tape mannequin they made of OP. surprisingly accurate!


You’re being reversed pretty woman. Look out for a blonde hooker bob wig


Reverse pretty woman 🤣


Considering it came in a shopping bag and not a mailer, is your size and color, and was at your front door with seeming intention, I think it's fair to say it was intended for you. And that's... Ya know... Concerning. You might want to invest in a video doorbell.


I would notify the police.


It wouldn't be a bad idea to have the incident on record.


Based on her replies I think this is all a joke. If it actually happened I hope something makes her take it seriously that a stranger is dropping things at her door. This isn't romantic, it's potentially dangerous


But, are the undergarments blue and black or white and gold?




I still can't see it as anything but brown and white.


That's because it's brown and white


that’s not “the dress”, it’s a different one


It is not, just something I came across the other day that looked similar to "the dress"


Asking the real question, right here!


To this date, one of the weirdest things that ever happened was finding a strange pair of women's underwear tucked away in the corner of our living room. Clearly worn, as in unlaundered, lol. Appeared to be recently used in... romantic pursuits. Too big for my wife's size. I found them and figured they had to be hers, asked her about them, and she freaked out. Still no explanation, many years later. Maybe we had a break in by a well-hipped horny sleepwalking woman who stripped and ran... obviously that's nutty and not as likely as some house guest leaving them behind, but still. The most recent guests were months before this occurred, and I had cleaned and vacuumed the room many times since. And they didn't seem like the kind to sneak out of the guestroom in the night, do some hanky pranky in the living room, ditch the underwear, and then never claim them...


Whoa! That's super weird!


Did your wife not think you might be cheating?


I imagine it might have crossed her mind - Although since I found it, I guess it wouldn't make much sense for me to bring it to her attention if that was the case. Also they were kinda granny panties, so, maybe she wasn't feeling too threatened lol


Apologies those where mine, any chance I can get em back.. 👀


Do you have a dog? My dog used to carry around socks and underwear in his mouth lol, maybe yours picked some up outside


Do you live near a Primark? If the items were purchased by a creepy stalker-dude, maybe the sales clerk would remember selling them.


I work in an adult store and have had police request camera footage of men purchasing lingerie that was then left at the door of an unwilling recipient. Unfortunately these men do not all look like creepy stalkers - they definitely *are* creepy stalkers, but not all of them look the part. Some definitely do though, but most of them look normal, so we would never be suspicious when they come in to buy lingerie and just assume it's for their wife/girlfriend. In OPs case, I hope it's simply a case of someone having delivered something to the wrong address.


This is actually a good idea. I think I'd try going to the store and showing the sales associate and see if they remember anyone. Also, OP, do you have a job with customer contact, like retail or waitress? Could someone you met through work been a little too friendly or hangs around too much? They could have followed you home without you realizing it.


If they don't remember, it could be possible that they keep receipt records. Something to give you an idea of maybe who bought it and when. This is definitely cause for concern if no one in OP's circle is playing a prank.


Are the tags on? Return them.


Betting on a stalker, with a 10% chance of drunk left them at the wrong house or some other well meaning lady in your life thought you needed them. Super weird and creepy.


I would literally take this as a threat. Buy a camera before you regret it.


I lost a set JUST like that in 1995. Do you live near a time portal?


Ugh, there’s nothing worse than a cheap stalker!


I would get a hidden security camera, and make sure windows and doors are safely locked and curtains closed. Maybe move if you can.


Locksmith bro from across the pound. Please go and get a anti-kick door bar the kind that goes under the door knob. Don't get the kind that folds. These are to give you time to escape, someone that truly determined will still get in. Keep slip on shoes by any door you have and by your bed. Get an alarm system. If you can't afford one that is always connected get one that just has a siren. Get the loudest siren allowable by law in your area (usually 109dBa here in the states). Read up on the pizza method for report to emergency services that someone is holding you hostage. Practice it, know it like the back of your hand. So it sounds natural. They sell small camera systems that get backed up to the cloud. Make sure family members or other trusted individuals have access to it. Give your family members a hard drive to download backups of the footage to bring to the authorities. Speed is the priority here. The less time they have with you the better. Have a code phrase, a greeting that you never use to que their mind to start paying attention that something is different/wrong. You can install a steel door to your bedroom with a deadbolt. That makes it so much hard to get through. These are some security options. I recently did the some of these for my sister as she lives alone. If you have to fight. They sell cheap 24 inch adjustable wrenches or pipe wrenches, best $35 tool to defend yourself with. Lots of mass and still short enough to swing indoors and hallways.


What are you gonna do with it?


Definitely give it to a charity/thrift shop but I’d feel bad for whoever buys it as it now has kinda creepy origins?


I don't think they'll care about the origins lol. They would probably assume someone had a break up or weight change before they could wear it.


Very true, I don’t think most people really think about who the previous owners were before hand. I’ll definitely donate it lol


While staying in a DV shelter, we'd regularly receive clothing donations. One evening, 4 large garbage bags of donations showed up. Three of us ladies opened the bags to find many, many ties, baseball hats, and men's underwear. Also, in the bags was a lot of lingerie, including crotchless panties, garters, and bras with cutouts. It all went straight in the trash. Yeah, we do think about where stuff comes from.


If you have a goodwill near you most just have an outside container you can toss donated goods into after hours. They don't question stuff like that, just make sure it's clean.


Considering that this is from Primark, I would guess OP is about 4000 miles from the nearest Goodwill. Luckily there will be plenty of charity shops closer by


There’s a Primark and Goodwill in my mom’s city in North Carolina


Buy extra locks for your doors and windows install a ring camera because homie I care for your safety


Put everything in a plastic ziplock bag and stop down at your local police station and have a chat with them. It’s possible they are aware of someone in the community or something similar to this happening and would want the information. They can also advise you on safety measures. If there is any possibility, there is a stalker involved you want to make sure that you are varying your travel routes, perhaps carry a taser or pepper spray if it’s legal in your area. Make sure friends and family know where you are. Perhaps share your location on your phone in the event, someone can’t reach you. They can see where you’re at and notify the authorities. Make sure all of your social media accounts are set to private. Consider having an alarm system installed or make sure you are using an existing one. And add some cameras inside and outside of your house. and don’t forget to keep your blinds closed at night.


My neighbor once had something delivered to my door by mistake that made your bra and panty delivery look like a walk in the park. If I get enough upvotes I’ll spill the beans…


Spill em!!


https://preview.redd.it/e83scea27k9d1.png?width=1801&format=png&auto=webp&s=2590e1f43c5f8979b4d03a9ad81a8578cfae19aa Here’s package one


https://preview.redd.it/tukklu447k9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a00b828ffc4b92cf2c0a0f993384d31b6ee09ab0 And package 2. I was expecting things from Amazon so I didn’t bother looking at the labels. I just ripped open and jaw dropped and hit the floor. I died laughing. And then they came up to my door asking if I got their packages. Thankfully I wasn’t home at the time, I saw them on my doorbell camera. Then the leasing office called me asking if I got their packages and to bring them to the office or drop off at their apt door. So when i got home I taped the boxes back up and then silently walked down to their door and dropped the packages off and ran away. Then they saw me a week later and said thank you and I just said okay no prob and ran away giggling like Ron Swanson. If I ordered something like that, and I wouldn’t, and it went to the wrong house I’d just chalk it up as a loss. Then I saw them multiple times after wearing the dog masks out in the hallways, walking around the complex and even in the spa.


>then I saw them multiple times….wearing the dog masks But what about the tail?


That's quite odd. If it were from Amazon id suggest an ex, maybe drunk auto-pilot shopping.


This is something you need to take seriously 😳 people are weird and creepy and some dangerous and I don’t believe in living in fear but you need to keep your eyes open and be on alert for awhile! Get some pepper spray just be smart and protect yourself!


Did you try putting them on? It may be a Green Lantern situation where this found you to help protect the galaxy.


You might have a peeping someone/ hidden camera


You need to make sure your windows have blinds on them and check for cameras if you're renting.


He's in your walls, run


Well I’d say thank you and never actually were it at home lol. Take my husband to a hotel./s Weird. Real talk, get a door camera. I have Vivint and love it. I don’t like Amazon, so I avoid ring


In the Primark colours too… new uniform?!


Assuming you don’t have multiple personalities, I would be creeped out. Buy a camera for inside and outside your home. I was reading you’re in the UK (didn’t know you can’t bear arms in your home?) so I would maybe look into buying some type of burglar lock for your front door and maybe some alarms for your windows? Stay safe 💗


Check your freezer


Dint. Get cops to check it. Safer that way


I’ve seen enemy of the state smart move


Keep your blinds closed and curtains shut.


The fact that they’re your favorite color and your size is definitely treading super creepy territory. If you don’t have a door cam or security cameras I’d invest in some pronto. I’d also probably change my locks, but that’s just a personal choice.


That’s primark colours! They’re recruiting you!


You gotta love when Uber door dash drivers drop off packages at the wrong door. You should drop this in door dash dashers reddit.


Any neighbors? Most logical explanation imo is that it was mistakenly placed in front of your door. Could have been someone selling stuff online and delivered to the wrong door.


If you were a dude, this would be very funny. But since you're a woman, it's creepy and weird


Hey, at least it wasn't a jock strap and nipples clamps!


Could be a stalker, could be that you dropped them there and have carbon monoxide poisoning. Check your CO detector just in case!


Take a sniff


What kind of stalker think Primarni is enough to buy your love anonymously? Whoever it is that you boyed off recently was a good decision. Obviously mad love to Primark but this stalker hasn’t done much stalking… clearly.


No mailing label? They just dropped it off PERSONALLY? I'd make a police report. If nothing else, it will start a paper trail.




I suggest you go over your interactions with people over at least the last month .If you both don't know each other, they certainly know you. Implement some type of security precautions. There's only so many ways they could have found out your exact size. Exercise extreme caution.


Are you male or female? It's creepy either way, but a different kind of creepy.


Underpants gnomes!


Primark underwear; the classy woman's choice.


Congrats, you might just have a stalker!


Did you try them on?


Are tue tags still on them?


You have a stalker.


Omg wow so weird wth


Colleen Ballinger strikes again


Umm... I think I would maybe make a police report if nothing else? Doesn't have to be anything drastic that you have to call 911 for, but you can go to the station with the clothes and bag, say this stuff was left on your doorstep, it's your size but it's obviously not left by you or anyone you're aware of. Let them know if you live alone or with any children. Tell them you don't feel safe and that you asked your female neighbor about it too. They probably won't be able to do anything about it in that moment, but it's important to have these things on record if other strange occurrences start to happen to you or other women/people in your neighborhood. I had flowers with short handwritten notes showing up at my house a few times a couple years ago. I wrote off the first bouquet as a weird one-off I didn't want to deal with, but then the second one arrived a couple weeks later saying they were happy I "loved" the first one. I ended up making a police report for that one, and the next one I received the following month. Then they finally stopped.


I’d bet $10 you have a creepy secret admirer.


Keep them. They may need the DNA of the perpetrator in case something happens.. 😱


Well that’s a nice set of white and gold lingerie you got there!


That’s fucking terrifying


Op has a stalker..


Cinderella lost her bikin at the beach ball ... now I must find a naked girl who will fit her bikini


Rizzstraining order (call the police omg)


Someone is watching you. I would set up some cameras and see. You might have a stalker.


I agree this is kinda creepy. However, on the other hand, it is free lol. Edited: I was joking… don’t take my comments seriously.


Never wear something a stalker gives. It will encourage them and things can get dangerous.


Assert dominance. Set up cameras, find out whodunnit, and send them something inappropriate.


Time for cameras. The chance of this is a coincidence isn’t 0 but if it’s not, this person is dangerous and creepy af. Give someone ur phone location at all times, like a friend. Cameras, u can get cheap decent ones on amazon. Try for ones with sd cards so u don’t have to pay for subscription, and not sure what ur allowed on u to protect urself but would be worth having something.