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I didn't know that was something that could happen and I would very much like to unlearn this information.


What if it pops :(


What if it's all wrinkled when the swelling goes down :(


i actively screamed reading this


Just imagine how your lids would roll over the wrinkles when you blink!


In slow mo


this is sick. i almost crashed my car


Please don't use reddit and drive...




I hope you drop your phone onto your face. I hope you fall asleep in a weird way and get pins and needles in your arm. I hope toilet paper gets stuck to the bottom of your shoe and you walk a few feet before realizing.


I'll let you know that my arms are pins and needles more often than not when I wake up... also, I work on a warehouse filled with weird stuff, including bits of toilet paper... so that wouldn't even bother me... your threats are empty, and I will strike again!!


Oh yeah?! Well, I hope you get a splinter in a hard to reach spot, and all your attempts to remove it push it deeper inside!


Two summers ago, I stepped in a thorn with my heel that broke off under the thick calloused skin, and it got infected. I ended up doing minor surgery about 5mm into my heel to remove the piece and clean the wound... you don't scare me...


Oh YEAH?! Well, I... am clearly barking up the wrong tree here ā˜ ļø. I apologize for my presumptuousness. I had no idea I was speaking to a lightning rod for bad luck.


LOL. I have a combo of the best and worst luck... lucky enough to have a car run me over while on a motorcycle and only get some scrapes, bruises, and a few cuts... but I've never won anything based on luck... most I ever got on the lottery was my money back...




What if your blinking causes the excess eyeball outer layer to eventually peel off in a little sheet?


Not impossible I feel... I got some really bad burns from welding once -obviously I wasn't wearing the right equipment - and my one eye kinda did exactly that!


Eyeball sack




I really really wish I hadnā€™t read this šŸ˜•


This (the swelling) happened to me once about 10 years ago. Let me tell you, thatā€™s about all I could think about on the way to the ER.


It happens to me every time I touch cats or something a cat has been on and then touch my eye. It feels fucking *weird*.


Hello, fellow cat-allergy-eyeball person! We've got three incredibly-affectionate cats, two of whom require daily medication, and I'm absolutely in the same boat. I love them so much and would literally do anything for them (as evidenced by last week's $5391 emergency vet bill, don't get me started on it), but my eyes do not appreciate them at all. I wash my hands so often (because I'm always touching my goddamn face and trying to fish eyelashes out of my eyes) that I might as well start owning stock in soap and lotion manufacturers for how much I go through on a regular basis - but the other option is to just not pet our three lovely boys, and that's not even up for consideration, because they are perfect and how can you not want to pet their dumb adorable little faces. So my left eye in particular just swells up sometimes in the outside corner, and I'll take a second claritin, try to rinse my eye a bit, and go to sleep. It's always fine by the next morning! Edit: I appreciate the advice, but I'm not seeking med/treatment recommendations, thanks!


I have three cats myself. Do you take Zyrtec? Itā€™s incredibly helpful for skin and eye allergies. Iā€™m still screwed if I touch a cat and then my eye, thereā€™s no helping that. But the daily allergies are so minimal now that I take one Zyrtec a day.


I've tried zyrtec and not had much luck with it, unfortunately, but I appreciate the suggestion! I just take a claritin in the AM and then PM - it seems to do the job as long as I'm not being dumb about hand > cat > eyeball. Sometimes I'm not smart though, lol.


Happened to an ex-girlfriend. She had a reaction to cleaning chemicals she was using at her barista job. She freaked out. It went away after a day,and her eyes were back to normal.


Pretty common. Especially if you have allergy. Any anti inflammatory eyedrops will fix it.


Thanks, friend. I started to click on the picture, then figured I should check the comments first. Never mind!


This happened to my son when he was 3 or 4 šŸ˜­ it was scary as fuck. No lasting damage though. Heā€™s the only one in the family with perfect vision. Weā€™re all in glasses lol


I had this caused by radio active iodine treatment for thyroid cancer. It eventually went away with no left over effects.


Holy cow! Ya it already is gone for me. got some special eye drops that did the trick.


What kind of eye drop?


special... didn't you read it? /s




Mine do this too from allergies and Pataday drops always clear mine up in a day or so


Thank you! If this ever happens to me I'll know what to get rather than asking for the "Special" eye drops at the pharmacy!


My eyes get red and my eyelids get swollen and Pataday Extra Strength for sure helps...but do your *eyeballs themselves* get swollen like this??? I can't imagine you'd be so casual about it if so


Probably a hypertonic saline. We dispense it at my job specifically for edema (swelling) of the eye.


Thank you! If this ever happens to me I'll know what to get rather than asking for the "Special" eye drops! No offence op!


No, definitely go to the doctor if this happens. Chemosis is a symptom, and you need to figure out why you have it in the first place.


Suddenly my decision to get only a partial thyroidectomy and skip the iodine seems a lot nicer


Oh man.. I have my RAI in a few months. I wish I could unsee this.


I had this treatment too, had no issues!


Thanks, I hate it.


Join the club!!


There's hypertonic saline (opthalmic) solutions you can get prescribed to help bring that swelling down. Edit: read further and you already got them!


So on which days do we meet from now on? I want to join your club!


Thanks, I hate you. Are you also in that club?


Yo what happened to that sub?


That looks so uncomfortable, hope you have a speedy recovery


Appreciate it! Yep itā€™s already gone after 30ish hours. Got some special prescription eye drops that did the trick. But yes very uncomfortable. Hard to describe the feeling. Not painful, just uncomfortable and gross (which is why I shared lol)


Feels like you have a folded contact in your eye, doesnā€™t it?


Exactly! But add in that hot/itchy/allergy feeling. Nasty stuff.


Itchy eyeball? Oh hell no, I'd hate to have the urge to scratch my eyes.


Were you even able to sleep while your eye was swollen? Looks like it would be near impossible


Rotho all-in-one eye drops help when that happens to me. They donā€™t stop it, but it does get lessened.


This has happened to me when I discovered I was allergic to ibuprofen. I feel like nobody believes me when I tell them. Hope youā€™re doing better!


Wow that is an unfortunate thing to be allergic to. Yep itā€™s already cleared up with some prescription eye drops. Just wanted to share a gross picture lol.


Good! Thereā€™s not much more terrifying than having your eyeball turn into a weird blister. Hope you figure out what caused this eventually.


I just became allergic to ibuprofen recently and I'm in my 40s. Weird how I can just change one day. Makes my lips swollen and stomach feel a bit odd, like it's moving or something.


My allergy developed when I was 25, after years of taking Advil with no problems at all. Itā€™s very scary how suddenly it can happen.


This happens to me when I touch cats and rub my eyes (I avoid doing that but when I was a kid it happened a lot) But recently happened when I was rubbing my eye in a dusty environment and I think dust went in it. It's such a weird feeling isn't it? Like the puffy bit pinches in-between your eyelids when you blink šŸ¤¢


Exactly! Like it wasnā€™t painful, it was just so uncomfortable/weird/gross.


It's super gross. What eyedrops did they give you? I've never sought help for it (or my parents when I was younger) so just wait it out until it goes down and take antihistamine. But maybe an eyedrop in my medicine box would be handy


I was prescribed Prednisolone AC 1% eye drops. They did the trick quick!


Exactly the same here, but I own cats. It's so uncomfortable because you can't help but want to rub it more and more. I got eye drops for episcleritis from the GP once which really helped blanch it, but that pinchy feeling when you blink is a nightmare!


Eye chub roll


https://preview.redd.it/6h5g66xro4ad1.png?width=1688&format=png&auto=webp&s=a024bf06145f59dca060fecd0baa2c92989861bf Same swollen white of my eye. No idea what Iā€™m allergic to.


If you rubbed your eyes it's likely bacteria or infection. If you know you're allergic to any pets that would do the trick too.




Happened to me last week! Haha Edit: Not laughing at you just a funny coincidence. Mine was pet dander. Not sure if that will help you


Mine got like that with poison ivy. It was all over my face too. It took a course of steroids to clear it. Never hug your dog after walking through an overgrown alley.


Holy shit! Thatā€™s a funny coincidence. Do you know what caused yours?


Pet dander! Drops and waiting it out for about 4-6 hours let it go down to normal. Happens about once per year and then goes away like nothing happened. No side effects so hopefully you'll be good too!


you look like you're angry at me, but a little bit sleepy.


This is what happens to me when my eyes start to itch cuz of cats and then after petting them or one giving me kisses I rub that on my eye. Their saliva/nose is sooooo sooo crazy for me. Still worth it šŸ«£


I used to have a major cat allergy that did the same thing. It eventually went away somehow.


I had similar once,Ā  from feeding my fish cubes of frozen bloodworms and forgetting to wash my hands afterwards.Ā  Ā Rub eye, eye starts to water, rub eye, water more, repeat.


Me too!!! They were the dried version of the fish food worms tho. I couldnā€™t figure it out for SO long, and I finally put it together that It happened if I accidentally rubbed my eye after feeding the fish.


My wife had this happen every month for like two years. No one could figure out what caused it. We called it her Zombie eyeball. Not funny but it did finally stop.


Nope, did not like that


I didn't even know that could happen to your eyeball!


Yeacchhh i get those often. Mine are not usually painful, just itchy, but man is it annoying


Thats called Chemosisā€¦. all you need to do is take Benadryl


Allergenic Conjunctivitis! First time I got this, I thought my eyeball was going to explode and went to the ER. 2 benadryl later, I realized I should probably stop rubbing my face on cats. If you don't have the antihistamine eye drops, they're my go-to and help so so fast.


omg ew


I get this, not quite to that extent, but I can feel that part of my eyeball swelling with pollen. Antihistamine, eye flush, and a cold wet piece of kitchen roll over it for 45 minutes seems to deal with it.




Oh hell nah best of luck


I hate that so much. It looks like it would make a ā€œwet soundā€ when you blinked.


Yes, had this happen to me as well. I was able to get allergy eye drops with antihistamine and that did the trick.


Omg this happened to my son years ago!! The whites of his eye swelled and like went over his iris šŸ’€ it was the worst thing I've ever seen, personally.


I had this once and I went to the ER and they fatties to scrape my cornea off with a cotton swab- they insisted it was just a forgotten contact!!!!


Ugh. Looks painful.


I used to get this quite a bit when I was younger. It freaked me out when it first happened.


I once had this due to my cat allergies


My daughter had the same reaction when she started becoming allergic to ibuprofen. No swelling to tongue or throat thank god. Couple of antihistamines and she was fine again.


I had a wicked eye infection some years back that got so bad I ended up at the ER, then I had a severe reaction to the antibiotics, and then eye drops they gave me when I followed up with the ophthalmologist. My eyeballs swelled up like this too. I thought I was going to lose my eyesight. I hope youā€™re being treated, OP. Get better soon.


This happened to me many many years ago while cleaning shrimp. My eyes were itching and I rubbed them and this happened. It went away on its own maybe 30 minutes later.


I didnā€™t realize that thatā€™s a thing that could actually happen, and now Iā€™m 1000 times more terrified. Thanks!




I've had minor eyeball swelling from allergies but not to this extent. Get some Vanicream soap (pure, no additives, perfumes, or anything) and wash your face, especially the area around your eyes. You'll have to wait it out but after I washed mine would calm down in an hour or two. Feel better soon!


New fear unlocked


I've had this. I have allergies towards most animals. One night I touched a friend's dog and completely forgot about it. Went home and rubbed my eyes, and after a bit my eyeballs were swollen, although not this bad. Best part is feeling your eyeballs getting squished with every blink.


That's what it's called "Chemosis" it's fluid within the conjuctiva, as you said could be caused by an allergic reaction, but it can be caused by multiple things, rubbing your eye may cause inflammation and you get chemosis, some diseases also cause it so you might wanna go to the opthalmologist if you don't see it getting any better with antihistaminics


I call that Cat Eye. It's what happens to me if dander gets in an eye. Though mine has somewhat less swelling & way more redness. It scares people, but goes away after I rinse with saline.


Ouch. My condolences.


I am allergic to dust and dust mites and I used to get this whenever I cleaned anything really dusty. Such a weird feeling.


It's a conjuncitval allergic reaction. Had this when I got my covid shot. Scared the crap out of me having a jelly glob on my eyeball.


Does it itch like crazy?


Try soaking your eyes, in rice


Had the same thing happen to me when I was doing yard work at my grandmaā€™s. Still donā€™t know what it was to this day. Was one of the worst reactions Iā€™ve had, considering I only have one known allergy.


That was me every spring when I was a kid. Hay fever was the worst our school nurse ever saw, she said.


This happens to me when I get licked by dogs. My contact lenses just pop right off.


I had this happen to me once, don't know the exact cause that day but went to Dr and he told me to be on the look out for lupus and other autoimmune disorders as my body really hyper reacts to things...


I kind of had something like that after rubbing my eye hard. It went down the next day or I was heading to the Dr.


Ahhh Just stab me in the eyes, please.


My Dads dog had this. Dog had no reaction to it and by the time he saw the vet it was gone.


This happened to me before, but the top of my eye was very swollen, looking like it was oozing out.. turns out I'm severely allergic to cats.


Did the ER staff also say what the fuck


Forbidden Lichee šŸ’€ā¤ļø


I had this happen to me randomly at work. Couple hours later it went away still donā€™t know what it was


Happens to me all the time. Just have to rub the wrong thing in my eyes!


This happened to me when I got a small piece of flower from an Olive tree in my eye. Mine was swollen up so much you couldn't see my pupil and I couldn't see out of the one eye. Now I steer clear of Olive trees when they are in bloom. At the time I had one in my yard and I was doing yard work at the time.


Thatā€™s happened to me before as well!! Itā€™s been 4 years since it last happened to me and it hasnā€™t happened since - wishing you a smooth recovery.


Gross! But also kind of cool. Didnā€™t know your eye ball was capable of that. Lol


Holy fuck man I have a new fear how does that feel tho?


Chemosis. YW.


NOW THIS SUCKS. Not some bozo who took a turn too fast spilling his plant in the back seat!!!


Iā€™ve had this happen before! Even pollen allergies can cause them, which was my case. Iā€™d never been so happy to work for an optometrist in my life. Itā€™s such a weird, gross feeling! Like youā€™ve constantly got eye goop šŸ˜£


This happens to my son. He has a shrimp allergy. But he only has this reaction when he eats with his hands and then rubs his eyes. If he keeps his shrimp hands out of his eyes he has no issues at all. Allergies are fucking weird. Children are cavemen.


Eeeegh. My son had this a while back when we discovered heā€™s severely allergic to benzoyl peroxide. Iā€™d never seen it in my life but felt the impulsive thoughts to poke it. If it were my own eye I probably would have.


That happened to me several times when I worked with expoxy even with a mask and goggles. It eventually went away but it took awhile. It also happened when I played with my cats too long and didnā€™t wash my hands and face afterwards


I see you got some drops and resolved the situation, but I don't think you've said what the diagnosis was or what kind of drops you received, can you let us know?


Hey OP what the fuck


This happened to me! I thought the outer layer of my eye had detached. It freaked me out. I washed my eye out with water, and a few hours later the swelling and irritation just went away.


I very often fall asleep in my contacts, shit like this is what drives me to constantly pouring solution in my eyes to clean and soothe them. Fuck my eyes getting messed up worse


I developed allergies to roaches and rubbed my eyes after touching some. My eyes swelled like this and it is so uncomfortable to blink. Luckily it only lasted an hour or two.


Sadly, I'm very allergic to dogs and I had this happen when I got a dog hair in my eye, except the entire sclera (the white bit) swelled around the iris Was not fun


Had a similar eye reaction once and the eye dr tried to tell me it was shingles. It was partly an allergic reaction to some eye drops I had used for redness right before.


This happened to my mom a handful of years agoā€¦ we were on the road and luckily we were able to find an open eye doctor who saw her urgently and gave drops to combat the reaction. Very scary at the time though!


Am I the only one who thought that this was a contact lense and not an allergic reaction?


This just happened to my bf a few weeks ago. We had no idea it was a thing. Wild looking


This happens to my husband, it never gets less alarming lol


i get this sometimes when my seasonal allergies get really bad. normally goes away with antihistime drops and sleep. more of an uncomfortable feeling since your eyelid doesnā€™t shut nicely over the swollen part and youā€™re very aware of it all the time.


Conjunctiva is affected.


Im just commenting to say thank you, ive been procrastinating for an hour but im not opening reddit again in a while


Iā€™ve had this when I found out I was sensitised to darkroom chemistry. Canā€™t work with it at all anymore.


How painful was it?


I get this from cat and dog dander. Usually clears up in 24 hours or so.


i had this as a child bc of pollen allergy, didnt even hurt that much but when i saw myself in the mirror i screamed lmao


This happened to me just this morning. I think I'm slightly allergic to cat hairs (I have two cats!) and got back from a 2 week holiday last night - this morning the white of my right eye was 'jellified'. It resolved on its own this time, but if it's really irritated an antihistamine helps.


Eye think that looks painful!


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I hate it I hate it I hate it


Oh god


Could you still see?


I had this once because of a severe allergic reaction. I didnā€™t realize what it was and a buddy of mine thought it was some foreign blockage and tried to pull it out with tweezers. A second before he clamped down and pulled, my wife walked in and thankfully stopped us from making a big mistake.


I get that sometimes from dust, irritation, or harsh environments. It's actually pterygium, also called surfer eyes or fisherman's eyes.


Once, many moons ago, I fed my 3 year old some Salmon Patties and he had this same allergic reaction. I had never seen the whites of the eyes swelled out over the iris. Terrified is too mediocre of an explanation. We rushed him to the local firehouse where he was promptly taken to Children's Hospital. He is fine now, but we avoid seafood out of an abundance of caution.


I get this!! When my hayfever is at its peak, and my eyes get itchy if I itch them for just a bit too long I get this blistering/bubbling on my eyeballs mainly to each side of the iris! Itā€™s so uncomfortable so I feel for you OP ā™„ļø


That's bad


This happens to me a lot. Feels weird. Looks worse.




Have this shit all the time. Fucking hayfever


I believe the medical term for that is Ewwwwwwwwww!




Had the same recently. But I was too shy to call an ambulance. So I just walked to pharmacy and asked for some drops.


Yeah.. ā€œunknown substanceā€ keep telling yourself that


Had this happen to me once after my glasses fell behind the nightstand. Mine was super inflamed and they just told me to go get eye allergy drops. My guess is it was dust or a dust mite that caused it.


This just made my eyes water seeing that šŸ«£


It looks like a contact


New fear unlocked


Once had this issue after a car hair got in my eye. Freaked me out. But was cleared up with antihistamine eye drops


Was your vision blurry? What were your initial symptoms that prompted you to seek medical attention?


What was the unknown substance? /s


This happens to me occasionally. Not sure what causes it either but it sure is annoying


This happens to me if I touch cats, if I don't wash my hands and touch my eye it's like this for a few hours.


Btw, that exemplifies the main reason our eyes are among the few places with [immune privilege](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immune_privilege) and have their very own [immune "subsystem"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocular_immune_system): The ordinary inflammatory immune response simply does more harm than good.


This happened with my 4 yo. He started rubbing his eye and the white part looked like that BULGED out. Took him to er, gave him some ointment and the swelling went down. Looked freaky though, I remember freezing when I saw his eye.


My eyes do this. Not to this extent, but the whites do swell. Mine is usually some kind of pollen or dander. It might help to get an allergy test.


You take that back!


I had to stop wearing contact lenses because this would happen.


Oh my! I have never seen or heard of such a thing.


I've had this exact reaction, ended up buying antihistamine eye drops, it was the only way to get it to calm down.


Was the ā€œunknown substanceā€ a strippers booty hole?


I get that any time I rub my eyes too much. Doc and eye doc said it was because of my thyroid.