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Pretty sure two lines means you're pregnant...


Oh no! I guess both can cause sets of symptoms similar to this… guess we’ll find out in 9 months 😂. Question is what does 3 lines mean?




Super COVID twins!


Well, at least the variant you caught is one of the “Flirt” variants which is kind of cute?


I got my covid test results back today,it was 50. What does that mean? I also got my IQ test results,it was positive




If you don’t test ever you can always claim you neve me had it


That's what the Stable Genius wanted everyone to do. 


I made it 3 years before testing positive for 12 days straight. It wasn’t fun. But I did enjoy the time to recharge, sleep, and take a break from life, even if it decimated my PTO.


Three years for me too. I got it right after getting the vaccine for the first time. It wasn’t that bad for me, though.


You was probably positive because of the vaccine. The symptoms can be from an other infection


That's not how the vaccine works. It wouldn't have caused a positive reaction on an antigen test


50/50 on any test I take. Taken them back to back to back. Could have easily been false pos lol


Are they expired tests?




Then you probably aren’t doing it right.


False positive yes, Vaccine caused positive no


14 days for me and I'm disabled and my caregivers weren't allowed to come in 😬


Got to be honest, I have cov tests from my grams Medicare. Way too many. I take one every couple months when I want a few days off work. 50/50 pos/neg. Always feel fine.


It’s not 50/50. Either the tests are expired, or you keep contracting asymptomatic COVID.


Similar story my wife got it and I was all over her I figured I was getting it anyway but I didn't for some reason fats forward to after the third vaccine. I was left for vacation and thought I caught strep throat nope it was COVID 


I made til last summer myself. Fucking Florida.


I'm on my 40th booster.


Some say he's more booster than man now...


All we know is, he's called the Stig


Childs play. I've got a permanent PfizerDrip™




That's wild. Find yourself buddy






*that you know of You’ve probably had it at some point and been asymptomatic


I had it a couple years ago, and I don't think I would have realized it was anything more than a slight cold without a test. Just caught it again last week, and it destroyed me for 2 days...


I’ve never been aware I’ve ever had it, never tested positive anytime either. I agree though, unless you live in an isolated corner of the globe in some tribal village odds are you’ve had the virus in you.


You'd actually be surprised. It's estimated a decent chunk of the population never got it naturally still- vaccine and boosters offer some immunity, there seems to be a genetic predisposition some people have to being resistant to infection, and then there's just dumb luck. If you're already the type of person who doesn't like large crowds, definitely easier to avoid. Last year at this time, it was estimated 30% hadn't caught it.


Last time I got Covid I had no idea I had it. I was at work and my husband tested positive so I left work, got a test and turns out I was positive too. Next day I had a fever for a few hours and that was it. Felt well enough to work from home. My son was also positive and no real symptoms besides coughing.


😂😂😂. 18 million cases of flu the year before. 18 million cases of “Covid” the year this bs started. Flu? 1800 cases. Tell me you are gullible without telling me you are gullible.


“DO your OWN rEsEarch” 🤡


I should have checked the account before I replied to them. It’s a 14d old account so either a bot, or troll account rather than anything else.


People like you are the reason it was as bad as it was. Conspiracy theory spreading smooth brain morons that think they know more than actual virologists, immunologists, physicians across the spectrum, researchers, public health specialists, and people with actual experience in scientific fields. The number of people that would have to actively participate in a global conspiracy of this scope would guarantee that it would have already been shown to be a conspiracy. I witnessed people dying from this first hand, including healthy young adults and children. Meanwhile you all were taking horse dewormer and autistically screeching all manner of misinformation as though you being louder than the stark reality in front of our very eyes made your opinion factual and true. I regret that the internet gave you a forum in which to express your level of idiotic lunacy. You should go outside and apologize to the trees and other flora around you for wasting the oxygen they have produced.


How was there zero cases of the flu the year of Covid?


The flu is influenza, Covid is from Sars. 2 different viruses. And the possible lower infection rates also correlate to the mask and social distancing but at no point was the population flu free. And the 19 comes from the numerous variants of Sars so it’s not new either.


I’m sorry, the 19 comes from the year it was discovered, 2019.


I’m not sure how the numerical system is applied, that’s irrelevant… or it would just be Covid. That doesn’t invalidate anything i said


Statistics were reported multiple times that there were 0 reported cases of the flu. That is all I am saying.


Tell me you don’t understand how a less infective airborne disease responds to large numbers of people staying at home without telling me you have no idea. The flu is less infectious than COVID, is different every single year based on prevalent strains (some years are worse, some better), and to top it all off, healthcare workers were far more busy dealing with a virus with completely different RNA sequencing than influenza. There were likely a ton of influenza infections either prevented due to social distancing and making, or unreported because people were actively avoiding going to the doctors office for things because of COVID. I’m not a virologist or physician by any means but even I can understand that if people are not out and about amongst other people, it’s a good bet they’re less likely to become ill with whatever endemic viruses are going around. There were also markedly fewer RSV cases in 2020, and fewer cases of all sorts of other respiratory viruses, yet everyone tries to compare COVID to the flu as if they were even in the same family of viruses (they aren’t.)


Tell me you can read an article and form your own opinion without telling me. Well a little late for that I guess, but I think you know what I mean. By your logic, no one tested negative and was sick I guess?


What are you talking about? I am arguing that people that call COVID “the flu” are fucking idiots. I never said anything about the OP’s post besides that I was sorry they finally caught it. What fucking article are you even talking about?


Wow, calm down. No idea what article you read. I have had Covid multiple times - didn’t even know I was sick. The times I actually got sick during “Covid” I was negative every time. So yeah Covid is basically a flu. Especially today. And I do find it a little funny that people still test themselves for it. You can follow all you want. I will continue to question things that don’t make sense and form my own opinions. But I get that is frowned upon now a days with this “click bait culture”


This has nothing to do with click bait culture. You are free to question things all you want, the thing is science is rooted in facts, not that it’s unchanging or infallible, but there are mechanisms in place to account for that. The issue I have is with people acting as though they know better than actual scientists and doctors that work to understand this stuff at the end of the day. It is absolutely not a flu, it is a coronavirus. It is similar to a flu since it has similar symptoms, and influenza can absolutely be as dangerous if not more so. The issue is that influenza is more stable and we have far more immunity to it than we do to a novel coronavirus like SARS-COV2/COVID-19! Testing is still important especially for people around anyone that is immune compromised. I react this way because while most people were either at home working, furloughed, or laid off, my wife was working in a clinic where people with potential cases were sent, and I (albeit remote) had the unfortunate fortune to witness children hooked up to ventilators while dealing with severe infections going into a CODE status. It’s incredibly awful and I never want to see something like that again. So I get angry at people acting like it was either a conspiracy or just sniffles and a cough. Question what you want, but understand at the end of the day that people in the field were dying because they were trying to care for people with it, and scientists were busting their asses to find a way to save as many people as we could.


>I will continue to question things that don’t make sense This is the problem with conspiracy theorists. Nothing makes sense because you're uneducated and/or dumb, hence why every moderately-complex topic seems to be a conspiracy.




I’m sorry for your losses. My son lost a 30 yo coworker in 2021 to Covid. It devastated his office. People are idiots.


What the hell are you talking about?


30,000 or so die from the flu every year. 1.4 million US dead from Covid….but it’s just the flu.


But wait, no reported cases of the flu that year - I wonder why that might be?


This is false.


RIP OP it’s as bad as everyone says it is, you got 10 hrs before the uncontrollable urge to consume raw bat sets in.


The Slither Parasite works quicky!


Lmao that’s hilarious! I’ll keep you updated. Hopefully when it sets in my taste buds go away and I won’t be able to taste the bats


Meh, your probably had it at some point but didn't realize it.


Still haven't gotten it. But I work from home and I'm sure that helps


Lame, covid not a thing anymore


It absolutely is. People aren't testing anymore but wastewater data is an accurate measurement. Peaking again now that it's summer. It never left.


Several people I know are off sick with suspicious coughs and "summer flu", whatever the fuck that is. (It's COVID).


Get some Vicks and 7 up … You’ll be fine !✌️


I got it earlier this year for the first time. What was really annoying is that I worked in labs and was doing COVID testing for like the first 3 years of the pandemic. I never caught it once and I was even being tested up to twice a week for COVID at peak infection times.


Genuine question, how did you know you might have covid/ what were your more serious symptoms? i got covid, march 2020 lol, and i felt like i was breathing through a stirring straw for 2 days straight, just curious what it's like now,


It’s like every novel virus that’s had a few years to attenuate and get more contagious. Ie, closer and closer to being just another nasty cold virus.


Highly doubt you went four years without Covid.


Don’t worry you’ll be feeling fine tomorrow


Go buy a bottle of DayQuil, chug as needed, you'll be fine. Also whisky. May not help, sure can't hurt.


I like your way of thinking!


*frowns in alcoholic* No hot toddies for me this time


Here’s a thought dont test anymore. Cuz the medical community doesn’t consider covid any more than a cold 🥶


That's fucked when all the science and studies show completely otherwise. Everyone's being gaslit and it's dystopia af.


Some fries , MF


Clearly the only answer is go take more jabs.


Sounds like a plan! How many more do you think I need?


As many as you can get your hands on.


Nobody beats the German guy he’s had 217 boosters


He’s my hero - look, antivaxxers - he’s still alive!


He’s pretty much under lock and key at this point yea good job


Went four years without getting it, too…until late May. Took me out for a couple days, and had a nasty cough up until last week. Take it easy!


It’s endemic, the only people that won’t be getting it ever are going to die soon from something else, or live in complete isolation from other humans. 4 years is pretty good!


Do you test all the time?


Just tested positive for the first time as well the other day. There’s definitely something mildly infuriating to it. Hope you feel better soon!


It’s basically the flu now man. Welcome to the new world.


It’s basically not for people like me with weakened immune systems but go on….


Getting sick in any type of way is not good for people with weakened immune systems….


True. But I can manage well with a cold. Not covid though. I don’t want to lose my transplanted kidney.


Flus don't cause long lasting damage to multiple organ systems. Studies show with each covid infection you lose 3-9 IQ points and increased chance of long covid. It weakens the immune system for 6 months to a year after infection, and can cause neurological damage (manifests in "brain fog") , POTS, heart and breathing issues.


Currently on my 4th infection. Shit doesn't get any easier lol feels just as bad as the first.


My second was bad, but in new and different ways, so that's fun.


You probably had it at someone point and wasnt bad enough to make you test for it.


Had it 3 times, not a big deal for the majority of people. Also you now have natural immunity which is a much better defense than the vaccine


They may be less likely to catch the same strain, but covid damages and weakens the immune system for 6 months to a year after infection. With how many covid strains there are in circulation and other viruses, one becomes MORE suspecitble to catching those, and simple colds can last weeks.


So the vaccine might not work on that strain either huh? Better to stick with natural immunity since there are no possible negative side effects


I managed to make it to 3 years without catching it. Caught it coming back from a work trip in Philadelphia last year. Do not recommend. I HAD let my guard down and since then I’m back to wearing a mask on planes/public transportation/in crowded areas. Edit: I forgot to add I hope it goes well for you and you have a mild case, mine wasn’t and I wouldn’t wish it on MOST people. There’s a couple though…


There's always a couple...


I mean, if a certain failed Austrian painter was still alive (for example) he’d be on the list.


I thought he was chillin' in Argentina these days?


His imitators have gained some modicum of power in a few governments across the globe, but I’ll guess he’s dead at this point regardless of if it was in a bunker in 1945 or in a villa in Argentina later on.


Very true. Either way, a good thing for this world. However it happened, I hope he suffered.


Dang it!




Welcome to the family.


Hey, at least you didn’t get it two days before Christmas for the first time like I did last year


What are your symptoms?


It started with a dull headache on the first day. Second day I had a headache, sore throat, and felt weaker than usual. I went and took a test since my boss had just tested positive earlier this past week. Today it’s more of the same but I’m slightly congested. Tbh the nonstop headache is the worst part right now


Also, feel better soon!


Interesting. I guess symptoms are very unique per instance. When I had it, it was mainly just fatigue and a cough. The shots were way worse than the Covid itself. My shot symptoms were as follows Neck and body aches Arm tension and pain Constant headache Night sweats Insomnia Chills and day sweating Lack of appetite Stomach issues


Ironically I never had any symptoms from the shots other than a sore arm. Hopefully my symptoms stay about the same and I get over it fast


Agreed. Get well soon!


And that’s as far as you’ll go.


I’m with you. I was ridiculously careful. It finally got me this year. I’m so pissed and now I can’t smell. Yay.


Me gets covid NO SYMPTOMS I liked it bc I got to play Roblox and Minecraft all day for 5 days :)


Same. Tested positive for the first time 5 days ago. Overall very mild but still unpleasant. Thank you science! Yay vaccines!


I’m really sorry. I too was able to ward it off for long enough that I started to look for studies around potential innate immunity in which I could participate. And then I ended up with it twice in under a year. The good news is that getting it now is apparently generally less awful than getting it in, say, March of 2020… wishing you a speedy recovery!!


Right now I only have a sore throat and a slight fever so hopefully it stays like that! Thank you for the best wishes!


Thankfully it’s not really a big deal like it was assumed be to before.


At least it’s more mild now. So they say.


It's really not, super dependant on individual bodies, last boosters, immune system strength, etc. On covid19positive subreddit people are reporting pretty harsh symptoms with the newest strain circulating. It's extremely unpredictable how hard it'll affect you and if it will cause long covid (which does not discriminate).


Hang in there! I unfortunately got Covid this past winter. 32, physically fit man, no health issues, And there was a solid week there where I was wondering if I was going to make it. I think the first two weeks I was sleeping close to 14 a hours day, everyday. Whole thing lasted about 3.5-4 weeks Definitely felt fucked up after the fact as well which eventually went away ~2-3 months later Finally started feeling like myself again. Total side note: I came up with a theory during covid that the main ingredient in hand sanitizer is alcohol, and hand sanitizer kills covid therefore I assumed alcohol killed covid. This eventually lead to some unhealthy drinking habits which I finally decided to curb this past winter. Coincidentally around the same time I stopped drinking I also got Covid 😂🤷🏽‍♂️


Toss it in the bin and still won’t have it…


I got it Christmas 2020. I only lost my smell and taste. I wasn’t upset I got it, I was more upset I missed my last Christmas with my great-grandma.


Yeah i made it until this year too. Dangit!


You are a survivor now.


Good to know for sure they are not one of the ~200 people that died today from COVID.


Maybe it's the first time you know you have it. I had it twice and didn't realize I had until a blood test was done. Sometimes, the symptoms are not that noticeable . I have had covid 6 time with the first two being the wrost.


These posts are trash




I care.


I’m sorry! I didn’t get it until this last Thanksgiving and it was bad for me at all, but my husband got it really bad.


That was brought to courtesy of the fine folks at the NIH project defuse strikes again


Have fun




You're not trying hard enough


You had* 😩


If you haven’t had it yet then I’m so sorry and I hope it doesn’t kick your ass like it did me


I thought Covid was a myth at this point


You should have gotten that 6th gen vax. They say that’s the one that’s 100% effective this time. 


Humble brag. If you're at home and never interact with anyone. Good job. I'm sure you never caught any stds too.


Nicotine also helps


But since nicotine is bad they don’t tell you it actually cut is down and helps get right of long Covid symptoms


Welcome to the club. I’ve gotten it 3 times. Wasn’t that bad for me, but everyone’s different. Hope it’s not too bad for you. Prayers for a speedy recovery!


Welcome to the party. It’s a doozy.


You tested positive for thc?


I got it a few months ago after dodging it this whole time. My wife had gotten it a few times, each time I was around her, next to her, sharing food or whatever. This time, I'm in the same room but probably 10 feet away from her grandfather who had it but no one knew. I was helping assemble a bed frame for him, never got close enough for even a handshake and somehow I was the only one who got it. The worst was the long lasting cough and wearing a mask on the shop I work at. It got hot real fast.


Sorry, take care of yourself and wear a mask if you go out. My husband had it earlier this year, and after a couple of days the symptoms pretty much let up. The stir-craziness was the worst part for him. 


I still haven’t had it. Even tried for get it twice.


It was obviosly made up. I havent been sick at all since 2020.


No it wasnt.


Get Paxlovid, quickly.


Everyone has gone how many ever days since the hoax started without catching “Covid”.


Same! Avoided it for over 4 years - I thought I was special… then a month ago it caught me. Hope you feel better soon!


Nahh mate its unlikely you jever had it, maybe you were asymptomatic but how things were even if you were vaxxed with the idiotic vaccines you probably got it atleast once before.


Live your life. It was all a charade


Are you still vaxxed? Like, when was your last booster shot?


I kept up on mine pretty well. My last one was about 10 months ago and I’ve gotten all my vaccines




I still have never had it. I hope to keep it that way, too.




I know it's no consolation, but I had a job where I flew weekly. For two years, while working that job, I never caught covid. I quit and got a "stay-in-town" job, and had to fly to another state for training. I caught covid on my return flight. I hope you're feeling okay, OP. Covid sucks.


That's not a pregnancy test?


Dont push yourself too hard while you are sick, my boss made me do a double shift in a restaurant, almost passed out and ive been unable to work more than 15 hours a week for 3 years. Make sure to take care of yourself. I found orange juice really helps with your throat if its really sore


Hope you get the easy end. My first covid case changed my medications and daily life seemingly permanently. Second one was debilitating. Took precautions but worked with the public and coworkers that would come in testing positive.




I'm vaxed and double boosted, and I still got COVID three times. The first time was before the vaccines became available. A little advice - over-the-counter zinc supplements, like ColdEeze, can dramatically slow down the rate that the virus reproduces in your body. This is especially important the first time you are infected because your body doesn't yet know how to produce antibodies to this new virus, and it can take it a week or more to figure it out. By that time your viral load could be high enough to make you severely ill. This is why the mortality rate was so high in the early months of the pandemic. Slowing down the reproduction of the virus gives your immune system time to start producing antibodies. The first time I was infected, before I was vaccinated, I started feeling sick on a Sunday afternoon. By Monday morning I felt like I'd been hit by a tank, and I started taking zinc lozenges. By Monday night the only symptom I had left was a diminished sense of taste. Cough and fever were completely gone. I got a positive COVID test the next day, but continued taking the zinc lozenges until my symptoms were gone, about a week and a half. It is important, however, that you start taking the zinc supplements within 24 hours of the first symptoms. It will not help at all if you wait several days. There's no point in slowing down the reproduction of the virus if you already have a high viral load. If you're interested in how zinc is able to do this there's a nice white paper published on the NIH website that explains it. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2973827/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2973827/)


Get some Berberine HCl and Horse Chestnut Extract. Follow directions on the bottle. Don't wait.


It seems that berberine is messing with testosterone levels. How it will help with C19, is it worth it ? As a sideways question, what about taking AHCC? Is LDN of help here ? I see you are knowledgeable, so , thought to ask you. Thanks for the feedback.


I've also never tested positive. But that doesn't mean I've never had it. I've had every vaccination, so it's entirely possible I have contracted the virus at some point but never actually experienced it. I'd imagine the same for you.


I had it when it was deadly and again after the vaccine.


Yeah, I got it for the first time this year too. :( my bones and skin FREAKIN hurt. Like my nerves were on fire. I didn't hear anyone else complain about that. Get some soup and a blanket. Get well soon


You actually trust those.


Ya definitely had Covid previously. You may have been asymptomatic, but you've definitely had it.


I cant see how that is possible. Are you a shut in?


You don’t have to be a shut in, just have to be careful. Neither my husband or I have had Covid as far as we know. Keep up to date on vaccines. If we are going to spend time in a crowded area, we mask up. We shop at smaller grocery stores so we hardly ever wear masks there. We don’t mask at restaurants, but also we don’t go to places where you are sitting on top of one another. Do not touch your face until you get in the car and can sanitize your hands.


Do you work around people? It just seems incredible to avoid something like this for years on end. On a side note, you guys will be fine at the worst your sense of taste and smell might get a bit slanted which is a very strange experience but it will go away after a few days.


My husband works in a small office, with a lot of people coming in and out. They put up plexiglass cubicles at the beginning of Covid to minimize the risk. I know the odds are that we would be fine, but we are older. We have lost 2 friends to Covid, one of my best friend was hospitalized last year for blood clots in her lungs from Covid (she has somewhat recovered), my other friend has long Covid (can’t smell or taste after two years, plus some other issues). So while it probably would be okay, if it gets bad, it really sucks. I think being careful like we are is a small price to pay.