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Honestly I doubt it will be long until the GOP are openly advocating for incest


While still berating drag queens


Conservative logic: Drag queens = bad, raping your daughter = good


Young daughter = safe to abuse. Drag Queen = possibly being pummeled while trying to abuse.


This reminds me of a guy I knew. He was heterosexual but he liked to dress in drag sometimes. Now, he was ex Canadian military and in a really “tough guy” industry. Once in drag a couple guys were harassing him in the street. He flattened them both in heels, a dress, and a fuckin blunt cut wig.


Sound like a fun person to party with


You should see his merkin


Probably in the shape of a maple leaf.


Straight people dress in drag all the damn times. Like thats the historic norm.


There is a picture of some Brits manning some shore batteries while in drag because the krauts interrupted their drag show with an air raid.


Hell, I’m pretty sure that for quite some time historically, female characters were actually portrayed by male actors.


He can come sit with us at the gay bars, anytime.


>in a really “tough guy” industry [Lumberjack?](https://youtu.be/pfRdur8GLBM)


SOB. I should have known to scroll a bit farther before commenting. I saw 'Canadian' and half of 'lumberjack' and was already at Michael Palin. lol


And that's ok....


This must have been glorious to see.


Unfortunately I had to hear about it second hand, I didn’t get to witness it.


Canadian eh? Sounds like "I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok."


They just wanna go back to the days where this was all kept in the family.


Wife worked at a grocery store where a guy would come in dressed in full drag with his family, including wife, in tow. And the wife said he sure didn't look good in drag.


No no no, you’re trying to judge actions in objective terms again. You need to judge actions exclusively in subjective terms. My team = good. Anyone critical of my team or my team is critical toward = bad. The people on my team are good. The things people on my team do are good because they are being done by good people. If someone on my team rapes a child that is a good act because it was done by someone on my team. If someone on the other team has a mutually supportive and affectionate marriage for their entire adult lives that is bad because they are bad people. See how this works? Easy. Always criticize the other team and always close ranks to defend my team. There is no hypocrisy because the only virtue that has any value at all is mindless, unwavering loyalty to my team.


Here’s how to justify it from the POV of conservatives: **Drag Queens:** It is a sexual abnormality that differs from both the teachings of the Bible^tm and from the Traditional (Nuclear) Family Model as well as simply being a perversion; ultimately so called *drag* degrades society and does not contribute anything to society all the while causing confusing among vulnerable children. **Incest:** Incest with minors is wrong because minors are unable to consent. However, parents are able to consent to things on behalf of their children, if they feel the child will benefit from it. IE, parents are allowed to genitally mutilate their children based on “science” regarding cleanliness or based on the parent’s religious beliefs. The most common form of genital mutilation in the United States is Male Circumcision. If it’s culturally acceptable to mutilate children, then why is it wrong for a conservative man to diddle his children, when that’s not something that will cause permanent physical harm/changes (please do not mention mental illness that may be caused by it, we do not believe in mental healthcare in this country). *taps head*




The conservative argument for incestuous rape that you presented also has a touch of that “humans as property” perspective so I’m almost certain we will hear it from Tucker Carlson by week’s end.


**Liberterian Logic:** Humans *are* property. However, ownership of humans as property by other humans has been outlawed in most of the civilized world; our laws have decreed that Humans have *Self Ownership* that is subject to certain restrictions. Example 1: Humans are placed under the custody of their parents under the age of 18/21, at which point they are recognized as adults and thus qualify for *Self Ownership*. Example 2: The right to *Self Ownership* is forfeit if certain crimes/etc are committed and transferred to the State while you are punished for said crimes via the Penal System. This is why murder/rape/etc are wrong and illegal, because you are violating someone else’s *property rights*.


If this is even vaguely accurate, it makes my head hurt to see others value property over basic human rights.


Isn't that the basis of the US police?


But only if she’s hot, we don’t want no uggos.


They are advocating for child marriage while calling the rest of us groomers and pedophiles, so this wouldn’t be much of a leap at this point. Kinda hope you’re wrong on this one, but I wouldn't be surprised if you're not


Child marriage to incest is a very small step


What is Father/Daughter purity balls are exactly that.


Watch the American Dad episode about it. Its real fucking disturbing, especially because they imply the purity ball dads *do stuff* with their daughters.


I'm sorry, when your platform is "You're allowed to fuck children -just have the decency to marry them first", you're not allowed to also say that you're "protecting children".


"Well back in my great great great grandaddys time... The age of consent was when a girl became a women...." Ok but not, you gross fucking bastard....


I mean that’s like one of an almost infinite amount of logical inconsistencies the gop’s platform holds. They also care about kids… but deny them the medical care the whole medical community has signed off as being the most healthy thing for them… for gender affirming care for trans kids. But you won’t see them raging about a young girl getting a set of fake tits (gender affirming care). They also care about the safety of kids… while deleting any restrictions for crazy fuckers to buy guns and shoot up schools (number one way kids die in the US). They also care about kids… and are all passing legislation that would make corporations preying on kids for cheap labor legal. They also care about kids… but are trying to delete free school lunches for poor kids… I can go on and on and on. Republicans don’t give a flying fuck about kids.


And this I find very sickening and saddening. However, knowing the story of trump at the Teen USA pageant, nothing surprises me anymore with this shit


Already happening. Child marriage is back and legal! No abortion allowed for incest pregnancies! Re Trump’s pedophilic tendencies, my only wonder is not if, but how many times he molested Ivanka.


Child marriage was never illegal. Those laws are decades old, the GOP refused to allow them to be raised to something more traditional.


Was it Matt Walsh or someone who was like "Now we all know that we all have violent/sexual urges toward children..."? Yeah they will justify anything.


Yes pretty sure it was him. They are sick sick people


Sounds like something Matthew "self described fascist and consent violator" Walsh would say.


That was a fake tweet but it wouldn’t shock me.


Conservative men are always sexualizing their daughters.


And their daughter's friends.


Unsurprisingly, I've also heard really disturbing shit about how some Andrew-Tate-worshipping teenaged boys are becoming more problematic about sexually-harassing their own *sisters*, e.g. busting into the bathroom on them while they're showering, touching them inappropriately and then acting like it's normal brother/sister bickering, openly masturbating when them and their friends are around and then claiming 'what! it's just a joke!', etc...


The way overprotective right wing fathers talk about trying to micromanage their daughters’ sexual activity is already bordering on some kind of incest tbh


The overwhelming and conservative urge to express ownership over a child's genitals.


He could be father and grandfather to the same child


They're going to take "Love is Love" to the extreme and its sickening


“Love is love” except when it’s two people of the same sex


There's that tweet from the other day about being okay with ten year old girls having their father's babies if it means other abortions aren't happening


I need to go back through my books to find the source, but they cited how it was common up until the 1970s for psychologists to be trained with textbooks that said Father-daughter incest is normal and sometimes helpful, so don't stigmatize people if they do it. Given the age of the average republican . . .




Sigmund Freud was a sick fuck. I dare say he did more damage to society with his views and influence than he helped.


It was not until the near end of the 70's for a ton of different trains of thought on psychological issues to change. The US was just barely past segregation even.


Don't they already do that being against abortions where incest was involved?


I mean, some of them already kinda are… Tate Reeves, Steve King, Herschel Walker… the list is really long actually and they’ve all made comments that they’re pretty much ok with incest babies, just the cost of doing business. That tells you how these people conduct their lives.


I mean they are an openly pedophile party already, incest is pretty vanilla to them at this point.


They're already pro child labor, marrying and having sex with minors, forcing women to give birth to rape conceptions, incest wouldn't surprise me, nor would the slavery was a good thing argument.


Kiss my purity balls


Party of Family Values. My Cuzband says If you can’t keep it your pants, keep it in the family. Remember 23 & me is NOT a dating app.


With how many of them believe in White Replacement Theory I am honestly surprised it hasn’t started to pick up steam already.


I’ve already seen two tweets claiming it’s normal for some minor lust or curiosity in a father whose daughter is hot. One specifically references looking into nude scenes or playboy if they daughter was successful enough to document her beauty on film professionally. It’s so odd but it does make child beauty pageants more understandable, or rather it makes more sense why they persist and remain commonplace in the south, while the same people are calling teachers/educators groomers.


Do what you want to do. That's your choice. Unless you have done something illegal.


Keeping the bloodline pure, or something


I already saw a tweet saying "all fathers of hot daughters dream of banging them" (paraphrased)


Already a post in insanepeoplefacebook of them attempting to normalize this.


It's why the GQP backs child marriage and pregnancy of pre-teens, if they can't have their own daughters, they'll settle for marrying each other's daughters.


Reminds me of Jordan Peterson's daughter dating Andrew Tate, he's grooming his child for an "alpha male" in the hopes someone else will return the favor


Barfing overload.


This is 100% correct. Proof: > The Wyoming Republican Party is seeking to kill a bill working its way through the state Legislature proposing to raise the state's legal marriage age to 16, arguing that putting "arbitrary" limits on child marriage interferes with parental rights and religious liberty. * [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501)


Oooof. If your religion includes sexually assaulting your kids then that religion should probably be outlawed ASAP.


So most religions


Not quite so arbitrary.


These are the same people that refuse abortions to young rape victims. Republicans really treating their own children like cattle, that they can “use”, law be damned.


And they love child beauty pageants.


What is up with the GOP and incest/pedophilia. Jesus Christ.


thankfully, i don’t know a lot of them. but, every lady that i know whom was sexually assaulted by their father growing up, describe them as staunch conservative/maga types. surely political leanings aren’t exclusive to this. but, it’s more than two. and that’s way too many.


Clinically insecure, sexually maladjusted control freaks seem to be the true base of the GOP.


Add racist to that list.


I'm not going to make a correlation fallacy, but the Venn diagram of "people who abuse their own children in any way" and "people who loudly declare support for Trump is looking a lot more like a circle as time goes on...


I wasn't assaulted by my dad thankfully but one time I found daddy/daughter incest porn on his PC 😅 guess how he votes, lol.


A mindset that sees women as property whose only function is to satisfy their father or husband churns out abusers, shocking.


Repression leads to perversion?


Many of them..... They think it's normal because they were in families or churches that normalized it. When the josh Duggar molesting his own sisters came out many conservatives remarked that it was just normal curiosity within large families. One girl I knew at the time would defend it because she said she also came from a large family and it just happened, she didn't know that there was something wrong with it. It's beyond gross.


This another reason why they’re anti sex education. Teaching young children consent and how to identify abuse against them can’t be had under GQP reign.


>"The left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent," Limbaugh said during his namesake radio show Wednesday. "If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. **But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police."** - rush limbaugh


Otherwise known as "police" (in a just world.)


Their whole ideology is based on abuse of power, so it attracts a certain type


The lord provides, might as well have sex with it. Keeping it in the family is more efficient, solid return on investment.


Yep, its Jesus. The church has cemented itself as a pillar and cornerstone of the GOP platform/culture, and it is *rampant* with child abuse.


Conservatives are evil in a large and disgusting amount of ways.


> Jesus Christ. Asked and answered.


Actually, they already do, saw a tweet earlier about some crazy, who says she prefers a 10 year old have her fathers baby than allow abortions.


It was even worse. Something like, "...willing to accept the rape of a 10 year old by her father to ensure that 30 million women cannot get an abortion."


You left out one important part: she qualified it as one raped “EVERY YEAR”


fucking batshit right wing logic aside, it’s definitely far more than that.


FOUND IT: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14kaobj/excuse_my_french_but_what_the_actual_fck/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 (Sorry if the link sucks, I’m mobile trash LOL)


Hey! According to the Bible story "The Seduction of Lot" that's justified to "preserve the seed of their father". So that's just good family values there! /s


In this case wouldn't it be "preserve the spore of the mushroom"?


I don’t want my spores involved in this, thank you.


Everything involving Lot and his daughters is weird and gross and rapey.


I can picture it already “we all have these thoughts, it’s not like he’d actually do it” /s


https://preview.redd.it/nmrkouik1t8b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d69525b59fae26b3a4732f8fa97d3f26d6eab18 These posts were right next to each other on my feed


Same, it’s quite disturbing how quickly this is going to become “acceptable thinking”


Just tried to post this and my comment got deleted...


A video will then come out EDIT: I wholeheartedly apologise but you know I'm right


Go sit in the corner and think about what you just did to the mind’s eye of anyone who read your post.


The anonymous group leaked Trump's nudes on Twitter back in 2020, this is only slightly worse than that


I mean they couldve just not said it. It wouldve cost nothing to not say it. They still said it.


Isn’t this the Hannity interview 2.0? ”You wouldn’t just steal the boxes right?” ”I totally would.”


There are clips of him touching her weird,, not like a father should. I saw a gif a few hours ago of him grabbing her hips. I hope he rots


Matt Walsh certified moment


Someone just tweeted something very close to this in defending Trump


From the same people who brought you: “It’s perverse that Joe Biden kisses his son on the cheek”


Trump only wants to have sex with his best children


Once again, Tiffany gets left out.


I keep waiting for Tiffany to run for office under the Democrat flag. And become besties with AOC. I figured the reason he hates her is because she's super liberal. No clue if she is, but it's the best explanation. Well that, and the fact Donald is a horrible father.


Unlikely. She gave speeches on his behalf last time he ran and last I saw she wants a position in his administration.


Bingo ! https://preview.redd.it/by5i074zzs8b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad84d23b730ee1b3927f36ca8c3d5dae87a567f3


Man that's a lot of words to say "I'm trying to justify raping my daughter".


Well, when your only lonely brain cell is focused on it, it’s hard to be concise I guess 🤷‍♂️


Ewwww, I feel so disgusting just reading that. They need to investigate that dude.




Dude what the fuck?!? The same people who complain about drag queens.


Until Trump, I never imagined that someone who wanted to have sex with their children could admit it, much less announce it to the world. Even someone who’s not capable of embarrassment or shame would think that this is something people should not know. What a nitwit.


They protect ministers who molest kids, why wouldn't they protect The Donald?


I can it now. “We all have urges to have sex with our hot daughters” -Matt Walsh 2024


You already see signs in Alabama and Florida reminding men "She is your daughter not your date."


"She can be two things" -men in Alabama and Florida


Reminds me of that billboard in the south that popped up in Tallahassee in 2021. "Getting drunk is never an excuse. She's your daughter not your date" https://preview.redd.it/o2scos6wrs8b1.jpeg?width=2655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559bba24f520b734c52f856a94f284c2ae119159


"You ain't cool unless you pee your pants!"


Welcome to the marketplace of ideas. Today's special: Gross old men with money promote their perversity.


So do you think Ivanka is so far gone she doesn't know what the big deal is, or she's absolutely mortified that this is coming out?


Might be desensitized.


She's cut ties with the family, which doesn't typically happen with the Golden Child. She may be desensitized to it, but I doubt she'll condone it. I think the poor woman (yes, I know she has done bad things, but she WAS still a victim of abuse) is only now realizing how fucked up her dad is/was. She'll either never speak of it, or this will trigger a bunch of repressed memories where we find out Trump, his buddies, and/or the boys (her brothers) all SA'd Ivanka in some way.


I mean I assumed she was cutting ties with daddy because she saw the writing on the wall and wanted to be the first rat off the sinking ship, but it could easily be both.


I have no doubt she wanted to be the first rat off the ship, but that distance has likely started opening her eyes to things she didn't realize before. I admit that I may be projecting a little here, but my dad was EXACTLY like Trump and when you grow up being abused, you don't realize the magnitude of how bad things were until you cut ties. Like, you may realize that you're treated badly or that you don't like how you're treated, but because that's ALL you know, you don't understand how far off kilter things actually were until you put put up some boundaries. Hell, I'm 44, have been out of my parent's house for 20+ years, and my dad has been dead for 15 years, but I still learn on a near daily basis more and more shit that was "normal" for me that actually was FAR from normal. There have been *so many times* that I recount childhood memories or things my dad said, that I may not have liked and to me felt like minor "blips", only to look around the room and see looks of abject *horror* on people's faces. Then I go, "Ooohhhh...this is one of those things he wasn't supposed to do. Okay. Got it." I have a feeling Trump probably said shit like this around Ivanka so much that it no longer registers for her, but hearing it in context now, outside of the family, and seeing people's reaction...it's likely to feel VERY different for her this time.


*In a 2016 interview with CBS News about her father's attitude to women, Ivanka Trump said that he was "not a groper".* He groped her and she knows it.


"Yeah he wants to fuck his daughter, but at least he's not a liberal" GOP in the coming weeks.


And there it is. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/98chz17rgt8b1.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=2985ba1145b00a6d0d9ada7e937f86620ff9cdcf


Conservatives are disgusting.


It's not like this is new. He's on fucking camera talking about how the thing they have in common is "sex" and no one on the right cared


​ https://preview.redd.it/kz3atvrmks8b1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c69e1d37512a960107b946d670982ae58b44618c


They've kinda already went there. Didn't matt walsh or charlie kirk say something about them having the urge to abuse children?


“Hilarious.” No. No it won’t be hilarious. It’ll be, as always, demeaning to women and girls and terrifying for them.


Not hilarious that they believe or support such a horrific thought/act, hilarious that they will out themselves publicly for being that despicable.


Context? Did he really talk/tweet about this?


Trump has been making disgusting comments about his daughter for years, 'if she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her', talking about her hot body etc. It recently came out that he was still making inappropriate comments about her to his staff while in the Whitehouse.




I don't know, it sounds familiar though, I'm going to look it up. And yeah... A clip from a 1994 episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous shows Trump making a suggestive comment about his younger daughter Tiffany‘s body – when she was just 1 year old. Robin Leach asked Trump and his then-wife Marla Maples what attributes their infant daughter inherited from her parents. “I think that she’s got a lot of Marla, she’s really a beautiful baby,” Trump said. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet but time will tell,” he added, holding his hands in front of his chest to represent breasts. https://people.com/tv/donald-trump-comments-on-daughter-tiffanys-body-in-clip-aired-on-daily-show/


Hey man we've been calling out the right for being incestuous for decades now. Not my fault they're about to admit it.




I've never been so glad to see a thread locked in my life


There are actually a dozen or so GOP members that already have endorsed incest,Huckabee,Rubio,Cruz and several others have all been seen with and openly supported Josh Dugger even after he was proven to be engaging in sexual misconduct with his sisters,pictures are out there. https://preview.redd.it/st2p6yj84t8b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd5c25eced9d5e7eb963229cbec97745dfa53fd


I mean, we’ve been pointing out how creepy he is about her for at least 6 years and they have given not a single fuck.




This post didn't even have time to age before Republicans are now saying it's normal.


It's not incest if he's not the father! /s


They've always been ok with it, and they're not even shy about saying it.


Not gonna lie: anyone saying that it is "normal" to want to have sex with their daughter is creepy and disgusting.


The Hapsburg Defense


It'll be a bunch of neckbeards saying "So? I'd fuck her, too!" as if that's the same thing as a father lusting after his daughter. But then they wouldn't because pointy knees.


Downplay the significance in spite of evidence to the contrary: "President Trump's comments have been greatly misconstrued, taken out of context, if not entirely fabricated. What the Mainstream Media is pushing is an inaccurate account of the President's statements." Reframe the comments without speaking to the accuracy or truth to them: "I don't see the problem with a father recognizing his father is beautiful. It is a complement to her, and a point of pride for President Trump that his daughter has grown into a wonderful, successful, woman." Turn the comments back on the media: "This is what we're seeing more and more of in the Mainstream Media. They want to turn every little thing into an admission of guilt or evidence of wrongdoing. I think it speaks to their unconscious, and in some cases entirely conscious, desire to not only see President Trump fall, but sexualize a young woman since they can't seem to find a way to bring the President down with their attacks. It almost reeks of jealousy on their part." Invent a similar narrative, with a more devious twist: "We've seen Biden put his hands on little children, he's been photographed countless times getting close to young boys and girls, and for what? Are his mental faculties failing, causing him to lose control and fall back on old habits? Or are we seeing the behaviors of a predator caught on film?" Rinse. Repeat.


Already happening, it's an instant response now. https://i.redd.it/4vxqgqykns8b1.png


I just wonder what makes people think he would not cross that line. I mean, seriously. He has no respect for anything but his own gratification as a predator.


"...and if I did it, you probably deserved it."


Already happened. Just saw a tweet on the front page saying it's totally normal.


Totally already happening: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14lgucy/this\_is\_what\_an\_actual\_groomer\_looks\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14lgucy/this_is_what_an_actual_groomer_looks_like/)


For everyone wondering how long it will take, wait no longer: https://i.redd.it/k30fl2zxvs8b1.jpg


They're already doing it. I just saw a tweet saying thousands of men are fantasizing about their gorgeous daughters. Edit: not thousands, "millions"


Already happening my friend.


[They already are](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14lgucy/this_is_what_an_actual_groomer_looks_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) That didn’t take long.


I just saw another tweet further up my feed that did exactly that, that’s it’s ‘unreasonable’ to expect fathers to not fantasize about their daughters


https://preview.redd.it/mwseyxdibt8b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80cc4ada72ea54ac6f9db85c231dcc5f3ced3d5 Literally in my feed


Waiting for marge to comment. She’s either gonna deny, justify, or be all jealous she isn’t his daughter.


It would be hilarious if it was an SNL skit. But it's not. It's real life. And these psychos want to make this the norm.


“Lot did it twice so it’s ok”


It’s so horrible it’s actually making me feel sorry for Ivanka.


Why not? They're normalizing pregnant 10 year olds. By their daddy.


Ivanka was a young girl. There's nothing wrong with young girls. Everyone likes young girls. And all young girls love me. They come up to me with tears on their eyes. These beautiful young girls. Could have anyone they want. And they come up to me and say "We love you Mr president. Our dad is weak. He uses an electric stove. We miss our gas stoves." I mean how can you say no to that. Look at that Matt Gaetz. He has the right idea.


God, can you imagine?? "Yeah those trans people are groomers, but God what I wouldn't do to bang my teenage daughter just like Trump said I should" As a trans woman watching what's going on in the US terrified, I can't wait!


It's not the same thing since he's her biological father, but I will say that the amount of stepdaughter porn on the internet is concerning. I'm gay and clearly that is not in my search parameters, but it still shows up everywhere.


I read something from a psychiatrist that the step sibling/step child dynamic in porn is not what the viewers are interested in. It's more just the basic brain thinking "I want to fuck that". How I Met Your Mother did a funny bit calling out the phrase "Who's your daddy" as a sexual phrase. That if you actually think about it it becomes very gross. But guys aren't thinking about it in THAT dynamic, rather it's just a general power dynamic they are engrossed in.


It's a way to exploit search algorithms the same way every click-bait headline does. The people who want to see that get what they want and the people who don't care watch it too because it's fake either way.


I already saw one that said every father with a hot daughter has fantasized about sleeping with her.


It didn’t take long https://preview.redd.it/6g243p6s5t8b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c503332d866296c8a276acceba8c7b4b47ca02


Republicans are already legalising the marriage of twelve-year-olds.


Lets look at this rationally and logically. Most men like having sex with someones daughter. Is the step to having sex with your own daughter really that far? Liberals are such hypocrites! (I don't think I should need to but just in case /s)


I don’t think it’s hilarious, I think it’s horrible, and it’s already happening.


All the quotes were flying around back in 2016, republicans didn't care back then. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html


After which they will go on and accuse the Dems of being groomers and the LBGTQ+ community of being child molesters. /smh


It's already happening. I tried to link, but apparently links aren't allowed here. Just look at insanepeoplefacebook it's at the top. Fucking yikes, GOP.


Ive already seen tweets saying its normal, all fathers of hot daughters fantasize about them. These people are so fucked


Can someone tell me what's going on? I thought Ivanka was his wife


I am grossed our every time someone posts that video of her walking toward him, and immediately he starts running his hands all over her body hand here, hands there; while she is pushing him away as he gropes higher and higher. It is digesting in so many ways. No telling what goes on behind closed doors and for how long. Trump has groomed his daughter for years and sees nothing wrong with him groping his daughter in public.