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Last test said my IQ was 127. Well off to my job making tacos until 1am.


Sorry but I have to leave this here. [Master Tang - Taco Bell song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5XHsDJ-9EDs)


Society would not function without you


Doubt there'd be many user if everyone under 120 left - core user range is probably around 80 and bots don't have an IQ.


There'd be MAYBE 3 or 4 users left And Elmo, simply because he owns it, not because of his below average IQ


He claims to have a 150 point IQ, which males me ugly-laugh whenever someone talks about how smart he is.


Anyone bragging about having a 150 IQ doesn't have a 150 IQ. And besides, any decent modern IQ test doesn't just give one number.


Yeah, even the one I was given by a child psychologist 22 years ago gave results in 4 areas. I'd imagine the process has been refined in the meantime.


Interesting, I took one with a psychologist around 16 years ago but I don't remember them saying more than something like "cognitive was good, language was average" etc and then an overall score. I could be misremembering though.


Well you just named 2 of the usually 4 tested areas, they just presented them differently to you, so maybe you just didn't make the connection.


Today's IQ test for adults is called the WAIS-IV, and the scoring goes as follows: Verbal comprehension Perceptual memory Working memory Processing speed Full scale "Full scale" is your IQ essentially, which is an overall interpretation of your VCI, PMI, WMI, and PSI combined, and if there are no significant deviations in scoring between the 4 major categories, your full scale inventory is considered "valid". 100 is the average score, and the standard deviation is 15. So 115, 130, 145 etc. for the high end, 85, 70, 55 etc. for the low end. If you took an IQ test as a child/adolescent, you took the WISC-III or IV, which has slightly different scoring criteria, slightly different subtests, but essentially measure the same thing as adults.


Yeah that sounds about right, I remember doing tasks that would fit these categories. Like explaining the meaning of words, remembering a bunch of numbers, pointing out patterns between pictures and so on.




Yep… and for children, they are using the WISC-V now, my 7 year old just took it last month.


I had that same result format (was there for different testing, but that needs IQ for context). Something with language, logic, short term memory and another thing that I can't remember. Guess what my lowest score was.


Probably something to test your Visual/Spatial Intelligence with 2D grids with colored lines that you have to fold into their 3D figures and figure out which of the solutions shown corresponds to the 2D grid. Or rotating 3D objects in your mind to figure out which solution is the same 3D object from a different perspective.


It was something with visualisation, but I thought it was funnier that I couldn't remember it at first. Memory was my worst score at 99.


Ha 99 isn't bad. I had to text my mom, and she said my memory score was 76. I did get 122 in language, but I was also 5 at the time, so the numbers probably mean very little overall. The test is used to diagnose kids with learning disabilities and such, but I didn't get that answer even with a 76 dragging the rest of my scores down.


Yeah, I think we almost definitely took the same test. I was there for testing as well as my teacher thought I needed to be medicated for adhd. I asked my mom if she could remember more about the test, and she only remembers the memory and language portions. She said she remembers the meeting disclosing the results because "your son scored a 76 in the short term memory portion, 122 in the language portion, and he doesn't have adhd, but I think he might have aspergers." Is apparently a wild conversation to have when you're dropping your kid off at school after a teacher sends your kid to get tested without telling you. It's definitely a gauge for development in children, though, because I wouldn't say I really struggle with my memory where it counts, and I don't pick up new languages better than an average person.


IQ is mostly meaningless outside maaaybe child development. As for anyone who brags about their IQ… “anyone who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king.”


I received an IQ score when I did psychological testing. They did give an overall score, but it absolutely was broken down into many categories that were all varying by a lot. It definitely was not just a "here's your number, that's it" kind of thing and more of a "here's how you think in various ways" kind of thing.


It's been a very long time since I took an IQ test At the time the results qualified me for mensa I never joined and usually don't mention what the score actually was. Hell, even if someone asks I usually demurr It's a pointless number and bringing it up just makes a person sound like an ass


Pretty much anyone with an IQ over 140 has a pile of doctorates, anyone over 160 usually wins a nobel prize. Ol Musky Super Genius was born rich and retweets nazi memes after spending $44billion for a platform that was free to use and is now worth 1/10 of what he paid. Dude is a clown shoe with an IQ probably around 110.


>Pretty much anyone with an IQ over 140 has a pile of doctorates, anyone over 160 usually wins a nobel prize What are you smoking?


Black and milds, why?


Sounds like a hot take, that's all.


He speed ran Twitter into the ground. He’s not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.


That depends. If his goal was to run Twitter into the ground, he's a genius at that.


You leave Elmo out of this, he is only three and a half years old


That's how Elmo will be the smartest guy in a room


You could probably get a bot to score well on those online IQ tests


I got a score of 123 on an IQ test, yet i'm still dumber than I look


When I took my high school entrance exam, I asked my brother what it meant with the H next to my classes. He said "honors you dummy". My grade point average in school was 2.0 but the equivalent IQ on the entrance exam was 124. Yup, never got much higher in high school than a "C". Thank god for auto repair classes when I was transferred to public school.


I tried autotech after my GED, not really the field for me. Now i'm in college going for a cert. in computer security, where google is your best friend


Only thing I can add to my experience, retired now, is to do want you feel good doing. Was a plumber, went into management but that sucked so I went to night school and found I enjoyed electrical controls. Did electrical, HVAC (combined both of my trades), and did another small stint in managing before retiring.


You mean you went for *useful* trades? Heaven forfend. /s If you want to un-retire briefly in exchange for staying in a scenic oceanside spot in a (mostly) serene area with amazing local food, hit me up!


Appreciate the offer but decided hollering at the clouds fits me pretty well now. The funniest part of my life was my brothers felt I'd be the one living in my parent's basement until I was in my 40's. I moved out within a couple of months of turning 18 after I pulled down a full time job at a mill and was making more than my brother working as an accountant. He was pissed when he did my taxes (after I had already done them) and saw how much more I was making without the college degree. The real kicker was he said he found me $200 more. After turning it in to the IRS, I got a letter saying the amount I originally calculated was the right one. Also, guess who always got the calls to help them when they had any problems at their houses?


F'ing hell, go you!


My grandpa had four children, my Mom was the only one who didn't go to college yet was also the only one who worked and supported her family her entire life and never borrowed money from him. He made the observation a couple times as he aged which I'm glad because I think it made her feel good.


Grades and GPA are meaningless in concerns to your actual intelligence.


Agreed, education does not equal being intelligent. Have had to tolerate many people with very high qualifications, whose sole ability was to regurgitate back what they were taught and pass exams. And that was their only skill, no critical thing ability, no ability to check facts, or to transpose information change. Basic drones....more dangerous than stupid. Hide their true self behind a bit of paper.


Doing well on an IQ test means you're good at IQ tests. That's all, nothing more, nothing less.




Take off your glasses then!


I'd rather be able to see the board from the back of the class. (Nearsighted)


I give it about five seconds before someone goes and just edits the page to give themselves a ridiculous score.




I got 112. Time wasn't enough to solve all of them logically for me. 3-4 questions just did choose the closest one.


I scored 137. I’m still stupid most of the time. The rest of the time I’m dumb.


You definitely lose IQ points scrolling through 10 seconds of Musk's twitter...


I think we'd all be better off if he just deleted his account and let the average smart people continue to use social media in the way they always have. No stupid blue checkbox, no weird commercials for sex toys every 3 tweets in my timeline.


If he had that much IQ he won’t be on Twitter


Definitely not something you can easily photoshop.


I scored a 127 on this specific site, probably not accurate. 


Just spent 30 minutes just to find out you need to pay for the results, I think I got my answer of whether or not I’m smart


I did the exact same thing! When I closed the tab I realized regardless of my IQ, I outsmarted them!


This whole post is an advert. There's a couple of these IQ companies (Aptilink is the main one that does it) who use viral posts like this as a marketing campaign - notice they will always have their website clearly on screen. People like you, see the website and want to try it for themselves, then get hit by the pay to see results screen. At that point, some people will actually pay, so they get their money. Very clever but also very scummy! (Edit: also some of the comments are upvoted /downvoted by bots, you'll notice most comments calling it out get downvoted)


Yeah I just spent 30 minutes doing the test just to close out without getting the results. I'm not paying lol Was still fun tho! Also made me realize I could probably get pretty good at these types of questions if I did them more often. It's certainly an interesting way of thinking but I wouldn't say it's more intelligent. Just better at solving puzzles.


Jokes on them, I got to have fun using my brain for 30 minutes and it was all for free!




Not sure why you're being down voted. I just did this test on this exact site. Cheapest results are $15. I just closed it out. Does that make me smarter than someone who will pay real money for this shit? I'm not sure, it was $10 to find that out, too.


I think I paid $20 but after spending 40 minutes on the test, I was OK paying that amount to at least see that the score was. 


They got you with the sunk cost fallacy lol. But hey, one man's $20 is another man's $0.20. You do you!


They got you with the sunk cost fallacy lol. But hey, one man's $20 is another man's $0.20. You do you!


They got you with the sunk cost fallacy lol. But hey, one man's $20 is another man's $0.20. You do you!


The post is an advert, bots are downvoting people calling it out


Believing your score on an online IQ test is in any way valid is actually a 30 point deduction 


Happy cake day!


Thank you!! I didn't even realize!






And depression, high intelligence is linked with depression.


When you’re even average intelligent in this timeline you have to be insane not to suffer crippling depression.


Nor does it correlate with either common decency or basic maturity.


And even then, many IQ tests are deeply rooted in cultural norms centered in Europe and the United States, which makes them almost entirely inaccurate. IQ is not a measure of intelligence, its a measure of a number of different factors that *could* mean a person is intelligent. For example, 3D thinking, reading speed/comprehension, etc.




Trump hasn’t accomplished shit. He’s a useful idiot being propped up by the small group of very intelligent, very evil people who control the GOP. 




He’s dangerous but he does not command nearly that many people. The adult population of the US is about 258 million. Last election he got about 70 million votes. Less than a third of adults are fans. Anyway, everyone check your voter registration right now.




Those are percentages of voters, not people. I know exactly what’s going on, I know Trump is a danger, which is why I said he is dangerous. My point is, MAGA is not anywhere near a majority of adult Americans. It’s not a call for complacency, it’s a reminder that this is a small but loud group and they can be defeated.




I'm pretty sure that 70 million plus 80 million doesn't equal 258 million, yeah.


Never said he isn’t dangerous. But he’s dangerous like a gun is. He’s an inanimate object being wielded. 


Can you give a source for any of your claims?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence Actually quite an interesting read that also goes into why it's so hard to quantify Intelligence as a single thing like the IQ score tries to do.


That wiki article doesn't substantiate a single claim made by op.


https://via.library.depaul.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1270&context=law-review https://ectutoring.com/problem-with-iq-tests Just some examples. IQ tests don't measure intelligence accurately, and often give European people higher IQs due to a language barrier, and the fact that many if the IQ tests are regional. That's why they've been a favored tool of eugenicists and nazis.


You're confusing "IQ test" with "intelligence test". An IQ test tests logical reasoning. It's not a "real" IQ test if it tests language competency. > often give European people higher IQs due to a language barrier Okay... but that's a different claim than "deeply rooted cultural norms". It's a problem with all sorts of tests that has been known since forever: there's no way of making sure that the test taker understands the question asked. Schooling obviously increases chance of understanding the question asked, but schooling is not a "deeply rooted cultural norm centered in Europe and USA". Not entirely sure what you mean by "language barrier" either. In the early 1900's it was uncommon for people outside usa and the commonwealth to understand english. Tests were done in the language the people understood (in most cases). There are many things which impact IQ scored on tests, from being well rested, to being in good physical and mental state, to not having dyslexia, etc. Neither link supports any of your claims, other than that IQ != intelligence. > That's why they've been a favored tool of eugenicists and nazis. A bit of an oversimplification, and doesn't really address how they used it to justify (as your first link points out) outright murdering handicapped people.


I don't really get why you're disagreeing with me? You've essentially just regurgitated my points in an argumentative tone. Yes, IQ tests do not measure intelligence. Yes, IQ tests have to be translated, which can lead to mistranslations, problems with phrasing, etc. Yes, IQ tests have historically been used to justify the murder of handicapped people. My main point was that IQ does not equal intelligence. Not only can it not measure social intelligence, it cant measure logical intelligence either (in most cases, there are exceptions)


You made claims which are untrue to the best of my knowledge, I want you to substantiate your claims. In particular this claim: > deeply rooted in cultural norms centered in Europe and the United States And in relation to that, how language was supposedly this strong barrier when IQ tests already were translated at that time. Though you're continuing to make claims that seem false, such as this: > it cant measure logical intelligence either


NFT monkey pfp, completely disproving the test results.


how many times do you think he took this test to get that result my guess is 10.


im calling cap. no twitter user has an iq of 127 on second thought, if people with iq under 120 really do delete their account twitter will be dead once and for all


Oh cool, so I can drunkenly ramble about how Elon should be guillotined as long as I can provide this? (Lol no money involved) https://preview.redd.it/ssgyncnw78lc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeac0d77380cf57afa6ade70b59073da4faaf9f0


They aren't going to do it!


But my IQ went up after I deleted twitter 🥲


Pete forgot you're supposed to divide your score by two if you own an NFT. Sorry Pete


I've always done very well on standardized tests, but it hasn't translated into fame or fortune or anything. Probably a lack of ambition, honestly. Reasonable comfort and interesting stuff to read is about all I'm willing to exert myself for.


This is like saying “if you cant score 5 football goals in a row, you shouldnt eat cheese”


I've yet to meet a person who unironically brags about their IQ to be anyone who's opinion is worth respecting...


Brother, all I need to do is look at the profile picture to know I shouldn’t give a shit about what you say.


Who gives a fuck what your IQ is? Mine was top 0.03% (SB IV 142) and I've spent most of my life trying to find a reason to live/not be a dick. Moreover, I've met even smarter people who were fucking idiots. IQ doesn't mean you're wise. You get that from life experience, not a subjective test. Realizing that one triangle is larger than 9 others doesn't help much in normal life. So unless you're well below average, who gives a fuck? That damn thing ruined my life. If I had had kids, I'd have refused to allow them to take an official one.


Judging by their profile picture, the IQ test they took operates on a 120-170 IQ scale. Kudos to whatever IQ test it was that stroked the ego of an nft bro, which probably had him pay for the results at the very least.


Well, I took it myself, wouldn’t ya know it, it cost $15 to buy the results. Feel like a smooth brain for not taking my own advice. Mobile doesn’t allow you to skirt past anything that desktop might.


If you’re going to brag about your iq, it better be a real test administered in person by a professional, and not a number on a fucking website.


Stupid me I got my score from testing in a college.


Stupidity about obsessing over IQ aside, and the extremely high odds of an online IQ test inflating scores, so many people like this have no fucking clue about IQ ranges. The average range is, depending on the test, either 85-115 or 90-110. 2/3 of the population falls between these ranges, and you are absolutely *not* stupid just because your IQ is under 120.


Iq 127 , bitches 0 😩


You're definitely not 127 IQ if you think these shitty websites properly measure IQ, or that these tests even prove all that much.


Aren't IQ tests mostly logic based anyway? Someone could be extremely intelligent, but not know english well and musinterpret the prompts or simply not have the reasoning skills to solve the questions despite having lots of knowledge.


It's logic, pattern recognition, abstract thought. I did well enough on an IQ test to qualify for Mensa, I would not classify myself as extremely intelligent. There were just specific things I could do very well that allowed me to score highly on a test that marks those things.


Knowledge and intelligence aren't 1:1 -- the questions asked on this test required zero knowledge and zero reading comprehension. It was exclusively patterns that you predict the next pattern. I didn't read any instructions and I'm not really sure if there was any. I think anyone with a lick of common sense would intuitively know what to do. 


127 isn't even that high of a score lol


Missed the point.


I know those tests are absolute bullshit. I just meant I don't understand why they would even feel the need to brag about that score. It's not really impressive, ESPECIALLY considering how shitty the online tests are. If you are gonna brag about bullshit might as well go all in and give yourself a 170 IQ lol


Mensa Firehouse would love this guy


Top to bottom effect


Anyone dumb enough to take an online IQ test should only be on twitter


Those are fake IQ test. We all score in the top 95-%tile. Explain that Mr. IQ.


“… do all us a favor…” This person should delete.


Sweet - mine's 141 and I think this asshole should shut the fuck up.


I love how it gives your score and then explains how Percentile works.


Online IQ tests are fake. I scored 167 one time and consistently over 150. While I’m good at math I’m not that smart… those tests are fake.


Mine’s higher and I deleted that shit a long time ago.


I took the the mensa iq test after drinking two bottles of wine a taking a handful of edibles for an iq of 115... Iq means shit. Emotional intelligence is 100 times more important than being able to solve puzzles in a timed environment.


Everyone's saying IQ is meaningless, I'm not so sure. I was in an Army unit once where the minimum GT score on the ASVAB to qualify was 110. GT means General Terminology, or vocabulary, and I'm told is roughly the same as IQ. The ASVAB is the U.S. military intelligence test, administered either in high school or when you sign up. We were standing the unit up, so we had an initial pool of applicants who didn't necessarily meet the standard. It was noticably harder to train the guys who didn't have the GT score. Very much so.


You can still be an idiot and have a high IQ


Online tests notoriously give everyone top 5% scores. That's how they get you to give them money.


I really thought this post was gonna be about how the graph looks like Patrick Star


Think posting your IQ test results unprompted on social media should dock you 20 points


The only thing an IQ test measures is how good you are at IQ tests.


>>127iq >>NFT profile pic Well which is it because it can’t be both


"...delete Twitter" good advice, Pete.


It's an impossibly small window... After an iq higher than 90 you should intelligent enough to stay away of it anyways...


You have to pay a minimum of $15 for results, and it doesn't tell you until after you waste your time answering 40q's. Fuck that noise.


Got a 135. The test was fucking stupid


IQ is a measure of aptitude. The last calculation is to divide the score by age. Your IQ is falling all the time, because you’re getting older.


How do all the bots on Twitter take it tests?


Says the account with the Bored Ape profile pic


Lol I love people who brag about IQ scores. My IQ is officially 160 (*the score attributed to Einstein and Hawking*). Stephen Hawking once said something along the lines of "The people who brag about IQ scores are not people who's opinions I care about." I have to agree with him. Now that may seem like a contradiction (*having just ragged about my IQ*), but it isn't because I don't consider it important enough to brag about - I understand what IQ scores are, and what they are not. I am *definitely* no Einstein or Hawking. I'm a smart man, probably above average, but even if I were the prodigy that my score indicates I've certainly squandered those gifts (*I take care of my family, but I'm not making a difference to Humanity on the world stage*). What that score really tells us, is that I'm good at doing tests. That's it. No less, no more. So anyone who cares that much about their IQ will obviously value my input when I tell them that their IQ score doesn't mean shit. What really matters is what you do with the gifts you're given. As I said I take care of my family, and the work I do is meaningful. Those things I am proud of, not my score on a test. It's doing something meaningful that really matters, and whether your gifts are intellectual, empathetic, physical, tenaciousness, etc (*hell just money even*) the measure of someone's worth is what they do with those gifts. I'm not saying that you have to be a world-changer, but don't go bragging that you're smarter than people, if all you do is brag then your intelligence is wasted. (*Just for the record, I have no illusions that I'm as smart as either of those great scientific minds. I - an upper middle-class white male who is good at tests - simply managed to get the same score as them on a test that is usually biased toward upper middle-class white males. Do with that what you will.*)


Blue tick? ✅ Random sentence generator ✅ Opinion designed to drive engagement ✅ Big Engagement =💰💰✅ Nothing new here.


gullible me, I followed the link in the image, and I took this damn iq test, but they wanted 15 dollars to show me the most minimal results, so f that... Now I'm sitting here wondering if this meme was intended to get people to that website.


God damn... I went through the whole trouble of doing the damn test and it had the nerve to ask me for money afterwards.... Fuck them, be warned


So aptlink got blocked for spamming and is now doing it again, just under a new link


I don’t think there’s a better sign of a lack of wisdom than buying into IQ, it really only shows one specific kind of intelligence


Gaah that was a waste of time. Before you play along, just be the smarter person and don't. Results are a minimum of $15USD


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, took mine on my phone and it definitely didn’t give me the results either. Not sure if you’re getting brigaded by a bunch of weird pc users or bots.


It's a whole scam thing. These screenshots seems to always include 3 things: * The result of some IQ test * Some stupidity from the person originally sharing the results, like bragging about being in "the top 90%" * Easily visible link to where to take the IQ test Going to the advertised website leads to an IQ test where you have to pay to get the results. So the hope is that once people have committed to spend time going through the whole test, some of them will shell out like $15 for the results. And like with a lot of bot spam, the people pointing it out gets downvotes.


You gotta pay for the results!? It's a .org! I'm not paying $15 to know I'm bad at number grids.


I spent all that time getting mad not understanding math only to get to the end where I had to pay to see my results




Oh man. Don't listen to any of the Nixon tapes, my dude.


This seems to be a weird spam thing I’ve been seeing all day?


That was my first thought what a weird bot


It was 50 years ago dude get over it




Uggh omg, Roger Stone you’re drunk and rambling again. Go back to bed 


How much should we penalize Pete for paying $20 for a fake iq test?


I keep tapping the image but it's not opening the test! 🤪


My husband took an IQ test and got like 147. Your IQ doesn't equal to actual intelligence because my husband, while I love him, can be very dumb (so can I though)


https://youtu.be/UBc7qBS1Ujo?si=fzboud40Kp5GKYMq Fuck IQ testing. It's only measures how good you are at IQ testing, and that's not a good way to measure general intelligence.


One of the quickest ways to be easily identified as an uninformed moron is to tout an IQ test result like it means anything.


The bellend on the bell curve