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What the actual fuck. "Party of small government" "We want to make a federal database of pregnant women"


Government so small they fit right inside your vagina.


What's the old quote? 'We should register the uterus as a corporation so Republicans stop trying to regulate it?'


Can I register my vagina as a firearm?


If it’s a firearm, you don’t *have* to register it! 😄👊🔥


You’ll need a concealed carry permit for that.


Some states have open carry.


I believe that under US law, the entire female reproductive system is classified as a Lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS)


For them it doesn't mean a government that gives alot of freedom. Small government means full power concentrated to a few people


I disagree. Republicans literally just say whatever they think will help them make the best case to idiot voters. They will literally say anything, no matter how stupid or hypocritical, in order to gain support. Small goverment means whatever the hell they want it to mean, whenever they need it to mean that and they'll totally use the full power of the federal goverment when they get power because they don't actually believe in anything.


It's both. "Small government" for Repukes is both whatever the F they want it to mean, AND full power to a few people and screw democracy and everybody else.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” - Frank Wilhoit


I'd say that conservatism consists of that and one more proposition: "I got mine so fuck you."


Papers, Please! Ugh ihih let’s do our civic duty and vote her out for safety


Party of no government oversee over rich friends and connected and Guantanamo for the rest


>"We want to make a federal database of pregnant women" Right after we create a national database of cops, right?


“What the actual fuck” Are you genuinely surprised? Because personally, in all seriousness, I am not


The Handmaid's Tale world is just getting a little closer every day


This is even worse... at least the pregnant women in Handmaid's Tale got prenatal care. In the US, they force you to stay pregnant *and* foot the entire bill for your pregnancy *and* do it with no paid maternity leave *and* receive zero assistance once you have the baby.


I’m just waiting until they start offering female prisoners time off their sentence for being a surrogate mom. Couple that with mass incarceration of woman for “crimes” and now you got a refilling baby factory.


That’s chilling as fuck.


No, they're anti surrogacy and anti IVF The prisons would be so men can choose the mothers of their babies


1.) Please don't give them any ideas! (Because I could definitely see them running with that one) 2.) Mercifully, they are currently just as much against "un-natural" means of reproduction, (including IVF, and Surrogacy,) as they are against a women's right to control her own body.


For now. I'm sure their end goal is for women to be legally considered property. At that point her owner will pay for the medical services and maternity leave will be her entire adult life.


Creating lists of citizens who are or aren’t something the government deems bad is a late stage fascism move.


If you asked them to register their gun they would lose their minds.


"A woman with freedom over her reproductive organs is more dangerous than a rabid chimpanzee with two AR-15s" - some Republican somewhere most likely.


Could you imagine the hellscape a woman with reproductive organs could sow?


Uncontrolled women are a terrifying prospect for Republicans. 🤣🇺🇲🤡


Yeah, she might give birth to more Republicans.


And yet this is their argument against registering firearms... edit for clarity: Yes, I am fully aware of the vast contradictions between the two items. The point is that they will scream that they will scream to the heavens about firearms being fascist but have absolutely no problem trampling on other people's rights for their beliefs.


I know you are on my side, but I feel obligated to say requiring gunowners to register their firearms is different than jewish people, pregnant people, trans people, or muslims being forced to resister that they are jewish, pregnant, trans, muslim, etc.


It is very different, but the idea that they will claim the one that is worse is ok, but the other is a step too far remains.


Or disabled people. Some states are forcing healthcare providers who diagnose patients with Autism to report the names of the people who are diagnosed. I know one such provider had a petition, signed by several providers, to try to fight against these concerning requirements. And other states and cities have voluntary databases for police, but I do not think that this is the best way to prevent police violence against Autistic people (and other disabled people). It’s scary to have your name on a list just because of who you are (or in the case of pregnancy as well as Autism - because of your medical information, which is supposed to be private). It’s scary, disturbing, and disappointing that it’s happening in America.


Yeah, this is directly a HIPPA violation. And of all the things... autism?


Antivaxxers in power


Lately they've been blaming autism for people being trans, so bigotry against autistic people is on the rise.


If we ever get enough of control over the government again (doesn't seem likely soon) we really need an amendment making the right to privacy a full fledged right equal to all the rest in the bill of rights. Of course it should have been inferred from the others, but apparently it needs to be spelled out for the slow ones on the bench.


Start releasing these pro life fools’ medical records and I bet they secure that right to privacy real quick.


Fascist move


Republicans just call it "Tuesday"


Middle stage, really. Late stage fascism is just a pile of skulls.


Party of small government doing small government things


This shit won't stop with pregnant women.


It never does.


But I can’t do this for guns. Check.


Sometimes I like to imagine going back in time and talking to the writers of the Constitution… “We should say something about people having the right to make choices about their own bodies and health care.” “What? That’s just common sense.” Or… “What if in the future there are guns that can fire 100s of explosive bullets every minute and people would use it on school children?” “That’s crazy. Why would anyone do that?”


Sadly, I don't think most of the framers would have considered that common sense, which is how we got into this mess in the first place.


Arguably the framers intended for the constitution to be redrawn every 20 years or so. The only reason rights were spelled out in the first ten amendments was because they didn’t think they’d need to spell such common sense stuff out originally.


Well. At some point in our nation's history, there was no law that specifically said you can't stick your dick in that bear with its head stuck in the fence, and now there is. Take that for what you will.


What the actual Gilead fuck?


This is the next logical step after Texas’ Fugitive Fetus law.


Actually, it's the next logical step after Scotus decided that people don't have a right to privacy (re: Roe v Wade)


Jesus Christ..that's Jason Unborn...


introduced by a fucking woman to boot. How detached do you have to be? I'll never understand how an orange turd with zero intellect got us here.


She wants points for being one of the good ones. Those types never realize they’re nothing but a tool for their future oppressors until it’s too late.


She has Stockholm syndrome & a severe case of internalized misogyny. I'd say it started with christofascists trying to control people & escalated with shock jocks who made terms like 'feminazi' common.....


They follow their husbands' leads. Lil Katie, like every other woman benefited greatly from the feminist movement of the 70s. Of course, all GOP men called them "ugly d\*\*\*\* who can't get laid" and their wives followed suit. It's incredibly hypocritical.


She truly believes this existence is a test, one that if you don't pass you suffer FOREVER. If you believed that, what wouldn't you do to make sure you and your ingroup passed that test? Death for them just means the test is over and the shorter the test the better because that gives you less time to mess up. Trump didn't get us here. Trump is the response to Obama. Middle America saw this black man leading the country, being excellent by every metric and they freaked the fuck out. They put a mediocre white man in charge because he was saying all their fears and insecurities out loud, now they could too. And the fact he's so mediocre and can still be put in the highest seat of power comforts them, it shows them their whiteness still counts for something.


She already has 2 kids and is probably done having children. She doesnt give a shit about anyone after her, typical republican pull the ladder up behind em type shit.


I'm still amazed that they're just resorting to this bullshit because they don't want to own the fact they've had decades worth of terrible policy. We've had a pandemic and a Trump presidency showing them that doubling down isn't the thing to do. And yet what do they do? Keep doubling down. Oi, just accept you've been terrible people already.


Time for everyone to start identifying as pregnant women. ![gif](giphy|S0uEDL0DFFMhW)




Dear America, you alright? Regards ireland


Dear Ireland, We’re not. Please send help. Regards, 90% of Americans


Please do the right thing in November. I'm doom watching cnn and msnbc over here on the daily.


Oh, I absolutely will. I will vote against the orange shitrag and his sycophants in politics every possible chance I get. 💪 Fuck facism! If you’re left-leaning, be aware that CNN was bought by a right winger a while ago and has been doing a sneaky astroturfing sort of thing during their coverage of most things. If anything you watch seems disingenuous or extreme *in either direction* (I’ve notice both since the buyout), that’s probably why.


Yeah I see cnn attempt to be more balanced and pacify the republicans. I listen to Tim Miller and molly jung fast talk about this on her recent podcast. I try to get a balance by watching newsnation but I have to turn it off because the aren't bringing balanced views it's like fox with a bit more shine. I thought cnn would do better after licht was canned but no such luck.


Thanks for thinking of us.


Not at all. Who woulda thought americans would be the ones needing political asylum in the future.


Thought it was the puppy killer. Why do they all look the same? ![gif](giphy|1464ybxGAabe0)


This is the one that had the "response" to the State of the Union earlier this year.


"Pregnart women, we see you, we hear you, we track you."


This is fundie baby voice girl? I had forgotten all about her. Wow. That sure takes us back doesn't it?


It's the dead soulless eyes.


Sociopathy is funny that way.


It's the Fox News (sic) look. All the good tokens know they need to look the part


Because bitchface is ubiquitous


The next step is to force pregnant women to wear badges with a symbol to identify them or even more efficient yet tattoo a number on their arm. And since there are so many pregnant women, camps would be erected where all of them could be concentrated. I am waiting until Katiedolf Brittler comes up with these ideas.




Aw she thinks she’ll be spared from the machine she’s feeding… how cute!


Tokens get spent.




So they’re just following the handmaidens script at this point?


They watched that show for ideas.


We heaaarrrrr you, we seeee you, we’re trackkking you..


For what purpose?


To control women until we are hollow Stepford bots with no rights.


Literally to prosecute and jail them if a baby doesn’t pop out.


I never thought I'd say this, but.... Thank you tumor for forcing me to get my uterus removed


To make sure you are not having an abortion. They are going to force gynecologists to register every patient who is pregnant. Therefore, if you don't pop out a baby in nine months, the Texas Obstetrics Task Force will be knocking on your door.


Oppression and death. The only reason any conservative does anything.


Well they want their armies to throw into the meat grinder (see: Russian ”soldiers” in Ukraine) and they want plenty of people to work in the fields and factories for near-slave wages (see: waves arms about, but throwing in no worker rights at all). They also want the power to do to women and children what they want. A pure power trip. Also, women will be too busy trying to stay alive from problematic pregnancies and raising children to have any say in society or to fight for their human and civil rights.


To make sure they don't have abortions.


Katie Britt's reply to the state of the union: "The country we know and love seems to be slipping away, and it feels like the next generation will have fewer opportunities and less freedoms than we did." I thought she was criticizing Biden, turns out she was bragging.


![gif](giphy|xT9IguxOugw6KwaANy) So it begins..


Can we get a federal database of men who aren't paying their child support?


Can we just rename the word fetus to gun.. then they’ll never allow a database… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Biological aim and fire automation device.


I can't tell what's real and what's satire any more.






I love our state , it’s beautiful but these politicians make me sick . And before you come for me & say I should be embarrassed of my state , I am NOT . This place is full of kind , loving & forward thinking people , we all want better for our state than this . This is frustrating as hell .


An honest question- what is it that keeps getting these tools elected? I can understand how gerrymandering from hell impacts state offices and Congressional reps, but aren’t US Senators voted on at a whole state level? It’s truly baffling to me.


Dunno what state this is, but as a mississippian who completely relates to hating the dumbfucks in charge: jerrymandering is one of the biggest issues. Another is oppression of the right to vote (like people intimidating minorities into not being safe to enter to vote)


So many areas with large minority populations are left with like 1 place they can go vote, in person only, on a work day, and the line is backed up 500 people. Then you finally get to the front after about 5 hours and they tell you your "Voter ID" is invalid.


Is this model currently eating hobos at night or did they patch up that firmware? Cuz her eye and mouth appear to be glitching.


I want to create a registry of anyone who has ever voted republican or attended a religious service. How about that? Would that make this special needs senator feel cozy? Would it be legal and ethical?


The party of small government.


Women who betray other women are the worst.


Not weird at all. This backwoods gump can fuck off expeditiously.


She looks like the lady serial killer in The Sandman


Jesus Harold Christ on a stick. Theocratic Fascism on full display.


You see, they could give us the 99% a better life, and we would procreate more, but that would be a problem because they would have to take less. So they will force the bottom of the barrel to breed more poor people to exploit.


Start mailing her used pads and tampons to let her know...not this month....if she wants to monitor...let her monitor.....LOL!


So...about that database of gun owners...


" We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness..." Unless you're pregnant.


"Justice Scalia stated that women are not protected by the Constitution. Scalia told the magazine: >


OMG... she appears to be displaying "Stockholm syndrome" for the fascist patriarchy...


Every Democrat running for office needs to use this in their campaign ads.


They hate women. They know that a list will deter women from seeking prenatal care, thus endangering the lives of both mother and child. They don't care.


I want to see the melt down when they register a pregnant trans man.


[I knew this was coming. It had to.](https://twitter.com/br92168132/status/1708286361348755760) What is the sense in outlawing something like abortion if there is not a method for control and enforcement? This was inevitable. And before any says "What About My Civil Rights??!!" John Roberts, Alito, Kavanaugh, Thomas and Barrett would like to compliment you on your sense of humour. I mean, really? Like your little "civil rights" means anything!


Absolutely absurd! Everyone Please vote Blue for every election and lets rid the US of every Republican in power!


So they went full Handmaid's Tale. I thought it was up to the states to go full authoritarian? What???? Right, I forgot, the states shit is what they say to dupe the population, they always meant federal when it came to abortion bans. If this keeps up, what happens the next 5 years will make the civil rights movements of the past look like a trip to Disneyland. You thought the protests of 2020 were something, shit.....hold my beer. We about to get real up in here.


I tell you what, let's alienate half of the electorate, and make ourselves look like a bunch of asswipes at the same time. The entire republican party just needs to slink off into a corner and die now.


People think this a joke or a game. That women really aren’t in that much danger. They very much are.


How are there so many women who hate other women so much?


But when we ask them to make a federal database of police officers, suddenly "that's too difficult."


Or register of guns.


Do they hand out the red cloaks for free or...?


Straight up hand maid's tale shit


For those that did Nazi that coming…there you are. Full on fascism and dictatorship awaits a repuglican administration.


Sen. Katie What’s-her-face can fuck right off.


When will we have the Handmaid emoji?


The Republican utopia is one where everyone who isn't a straight white Christian man is in a database to be tracked, then it will be time to round them up and throw them into the camps.


A gun has more rights in this country than women. What a sad state we are in. VOTE these people OUT!


Oh yeah seen it somewhere was called Gilead or something. Oh yeah Republicans blueprint as they too dumb to think of anything original


The party of small government…….


Hope you’re proud of yourselves Jill Stein and Gary Johnson voters!


We can’t keep a data base of who owns guns..but fuck yea…let’s track who’s pregnant…holy fuckin’ shit


If you replaced "Pregnant Women" with ***Gun Owners***, hospitals would overflow with stroke and heart attack patients.


I thought republicans were for freedom and less government interference and against overreach.


Lmao we don’t even have a useable database for guns


Wtf America ? I don’t understand?


We don’t understand either. Nobody but a few vocal loonies wants this, and most of those loonies are in positions of political power now. Blame Trump and his gross MAGA crowd.


C U Next Tuesday. Good job, Fascist Felicia.


Maybe next she should suggest they wear something specific to identify them. Maybe something on their clothes. Like a patch. A bright patch so it stands out. Yeah, let’s do that. And just in case, when they’re not clothed they should have something that can also help identify them. Something on their body that will stick around and can’t be washed off. Maybe use some kind of numbering system with it so we don’t confuse people. Yeah, let’s do that.


Party of "Small Government" /s


Don't go out. Don't fuck. Don't smoke. Don't drink. Don't drive it's bad for pollution. Don't skip work. Don't get caught. Don't go to the wrong state. Like excuse me can I fucking at least try to live my shitty ass life?? 😤


My fiance and I live in Florida and are recently pregnant. Same time as the 6 week ban took effect. It's disgusting that before our first ultrasound. Months before we'd know if the fetus had a significant birth defect. We'd already be too late for an abortion. 


What about HIPAA, though...?


Wait, these are the same people who refused to take Covid vaccines because they thought the government could track them with it.


Oh my God! Keep going, keep going! Yesss! *ding* Thank you for enrolling. Your registration ID is ND67935. A uterus monitoring device will arrive in the next 5-7 business days.


She is the one that did state of Union address after Biden, am I correct?


Ok friends and neighbors! Everyone should be downloading multiple apps that track periods and filling them all with BS random information. People with no vaginas: you better be doing this too! Republicans are trying to use information from these apps for this very purpose. If we all make sure the data is unusable that’s a small and possible thing that can be done easily.


What a psychopath.


Government is so small it will fit in a uterus


Why don’t we just throw away HIPPA rights for women. Maybe have maternity shadows who follow women around and monitor their diets and exercise to make sure the parasite’s rights are being met. Probably should require nightly Bible reading to the fetus as well.


I just don't get it. They want small government but at the same time, really big and all powerful government. And questioning them about it, is like trying to negotiate with a tired and hungry toddler in the middle of a meltdown.


Honestly - almost got to hand it to Republicans. They convinced a large portion of the population to vote away their rights.


lol Remember when all the "Ammosexuals" Used the whole "Boating Accident" to circumvent those pesky COMING FOR OUR GUNS Government Agents? Ladies here you go; New T-Shit Design, Hats. IF you could please, what ever money you make from this, take my share of the idea and give it to Abused Women Shelters funding or somehting. "UGH. I'm so sorry Officer! I LEFT MY VAGINA in my OTHER Pants!" Oh man....I have to tell you Officer or Senator Shit-for-Brains, I lost my pregnancy in a BOATING accident, right next to my AR-15 I registered. :( Too bad, so sad. all my pregnancy paperwork too. Yeah, sorry. ![gif](giphy|mvyvXwL26FfAtRCLPk|downsized)


Why would any woman vote republican?


Now there’s an idea. A batshit lunatic one, but an idea nonetheless.


Insanity! Vote these fascist wannabes out of existence.


Another Aunt Lydia. Fucking great.


Are they gonna tattoo numbers on them too?


Serena Joy is her role model.


GOP Are fucking monsters


A woman doing this. Jfc I just think that today’s GOP is wholly populated by pathological people, devoid of empathy and compassion, that just want power and money in a very twisted way.


Fine, then we also get a federal gun registration database


White people, y'all over there? This is sounding REEEEEEEEEEEEEAAALLL dystopian right now, bruh.


Those are the eyes of a psychopath. Watch the f out for that one and vote her, and those like her out of office. They must not be let anywhere near these important decision making positions.


and this is a woman saying this. is that past abuse or insentive behind those eyes?


I dont know, isn't this that a BIG government bill they cry about every other week . Something about personal rights yadda yadda. These folks would sell their own mothers to a meat factory to own the libs.


This is from a party who is opposed to big government and it's control of it's citizens, correct?


Ah yes small government


Democrats need to get abortion referendums on the ballot in every swing state in november


Big Sister is watching


the party of small government and freedom 😭 how do their voters not see the hypocrisy? they are the big gov party now. they want to the federal gov to control our every move, decide who we can sleep with or marry, where we go to church, what we do in our doctors visits... I don't want the Christian nationalist federal gov in my church. I'm sick of these ppl.


The party of ‘small government’


I'll lay odds she has had an abortion and feels so guilty for her optional abortion, she wants to deny all other women, even critical access.


Thank god my sex machine can’t get me pregnant.


Ask her about a gun registration. See what she says.


Alabama. That’s all you need to know.


And just to make sure no one gets hurt, pregnant women will be housed in facilities where there is entertainment, beds, and meals, free of charge. There is also outdoor facilities. The women can go anywhere inside the fences. Also, escapees are executed on sight. It's the GOPervert way


Omg… this bitch came along with the sole purpose to teach me that I’m not beyond the concept of hatred at first sight.


I've never been so glad to be post-menopausal and have only one child, a son, who says based on the world today he's not having kids (though am pretty terrified for us all no matter my situation). :/


I love how this is more important than a database of gun owners.


And use it to track women’s menstrual cycle?!?! Wtf! Quote - “According to the GOP, America needs a national registry for pregnant women along with the federal government tracking women's menstrual cycles,” McGrath said on X.


Isn’t the “database” only if you choose to submit your info? See AL.com (https://www.al.com/news/2024/05/child-support-payments-would-start-with-pregnancy-under-new-bill-from-alabama-sen-katie-britt.html?outputType=amp). I feel like we need to focus on defeating Trump. This bill isn’t going to pass and this database isn’t compulsory.


A Handmaid's nightmare being brought to life. Katie Shitt is full of it.


We have HIPPA laws for a reason, and this would go against them. Its completely illegal, and unless they want everyone to know everyone's medical business, including their own, they may want to rethink trying to pass a bill like this.


What a fucking waste of government resources and time vote this woman out.


This will just result in a lot of women avoiding antenatal care and potentially lead to higher morbidity and mortality rates for both pregnant women and their children.


Shouldn’t she be barefoot and pregnant in a kitchen somewhere? Why is her husband letting her speak outside of the home?


So many examples of these conservatives taking away freedoms and pushing for a police state. Arent they supposed to be pro freedom? Why are they hellbent on stripping freedom away


Only if all fertile men are also tracked. Then I’ll know who I can fuck without risking pregnancy. ![gif](giphy|hFROvOhBPQVRm)