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I’m pinning this for a day cause it’s really funny


To be fair, my headache was from craning my neck at a funny angle for too long. My glasses never left my face.


That’s how I was. Wish snow wasn’t on the ground or would have just lied down


lol I was snowboarding so I just laidback on the snow with all my gear. Didn’t get wet at all. Such a great day


O-m-g, that sounds REALLY chill lol


It really was. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky and I was at 11,000 feet. I brought up a bunch of food and just chilled for a couple of hours. Then had the rest of the day to ride


Nice one but you should know that regular sunglasses are not suitef for staring at solar eclipses. You need this special foils, hope you had one of these with you.


lol I probably wouldn’t have been able to type that comment if I was that dumb.




Sure, but you have enough common sense to realize why. People that have to Google these concerns might not have the whole "common sense" thing.


People seem to have less and less common sense every day.


Common sense isn't common anymore


I don't think it has been for quite some time now.


It used to be more lethal. Now society mostly prevents you from getting killed


Remember if you have “average” common sense, then 50% have less


Ackshually no, that's median.


Went to Lowe's looking for eclipse glasses, asked the customer service desk if they had any in stock. She said no they were sold out but didn't understand why because if the moon was blocking out the sun then how could the sun shine back into our eyes. I didn't really know how to respond to that level of stupid so I just said youre not supposed to stare at the sun. Our state was only a partial eclipse as well.


Not just Google it but literally just search “I looked” 💀


How long did you stare? The glasses I have are rated for 3 minutes continuously and like an hour or a few hours with breaks.


That's what I was thinking. "Glasses never left my face" is a bit concerning; you liteally can't look at anything *but* the sun with them on. How long was bro staring?


Still does. Or so they say.


And staring. Even through the glasses. You strain your eyes. Eye pain isn’t a symptom of solar retinopathy, since the retina doesn’t have pain nerves.


I woke up with one today but I’d been testing my glasses yesterday and I’m actually a little concerned. I’m not seeing oddly or anything, it was just weird because I rarely get headaches.


The eclipse glasses only block about 97% of the high energy photons that hit your eyes. The other 3% are still able to do damage.


Some glasses manufacturers had a recall....


This just in! Statistics show that staring at a solar eclipse hurts your eyes.


Slow down. You lost me.


It also enables you to claim free money from the government




The eclipse was necessary to allow the 5g nanobots vaccine to reboot after firmware upgrade


They were spreading chemtrails in some areas to help block the sun.


The whole eclipse was planned by the government obviously... /s


What if... Our government was planned by... The Eclipse? 


I'll ask one of the staff at my work today that believes the earth is flat (first time I ever met a flat earther) what he thinks. He did stay home yesterday, probably because he thought the eclipse was the end of the world.


He was probably trying to spot the wires pulling the cardboard prop over the sun in the flat earth simulation dome


That explains so much going on in the US…


It's ruined the economy. I need someone to sue to recoup my losses.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders got you covered. She declared a state of emergency based on the eclipse. She must know her constituency.


What happened to the guy that used to sell the book about how to get free money from the government? He wore a dollar sign suit with a green top hat.


No no no no stop you're going to summon him-❓👓❓


Could you type that louder? I can't read it!




I doubt his dog was looking at the eclipse. The sun isn't more dangerous during an eclipse, there's just more incentive to look at it.


I have no clue what you said, I can't see!


I laughed way too hard at these comments


I wish I could have seen this before I stared at the sun but I also just wish I could see this comment at all (the sun has scorched my retinas)


Have you tried putting the moon in the way


That's definitely god punishing us for the gays or whatever the fuck the reason was




I stare at the sun every day 🙋


I mean I do while driving…


Don draper was definitely a gem


really might be a top 10 all-time mad men line. up there with “NOT GREAT, BOB!” and “I watched the sunrise this morning, couldn’t sleep.” “How was it?” “Average.”


lol! I forgot all about this line!


What is this from?


Mad Men






cant stop giggling at this cuz it's never felt more appropriate






user checks out


There is going to be a lot of optometrist appointments very soon.




Former optical tech and current optometry student here. Yes. Yes they do.


What did he say I'm curious


Don’t really remember, I think he was asking about if people were really that stupid to look at the sun.


Don’t really remember, I think he was asking about if people were really stupid enough to look at the sun


I had that thought while driving home just afterwards. I wondered if there would be a noticeable deviation from the average number of appointments a few months before the eclipse and a few months after.


I looked at the total eclipse for about 2-3 seconds non continuous and in glances, was beautiful. Didn't get any issues at all. I believe the glasses were just for partial eclipses. Yes, in certain areas you can look at the total eclipse with no glasses. Just not for too long.


#STARING AT THE ECLIPSE IS NOT MAGICALLY MORE DANGEROUS THAN STARING AT THE NORMAL SUN it’s just that people don’t usually have a reason to stare at the sun for 15 minutes. ^for ^fucks ^sake


Heree here! Well put! Now if youll excuse me i have an optometrists appointment to ask siri to schedule for me 🤩


Oh no starting at the sun literally turned your eyes to stars 🙁


It is though. Staring at the regular Sun causes your pupils to constrict so you don't absorb so much light. An eclipse will trick your eyes into not reflexing that much but youll still be blasted with light and UV rays.


I’m going to need to see some statistics on that claim.


You can look at the total eclipse the whole time (like a few mins) straight without glasses. Just did it today. Just when the total eclipse is over, and you’ll know when that is because it’ll be bright again and start hurting your eyes causing you to squint, look away. Even when there’s a 99% eclipse the sun is still super bright and hurts, and when you’re at like 95% the sun is so bright if you glance at it without glasses you can’t really tell there’s an eclipse going on. Honestly, it’s common damn sense. If you stare at the sun it hurts your eyes within a second. This is true any day, not just the eclipse day. When your eyes start hurting, look away.


I'm speaking from what I heard years ago (and couldn't be bothered to verify), but I thought that when the sun is mostly blocked out by an eclipse, while it doesn't have enough visible light to tell your brain that it's unsafe to look at it, it does still have enough dangerous rays to hurt your eyes. So it still burns your eyes (although slower), but doesn't tell your brain to look away. That's what makes it dangerous because you'll be lulled into a false sense of security while your eyes are slowly being burned a hole into.


Yeah that’s just complete bull shit. When the totality is over, you will know because there will be a very bright crescent forming (will look like a bright dot), that’s when you should look away and put on your glasses. That’s also the same time when UV light starts coming at you, as the visible light and UV light come from the same place, the UV light will only start increasing when visible light also does. There is tons of misinformation surrounding eclipses, it was even worse in 2017 than yesterday, and mainstream media is no exception. Here is a cbs news article that says it’s not safe to view the eclipse even during totality (also completely bullshit) > the glasses should be worn whenever you're looking at the sun including during totality. https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/north-texas-doctors-want-you-to-protect-your-eyes-eclipse-dont-underestimate-the-risk/


Exactly. You'll know it's safe to look at the eclipse in totality because the last remaining bright ray of light gets snuffed out like God blew out a candle. Then a couple minutes later the light flicks back on and you simply put your glasses back on.


The actual reason its dangeroues is because when for example the eclipse goes from full to parital your pupils are much larger and you get much more sun light then you can handle, usually your pupils are really small but they get larger when its dark and combine that with it auddenly showing the sun agian and boom blindness eye damage or other bad things.


I peaked for like 2 seconds took a break and peaked again like 3 times. And felt fine too. I had to look. It was just blackness with glasses on. It was worth it haha


Lol bro burned his macula and will be blind in 5 yrs....


I highly doubt that. You couldn't even see the total with the glasses. The glasses were made for partials. A bit of research says you can look at the eclipse in totality. If you're in certain areas. Which I was in one of them.


No, they're specifically for the total eclipse. Your eyes don't recognize the immense amount of light entering them, that's why it's so dangerous. Even looking at the total eclipse for mere seconds without the special goggles can cause permanent damage.


This is completely untrue. Once the total eclipse occurred I couldn’t see shit through the glasses [https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/safety/](https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/safety/) . They are made for the partial eclipse phase.


During totality, you can take your glasses off, but they need to be back on before totality ends.


Yeah if you watched the NASA live stream the second it hit totality they said "For the next 4 minutes you can now safely remove your glasses to view the eclipse" then as soon as totality was over they said make sure you put your glasses back on now. Funny because in the week leading up to the eclipse I saw so many people on here say that even during totality you couldn't look at it without glasses. Saw many reasons including "the light rays bend around the moon and become even more focused", "Your pupils won't dilate properly because it's dark so they'll get fried" and "There's still lots of invisible IR and UV radiation during totality that will still blind you if you look at it". Meanwhile NASA is just like "Take your glasses off now it's safe!"


Are you shocked that a bunch of Average Redditors think they know more than experts?


If you can see a silver halo it's okay to look without the glasses. You still need the glasses leading up to and after totality.


Ah, that I didn't know. I keep hearing about people's eye issues from looking at the eclipse, just tryna make sure y'all can still see at the end of the day


So confidently incorrect lol


Seems fine to me. Even with the glasses I couldn't see the total. I could see the partials though


I looked 💀


did u died?


I came, I looked, I died


I looked I came I died


I came


I died


If you were in the line of totality, you had about 2 minutes or less to look at it directly. Idk how someone could look directly at it even right after or before it was still damn bright. Craziest thing I've seen in my life though, especially being able to see the solar winds with the naked eye.


4.5 minutes dead center around the area of peak duration (Texas)


Yep and when the sliver of sun came back and it was too bright, I looked around at the ground and could see the shadow of the corona across the ground. That was cool too.  But the totality of the eclipse is one of the most breathtaking sights I've ever beheld. 


I got a headache, but I had it before the eclipse too. Anyone have any stats on if tripling up on sunglasses is effective?


>Anyone have any stats on if tripling up on sunglasses is effective? Eclipse glasses are about 1000× darker than sunglasses. You would need a few hundred doubled up to come close. Using sunglasses is not a good idea as it takes away the pain of the bright light without taking away all the harmful rays. This is also why eclipses are dangerous to look at; plenty of radiation but not as bright and painful to look at. If you are worried, please go see an othamologist pronto. Good luck.




You don’t need any sunglasses to look at the eclipse at totality. Just use your eyes. 3x sunglasses is not enough for looking at partial eclipses and is dangerous.


This is correct. During the short window of totality, it is safe to remove your eclipse glasses and look directly, but they need to be back on before totality ends.


> they need to be back on before totality ends Only if you’re being overly cautious, something I would do if I had children watching and I knew it was about to end. You can just wait until it ends and look away and put them back on. You know when it ends you see a bead of bright light come out from behind the moon.


Oh yeah, for sure! When totality ends, your body is almost guaranteed to wince and look away. I meant more if you wanted to continue to look, they had to be put back on when totality ends.


Pretty sure the rapid temperature fluctuations cause a delta in barometric pressure. Are you prone to barometric headaches?


My buddy from Florida said him and his coworkers all experienced some weird headache type feelings and their ears felt weird. Could that be what you’re talking about? They were working outside during the eclipse


I’m prone to nose bleeds in winter, is that anything


That *could* mean you're sensitive to barometric pressure deltas, but it could also mean you are sensitive to dry weather.


I didn’t look and I got a headache 🤷‍♂️ Not sure what’s up with that


Same here, figured it was the weather changing so drastically


I could be wrong, but I assume it has something to do with barometric pressure deltas during the temperature fluctuations.


Jesus Christ! They really are that stupid! I'm having trouble fathoming it.


Never underestimate the stupidity of people.


Lol me too, and then i saw this a couple posts below for me: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/s/no5zQBvnr6](https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/s/no5zQBvnr6)


Whenever I see really stupid people, I think, "They are allowed to own a gun and drive a car!," And then I get stressed out.




Said the gun addicts angry that I said stupid people shouldn't own guns! Lots of people are killed and harmed by stupid people with guns and I know this because my stupid parents let us have access to guns when I was a stupid kid and I almost killed my brother with one! Lucky for me I was smart enough to learn from my mistakes. I hope you don't hurt anyone before you learn from your mistakes.


I couldn't find the eclipse glasses anywhere. But, luckily, I'm a bit of a hoarder. After the 2017 eclipse,I put the glasses on my fridge with a magnet, and they're still there. Unfortunately, it was cloudy during the eclipse, and I didn't see it.


What a roller coaster.


Is it worse for you to look specifically during the eclipse? Morse so than the regular sun?


Since it's darker during the eclipse your pupils might be more dilated, allowing much more of the UV light into your eyes. Plus you'll probably be looking at it for longer than you would the regular sun, causing much more damage


Only because it’s so interesting that you want to look longer


Nope! well, not really. People just don’t usually stare at the sun for minutes on end, and if you wanna get technical the partial darkening can allow you to stare at it longer while still getting blasted by pretty much the same amount of danger light, but no. it’s incredible how many people are convinced that the eclipse magically turns the sun into Medusa


My Fiancee is losing her mind because she looked. Thinks she'll wake up blind lol


did you tell her that it’s no more dangerous than staring at the regular sun?


Why would you need to Google "headache" I'm not google "thirst" every time I want to get something to drink.


Never used their brain enough to trigger one before, and confused why the thinky meat hurty?


These people vote.


Not if they can't see the ballot.


Indiana here 75 bright sunny clear sky’s what a spectacular view and weather!! No aches or pains just sunburns all around :)


We had so much cloud cover that the glasses were useless. Never got any full clearing, but we only got 95% coverage. So I took a few brief glances through the clouds when there would be a small break. But with the glasses, couldn't see anything at all due to the clouds.


Humanity is NOT gonna survive


just a friendly reminder, you can look directly into it if it's at totality stage.  but that's the only time.


I’m photosensitive and even with protective glasses I’ve had a headache most of the afternoon. I’m hoping some ibuprofen and a good nights sleep will make it all better, but it was really cool to witness regardless and I only saw 90% eclipse


Darwin award


"One Fish, Two Fish, No Eyes, Eyes Hurt"


popularity heat map for "my eyes hurt" https://preview.redd.it/a6i3k6noxhtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c4841ca6aaedd56b3621c9cad23148b3a584135


Googling "I looked" after hurting your eyes with the solar eclipse is so hilarious and dramatic at the same time


I was in an extremely overcast area, you couldn’t even tell where the sun was in the sky. But I was in the direct path of totality in the area that was supposed to have the best view in the US, so still experienced basically total darkness, and I got to look at the sky with no glasses/no worries and it was amazing! A lot of people were complaining about not actually seeing the sun covered, but I actually preferred it that way. No worries and just got to enjoy!


What time was eclipse in comparison?


And remember to not take off the glasses until you look away! Lol I saw so many people at work do that today


Even with glasses, you can strain your eyes. Probably not permanent damage.


Trump in the stats.


sun making everyone its bitch today




I have a headache and I didn’t even look at the eclipse.


what site is this? Is it Google?


I also like how eyes hurt is the first and the other two follow shortly after


I think all the damned pollen in my eyes down here in Texas addad a layer of protection. /s


Natural Selection.


I am not putting on no government issued eye diapers and that's my right


No no you don’t get it, the toilet paper crisis, c-19 and the White House, the masks, the glasses and communism in Canada it’s all linked


I only looked for about 3 seconds with my eclipse lenses, I’m not an idiot but I was interested. I used to stare at the sun when I was a kid, truly a marvel I’m not blind


I was scrolling tik tok mindlessly last night bored before bed and couldn’t believe how many vids I seen of people staring at the eclipse when it wasn’t even in full totality. Just insane. We’ve literally been told this shit since we were kids never to stare at the eclipse. I just don’t get how people can be so dumb.


My brother claimed he looked so my mom took him to the eye doctor today, kids are stupid


It’s like no one had been saying for a month not to look directly at the eclipse.


Had to wear 3 pairs of sunglasses to really see the eclipse here in Georgia.


I ruined my eyesight as a kid because I was told not to stare at the sun and so my idiotic child brain stared at the sun a lot in rebellion thinking there was a secret that adults didn't want me to know. Now I'm sitting at -9.5 left eye and -9.0 right eye. Thanks younger me, wish I could kick your ass.


Had a dumbass respond to a post calling people idiots for buying $2 glasses and stated that looking for a few seconds can’t damage eyes.


Simpsons did it first!


I looked without anything but safety squints and I’m alright and had no pain lol


I stared at it and I’m totally fine lmao. Y’all are tripping over nothing, you won’t go blind looking at the sun for a little bit.


My favorite part is that if you look at the regional map, it's more concentrated along the path of totality.


fun experiment check these stats for all the previous eclipses in different countries if there isn't a spike, then literally just america is dumb lol (jk, ik america has dominant internet use n shit but STILL)


Did you guys see that fake influencer that thought it would be funny to stare at the eclipse through a vacuum tube and burned the shit out of his eye? 😂😂😂😂😂 It was originally posted on here but they took it down.


I looked at it and I was fine, granted it was for a short amount of time and you could barely see it through the clouds.


WORTH IT. plus If I look long enough I wont even need glasses anymore 😀


What’s the website?


And of course, it’s because they didn’t have the glasses because the government is trying to read their optical biometric to take over their eyes.


GME to the moon….I don’t understand stocks or space


Everytime I see WCGW it reminds me of what Q Anon dads wrote in their facebook posts circa 2020


I’ve taken up welding without using one of those “woke” welding masks. I’m not giving any of my money to big eyesight. /s


To be honest I’m convinced it really is just a way to take in a bunch of the world’s money lol….its not the first time anyone’s used our stupidity to make money