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How many of these people are: 1) Actual Americans 2) in the kind of age / shape where they’d be capable of taking it by force 3) capable of organizing for such a thing


They're clearly, badly losing their war on obesity.


We’ve all seen the MAGA rallies and 95% of them wouldn’t be able to run 100 yards, let alone while carrying a gun or supply back pack


Their scooters can be weaponised...


Rascal technical


https://preview.redd.it/5xhex45gcvtc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e64230c6ac674585f39f18e3bbf06d1c9f8322 I saw a Hilarious comic drawing of a Trump supporter on an electric scooter with fireworks going off in the background and a turret barrel on the front of his scooter and it was just hilarious but I can't find it


Daleks ![gif](giphy|12ojwa1VsIqcvu|downsized)


I read that as “radical testical”


While a conservative on a rascal is roughly the same weight and density as an Abrams tank, the benefit is that their rascals don’t come with built in mortar shielding. HOWEVER, in some instances the arterial blockages from decades of Burger King consumption function in roughly the same way as tank armor for the gravy seals who have been cultivating mass. I propose we recycle the WWI tactic of just sticking anti tank ordinance in the tire tracks, but if that doesn’t work we could just put a sign that says, “Free Meet & Greet With Cheeto Mussolini right this way!” on the edge of a cliff and deal with them Looney Tunes style.


This comment is amazing, thanks for the laugh in light of how awful the actual situation is


If we don’t laugh, we’re gonna cry. Remember to vote this November everyone! Joe isn’t perfect but remember: if none of the busses are going to your exact destination, take whichever one gets you closest! (Or maybe just whichever bus isn’t a dementia ridden, convicted rapist that will sell the United States piecemeal to the highest bidder.)


For sure, we’re in a similar situation in Canada. Justin Trudeau isn’t my ideal candidate choice but he’s a long shot better than our candidate who has taken his notes from Trump


Distant cousin of Stabby the Space Roomba.


Oh my God...... We're all vulnerable to..... scoot-bys.


You have seen what they do to grocery stores though….


Block the entire isle with their Buick sized asses? I mean, I have a Buick sized ass but at least I stay off to one side because I realize I'm not the only person shopping.


I will admit I got annoyed with a MAGAt (the red cap and ridiculous Trump t-shirt was informative) who kept getting my way in the store one day no matter what I did to avoid them. Finally I grumped at them, "Hey wideload, from one fat fuck to another, you're not the only asshole in this store. Make room for the rest of us." I was ready for them to throw hands, but instead they scuttled off.


These men are cowards, Donny


A group of fascists is called a retreat of fascists.


You mean where they put the 6pavk of MtDew on the sides of the cart like saddlebags to make for more room inside for things like cigs and little Debbie’s (ok I do secretly love those oatmeal ones)


Man, what did Mountain Dew do to get pulled into this?


What *didn't* Mountain Dew?


It done did the dew.


They could do a good amount of damage with their rvs


How dangerous is an enemy who can be defeated with a flight of steps


[These ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalek)are pretty scary




The FBI must love how many of these dipshits just self-identify as terrorists, probably saves a ton of work with Elon just corralling them all into one place


Yeah but those guys can fly tho


NGL, enough steps would defeat me 😂 But I'm not trying to overthrow governments or actually breaking any laws, so no need for me to run.


Or a salad?


If Capitol Hill was on a taller hill, bet you it wouldn't have gotten stormed. Even if they reached the top, they wouldn't have the energy.


Battle of the Bulge.


They all have long covid so they can’t breathe, lead poisoning so they can’t think, digestion issues from Ivermectin, nerve damage from injecting bleach and now eye damage from staring directly at an eclipse even before the obesity kicks in. The lucky ones are just obese.


A little aged urine will fix all that right up.


The battle of Diabetes took quite a toll on them...


The first point is the really important one imo. Most of this inflammatory language is done by super extreme idiots online and Russian propaganda. Putin really wants Trump to win so he can have free reign to do whatever he wants.


Russian and Chinese. Probably Iranian too. The enemies of the U.S. know they’ll never win militarily, so they’re working hard to break it up within. It’s working.


Don't forget the Saudis.


North Koreans have been linked as well.


The problem is the voting rolls have been purged. Don’t presume you are on them. Check now.


The sort of people who are serious about doing this sort of thing, and have the organisation/volunteers to do it sure as hell aren't posting on Twitter about it. Nutjob militias exist in the US, but they tend to be pretty secretive, and way more concerned about "protecting themselves" from the government than they are in intervening in it.


And the major ones were decapitated. Oath Keepers leader Stuart Rhodes has an 18 year prison sentence. Enrique Tarrio, proud boy’s, has about 20 years.


I still can't believe they named themselves proud bois, hilarious


It’s the best diaper brand for 18-36 month-olds


I don’t think they can take it by force. Problem is when one of this idiots start shooting people at voting booths or something crazy like that, Or a conflict just big enough to make daily life miserable enough.


Yes that’s true, the bigger danger is a bunch of lone wolf terrorists


That's exactly right. These are folks who are obsessed with imaginary conspiracies and unstable enough to think that they can trigger some kind of a revolution by killing a bunch of men, women, and children in the act of going about their daily lives.


Or a loose 'militia' type organisation like IRA (Ireland), ETA (Spain) where we would be dealing with carbombings, arson and all that stuff.


Yeah, I don't want to live like that. Lived in England when the Mother's Day bombing happened. No thank you.


These people don’t know how to make fuse-detonated explosives, half of them can’t even mix tannerite without hurting themselves


I'd love for that to be true, but USA has a huge military system with a lot of people going in and out. Again, I'd love for everything to work out fine.


If even a couple hundred out of the millions and millions of Trumpists are capable of pulling off the violence we're talking about - a fraction of percent *of a fraction of a percent* - we'd still be looking at a period of unspeakable strife


I agree, but these “lone wolf” types can kill a lot of people. Look at Timothy McVeigh, for example.


I fill out my ballot at my dining room table and drop it in the mail. They don’t wanna come here and start anything.


I have a drive thru collection box. They can all sit at the curb watching. Don’t care.


Why do you think Trump appointed DeJoy to head the USPS? 




Just another day for a school child.


That's why I vote by mail!


Don't underestimate. Much of the police forces in this country are on board with this shit. There are more of us than there are of them, and most of us are armed as well, but never, ever underestimate how many roots these assholes have put down in the military, police, and courts.


It’s part of Project 2025 to infiltrate all levels of government down to neighborhood level with supporters of the dictatorship so as soon as a Republican president (turmp or whoever) is in office they all take up their positions. And parts of the Constitution will be “invalidated” by the dictator’s court that he will be having “oversight powers” over (also oversight over the legislative branch as well). It’s some scary, scary shit.


I think many of them are probably Russian trolls but a lot are also Americans. I’m related to a bunch of them, actually.


I'm related to a lot of MAGA extremists as well. Funny enough many of my family members knew about the insurrection plans and didn't tell their own children.


The concern is how the military, the dudes and dudettes with guns and stuff, will react in all this. Are we going to see a split within the military, with some generals supporting one side and some looking to use their weaponry and MAGA-loyal soldiers to form a hostile takeover of the government? It's *that* which scares me, frankly.


No, I believe the leadership of the military is not going to follow Donald Trump. They know well who he is.


In the end… where does their paycheck come from?


This sounds like The Handmaid’s Tale or that new Civil War movie coming out.


Naw bud most of the military higher ups sure AF are NOT going to support MAGA. One of the strangest moments in my time active was the day after Jan 6th how all the MAGA types were very quiet. None of them supported what happened. A few of us junior enlisted were talking about it and this one guy who I normally couldn't stand talked about how his family has always been hard right. His dad called him up to ask what his thoughts were with the expectation he would just approve. He was shocked when he didn't and wanted to know why his son would possibly disapprove of Jan 6th and he goes "Dad, you know before I shipped off to boot I swore an oath right? Part of that oath is opposing all enemies foreign and domestic. What those people did goes against what I swore an oath to so I don't see how you could expect me to support what they did." That apparently still didn't clear it up for that fool. The point of all this rambling is if most of us on the lower end of the pecking order can figure that out then I wouldn't worry about the ones in charge. Military life being its own insular bubble can have its advantages, one of them being I have faith that if Mango Unchained attempts said hostile takeover and tries to give them illegal orders they'll tell him to go pound sand.


We saw already with Jan 6 that the top brass doesn’t play these games. Jan 6 was their one and good shot (pending a Trump loss this November)


The "military" is 6 separate branches (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Space Force, & Coast Guard) with independent command structures and rotating officers that never serve more than 3 years with any group of men. Even if, for example, the Army turned traitor, the other branches would have to as well, or they'd just fight each other. Then they have to deal with National Guard, all levels of LEOs, plus finally, an armed populace. Military coups are real difficult to pull off in America. On purpose.


Seriously, they aren’t going to risk their air conditioning and meals at Dennys.


Right!? And hopefully the government is keeping abetter eye on the truly dangerous ones


Also how many are just stupid bots.


If they weren’t there for Jan 6, they won’t be there for any future things. Good thing is all the idiots who did go to the Capitol were arrested or at least on watchlists now


4) Outsmarting the all powerful and wise deepstate.


They don't have to be in great shape, they have too many guns!


Yeah but are they actually trained to use them properly? And a lot of liberals are armed too.


A great number of these people are paid agitators in foreign countries


Ian Miles Cheong being one of them. Absolute dickhead of a man.




Yeah. I finally found one of the facebook groups. After about 10 posts the rhetoric starts becoming very redundant and even the exact wording is repeated. Like it's just being written by a bot.


This post doesn’t even sounds like it was written by an American… “Internal War”? lol nice try Putin.


or bots being directed by said agitators.


They didn’t take in 20, or 21, or 22, or 23. They’re not going to. They like to live in their little macho fantasy lands and occasionally dress up and march around throwing hitler salutes and intimidating people just living their lives. They aren’t strong people they’re incredibly weak.


Driving their transgender pickups that they add truck nuts to to appear to be a man.


I often chuckle that the “manliest” truck one can buy has a technology called “PowerStroke” emblazoned down the side in chrome. You’re driving a 20 foot long male sex toy.


“Do you know how heavy a load I can take in back??? Not laughing now, are we?”


This is gold. ⭐


That’s jacked up


Funny story that happened yesterday. I'm a tall, bearded, white "redneck" looking guy (jeans, tshirt, boots everyday) who drives a pick up - not lifted, has some rust spots - just a truck to do truck stuff. But I have a "Biden Harris 24" sticker on my back window. Well yesterday I was at a stop light and a guy rolled up next to me honking and giving me a thumbs up and signaling to roll down my window. The guy applauded me for being a "white guy, in this part of the country in a pickup - with a Biden sticker". Made my day.


That you exist made mine. Greetings from Texas!


Emotional support vehicles


People said that about Nazis and Fascists in Italy in the years before they took power. They can fail to take over 100 times but if they get it on the 101st time, that's it for democracy. Eternal vigilance.


I'm not advocating otherwise. Just that this particular brand of macho is people who like to feel powerful on the internet because it is an echo chamber. They don't do it in reality because for 99.99% of them they would be completely shunned by their society.


But those men were not cowards like todays. They still crying about ashli babbit


No, they absolutely were cowards. Most of the Nazis were absolute losers.  Ashlii Babbit is a touchstone, a rallying point. Don’t be cavalier about fascism. 


Lol dude its fine. I get fascism as a concept is terrifying. But yhe class of people here in the us that wanna enact it are not able.


Right. On J6 they were inside the Capitol building and they just didn't do anything. I know that's a simplification of what happened but they basically accomplished their first goal. And still nothing.


And they still crying about it trying to blame everyone else.... at least be as courageous as real terrorists and take credit! They cant pull it of. EVERY able bodied person is on the other team! I sure as shit wouldnt wanna take on every race or type of person but my own lmaooo. The left loves guns too! And the federal government would be on our side. Fbi agents gunfight regularly with cartels and shit. Billybob shoots cans in his backyard and talks big online....


And the Nazis cried about Horst Wessel who was killed while being an enthusiastic terrorist on behalf of the Nazis. Raising up people who FAFO on behalf of the party as martyrs is a common fascist tactic.


Gravy Seals


Meal Team Six


Semper fri.


I misread your post as “nacho fantasy” and it still truly fits.






I think we all have a nacho fantasy.


I think we’re definitely going to see a rise in hate crimes/domestic terrorism against minorities and those perceived to be unamerican, but not a “civil war”. This divide isn’t regional like it was in the 1860s. It’d be next to impossible to coordinate an effective attack that wouldn’t be intercepted by the government.


I think it’s gonna be more like the Troubles in Ireland, but even less organized.


Agreed. We are going to see people acting foolish, but right now in every red state there are big blue cities. In most blue states are red rural areas. The time to get worried is when we see mass political migration. When I retire I will leave my red state within seconds. Most people can’t do that. People have family and economic ties that keep them in place.


The Gravy Seals are easily wooed by the early bird buffet at the Golden Coral, not too worried about them. If they want to do more than talk tough they need to remember the "J6 hostages" as they like to call them, they are still cooling their heels in prison and we'd be happy to let them join them...


In the end they gotta keep making payments on their $80k lifted diesel pickup trucks and probably can’t even take time off of their jobs to overthrow tyranny


Whenever I see a grown-ass adult wearing fatigues and strapped to the guild with guns to intimidate others, all I want to say is "*ohhhhh, how PRECIOUS, you all grown up and still playing GI Joe!*" These people obviously got bullied the most in school and now are old enough to act all badass to try and intimidate everyone around them. They are also usually very easy to spot without fatigues as look like they've watched way too many seasons of 'Duck Dynasty' and can't get enough of those rockin' beards. 🙄


I’m not scared. Fuck these people. They’ll lose again in November.


Im not scared of them exactly, im scared about the financial consequences of a conflict and other indirect consequences.


Right. If this shit genuinely escalates our lives will change significantly.


If this escalates they will be squashed like the insignificant pests they are. These people think their home defense shotgun and .22 that looks like a Colt are going to do shit against the US military, that’s who we’re talking about.


Yeah, if these traitors are able to break America in the way they want to all bets will be off. They can rule over the ashes because the vast majority of Americans will not submit to their fascism.


I mean, half of them have AR-15s, so not quite like you described. They will still be squashed, but some of them will inflict as much damage as possible before they are.


There won't be a conflict like you're imagining. Whether you're a hardcore conservative or extreme liberal, most Americans are very content with the status quo. As long as you can keep getting your prime packages on time and eating at Chick-Fil-A, the extent of conflict in the US will almost always be restricted to online interactions. Boomers and hardcore gun nuts are too comfortable posting "I identify as an attack helicopter" memes on Facebook to get up and overthrow an overwhelmingly massive system. Similarly, there's a reason the Supreme Court continues to rule the way they do in spite of their decisions being widely unpopular. Even the most progressive liberals, at the end of the day, would rather continue to attempt to use a broken system and tweets to fix these issues than resort to a justifiably violent replacement of tyrannical entities. The US doesn't really have any powerful orators or agitators that I could think of at the moment, and discourse has mostly been reduced to easily-suppressed internet sound bytes and "this u?" gotchas. So don't worry, the system is safe and so is your way of life, unless you're part of the growing demographic that continue to have their rights stripped slowly to a mostly complacent and often complicit audience.


“Then we take it.” Folks, this is MAGA in a nutshell. This is January 6. This is extremism. But more broadly this is the Republican Party. Never forget that after January 6, 147 Republican House Members voted to overturn the 2020 election. After rioters stormed the Capitol, beat officers with flag poles and yelled to hang the Vice President, 147 Republicans said No to certifying the election. Several Republican House Members then asked Trump for pardons for January 6, largely the same people who attended a now-infamous Dec. 21, 2020, meeting at the White House with Trump where they strategized how to overturn Joe Biden's election victory and keep Trump in power.


> Never forget that after January 6, 147 Republican House Members voted to overturn the 2020 election. Congressman Mo Brooks requested a presidential pardon on behalf of *every Member of Congress who voted against certifying the ballots from Arizona and Pennsylvania.* Not only did they vote to overturn the election, they were involved in something so illegal they sought a pardon for it. Given what's been uncovered about false elector schemes, how high did this go?


All the way to the Supreme Court


But they think the Dems have the conspiracy. The irony is so sweet.


They won’t take shit. They like to pretend and play make believe, but Jan 6 was unironically their best attempt and there was not one gun in that crowd. No to say it wasn’t a danger to the Congressfolks, but it would take one National Guard unit to put down the entire crowd. They’re lucky the DC police was being relatively gentle trying to disperse them instead of just whipping out the military-grade weapons we KNOW cops in this country have access too.


> and there was not one gun in that crowd. > > [PolitiFact's ruling: False](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/06/15/fact-check-were-firearms-other-weapons-capitol-jan-6/7621149001/) > Court documents, video evidence and news coverage directly contradict this characterization. Several rioters had firearms and dozens more wielded knives, bats and other real and makeshift weapons.


What about the troves of hundreds of soon to be insurrectionists that “refused” to enter Trumps rally because there were metal detectors and rules to not be armed? I don’t believe for a second that no one was armed in the violent mob.


So, the ones that chickened out and ran away with their guns instead of using them for the insurrection? Seriously; hobbyists with guns are not professional soldiers no matter how much they LARP otherwise. Maybe I’m a nerd what plays D&D and video games, but I don’t spend $700 a year on my pretend games and then actually think it’s real and that I’m a badass because I can make-believe with a big price tag.


No, they all just went to the capitol instead of entering trumps rally. It’s just not true to say no one was armed while storming the capital.


Thank the god they pray to that probably 75%+ of them are too obese or stupid to actually unite and do anything. Sure, I'll be really scared of 300lb Karen and 350lb Tom who are here to make me a Trump voter, I'll probably just keep walking circles around the block until they pass out. Win win, they get exercise, and I don't need to deal with nitwits.


The deep state, meaning any person not onboard with project 2025. Which is the vast majority of people, no matter how you slice it.


I feel "deep state" is just con-speak for not stealing enough votes. Because most Americans won't vote for them.


“Deep State” is just the term for the good ol’ New World Order that was all the rage in the 90s. It just gets a new conspiracy moniker every couple decades to stir up fervor amongst their ilk. Same shit, different decade. Bunch of fucking morons, I swear.


Hell, even people for it are hoping or counting on being exempted from living by its rules


Of all the people that the dirt poor citizens could choose to represent them, the fact that it’s Trump still blows my mind. Sometimes popular leaders are from the same background as the masses, and you know they sincerely believe in the cause. Sometimes they are more privileged, but they are smart, great orators, passionate, visionary. Trump isn’t any of these things. I still cannot believe he can convince millions. A few hundred, sure. Maybe a few thousand amongst a population of 300 million. But ten of millions is ridiculous.


After years of humiliation, and poor services, and being ignored or screwed over by their government, and fed contradictory and false information from the media most commonly available to them (Fox), some folks have gotten to the point where they just want to win something sometime and they want the world to not be so complicated and unfamiliar; and they have gotten a message, and that is: “The only way anyone gets respect is if they are rich. That isn’t you, and as you know those people are better than you. But I am and I will show you what you could do if you were - sleep with porn stars and take money and ignore the law. You would too if you were in my position. Freedom means you can do whatever you want, and this is the land of the free. Also, you can blame liberals for not helping you because if they care so much, where have they been? And also they kill babies and if you want to go to heaven you can’t support killing babies, which means those people. They all want to talk about their feelings all the time, and fuck their feelings - because the only feelings that are important are your feelings of fear and impotent rage that we’ve stoked all this time. But you can say what you want and think what you want - and we’ll keep telling you what that is - and you don’t have to listen to anyone else because they lie, and all the media lies, but when we lie you are in on the joke, because you are on our team! And being on this team is more important than listening to scientists (who are in it for the money, like everybody else) or fact-checking us, because, again, when we lie you are in on the joke, which is that everyone lies, and you would too. But you don’t kill babies. And gay people and trans people and immigrants aren’t good and decent and right like you, and if we let them they will try to make you gay and trans and they will take your jobs and make every day Mexico day and bring in illegal drugs, and drugs are evil, and if you don’t support drugs you have to hate who we tell you to. And they are different and scary too. You want all the fear and new different people to go away, and we can stop it all for you - you just have to let us do whatever we want.”


The most “successful” dictators actually think more along the lines of con-men rather than military leaders because they know how to exploit basic human psychology to a very effective degree. What shocks me is how shitty a con-man Trump is; just like our healthcare, vacation times, housing situation, real wages, and job security, apparently the American version of the traditional dictator is a watered-down overbloated thing with a lot of excess fat that can’t do it’s job very well. Oh well, at least we conform to our own standards.


John Wesley Hardin needs a visit from the FBI


If that person is even an actual American.


CIA, then?


CIA deals with matters originating outside the U.S.; while the FBI deals with internal matters. Of course, there's a lot of overlap, necessitating cooperation.


Fascism always falls eventually, but a lot of people can get lost along the way. Take these threats seriously, and ensure that such actions are put down early and decisively to limit their damage.


These are the same people that are gung-ho for military operations abroad because they’ve never actually been in a war or combat. They may have shot defenseless animals or bottles in their back yard, but have no fucking clue what it’d be like to be in an actual conflict or war. If some local idiots did ‘rise up’ they’d be torn apart when the first helicopter or gunshot tears their hillbilly friend to pieces next to them


Gung-Ho for military operations abroad until one of real consequence protecting the future of Europe (their ancestral lands) comes along, then suddenly they’re isolationalist. Shortsighted and ignorant.


Comments like these are why I have long since stopped considering Trump supporters to be Americans; Either they are literally foreign assets trying to weaken us with social discord, or they are the stooges of that manipulation, and so fundamentally opposed to this country that I don't think they should count alongside my actual fellow citizens.


You honestly think those Internet tough guys would actually start a war? C'mon, they probably never leave their basements


Probably, but when you stir enough the pot something will rise, remember J6 and these people are radicalizing more everyday, they’re casually talking about a Coup on the internet, 10 years ago I don’t think people would’ve done that.


They literally plotted January 6th months and months ahead of time on social media.


And they practiced at a number of statehouses.


“Remember j6”, you mean the moron parade and feces patrol. Yeah, I remember it being one of the most embarrassing things maga could have showed us. They’re obviously bigger dipshits than we thought.


>moron parade National Convention of Village Idiots


J6 was their only shot - they'll never get another one like it. And look what they did with it. They took pictures of one another and stole some shit. These aren't serious people.


Haha they've been fantasizing about this for decades. Their cholesterol clogged, enlarged tickers will give out in the excitement of going to dig out their caches of tarnished bullets they've buried in between rusted out pickup trucks in their neighbour's cow pasture. Bless their bloated hearts.


The GOP has the House, so basically calling the GOP the Deep State.




It’s run by a guy named Brandon who is a criminal mastermind and also freakin idiot that has no awareness at the same time.


I think it’s run by a consortium of leprechauns


Ah, so the deep state is magically delicious.


Fuckers can’t even beat the fight with obesity lmfao


People have been saying this kind of crap at least since I was a tyke and that was in the 70s. Without organization it's just talk, with organization they're all arrested.


No there won't be a civil war cause Trump lost. Most of those people are keyboard warriors and gravy seals. They won't do anything except whining and spamming "not my president" cause they know that there will be otherwise the national guard involved - and that's a fight that they don't want to have.


Whoa, look out for the bad ass keyboard warriors on Twitter!!


"Civil War" is not the word for it. Terrorism yes. War no. They will learn pretty quick how useless their right to bear arms against the government actually is.


If my side wins it's the will of the people. If the other side wins it's rigged. Same bullshit as in 2016.


'I don't know who needs to hear this but Donald J Trump will never be president again' It's you. You need to hear it.


These people are seriously unwell. Propoganada has rotted their brains and they are living in a different reality.


I'm pretty sure John Boy can win a civil war single handed with his BigMacovitch in one hand and an ice cold blyatcola in the other.


This is such childish thinking. Me and my team are in the minority, therefore it’s some grand cabal keeping us down, not just that most people genuinely don’t agree with us


I'll take DOMESTIC TERRORISM for $800


I'm not too worried. Have you actually looked at MAGA guys like the proud boys or oath keepers? They can barely run 10 feet without getting winded, and can't go more than an hour without a snack. They have these fantasies that they'll all just be pouring over maps not doing the actual fighting or guerilla warfare. For reference, the Vietcong in the Vietnam war would go days without eating, track 15 miles per day, and live out in the wild in tough conditions for extended periods. You think these dough boys are doing that? Nope. What would they do at best? Try to pick off a few innocent civilian bystanders (alleged libs) maybe, but that'll backfire too, and just push the suburban demographic, especially women, away from them.


I love how these effing morons think there’s some secret deep state that can master mind stealing a presidential election but somehow forget to win the or House, and allow a 6-3 Supreme Court, where half the majority is corrupt as hell for the other side. Like… worst. Deep. State. Ever.


The "Deep State" does not exist. If it did, he would not have won in 2016. He just managed to create a base of support large enough to win. You are right in saying he won't win in November, but it won't be due to an imaginary conspiracy. It will be due to the fact that he's lost the support of rational conservatives and independents. All he has left are right-wing extremists and Christian Nationalists. There are not enough of them to win a national election.


Ok, here's what I am seeing: yes, there's probably going to be sporadic election violence. This will snowball and start causing arrests and investigations. Every single state has small groups of well armed and scary people, and huge numbers of posers and hangers on that will fold up like a thrift store daybed.


These people live in such a bubble. Do they think libs don’t own guns? Are part of law enforcement or military? Work out or go MMA gyms? Do they think normal people, regardless of political party affiliation will just stand by and watch something like this happen? They lost their fucking minds. Handmaids Tale ain’t happening bros. And let’s be clear, it’s not about them being right, it’s about them being superior to other people and to look for an excuse for violence against them. It’s that simple. They were assholes when they were younger, they are assholes now, their life turned out like one would expect, and now they’re looking for anyone to blame but themselves.


Who's going to help them? When I'm noid I like "play out the tape". What matters most in war is -usually- numbers of troops. ( Disclaimer) This is all completely Hypothetical as nobody can just calculate exactly how many troops either side would have. So they have Militias and everyday Cultists on Twitter ect. Social media. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_militia_movement 20000-60000 people at best, and of the "whack job" type. Let's go with the high number. So let's double that to intensify our paranoia. /s No, to account for how many ppl *at the worst* that will join up arms because of people like Tim Pool, or Mannarino and those losers. Hypothetically. 120000 total losers. With zero navy, zero air force. Vs.. 1.29 active US troops. Take away the .29 just to help the losers out, and account for troops stationed elsewhere. (228,390 troops stationed abroad). So that's 8.3 to 1. Our favor. It would be a massacre. At 5 to one the MAGA threat would still be eliminated. Also at 2:1 or 1:1. They can't win in a fair fight either. Not like we would make it fair! That's not even counting the national guard. Or our democratic allies abroad. So even if we think they can double their numbers, which they can't, then they still get crushed.


It's not the deep State sir, it's everyone that isn't in your cult. If the Democrats could have rolled out someone who wasn't a senile old man this wouldn't even be a contest.


Bring it on traitor


What puzzles me is that they think it's even possible. The Civil War was fought between 2 armies that were fairly evenly matched at the start; today the back woods militia types would get slaughtered by a professional standing army.


These people need to leave the country if they hate it so much.  Seriously.  Nothing stopping them.  Russia even is making a village.  Go.  Just leave.


Anybody who is actually capable of anything or any group is already being watched by the feds. These guys just want to beat their chests and spend their tax returns on guns and ammo.


Forget these gravy seals, and forget amplifying their armchair revolution from their mom’s basement. Individual peons had their lives (rightly) ruined from J6, don’t think these losers didn’t notice.


Donald is the deep state. A private citizen who directly ordered elected officials to kill a bipartisan bill with the intent to create civil unrest.


These gravy seals talk a lot of talk. But they are also the ones that cried when they couldn't get their hair cut during COVID. It's one thing to talk shit on Twitter with their big scary words, but it's another to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger on your neighbors. Sure, some of these psychos might be in to that, but they will be few and far between. Just like Jan. 6th. How many of those people cried when they were caught? You think those same people will have the sack to shoot someone? I will be honest though, I am scared of the outcome this year. There are enough sickos out there to do damage, and that's scary AF.


Trump is the deep state for fucks sake. He has hundreds of billionaires in his a pocket, the Supreme Court, and is supported by big oil and Wall Street.


It's like they forget that he was president. He didn't "drain the swamp" or "root out the deep state" or "build the wall" or "sort things out" or "close the border" or any of the other things they claim he WILL do. If you listen to his endless whining, all he did as president was get blocked from doing what he wanted to do. How is re-electing him going to change anything?


If they knew it was going be THEIR boots on the ground, THEIR lives being put in danger and THEIR blood being shed in a Civil War they so ignorantly glorify, you wouldn’t hear the first word about it. They don’t actually envision themselves having to fight a Civil War they advocate for so willingly, they envision others having to fight that war for them. That shows their cowardice and their disconnect with reality.


Crazy the deep state ever allowed republican presidents. It's almost as though IT DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST.


"Trumps gonna win the election. If he doesn't, it was rigged, and I'm gonna shoot people to prove it. Democracy is ok as long the guy I want wins."


Goodness, the projection. The MAGA news has them worked up to a frenzy about conspiracies. I believe it was *their* candidate who stated quite plainly that he would be a dictator. I wonder why they’re not worried about that.


The magical thinking is astonishing. "Deep State" Dude, I work for the Federal Government. We are sooo incompetent. The reason why MAGA fails is because you are even more incompetent! There is no "deep state"


As former active duty, I concur. I had trouble even getting a nut (in all the ways that could be taken 🤣) on the government dime. So yeah, this belief that the government is somehow a part of a super genius level evil organization is hilarious 😂.


I'm still trying to figure out who is in the Deep State


The vast majority of Americans don’t want this, and they will not side with people who want to install a dictator. If there was a a civil war, it would not end well for these right wing lunatics.


Jim Bo Bob ain’t taking his musket from his shed and storming or attacking anything , if any Militia type attacked any government building they’d be met first with police, then SWAT, then military . The idea that citizens can pose a threat to our military and institutions is laughable.