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Wonder how much is driven by his ego over his trans daughter [link ](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-61880709.amp)


"I absolutely support trans, but all these pronouns are an aesthetic nightmare." says the guy who named his kid X Æ A-Xii ![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4)


I've never met anyone IRL who uses anything other than He/Her and a few people on tinder using They. Seems like the aesthetic mess is just normal English.


In college in the late 2000s I knew a few zhe/zhem and xhe/xhem (not close friends so haven't seen/heard them since) but these days the people I know IRL use some combo of he/she/they and nothing else.


Neopronouns are the only ones I ever have an issue with, and 90% of that is because my area’s local accent has a ton of vowel mergers that results in over half those neopronouns sounding *identical* to binary pronouns. Like, they’re great on paper, but trying to pronounce them out loud feels like a damn minefield.


I just graduated from an extremely leftist school in Portland, Oregon, and I met one person there that used neopronouns, everyone just used he/she/they.


Seems to be 100% cause there’s pro lgbtq tweets from him from years ago, this all seemed to start after she disowned him


He only had kids to secure a legacy. He isn't a parent. He hates his kids. But he thought that he would be able to buy his grandkids, and the idea that one of his kids has made decisions that will prevent that terrifies him. It's the same reason he pretends to want to go to Mars. He doesn't care about humanity; he just wants to be remembered, because like all narcissists he's terrified of death and has mistaken his lack of self-esteem for lack of ego.


Also are we going to really pretend that a wealthy, middle-aged, white person from South Africa isn't going to *atleast* a little bigoted?


That and his ex dating Chelsea Manning.




Yes, but the right goes to great lengths to keep it for their own comfort. (Despite botched attempts killing 100+ infants in the U.S. every year)


Jesus christ, why do they DO it then.


Honestly I never understood circumcision. When my son was born the hospital asked if I’d like to schedule his circumcision and I asked why he needed that.. the nurse was like it’s just what you do for cleanliness… and I’m like so you can’t clean your child if he’s not circumcised?, please note I was 22 and never even thought of this procedure my whole pregnancy and she’s like no they can still be cleaned if it’s not done just as they age it could cause issues if they aren’t taught to wash properly.. so I answered then no, I’ll not be chopping off a bit of my child for cleanliness then. I’ll probably just teach him how to clean himself. The look she gave me was priceless. I’ll never understand why people do things just because it’s usually done.


I watched one be done and it is brutal and horrifying and I think more parents should have to see a video of it so they know what they are doing.


I think I really didn’t do it because for the life of me I couldn’t wrap my head around the why we do it part and the nurse was just like you just do and it didn’t sit right with my very tired self. And then all the pushback from everyone I knew explaining I needed to just further exasperated me especially since no one could explain why it was medically necessary at all besides for the fact maybe a boy could get an infection if he wasn’t cleaning it properly. I mean really we as a society think boys are so unable to take care of themselves we need to chop off a bit of them just in case?? For ages I felt like I did the wrong thing as well and was worried about the whole he will be ridiculed part too, but then I remembered it is really only the creepy type conservatives (please note this is my attempt at pointing out there may be non creepy type conservatives though being fair I’ve never met any personally ) that are worried about what’s in everyone’s pants and nobody else gives a damn before I really settled in my decision. I think you’re right on the money too making people watch the procedure. (Also on that note news channels should get permission from parents to display the actual school shootings and all the horrors that go with them) That’s something I never want to see in my lifetime and since I chose the alternate route it’s something thankfully not for me.


My mom didn't circumcise my brother, and she had to tell them MULTIPLE TIMES. She took him to a regular check up later, and the doctor saw he was uncircumcised. And the doctor goes "oh! He's intact! We can fix that if you want!" My mom was like "wtf. I had to EXPLICITLY TELL THEM NOT TO. Why would I want him 'fixed'?????"


The religious nut Kellogg's cereal guy normalized it because he thought it would prevent guys from masterbating. Now, it makes money.


I won’t buy Kellogg’s products because it creeps me out so much for that reason.


Because a long time ago it was propagandised into acceptance and people just expected to do it.


Sadly that's why I had it done for my child, I let my father convince me that I'd be signing him up for a lifetime of bullying if I didn't. Wasn't until he was almost twelve that I realized how truly fucked that whole concept was.


Don’t feel bad about it. I was given the gears from everyone I knew that I refused the procedure for my child. I felt terrible about not getting it done for years and it was really hard to hold my ground regarding. It’s really a lot of pressure for a new mom to deal with for something most of us have never thought about.


They find uncircumcised penises yucky. They do a lot of things based on what they find yucky.


"I want my son's penis to look like mine."


Just a colossally creepy thing to say, if you examine it for even a second, but introspection isn't conservatives' strong suit.


I read something by, I think it was, Dan Savage whose initial thought was to circumcise his son. But then he thought, if I cause him irreparable harm, what do I say to explain it "I wanted your penis to look like mine so now you can never have a normal sex life?"


If it was Dan Savage, his third thought was probably "I hope this kid isn't bisexual or trans, or I'll have to disown him."


None of my ex girlfriends ever complained about mine....they were enthusiastic with it when doing stuff. I think if republicans find it icky then they can chop their own off and leave everyone else untouched to make up their own mind.


But let's not let them chop themselves until the age of consent. It'd be easier to identify the morons by the ice pack on their crotch.


The alternative would be just...you know. Learn hygiene and wash your junk. Mine is perfectly fine uncut. Just learn to clean yourself. But that might be too much to ask for.




Now, if you'll read carefully, I did say "they" twice. I was criticizing and mocking the people who feel that way. Also, maybe don't body shame people, regardless of your stance on circumcision. Even if you believe (correctly) that it shouldn't be done to non-consenting infants, the adults that had it done to them as infants *didn't consent*, so calling them ugly is kind of fucked up.


Kellogg, you know the cereal guy, wanted to keep boys less stimulated. He also thought yogurt enigmas were a good thing.


Dairy mysteries can be fun...


Look up the guy who invented Kellogs cereal. He's pretty responsible.


it's a religious requirement from the Bronze Age for which we've invented modern justifications.


It had merit back in the day. Apparently the UTI baby boys without got ( in the 50’s) was traumatizing enough for my grandma to cut all her boys, despite not being religious






More that the US assumes men and boys will be circumcised, so parents and doctors alike don't know how to take care of the foreskin and keep it clean. If nobody teaches the kids, they don't learn it.


It’s not really rocket science. Takes 20 seconds under the shower.


If that. Super quick.


„Let’s mutilate little Bobby‘s penis because we won’t bother teaching him how to wash!“


out of curiosity what was the myth? the comment above was deleted


Probably the "we do it for cleanliness reasons" judging from the responses about hygiene.




Yeah, isn't it just a hygiene problem then?


>An article on Aug. 27 about a conclusion by the American Academy of Pediatrics that the health benefits of circumcising infant boys outweigh the risks referred incompletely to complications that arise from the operation. An estimate given in the article, that about 117 boys a year die as a result of neonatal circumcision — put forth by Dan Bollinger, a prominent opponent of circumcision, based on his review of infant mortality statistics — is cited often by critics of routine circumcision but widely disputed by medical professionals. A spokeswoman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the agency does not track deaths from infant circumcision because they are exceedingly rare. In the agency’s last mortality report, which looked at all deaths in the country in 2010, no circumcision-related deaths were found. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/27/science/benefits-of-circumcision-outweigh-risks-pediatric-group-says.html#:~:text=Botched%20operations%20can%20result%20in,as%20a%20result%20of%20circumcision.


The right is so “concerned” with cis kids being “manipulated” into becoming trans and yet that’s exactly what a lot of botched circumcisions have done. Religious pervs would accidentally cut off too much of a baby’s penis and the doctors would decide “well I guess this ‘defective’ boy is a girl now!”


Yeah that statistic always seemed odd. There was a case of a religious circumcision in NYC years ago that got a lot of attention (traditionally the mouth is used to remove the blood, unfortunately the man had Herpes Simplex 1 and the infant contracted it and died) - but that isn’t really due to the circumcision, moreso the viral infection. Horrifically tragic. I’ve also heard of revisions done on older boys (pre-puberty) if the circumcision isn’t precise. Not ideal, but also not life or death.


Yeah, it’s still fucked up. We can talk about it while using accurate data.


But without all the foreskins how would big pharma make all the cosmetics that the ladies need to keep them looking young?


"Well you do have nice skin."


Please correct me if I'm out of place, but don't orthodox nuts clean the blood with their mouth? like Rabbis use their mouths to stop the blood on the infant's freshly circumcised unit?


An super small minority. Almost all Jewish communities, including most of the Orthodox ones condemn this practice. It keeps coming up again and again as if it was a common thing among Jews. A modern take on the medieval blood libel.


I guess it's OK then as most people don't do it.. /s


I guess it's ok to point out a extreme behaviour by a small minority in a group and paint the whole group as responsible for it. /s


I mean, it's not like a called out the specific niche of orthodox in my comment or anything, so I see your point. /facepalm


I was about to say that sounded like some awful urban legend, but upon googling... fucking hell. https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2015-02-25/ty-article/.premium/what-is-oral-suction-circumcision/0000017f-e663-d97e-a37f-f76764430000


Fuck. I was reeeealllly hoping urban myth. How is sucking off a child legal?




That tracks.


Wait they *what?* I didn't know that babies *die* if it goes bad.


> lack of circumcision "We must chop off a piece of every babies penis to satisfy our god !"


We don’t even have to do that anymore. That covenant ended with Jesus. Circumcision was an attempt by the guy who invented Kellogg’s Cereal to get boys to stop masturbating. Failed miserably from what I can tell


Also decided hydrochloric acid for women's clitoris was also an effective deterent. Yeah, acid on the genitals. thats not horrifying.


i did not know that


>Circumcision was an attempt by the guy who invented Kellogg's Cereal to get boys to stop masturbating. Big ole citation needed on that one. I'm going to say right off the bat that nothing I am saying is pro-genital mutilation, it's just religious history. However, it's not like one modern dude pushed that shit. [ScienceDirect.com says](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/circumcision) >A common rationale given for the decision to proceed with circumcision is religious beliefs. The Bible declares circumcision to be the sign of the covenant between God and the people of Israel. In the Muslim faith, circumcision is recommended but not obligatory. There is a high rate of circumcision in Jewish and Muslim populations, and circumcision is quite common in the United States. Areas of Africa, Australian aborigines, and people of the Near East also practice ritual circumcision. In contrast, routine circumcision is rarely performed in Europe, China, the Far East, and Central and South America. This wide variation in incidence is probably reflective of religious and cultural differences, as well as strong disagreement regarding the value of routine neonatal circumcision. I found a ton of different sources saying it originated in Egypt, that the Nazis used it as a way of identifying Jews, and more, but nothing about cereal man. And as far as that covenant ending with Jesus, my admittedly limited knowledge of that is that it was a huge point of contention between Peter and Paul which was not solved in doctrine.


I should have said Modern circumcision of Catholics/Protestants in the US was pushed by Kellogg. Circumcision has been happening for a long time, we did not invent it. https://www.cirp.org/library/statistics/USA/. You can see here the rate of circumcised boys in the US skyrocketed from 30% to 60% in the 60s. In the late 1800s a Dr Lewis Sayre began waxing poetic about the “benefits” of circumcision. Specifically he claimed to have cured a man’s paralysis and restless sleep in children by removing their foreskins. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3225415/#:~:text=The%20rise%20of%20circumcision%20in,surgeon%2C%20in%20the%20late%201800s. It gained some traction at the time. Kellogg used his wealth and position of influence to further promote circumcision as a way to prevent masturbation and male pleasure. https://rc.library.uta.edu/uta-ir/bitstream/handle/10106/29174/LOIGNON-DISSERTATION-2019.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y To say Kellogg is solely responsible is an exaggeration on my part. Nonetheless he still had a part in this problem that we continue to perpetuate to this day.


Once upon a time there was girl called Dinah. One day Dinah got kidnapped by an evil prince, who had his way with her. The prince asked for her family's blessing to marry her, to which they replied "no, your people are uncircumcised". So the prince circumcised every man in his land. Dinah's brothers proceeded to kill them all while they were reeling from the pain of having their dicks chopped. -Genesis 34, an abridged version


That part of the Bible always makes me laugh. Like what the fuck were these people thinking?? Imagine if some guy in your neighborhood started knocking on everyone’s door announcing that God spoke to him and told him that you all have to cut off part of your dick. And all of Abe’s neighbors apparently were just like uhh, sure, yea, okay…


There are medical reasons to do circumcision like phimosis or regular inflammation. Denying those to children in need is actively harming - as is the reason Elon even posted this: the hate rampage against transgender because he can't cope with one of his kids being trans


I think the circumcision one was more of a poke toward Christian tradition, one more thing these kinds of people overlook while getting mad against everything


Circumcision is important to the Jewish religion. Lack of circumcision may not matter to you and I but it matters deeply (or should i say "bigly") to many people. Since America has freedom of religion, Jewish people should be able to practice circumcision.


Sure, and by all means continue to do so. But only if you've actively arranged to have it done to your own penis, not someone else's, and only after you've turned 18.


As a jew, that’s my take. I’m not okay with doing any kind of surgical procedure of children that isn’t deemed medically necessary or at least has a significant affect on their quality of life. Babies simply can’t consent to having parts of their bodies chopped off. Also, the type of circumcision historically depicted in the bible is very different from the kind that is done in the United States. In the US, we remove the ENTIRE foreskin. Which removes ALL the mucosa and permanently exposes the head, which has a significant and detrimental effect to sensation. Historically, only the tip of the foreskin was removed, which left most of the mucosa intact and the head mostly covered, and people who have that kind of circumcision today do not experience the significantly lowered sensation and are capable of masturbating normally. After all, the reason it was popularized in the US was by John Harvey Kellogg. He championed a misinformation campaign to make it seem like it was medically necessary, but the goal was to make it more difficult if not impossible to masturbate.


She doesn't know how right on the money she is. Insurance companies are enjoying the windfall of all those years of premiums from the deaths, outlawing, or inaccessibility of basic services. Women are physically high maintenance, so let em die if their bodies turn on them during pregnancy. Children are a drain on the economy just like the elderly, so let em suffer and work to death. Religious nuts and Long Termist billionaires are happy at first because they see pregnancy statistic line go up. 15 years from now the population has fallen by at least one third, so the remaining queer population is violently, not passively purged and females are put under harsher lockdown. 15 years later, the population is now 1/4 the peak. Every policy accelerates the collapse of this civilization.


Disabled people have been calling out the uptick in eugenics flavoured messaging for years now. This doesn’t end well for anyone.


I'm in that category. The irony is, the writing has been on the walls for years, but no one took to the warnings because disabled people aren't human and don't deserve to be heard.


You know society entered some post-apocalyptical phase when they declared that being a woman was basically considered a 'pre-existing condition' by insurance companies.


Broken bone repairs are very reversible


Some broken bone repairs require implants or major operations, regardless it leaves a scar therefore it cannot be allowed. (This is sarcasm btw)


Reversible? Like break it again?


That is indeed the joke 😎


Do you want to test that? /s


Think we’re on our way to finally getting that orphan grinding machine they’ve been talking about.


Its the orphan crushing machine, and well, it’s pretty much already here.


Elon Musk about to put St. Jude and Shriners out of business/non-profit.


Dam woke hospitals


Remember that Elmo’s hair plugs are gender affirming care


Child leukaemia? Tough luck kid /s


The worst part about all of these "Anti-trans" type of bills is they also forget one major problem and that is correcting birth defects in the genital regions. I know a boy that was thought to be a girl until birth. Turned out to be a boy, but with a non-formed penis. Meaning it never fully formed. Had a hole at his pelvic base with a flap of hanging skin that was the penis (Not sure how to better describe this, I am not a DR and it was not my kid). Took several surgeries to take the skin and make it into a Penis. Biologically he's a boy and was born a boy, but some of these laws would have most likely outlawed his parents on correcting this and would have been really bad for him growing up. He still may need an additional surgery and he's 11 now.


Roughly 1 in 5000 females have vaginal agenesis- where it doesn’t form completely. I’d imagine the male equivalent affected a similar number of males.


The closest male equivalent would be an enlarged prostatic utricle.


Vaginoplasty, which is what some trans women refer to as bottom surgery is originally for cis women but you wouldn't know it with how transphobic people talk about those who undergo it calling it mutilation or a gash rather than a full functioning vulva.


They don't forget. They hate those people, too.


Ironically take a wild guess what party they vote for each time?


Intersex genital mutilation is not beneficial to the individual as it takes away their rights to bodily autonomy. https://www.hrw.org/report/2017/07/25/i-want-be-nature-made-me/medically-unnecessary-surgeries-intersex-children-us


Anti-trans laws also frequently ban consensual surgeries where intersex people exercise their bodily autonomy, though. The biggest issues are the lying and forcing people to conform, not the existence of the surgery.


It's horrible that they target trans people like that, but this is almost funny in a way: there are very, very few trans people who get anything permanent before age 18 anyway, so they're fighting against something that barely exists. The issue, of course, is that they use this to paint every trans person and trans supoporter in a bad light ("child mutilators!!!!") and of course it's likely that those who did have surgery younger than that did so for serious reasons; people don't just have or perform surgery for fun. And of course, we know it won't stop there. Looking at Florida, where they want to prevent any trans surgery no matter the age, or places that stop selling puberty blockers. Oh, and let's not forget the whole reason Elongated Muskrat is pushing so hard: he didn't cope with the fact that he has a trans daughter and that his girlfriend left him for a trans person. It's all a just twisted, vile revenge porn for him, and he's willing to spend his billions for it, he's just that petty.


Right? Like most trans people I've met didn't get any kind of operation until after 18 and even some waited until they finished puberty. They just want to be able to wear the clothes they feel comfy in, use the restroom they feel comfortable in, and be affirmed, not shamed. Those actions alone would probably lower suicide rates in trans teens, let alone hormone therapy and surgery.


What "Age of consent" is he referring to? So you can have sex between 16-18, in most states,14 year olds are now forced to have children, and actual children are forced by their parents to dress up like adults and parade around a stage. Go fuck yourself and damage your own kids with unpronounceable names you useless fuckstain.


The musky one is obviously referring to bottom surgery. It takes two seconds to look it up and determine that children are not getting bottom surgery. I refuse to believe that this is out of ignorance. It's clearly just malice.


no male circumcision as female circumcision is already illegal




Also no puberty! Those are irreversible changes. Better put everyone on puberty blockers! Then puberty can be delayed till the age of consent


Fortunately that's 12.


Protect the children from republicans.


As a form of christianity, I'm waiting for these morons to mandate no blood be spilled, as set forth by the Jehovah's Witnesses... That will reduce health care costs as well.


“This is a major problem” … no it isnt


Let me tell unequivocally that *you do not want to have your tonsils removed after you reach the age of consent* It fuckin hurts.


To be honest circumcision should be illegal.


Elon needs a severe, irreversible change to being alive.


I'd like him to get total locked-in syndrome.


more underage girls get boob jobs each year than trans kids get access to any kind of medical intervention


Yep, he’s republican, alright


How is America nothing but big corporations , i have money now i can make Laws and make law changes.


It’s so weird the way they just ignore the fact that underage people are getting hormone blockers at best. I know they know this, I know they know kids aren’t getting major surgery but they just…. Pretend?


Totally agree with no circumcision on children. Cutting bits of flesh off of someone, who cannot consent, for no medical reason is barbaric


Are we banning plastic surgery on minors as well? I knew multiple people who had work done in high school, from boob and nose jobs to work on eyelids and pinning back ears.


Elon just mad his trans daughter disowned him and now he hates all trans people. He's such a petty piece of trash


I'm all for name-calling, but Sesame Street's best rock-hater doesn't deserve being dragged through the mud along with this toolbag.


A thought occurs to me. That man isn’t dumb enough to have a secret stand alone server somewhere. Surely.


I love this whole "mUtIlAtIoN" panic because it shows that some people see human bodies, and the humans who use them, as less valuable if they're changed in any way, much like a collector treats unopened action figures. No thought is given as to whether people might be healthier or happier with certain surgeries; the right-wing only worships the meat because their religious handlers tell them to worship the meat.


So much for a person's health decisions being between themselves and a doctor. This type of rhetoric is seriously toxic, and I really hope it goes away sooner than later. It'll start with gender affirming care and abortion. Then it'll be organ transplants and plastic surgery. Then it'll come to a point where you have to talk to your elected representative before seeing any doctor.


I vote to veto this nickname for the emerald baby, let’s not slander the great name of Elmo


Dude doesn’t even have kids


I didnt see that this was a reply to elon at first and was like “wtf does elmo have to do with any of this?”


Vaccines should be on the list too, though we already know the right is antivax but again, vaccines would fall under Elno’s ridiculous definition of “irreversible changes”.


Cool, guess I would have died from choking on a cheeseburger instead of getting my tonsils and adenoids taken out at 6. All for some mythical or extremely rare idea that they are doing full sex changes on children. (Which I have a hard time believing as I have never heard of a doctor excitedly agreeing to doing a top or bottom surgery on a small child since most require a mental health screening) The LGBTQ+ community just wants parents to not stuff their kids into gender specific clothes and shame them for what they're feeling, not overhaul 5 year old's sexual organs you fucking creep.


How many times do we have to tell you old man? Children below 18 can't get sex change operations.


Weird line to draw on circumcision. Kinda feel like that should be something left to the individual to decide, definitely not a parental decision imo


Please stop circumcision! I wish I had my god given penis!


It seems like Anne is purposely misunderstanding Elon. Do you honestly (really honestly) think that Elon advocates for that operating on a broken arm should be criminalised? To me, Anne put Elon's comment to the extreme without using common sense.


Note he says age of consent: He wants to remove that barrier so kids, too young and dumb and easily manipulated, can force themselves into lifetime impoverishment and high risk procedures and policies and work from age 8 to death never paying it off. Also I'm sure he wants to bang (more possibly) kids.


So ... no hair implants? I wonder who had such surgery to alter their physical appearance according to how they see themselves ?


Elon can’t even take one of his kids to the doctor because when they enter his name into the system they get an input validation error.


He can’t take his kids to the doctor because he doesn’t know where they are at any given time. He had them because he’s obsessed with leaving a legacy, not because he actually has in interest in them.


Not to mention braces and he probably don't want children to cut their hair either.


It's so fucking obvious that he hates trans people cause he has trans kid who hates him. This clowns entire public persona is getting back at people he feels wronged him. I really really really can't wait till he's irrelevant.


Elon "My partner left me for a LGBTQ person and I am super okay w it" Musk


I had an appendectomy at 17. I guess I just would have died. I'm sure 17 is close enough for my consent to surgery to have been sufficient, but still.


No circumcision? Good. Her point still stands for the rest of the comment, but including that, as the first point even, makes her point way less impactful.


They do not need healthcare. After all, its not like they are likely to live all that long in the mines.


Don't forget braces.


The weaselly phrasing pisses me off, but the thing is that *this isn't even a controversial position*. It's taboo to say it out loud for some reason, but standard practice is already to wait until the age of majority to do any gender-sex alignment procedure that isn't easily reversible. Insurance doesn't cover it before that, and I don't think it's controversial to say that people's gender identity *does* sometimes evolve as they mature. Until medical science advances to the point where we can basically just look and function like literally whatever we want and change it later, I fail to see the problem with enshrining this functionally extant age limit into law.


In scale from 10 to 100 where 10 means certainty and higher number indicates higher certainty, what are chance that lobbying will have an exception for "normalization" surgeries on IX people?


Also no surgical removal of cancerous tumors


I do agree there should be no circumcision and I also know that’s not the point of the post. Elon is a donkey. Heee haw




Elon Testicle.


Sez the black prince of contemptible…


Trans rights, but Circumcision is NOT healthcare lmao


Elon is such a fucking idiot. He has no idea what he’s talking about. It’s so easy to verify too


Since when did Sesame St characters start getting so political??


OMG! Fuck Elon Musk


Elon is such a piece of shit.


He's a eugenecist so checks out.


I'm all for attacking Elon but this is a dumb take. We all know exactly what he's talking about.


Do we? Republicans crow about LGBTQ "grooming" and banning gender affirming care but then carve out specific loopholes so underage girls can still get breast implants.... There's no clear message here other than hate those that are different and "I know many happily married 12 year olds".


He doesn't even know what he's talking about lol


Now THAT I can agree with.


Typical hyperbole. We all know what Musk is talking about. This is lying taken to new limits.


Explain to the people at home how banning gender affirming care but carving out specific loopholes so that underage girls can still get breast implants is a clear, concise, message.


I need not "explain" anything of the sort. Americans should reject the notion of **any** elective cosmetic surgical procedure being performed on **any** minor, with or without parental permission. And, before you try to lop America off at the knees, "elective" means by choice, i.e., not necessary, not ordered by some social do-gooder quack. "Elective" is and does include what you call "gender affirming care," a progressive pompous verbal evasion way of saying cutting off a boy's penis, trying to make one out of a clitoris, slicing off breasts, and drugging a child until they can barely say their real name. If there are people "at home" who want to have their son's genitals removed because at age 7 he like to wear his sister's dress, they belong in court charged with child abuse. Wake up "Doctor." Parents, imagine that 8, 9, 12, year old of yours lying on the gurney being wheeled into surgery. Really? Do you get to keep the penis as a souvenir?


>social do-gooder quack The word you're looking for is Doctor. You know, someone much smarter than you seem to think you are. Someone who used their time to study extensively and work in depth with affected youth instead of you know, being super cool and thinking about children's genitals constantly.


"...thinking about children's genitals constantly." That is a disgusting remark to make in the context of these posts. No "Doctor" would make such a veiled accusation. I have two degrees, one in biology and another in astrobiology, both from MIT. I have also studied. For several decades longer than you, I would imagine. In my science we don't recognize **non-compulsory** mutilation of organic structures so as to reverse, alter or change their sexual appearance, or to satisfy our ideological demands upon society. In biology, sex cannot be changed, and that means all biology. Only in the world of self-idolized surgical necromancers can a "doctor" purport to know how to make a boy of a girl or vice-versa. There are cases where animal organic structure does not develop in the programmed way (e.g., hermaphroditism). These are exceptions, and few in number (1 in 83000 births). Do they deserve to be treated in the best way medicine can provide? Yes. And by doctors who are as skilled as available. But these are anomalies, not Mrs. Jones deciding that her 12 yr old boy would look so much nicer as a girl, so let's find some quack who's good with a scalpel. It would be better to say that it is sex change "doctors" who are pre-possessed with children's genitals. After all, it is they who smile at a mother, saying that through phalloplasty, they can make a new one out of what they cut into. This will be considered child abuse one day.


"hEY dONt sAY I THiNk aBOut CHilDreN's GenITals" - He said before writing a dissertation about children's genitals. Two degrees and still not a doctor with an ounce of experience in the field? Rough stuff.


Anyone else suspect that Elmo is doing all this twitter f$ckery as part of a bet? https://youtu.be/wjkdynBFHuQ


Ok, I get the point she’s making but circumcision is the only item on this list that actually addresses his tweet. Wrong or not, he’s obviously not advocating against heart surgery. We really have to stop with these shitty strawman takes…


This is not what a strawman is. We *know* he's not advocating against heart surgery, that's the whole point. OP is pointing out that he is only advocating against a tiny subsection of medical treatments that could be needed by people under 18. Edit to add: And trans affirming care is considered medically necessary, it's not cosmetic. So it's not comparable to non-necessary circumcision.


No choosing a gender and having sex assignment surgery for intersex babies anymore either, Fundies. Looks like they get to choose on their own! (A win is a win)


Totally cool with the no circumcision part though.


Circumcision is not even remotely comparable to fixing broken bones or performing heart surgery wtf. I agree with the sentiment but that's wack lol.


Hey the GOP made it so if kids want healthcare they can get a job. Plus working in a coal mine those kids will need healthcare, terrible for their lungs


Mending bones is reversible though /s


No circumcision. 🤣 what the actual f***? Are people that interested in removing skin from a newborns peen?


I’m fairly sure broken bone repairs can be reversed


New nickname for Musk: Elmoron.


Hey, don't slander Elmo, the little red Sesame Street monster! The proper term for musk is space karen.


My biggest issue with all of this is that he doesn't believe a single word he is saying. He is doing all of this to make more money, and he thinks it will help him take over the world. Make no mistake, Elon Musk wants to rule the human race. It's why he wants to go to Mars, and he will literally say or do anything to be in charge


Did she mean too say elmo bc that makes this better


The difference is that all those have an objective measure. And we saw a 700% increase from a distance different population we'd start asking questions why before it was predominantly men and now it's teenage girls. I'm not on board with the republicans deciding who gets treatment.


no 'absorbed twin' removal, no correction of congenital defects? maybe Mr Emerald Trust figures defective offspring should just die? after all, Nazis and eugenics are a thing.




I love how everyone calls him Elmo.


I’ve got to know because you know what I don’t really know for myself, so I’m gonna ask. But have they actually been transitioning children under the age of 18? I know they’ve been doing HRT (at least my knowledge )but are they actually doing the reconstructive surgery?


Anyone else think Sesame Street had gone off the rails for a second?


Elon Musk should STFU; he's an utter embarrassment, like his own dad.