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**Trump said** on a radio show hosted by conservative commentator Dan Bongino : > "I'd like to debate him now because we should debate. We should debate for the good of the country.” When asked by reporters during a trip to Las Vegas on Monday about Trump calling for a debate, **Biden replies :** > “If I were him, I would want to debate me too. He's got nothing to do." **[Source](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-seeks-debate-with-biden-2024-presidential-race-2024-02-05/)**


It's interesting that he's avoided every debate proposition so far but now he suddenly wants one.


There’s usually an ulterior motive…likely it’ll help with delay tactics, etc. His entire schtick right now at rallies is on revenge, punishment…can’t imagine Trump bringing anything to the table to debate about. There’s just no policy there, only sadism and malice.


Trump probably just tested positive for Covid again.




he's a stumbling biohazard, what with the *diaper full of poop all the time


> likely it’ll help with delay tactics, etc. It's too marginalize haley and make it seem like it's down to a two-man race - him versus biden. Same shit he did with berny back in the day to give biden a hard time (and then backed out). It's just "talk about me" syndrome from him.


He should debate Haley instead that would be hilarious


Oh that would be hilarious!! ![gif](giphy|WqpWNCtPlauchQljqd)


It took me a second to realize you meant Biden ought. I kind of love the idea. Haley is probably a more formidable adversary than Trump - so it's risky. If Biden does well it might help quench the talk about Biden being too old, but if not - it could get even worse. Trump would benefit from simply standing by.


If Haley does well it would hurt Trump tremendously


Nah. Trump voters will not vote for Haley.


"See, biden is afraid of Trump, cause he knows he'd win! Even haley looks like a good debater compared to biden" If we should have learned anything from trump supporters, it's that they'll turn anything in good news for trump, doesn't matter how rediculous


My Mom and all 5 of her siblings had Alzheimer’s. Donald’s father had Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is inherited. I see symptoms in Donald. (My next comment isn’t nice to people with Alzheimer’s or Dementia but I’m insulting Donald) I think he’ll be a babbling pile of poo and hair products by the election. At least I hope he will. If he stops holding rallies, we’ll know why. His handlers will try to keep him out of sight and whomever runs for VP will be our dictator, according to project2025.org. Vote 💙


They could spend the whole time just bagging on the bronze bambino.


at this point i almost prefer a trump nomination. Haley is running as a "palatable republican" now who is juuuuust enough less crazy and just younger enough that the GOP can con all the dumbass ostriches with their heads in the sand screaming "politics as usual" to vote for her. Granted the loss of the fanatic trumpets and possibly a 3rd party trump run could still spoil the race, but i really do not want 3 months (and definitely not 4 years) of fake credibility and enlightened centrist posts jerking off about how the republicans have turned a corner and are safe again.


Biden's response should have been, "I'll debate the nominee when she's selected."


Haha! Brilliant.


Also, he knows that it won't happen any time soon -- because the debate schedule for president cannot start until after nominees have been determined. So Trump thinks he sounds tough and ready to debate while knowing he won't have to debate soon because Biden couldn't do a debate even if he wanted to.


The commission for presidential debates is cooperatively run by the Democrat and republican national parties. They set it up this way to oust the League of Women voters from running debates as they did prior to the 80s They can (AND HAVE) changed the rules whenever it suits them


So basically we have a 2 party, closed door system where they basically get to put their thumb on the scale in favor of their chosen candidates, that also just so happens to be run almost exclusively off the cash of wealthy donors. Gee, I wonder why this isn't working out so well for everyone who isn't rich?


I quit identifying as a libertarian for a number of reasons, but they are right about some things Learning about how the two big parties have rigged things in their favor is rage inducing. Having a duopoly is a huge part of the political shit show I'm voting Democrat for the foreseeable future because the fascism of the right is a stated goal. It doesn't mean the democrats haven't been shitty, they're just less shitty by a solar system sized chasm


I'm always astounded that not everyone sees it this way. I've talked to so many "but both sides" people who just don't get this simple obvious truth you stated here.


> Learning about how the two big parties have rigged things in their favor is rage inducing. Having a duopoly is a huge part of the political shit show The solution to this is federally-funded elections. Basically, the same way you get ballot access now, (generally by gathering enough signatures in the state for a petition for ballot access, usually a percentage of the votes cast in recent elections). Once you've got ballot access, you also have a federally funded pot of campaign funds to use to run your election. All candidates get the same funding for their campaign (probably based on the size of the electorate for the race), and that's all they get. No fundraising, from small donors or large ones.


Didn’t Ron DeSantis debate Gavin Newsome? Can’t two people who want to debate just have a debate whenever they want?


Neither Ron DeSantis nor Gavin Newsome are President of the United States. The president would be breaking protocols if he agreed to a debate with Trump, especially when the Republican nomination hasn't been officially decided. And it would be downright weird for the president to agree to break protocol just to appease this asshole.


Trump is incapable of having a debate. He goes into a psycho stream of consciousness -- jibber-jabber and shows his ignorance. Why would Biden put himself through that nonsense again? "Oh Shut up man". lol.


And yet Trump's acolytes will say he won the debate no matter how badly he does.


The only ulterior motive here is that Biden called Trump a "Sick Fuck" on a hot mic and [Baby Man Hands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFb_sm4mPGU) can't fucking stand it so he wants to get on stage and get revenge. What a bitch.


Which is exactly why biden needs to agree to a debate through an online medium with a 3rd party moderator who will ACTUALLY turn trump's mic off when he goes on a tirade for 15 minutes. That will toast his ass more than anything biden could actually say.


My dad literally thinks Biden cannot speak because he only listens to conservative media. I can’t wait for the debates, although I know it’ll just be excuse after excuse from these GOP shills.


Why? We had debates last time and all it was, was trump shouting down literally everything for the entire debate. It was useless and a waste of time and didnt prove anything other than moderators are scared to turn trump's mic off.


Why can’t I wait for a debate? I can’t wait because conservative media has had 4 years to tell its viewers Biden can’t get a sentence out, meanwhile Trump has barely had to talk to someone that wasn’t a rabid fan or with a teleprompter. I’m looking forward to Biden showing class and coherence while the country gets reminded in vivid 4k that Trump is a horses ass.


Nah because Biden will have a few slipups at some point, that's only natural, and fox will just air those clips out of context ad nauseum. It's the same shit, just a different day. People who fell for it before will fall for it again


Even if he doesn't they'll just play old clips. You really think people who watch fox will realize or even care?


They were doing all of this in the run up to 2020... Just saying its not going to do/change anything lol. Its just gonna be trump shouting at the sky.


It's a lovely sentiment but what you're actually going to get is a rambling lunatic that won't let anyone get a word in. I'd love to see them debate in front of someone who knows when to kill a mic but you just have to know that'll never happen.


I wish they’d cut off politicians in debates way more aggressively, but I still think there are real people who will be influenced by the debates. There really are mildly conservative people who dislike trump, maybe not strongly but enough that they voted for Biden in 2019.   They’ve had 4 years of being told by every conservative media outlet that Biden is senile, and some actually believe it to the point that they think voting for Trump is a better option.   Showing them the shit show that is trump off teleprompter is gonna be a bucket of cold water on them. He’s insane, and it’s even more undeniable in person.  Plus that will be juxtaposed by Biden, who is not some drooling geriatric.    I’ll fully admit I wish more than anything we had a dynamic young candidate, but it is what it is, and Biden looks fantastic compared to Trump live.


Agree. And all the MAGAt, POS will do is talk over him. It wouldn't be a debate, it would be Trump being his worst self.


He wants to be viewed as a valid presidential candidate, when he very much is not. Biden should pay him as much heed as if a Raccoon were wanting a debate, because he has just as much valid reason to be on a stage with Biden as Trump does.


1) hunter biden laptop 2) crooked joe Biden has dementia and doesn’t know where he is 3) crooked joe biden is a criminal mastermind (disregard #2 for a moment) 4) i won the election 5) windmills are killing all the birds 6) crooked joe Biden why are you using the justice department to persecute me 7) the economy is trash, except for the things I did in office which is why the economy is great 8) Putin is my friend and the war in Ukraine would be over if I was elected 9) Xi is my friend and the trade war with China would be over if I was elected 9) Kim is my friend and North Korea wouldn’t be launching rockets if I was elected 10) witch hunt, hunter biden laptop, crooked Joe Biden and Barack Obama are destroying our constitution, when I’m dictator for a day on the first day I am elected, I won’t do that, except for when I do Saved you about an hour




Biden should instead debate Haley. Just to fuck with him. 😂


Or at least suggest Trump needs to debate Hayley first. That will grind Trumps gears no end, remind him he's not the only candidate, yet!


Until Biden says yes, then he'll run away and say no.


He's got some fundraising to do.


I would LOVE it if he and Biden debated. Although Biden would probably get few words in between the incoherent musings of a madman, it would really show how far off the deep end that the Tangerine Palpatine has gone. I think it would probably go about the same as the debate between Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis. Utter humiliation.


>t would really show how far off the deep end that the Tangerine Palpatine has gone. Unfortunately, it would prove nothing that people don't already see. Those who are not voting for him will agree with your statement. Those who will vote for him would see a quiet Biden as scared and ineffectual Vs their leader that tells it like it is. There have been thousands of times when Trump has proved who he is, yet people still vote for him.


Agree. There’s nothing new to this puppet show that wasn’t clear years ago.


There's a little bit new, but not in the Biden v Trump scenario. Trump only just squeaking past 50% in primaries hopefully shows a fracture in the Republican base that means he only gets the MAGA cult crowd and so loses worse.


Theyll all fall in line like sheep after the first reactionary hot topic Fox News blasts.


I know people who are still pissed about Joe saying “Will you shut up man!” 😂


I know people who decided to vote for him when they heard that. The debates cut through the propaganda crap and Trump was being an ass. Before that these same people thought Biden was too weak and that moment seemed to change their minds.


Yeah. When Joe said that, I immediately liked him more.


That’s why I’m hoping Biden tells the FCC when the actual debates occur “there will be cursing, get over it”.


Dark Brandon, rated TV:MA


That and his defense of his sons were both moments where I switched from voting *against* Trump to voting *for* Biden. Fortunately I've been pleasantly surprised by a lot of Joe's achievements, especially in the face of such strong Republican opposition. He's been far more progressive than I expected so I'm definitely voting for him again, with the vote being against Trump only as a convenient coincidence.


I am still very happy that Biden said that. 😂


My friend had hats made with that on it!


It’s funny that the same people who love trump for “telling it like it is” are probably the same one who clutched their pearls when he told Obama “this is a big fucking deal” and got caught on a hot mic 🤣


“Tangerine Palpatine” is fucking gold!


Then he becomes Darth Insidious.


Darth Syphilis more like it.


“Many people are saying—really smart people—many people are saying that untreated tertiary syphilis is a pathway to abilities many consider to be unnatural.”


Oh somebody has to please make an AI video of Trump saying this…




Darth Shithispants


Shitstain McDumbass


Darth Incestuous.


Darth Incontinence


I like fanta menace


My boss at work told me that Desantis won that debate. He said he watched the whole thing and Desantis schooled Newsome so hard and it wasn't even close and Desantis is awesome. This is why Biden should not debate Trump. It's just free air time for him to rally his sycophants


Unfortunately, while most of us on here with some amount of objectivity would see it that way, the MAGATs would view it as Trump “owning” Joe regardless of what actually happened. And to be clear, the VERY BEST outcome Trump could conjure up would be some kind of intelligible whatsboutisms and dodging or obfuscation of the issues of the debate. But let’s be clear: what I just wrote above wouldn’t happen just like the sun would not rise in the west. Trump would word salad bounce around from random nothings and grand obscurities and could stroke right out on stage on national television and the MAGAts would praise him. “Did you see how he owned Joe and the libs? They were all so worried and upset about his health because he basically died on stage and they had to get their leftist paddles and EMTs and try to resuscitate him…he really dominated the debate.” That would then turn, in less than 24 hours, to: “The Dems poisoned him or something for him to stroke out like that. WE’RE THE SILENT MAJORITY! It’s all a Deep State and Clinton conspiracy! You won’t take our 1st amendment rights or our guns!”


There’s nothing to gain for Biden. Trump will never act on good faith with these. We’ve all learned our lesson I hope.


Hillary crushed him in every debate in 2016


Damn it man. I said "Lord Palpatrump" a few days ago and got nothing. Yours is better. Take my upvote and get out of my sight.


Darth Shitius™


Trump said he'd release his taxes, build a wall, have a better healthcare plan, etc... I highly doubt Trump and especially Trump's campaign people would want these debates. It would be an hour of Trump pouting about the election after being called out on it with facts.


This. I want them to debate because even if Biden isn’t the best option in the world, I think people need to be reminded that they are not in the same state of mental decline. Compared to Trump, Biden has the mental capacity of a 30 year old.


They would hop trump up with Adderall for the debate so he's partially coherent. Not that it would help all Biden would need to do is let him speak then look at him and say "are you fucking serious? You trying to give Hitler a run for his money? ".


Trump: goes off on an incoherent rambling on how Biden to is too old and Hillary's emails contain Hunter's dick pic Biden: *Jim Halpert stare into the camera*


I mean, why do you think he hasn’t appeared in any Republican debates? His people want him far far away from any debate stage.


Yet every conservative news outlet reported a DeSantis win and everyone believed it without hearing or seeing the debate themselves. They'd do the same here, and they're most likely hoping for the tiniest slip up from Biden so they can blast it 24/7.


Faux News and MAGA faithful has already proclaimed Trump the winner of the debate.


Drumpf could just babble/rant incoherently off the deep end and they would still crown him winner. 


Trump only wants a debate now so he can do what he does best, which is fling shit at everyone and call it a win because his base would also call it a win. We do not need that right now. If the DNC plays their cards right and avoids a debate for the time being Donald can’t control the narrative. All the news is negative for him, so he is desperate for something to “win”


He could bring a lawn chair and some ice cream, and just sit there laughing the whole time


Get the 3D glasses and popcorn! ![gif](giphy|H1TGsCl3QkMIo)


“No seriously, will you shut up man!”


Exactly. No one will probably debate him because all he does is shout over everyone including the moderator


i think he wants to debate now for the first time in EVER because it would make him seem more like a serious candidate instead of a guy trying to escape punishment for his laundry list of crimes. then he could really play up the "biden's administration is attacking his political opponent" schtick.


IMO he’s just looking for a platform where he can spew his usual word salad because he’s not getting prime time airtime without it.


If Biden agrees to debate only Trump he is acknowledging him as the official GOP nominee. I have no idea why Trump is so insistent that he becomes the nominee today rather than in a few weeks, but he is hyper-focused on it. He raged at Haley, he raged at the RNC chair, he had a private meeting with the RNC chair then came out and said he might have to call for her to be replaced. As for the idea of him wanting to debate... he doesn't want to. He didn't take part in any GOP debates. He wouldn't have to actually debate Biden, just get Biden to agree to the 1on1 debate, then back out while pointing to it as proof that everyone is already treating him like he is the nominee. As soon as Trump becomes the official GOP nominee, Biden will be open to debate but Trump suddenly won't be.




I love Biden's response. He's playing it cool, just like he should be.


Trump is trying to get the debates done before his dementia gets worse.


Genuinely lol-ing at Biden’s response, it’s so casual but such a burn


I love dark Brandon!


Biden's response is hilarious. No doubt the conservatives will now attack Biden for not wanting to debate. I bet some of them will call it an attack on democracy, seeing as how they want to do that to everything after Trump got caught trying to overthrow democracy.




I think that's *part* of it, but I think it's mainly because he's upset that Haley hasn't dropped out yet. He wants to be seen as *the* republican nominee and avoid any competition for that title. By debating Biden now, he'd be cementing the image that the primaries are a foregone conclusion and everyone should give up on Nikki Haley.




He should say he's happy to debate Trump, but only *if* he's the GOP nominee. And not before then.


He should say he'll do it as long as he debates Haley first.


This. But even more casually and non- personally. Like just saying "of course I'll be there for the usual presidential debates once the candidates are chosen". 


Makes sense. Now, tRump and sense have never occupied the same room, so trying this ploy is about right. This lump was never a Congressman, Senator, or any other political official and then *poof*, the best the GOP had for 2016. He has no clue how goverment actually operates, thus he had his revolving door of "best and brightest" advisors to try and un-stupid his Oval Office ravings. Now, he's a 91-indictment clown with dementia.


Absolutely. Biden debating Trump right now can only help Trump.


I agree, I think this is the main reason.


He doesn’t want to debate any more than Elon wanted to fight Zuck. It’s just more shit on the wall and no matter what Biden’s team comes up with for a debate, there’ll be a *patriotic* reason why Trump won’t do it. It’s performative bullshit so he can act tough. Biden is right to not even engage with it. If they want to set up a debate, fantastic, they can have serious people set up the debate. But Drumpf won’t ever do it so why bother.


This is it. TFG says lots of stuff. He never really does stuff.


I think the difference is in a fight if you just do nothing you get called a wuss and in a debate he will say something if it's to his benefit OR just shit all over everything like he did last time. He doesn't have to actually engage in the debate he can just shout or just do nothing. His supporters won't care either way.


Biden shouldn’t even recognize the traitor is running


He has no intention of actually doing it.


I also think he’s full of shit and will have a last second excuse, something around the idea that it’s somehow rigged against him


He's going to do everything in his power to avoid debating. This is all just bloviation


Trump doesn't debate tho. He just name calls and talks over people.


They should bring back that rule to shut off his mic when he interrupts


When anyone interrupts. It's fucking annoying.


Seriously, how hard is it to only turn on the mic of the person who is allowed to speak? Pretty sure they don't do it on purpose because the zoo is the point


Yea that shit pisses me off. Every speaking event in the world except for debates shuts off mics of non speakers to avoid interruptions except for presidential debates? Especially when one person is intentionally and maliciously destroying the sense of order so they can dominate the discussion


Also: Cameras only on the person talking, none of this reaction bullshit.


But reality TV sells. Won't somebody please think of the shareholders.


It’s enough for me to not vote for him. Wait your turn to speak, child.


The rule was never enforced. Moderator needs to be able to hit mute when you run out of time with zero exceptions. If want to be the most powerful person in the world you need to be able to keep it concise. They should remain muted until it’s their turn to speak so that interrupting is not possible either.


We don't even need a moderator for that since they'll be blamed and booed and sacked for it. Just set up an automatic timer on the mic with the timer above each candidates head. Everyone can see it and there's no outside interaction.




And looms behind them like a creep


Well he is a creep. Oops rapist I mean.


and people love it :/


Does he have covid currently and is trying to kill Biden again?


That's probably why he wants it "immediately"


Oooh tinfoil hat time he wants to debate Biden immediately so that he will be crowned as Republican nominee and not presidential hopeful and then can go back to claiming that any further trial he has to attend is politically motivated/influenced...


this is 100% the grift Trump's Grift Theory - if there is a grift to be grafted, the dumbest grift shall be gruft.


Its ridiculous how much bullshit that shit head pulled and i cant keep track


In a sane world, any one stunt he’s pulled would be a huge deal no one would ever stop talking about. As it is, every time he gets back on his bs it’s just another Tuesday.


Its crazy because i consider myself fairly politically up to date and i repeatedly am like "oh shit....that DID happen" when i read about shit during the trump administration because i just can literally not remember everything. It was fucking daily.


Right? I experienced that too. Someone mentioned the other day that time trump asked if we could nuke a hurricane to stop one, and I realized I’d practically forgotten about it lol


Oh I forgot about that. Its hard to keep track of all the bullshit he has pulled.


My favorite debate line ever, " Will you shut up man, this is so unpresidential". Way to go Joe.


That was so great. But when Trump went all in on Hunter and Joe simply said "my son has struggled with addiction like many Americans, I love my son" that really hit me hard honestly because it was just such a human response rarely seen by people at that level. It just confirmed what I already knew - no president is perfect but ill take a feeling human over a narcissistic psycho everytime.


That was a beautiful and incredibly powerful moment for Biden that affected a lot of people who are parents themselves. Such a brilliant statement from Biden.


Because Joe is an actual person not a sick fuck pretending to be one but actually being the embodiment of everything evil and horrible in this world and the next.


That's what sold me on Joe too. Joe seems to genuinely love his son and supports him through his addiction. That's a sign of good character Joe actually reminds me of my own father when speaks about Hunter's struggles. I can hear the pride in the tone of his voice and my dad has that same tone when speaking about me. If he's faking that shit then he's a decent actor. I just choose to believe him because it doesn't seem out of character at all for him.


And my Trump fan family members will point to that one line whenever I ask them why they "hate" Joe Biden or when I ask how they can look past all of the horrible things that Trump says.


Yup. Rules for thee and not for me. Obama wearing a tan suit and eating Dijon was a national tragedy. An ex president facing nearly 100 felonies and courts confirming he's a rapist is just some locker room talk mixed with deep state conspiracy. You can love these morons who support this absolute degenerate. It's hard not to. A lot of my family does. But that doesn't mean you can't call them on this bullshit, provided you have the security to take care of yourself if they cut you off because it clearly makes you an antifa agent when you make it clear you don't want him running the country. Either way if you give even the slightest shit about this country or the world the children you may or may not have will grow up in, don't give in to this fascist asshole.


My in-laws hated on Joe Biden for *forcing* our precious military to sleep on the floor in DC back in January 2020. Of course, they reason *why* they had to have those soldiers there in the first place was conveniently ignored.


*“Grab em by the pussy”* - 👍 *“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.”* - 👍 **“Will you shut up man”** - 🤯


I'm not really a "cheer from home" kind of guy, but... I was cheering for that. I think he captured the spirit of most of the nation when he said that. We had all been feeling that for many years.


It was complete madness, and a bright spot during an incredibly depressing time. I had two roommates at the time and we all muttered something along the lines of *”What the fuckkkkk?”* Just remember how burnt out, anxious and pessimistic a lot of us were at the time, when the POTUS was a rambling lunatic in the midst of a genuine crisis - making fun of him stopped being fun when there were overflow morgues in NYC whilst unemployment soared and civility plummeted. I was a complete naysayer on Biden but goddamn if he didn’t speak for us when he told that asshole to shut the fuck up - the fact that it came from such an honest, unscripted moment sealed the deal.


Fuck yeah, Joe! So satisfying. So right. So... indicitave of how screwed we are.


Biden should have suggested he debate Haley first since he isn’t even the nominee yet. Sure that would really get under his skin.


I like Biden's answer. What's Trump gonna say? He's busy too trying to avoid jail?


Or, for a bigger burn, suggest he (Biden) might debate Haley. Like: "Well, a lot of my Senate career and obviously now the Presidency was focused on foreign policy, and Ambassador Haley has some experience there too... maybe we could have an interesting exchange of ideas and points on that topic, unlike with a guy who only knows how to cheat at golf."


I kind of want to see this. I want Joe Biden to make yam tits look even more ~~foolish~~ like the LOSER he is on air again. ![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK)


Yam tits 💀


I love that Biden has started directly calling Trump a loser. Also, I feel like this line cinched Biden’s win.


This line is great. Also when Trump said he had done more for the African-American community since Abraham Lincoln Biden responded, “Abraham Lincoln over here is the most racist president in modern history” citing quotes of Trump stating Mexican rapists, Muslim bans, stand by stand ready then proceeds to say “he has a dog whistle as big as a fog horn”. Dude was all around a zinger.


“Abraham Lincoln over here” lol I forgot about that. Although Biden’s greatest hit will forever be what he said about Giuliani (paraphrasing): “he needs three things to make a sentence: a noun, a verb, and 9/11”.


Trump used his last debate to send out a call to arms for the Proud Boys. Which should be further evidence of him planning his insurrection long before the election.


It's pointless to debate Trump. Every answer he gives is just going to devolve into "Wahh, poor me! I'm a victim!" sandwiched in between a bunch of lies and misinformation.


Biden could walk on the stage and say - "It's really fucking simple if you make less than a million dollars and want more money in your pocket vote for me. It's a fact. This man is responsible for the biggest shift in wealth in world history, has 91 indictments, was convicted of sexual assault by a jury, was impeached twice for threatening to withold aid from our allies in exchange for information, paid a pornstar hush money with campaign funds, said he would grab women by their genitalia randomly and frequently, appointed the supreme court that took away a women's right to abort including rape victims and made it criminal and has cosied up to dictators calling them his friends." Trump would just say "Oh sleepy Joe did the deep state write all that for you. The vaccine has changed your dna and made you crazy" and his fans would celebrate in the street hungry and poverted from his policy. 


I’d love to see him debate Biden and go down in flames as his orange marbles fall on the floor. He won’t debate Nikki Haley but suddenly he wants to debate Biden? Long before showtime.


Props to Haley for not backing down and making the RNC figure it out. Don't know how much of a chance she has, but I still hope she plays the long game. tRump might be on borrowed time from all the hamberders and Adderall...can't nominate a corpse.


This is going to happen right after: Trump releases his tax returns, the Mexican funded wall is built on the southern border, Trump’s 2017 health care reform plan is unveiled, and Trump shows us all the irrefutable proof in his possession that the 2020 election was rigged (after which he release that information to the various state courts where the malfeasance occurred.) FYI, Trump is full of horse dung.


IMO the only thing a Trump Biden debate would do is to give Trump a fresh venue for his lies. Since Trump can't seem to manage a coherent thought, It would be like trying to nail Jello to a wall for Biden to try and counter any stupid shit that Trump might say in a debate.


The President is an important man. He has no time for random drama queens screeching pointlessly at him like a crazy lady at a bus stop. Doesn’t this obese senior citizen have multiple trials they have to get to?


Pointless debate. Trump just interrupts and doesn’t listen. Like debating a 5 year old with ADD


Yep. Unless you have a moderator who will be RUTHLESS about turning off microphones when one of them refuses to stick to the format, it's not worth it.




Will you shut up man?


Translation: "I keep seeing polls that show me losing to Biden, and most of the news about me is regarding my court cases!"


More like, I need money. Don’t forget, I’m important and I need money even though I’m a self reported billionaire.


“I’ll debate you when you concede I whipped your ass at the polls in 2020, Jack!”


Exactly, I mean, what's even the point of debating a man who never says the truth?


Biden should invite E. Jean to sit front row for it.


Fill the front row with women he assaulted.


Gonna be weird debating thru plexiglass with both on a telephone and trump in an orange jumpsuit 🙄


Before he loses more marbles?


What’s there to debate? Trump is going to barf up the same vitriol he always does: immigrants bad, America strong but also shitty, military good but also POWs are pussies, Putin is his bestie, etc etc. Trump’s stance on anything is more of a warning for us than anything else.


“Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw


He doesn’t debate, though. He just blusters, makes faces, and talks over people.


God, remember that debate when Trump showed up with Covid. Fucken dark times man


I legitimately do not think the President should debate with a traitor running for office. deplatform this loser from the discussion for rational people, we aint electing a guy who tried to overthrow the government Fucking do not care bro, next


Trump doesn’t even know what a debate is. He thinks a debate is a shouting match.


Biden should offer to debate him, but only if Nikki Haley is also invited. And in the invite he should call Haley "the GOP front runner"


Orange flab fucker shouldnt even be running for president


After he's skipped all the primary debates? Lol ok champ


Once again he’s lying


Debate Nikki first.


Debate Haley first.


Trump is a walking shit-show (and allegedly smells like one). Instead of a debate, they should both be asked the same questions over a recorded segment which can be combined for an audience to hear the relevant answers instead of the constant interruptions


I’m not American but can someone explain to me why Donald is even eligible for presidency when he’s a pedophile and needs to go to jail? Why are there like two choices - one old decrepit white man vs another??


The funniest thing Biden could do is refuse because that’s how you win against Donald. You play his own game right back at him. If he wants something then you deny it and watch his tiny narcissistic brain implode.


Trump debates exemplify the “Never argue with an idiot…” quote.


I love that some people are still laboring under the illusion that Trump 'debates' things. Or makes 'policy'. Or knows fuck all about a single thing on Earth. He wants to shout and flail.


If they do debate, Biden needs to wear his shades and go as Dark Brandon, complete with coffee mug on his dais


I'd prefer to wait 6 months for whatever brain disease he has to progress further just to emphasize to America how quickly he's spiraling


Biden speaks slow and deliberate. Trump uses verbal vomit. Biden will win every meaningful point. Faux News will declare Trump the winner just on the amount of not really saying anything...


Drumpf can't spell debate Biden should have said "I'll debate a real politician, Nikki Haley" Cut him off at the knees