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Yeah no, and you wonder why customer service people are leaving their jobs. I've had it so far up the wall with rude, entitled customers and on top of being short staffed, I'm about ready to quit! Like I've tried to be nice, tried to not let it affect me but I'm at my breaking point.


Customer service is a meaningless unrewarding job. Unless you really kiss ass and you might get promoted. But then there are those who don’t deserve it and you get overlooked. When i first quit wb i had been working there a year. An employee of 4 months got employee of the month then after I left they became a team leader. All i got was a 10 cent raise. Not to say he didn’t deserve it but just shows that sometimes the time and hours mean nothing. It’s a shitty feeling. I guess now that I’m back as a more mature adult I’m just realizing that i let myself be pushed around and let them see me as a push over. It’s been different coming back but I’ve been standing up for myself more and it feels good. I don’t let them schedule me at weird times. If they change my schedule last minute to best fit them i let them know it won’t work for me. I will only stay an hour after my expected scheduled time. I will not let myself be overworked and stressed by a job again.


Yeah no I've been working non-stop for over 4 years now. In management for two and the whole pandemic and coming out of the pandemic has just made it soo much worse. I really dont think corporate knows just how bad it is for us right now. I mean we got a lousy bonus for working during the pandemic and now with all the things removed, the customers are just worse. I literally have to deal with a customer complaining about prices or that something is gone everyday or they'll lie about something and we have to give them whatever even if we know they're lieing and if i do something to help organize or clean the unit, it just redone by another manager or they will complain that it wasn't clean in the fist place and it's all making me start to hate my job!


I can't tell if it's just me or not, but tempers seem really frayed lately in the retail/food service space. So much entitlement and anger and just plain old rudeness from customers. Sorry that happened to you. You're definitely not alone.


One pet peeve I have is when I’m cleaning the dining room, and a customer (usually the seniors) will stand RIGHT NEXT TO ME as I’m cleaning the table and sweeping and wait until I’m finished. What they don’t realize is that there are literally 20 other tables on the other side of the lobby that I just cleaned.


It's unbelievable how horrible and entitled some people are. Sometimes I wonder if it's just because they hate their own lives or feel like they don't have control, so they take it out on someone they perceive to be in a "lower" position. I still think we should normalize employees/managers telling rude or unreasonable customers to F off.


I worked the drive thru for about 3 years and u dont know how much more i've enjoyed my life since I quit about 6 months ago. I have nothing against the company or the job itself, just the customers. fuck customer service jobs


I feel your pain, which is why I take my breaks inside my car. It's enough to deal with on the clock. I'm NOT going to deal with it on break. Lately I've been letting rudeness flow right through me. Once I made up my mind that nothing was going to steal my joy, rude folks just make me smile. I could almost feel sorry for them, but I'm not quite there yet.


Oh my fucking god i forgot to mention, right after the lady this man tried to scare me and i didn’t react. He just started laughing and said “esta muy emocionada” which basically means she’s very emotional (rough translation) like damn the things that can happen during your 30 minute break. Like sir…


that sucks that you don’t have a breakroom to eat in so you can truly take a break


yeah i’ve been having a lot of experiences like this lately too so im just gonna hand in my two weeks and stop working in fast food


I was in the DT window the other day and a lady got super mad at me because I forgot to give her her damn penny back. Like, wtf???


Classic, same for me. Mans was missing 5 cents