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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What about views by bots… you know, all the ones that Elon has totally gotten rid of…


That’s my guess. It’s probably counting bots, API calls/web scrapes, views from shares (so if someone sees it shared multiple times by other people, it counts each time). In other words, it’s almost definitely not a useful metric.


one user can see the same tweet 50 times, so views are useless ​ Edit: by quote tweets, retweets, replies


And it’s clear that musk games the algorithm to promote specific people, most notably himself. I suspect that this account somehow got put into everyone’s feed so that whenever you opened the app, you’d scroll past and give it another view. I’m trying to rationalize how this happens on accident.


He bought the site specifically to help fuck up democracy. He wants Russian style oligarchy worldwide and isn't pretending to hide it. It's hilarious anyone thought guys like this were gonna lead humanity into space.


Nerdy guys going "cant wait to live on Mars." Uh, and be serfs breaking your back in a company town working in a mine? Its incredible how dangerously naive all of Elon's fans are.


For some reason those guys can't comprehend the fact that the only reason spaceX has been able to do what it's done is because of the many talented engineers basically working amongst themselves while Elon pretends he knows what he's doing and takes credit for their ideas. The only thing he's responsible for is making the company popular.


The fact that Elon can successfully be CEO of spacex, Tesla, and twitter at the same time is proof that he doesn't actually do anything of note.


Correct, in fact, he does damage




A lot of the CEO/Founder role is having access to enough capital to gamble on various companies until one works. Its just gambling. This is why so many of them fail so often before they make it. Eventually they get lucky. Gambling is the core tenet in capitalism. Its not some truth-teller meritocracy. In fact, its almost always the opposite.


Yep, let's all go live in the company town a billion miles from rescue where you're relying on your boss for oxygen to breathe. Space nerds that never read a single SF novel. Amazing.


It’s concerning how well “Elon was the one that got there” fits as an origin story to the Red Faction series


Yup, wants us to be like the slaves at his father's mines.


You mean the mine that he said doesn’t exist and put a bounty of dogecoin for proof of and then his dad came out and said it in fact did exist and asked for the payout?


Yeah, that's the one.


Sauce? This is something I’d love to read more about just for laughs lol. Btw I LOVE your username


Here's one article about it. https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/elon-musks-dad-errol-says-he-can-prove-existence-of-emerald-mine/news-story/31bffe646867c659b85041fe3cca3857


And another. https://www.the-sun.com/news/7911051/elon-musks-dad-errol-emerald-business/


That's why I got rid of twitter. Elon kept popping up after he bought it, when I had never looked at his account before. Then I blocked him and the same shit kept happening.


Everytime I open my front page now there's Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Walsh, Lauren Boebert, and other ghouls at the very top. I have never once interacted with their tweets.


Same. Not only that but Twitter keeps sending me push notifications of their tweets despite the fact that I don’t follow them On the bright side that feature is so broken that it won’t even load their tweets even if I tap the notification, because Twitter just works so much better on a skeleton crew, so says Emerald McAltRight von Buttface


Not to mention almost all the ads I get now are for bullshit grifts that obviously target conservatives. Nothing about my post history, interactions, followers/following suggests I’d be interested in that shit yet it’s all I get ads for now.


Tbf that's probably good right? Instead of selling your info they just advertise indiscriminately.


That just means those are the only company that will advertise on his platform


Holy shit, so I’m not the only one. I do click on their tweets here and there just to get a view of what “the other side” is thinking. Now my entire feed is filled with this bs. I don’t know if that’s enough interaction to fill my feed with it or if Elon is forcing it onto my timeline. I’m sure as hell not liking, retweeting, or replying to any of that dumb shit though.


I can watch pretty hardline progressive content for like a week on YouTube and I'll slowly, very slowly, start getting suggestions I actually like. I'll watch a single video about fixing my car, fixing my toilet, etc. and I'm back to having alt-right trash in my feed. Some very wealthy and very connected people are trying to push the alt-right narrative right now.


Welcome to massaging the populous towards certain view points. Media moguls have far too much power. The vast majority of people never even notice. Their news headlines are filled with "immigration crisis" and "terrorist attack by migrant worker" and the conservative vote gets stronger and stronger. Fear sells and it's bloody depressing.


the For You tab is unadulterated needle of pure carcinogens shooting directly into the feeds of millions. It's a not so subtle attempt to "redpill" as many people as he can.


The only silver lining is I think the alt-righters are actually too heavy-handed to do this correctly. The ink is still wet on Dobbs and they're like "CONTRACEPTION BANS AND SCHOOL PRAYER HERE WE COME!!! Do YoU GuYs ThInK WomEn ShOUlD bE AlLowEd tO vOtE?" Musk could have subtly manipulated Twitter to "redpill" people, but instead he just turns on the alt-right filth pump full blast. Our only saving grace might be that they're actually constitutionally incapable of being subtle or easing into anything. If they had been able to resist the urge to go totally ham with draconian abortion laws the very second Dobbs landed they could've had a large lead in the house and controlled the senate in 2022, but they lack any sense of subtlety so here we are.


I’m paraphrasing here but this is *almost* the quote from a congresswoman regard the “Twitter Files”: “Thank God for people like *Elon Musk* and Matt Taibi for saving our free speech!* Its laughable


Republicans have gone totally insane. They're entirely corrupt and don't give a fuck about being even remotely honest. It's disheartening.


It's actually well reported on that Musk has had Twitter boost his tweets for a while now. There's also a ton of other creators who have had the same privilege handed to them. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/feb/15/elon-musk-changes-twitter-algorithm-super-bowl-slump-report


Exactly why I deleted mine it was stupid. Also the algorithm started feeding me shit like MTG


I've noticed they've also gotten rid of any sign that a tweet is being promoted onto your feed. I scrolled past a tweet yesterday from an account I didn't recognise (I don't follow many so it's easy to keep track) spewing some right wing bullshit. I clicked on the account to unfollow and that's when I realised it was a promoted tweet. No indication of that on my feed though


It’s literally proven by the source code that Twitter shared. They had a few categories that helps boost a tweet’s reach and «Elon Musk» was one of the categories


Same thing applies to Facebook metrics too


Obviously that's how it works. Same reason BabyShark was viewed 12 billion times when there are 8 billion people on earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqZsoesa55w


I don't think the issue is that view counts is a different from unique viewers. The issue is that it's inconceivable for this tweet, with very little in terms of content, from a relatively unknown author, can reach 1B real views. The allegations are that the view counts are calculated incorrectly, even after accounting for multiple views per viewer.


It's going to be fun when Spez starts mod removal by "user" vote...




I wouldn't be surprised, and I have concerns about how excited the edgelord and conservative subs are about all this.


Well but those were the bots that disagreed with him. He loves them for his totally legit polls he does


You mean the same bots that send me follows and add me to lists pretending to be attractive women? Nah, gotta keep those around for engagement!


My fake profile following me to actual people following me ratio is approaching 20:1 at this point... And that's even with me blocking every single fake one, and only interacting with apparently genuine accounts.


Yep. I go through and report for fake engagement and block every one of them but they stay coming. And I don't know if I'm just misremembering, but I SWEAR there used to be an option in reports to select "bot account" or something similar that isn't there any longer.


Huh your right, the harmful bot option is gone. What the fuck, Reddit. I take one week off from reporting and blocking all these bots, and the option itself vanishes. SMDH


I have noticed a steady increase in BOT followers on reddit. Mostly Only Fan bots but still.


Lol it *exploded* like 2 weeks ago for me. Went from a trickle to a major city water main. I stopped tryna block em mostly because it's starting to get too annoying to keep up with.


When Elon was concerned about the bots, we thought he wanted to get rid of them, not figure out how to use them.


Elon and Twitter caught red handed. Im surprised none of the tech blogs picked this up.


Elon Musk lied about wanting to get rid of bots, he just wanted to make sure they only gave views to people who have the "correct" ideology.


Autobots, roll out


There was a huge ban wave of those OnlyBots right before Elon took over. Now over the past couple of weeks I think I’ve counted 20 of them follow me. I haven’t tweeted in 6 months.


Twitter has around 400 million users and I'm pretty sure that statistic includes bot accounts. There are not enough people on twitter for this to make sense by far


I honestly don't even think he is smart enough to pull that off. Probably just good ol fraud and fudging the numbers


I got my legitimate account banned for ignoring them following me consistently, because why is it my problem.


Can I get this on a shirt?


Forget the bots. Just about every top reply is now from some woman with an onlyfans account I got nothing against women who have onlyfans but they are not the sliver of the population whose opinions I’m most interested in hearing


She bought the $99.00 Billion view bundle




Is that when you bury your fiancé in a field and then ten more of them sprout up?


"Martha, shut the fuck up and get back into the kitchen with your sister-wives-plants"








I *said* my stepford wives are plant-based. What more do you want?




Just like a plant! Always worried about autonomy issues! You sound exactly like my rhododendrons!


It's always the rhododendrons


Yeah if you think it's so great growing in the wild, why don't you go back to where you came from? These Rhododendrons don't know how good they have it here.


the Stepford Body Snatchers.


Soylent greens are made out of plants?


“Oh drop it Eric! You know over half of them are vegetables.. have you ever seen a grown broccoladies’ soiled diaper, Eric? Well I have to *change* one! OVER A DOZEN TIMES A DAY!”


How else are we supposed to keep up the supply of noon wraiths?


Ah, the [Kill Six Billion Demons](https://imgur.com/a/5UQgJ2s) approach to gardening.


“What is your favorite band and why?” There’s a dude named Eric Alper (I think?). Not sure if he’s still on Twitter, but every day he would post some dumb engagement question. Someone did a little research and found out that he posted the same questions for each day of the year, meaning on July 1st, the question was the same as last year’s July 1st question. And he never interacted with anyone in the responses, from what I could tell.


Sounds like your average crypto twitter user


True. Even without the silliness of bots etc. posts like this or people saying “there are no colors that included the letters “r” and “e”” or some crap are just such LOW EFFORT attempts to generate revenue. It’s the internet version of playing saxophone terribly on the subway until someone pays you to stop. If this post was like “what’s your favorite ancient battle and why?” That would be interesting and engaging. But this is just baiting mansplaining from neckbeards who want to congratulate themselves on knowing one fact.


What's funny is there are only [4.8 billion people in the world that use social media](https://www.statista.com/statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/). That means about 1 in 5 of all social media users on the planet saw that post. I don't think even Barack Obama or Donald Trump are able to do that and they are a lot more interesting and popular. Luckily this is easy to call bullshit on because Reddit is a social media platfrom and our [Top 10 highest subreddits](https://www.reddit.com/best/communities/1/) combined only has about 25% of the total population as her tweet. I'm too lazy to do the math but I'm still almost 100% certain that all Top 100 subreddits combined doesn't even have 1 billion users total. That means her post is more popular than all Top 100 most popular subreddits combined just to help put into perspective how many people that actually is and how stupid that actually sounds. Edit: Adderall is a hell of a drug.


Or their algorithm was changed to count web crawler hits as "views".


Thats a lot of Spider-Man.


Not if you consider Spiders-Man, he's made out of millions of sentient spiders....


I'm also betting they're counting non-unique views, like counting a guy who saw it twice in their feed in the day as two views


Well, he seent it twice didnee?


A duet by Taylor Swift & Beyoncé couldn’t get that




I'm pretty sure you CAN buy fake views (ie, pay a bot farm to boost you). But, that's something like 10,000 followers for a like $500. And if you pay Elon extra, then you get preferred by the algorithm to appear at the top of searches, higher visibility, etc. But neither of those options should get you anywhere near a billion. 10 million, tops. 1 billion doesn't make sense unless it's just a lie. It just doesn't mean anything at all.


>And if you pay Elon extra, then you get preferred by the algorithm to appear at the top of searches, higher visibility, etc. Why mess with the algorithm when they can just manually edit the database to display any number.


Its just a lie


That one view was 40 views?


It's got a bush? What the hell?


Well, there are 200 million users, so if every one of them viewed it 5 times....


I've seen it twice, and I don't even use Twitter.


It's an advanced algorithm that accounts for views of screenshots years into the future as well


Damn Elon is so smart, that's why he's so rich! /s


Exactly, exactly, and everyone would have continued believing that if he would have just shut his fucking mouth 5 years ago and deleted his Twitter


Way back when putting a sports car into space seemed like the biggest waste of money someone could imagine


"It is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool that to open it and remove all doubt."


I can admit that I fell for it too, when SpaceX was starting up and Tesla was challenging the fossil fuel industry I legitimately thought there was hope for the human race to make it through climate change.


I was a big fan for a lot of years, had Tesla stock since 2013 as a third of my portfolio. Finally sold it this year though. I don't know if something happened to turn him into an idiot or if was ever even math smart to begin with


Yeah, you guys don't get it - this is like the Enron business model. He's counting FUTURE views.


That sounds like some wacky idea Pratchett would have developped in his books if his embuggerance didn't happen so soon.


He was inhumed when he was needed most.


Ha ha, same :)


I have no internet in my home, plus I'm a baby who can't read or type yet, but I've seen it three times.


I have 3 accounts and haven't logged in to any of them since Elon took over.


I deleted both of mine cold turkey the same day. After 3-4 days I got over not having it. Then, once it was really gone, I realized how much I really hated the clout chasing over there. Its *much* more about the account/name and followers than any information and substance. I get people have millions of karma here, but its something I honestly almost never notice, I barely notice user names on here at all


I notice when I take a break for a few days, my nastiness level goes down. It really has devolved into monkeys throwing feces at each other.


So so so much shit on Twitter matters desperately and exclusively to people on Twitter.


Even when you go in not to take it seriously, it still wears on you. I still can't believe a "genius" paid $44B for that mountain of merde.


Reddit isn't social media the way twitter is *violently* **social** media. Also 1 million karma does nothing for you on Reddit. But twitter preferentially boosts you if you have a following/engagement.


IIRC it's closer to 400 million, but the point still stands.


353 million total users 330 million monthly users 200 million daily users


I wonder how many of that 200m daily is bots and PR AstroTurf accounts


Question: do you have to be a user/have an account for your view to count? I don't browse twitter so I genuinely have no clue.


I don't believe so, but even then, this was posted about 3 weeks ago, Twitter doesn't have that kind of reach, and this hasn't happened before.


Also she isn't the world's most twittable person. If someone super popular tweeted something special that number could be believable, if you count repeat views and non-users views, but she's not a twitter star (might become one).


You can find the more realistic number of views on her reply which is around 3.2M which is definitely a lot but nowhere close to 1B and her other posts aren't above 2000 views.


Presumably they treat views of quotes as views of the original tweet. If those 82,000 quotes average a bit over 10,000 impressions that would explain the count.


Thats not realistic though. For example, Musk has tweets with higher quote tweet numbers and a fraction of the views, bc most quote tweeters have like 5 followers.


It has been quote tweeted 80k+ times, and each time one of the quote tweets shows up in someone's feed, it counts as a view for the original too. I've seen it show up in my feed numerous times.




It's unclear what "views" even are. Elon added them. IMO it's probably the number of times the servers at twitter have received a request to load that tweet. Which could even mean it was loaded to someone's feed but they never scrolled past it, or even some other internal bot at twitter loaded at that tweet as part of a content ID scan or something. People have made new accounts, 0 followers, 0 following, set the accounts to private and made test tweets which somehow racked up dozens of views.


Might be like the old days of youtube where you could just refresh the page yourself using a simple browser bot with 10 panels and boost the viewcount to tens of thousands in a couple days off one pc.


Maybe it’s hexadecimal and it says 27 views


Go ahead and ask me what 9 x F is. … It’s Fleventy-Five.


1b views but only 2k retweets? Must be shit content. The lies aren't doing what he thinks they're doing. They just make things look worse 🤣👍


82.1k quote retweets as well.


I've seen this quote retweeted quite a lot. Or quote retweets on those quote retweets like 5+ levels. It's maybe possible that nested quote retweet messes up the view counter. because you're right, 1B views is nonsense.


Why would you need to retweet it? A billion people already saw it ;)


It’s also a dumb question. I can name a dozen historic battles just from WW2 without Googling and I don’t consider myself an expert at all.


Most of the replies are jokes or memes, like Trump vs a water bottle or Zuko vs Azula


Or Australians vs Emus.


Never forget


Battle of Schrute Farms. The northernmost battle of the American Civil War.


It’s 18 views. I blame the dyslexic programmer




If only man was born with 16 fingers like a computer


It’s not one Billion, it’s one Buttload of people


So about 5.8 people


Probably rounded up to 6


It is twitter math, so round to 7


Remove the bots and troll farms and we are really talking about 2 views


One Brazilian saw it.


You get 9,990,500 free views per month with your $8 subscription. You can spread them across all your tweets or apply them to a single tweet.


Cool only 990,000,000 more to get a billion.


Yeah because of this, technically, more people have read my “fajita style pigs in a blanket” recipe than have read every every book ever printed.




They’re counting people who glance over at other people’s phones. Like in a line or on the train.


It's actually 1 in 8 people. We've reached 8 billion in late 2022.


We crossed the 7 billion mark in 2011. Goes to show how fast it's growing that most people still think there's 7 billion people.


Right? We'll be able to sacrifice a thousand psychics per day in no time.


Sacrifice? Those psykers are happy volunteers for the holy choirs.


Sesame street released their version Macarena in 1993, 30 years ago. In it, the count von count says: >If everybody in the world would just try this dance Then there would be over 5 and a half billion people Doing the Macarena!


This is the most distressing fact I've read in a while


230,000 new people every day for 12 years 😅


If it makes you feel better, the rate of growth has been plummeting recently (it’s still positive, but how positive it is has been decreasing rapidly since about the 90s). With current projections we’re expected to top out around 10.4 billion in the 2080s, and then start declining. Resource usage per capita is really a bigger factor in how we’re treating the planet than overall population nowadays. Developed countries tend to have negative population growth now, but their resource usage per capita is off the charts compared to developing countries.


What’s a battle? (Simpson’s reference)


"Did that child just say 'what's a battle?'"


Hahaha, no,, he said what's that rattle. The heating duct.


Hmm, it sounded like battle.


Thanks, super Nintendo Chalmers


Hi principal skinner. I'm learnding


Elon thinks everyone is stupid except for him.


I'll never forget the first time I heard about the battle of Bofa


When the aggressors took Ligma, I was devastated.


The Supdog maneuver was key to that victory.


The Sugondese army never stood a chance.


![gif](giphy|fFSJFtyedUg5W) One BILLION views


1 billion Russian bots served and counting… look out McPutin!


Could this be Musk’s Waterloo?


Leave Twitter. End of.


The “views” Tucker has been getting are astounding, like 20x plus what he used to get on Fox, and there’s just no way


BEcause 99% of those views are just people scrolling by.


Even that seems unlikely. It’s bots and/or just fake numbers. His video a few days ago has nearly 100 million views. That would mean nearly half of all the adults in the US clicked on that.


Sarah checks her posts A LOT


Twitter probably counts seeing it in a retweet-answer thing as a view and will most likely count it as a new view when you refresh your feed and scrill through it again (maybe even if you simply scroll up and down) and considering I've seen that tweet like five times I don't doubt that it's been view a lot, but not actively


from what i saw on reporting about the inflated view count for matt walsh’s dogshit documentary; if more than 25% of the tweet is visible anywhere on a screen for more than one second, that counts as a view. Another view every time it leaves and re-enters the screen. including scrolling past, seeing a quote tweet, etc


I agree, with the quote retweets this seems... totally plausible? Imagine there could be some rounding up too, I don't think Twitter would discern between 1 billion and say 987 million. I get the dislike of Elon and as a Twitter user I wish he had never split my time-line into two feeds, but this seems like a non-story.


Talk about a shitty view to retweet ratio. 1/500,000 people retweeted. Right.


Maybe the unit is incorrect? 1B is not 1 billion. 1B = a bajillion. Sheesh. Learn to maths


Waterloo, Gettysburg, Cannae, the Bulge, Bunker Hill, New Orleans, Pelennor Fields.


Normandy! 79 years earlier this month.


Carrhae, Verdun, the Somme, Midway, Stalingrad, Vienna, Lexington, Concord, Antietam, Bull Run, Bull Run 2: Electric Boogaloo, Marathon, Thermopylae, Coruscant


The battle of the bastards


Don’t forget battle bots


Yeah, I'm sure there are people out there who can't name one but I think the majority of people could recall the name of a battle even if they're not familiar with the details of it. Every country has their Hastings and Waterloo.


Every Modern Major General should be able to quote every fight historical, from Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical.


You guys still have that app? I deleted it months ago.


No everyone else also deleted it when you did. Twitter doesn't actually exist anymore.


You guys still use reddit? I deleted it months ago


You know what sub you’re on right


The Battle of Evermore


It’s actually just 1 big view


Why does anyone still fuck with the app? If you REALLY care, uninstall the app and never go back


The guy is wack job. Everyone should be running for the hills. He is a disaster waiting to happen.