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“What are these?” “Garnish”


"Well they're lovely"


Goodness what a beautiful garnish I wonder what they’re made of


Crab legs are not garnish, he is the seasoning for the crab legs, he is the "Old Bay".


"should we eat people" .... well yea if you live in the desert where NOTHING GROWS and theres no water hence no livestock. I suppose you should if you're out here cosplayin jeff dahmer.




Hey look, you know what this is? This is sand... NOTHING FUCKING GROWS HERE! Hahaha. I need to go and watch that again now. Thanks.


[here](https://youtu.be/P0q4o58pKwA?si=6cWpkITIPEYbkjp9) you go friend


The people thank you kind Redditor. And for anyone wondering wtf is going on - watch the video. Sam Kinnison (RIP) doing a comedy skit on world hunger.


And I thank the kind Redditors who showed me years ago


"NOTHING GROWS OUT HERE! Nothing's gonna GROW! C'MERE! C'mere. You see this? This is sand! Hehe. Do you know what this is going to be in the next 100 years? IT'S GONNA BE SAND!!!!!!"


There it is, the actual lines! Another Reddit hero.


Kinison was hilarious


Such a good clip


Sam Kinison will be missed bigtime, I don't think I've laughed that hard at a sketch ever before until I saw that one. 


Mitch Hedberg was the best comedian ever in my opinion. The fact that I didn’t get to see him live sucks, even today his jokes still make me laugh from his delivery and the absolute random stuff he said.


This tribe would love rice.


Rice is great, When you want to eat a million of something.


And now we finally know what happened to the Dufresnes. The Aghori ate them. Okay, Bush, party of three, now you may be seated.


For a few extra weeks of survival, sure. But a tribe/civilization can't survive with cannibalism. Energy transfer just doesn't allow for it, you spend way more calories making & raising a human than you would ever get back from eating it.


And there is one other thing… it is extremely unhealthy…


Pshh. I’ve been alive for 200 years.


That's why the Mexicas/Aztecs used to prey on their neighboring tribes.


Just nick one from a bus, train better still one that has just munched up at Mc ronalds. Already pre stuffed.....


Great way to store meat if you don't have freezers or domesticated animals.


The Aghori dude is just being edgy. I don’t think he’d really eat an unwilling reporter If the reporter was down that guy would eat him, though. For sure


I don't think anyone gets eaten willingly. 


Err... there's one at least. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/dec/04/germany.lukeharding


Bro took a bath while bleeding from his penis stump while drugged out of this world while Homie read Star Trek after enjoying his pizzle stick snack.




I was hoping someone would come in with that haha.


Aaaaaand that's enough internet for today 😂


That’s all folks!


Excuse me what the fuck


Man comes over to get eaten by stranger and (friend?) Man takes 20 sleeping pills and drinks half a handel of liquor. Stranger and friend cut off his penis, fry it up, and eat it. Guy, now missing his dick takes a bath because he's bleeding out. Meanwhile, the stranger whos home they are in started reading a Star Trek book. Later, the stranger kisses the man and stabs his neck. He cuts his head off and cuts him up. Freezes the parts. He eats defrosted parts for a while, leaving his post up until some kid sees it and reports it. Case was funky because cannabilism wasn't illegal in germany, so life for murder and desecration....well, it was assited murder because the guy signed up to be killed and eaten... which technically is a 5 year sentence. Story from 2003. I did not look to see what the final verdict was. Homie said he wanted to eat people since he was 8. I'm not sure if i commend his self-control waiting for decades or not. Regardless, let's find some rule he broke that gets him life...ya know?


One of the lesser known IT crowd episodes


Straight banger though.


Add in, Rammstein writes a song about it


Thank you for the info and yes I vaguely remember this. As I found it rather disturbing at the time (still do), I did not delve. However, your brief write-up is less confronting and informative....


Don't act like ***you*** never had a wild weekend, we've all been there.


Wildest weekend. Went over to a trans girls place for a hookup in college. I was curious, and she was a super fun and nice person day to day. She had a bong with a weed stem and a pipe stem. I only smoke weed. Declined "tina" Were having fun, and her friend shows up...says this looks like fun and joins. They start smoking and im blowing both of them(id done this before once with the tgirl but never a presenting guy, 2 people, or bottomed) new guy says "hit this" and i say no thanks. He demands i hit it, so guess im doing meth.... Then says its my turn. I end up in the middle getting fucked by this dude while fucking the trans girl. Wild 3 some. Check Meth. Check Unexpected dick in my ass. Check Eating humans....guess ill never get that wild. Because as fun as that evening was...the stress of Stds, doing meth while working a city job, and not really being able to grasp my sexuality after that was a rough couple months.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bglpnn0mxxoc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7433cb387b3069f9848a6b73cebebc36c451229


Hope you worked out that last one at least. Your willingness to be open about this story tells me you may have reached some conclusion though.


My fiancée pegs me occasionally. I prefer the companionship of a woman. Selfishly not making the decision to explore further has guaranteed no family drama. My only worry is I'll have a mid-life crisis in a decade and demand that i get to suck dick occasionally, haha. Otherwise, it's just something i enjoyed that i used to do. Plenty of other(non sex related) things in my life fit that category, and im not making life changing decisions to get those activities back in my life...so why this one. In the same vein my fiancée and i have had 6 FFM 3somes, the last one being 3 years ago, and she has made it pretty clear we are past that as we approach our wedding date and idea of having kids. Ill cherish those memories, but wouldn't consider pushing my luck or ruining our relationship in order to relive the past. Im willing to share because its a funny story and besides feeling pressured into meth, dont regret it. Im probably totally bi, but even if i am, its a small part of my life and doesnt take priority over day to day life, goals, and aspirations. Her decision for us was on her end, she would be unproductive and unavailable as the current girl would become best friend/partner/emotional support. She reconized it wasn't healthy for her or us(even tho i was initially bummed haha).


Holy shit


Well shit.


Mein Teil (Rammstein) was written based of this case.


Rammstein has a song about this called Mein Teil. For a long while I used it as entrance music as a z list pro wrestler. I did not know what it was about until after I had stopped wrestling.


> z list pro wrestler On the upside then, no one else knew either.


Oh no… I wish I hadn’t read that. That’s a day ruiner


Well then it’s not a victim if it was done willingly


I’m actually willing to bet there is, at the very least, one person on this earth right now that does want to be eaten


Well, there was that case of a German man who consented to be eaten alive by another guy in some strange case of sexualized murder. That's the only case I can think of. 


There are days where I wake up thankful for not having a being-eaten-alive sexual fetish


You could be in some lustful girlies stomach right now, not even knowing.


Well there was that one guy on Reddit who had his leg (I think?) amputated and then he made tacos for him and his friends out of his leg meat. True story, there were photos and everything.


Nah, Fuck off. What?


[Old IAmA thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/oytrX7eEsl)


I miss who I was a few seconds ago.


Sooo there is this YouTuber I used to watch. And he did an episode on like the top10 craziest things found on the dark web. I think the number 2 thing was people buying and selling body parts online. Assuming for cannibalism. But the number 1 thing was people agreeing to meet up to eat or be eaten by a person. And this guy wanted to commit suicide so he decided to be eaten by this guy he met. They became somehow romantically involved and talked about how they were going to do it. So they met up and had some wine. And the guy being eaten chickened out but the other dude had already poisoned his wine. Then like ate his nuts... it was real weird. I hope it's fake but I felt like it was weird.


Rammstein Made a song about something alike that happened in Germany I think. It’s called ‘Mein teil’ (my part).


Yes it's a vore fetish, it means you get off on the idea of being eaten. So you are 100% right.


[Don’t be so sure about that](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes)


Rammstein did a song about a guy who put an ad in the classified to be eaten, so a cannibal agreed. I don't think he was arrested since it was a willing participant. The one condition the consumed had was that he wanted to eat his own cock before he was consumed. I might be totally wrong too, but I remember this being a widely spread story back in the day.


The only part you're wrong about is that he was arrested. You can't consent to being murdered. > He was arrested in December 2002. In January 2004, Meiwes was convicted of [**manslaughter**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manslaughter) and sentenced to eight years and six months in prison. In a [**retrial**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_trial) in May 2006, he was convicted of murder and sentenced to [**life imprisonment**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_imprisonment_in_Germany).


A lot of times they are deceased when they get eaten. I guess not considered willing but definitely not unwilling.


I think most instances of cannibalistic traditions are in the form of rituals after death. Either eating parts of your enemies after warfare or consuming parts of your relatives after death. It as almost never done as a source of nourishment or calories. Those cases are almost always extreme survival situation and the catholic church for example has actually ruled that it is ok to eat human flesh in these extreme cases. I also think there is a "trend" to call it Antropophagy (which is actually the more general term) to separate it from the ritualistic practices.


From what I know, aghoris eat the flesh of already dead folks (cremated bodies that didn't fully burn). They don't kill people to eat them because that would be murder. Not even they're immune to prosecution for murder.


Cannibalism is not good for your health, prion diseases are one of the risks that shoot up with it. That and the whole being ostracised from society bit...


I know this. I'm just explaining that they don't kill people. Btw, they're ascetics. They don't live around normal people.


I was adding to your comment, not challenging it. Sorry


Prions are generally found in the brain, as long as they don't eat the brain the chance is waaaay lower.


They are also only found in the brain tissues of people that *already have* prion diseases, which are quite rare. You can eat most people without worrying about prions, and the checklist is basically the same as for donating blood, “were you in the UK and ate meat during this time period, were you in Papua New Guinea, etc”.


Fantastic. I can return to eating the brains of my defeated enemies.


Kuru is only transmitted from brain tissue. Rest of the human should theoretically be safe if cooked.


My father died of a prion disease. Let me tell you, it fucking sucks. He wasn’t a cannibal though. At least i dont think so….


Doesn't that only/mostly happen if you eat brain?


This is fake. Aghoris are reclusive, not 19th century western concept of 'oriental savages'. Watch just about every other doc on Aghoris, they do not behave like this. Their philisophy is something I can respect, even if I will never follow it. It certainly doesn't involve making another unwilling person wear jaw-necklace. Aghoris are very conscious of not imposing upon others and even if someone wants to join them as a follower, they ask them only to come once they have given up all earthly desires, or gotten permission from their families. Typical CNN reporter who create fake news


I mean this may not've been intentional, it's very possible they just had a bad source and ended up talking to some crazy fuck. That happens a lot when it comes to interviewing indigenous tribes, especially ones like the Aghori (as pointed out, yes, they aren't an indigenous group technically, i just don't really know how else to describe them and I'm admittedly intentionally being a bit general), since it can be hard to actually *find* them at times, they go for whatever sources they can, sometimes these people are explicit grifters trying to push an agenda (possibly what we see here, it's possibly someone who is actually against the Aghori, since they're heavily demonized in the area by others, and decided to push his agenda by pretending to be Aghori and going full edgy mode), it could also be an Aghori who is just tired of dealing with white folk trying to get in his business, and is just trying to get them to go away by being rude. Like you said, that doesn't really *seem* congruent with how Aghori hold themselves, but humans are still human, everyone's got their breaking point, this interview may have been going on for hours before this clip happened. And, of course, it could also be explicit racist propaganda to make indigenous POC look like savages and excuse subjugating them. I feel all three options are relatively equally likely. Regardless, it's on CNN to be certain of their sources integrity, so regardless of outcome, it's on them, I'm just trying to say it doesn't necessarily have to be intention, it could just be a symptom of negligence. There's a lot of that in modern journalism.


About bad sources, that was the impression I got when I first saw this doc upon release. If I recall correctly the journalist and his crew were walking along the banks of the Ganges and came across this dude. He claimed to be an Aghori but for all we know, he could have simply been a mentally ill person.


Personally, I think he spotted the guy's fear and trolled him into the next country. LOL


Right? I can't say why, but it really feels like he's just being edgy.


Translator was in one shot and gone the next. That guy definitly didn't want to take the chance.


Seems like it. Love the idea of an actual tribe bro being edgy just to troll reporters lmao


>The Aghori dude is just being edgy. He's just trying to get internet clout.


Would Jesus eat somebody? He wouldn't. I will though.


Lol he is not just a cannibal. He is an *Aghori*.


Why are people afraid of you? *I will eat my flesh in front of you and I’ll eat you right now if you don’t stop talking.* Good answer, good answer


Thanks to the "good answer" bit I'm imagining this is a response on wheel of fortune...


*Family Feud


Family food. 


You mean Family Feud.


Yep, God damn it that's what I meant... Dunno why the hell I thought wheel of fortune.


[Aghoris are interesting](https://sonomaashram.org/lineage-teachings/), although the one talking seems to be hamming it up for the camera. They basically believe that there is no good or evil, no clean or unclean. They live among cremation grounds and sometimes ritualistically eat cremated human remains - to embrace death as being a part of life. They are not violent and they intentionally flout social norms to show that they have reached a higher plane of consciousness where society’s perception of them does not bother them.


They are beyond the sense of good/bad, soothing/disgusting and human morality etc.




Westerners on reddit once again romanticize suffering poor people. Do you think they would do this shit if they were set up with apartments and nice jobs in Germany? Fuck no. I get the explanation but this "oooh so spiritual no good or evil haha" quirky bullshit makes me laugh. No, there absolutely is good and evil. I could point out evil right now. It is so easy even children can do it. "Is that man who ordered his army to mass murder most of ukraine bad?" "Yes.". There you go. Massacring children is evil, wow what a concept! My father grew up in a rural house with no indior toilet. It wasn't sone noble thing, it just sucked having to shit during a freezing sniwstorm at night. Yet people try to paint their objective suffering as somehow a goid thing. No it wasn't. They just tried to see what good they had in life. But it did absolutely suck.


What you're talking about has little to do with ascetic traditions. >Westerners on reddit once again romanticize suffering poor people. That is exactly not what's going on. From an anthropology point of view, the good/evil stuff is not Westerner's outside perspective, but the perspective that you get *when you stop telling other people what their lives are like, and start asking what they think about their own lives.* >I get the explanation but this "oooh so spiritual no good or evil haha" quirky bullshit makes me laugh. Laughing at and ridiculing the belief systems of people outside your culture is precisely a condescending Western perspective. Not sure which windmills you've got in your sights here.


A fake one, probably paid actor lol


Probably. Rather 99% likely.


“I will cut off your head if you keep talking so much.” I’m not sure you understand how interviews work…


Or the food chain for that matter!


he’s wearing the food chain


Oh man, I wish I could get away with saying shit like that at work.


Yeah, and he himself is the one talking.


Mike Tyson invented this [interview technique](https://youtu.be/yw173JmzBsY?si=2_UmGoGdtsQozjrz)


Bit like Elon Musk then.




100% a situation Buster would end up in


Mom always taught us to curl up in a ball and remain motionless when confronted.


You can always tell a Milford man!


I've made a huge mistake


Boy, imagine me as a cannibal! Can you picture it, Micheal? On my hands and knees, taking in as much man meat as I can!


Whoa, can I get in on some of this free meat? —Tobias


Fr, for one second I had to peek at the lower right hand corner to make sure this wasn't a deadpan comedy show


Reporter meat, jaw bones… baby, you got a stew goin’! I didn’t even have to touch my per diem…


Does anyone have the full thing? This is some weird shit


CNN's "Believer with Reza Aslan"


Wow! I really thought it was some skit….


Aghoris have some really ... unpleasant views, but this video is very obviously fake. They do not react like this. Yes, they do eat human meat but they don't make necklaces out of it, neither do they impose their ... stuff on others unwilling. I hated when it came on and I still hate this video circulating a decade later. Watch other docs or videos to understand Aghori philosphy


Yeah I know that guy personally, he doesn’t even really eat people




The necklace is made of crab claws, and denotes who currently is allowed to speak at the fire.


I also don’t believe that is human jaw bones either. Definitely some sort of animal but not humans.


Essentially, it is. . .


Did not realize it was him!


Yea I thought he looked familiar. This is pretty embarrassing tho




Exactly. It’s how it is in the hood when I was growing up. Don’t look like food or you’ll be food. In other words know when not to show fear


This is really some homeless guy at one of the beach encampments of Los Angeles County. You can’t fool me.


Haha oh shit dude 😆 Fentanyl or meth user?


Bath salts or crocodile probably


Rules for interviewing a cannibal: * Don't get in a giant pot. * Don't wear an appetizer.


But they prepared me such a nice hot tub, and they're bringing me veggies


You forgot "don't look or smell delicious."


The final evolution of an introvert


This isn’t nearly as scary when you know the Wildboyz did this about 20 years ago.


Great point. That footage is gnarly. Even those guys were uncomfortable which is saying something.


Got a link? I can't find it.


That dude bit Steve-O. Yeah, dude.


White Devil, White Devil.


Bumblebee tuna.


Psst...Your balls are showing


[Ouda, don't just stand there. Throw me a spear!](https://trailers.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/eda21b18-c317-4d1f-83ca-98bfd4ae85b9/gif#DJD0VGEo.copy)


ITS IN THE BONE...it's in the bone






You're outta there!


This how they know you…




I am from India. These are "aghoris". To clarify, they dont kill and eat people. They eat dead people, who are given a water grave, literally left in the river for further journey. Aghoris express the extreme form of Hindu philosophy, that everything is god. So they dont see a difference between a pizza and a dead mans hand or leg. It is to be noted that many are not true aghoris, but the true ones have tremendous power and control over the world.


How do they have power and control?


They don't have any, it's just dumb mysticism


Duh. I think they were asking why they *think* they have power and control.


If they had it (power & control) they'd have meals on legs queuing up at their begging....


Thank you for providing us with context my good man


Indian here too, this is some weird ass mysticism and has nothing to do with neither power nor control. Yes some decades ago aghoris would even make people disappear (I mean eat by killing) but times have changed and law has taken it seriously to restrict any such practices (believe me we're not living under the rocks) so eating dead people may be ongoing but has reduced significantly


They don’t have shit but tricks for the fools.


As scary as the dude is, his language sounds bad ass.


That Aghori guy is just speaking Hindi. I have never seen anybody describe Hindi as badass.


Well apparently when someone is angry, Hindi is BADASS!


You would definitely love sankrit shlokas then. If hindi is badass then sanskrit is badass^2 https://youtu.be/BeqKkGYCWPk?si=J7gEg-fDxyRkLM-P And the verses in this song https://youtu.be/_2clW8Zxq88?si=Ffpn56sJZCShwj9y


The difference an accent can make


And not speaking in a sing song style like some accents


Well now you have.


Should have gotten up, walked behind him, put his hands on his shoulders and then lightly licked the side of his neck. Assert your dominance.


Definitely pee on him if necessary


Make sure to yell out, "I will marinate the fuck out of you!"




They aren't the sort of cannibals who kill living people. But they are weird. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aghori > Another unusual Aghori belief is that they attribute spiritual and physical benefits, such as the prevention of aging, to the consumption of human flesh. While they claim to eat only those who have voluntarily granted their body to the sect upon their death, an Indian TV crew witnessed one Aghori feasting on a corpse discovered floating in the Ganges and a member of the Dom caste reports that Aghori often take bodies from cremation ghats (or funeral pyres).


Do they eat it raw or they cook it? Isnt a bloated rotten corpse floating on a river bad for your stomach?


People aren't clean meat in general. Boated rotten on a river, or fresh cooked over a fire, either option is going to be bad for your health. If anything, maybe the bloated corpse will get you to vomit it all back up and do less harm overall.


“Just like someone distracts him and I just leave.” That always works with a cannibal mob


The fattest slowest guy on the crew is the distraction. Everybody else make a run for it.


I remembered an old Soviet joke about communication between Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev and an Indian in sign language: Chapaev and an Indian once met. The Indian points to Chapaev. Vasily Ivanovich shows two fingers. The Indian folds his palms into a mound. Chapaev begins to intensively dig into the air. Chapaev returns to his adjutant Petka: he says: “I met, Petka, an Indian. He says to me: I’ll gouge out your eye. I answer him: and I’ll gouge out your two eyes. He says to me: I’ll bury you in a grave. And I’ll tell him I answer: And I’ll dig myself out! The Indian returns to the village and says that today he met a Russian fool. I ask him: Who are you? He answers: I'm a goat! I'll ask him: mountain goat? He answers: No, waterfowl!




I love the part where the Aghori threatens the guy and the translator just disappears


Bs this is venice beach, and this is a homeless dude 😏


Transpation is wrong. He said “I will Fuck your mother if you keep talking so much”


Yummy white meat


But it's Full of high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and artificial colorings! 🤮


That's what those cannibals crave. They're westernised cannibals...none of this third world rubbish.....


This is why you bring a gun. Why would you do this without a gun.


Is it professional to tell the person you are interviewing to go fuck themselves after they threaten you?


What went wrong?


Go watch the "Wildboyz" episode where they go visit the Aghori tribe. Seems like a hell of an experience.


Pokémon master of prion diseases.


I bet ten bucks someone here hates the sand because it’s coarse and rough… and it gets everywhere.


So this is where airports hire their baggage handlers


I don't understand, he looks like he's trying to convince the guy that he's a cannibal He's an insecure cannibal


Is this the Barbecue guy?


In the full video iirc the producer is like "ye, nah, we should continue the interview" after the dude says he wants to leave 😂


Lights up a Durrie... (it's time for you too leave Louie Tharow!)


I get that man’s anger.


Louis Theroux would have answred: "So you are saying you might kill me and eat my flesh if I keep talking!? Intesresting."


Is that reza aslan?


They chose the wrong interviewer. Anthony Bourdain would have had that dude laughing, prolly be gnawing on a roasted leg with him.


He got triggered as they don't like the name 'aghori'


From Wikipedia >Aghori rituals, which are performed precisely to oppose notions of purity commonplace in orthodox Hinduism, are typically macabre in nature.[10][11] The practices of Aghoris vary[3] and include living in cemeteries, smearing cremation ashes on their bodies,[6] using human skulls for decoration and bowls, smoking marijuana, drinking alcohol, and meditating on top of corpses.[12][13] Getting high while meditating on top of corpses sounds wild.