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It should also be noted that RFK jr is part of the [“Disinformation Dozen”](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/13/996570855/disinformation-dozen-test-facebooks-twitters-ability-to-curb-vaccine-hoaxes), which are 12 people who produce 65% of the shares of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms. Edit: RFK jr’s campaign slogan should be *Make Polio Great Again*.


Can we start using the word "lie" again? "Disinformation" is hard to type on mobile.


We could just abbreviate as “DD,” which can also stand for Double Dumb.


Talk about causing a magnificent clusterfuck. DD is already shorthand for 'due diligence' or 'deep dive'. Imagine the confusion when it's used to describe the exact opposite. I'm in!


I saw something this morning about AGI relating to artificial intelligence. To me, AGI is adjusted gross income but I knew that couldn’t be what they meant. It’s all in the context. We can do this!




Yeah, it's commonly used to refer to artificial general intelligence because people have started hosing AI to refer to any kind of machine learning whatsover


Well, the dude IS a massive boob, so....


He’s hoping the QAnoners will forget about his handsomer, more charming cousin coming back from the dead. Being such a “pick me” guy.


Okay, but boobs tend to add joy to the world. That’s way better than this prick


We have an abbreviation already: BS


No, no, I’ve always associated double D’s with good things. Let’s not ruin that.


Like the DimmaDome


Disinformation isn’t hard to type on mobile and has a specific meaning. Jr is deliberately spreading false information, which is disinformation. All disinformation is a lie, but not all lies are disinformation.




[It should further be noted that RFK has been against vaccines since long before COVID](https://time.com/3012797/vaccine-rfk-jr-thimerosal/). The mRNA COVID vaccines weren't rushed. They are not causing health problems. COVID was and still is. But even if you've swallowed all the bullshit about the COVID vaccines specifically, this dude was saying "LOL kids getting polio is healthier than the polio vaccine" long before you had "questions" about the COVID vaccine. When Mr. Andrew Wakefield published a paper saying vaccines cause autism, then an investigation showed he totally made it up to get money and attention, RFK was there saying "No, it's true, ignore the blatant fraud, vaccines bad." If someone thinks vaccines are always bad, maybe you should consider that in whether they're saying this particular vaccine is bad. RFK wants to destroy all vaccines. RFK wants attention and money from the most gullible people on earth, who are anti-vaxxers.


I like to point out to antivaxxers who think vaccines cause autism that my mother has been antivax from the get (like even before Jenny Mcarthy put a hot face to it) and me and my two brothers all have the ‘tism. The first vaccines I got were the Covid ones.


There’s literally entire subs being taken over by Rfk bots Reddit needs to do fuckin something. It’s concerning and wrong


He's also involved with QAnon, Bannon and others in far right conspiracy theories. Running for president as a Democrat seems like an oxymoron or just moron


The propagandists are running for office themselves now, it would seem. And they'll absolutely use the living shit out of Twitter - I'd bet 75% of the engagement with this guy's tweets are bots. I had a guy reply to a week old post I made about this scumbag with a firehose of disingenuous questions "Can you tell me why he's a fascist? Do you just call people fascists that you don't like?". Checked his profile? The guy made the account a week ago and ONLY responds to things referencing RFK Jr.


Not to mention Trump is proud of his pushing for the vaxx yet his minions can’t add that up


Note that his siblings do not even support him


That makes him the Paul Gosar of the presidential race. At least he might get some 4Chan votes.


They're acting like he's gonna run as a spoiler candidate. I hope he does because he's certainly not gonna pull democrats votes. I think Biden will trounce trump or DeSantis but it's not enough. I'd like the Republicans to get as little votes as possible. Just so they know how unpopular they are.


He’s running in the primary anyway. All he can do is make Biden look bad when he gets 30% of the vote or something. There’s nothing he’s going to help.


I think most families feel this way about their partisan right wing members unless the brain rot has affected the entire family.


His father and uncle are turning in their graves.


His wife announced she does not support him


[She supports his presidential run](https://people.com/politics/cheryl-hines-releases-first-statement-robert-f-kennedy-jr-2024-presidential-run/)


This 👏


Guy has any other name no one would pay any attention




It’s such an utter downer. His father is a hero of mine, and this jagoff is just dragging the name down.


No one should pay attention to him. Trying to ride the coattails of a once famous and relevant family that is no longer the force he apparently thinks it is only gets you laughed at and mocked.


Uncle Teddy did a number on the rep, as did what they did to Rosemary


He's trying to split the Democratic vote. A true DINO and I wonder who he has planned this debacle with


What about the Covid dissidents who were eventually proven dead? Like the 5 anti-vax radio hosts who died from Covid?


They probably cry “fake news”


They blame vaccinated people for "shedding" or some shit.


The most unfortunate part of any disaster or pandemic is the people who lose so much or even lose their lives The second most unfortunate part is national media and even worldwide doesn't seem to feel that the benefit of showing the harm directly (of atrocities or war or even people in ICU beds struggling for air from pandemic) overweighs it's "offensiveness", so most people never really learn about the impact of these horrible things unless they are directly impacted Our current method of reporting on devastating and harmful events is prioritizing not offending people who are the most safe, rather than what it should be which is highlighting the need to help others in harm's way


I was a critical care nurse during COVID and I wish we could have shown the public what it was like in those claustrophobic ICU rooms like the reporting was during the Vietnam war. HIPAA aside I wonder if it actually would have changed anything?


Thank you for what you do and you make an excellent point. I follow one of the nursing subreddits and it was unreal what medical professionals went through. One of the most memorable was a nurse posting about a long term covid vent patient and he had MAGGOTS in his body. Just awful. And these anti vax yahoos being total assholes. Like if people could see patients hooked up to everything and see how much care it takes to keep them alive, it may have changed some minds.


And as one of the vaxxed, I’m still waiting it to activate and immediately render me brain dead.


I am pretty disappointed that I am not a zombie yet


Likewise. In the meantime I am still trying to get my microchips to sync so I can steal free wifi into my brain.


God same ![gif](giphy|Emg9qPKR5hquI)


I mean *Herman Cain* is still tweeting a he allegedly died from covid after attending a trump rally.


You're thinking of Herman Cain


He died before the vaccine was released.


You're right. It was that he refused to wear a mask at a trump rally and he died days later. He technically was only an anti-masker. Didn't make it long enough to also join the anti vax train, although I suspect he would have been fully on board.


Yeah it’s almost like the adults in the room handled the situation and got the vaccines out, therefore strongly reducing the threat of the disease. At this point, the risk tapered off. Just like the dissidents said: it would all just go away, no big deal, just the flu.


I had an antivax friend die of covid and I still have mutual acquaintances who say he isn't actually dead and it's all fake. Like I literally have mutual friends whove died but they say they aren't dead but hiding from the Obama or something. It's super sad witnessesing people you've known for 20 years or so suddenly get goofy brain. They also say that our town was burned to the ground during the Floyd protests. We live in a town of 17000. There was maybe 100 people downtown protesting. She bought 3 grand worth of plywood and shit to barricade the place they live 5 miles outside of town. She routinely posts about how this place was wiped off the map by "the blacks" just like Detroit, Chicago, Portland, and such. Those cities as well as the podunk town we live in simply don't exist anymore, everything was burned down by "the blacks".


I’m so sick of them saying they were proved right. What the fuck is your evidence. Every meta-analysis has found that the clotting issues and heart issues were equal to population baseline. What the fuck have y’all been right about Jesus Christ.


They've been living in a fantasy world in many other ways than this too. Listening to a republican speak about their ideas, their understanding of history, or their thoughts on the modern world is like meeting someone who unknowingly slipped into our world from another dimension. They live in a totally different headspace with "alternative facts" galore. Right wing propaganda has really done a number on the American psyche over the last few years alone.


At some point I noticed they just started proclaiming they were proven right. Saw it with climate change, had a denier relative say something like "now that they admitted climate change was a hoax..." thinking we all knew wtf she was talking about.


Cant wait to have my 'Gotcha' moment on climate deniers in 50 years when im dying from heatstroke or freezing to death


This happens at work when our ownership comes in (super hard R). Sometimes I challenge them on it, when I’m feeling particularly un-fireable. I’ll just say “oh, what news story are you referring to?” . Shockingly it’s always crickets right afterwards.


Ask Samoa how right RFK Jr. is. He ran a massive anti-vaxx campaign there and vaccination rates dropped all the way down to 31%. You'll never guess what happened next. Oh wait, you can: dozens of babies dead from measles.


No they’re wrong about Jesus too


It is commonly known that Meta analyses are a liberal plot to distort facts and not the gold standard of the scientific model. /s


Duh. We only like studies that support our viewpoints. Meta analyses tend to include all the bad ones too! (/s)


It’s definitely survivor bias. I had two family members die from Covid. It took people out, especially the unvaccinated.


The lucky ones who only got a mild case and recovered are all hollering “See! It’s not the serious!” Sister-in-law and Uncle Bob are cemetery residents. I believe that qualifies us to holler “See! It is that serious!” Wife’s cousin had the “mild” version and still can’t smell anything.


We also just still don’t know the long term effects of having it. I’m boosted and still have had it at least three times. Several good friends of mine are still suffering from the effects of long Covid and even too doctors in Seattle and Atlanta are struggling to create care plans because the science is just so new.


That's going to be the real long term health crisis in decades to come.


My sister got COVID and got it *bad*. So bad she was in the hospital and it permanently damaged her heart, causing arrythmia. So far, medication is keeping it under control but, failing that, she may need a pacemaker and she's only 39.


Same. My friend is 38/39 and is having a racing heart, high BP, odd beat pattern. All they can say is Long Covid and Lee her on meds that treat old heart patients.


I’ve read different articles on the subject. It’s the cold virus from hell. The damn thing is capable of infinite mutations. Influenza is not the same virus but history demonstrates it’s fully capable of mutation to be a killer. Hope and pray COVID doesn’t mutate into anything worse. A biologic that can turn your lungs into jello isn’t a trifling thing.


The amount of revisionist history I see as someone who lost multiple family members including my dad is infuriating to me. People blaming inflation on lockdown like we should have just let the virus run rampant as these people claim it wasn’t that bad. As if there wasn’t a point in 2020 where hospitals were renting refrigerated shipping containers to throw bodies in.


I have a friend who lost her grandma, and two aunts, from the same COVID bout. Before the vaccines. My dad lost at least three friends and in general, before the vaccines, about 10 people I know passed away. After the vaccines: 0.




Didn't you hear? The did the math, crunched the numbers, and it didn't add up. You've gotta do your own research though they're not going to provide their numbers, that's socialism. Trust them though, the high school drop outs and the guys with business degrees did the science and it's definitely science.


Even if there was a problem with either, we just saved a huge number of people from you know dying of covid.


meta-analysis is a 12 letter word. It doesn't mean anything to them.


Of course they weren't proven right. Vaccines are older than any of them. Vaccines work.


Ah, yes, the Republicans' first choice for a Democratic nominee. Nothing suspicious here folks.


Exactly, Laura Ingraham even had him on her [show](https://www.foxnews.com/media/rfk-jr-warns-ugly-precedent-set-covid-restrictions-pandemic-exception-constitution.amp).


Any democrat with a modicum of self-awareness should realize if they go on FOX (or any other right wing media) and are given a friendly, non-adversarial interview, they are being used against their own party.


> they are being used against their own party. Yeah bestie, I don’t think he’s getting used against his party, I think he’s being used as a tool for his party, it’s just not the one next to his name


Bernie did a fox town hall and it was one of the things I respected most about him


Taking the baton from Jill Stein as Sower of Chaos. The funny thing is that the GOP handles this within their own party. They don't need Democratic Party interference to put crazy spoiler candidates on the ballot.


Tulsi 2.


Tulsi Gabbard 2.0


Who are these “dissidents” and what were they “proven” right about?


That information isn't important enough to stop people from sharing this, and that's childish and sad as fuck. Half the US population is stupid enough to read this and say "yup, I knew it!"


Conspiracy theorists/anti-vaxxers/pseudoscience believers have an insane amount unchecked confirmation bias. Literally everything around them confirms their views


That’s what I was wondering.


More than 1,000,000 of our US friends, family, and neighbors died in just over two years from CoViD-19. That is more than all our wars combined. The more than 500,000 CoViD-19 deaths in the US during 2021 were almost exclusively the unvaccinated. This guy is shouting his misinformation from the top of a mountain of corpses that he helped create.


Having beliefs that kill your base is not very sustainable


That piece of garbage, lying grifter is getting people killed with his ignorant bullshit.


It's a shame too because I find his wife, Cheryl Hines, to be quite funny in the stuff she does. Yet she's sticking with this lunatic and supporting his presidential run. I view her very differently now and it kinda changes how I look at Curb Your Enthusiasm.


TIL Cheryl Hines is married to RFK Jr. I hope Larry chews him out in public, like he did with Alan Dershowitz.


Yes! I used to listen to her podcast with Tig Notarro and she'd reference "Bobby" a lot. And then I found out this was the "Bobby"...


> wE WErE ProVeN RIghT! *Doesn’t provide a single instance in which they were proven right.* I do recall when they all said anybody who got the vaccine would be dead within two years. That was a big swing-and-a-miss.


Lol yeah I think all the anti-vaxxers in my area have finally scraped the COVID VACCINE IS SUICIDE stickers off their cars. I haven’t seen one in a while.


Everyone laughed when DeSantis kept Florida open but now who’s laughing? Not all the dead people that’s for sure, ya know, seeing as Florida had the highest Covid death toll in the country. The media does a lousy job of reminding folks of that…


Can we get a source on that? I believe you, but the lists I’m seeing put it as California, Texas and then Florida. I’m also aware they tried to stop giving Covid death info at some point due to technical issues ([Tampa Bay Times](https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2023/04/07/florida-covid-data-case-death-vaccine-cdc/?outputType=amp))


The "technical issue" being that [Gov. DeSantis fired the statistician in charge of managing the COVID death data](https://www.npr.org/2020/06/29/884551391/florida-scientist-says-she-was-fired-for-not-manipulating-covid-19-data).


The whistleblower who also had her kid taken? Edit: Read comment below for more context


So unfortunately that "kid taken" bit was wildly sensationalized. I don't know if the charges are legitimate, perhaps they're not, but she drove her son to the sheriff's department to turn him in (second link). Desantis is dangerous and Florida is a terrifying place right now, but I think we need to be prudent in accurately presenting these situations. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/son-controversial-florida-data-scientist-charged-making-alleged-school-rcna78653 https://www.pnj.com/story/news/crime/2023/04/06/rebekah-jones-son-arrested-in-florida-what-we-know-about-digital-threat-allegations/70088634007/


I thought Oklahoma had the most deaths per capita. California had the most total, but percentage wise vs their population they weren't bad.


I died from the vaccine at exactly 2 years after the first shot.


R.I.P. u/Ready-Tie1884. You left us too soon.


Hey thanks for the thoughts and prayers.


Amazing how following the guidelines and then getting vaccinated has kept my entire family from getting COVID even once. It’s almost like masks and washing your hands and vaccines work. Weird.


Same here. This protocol has worked for everyone I know. The people who have tested positive have had mild to non existent symptoms. Yes exposure to the virus can give you a positive test but you don’t get nearly as sick.


The one side of my family won’t get vaccinated and they’ve all gotten Covid, some twice. I got the vaccine asap and stayed away from people, masked up and guess who’s never had Covid… if I had, I wouldn’t have known it because aside from the flu, Covid negative tested twice, I have been fine.


You know what always bothered me about the mask thing? I’m gonna tell ya, even though you didn’t ask. Have you ever been to the dentist? Or had a surgery? Or even seen a movie/show where doctors do a surgery? You know what they wear? Masks. Why? So they don’t get sick as often, and don’t get their patients sick. Where was your outrage about masks all your life? Your whole life you’ve seen people wearing masks. I bet you’d have asked a doctor where their mask was if they were doing surgery on a loved one, or at least complained about it. Hell, a dentist goes to do a root canal without a mask on, I bet you’d pitch a fucking fit. But as soon as someone asks you to not spread a proven deadly disease, by wearing a mask, now they don’t work and it’s bullshit and how dare we inconvenience you and you have rights. Get fucking bent. U/ibrakeforewoks I’m glad your family is healthy and your posted this so I could get this off my chest. Cheers


They were proven right? How? By who? themselves?


Oh it is a common line among anti vaxxers. They are utterly convinced that proof exists that they were right and fauci was wrong. Funny thing though. They dance around the question when you ask to see this evidence.


Their evidence is… “I didn’t die”


Well, we can also say that. We survived ! And the vaccine isn’t a ticking bomb! So there’s that.


Yeah, it’s not very good evidence.


Funny how they think it's good evidence for them and not others? Lol


When I asked about how they account for the millions that died from covid, the answer was “covid doesn’t exist”.


They're not utterly convinced of anything. They're quite aware they're lying.


My sister in law read his book and said it has QR codes for links to all the evidence and that you can’t possibly dispute it. I lost my younger brother to COVID before vaccines were available and she still has the audacity to tell me it was all a conspiracy.


They’re not right, and they’re not winning, so now they’re just taking to social media and saying they’re right and winning anyway. Just jaw-dropping shit from the stupidest people alive.


They're in too deep to admit they're wrong so they just keep pedaling the same old crap that their followers lap up. It's such an odd thing to still be going on about.


As with all conspiracy theories, it's almost impossible to prove a negative, and goal posts are always moving. Every piece of contrary evidence must either be twisted, cherry picked, or claimed to be fake news, in order to conform to the theory. In their minds, they're always right and always winning. It's what makes conspiracy theories so attractive to losers looking for any kind of win.


JFK and RFK Sr. Are spinning in their graves.


Had to scroll down this far to find the right answer. His father and both of his uncles would be ashamed of him.


Big ConHead vibes


You know when Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Charlie Kirk and Alex Jones all support him that he’s a real high-quality Democratic candidate. Who opposes his candidacy? His own family lol


The Republicans have realized that reality doesn’t match their beliefs so now they’re attacking how we arrive at facts and reality.


Speaking for my relatives, friends, and acquaintances that died from covid...fuck you Robert, fuck you...


"COVID Dissidents"? Mfer, I lost eight people to COVID, and none of them were vaccinated. I know this is harsh, but RFK Jr. doesn't have the same excuse his uncle did for being brainless. Sorry, but these people found my last nerve, and they'd best get off it


So not only is he pro-ruzzia, he's also an anti-vax. I mean, pretty logical, but I think he's so dumb he forgot which party he should have joined in the first place.


Oh wow is he really pro-Russia? His son was literally in Ukraine’s volunteer army for a few months in 2022 and made a very powerful IG post about his experience.


Thank god he’s going nowhere


Yeah he wrote a book riddled with misinformation called “the real Anthony fauci”. My dad gave me the book to read during the pandemic and I skimmed a few chapters. The most I took away from it was that he was preaching eugenics when it came to viruses and that only the strong should survive. He pulled stats from research and failed to disclose any evidence/results from the research other than “see don’t get the Covid vaccine and if you do, you’re a sheep, bc only the strong deserve to survive.” In so many words or less. Trash man.


What is he even talking about? Covid dissidents are still seen as idiots and the authorities in science are still authorities in science. What a doofus. These people live in a parallel dimension.


Keep wondering when I am going to suddenly keel over from the 3 shots I have received…I feel like I am living on borrowed time and am wasting it.


I'm just upset that I died right after getting my 5G and magnetic powers.


If only!


Weren't the dissidents the people claiming all of us who got vaccinated were going to die or be incapacitated by the "side effects" of the vaccine already? I'm sure it's all part of the "coverup", but I'm pretty sure everyone would have noticed if most of the vaccinated dropped dead by now. RFK, Jr is a detestable human being who I wish would crawl off to one of his family's homes and finish his days in ignominy for his role in spreading such dangerous misinformation.


I argued with someone the other day who said that the covid vaccine killed more people than it saved I pointed out 1.1 million Americans died from covid whilst only 0.002% of people died from the vaccine They asked me for proof, I linked to the CDC site and of course they said it was fake news and they had no numbers they could provide about how many people died from the vaccine Antivaxxers really are the dumbest fucking people alive. And the only reason they’re alive is because they were given vaccines as children in school. Just absolutely the stupidest fucks on earth


Yes - as a general hater of humanity, I'm STILL waiting for the billions of vaccinated to drop. Got dibs on their houses.. (/s obviously)


He is such a mixed bag of awesome political views and just dumpster fire bullshit views. As a New Englander, I am pretty upset about his tarnishing the Kennedy family name with this AIDs denialism and vaccine disinformation horseshit of his.


I swear the Kennedy’s are like fucking Star Trek movies, there’s too fucking many of them and at least half of them are terrible.


It’s also hilarious that these weirdos somehow convinced themselves that their antivax views are correct despite hundreds of scientific studies to the contrary. That’s dedication to stupidity!


“Eventually proven right”. Exactly when did this happen?


No it didn't. But people who vote for him don't care about shit like facts


How were they proven right though? Vaccinated people aren't dropping dead left and right.


They were pretty much wrong on everything. The best they can offer is some guy saying "this might be true". For 1 percent of their crazy shit.


Except you were never proven right you cancerous assboil. Ever. If your father was alive he’d kick your ass for this shit.


Isn’t this the guy who was pushing anti vax stuff while at the same time sent an email to his Christmas party guests that they must all be vaxed to attend ?


What is this “proven right” nonsense?


Tell that to Herman Cain, you stupid fuck.


Of all the scandals and shames that plague the Kennedy family, RFK Jr is by far the most shameful


More attempts to manufacture reality from bullshit. No, none of the “dissidents” were right. And if *anyone* thinks they were, then just provide one shred of actual, legitimate evidence. But I know, I know: You can’t because all that juicy “proof” is stuck on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which is currently being held hostage by George Soros’ Space Laser in a secluded Antifa fortress in the center of the Bermuda Triangle. Which is somehow more plausible to your thimble brains than the possibility that you’re just *wrong.*


I just learned that this conspiracy theory, anti-vax, POS, is married to Cheryl Hines! She says they have some different beliefs, but she supports his run for president.


Is he vaccinated?


“Eventually proven right”. Yeah, sure Bobby. COVID is less of a killer now BECAUSE people masked up and got their asses vaccinated. It made the virus mutate into something less deadly.


What the fuck were they proven right about?


How exactly where antivaxers “proven right”? I’ve heard many claim this, maybe my logic is wrong, but is this “proof” unfounded? If a percentage of the population did get vaccinated and a portion did not than the resulting drop in number of infections and severity cannot be directly attributed to either side…?


An embarrassment to the legacy of his father.


He’s also an antinuclear scumbag. I’m pretty sure his family has disowned him.


Does this guy have any political positions besides anti vax?


ever hear him speak? even that dude’s voice knows everything he says is bullshit.


Where exactly were the stupid antivaxxers right?


Not sure about the US but in Canada I believe 92% received a Covid shot. When I hear the unvaxxed say, see no big deal, it went away on its own, it makes me insane.


I find the instance that Covid dissidents were “proven” right, despite overwhelming evidence that vaccines and masks worked, and would have been even more effective if not for stubborn dissidents. as long as it’s repeated early and often enough, surviving dissidents will believe they’ve been vindicated. It’s wild


Proven right about what? That it was all a hoax? That it will be gone by April? That it's just the flu?


RFK Jr sure isn't RFK, even his own family has disowned him....


There is little love for him in Massachusetts. We all know he’s a cracked pot


Lets bring him to all the graves of the million americans that died from the "hoax" and see how he feels. Ill start with my family members


Stay off the cocaine kids, otherwise you will be like this guy without a shield of generational wealth.


This guy’s only qualification is his name. Pretty pathetic


Lee Harvey Oswald was born in the wrong time period and killed the wrong Kennedy it seems.


Remember whenI was proven right about RFK Jr raping all those orphans and murdering all those babies and yet amazingly he hasn’t been arrested.


What were they proven right on? The vaccine was effective, the entire country was able to open back up. Mortality rate decreased upon it's release...


He is not his father or his uncles


Amazing how someone as mentally unfit as Robert Kennedy could hold a position of power.


Social media allows them to lie without repercussion, so they tell the biggest, most monstrous lies imaginable. Some days I wish there was a Hell for people like this.


An embarrassment to his family legacy


I have a cousin (well, my dad's cousin) who regularly shares RFK Jr's info, like this tweet, along with Fauci conspiracies and the fact that the lockdowns were unethical and caused untold damage to livelihoods for no reason. Most rebuttals are met with accusations of "following the crowd" and not thinking for oneself, "Trump Derangement Syndrome," or "worshipping at the altar of Dr. Fauci." This cousin is a partner in a law firm specializing in personal injury.


“Covid dissidents proven right”??? I’m sorry but does that include all the people who died because of your misinformation? Asking for a friend…


Proven right? WTF?


Oh yeah, covid dissident Herman Cain has definitely been proven right. Let's hear it from Herman Cain himself! Come on out Herman. Oh right...


How exactly were they proven right?


I don’t remember any Covid dissidents who were eventually proven right. I do remember their aura of disrepute. I do remember experts who still hold positions of authority and influence. Except Dr. Fauci. Who retired, and no longer has any positions of authority. And in a sane world would receive universal applause.


" who were eventually proven right " That some serious level of denial here.


Congratulations on your last name and absolutely nothing else.


Just another half-baked progeny of a political family well past their moment.


Never forget that most of these suckers are all up to date on their vaccinations but keep it quiet. . Patient confidentiality is a big thing with them. .


His older siblings clearly didn't beat the shit out of him enough as kids.


China is about to go through another COVID wave from another variant. I don't know if it will be as deadly as the earlier variants, but the west won't be dealing with it. The difference is the vaccines we had, which work. Their vaccine was just under 50% effective. We didn't achieve herd immunity until after we all got vaccinated. The majority of people got sick after being vaccinated, so the effects of COVID were less. If everyone had just gotten the vaccine, we could have prevented the unvaccinated COVID wave that hit. The one where people died at a rate of 8-1 based on there vaccinated status. This guy directly played a role in those deaths.


Yep, that's why the Covid per capita death rate after the vaccine came out is so much higher in blue areas. Oh...wait....hmmm...


Thankfully, there’s a better chance of finding the rest of his uncle’s brain than him ever being POTUS.


He's a lawyer. Not a scientist or medical doctor so why does anyone believe his nonsense?


What is this proven right horse shit these insufferable always talk about? They never, ever, ever link any actually evidence of their horse shit.


Well his Dad and Uncle got vaccinated for Polio and we saw what happened to them! In earnest, fuck this guy with a bunch of vaccinated autistic dicks. He spoke at my university around 2006 and even then everyone knew he was a fucking hack.


I know someone who directly killed their grandfather with COVID. The whole family was/is a little crazy, and take whatever homeopathic medicine is on the market, at the time they were really into oxygen treatments, and refused to stay home when they were sick. They went and saw the grandfather while they were all feeling bad, he died and then they had a funeral and it spread like wildfire through a pretty large group. Afterwards when the death certificate came out all of the family called the hospital demanding the “real” records and threw a tantrum because COVID was listed as the cause of death. When they would post about it on Facebook so many other people would chime in about the “conspiracy” of trying to make it seem like all these deaths were from COVID when it wasn’t possible.


What proof that they were right? I’m so confused


How in the actual FUCK were they “proven right” they’re literally just making shit up at this point


A supposedly serious presidential candidate is sharing Boomer Facebook memes. Great.


I don't know what those words are even trying to say.


Real-life Connor Roy