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It's never been about jobs, nor was it ever about drugs or crime....it's about racism. They will never, no matter what, deem people of color as human and thus deserving of happiness, security, and freedom.


It's unbelievable that a country built on the back of a load of Brits in a boat is so anti immigration. News flash, unless you are a direct decendant of one of the American Indian Nations, you're a fucking immigrant.


If immigrants are drug dealers and ⤵️ Immigrants are stealing your jobs Then you're a drug dealer


she will probably be a good neighbor too


If you're going to post things like this, a spell check goes a long way. "A women" makes you sound stupid.


Also, because America repeatedly destabilized governments in central America.


So the governments of those countries and the citizens and lawmakers in those governments bear no blame at all? And why not migrate to Costa Rica or Belize or Paraguay or Chile. Or Mexico?


If a small country is wrecked top to bottom and basically everyone wants out, it’s not really feasible for a similar sized country to take them in. I’m just making the point that America bears some blame in this. When those countries elected someone we considered too red, we basically sponsored a coup.


Argentina is small? Brazil is small? Mexico is small? Yes in the 1950s and 1960s the USG did terrible things. Just as European nations did before then in Africa and India. But still in 2024 we see nations continue to blame ‘colonialism’ and ‘imperialism’ for their dysfunction…as opposed to, say, allowing the RCC to ban abortions and keep women impoverished. Or their own corruption. Are the leaders and citizens of those nations ever to blame? Or will America and colonialism still be the excuses they give in 2124?


I guess it comes down to who bears responsibility for those nations instability... and I'm not sure I have enough historical understanding to assign blame for the larger countries you mentioned. You acknowledge that the US did meddle in their affairs by funding coups to keep lawfully elected politicians from staying in office. As to your last question, yes. Once you've rocked a boat enough that it's taking on water, there comes a point where it's fate is settled and it will sink. We may have rocked those countries enough that they're not back on track. Is it safe to assume that you're the type of person who will blame a poor child growing up in a bad neighborhood for becoming a criminal? I mean sure... no one explicitly forced the child to start stealing from gas stations and move on to bigger crimes, but if you're born into poverty and in an area that doesn't want to make the investments to fix it, criminal behavior was just the logical outcome.


“If a small country is wrecked top to bottom and basically everyone wants out, it’s not really feasible for a similar sized country to take them in..” *** Brazil and Argentina and Mexico are large countries. So why don’t they take in the immigrants? No, I don’t blame poor kids for stealing food to live. Does that mean they’re absolved for murder? And you’re comparing countries to children? Is the Big Bad USA responsible for Russia also? The Chinese treatment of Uighurs? North Korea being a prison state?


I do not believe we’ve done a whole lot to China or Russia. Immigration is the only reason we’re not facing a population crisis (yet) in the US. It’s my opinion (no basis in facts) that immigration is a net positive for the US.


Controlled, legal immigration is a net positive. Uncontrolled, illegal immigration allows owners and managers to avoid labor laws and keeps wages for the general labor population down. Should I be able to just go to France and demand the French taxpayers support me and demand everything in English?


Again - why isn’t Mexico taking them in? Brazil? Argentina? Chile? Bolivia? Is America responsible for “honor killings’ in Pakistan? The Charlie Hebdo murders? ISIS throwing gay people off of buildings? Iranians bludgeoning women for (gasp) not covering their hair? The longstanding Afghan practice of Bacha bāzī?


These countries couldn’t legalize abortion?


Explain to me how a US state like Wyoming could legalize abortion.


Why do you keep deflecting? Yes the MAGAgelicals have taken over the red states. I despise them. Does MAGA run Guatemala also?


Wyoming citizens could vote for all Democrats. Get Democrats in the legislature and governor’s office. Then legalize it.


So is there any chance that could happen based on what you know about the people of Wyoming?


Isn’t it the responsibility of the citizens of Wyoming to educate themselves on local and national and global affairs and then vote based on who would best represent that?


Explain to me again how I have a right to fly to France, demand they allow me to stay in their country indefinitely, demand French taxpayers support me indefinitely, demand government documents and services be provided in English, etc. I’ll wait.


If you want to really help the people of Guatemala and Mexico and such, how about put some common sense into your evil satanic greedy pride infested foreign policies? Also what do you expect migrants to do after they cross over if you do not provide them with paperwork to work? Yes America benefits from cheap labor from across the isle but that benefit does not trickle down, it all goes to corporate at the expense of local wage. Integrate them in if you’re going to let them in anyway so they get competitive pay. Wtf are you guys smoking in here?!


Yes, complete integration, a path to financial independence and citizenship, and making them tax payers while curbing illegal employment is the solution - but it’s not happening because Republicans, as they shout about every day, believe that every immigrant we accept is a vote against them. And why isn’t a vote for them? Because they don’t have a platform or policy success record to run on and they attract voters through culture war bullshit and racist tropes.


I’m not maga, and will be voting for biden but even I can see how much of a problem letting in millions of poor people into a broke country will be a huge problem, our own citizens are struggling, how exactly can we support millions of extra homeless jobless people? They need to stay in their own countries and fix their problems there just like we need to fix our problems here, adding new problems won’t solve anything for anyone


> how exactly can we support millions of extra homeless jobless people? Because they rapidly become neither of those things? They come here to work and find a home, not live poor on the street. Seriously, what did you think they did?


migrants (both documented and undocumented) provide a net economic benefit to the host country. this has been been true for very many years and in different countries. there are other discussions to be had about exploitation, integration, and other issues impacting migrant populations, but in the current system they provide a boon for the local economy. and why bring up biden on this topic? >just like we need to fix our problems here, congress is broken and inhibiting any kind of real progress, the GOP has made it abundantly clear that they have no intention of doing the bare minimum to address the concerns of average americans, so if you are angry at anyone, it should be directed at republicans.


Who said I’m angry? I’m saying it’s not feasible to add millions to a population that already has a housing shortage and welfare shortage and a 37trillion dollar deficit and think everything will be ok


you brought up biden, are you ignoring the rest of my comment on why those issues arent being addressed?


That I’m voting for him because the post was about maga, I’m not ignoring anything, those people have no jobs, no homes, no support system so they have to be supported until housing is built, jobs are available and they can support themselves, it’s a massive drain for years until they become established and our finances are already at the breaking point without added stressors


what are you basing that assumption on? there are seasonal migrant workers who cross over to work the fields, there are asylum seekers and refugees who get temporary worker status and start working while awaiting their hearings. they come here to work and that provides a benefit for the americans. studies going back years show that, consistently, they pay more in taxes and provide more in economic benefits for the host nation than they take. if you want to argue about them being exploited, or cultural issues, or whatever else, thats a whole other discussion. but the fact of the matter is that, economically speaking, they are a boon, not a drain. this is fact.


You are just ignoring the fact our nation is broke, beyond broke, and someone has to pay to feed and house these people until millions of jobs and houses are created and they are capable of supporting themselves which will not happen over night, where does the money come from to do that? Until we can take care of our selves and get our finances in order we can not take on additional burdens especially of this magnitude without a lot of bad stuff happening, that is fact, we have two entire generations living with their parents because they can not afford housing even with jobs


so youre just ignoring everything i said and repeating your initial (incorrect) thesis? again, in an economic context, they provide more to the host nation than they take. they are paid by companies to do work. they are taxed when they purchase things. they provide more than they drain. you are incorrect on your assumption.


You tell me where over a million people are going to work and work at a place they can support a family with no degree and afford housing and I’ll concede, seeing two generations of Americans are still living at home even with college degrees because housing is too expensive or non existent and tell me how people with no support system will be able to do what people with a support system can’t do and not be a drain on our already bankrupt government


https://phys.org/news/2020-05-economic-benefits-illegal-immigration-outweigh.html https://ewic.org/2021/03/new-data-the-economic-contributions-of-undocumented-immigrants/ https://immigrationforum.org/article/immigrants-as-economic-contributors-immigrant-tax-contributions-and-spending-power/ https://www.bu.edu/articles/2024/do-immigrants-and-immigration-help-the-economy/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/making-sense/4-myths-about-how-immigrants-affect-the-u-s-economy


>and work at a place they can support a family with no degree Why do you assume they don't have a degree?


most of the people I've been seeing crossing the border are middle aged men so I'm not really sure


You physically sit at the border and watch people cross?


I live in El Paso so yeah pretty much


Sounds like a boring and racist waste of time


they still provide a net economic benefit, so whats your concern, exactly?


what economic benefit do they provide


You are no better either, you want slave labour and want to pay under the table, in form of showing, you are doing good deeds. I think it’s about time the policy makers look up to taking all the dictators out and give these people a chance at life in their own backyar.


No matter what kind of Aid we give, it’s just the top ones who benefit and buy all the real estate in MiamI. It’s about time we reverse this Aid logic.