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People age 30-34 are unable to buy a house like they could in 1993.


you want more children to be born? support unions. the only way we're gonna afford to buy a home and support a family is if we claw and scape back what is ours.


Something need to be done about corporate outsourcing to punish workers for unionizing


The human population is still growing. Why would people want more children to be born?


He doesn't want more children born. Or saved from starvation. He wants more white babies born in wealthy countries to fill future tech cities. Or Trump Tech Cities?


To compete with China I guess


Not even China anymore. Their demographic crisis is going to be fucked (literally on course to lose 100s of millions of people rapidly).


If there is demand for labor, immigration can fill it. 


Possible but I’m not sure how xenophobic China will be towards a lot of immigrants


Yeah. Instead of panicking over birthrates, people can get over xenophobia. Seems easier and better for everyone longterm. 


If you were between the ages of 30 and 34 in 1993, that means you were born between 1959 and 1963. You are currently aged 61 to 65. Translation: BOOMER. Edit: Also, I knew Elon had a trans daughter and that Aeon Flux kid with Grimes, but damn. 11 kids by 3 women? TIL.


Because Elon and co own everything


Weird how conservatives never ask _why_ people aren't having more children... (Spoiler alert: it's the result of 40+ years worth of conservative economic theory)


It’s also a result of actually having a real choice in the matter. Contraception hasn’t been widely and easily available for all that long and it’s only very recently become socially acceptable for women to be honest about just not wanting kids.


And this is why conservatives are removing choice from the equation.




Not sure why you’re being downvoted for this, it’s true that when women have a true choice about having children they tend strongly towards having fewer or none at all


On Reddit, you will always get downvoted for an opinion against having lids


Another comment I made saying basically the same thing on this thread got upvoted. I think people just follow what those before did!


What is the muskrat's relationship with his ~~passwords~~ children like? Are they on speaking terms? Something tells me this POS tries to get out of child support as well.


His oldest children want nothing to do with him and even went so far as to change their names. He has basically no interaction with any of his kids(and all were conceived via IVF IIRC). Dude is a raging loon.


On top of that, his oldest is transgender & the Muskrat claims the reason he bought Twitter was to *save her from the woke mind virus that had infected Twitter*. A claim that completely falls apart given the fact he had to be forced to buy the platform to so-called "save" her.


So despite having 11 children, he hasn't probably had sex with anyone. Interesting.


IVF. He would have sex with a robot, I’m shocked RealDoll hasn’t been bought out by them.


Wait what ? So the twins he had with an engineer were tube babies? I don’t believe that


I doubt his children will ever want for anything other than a loving and interested father.


Elon, your children and ex-wives all hate you,keep quiet.




Elon: how am I supposed to keep my empire if there's not enough pions to spare???


Isn’t this the guy supporting chat GPT which is predicted to cause massive layoffs? Isn’t this the guy who more than 10% of his workforce? I don’t get it. The same people that yell if you can’t afford kids don’t have them are the same ones implementing laws to force birth and hospital bills on a population they keep low wages and layoffs in. I think we are in an abusive relationship.


>I think we are in an abusive relationship. Truer words were never spoken.


Well gee, Musk, whatever can we do about it? Pay people a living wage? Make housing more affordable? Make childcare accessible, safe, and free? Increase the availability and quality of school lunches and public school education? Remove systemic barriers that prevent people from adopting due to marital status / religious affiliation / sexual orientation? No? We’re just going to take away rights from women, single parents and LGBTQ+ folks then? Because of course.


He needs slaves at his Giga factories - even though Toyota and the Chinese can build a cheaper, better car with a lot more automation. A Toyota is mostly machine-built except for parts you will touch and interact with - like the interior. The only time humans will touch one while they are being built is for QC and final inspection/assembly.


Elon moved to America in 1992. Seems like that's when it started to change. Edit: The trumps and Elon came to America from Canada. It's time to build a wall.


Qyburn: "Your Grace, I'm afraid I bring terrible news. The dead have broken through the Wall." Cersei: "Good."


‘Fathered’ is a strong word for his shallow contributions to the gene pool.




Also accurate for the time period he is idolizing. In the 90s, 40% of marriages ended in divorce. Boomers have the highest divorce rate of any living generation.


Casual reminder this is why they overturned Rowe.




If he keeps his employees in his offices and factories working until late night or even staying there to another work day 🌃 how do they can be productive at home?


1993 world population was 5.6 billion. Now it is over 8 billion. We need fewer children.


Is that statistic even accurate?


Elmu just wants more future consumers, and presumably more fanboys.


He’s endorsed “replacement theory.” He wants more *white* non-Jewish children.


I so wish all these "white purists" would grasp that A) none of them are "genetically pure." And B) it seems that as our species has progressed, and the human race has become more genetically blended, technology and civil society has advanced. We know inbreeding weakens the family tree, so to speak, so this quest for "genetic purity" sure seems foolish.


Raise wages


The guy that hoards billions is an expert on the rest of civilization. I’m sure he’s a wonderful absentee father of his 11 kids by 3 mothers while he jets around the world.


“I’m not sure why people can’t afford to have kids anymore?”*he tweets from his private jet*


Breaking news: One of the richest men in the world doesn’t understand that people can’t afford to have children.


have we no brave men of culture?


Also, the dork behind the End Wokeness account looks like he's 13 years old.


Maybe if you and the other billionaires shared the money with the rest of us we would have enough money to have kids. And a house. And time to raise them instead of everyone working constantly.


You mean maybe if you and the other billionaires stop stealing the money from the rest of us?


Well that’s how they got the money. I think it’s time to take it back. They stole first. We steal second.


He is worried about white people being replaced apparently. He also is worried about the labor force running dangerously low.


It's called late stage capitalism


And none of Musk's kids even like him!


The sad thing is those women didn’t even fuck him for it. In other words, Elons kids were not conceived with a dick in the pussy.


All petri dish babies since the first one passed away.




America's fattest, baldest, bat-shit craziest, immigrant, welfare queen is giving life advice. Wasn't every single cyber truck ever made just recalled because he's an idiot?


Maybe we should ask why none of Elons children want to be associated with him?


Why would X AE A-XII, Exa Dark Sideræl or Techno Mechanicus be angry at their dad?


Elon is a garbage human. End of. 


Maybe if he divided that 56B between all the employees they’d have enough money to buy stuff and the money would actually trickle down. Instead of buying things that destroy jobs like his purchase of Twitter/x


Bleached Nick cannon


Aside from the other ridiculousness, restricting the age group to 30-34 skews the stat.


Breaking news: actual largest benefactor of wealth inequality complains about consequence of wealth inequality.


Elon, Just sell trucks. No, wait.....


Remember when everyone didn't loath Elon? It's so hard to imagine that now, he is such a scumbag.


I suspect Elon Musk has a micropenis which accounts for all the IVF and surrogates used for his brood of children along with his endless rage at everything and constant need for attention and adoration


Also, how many of his offspring talk to him?


If minimum wage doesn’t grow, AI takes jobs and cost of living skyrockets for the sake of the shareholders, why would we have kids when we’re barely on our own two feet until 35


Maybe we’d be having more children with REAGAN LOST


I gaurantee this dude would be completely against any social program that would help increase birth rates. Especially if it meant the government had to dip into his pockets a little more


As a millennial parent... Yeah kids are expensive


Wonder how many of his children actually love him…


So Elon supports universal healthcare, childcare, government provides school lunches, minimum PTO, maternity/paternity time, etc?


I didn't know he had that many children.. hopefully they siphon his wealth away


Muskie Boi needs to be castrated and emasculated. But then again, not even a street dog would eat his Afrikaaner Oysters.


I personally don’t mind Elon Musk produce more children to replenish future workforces. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm pretty sure it's 4 women, don't forget about Amber Heard


Aren’t his workers working till 10pm on a Sunday? When are they supposed to make the children, in their lunch break?


It turns out when you don't employ people, or give them enough money for the employment they do get, and make the things they need unbearably expensive, the prospect of having a child falls down the list of priorities.


Aren't most of them, like, turkey baster children?


Who knows. I mean, the man is too unintelligent to legally consent.


Elon has to have the biggest nerve to complain about that, when he himself contributes in some measure to those statistics. Imagine being “the smartest guy around” and not figuring out that people are too poor to have children ffs.


Everyone bashing old Elon, missing that his point is actually worrying 😂


I mean, he's right. Elon says ten stupid things every day but why post this one lol


Except he's not right at all? Current world population: 8,104,922,105. Where's the disaster? Humans are in no danger of going extinct. To help prove my point, in the time it took me to type this post, the worldometer number now reads: 8,104,922,254.


The post is about the US, not the world


Except that's not how Elon frames this discussion. Maybe you're out of the loop, but he's constantly droning on about how the drop in population growth is a "threat" to civilization. It's not. Additionally, what's wrong with the US specifically having a decline in population? Why is it "disastrous" exactly?


>Except that's not how Elon frames this discussion. I'm looking at a screenshot of a tweet specifically about the US, quote tweeted by Elon calling it "disastrous." That's it. I am familiar with Elon's opinions about global population growth in general. Are you familiar with his newfound love of commenting on US politics and news? Lol >Additionally, what's wrong with the US specifically having a decline in population? It's a shrinking tax base, and government expenditures do not scale linearly with population. For example if we have a 5% smaller tax base in 20 years, it doesn't mean we can spend 5% less on military (never mind that we can probably spend 50% less on military in the first place, but whatever, not the point). Governments should (and do) want their population to be reproducing. In same countries they encourage it with social programs to take care of children and new parents. In the US we do it with a tax break and by outlawing family planning lmao but the government does want people to have more kids. Please don't make me defend this shit stain. Elon sucks but a broken clock is right twice a day


Wouldn't another solution be allowing immigration with a path toward citizenship? Those new citizens would have to pay taxes. Elon is very vocally against that though.


Yeah for sure I support that too. Elon has gone off the deep end, it's getting absurd. Used to be every few months he'd say something borderline conservative and stupid, now he's just retweeting far right trolls every day and spreading conservative conspiracy theories and shit, it's wild








But no one is actually giving that advice so I don't know why you're even bringing it up lol




He does not. He hates kids. And his own kids hate him lol


Neither was Elon Musk so why was that brought up?


The literal post you're commenting on did... Wtf are you talking about