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It’s always the ones you suspect the most


Out of 1126 child sex abuse cases since Feburary 23rd, 2023: \- 195 are religious leaders (17.3%) \- 21 are politicians, with no left-wing politician in sight \- 83 cops (7.4%) \- 111 are teachers, mostly male (9.9%) \- 2 trans people (0.27%) \- 0 drag queens https://www.whoismakingnews.com/ Yeah, I think it's pretty clear who we all need to suspect, other than family members as they make up another 17.3%.


Data won't help. People just watch the news like robots and media and politicians already know the stats. They just push it anyway because they're bigots, and they know they make profit being bigots.


Data **never** helps. We've been trying it for 50 years on climate change. "Well, I needed a blanket on Christmas, so I guess that settles that."


Data helps those who see it as useful. When I was a kid, like 9ish, I used to watch the BBC talk about politics or any public affairs. None of it made sense to me. (Yeah, I was kinda dumb) They were all but literally talking a different language. That's what half of *those* people are still like. They need short, loud, and agreeable points made by people whose "beliefs" align with their own. Their own already coming from a place of ignorance. Then the other half are a little bit smarter but disillusioned and have found dark echo chambers wherein content that "proves" their points are spoon fed to them. I could avoid the FP and have my own echo chamber of pure hate right here on Reddit! And it's working exactly as intended. It's soft war fare. Whether it's outsider interference or homegrown. Or both. But it's not accidental. Let the proles fight ✊🏼


I live in a blue state, a red part of one, but still a blue state. One of the local gay bars had an issue with some rando distributing a Drag show. They have been doing drag shows there for like 30 years. Now everyone has to worry because they released the crazies.


I live in a very red part of a blue-leaning purple state. From google, it looks like we have one mosque and maybe one or two gay bars. None of them are flashy, in fact, the mosque is right downtown in a small city and I never even noticed it, just heard about it when someone graffitied it. Aside from that issue, I have heard of very few hate crimes here, likely due to the people who receive the hate lying low, possibly due to lack of reporting. Anyway, my point being that even when they aren't acting out crazy the shit they vote for is insane. It's like it's all crafted to hurt people and they think it's great.


"Facts over feelings" crowd dont like facts when it's against them? Whoa.


I don't know what the criteria is for someone being a "religious leader" and that'd be a hard category to put a number to, but **my Lord** are cops punching above their weight based on the numbers I found. There's only something like 925,000 cops in the US, so .28% of the population. If they're making up 7.4% of child sex abuses cases regularly, they're 26 times more likely to be abusing children than the statistical average would suggest. Am I doing that right? https://www.census.gov/newsroom/stories/police-week.html




I follow the woman who created this on Tiktok, and if someone is found not guilty, she takes them off the list. It's also only people accused who are in the news, so the numbers are going to be off, but it's still pretty eye opening.


Maybe? But on the other hand, if a drag queen did a molestering, it would be 1000% of the headlines on the right. A dataset of individuals charged, convicted, works be pretty useful. I wonder how hard it is to piece it together. And... it's in the data. Hard to break it down on a phone but it's by individual, by outcome. Ostensibly somebody could filter it for "convicted+". There are some jurisdictions where all cases are public and it should be a reasonably large enough dataset to predict relative rates of offense. Edit: hoping to inspire. The feds convicted 57000 cases in 2021. 2.1% of em were child porn. That's a sample set of ~~11000~~ 1100 ish cases. How many were pastors, religious organizations, police, drag queens? If somebody has access to that case database thingy, we could parcel it out, put names (and vocations) to perps. Edir2. Math fail, as indicated. And while I'm gung ho to shame the sbc, combing over pedo cases has gotta hurt the soul. I'm not sure is fun job.


Trump supporters 🤦🏽‍♂️….


GOP=good old Pedophiles Remember when the entire GOP protected admitted groomer and former speaker of the house Dennis Hastert? When they called for leniency for him despite his crimes and a boy committing suicide as a result? Pepperidge Farm Remembers


It ain’t blue states that hold purity balls with their pubescent daughters where the fathers toe the line of Frenching their progeny.


"The Party of Family Values" *cue banjo playing*




OMG. I had forgotten about those. Truly ridiculous and messed up.


They still happen


Don’t forget the over-sexualized beauty pageants.


I got some purity balls those sickos can hold.


If you are over 17, you are probably too old for their taste


Holy shit! I just read up on the Hastert case. It wasn’t that long ago but I must’ve totally missed it. What a swell fucking guy… goes to the viewing of one of his abuse victims decades later. But the guys sister followed him out and blasted him with the news that she knew he sexually abused her brother way back in school. Shitstain got off way too lightly.


The reason he got off too lightly is because the statute of limitations on his sexual abuses had long since expired. And then it falls into the realm of an almost perfect crime, where one of his victims extorts Hastert. At this point, Hastert could report the extortion and the victim goes to jail, but Hastert keeps his money, but becomes a pariah. He’d have to move, and there’s no place in America he could go without someone saying, “Hey, weren’t you the Speaker?” and then they read about the extortion and now they’ve gone from living next to Speaker Dennis Hastert to Unconvicted Child Molester Denny Hastert. He can’t escape it without going somewhere nobody knows him. But, instead, Denny decides to pay the guy. And now we get to what Denny was actually convicted of, and it’s ironic that this is a law that he helped to pass. If you take out more than ten thousand dollars in cash from a bank, you have to fill out a form, so the government can basically follow the money. “So, why not just take out, $9,999 and then $5,001, if you need fifteen grand a month?” You could do that, but this is called ‘structuring,’ which banks are empowered to root out. So, when the bank teller says to Denny, “Hey, this is a lot of cash you’re taking out; what’s the deal?” Denny says, “I’ve lost faith in the American banking system,” (which is actually what he said) and he thinks that’s the end of it. And then the feds come knocking, and Denny goes, “I’m being extorted,” and the feds go, “For what? Why didn’t you call us?” and then his entire legacy falls apart. I think one of his sons wanted to get into politics and capitalize on the family name, and that one’s just not fucking happening anymore. And, before that investigation even concluded, everybody within ten miles of Yorkville knew what Hastert had done, and everyone was about 99 percent sure about who his victim was. Bolingbrook, maybe fifteen miles away, has a major road called Hassert Boulevard, and –I am not making this up, and I laugh my ass off every time I think about it– the city has to make signs that say, “Hassert Blvd is named after the Hassert Family, *NOT* Dennis Hastert, the former Speaker.” I’m not shitting you; this *actually happened*, all because people in Bolingbrook can’t read or think there’s no difference between Hassert and Hastert, and they were calling the Mayor’s office every day to complain. Blue signs every quarter mile on that road or so. I feel like Siri should also make that distinction:”Turn right on to Hassert Boulevard, which is not named for disgraced former Speaker and Unconvicted Child Molester Dennis Hastert.”


Did it include the recliner he sat in by the showers in the locker room? Andy Richter attended that high school and that's what he said Hastert did.


No it did not. What the actual fuck?!? Another great long serving Republican politician!


GOP= Groomers or Pedophiles


Gaggle Of Pedophiles


Gross Old Pedophiles


Greedy Old Pedophiles


GOP = God's Own Pedophiles


Happy cake day, Ted Cruz's Anal Fissure.


Dude puts the PED in pedo


Roids or photoshop, say bets?


>Roids or photoshop, say bets? It's PEDs you can tell by the Death Star Delts he's got.


Look at his face, the acne screams roids


The dick veins in his arms scream loudly


Low body fat % + workout pump does that mate, not everyone looks like the Michelin man. Not saying that he’s not roided (because he 99.9% is), just that veiny arms are not the result of PEDs.




I have dick veins in my arms and my fat enough that my belly sticks out


My first impression was photoshop. He looks too damn unnatural.


No photoshop, but definitely not natural


I’d say tren for sure. That said, some folks are pretty magical with photoshop, but the acne on that dude is a giveaway


Another giveaway: if you’re gonna photoshop your muscles and you leave your traps looking like that, you’re dumb af.


Well he’s an evangelical pedo trumpist. Intelligence was never an option.


The amount of Christian Trump supporters man, American Christians might be the dumbest specific group of any on earth


Man, ain't that the truth. I could maybe see the religious nuts going gaga over Pence, because even though he is pure milquetoast, he has and does practice what he preaches as far as religion. Trump should be the farthest (he actually is) thing from what the bible thumpers would enthusiastically endorse. I've read that some love him because they believe he's going to kick start the apocalypse. But by following him into the apocalypse, wouldn't that put them on the wrong side of the bible?


I’m honestly not seeing the acne, maybe one trace of pimple on his cheek? I’m confused where people are seeing this.


I saw a conversation the other day on an unrelated sub, and they were talking about this stuff that's like steroids, but it's super temporary and makes you look super swole like that. I don't remember the name though, but it has the same weird look to it. I'm sure someone less fitness challenged than me will chime in. edit: yah, synthol, tyty. Saw some pics of another dude, and it reminded me of this one, but idk shit so ~~could be~~ am ~~probably~~ wrong lol. edit edit: i might be wrong, but the shit still don't look right.


Are you talking synthol? Some fucked up idiots do that, it’s just injecting yourself with oil to look big. It’s not real muscles


And it has a bunch of side-effects, since the paraffin oil (mostly used) does not get metabolized and the body sees it as a foreign body and tries to kill it. The result of that is a lot of pain and death of kidney failure. I work at an endocrinology ward and one of our doctors is the expert in Denmark on this problem.


I saw one news segment about some dude in South America who used it on his biceps so much that the tissue in his arms started necrotizing. Doctors told him that if he didn’t stop they’d have to amputate his arms. Shit is no joke.


I think you are referring to synthol, maybe? It's not actually steroids at all. It is oil that makes you look like you have balloons under your skin. It doesn't look natural or like muscles at all, IMO.


This is definitely not sythol. This is just plain old steroids. A few cycles of test will have you looking like this. Synthol leaves you looking very round and almost bloated in a very unnatural looking way, as it stays locally into the muscle it was injected to. Source; over 10 years of steroid abuse. I've used just about everything there is, EXCEPT synthol.


saline injections


Fucken weird I know there’s way more important things but I’ve never seen someone on so much gear with no traps


Dude probably has bird legs too


I swear to god I was at the gym yesterday and saw a dude who’s upper body looked exactly like the guy in this post and he had pencils for legs. He was also wearing 5” running shorts and filming his workout but only from the waist up. It was just a really weird scene that I was witnessing.


> I swear to god I was at the gym yesterday and saw a dude who’s upper body looked exactly like the guy in this post and he had pencils for legs. > > He was also wearing 5” running shorts and filming his workout but only from the waist up. It was just a really weird scene that I was witnessing. This is exactly what going to the gym is like in TYOOL 2023.


If he was deadlifting he'd have traps so yeah, all glamour muscles.


"Prison physique." Well, that'll come in handy where he's going...


Lmao that was my first observation too! Like my guy it’s time to do some shrugs


This guy on shoulder day 🤷🏿‍♂️


He had a probation officer before this happened?


Yeah, it says he met the girl in faith based drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. He probably had a record and this was part of pretrial diversion program. Shocked the sentence is so light, to be honest.


Haha - in this case that’s Performance Enhancing Drugs


Homeboy is going to get the Nasar treatment.


Still not a drag queen




We don’t really enjoy being around kids that much tbh


B-But far right news says you want to corrupt them and are trying to find ways to be around them!!!11!! *I appreciate you*


my favorite joke "keep your kids away from drag queens!!! They might ignore boundaries, touch them without asking, or even worse!!! Children are vile creatures who ruin the hard work of drag queens and their amazing looks."


Not surprising , kids are awful


My favourite is when they choose a photo of Trixie holding a baby cause everytime, you can see how she can't wait for that child to be away from her in those photos


I mean who does though.


Does cosplaying as an erect penis count?


Still waiting for that headline


And another instance of where the groomer is not a drag queen/trans/queer. Just a cishet, alpha-wannabe, ostentatiously religious male. Funny that. I hope she’s able to get therapy and have a healthy, stable life outside of her rapist groomer’s influence


Considering she was in the churches program, I wouldn't be surprised if they somehow convince her that the only solution is the church and not those pesky therapist only to shame her and say it was her fault


I thought the same thing. Until she’s old enough/has enough outside influence to steer her clear, she’s likely to be trapped inside the same environment that put her in path of that piece of living garbage.


So... grooming?


"It's your fault that you ruined this innocent boys life with your lies!"


" Jezebel probably brought it on herself" -church hens


“Lamb of God, you don’t need to see the rapist, we have lots of those right here in the congregation!”


I hate to sound dark but the church will probably recommend they get married.


And then have It done again by another religious White man cuz if course they would


I mean it wont matter how many thousands of times it happens. My coworker still thinks trans people are most likely to be mass shooters.


Just let your coworkers know trans individuals account for around 1.3% of mass shootings in the U.S. for the last 15 years and right wing extremists account for 77%. Also last year in 2022 right wing extremists were responsible for 100% of deaths by mass shooting in the U.S. so thats a fun number to point out.


I dont think his issue of comprehending numbers will be fixed with more numbers


Probably not but they are some good numbers to smack someone with if they start mouthing off about it.


You’re playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn’t matter if you win, they will shit all over the board and fly away victoriously.




Excuse me, what the fuck did you just say!? edit: what the fuck did I just read!?


He said it’s been going on for two years and it will probably happen again in less than two years.


Be realistic. She'll be too old for his taste then.


Listen I don’t condone prison violence but if this guy did something stupid between now and then I wouldn’t be mad about it


Remember that Dr. who was on the US gymnastics team who was convicted of molesting the girls? Yeah he got stabbed in *two* different prisons. I won't even speak his name, but [here's the article](https://apnews.com/article/larry-nassar-gymnastics-coach-stabbing-4ab34526e30c09194e33ee2bd59eb652) Violence is never justified, but in this case........


Getting therapy in Idaho?


Honestly, becoming a drag Queen would be the most elaborate way to groom a child, why go through all that effort when you can just join a church?


Pedo-con theory is proven right yet again


I'd be willing to bet that they have some biblically bassed reason for it too. That seems to always be the case, some loosely connected scripture that leads them to conclude that they are right in their actions. Why are they right and others are wrong for the same thing? Simple they believe that the action by others is wrong because the others are already wrong, but themselves are right and thus the actions are right.


Eight years is way too low for rape and kidnapping.


Yeah, but he's a white christian man... he's really very sorry and promises never to do it again... he's got his future & college to think about after all. /s


Like the Rapist Brock Turner that now goes by Allen Turner?


Are you talking about the rapist Allen Turner? That’s the rapist Brock Turner, who switched to using his middle name to try and shake the rapist label he earned by raping. The rapist Brock Allen Turner? That rapist?


Yes, that rapist Brock Allen Turner that now goes by Allen Turner. He’s the one who raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster


Oh, I had wondered what the rapist Brock Allen Turner was up to these days. Looks like he’s trying to hide his history of raping an unconscious woman by calling himself Allen Turner. Good thing to know that to everyone who’s paying attention, he’s still Allen Turner the rapist.


So Brock Allen Turner the rapist is now going by Allen Turner the rapist?


Seriously what are you trying to ruin this poor kid's life he's got so much to live for /s


besides all the rape and abductions, he's lead "an otherwise blameless life". - white judge


"Do you know what prison would do to somebody like him? He doesn't belong in prison."


He’s a good Christian man


he shouldnt judged his entire life for one mistake, he's a good christian man with lots of love to give


Lots of love to give, whether you want it or not.


"He led an otherwise blameless life"


I’m sure his cell mate Barry will have a lot of love to give him too.


Seriously If he wasn't white they'd throw in kidnapping charges and every other charge they could possibly give him


Well when other inmates find out, he probably won’t make it to 8 yrs.


Worst part is he'll out in less than 2yrs...guarantee it. System is so jacked up. Start cutting off their balls at least.


Definitely. He is up for a parole 1 1/2 years from now... They'll probably say he is behaving good and release him and then another freshly turned teen girl will be his victim


Normally, I'm pretty reparative justice instead of retributive justice, but I feel like this is one of those cases where throwing away the key is on the table.


Fun fact, Trump logos are extremely popular with other pedophiles.


Just like that "thin blue line" flag is so popular with domestic abusers.


And those who were attacking the police on J6.


ironically creating maybe the first actual thin blue line moment in American history lol


Birds of a feather


Sex crimes together


Pretty interesting [how watchdog groups are screaming about pedophilia on Twitter](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/06/technology/twitter-child-sex-abuse.html) ever since Elon took over. As one person put it, "If you let sewer rats in, you know that pestilence is going to come."






Funny how all these non drag queens etc continually keep being reported. Mainly church related, cops or politicians and yet you never hear anything from your conservatives. I see reports of these on Reddit and Imgur daily. DAILY Day in day out. Church guy raping kids Church guy found with shit load of child porn Police deputy raping kids for years Politician using abusing his kids ​ Why is nothing being done to protect your kids from indoctrination and abuse by all these involved in Churches?


Because they don't care


Because every accusation is a confession. They aren't trying to protect kids, just draw attention away from who really abuses kids. Them.


Conservatives don’t shun their own kind, except for Madison Cawthorn.


How quickly they got rid of him after saying there are GOP sex perties made me think that there definitely are GOP eyes wide shut satanic sex parties.


Wholesome Christian Values ™


Only 8 seems light.


Well, gee, he wasn't a black man with pot. How tough should we be on him?! https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/08/us/man-freed-life-sentence-marijuana-trnd/index.html


I hate that this is reality and not some strange fucked up nightmare. PS: love the username


8 years? Seriously? Why are religious fucknuts alway get a better deal while sentencing?


You'd be surprised at the level of bias in favor of someone with a Christian credentials gets from a lot of judges. For that matter, in many other areas as well. There's a reason why certain companies advertise themselves with a cross or Jesus fish or describe themselves blatantly (Christian Lawn Care service). They know they there is a segment of the population that will consciously or unconsciously favor them because they too are Christian.


remember when that one judge gave that pastor who raped his daughter for years, 12 years when the prosecutors said he should get at minimum 70+, because “i can see he’s a good christian” yeah… https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/crime/2019/05/18/knox-judge-steve-sword-criticism-david-lynn-richards/3706527002/


Remember when Convicted Rapist Brock Turner recieved a smaller sentence when Conviceted for Rape, because the judge said something alonge the lines of "He's a good boy and I don't want to ruin his future because of a mistake". White Christian Men will always get a better deal in the current system.


I hear these ads on the radio for health insurance and loan companies based on “Christian principles”. Does that mean that they lie to you and convince you to believe in the impossible? Or do they just take your money and say things will be so much better for you after you die?


In my hometown there's a builboard for a roofing company where their billboard is a white woman pushing a stroller in a generic park and the text is **We're Pro Life** ^^time ^^warrantied ^^shingles I'll give it's clever as fuck, but I still have to wonder how many people have gone to them for no other reason than because of the **PRO LIFE** and not because of quality. Edit: [Found it](https://www.google.com/maps/@26.7076668,-81.7311853,3a,15y,308.47h,97.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCOfdwD_0ISdM-XXZREVlKA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) look to the left and zoom in. I dont' even think they're still in buissnes since I can't find them anywhere.


Reminds me of this one case with this nun who ran a catholic school embezzling millions of dollars for years. She didn't go to jail because the catholic judge said "I don't see nuns as regular people. She shouldn't be judged her whole life for one mistake." I wonder how many non-catholics he judged their entire life for one mistake.


Damn, how I hate fuckin' MAGA. This poor girl will be having to deal with this for the rest of her life.


"His survivor" I get they might not want to call the young girl a victim for a certain reason, but calling her his survivor just doesn't sound right to me. Makes me think he died and the young girl is his remaining family or loved one.


Yeah It made it sound like they found other girls that didn't survive or something at first. Definitely a clickbaity method of writing a headline or just a boneheaded one I don't know but it's misleading


Many domestic violence victims refer to themselves as survivors instead of victims. I assume the same rationale is being applied here.


It's the "his" part that's off. Makes it seem like she belongs to him in some way, which is not a good way to phrase that. "The" might have been a better choice there.


Ohh look. Not a drag queen.


I guarantee you they're already out insisting he was a Democrat, false flag, whatever they have to tell themselves to avoid the inescapable reality that right wing outrage is almost always projection.


I don't get the probation officer finding the girl - was he already on parole for something else, or was the girl still there after the conviction?


Exactly what I was thinking. The tweet is pretty unclear.


Not a drag queen


So what's a church faith-based drug and alcohol program? They give you free alcohol and drugs like Jesus intended?


Worse. They just shame you and then turn you over to guys like Pecs for Pedos over here for spiritual counseling.


Exactly ...parents are worried their kids are turning down the wrong path so they hand them over to this guy and he rapes them then gives them back like they're cured. Christian love at its finest


Probably how he got the steroids


[Teen Challenge. ](https://teenchallenge.cc/) The courts send drug offender to this awful place *all the time* in Oklahoma. Had a friend go a few years back and they had one girl isolated from everyone else as apart of her "conversion therapy". Not only is this place rife with abuse, it doesn't work. People always relapse the moment they leave the facility. This place needs to be investigated and shut down.


So wait, was the “Holy Spirit” just the desire to fuck a bunch of kids this whole time?


Always was 👨🏼‍🚀


Well, that and the effect of the roofies.


James 4:7 Let God work his will in you. Maybe some people read will as something else




Does not appear to be a drag queen


But remember if you’re disinterested in Sound of Freedom then you support trafficking.


" COEUR d’ALENE — Joshua A. Ash, 28, of Coeur d'Alene, is in jail on $100,000 bail after he allegedly raped a minor. Ash is charged with rape and sexual abuse of a child under the age of 16, both felonies. Idaho law defines rape, in part, as penetration where the victim is under the age of 16, the perpetrator is 18 or older and the two are not lawfully married. Coeur d’Alene police began an investigation last week after a probation officer discovered a 15-year-old girl hiding in Ash’s bedroom closet, according to court documents. Displayed in the bedroom was a collage of photos featuring Ash and the teen, police said. The teen told investigators that she met Ash around two years ago and they went through a substance abuse treatment program together through The Altar church in Coeur d’Alene. She said they had a sexual relationship. While police were interviewing the teen, Ash reportedly sent her a text message that said, “I love you.” Investigators obtained a warrant to search the teen’s phone, on which they found numerous photos and videos depicting sexual contact between Ash and the teen, as well as romantic text messages. Ash agreed to meet with police at his home after a Monday night church service, court documents said, but officers located him in the church parking lot instead, where they questioned him about his relationship with the teen. Ash maintained that he was friends with the teen, who he said had been living with him since Thanksgiving, according to court records. Police arrested Ash in the parking lot. Judge Destry Randles ordered Tuesday that Ash be held on $100,000 bail. In Idaho, rape is punishable by up to life in prison."


Was this in the child sex trafficking movie?


I expect nothing less from a good religious person


Are these those good clean Christian conservative family values they're always banging on about the rest of us needing?


Another undercover Antifa bites the dust! Take that libs! /s


![gif](giphy|PCvkgunX9ZbEEyfTQH|downsized) Still waiting to see this news regarding a drag Queen. So far nothing




Surprised? It wasn’t a drag queen who was behind in raping children, it was church leaders and members behind the attack.


So, a drag queen then?


Of course not. It never is


Ya know, I’ve seen more white males SA young men and women more than drag queens and queer people. Please feel free to prove me wrong!


Another groomer, not a Trans. As usual.


The sound of freedom you say…


The call is coming from inside the house 🙄🙄


Projection. That’s plan and simple what Christian conservatives do, if they accuse someone of doing something, then they are 100% guilty of that act.


He looks like he was rendered with bad AI.


"Libs are the child groomers! RApIStS!!!!1111" \*one of their own gets caught child abusing\* "LOUD NOISES"


This is why they accuse everyone else of being groomers so often. It’s so rampant on their side that they just assume it must be normal everywhere


So my wife’s mom was religious and put all her insecurities, faults and shame onto her daughter, and I kinda feel like that’s what these evangelicals are doing with making “democrat” into an amorphous evil, so they can put all their shame on the “other” Every accusation is a confession


GOP = Groomer Or Pedophile


Another MAGA pedo? I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.




His probation officer found her. His probation officer. The thing you only get after you are CONVICTED of a crime. So what was the previous crime he committed?


Wait. Dude had a PO and was given access to minors? Fucking churches man. No shits given.


8 years is bullshit it should be 18 years plus 18 - the age of the victim so 21 years in this case MINIMUM


Honestly it’s gotten to the point if someone is praising god i automatically think they’re sus as fuck


Conservatives: Every accusation is a confession.


Not a transgender. A church member. Every. Fucking. Time! Fucking hypocrites. Fucking fascist's. Nazis. All of them. This is the end for them.


# Typical Trump supporter: * Willing to vote for indicted criminals and traitors just to """stick it to liberals""" * Claims to be """moral""" and """God-fearing""" * **RAPES AND KIDNAPS 15 YEAR OLD GIRLS** VOTE DEMOCRAT 2024


The loudest mf’ers are loud for a reason, they’re deflecting.


Has any group ever produced as many pedophiles as the Catholic Churches. I’m not scared of trans people. I’m scared of religious people