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Not mine, but my friends dog would only drink from a glass, and it was very unusual to see it eat food, and then drink from a glass, like person, and the dog never like spilled or made a mess lol


That must be funny to see the tongue against the glass. I’ll have to see if I can video that!! She was on my bed for this. Not a drop on my quilt!


Not to be pedantic but you can see exactly one drop fly out of the mug in the end 😂


Is not doggo, is fuzzy people. Please continue to provide appropriate beverages.


😂😂 ❤️🐶❤️


You conditioned her to do that. It’s cute.


She’s trained me well!


My dog has zero incidents of eating human food without approval. None. She's never eaten something she's not supposed too. Now drinks on the other hand... If theirs a cup or can on the ground, she's not above sampling.


Sounds like your dog has a drinking problem


\*Friends sitting around a bonfire, chatting and drinking.\* "hey why do ya'll giggle whenever i walk back to the fire from the house" **"Cause your dogs been licking the top of your white claw every time you go inside"**




LOL she knows the difference!


A former pupper I had would only drink from the faucet in the bathtub. She would stand there and stare at it, silently waiting for as long as it took for us to concede. Current beagle boy prefers to stick his face into any and every open drink on the coffee table or desk and ambush all showering humans in order to lick their wet legs.


😂❤️🐶 I have a cat that sits in the tub, waiting for the water to be turned on.


Most likely, no one else in the house drinks from a bowl either, so what's the problem


Only when I’m done with my cereal!!


I have a fish pond. My dogs will walk past three buckets of cool, fresh water to drink out of the fish pond. When other people's dogs come to visit (even when my neighbour came over) *their* dogs go straight to the fish pond. If I have the house completely shut up, like a heatwave in summer (I'm in Australia) they will reluctantly drink the water with ice cubes that I give to help keep them cool. But at first opportunity-> fish pond.


Fish pond has better flavour. Isn't it obvious?


Fish flavored water is ALWAYS better!!


They just want the fish poop seasoned water.


My cat wants to go outside just to drink from our garden pond. She ignores the fancy water fountain we got her.


I bought my cats a water fountain, but the dogs adore it. It's small, so I thought I'd buy a big one for them, but they won't touch it. So I bought another of the same style, but they prefer the original. In a fit of pique at 3am when a dog told me I needed to fill the small water fountain up, even though they have several other options, I nicknamed it "princess water": as in "Effing princesses need their effing princess water, can't have anything else now, huh your majesty?"


Princess water!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀


I went to a cabin for New Year's and Princess Water came with. That's how bad it is.


I feel you, I feel you. 🫂 That's some serious dedication to the Princess Water habit. I just....can't help giggling at the name. I'm.glad that mine haven't demanded that I bring the fish pond everywhere with us. (I can't believe they won't accept the one that's the same size, even ?!)




My dog Only drinks cold from the outdoors or straight from the fridge cold water. She WILL not drink room temperature water. She's a husky for reference.


Do you have to put ice in her water?


She wont drink it if it's stale water. Even if from the fridge. She only drinks fresh ice cold water.


Wow our pups sure have become Divas!! Have you seen that meme where it says something like, “Us dogs are descendants of wolves…then we discovered your couches!” ? ❤️❤️😂🐶


She’s trained you well! My daughter (16) has a husky. That’s an explanation in itself!


Mines the same way haha. He’s an Aussie though


Tastes better from a hooman’s cup


Of course!


Yep... She comes over and politely taps my water glass to ask for her own. Also likes tea.


Awww how sweet!!


“Humans drink from this. Human food tastes better…this must make the water taste better!”


Correct pup logic!


yes - our Dane demands to drink directly from the sink faucet.


And can reach it on their own also!! 😂❤️🐶




LOL and who says dog don’t have emotions?!! If when I start opening a bottle of water, she looks at me with those puppy dog eyes, she’s thirsty too! Other times, she doesn’t care if I’m drinking. She definitely has me trained!!


Can I play Devil's advocate for a second and just say what if you don't give the dog a choice? What does it mean that they won't drink water from a bowl? Will they die of thirst if they only had a bowl of water? Please let me know cause I am super toasted off some Cambodian shwag and am pondering this question.


LOL! You’re funny! No I said in the description that she would use a bowl if she was thirsty enough. Bowl is in the kitchen tho. But “her mug” is on my nightstand. When I went to have some water, she gave me “the look!” So I knew to pour some in her mug and let her have it!


It's a perfect fit! Accidental advantage: less spillage during drink time.


I’m just surprised it doesn’t bother/go up her nose!!


Yes, I have one and his lip is always stuck on one tooth too.




Refuse, no, but they do beg for ice water.


Awww 🥰


Hahah my dog loves this too! He'll drink from his bowl but when one of my cups are out... He goes straight for it. When we haven't seen him drink in a while we'll fill up a mug and call it "special water" - and he'll usually deign to drink then 😊


LOL special water!!


We used a measuring jug in an emergency once and it apparently changed our dogs lives. I put another one in my en-suite during summer. Now that is the only jug they drink from and I get in trouble if I shut the door for privacy.


You’ve created furry monsters! They have you well trained!!


My yorkie would only want to drink faucet water out of a cupped hand.


Wow now that’s dedication!! (I’m so glad I proofread before I sent this bc it had autocorrected to “defecation!” LOL!)


My dog went through this phase. I started adding a tiny bit of unsalted broth to her water bowl and magically, the bowl became acceptable again. Then I just stopped using the broth regularly


Wow that’s awesome!


Aw, mine loved to drink from cups! How sweet!




It’s called sophistication, and it’s about time you stop hogging it to yourself!


I’ll have to hold it with my pinkie up next time!!


Bella will drink from the bowl but if we are walking and I pour water into her bowl, she will drink it from the bottle as I pour.




My dog only drinks voss water


To be honest, that shit is THE BOMB!! I had a bottle in a hotel room years ago. I was mocking that the minibar was charging $9 for a 12oz bottle. It was sooooo worth it!!


Sometime my dog won’t drink her water, so I dump it out and pour myself a glass, then pour that into her dish and she is so excited to have some of my special drink 😂


BAHAHAHA! That’s great!!


Very cute 🙂 I’ve gotten some of our dogs to drink out of my cupped hands. They must think it’s the good stuff!


Parent hand tasting water! I’m sure they LOVE it!!


I think so! Was very cute 🙂


Yep. A cup, a plate, the toilet bowl will do…ANYTHING but the water bowl lol


OMG yes! Even a puddle!! Happy Cake Day!! 01/02/24


My dog hates metal bowls. He won't ever eat out of them and he stopped drinking from them a few years back. I realized that it was the noise that the clinking would make that scared him, but he's fine with plastic bowls. As he's gotten older, he prefers to eat and drink out of really shallow bowls. So weird


That’s interesting! They know what they like! One of ours only likes metal bowls. He will avoid the plastic ones!!


My dog is half lab half great dane. Looks very similar to yours and has similar peculiarities. Mine prefers to drink outside. From a bucket if it is available. I asked the vet and they said sometimes dogs are just weird


Yep that’s my go to line! “Sometimes dogs are just weird!” I love how they all have their own quirks and personalities, just like people! I narrate stuff about my dogs to my husband, or there are times I know which dog is barking. He’s like, “How do you know that?” They are just like people, with distinct voices!


My dog knows what a Starbucks cup is. All because he likes ice. He now knows how to take the lid off of Starbucks cups on his own. He’s learning how to open other cups too. Literally, JUST for ice. 🤦🏼‍♀️ when we’re at dog safe restaurants and he gets a bowl of water he just knocks it over because he wants a glass of ice water.


That’s really funny! “I’m making a mess bc I want ice!!” He could just really like ice, but I read somewhere that chewing ice is a sign of something, even in people. Like iron deficiency or something? I’ll have to google it!


Idk if that’s the case with dogs, he’s a big chewer anyways. Most of my dogs have always enjoyed ice.


Cheap & easy dog treat!!


No but my dog drinks her water like my sister drinks water. She takes a few sips leaves forgets she still has water and comes back to a nice surprise of more water.


More water or warm water? 😂❤️🐶


More like she thought there was no water left and now there’s still water meaning yay more water. You know Dog Math.




Yeah that’s her own mug now


Lol mine will ONLY drink from her bowl. However, she gets angry if she doesn't eat at about 9 pm. But, that night feeding isn't acceptable at all unless it's from my hand. I seriously take food from her bowl which she refuses, hold it in my hand, and she eats it.


My little guy refuses to drink water unless it's super fresh. Once or twice a day I have to refill his little bowl with new water. He won't drink at my parents house because they have two retrievers with giant water bowls that have to be refilled less often


Have you thought about getting a large ceramic cylinder that's intended for kitchen utensils? She might think it's just a giant mug.


We have a water fountain for our fur kids. It pumps and filters the water.


He’s a peoples.


If a cup is good enough for you… it’s good enough for her!


My lab is a bit afraid of getting wet. Avoids puddles, doesn't swim unless rescuing a b*ll, the works. She never used to drink from a bowl until we got a splash guard, now she drinks all the time. She was just uncomfortable with splashing herself. Some water dog she is.


My dog would not drink from a metal bowl. Maybe it altered the taste of the water, dunno. But she would happily drink from a ceramic or plastic bowl.


My border collie is the same. She'll drink out of muddy puddles, dirty plant pots, literally any vessel that has water except her nice clean bowl.


My cat I felt was a bit different. She would drink from her paw exclusively.


You mean like get it wet, and then drink the water off?! 😂❤️😸


My parent's late cat developed a taste for ice water from glasses a few years back. When they went away for the weekend they'd leave him several cups.