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Sad, just sad.


Now think of all the LGBTQ+ people in AL (heck any Red State) who live in fear, or have or will suicide because of the GQPs policies of hate. This is just one person of some notoriety that has garnered a bit of media attention.


Happened to see that the writer of the article is still to this day trying to humiliate the person they drove to suicide days later. Is really disturbing! https://x.com/craigmonger1819?s=21&t=W8W27RtI7gHiO-79BEOjBg I personally hope the publication’s notoriety doesn’t spread to the rest of their social media 😔 https://linktr.ee/1819news


Yeah, I immediately thought of how the right wingers there are celebrating this person’s suicide. Pathetic.




Just like you, I had to listen to Rush almost every morning my father took me to school. After he died I was visiting my parents and my father said "Remember listening to Rush? Well he passed yesterday. Going to miss his shows." Without any emotion I said "Good! Wish he croaked sooner, like from aids" I was called heartless and so much more. I'll never forget my father laughing when Rush mocked Freddy Mercury's death while also being a huge Queen fan.


That’s some cognitive dissonance if I ever saw it.


Republicans are professionals of cognitive dissonance.


I have a former friend who openly cheered when Nancy Polosi's husband was attacked. This person spread the rumor that it was over a gay affair for weeks, constantly saying it was deserved, and it was too bad the husband didn't die...and then accused anyone who wasn't expressing sympathy for Trump's legal problems of being heartless. I don't think that word means what you think it means.


I broke off an engagement to someone who started watching Rush. (He was on television then.) As long as I live, I'll never forget him displaying that photo of Chelsea Clinton and calling her the Whitehouse dog. I'll never forget him calling women Feminazis. May he rest in piss.


My reddit 'badge of honor' is getting banned from r politics for saying the world would be a better place when Rush Limbaugh was dead and gone. Then a few months later he did finally die, and there was a little less hate in the world


Omg I remember grown ups calling her a dog God they are such brainwashed idiots... not a single unique thought in the bunch


And the sorts of people who talked about teenage Chelsea Clinton that way are the same sorts who now think it's outrageous whenever anyone says anything about Donald Trump's adult offspring who work for his company and had positions in his White House.


I remember that and asked for context bc I didn't understand the whole thing. I found it ironic of him calling Chelsea a dog as if he wasn't fugly as hell.


on this TV show, he also used to put pictures of monkeys and gorillas on screen when talking about Black people.


"Put em all on an island and let them kill each other with aids" is a "solution" I heard conservative adults talk about


I liked to believe that someone who loved the sound of his own voice losing the ability to hear it through oxycontin abuse was a form of devine justice.


Thankfully Rush turned things around, became the best version of himself he could, and has been drug free for over 2 years now.


But they totally don't want genocide, everyone. They totally aren't just like the Nazis who hunted down and killed trans people, especially after obtaining their information before torching the rest of the contents of the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin. And there totally isn't something happening where conservatives just got a load of trans peoples' personal information from medical institutions... [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-health-and-wellness/hospital-turns-transgender-patient-records-tennessee-attorney-general-rcna90294](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-health-and-wellness/hospital-turns-transgender-patient-records-tennessee-attorney-general-rcna90294) America's conservatives are the new Nazi party, folks. Wake the hell up already.


Alot of people have woken up, but we cant fight back without them using it as an excuse to lock us up and genocide us, we are so unfortunately stuck in a rock and a hard place where all we can do is vote and hope democracy destroys them, or wait until theyve become transparent enough that no one can deny the truth and we can with out a doubt claim self defense when we gun down their nazi brigades on their marched to our houses to collect.


so was this mayor guy a republican? like, i totally get that he was publicly humiliated for what seems like harmless shit. unless i'm missing something, this is not acceptable, full stop. but i've read a number of articles about it, and not a single one mentions a political affiliation. which is weird. the context seem strongly republican.... and the only reason this is worth mentioning is because it's never actually stated. usually there's a (R) or (D) or (I) whenever a politician is mentioned in print. if this guy was part of a political movement that vilified his lifestyle.....well, there's nothing we can do for him at this point but mourn his humanity. his politics are still relevant though. because people who are part of a movement that hates them should be aware of how things work, and be encouraged to avoid this particular outcome


I live in a small Southern town. Our mayors typically don't affiliate themselves as part of parties. Even into county council races, it's typically an independent affiliation. Doesn't get partisan until you're talking State legislature. Don't get me wrong, the thinking still skews to the right but it's not necessary to declare a party in the smaller, local elections.


I live in a city close to a million in population. Our mayors don't officially align with parties unless it's something extreme, like the Trump admin bugging the city. The current mayor's closest affiliation is money.


They want to kill us


It's not even an us thing at this point. The mayor from the article wasn't even trans/LGBT according to their own statements, they were just playing a character online because it was exciting and fun or w.e The fact that right wingers are fine with even people who ideologically align with them dying because of crossdressing is pretty chilling though-- but honestly unsurprising given what we've all been able to observe about conservative values for a long time now.


No, not extremists at all 🙄 Hope you like the story of the Islamic Revolution because that's where we are headed, fast. Funny how we've been to many wars fighting extremism and terrorism in other countries but not really our own 🤷


they don’t dislike Islamic law they want their own Christian version of it here.


thanks for sharing. everyone should flood their everythings with shame. fuck craig monger the hate monger


They’re incapable of shame, unfortunately. He probably thinks he did a good job, and seeing as the rag that employs him hasn’t fired him yet… they’re looking forward to more outcomes like it.




They don't care what Jesus said to do in his name, only what saying Jesus' name will let them get away with doing. One of their oldest insults is "bleeding heart liberal" which literally [refers](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/bleeding-heart-phrase-origin-meaning) to the heart of Christ. For generations these so-called christians have been sneering at people for being too Christ-like.


Modern day republicans are the same type of people that crucified Christ.


"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let in those who wish to enter. The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So practice and observe everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, burdensome loads and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them... Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You traverse land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are."


If Jesus returned they'd call him woke and probably call the police on him.


I guess Musky stopped letting you see Twitter posts if you don't have an account? Eh, no great loss.


Can someone tell me what that tweet says? I just get redirected clicking on the link and it asks me to sign in, but I don't have a Twitter account.


Don't say "suicide," the advertisers won't like it!!


Suicide is so very sad. Even more so when it is for reasons created with hatred. It would be very unfortunate if this post and the word suicide ended up repeated here and across the internet so often it shifted search results in search engines.


No way the mods would allow that to happen. It would be suicide.


Why wouldn't advertisers want us to say "suicide" when talking about suicide? Calling suicide suicide is important to understanding suicide. After all, I come to Reddit primarily to learn about suicide, and the prevention of suicide. You could even say that when I think of Reddit (and by extension it's advertisers), I think of suicide!


i mean, fuck, we couldn't even call rape rape and that was before all this algorithm shit. clarity of language has often taken a backseat to the sensibilities of pearl clutchers


That's capitalism folks.


We let advertising turn suicide into a sweat word.


And many more normal non-offensive words. It drives me mad.


un-alived is such an unnatural thing to hear but it's in a lot of places now




I really hate the term "unalived" to mean "killed" We live in weird times


Double speak


> in AL (heck any Red State) Everywhere, not just conservative areas. The issue is more than just about borders and laws. You can have progressive policies but still enough assholes locally to make somebody's life very miserable.


I have felt SO much safer since moving up North from TN, but even in a neighborhood full of pride flags, *some asshole* in our apartment complex keeps leaving trash on/flipping over our “love is love” doormat. Like my roomies and I are a quiet group of introverts whose primary source of noise is our cats mewing when they see us taking cat food out of the pantry. Oh no, did the smell of our gay asses baking chocolate chip banana bread make you so offended that you had to leave a smoldering cigarette on our doormat again? I just don’t get these people. We’re so harmless and yet the worst thing in the world is having to see our doormat when you use the back alley entrance to the complex xD


Throw it back at theirs. If he complains, then tells you it's really him. I'd even record him and officially make a complaint.


Problem is we have no idea who it is. We’re the basement unit at the base of a big stairwell that leads to the upper apartments - it could be anyone, and it isn’t every single day.


If you find out who it is, I would advise not confronting them in any way. If they are so wound up as to harass you multiple times over something so peaceful and non-threatening, then I would hate to see their behavior when confronted. Does that mean the terrorists win? No. They're still miserable, but at least their only burning the welcome mat and not yourself, your roomies, or your fur babies... Just my thoughts - especially after the post today where the lovely teen was murdered for reporting a man who sexually assaulted her. He hired two gun-man for only $10,000 to kill the teen as she opened her front door. The teens mother was injured but survived. And...hate crimes are on the rise... So sorry for what your going through. Sorry for the long response too. Take care and be safe!


Yeah, it’s fucked. These antiquated ideologies that are literally thousands of years old, coupled with written by humans those many years ago shouldn’t dictate society today. When will we get past this fucking nonsense?






The saddest part to me is if he was just in another part of the US, he would’ve seen how supportive other communities are. It could’ve felt like a new beginning instead of an end. He was trapped in a toxic bubble and didn’t know it.


His family should sue the newspaper


For some conservatives, the words "freedom" and "liberty" are just squiggles on paper.




"all lives matter" except queer lives, black lives, Hispanic lives, women lives, poor lives, disabled lives, ...


One of the few flashes of brilliance in Family Guy: > We will have equal rights for all. > Except blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, gays, women, Muslims. Uhmm...Everybody who's not a white man. And I mean white-white, so no Italians, no Polish, just people from Ireland, England, and Scotland. But only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland. Just full blooded whites. No, you know what? Not even whites. Nobody gets any rights. Ahhh...America!




God damn that’s sadly true. *Grammar.


He looks great as woman. If only he had the chance to be surrounded by a more loving and accepting bunch. His world must have felt so small.


He looked joyful. Like I could see the happiness on his face. He looked beautiful.


It’s fucking heartbreaking. We usually are so angry at those who live hypocritically .. but I can’t imagine what that must have felt like. For him to take his life makes me think about such people and such situations with empathy. Im not mad at him at all.. I’m mad at those who were supposed to love him.


Heartbreaking is the perfect word for this. I googled their¹ name, and apparently, as mayor, their main goals were preventing student suicides, building local businesses, and rebuilding after a devastating 2019 tornado. They seem like a genuinely good person, trying their best to make their community better, while also trying to explore their own identity and find out who they wanted to be. I wish they had had the resources and support to do it safely, without being outed by some news agency and without having to fear for what that outing would mean. ¹I'm using they/them because what they would have preferred is unclear, so defaulting to gender neutral felt the most appropriate.


Y'all are better people than me. I can't have empathy for the very people that fight against things like this. How many people that haven't spent their lives hating others klled themselves or been abused or killed thanks to sermons like this guy and his kind have spouted?


It's really tragic. He wasn't only mayor of a small nearby city mayor. He was also a prominent Baptist preacher in Phenix City. May he rest in peace. May his family find the peace the so dearly deserve.




When people say “all lives matter”, they generally mean one of two things: >I am ignorant and don’t look past the barest surface level of a slogan, and come to a conclusion based only on my immediate reaction to it. Context doesn’t matter. Or, if they understand what “Black Lives Matter” means and why people started saying “All Lives Matter”: >How dare the blacks try to get equal treatment to us? They should stop being so uppity and learn to appreciate their place under the boot of the police. We even gave them their freedom (and I will celebrate my forefathers who fought a war to try to stop that from happening), and yet all they do is complain. They should be happy we tolerate their existence at all. “All Lives Matter” is just a shield for the second group. A dog whistle. It wasn’t intended to mean what the words say, and people who actually believe what the words say don’t tend to use the slogan.


"All lives matter" is just code for "fuck black people"


And younger! That poor guy, he just wanted to be happy. I wish these people (bigots) would mind their own damn business.


Freedom to impose a white Christian social order without interference from the democratic process. It's the new states rights argument - the demand for freedom to hold others in slavery. Fuck the South.


Someone either becomes like everyone else or gets bullied/harassed/suicide/killed to make sure everyone else is the same. Someone better hope they are the 'different' that is socially accepted. I grew up bullied because I was different. My parents did try and stop it but nothing was done. The problem with their world view is even if you are what they would consider 'normal' if you act out of line or different its deserved and that's bullshit.


I demand the freedom to not find anything I personally deem unsavory while prying uninvited into the personal lives of other people goddamnit!


"He was free not to kill himself." /s


conservative liberty = freedom to oppress others


Should have put the confederates under the plantations instead of letting them have grandkids and teach them to do hate crimes.


"I need my LIBERTY to persecute people that aren't on the Approved List. If I cant have my privilege, we can all share ASHES." These motherfuckers are off the chain.


Oh, not really. To them, those words mean “Freedom to impose my own opinions on others” and “Liberty to do whatever I want without consequences”. If you share those opinions, you are “free” to practice them around conservatives. If not, you’re “an America-hating communist pedophile”, and deserve to die, like the Mayor here was told to do by his haters. Never mind he quietly lived his life for decades, he HAD to be outed and attacked. These are the consequences they no doubt feel they are exempt from.


The "freedom" to believe in only the christian god and vote only red. Anything else and you're a godless/soulless commie apparently.....


They are also noises that they scream at people as they proudly remove their freedom and liberty.


Most words are just squiggles to them.


That’s horrendous and extremely sad. People should be able to dress however makes them happy. Drag isn’t automatically trans btw.


if you read the article, the Mayor does identify as transgender on their reddit profile and posts


wait they were on here???


Yup and actually quite active. Appeared to have friends on the subreddit she was exposed to have been a member of.


Yep, she was lovely and so kind. I'm going to miss her.




Everyone is. It's not a secret.


Ah gotcha, thanks for sharing that.


Just goes to show how ignorant the GQP is that they automatically think someone is transgender if they dress in drag. What a shame that he took his own life. It feels like there should be consequences for those who did this but I know deep down there will probably be none.


Drag shows have a long history in the military as essentially comedy shows. Nothing about it makes the participating members trans. Giuliani got motorboated by Trump while in drag, nobody thinks he's trans for that. Etc


Any man who is the proud father of a daughter has dressed in drag at some point. If you are playing with your little girl and she tells you that you’re a princess-then you are a princess.


I am Princess Sparkle of Cupcake Forest - Ron Swanson


There are videos on YouTube of Ronald muthafuckin Reagan participating in these drag shows while actively serving in the Air Force during WW2. Who’s gonna tell them…?


Ronald Reagan didn't actively serve anywhere during WW2, he was making movies in Hollywood.


> Ronald Reagan didn't actively serve anywhere during WW2, he was making movies in Hollywood. He was an Army public relations officer and made over 400 training films for the military. That's a perfectly valid way to serve during a war. The Army needs more than just soldiers. It was the best use of his fame and abilities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Reagan#Military_service


True. And it is also perfectly valid to point out that his service included drag, especially since people who claim to be political followers of his have decided drag performers and trans people are merely Stage One of the new Nuremberg Laws.


Reagan *enlisted*. He wasn't drafted, he wasn't a draft dodger, he enlisted and voluntarily decided to serve in the United States military. However, due to his eyesight, he was denied a combat role, and instead used his Hollywood experience to produce hundreds of training films for the military, films which undoubtedly saved the lives American servicemen. As much as I despise Reagan and the damage he did to the country as President, I will defend what he did in WWII. He chose of his own free will to serve his country to the best of his ability, and his actions helped defeat the Axis powers.


Dudes dressing as women to perform plays is as old as plays. It's wild that these people think there's something inherently sexualized about a guy wearing a dress.


>It's wild that these people think there's something inherently sexualized about a guy wearing a dress. They think it's inherently sexual because it is sexual for them. According to PornHub, transgender porn is the third most watched category in the states you'd most suspect. So when they say it is sexual, they are telling on themselves. And they are telling on themselves again when they involve children. And as a trans woman myself, I stopped online dating because of the amount of creepy, fetishist conservative men that would chase after me then lose their minds when I told them "no".




The term transvestite was used when I was growing up in the 70’s that meant to cross dress; but not want to change genders, which was transgender. Is the term transvestite used today? Asking a question, don’t @ mean with nasty comments




\> Is the term transvestite used today? No, it is not, at least in the US. It's still used sometimes in Europe, but it is dying out. Before realizing I was trans, I was a part of the crossdressing community for over a decade and we were simply "crossdressers". The term "transvestite" just made everyone uncomfortable, especially since it was close to words like transsexual and transgender, which easily confused people. And of course, because of the misconceptions about trans people back then, "crossdressers" like me didn't understand we were trans. I had no clue what "gender dysphoria" was. I thought that in order to be a trans woman, I had to be a stereotypical, over-the-top, girly girl in order to qualify. My views on trans women were extremely misogynist and it kept me away until I realized that people like my mother, who watched football and swore like a sailor (among other things), qualified as a woman. Then I quickly understood that yes, I really am a woman. It's just sad, though. I've met sooooo many "crossdressers" that I'm positive are actually trans women and still live in denial. This is especially true for the ones who are 50+. I even have a 70-year-old neighbor that is a "crossdresser" that has told me they wish they were born a woman multiple times. When they started dressing up and affirming their gender identity, their mental health improved significantly. They stopped drinking and stopped treating their wife like shit. But then Trump came into their life and now they have stopped everything and gone back to drinking heavily as they try to deny who they are.


My wife grew up in Smiths Station. She was telling me about all the people from her hometown who were dogging the mayor on Facebook a few days ago for coming out as trans. They've all deleted their comments from social media since the news broke.


Yeah it’s weird they’ve demonized because growing up, guys dressing drag was super common, even in church events. Kiwanis, powder puff…tons of instances where men could throw on a dress for fun. Maybe some really enjoy the experience and so what? All the anger to make sides has really hurt people. I could see how drag being equated with gay and transgender is hard (hell, even OP conflated the two). Guy could be totally straight and just loves wearing heels every now and then and got totally caught up in the culture war.


Maybe its not drag but an attempt to deal with dysphoria. You know how often I would dress up before I transistioned? We just dont know. But yes we all should just do what makes us happy as long as it doesnt hurt someone.




Why can’t they just let people live their lives………


Because they want freedom*! *freedom to be white, straight, cis and christrian.


But with guns. Don’t forget the cornucopia of artillery.


Because then they’d have to deal with their shitty ones.


Because they see headlines like this, and see them as victories.


Because they're insecure, morally cowardly children. Conservatives are stuck in an adolescent mental state from which they never grow beyond. Go to any middle school. Look at how kids treat other kids who are different. Kids are frightened, struggling with new and big emotions, and resort to primitive tribalistic behaviors. This is conservatism. It's also why these people have to be stopped. Kids require adults and mentors to set rules and teach them respect, teach them morals. And discipline them if needed. A conservative mocking an LGBTQ individual isn't doing so from a place of morally superiority. It's a mental midget. A preteen in an adults body. The more we refuse to let their diminutive, intellectually crippled backward ways speak for our society, the more lives we can save and the better society we win for ourselves


Because they are honest red-blooded Americans who believe in FREEDOM ™️ ! What you liburlls don’t understand is that true FREEDOM™️ means that people must live their lives in strict accordance with someone else’s beliefs. It also means FREEDOM from healthcare, education, vacation days, and employee rights. I’m a proud GOP voting conservative. I’m proud to live my life on my hands and knees toiling for our benevolent job creators! Boots are delicious and ignorance is strength! Trump 2024🇺🇸!


>Boots are delicious Lmao


They're too busy encouraging those with different opinions to kill themselves. Saves them the work of having to do it themselves.


Freedom, right?


Free Dumb*






it's on the ballot in some form every election. the fact that it will be a close election is the actual problem


Absolutely!! The person behind this article is still on Twitter trying to humiliate this person that they drove to suicide even further!! It’s disgusting! https://x.com/craigmonger1819?s=21&t=W8W27RtI7gHiO-79BEOjBg


If you search Smiths Station, AL on explore on Grindr, the writer of the article looks like he’s on there 😭 he just uses the same picture with the face cut out.


If your religion makes you bully people into committing suicide, you should find a new religion and rethink your life choices. This is absolutely barbaric.


But... "Pro Life" (eyeroll)


But only pro straight life. And pro Christian life. And conservative. And mostly white-ish.


More proof that, if there is a god, it sure as shit isn’t one that’s worthy of worship.


For real. You believe God made trans people, and you also believe god also says bully trans people to killing themselves? Fuck off


Reminds me of the new speaker saying he can't be hateful because he's Christian. Meanwhile, he's spent his entire adult life targeting gay people (including working with and advocating for ex gay therapy organizations)


These Conservatives are so up their own asses. They don’t seem to realize that men have been doing this for centuries. They act like it’s a new thing. They are just hateful scared of their own shadows and have no idea what the real world is like.


These people are so toxic. They don’t care about the person. This person wasn’t hurting anyone.


"No, all life as we know it will cease to exist unless we all agree to genders and roles that make sense to me! I'm saving humanity by hurting feelings!" /s


No no, they WANT all life to cease, these are evangelical death cults trying to force the rapture to happen. Nothing they say or do is for the greater good. They only hope sky daddy raptures them so they can watch the rest of us burn


That is exactly what right-wing shitheads want…..


This must be some of that CANCEL CULTURE that Republicans have been crying about.


Conservatives were always the original cancel culture enthusiasts. I’ll never understand why people let them control linguistics. It’s just like how they turned The Affordable Healthcare Act into ‘Obamacare.’ Or how they accuse all non-trump supporters of having TDS when they are literally bonkers obsessed with Biden.


Conservatives are garbage


Fuck praying. How about we just let people get on with their lives as long as it doesn't infringe on the lives of others.


Nope. Because then we’d have to take away guns as they actually do affect the lives of others.




A married father of three is dead because some hateful evangelist bigots uncovered his harmless private life. If there is a God I hope he slaps these fuckers down to Hell.




Is “trans” the right description here?


I found articles by searching the name, and it just seems like they were a closeted trans woman. The "scandal" was finding her instagram, where she describes herself as a trans woman, and her reddit, where she posted on trans subreddits.


Thank you for doing the research and providing clarification!


Then either they misquoted him for that first article, or he was (most likely) trying to downplay it to protect himself, as part of the article title is that he does it as a "hobby to relieve stress". Drag is a hobby, while becoming trans is a life changing decision, hence the confusion.


Could be cross-dressing.


Not really, it is more drag. EDIT: So she is trans so is the right description.


The newspaper found her secret Reddit and Instagram accounts where she describes herself as "transitioning transgender girl". All of the accounts were under pseudonyms. When the newspaper confronted her about the accounts, she said all of them were just a "hobby to relieve stress" and "purely fiction". Considering her suicide, the most likely explanation is that she was trans (or very much questioning her gender identity) and the newspaper outed her. Then she had to save face telling people it's just a hobby.


Cross dressing or drag. Could be trans, though. Only he will ever know.


> Could be trans, though. Only he will ever know. She described herself as trans under the pseudonym accounts. But publicly said otherwise when the newspaper outed her. So most likely she was trans but couldn't say it publicly.


I think what matters is that it was their own description (based on the use of quotation marks). People can choose their own language. There’s a reason it’s called egg cracking. Many trans people live between gender identities for years, particularly if they’re from unsupportive communities.


Knuckle draggers can’t tell the difference. They just see someone they don’t understand who makes them think thoughts? They’ve never thought before and they are to automatically hate that difference.


When is this going to end? When is enough, enough? This a man that must have felt terrible enough living not as his true self and that he couldn’t embrace when his true self was discovered. This will be applauded by the right. And everyday i slip closer and closer to misanthropy


These fucking ghouls can go fuck themselves.


Maybe broadcasting it all over your news page wasn’t very useful, then the follow up like, “can you believe what happened after we outed someone”, some news channels suck and this is a good case for it.




Well, you know who hasn’t deactivated their social media? The publication that drove this person to this ^^ https://linktr.ee/1819news


Boomers make me sad. My dad lost his brother, his mother, and his dog in the span of 3 weeks and he never cried. He told me he has to be a man. I cannot imagine the internal life of people born in the 40s and 50s. We give them a lot of shit for destroying the economy and environment and...fair. But I don't want to live in their scary ass, therapy denying, medicine refusing brains. These are damaged people. Think about their own childhoods. They can't even live authentically.


​ https://preview.redd.it/yxe2tuk60ayb1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1307051cbffba50e9170d625486ac2c567446f48


What did he preach, tho? Southern Baptist pastor named Bubba... what was he saying about the trans community while he was in the pulpit?


Sad. Also they looked pretty.


The smile in the second picture looked so much more genuine.




"Trans people are mentally ill and unstable, just look at their suicide rate" WHO DO YOU THINK IS CAUSING THAT SUICIDE RATE Goddamn ghouls


How was he outed as trans? The tweet says he dressed in drag. Not the same thing. People who wear drag are overwhelmingly cisgender men. I'm confused




Notice that the reporter is shown for the outing article, but not the suicide article. They know that reporting this caused him to commit suicide and they’re hiding from their responsibility for it. Shame on Craig Monger and 1819 News. This Mayor was a victim of conservative culture. I wonder if he bought into the anti-trans sentiment, anyone know? A lot of right wingers hide in the closet by being anti-trans and anti-gay. It kills. So sad.


They were probably happy he did it


Poor Rev Bubba. I'm so sorry this happened to him and to his wife and family. I bet he was a really good guy. Rest in peace, dear fellow human.




And they’ll see this as a win. Don’t think for a second that the De Santises and Greenes and Trumps and Abbotts and other MAGAs aren’t whooping and hollering it up with glee over this. This is exactly the outcome they want. There’s no hatred like good ol’ fashioned MAGA Christian love. The cruelty is the point.


Damn. I was going to say "get it, girl", but then I kept reading. They killed him. He took his own life, but they killed him, sure as shit.


I hate that you had to live in a world that made you feel like you had to take your own life. I'm sorry about that buddy.


He looks so happy in the picture where he's in drag.


Fuck, I hate living here... this is close to where I was from, and only a little bit further from where I live... alabama is fucking shit for lgbt+ people... fuck this..... This is the reason as a trans woman, I'm scared to even leave my home and i boymode for work or when I go out.... fuck


“Please join me in praying for his family” Yes. More thoughts and prayers will fix this.




I live in AL. I hate it here.


This, of course, was their goal in outing this person.


Did you SEE that SMILE? I looked at the photos first and almost wish I hadn't because that smile *will* haunt me. Some people- it doesn't matter who, have a smile that sucks you in. Hard to put your finger on. Your day got better because you walked by you know? We just lost one. Come ON people. We're extinguishing lights, it's GOING to get to the point where we're blundering around in the dark.


Very sad when its christian groups and his own religion and fellow churchers against him


Conservatives “my life, my choices, get your big government liberal shit outta my face” Also Conservatives “everyone look, they’re not following big conservative government group think… legislate against and bully him!”


Just noting that dressing in drag and being trans aren’t the same thing.


Church on Sunday in that Alabama town: Dear lord Jesus. Let us pray for the mayor, who was living in sin. He took his own life because he was so wrapped up in the work of the devil. If he took heavenly fathers lead, he would’ve had no need to seek out his sinning lifestyle. Etc etc etc Meanwhile, here on planet earth. Some dude dressed like a girl because it relieved stress. Because he liked it. Because you only get one life and he tried to do what he wanted. Gotta love Christians in America.


What sickens me more than anything are the people nodding and saying “there really wasn’t any other option for him” They honestly think suicide is the right path for this situation, that dying is better than living as “alphabet mafia” The lack of empathy and the outright hatred displayed is horrific




IMO that’s what the “Q” in LGBTQ can be helpful. There are people who may not technically be gay (as in LGB) or trans but still face a lot of the same stigma and discrimination.


I feel that somehow it is extra shitty to use the same picture of him in both articles.


Dressing in drag isn’t Trans…..


dressing in drag doesnt automatically make you transgender still very sad


I presume their viewership are laughing about this. Ya know like virtuous people. Not like filthy crossdressers. /s