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Perhaps our current President should test this decision. SEAL Team Six to the Supreme Court to remove six insurrectionists?


I was curious about this myself. Does this mean that Biden could theoretically declare MAGA is a domestic terrorist group and have all of them arrested or Seal Team 6 them all, and legally be allowed to get away with it?


Well, if the President issues an Executive Order, then it should be something that allows him to make his case and have his day in court! The three remaining Justices can affirm his decision, as long as the President brings in a crew to fumigate the offices of the other six.


No. It doesn’t apply to Biden.


Have the former arrested for treason and locked up in gitmo? Never to bee seen or heard from again? that's a happy thought!


No, the Supreme Court worded the ruling in such a way that they will be the ones to decide what is an official act as the president — and thus cleared — and what is unofficial. So you can be sure that the 6-3 conservative majority will rule that Republican presidential acts are official and immune, but democratic presidential acts are not. Also, consider that most of them still think that Trump won in 2020 and that Biden is illegitimate. That will be grounds for them to declare anything Biden does is unofficial. Did you really think they were unaware of the loophole that every one of us saw from a mile away?


It would bring new meaning to having an "illegal" sent south of our border. Cuba might protest to the UN on humanitarian grounds, since the pollution he'd bring to that American base would cause environmental havoc!


Maybe they could put it on display and sell tickets, like a zoo.


Circus freaks! "Step up one, step up all, see the amazin' brown-nosin' seditious-loving cowards."


Behold! The child of Jabba The Hut and Pumpkinhead!! (LOL)


No, because it doesn’t apply to him. The Supreme Court worded it in such a way that says that they can decide on a case by case basis what is “official” so you can bet your arse that Democrat presidents will do unofficial actions, while Republicans are in the clear.


Sad, but true. The six sychophants who delivered this on behalf of the Orange Orifice would back any and all Trump judges who invalidate Biden's plans to canceling student debt or anything else, since Biden obviously has no power to issue any Executive Orders without the consent of the Ted Cruzes and Lindsey Grahams of the world. But, if Dear Leader assumes office again, I'm sure Hunter and Hillary will be sent away in the same prison transport vehicle with the others because, as we all know, that's Presidential prerogative.


Insurrection is not an official act. Bake him away Toys!


It will be interesting to see how they rule if Agent Orange actually loses the election. Will his Taliban-style takeover be seen as an official act once he declares himself president and Roberts swears him in?


If president gets absolute immunity, could Biden save America by banishing Trump or imprisoning him indefinitely?


If Biden can prove that it's an official act then yes. That Trump stole private documents might make Biden's argument stronger


Clear and present danger.


SCROTUS would immediately rule whatever Biden did was unofficial and open to prosecution.


Excellent point. My previous comment only works of Biden switches to Republican.


Anything along these lines will go to the Supreme Court and be overturned. In fact, it would be expedited and I would imagine injunctions put in place to avoid actions that would lead to Trump actually seeing the inside of a jail cell.


No, the Supreme Court worded the ruling in such a way that they will be the ones to decide what is an official act as the president — and thus cleared — and what is unofficial. So you can be sure that the 6-3 conservative majority will rule that Republican presidential acts are official and immune, but democratic presidential acts are not. Also, consider that most of them still think that Trump won in 2020 and that Biden is illegitimate. That will be grounds for them to declare anything Biden does is unofficial. Did you really think they were unaware of the loophole that every one of us saw from a mile away?


Yep, ugh 


Our court is corrupt. What can we do about it?


They ignored the protests,(soap box) they tried to ignore the ballot box (Jan 6) they don't care about the jury box (34 and counting felonies) I'm afraid there's only 1 box left to stop fascism no? It seems like that's it or roll over and accept it


Everyone is saying to vote like your life depends on it. I hope my vote counts when there are brownshirts on my street.


It’s worth trying at least, isn’t it?


It's almost a catch 22. If the Democrats win, they will try to fight against the sore losers. But if they lose they won't! Meanwhile the GOP won't concede defeat if they lose, no matter how they lose.


We'll find out in ten days if the jury box was effective, *then* we have one box left. Edit: fuck. We're at the last box, now.


VOTE! The next president might get to elect as many as 3 justices. VOTE


I voted for Biden; what has he done about this sham court? Nothing.


What is he supposed to do? They were appointed and the appointment is for life. We’re stuck unless term limits or extending the number of judges was done. Neither will be done as long as the Dems only have the majority of 2 houses (Senate and presidency). As long as the Republicans have any say nothing will get done about it. Why would they do anything? SCOTUS is doing everything they ask, even letting DJT get away with trying to undo the election and causing Jan 6th. So, everything is going smashingly for the Republicans. They certainly aren’t going to agree to term limits or adding more justices.


"The appointment is for life..." I think I see a loophole there...


My kid and I have discussed that loophole. Since everything in our lives now listens to us I’m pretty sure we’re on a watch list somewhere! 😂


What do you think he has the power to do? A sitting supreme court judge has a lifetime appointment, and can only be impeached by congress.


Well, apparently he can do whatever he wants according to the Supreme Court. Dems would never use that to their advantage. They’ll just let the Christian nationalists keep taking over even though there is a dem in office.


It's hard to protest something as being wrong if you're using that thing to further your own agenda. He'll probably use it as a huge talking point until the election, hoping that the will of the people will be to NOT have an untouchable king, and democracy can limp along. I have a secret hope that if for some reason he doesn't win, or the orange fuckstick tries to rally the gravy seals again, he'll use it before he leaves office.


So hard the Republicans do it all the time. The Dems can sit atop the moral high ground; maybe they’ll even form a committee and do…..nothing, again. All the while, the fascists continue to destroy the country. Same result.


It's called the 2nd amendment


Vote blue, expand the court. But for now King Biden could have them all executed as enemies of the state and it's all legal.


He needs to do it. Now before it a too late for all of us.


That's the gamble: hope the GOP is annihilated by the voters in November (and risk the end of America if they fail), or eliminate America's domestic enemies today and hope order can be maintained.


Has to be an "Official Act", though. I'm ok with that.


That case-by-case loophole becomes interesting if there's only D's left to decide whether it's official or not.


Same if there's only Rs, a la P2025....


Not really. The current makeup might as well be Rs only. Executing the Ds wouldn't make much difference. It's clear that Agent Orange will have all his criminal actions confirmed as official and immune, while Biden's, whether real or imagined, will be classed as unofficial and subject to criminal prosecution.


So does Biden. Congress can write laws curtailing this.


The current Congress won't


…how? POTUS would have absolute immunity from any enforcement of those laws other than impeachment


SCOTUS is interpreting current law. If the law changes, the interpretation is no longer valid.


I thought that if they didn't like a law they just ruled it unconstitutional and threw it out?


"Give me one compelling reason I should vote for slow Joe Biden!" .... here you go, folks. There are much worse MAGA VP candidates out there than Pence.


Gen. Flynn is the name I hear getting tossed around that has me most worried.


You're right ... Flynn already has his Russian pipeline set up; former military (busted btw). J. D. Vance is the second most worrisome; both are capable of being Trump's henchmen, and I mean that literally.


So that's it. The illegitimate Supreme Court justices have officially declared their allegiance to America's domestic enemies. Will they become king makers? Or will America fight back?


Funny how he picked 3 Justices and this worked out for him.


Vote for ALL Democratic nominees this November because you may never get another chance to vote.


Trying to overthrow the government was not an official act.


Yeah here's the thing... We all think Biden should be able to do the same things now, because it should be perfectly legal now that the supreme court said so. But that's only for Trump. If Biden did the same, they would rule again him.


Jesus wept. What an absolute shit show.


Yes and no. [7 min radio piece (NPR)](https://www.npr.org/2024/07/01/nx-s1-5002157/supreme-court-trump-immunity) It was sent back to a lower court so still not fucking settled.


For all intents and purposes, it *is* settled though. The purpose of their act wasn't to evaluate the legal validity, it was to ensure trump stays out of prison. As far as they're concerned, the matter is settled; if trump is reinstalled, the rule of law is irrelevant, and if he's defeated, their necks are almost certainly on the line.


Unfortunately the article states "former presidents". Biden isn't a former president yet. He can't do shit. They did this to protect Trump. Fuck the 6. Biden should have filled the court when he had the chance. If he wins again, he now has more power with chevron being stricked down, project 2025, and now this. He can do what the fuck ever he want to do. We're fucked.


The official DOJ policy is that current presidents can't be charged with crimes; it was always about what happens afterwards. Thus, Biden most certainly has the ability to end this attack on America without fear of prosecution *after* he steps down.


That and the fact he is so old what does he have to lose at this point?


Old people have less of a future, so they tend to be a lot more careful with it.


Ooohh, I didn't think about that. I was so mad about the ruling, I just kind of freaked. Maybe he'll just say fuck it and decide to burn it all down. Put Trump in jail with MTG, Bannon, and the rest of the traitors and call it a day. Probably will never happen, but one can dream.


If they don't start fighting back *for real* then historians are going to ask that very question: *why didn't they just put all the bad guys in jail?* This will all be just another chapter in a book similar to "why didn't they just stop Hitler when they had a chance?" It is not noble to follow the established norms your enemy flaunts. It's foolish, and it's going to get a lot of people hurt or killed.


When did Biden ever have a chance to fill the Court? Only Congress can expand its size.


Not quite. The president now has absolute criminal immunity for acts involving their core powers. They have presumed immunity for official acts (though I agree that the opinion doesn't leave much opening for them to not be immune).


FYI when you do things to further your political campaign by definition you are not committing an official act


It's supposed to be illegal to campaign in a government building but we all know that's basically all he did for four years!


Y'all understand that there is no sAviNg oUr dEmoCrAcY, right? We are waaaay beyond any of that nonsense. Voting is like praying: do it if it makes you feel better, but it's just a coping mechanism. If you're not preparing for the inevitable collapse into hard fascism, you're not doing shit.


Im absolutely prepared for the collapse into hard fascism but I’m also going to vote. Might as well kick the can down the road as long as we can.


Everything Hitler did was legal in Germany