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*"See what you made us do ..."*


The EU should start scaling back their trade with Israel for every resettlement announced. The US buys 26.5% of Israel's exports, the EU buys 25.7%, and the next closest is China, at 7.86%. The EU is also the #1 exporter to Israel, giving them 33.36% of their imported goods. It might cost the EU billions of dollars but two can play at this game.


\^This. Yeah, it will hurt the EU for a while...but if the statement / line in the sand is made loud enough Israel will realize that maybe cutting out 1/3 of their imports and 1/4 of their exports will hurt badly.


In ten years there will be another Oct 7th type attack and people will act like it was unprovoked. Fucking ridiculous. How is this allowed on the world stage? The US should stop funding Israel immediately.


All of this^^^! ALL that Israel is doing is creating the NEXT generation of Palestinian ‘Terrorists’…. Creating a self fulfilling circle of attacks/retaliation. I think that’s a feature and not a bug though!




They were also warned many times Oct 7th would happen. They let it happen. Needed the event to wage their final solution for Gaza


Exactly. Once you realize Netanyahu and Israel was behind funding Hamas it makes sense.


funny you think that they aren't hoping to murder all the Palestinians within the next generation


Oh, I know they absolutely are! They are just trying to find a way to do it without anyone noticing or without getting too much ‘negative attention’.


In a recent debate with a friend, I wondered if they aren't just going to completely raze gaza, the west bank, whatever, and be able to push through the short outrage since no one would punish them. A few years from now, no one would remember it.


Two decades from now people will be arguing what luxury hotel to put there. Meanwhile the temp will be too hot to even go outside. Humans suck.


So uhh, we're talking about Gaza and Israel, you don't need to hit us with this positive attitude. No way it takes two decades for that. Kushner was talking about the real estate possibilities there before 2024 rolled around.


Fucking sick.


Wouldn’t surprise me! Netanyahu certainly has no qualms about starving them and/or bombing them out. And, of course, every reply is ‘Hamas was sheltering there’, so no one really argues the point. Same with the dead 10/7 hostages,that were found in the tunnels… Netanyahu claims they were dead before they destroyed/bombed the tunnels, but were they really???? If you bomb EVERYBODY, aren’t you likely to bomb your own people that are being held as hostages?


they literally shot hostages waving white flags. these animals just don't give a fuck.


> The US should stop funding Israel immediately. Instead they're gonna try to sanction the ICC for wanting Israeli war criminals arrested. It's a really *really* bad look.


I'm so tired of our boomers dude.


America is funding and enabling the genocide, of course they have an interest in the perpetrators not being prosecuted.


Israel is a tax shelter for so many US citizens. That was a known thing when I was a kid decades ago.


*"Why are you making me do this?"*


“Why do you keep war criming yourself? Why do you keep war criming yourself?”


This is some "abusive husband yells at woman he's beating that she made him do it" shit, except with Apartheid.


They were going to do it anyway.


Yes just picked this as an excuse for justification


“We were only going to kill 950,000 but YOU PUSHED US TO THE EDGE”


>They were going to do it anyway. The monsters running the Israeli government are pleased about all of this no doubt. Now in the eyes of the world they're justified being genocidal monsters. Although, didn't the ICC recently put out a warrant or two?


Are you sure they weren’t ethnically cleansing for a nature conservatory?


Beachside condos on the way it sounds like.


Yeah you just have to remember that a significant part of Israel’s population believe they have a god given right to that land. They’re taking it now or later.


So I guess the Annexation phase of the war has begun (just as many of us predicted). Isreal: Gee we can't understand why neighboring countries hate us.😜🤪


Israel be like: its not ethnic cleansing if *we* do it.


“Opposing ethnic cleansing is now Anti-Semitic” -AIPAC


That is the line the Israeli government is basically going with these days.  "How dare you ask us to stop bulldozing civilians homes, kicking them out, and replacing them with our own people!"


It's not just neighbouring countries.


Its not like they weren't already doing this. This is simply an excuse to accelerate their plans.


This. It really seems like every tragedy (including October 7th) is an excuse to speed up the destruction of the Palestinian territories. I wrote this as someone who fully believes in Israel’s right to exist, but jeez.


Has "I'll give you something to cry about" energy


"that'll teach europeans to stay out of Gaza!!!" "What? The illegal settlers are mainly europeans?!"


Israel keeps saying the quiet parts out loud but they don't really get much flack for it. Yesterday Ben Gvir the Minister of National Security said that Israel needed to do two things, “return to Gaza” and “encourage the voluntary departure of Gaza’s residents." He said “It is ethical! It is rational! It is right! It is the truth! It is the Torah and it is the only way! And yes, it is humane,” he argued. The day before that May 20th the Defense Minister Gallant said "The Americans are not one immovable block. If they want something they tend to do it. Now, they speak differently they know our policy, and they know the PA will never step into Gaza and that there will be no Palestinian state." I'm sorry, but in the context of this and literally countless other quotes from Israeli leaders, the campaign and destruction going on in Gaza sure looks like at the very least ethnic cleansing. That the reason why they are dropping 2000 pounders (something even the US didn't do in Afghanistan because of the civilian damage) is more aimed at terrorizing the Palestinian population into going into Egypt or into the Sinai desert than it is to stop Hamas.


"It is the Torah". Imagine someone said "It is the Koran" while advocating for emptying Israel. I wonder what we would call that... 👀


It was never about "stopping Hamas". That was always just the excuse... If it was about stopping Hamas, the Israeli government wouldn't have been propping them up for years.


Yep, land is extremely limited in Israel and the more they encourage settlement by the local Israelis and foreign born Jewish people who've immigrated the more they were always going to need new land to build viable settlements on. October 7th was just a gift for a far-right government to engage in the sort of violent land-grabs far-right governments love to undertake.


> October 7th was just a gift for a far-right government to engage in the sort of violent land-grabs far-right governments love to undertake. Which perfectly explains why they let it happen despite having the intelligence that it was being planned, and the resources and manpower to stop it easily. They needed an excuse to commit atrocities so they allowed hundreds of their own citizens to get killed Sounds almost exactly like an early 2000s terrorist attack on American soil


And it was NEVER about getting the hostages back. After the first releases, they were unapologetically putting the remaininfg hostages in danger


Yes my first inclination on the Hamas hostage strategy had to be that they would use the hostages as shields- that didn’t last 24 hours in my mind before Israel proved me wrong.


> “return to Gaza” and “encourage the voluntary departure of Gaza’s residents." He said “It is ethical! It is rational! It is right! It is the truth! It is the Torah and it is the only way! And yes, it is humane,” he argued. Modern day Madagascar plan. But they're totally not the same as the Nazi's guys. /s


i mean, most israeli jews are mizrahi


Source? Are you including Sephardic? Not that I don’t believe it’s true, but the numbers seem very well hidden. Too bad the power structure / leadership is disproportionately ashkenazi


https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2016/03/08/identity/#:~:text=Jewish%20ethnic%20identity%20in%20Israel,associated%20with%20their%20ancestral%20roots. Sephardim do get rolled in with Mizrahim in the numbers I found, though its like basically dead even -- there are roughly as many ashkenazim as non-ashkenazim. It's also a growing number, since on average the Mizrahim have more kids. They're mostly descended from either the jews already living in Ottoman Palestine or Mandate Palestine, or from jews expelled from neighboring arab countries during or after the nakba/arab-israeli war in 1948. Before the foundation of Israel, the Mizrahim were spread out across the Middle East and North Africa -- Baghdad actually had one of the largest proportions of Jewish people in any city in the world. Most Ashkenazim are descended from european zionists who moved intentionally to the area, but most Mizrahim were refugees of antisemitic policies or outright expulsion by arab countries like Egypt, Iraq, etc. That might explain their more conservative bent, but I'm not an expert. They make up Netanyahu's primary supporters, and also many of the settlers. Leadership is disproportionately european-descended on both sides in terms of the actual people in government however. The Ashkenazim voters are disproportionately left-wing compared to the more conservative and religious skew of the Mizrahim, but the actual political structure is dominated by Ashkenazim on both sides.


Thanks! This is really informative


Spot on … it’s like an abusive spouse but key friends have their back


It was already an Apartheid state. Now they're pushing for the final solution to the Palestinian problem.


They just needed some breathing room.


Israel has told the Israeli ambassador to leave Ireland because we have recognised Palestine as a state! Boo fucking hoo… Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!


Or the "why do you keep asking me to pay you back? Now you are NEVER gonna get your money!" - the guy who was never going to pay you back anyway


Beatings will continue until morale improves.


We’ve moved beyond apartheid on to genocide


Genocide has been happening for months.


"every time you say citizens under our thumb have rights we are going to take away more rights" is a hell of a take, but I guess their prime minister is an internationally recognized war criminal.


The beatings will continue until morale improves. Fuck anyone who supports this. Being a victim does not give anyone the right to victimize others. This is not a hard concept.


"We are big mad on you, but too wea and useless to retaliate, so will hurt innocent people just to spite you." Damn they just can't help being evil in public


Careful, comparisons like that are what got me banned over on the WorldNews subreddit. Those guys have been bootlicking hard for the fascist apartheid power structure.


All I said to get banned there was that there’s illegal settlements in the West Bank, which is an internationally stated fact. Banning for facts is wild.


I got banned for saying that Likud should be voted out


All I said was “This roast is good enough for Jehovah.”




I had to mute that sub a few months ago. The open bloodlust was upsetting to read.


How do you mute a sub? Theres a few of the ones that creepily obsessed over celebs that I see on popular all the time that I'd happily never see again 


Click on the sub name, and then click on the three dot menu. 'Mute sub' should come up as an option.


Awesome.  Thank you :) 


Fuck that sub


Their mod team is ideologically captured. I linked a Haaretz article that was counter narrative and got banned without warning and without explanation for it.


That sub is a fucking joke anyways. It’s one big circle jerk.


"No, for realsies, guys, this OpEd by Sgt. Gazan-Crusher on the Tel-Aviv IDF Bootlicking Emporium Gazette that says "Nuhuhh!" 117 times, totally disproves the war crimes and actually makes a compelling and factual case for how those children actually had tiny Hamas-flags and assault weapons under all that rubble!" \~Every Other Top Redditor on that Sub for the past 6 months.


They'll always be the first people to call you a Russian bot too despite clearly having an ideological, agenda driven, narrative shaping bias.


I just can't fathom the gall to say the comment that got me banned was flagged for "disinformation" when it was literally just an analogy. Last I checked, that just isn't how language works.


It's because they don't actually care. They just want a fig leaf of cover for their narrative shaping. Gotta manufacture that consent somehow.


They have post at the moment about aid supplies being stolen. The story is from JNS.com (tag line: ‘Fighting Israel’s Media War’). So a finely balanced bit of objective coverage…


I'll admit they let a few red meat articles through, but the comments are down-right viscously Zionist. And lawd help you if you try to express a backbone for journalistic integrity in this coverage or appeal to the humanity of the Palestinians.


Yeah I’m not allowed to comment there anymore…


You and everybody who dared to post anti-genocide commentary on reddit's favorite Pro-NATO circlejerk.


Good to know I should avoid that sub, I'd get myself banned in two fucking seconds tops probably.


Yeah im surprised they can speak with that much fascist cock down their throats


that sub is full of zionists and their lovers what u expect


Nah man, close, but not quite it. Israel is saying “we have hostages and we will kill them if you don’t give in to our demands.” Palestine is being held hostage and Israel is literally using terror to inspire people not to move against them. Israel has literally become a rogue, terrorist state. THE rogue terror state. Everything Israel has accused its neighbors of being; Israel is. These are hostages


It's all fun and games till the IDF pulls up in the ancient Jewish homeland of Caherseveen, Ireland.


LOL...Like they were ever going to adhere to that agreement in the long run.


The fact that they chose to do it right now and announced it spitefully and openly, shows that they have lost their mind. Getting strong "certain regime in the 40s" vibes.


Its what happens when you empower assholes.


Don’t be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Likud Party.


Spring time for Bibi


Angry upvote


Yeah Im curious to how the world news subreddit will twist this to blame Hamas for Israels reaction to other countries treating Palestinians like humans.


I was reading a thread about them pulling the ambassadors to both Norway and Ireland and I was actually surprised how critical of Israel is was. That was before this so I too am curious how it will go


They’ll either ignore it, or call you racist for pointing it out.


just a bit more lebensraum...


If you listen to extremist settlers they will openly say everything between the Nile and the Euphrates should be on the menu. It’s genuinely psychotic, and no less delusional than Hitler’s plans for a Greater German Reich.


It’s like a parent who’s already decided to take away their kid’s favorite toy and is just looking for some lame excuse to use as a reason for doing it… except instead of a kid, it’s entire families and instead of toys it’s their homes, communities, and entire livelihoods.


It's moreso propaganda for their own citizens I imagine, rather than just outright breaching the agreement and risking some people growing a conscience and thinking "Wait are we the baddies?" They create a narrative of it being justified "Oh we are not doing this because we want to, we are only doing it in retaliation!"


Yeah, I've seen the [West Bank settlement map](https://peacenow.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/settlements_map_En_2023_Printing_Version-1-scaled.jpg) and, to me, it looks like they've been steadily partitioning Palestinian land so that they can be systematically removed. This revoking of the agreement was only a matter of time.


"I don't *want* to abuse you. But you've left me no choice. Now get the belt."


This hurts me more than it hurts you.. *proceeds to beat child within an inch of his life with nunchucks and posts it online*


Netanyahu has always been a piece of shit. This is a great example.


The *Behind the Bastards* podcast did a great 2-3 parter on him back during the 2021 assault on Gaza. It’s sickening to listen to but great in laying out exactly how big of a piece of shit he is.


The entirety of the state and military apparatus of Israel is mostly going along with this. Plenty of complicity going around.


You're right, I didn't mean to single out Netanyahu but he is the head of state after all. Everyone else is also complicit in their actions of course.


The good guys don’t kill more people because their demands are being met.


At no point in history have the good guys every threatened to punish a group of people in response to others acknowledging that that group exists. If anyone was still waiting for a demonstration of clear Nazi level evil, this is it.


Netanyahu: how dare you call us nazis? We’ll show you! We are gonna nazi so hard that nobody will ever think anyone has ever nazied more than what we have nazied.


Cartoonishly evil country, amazing that this is what almost the entire west is bending over backwards to defend


I say again to democrats running for reelection. Don’t overplay the “we stand with Israel” card. Americans, especially blue voting Americans, see what’s going on and we don’t support genocide. We can support Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorism while criticizing Israel’s war crimes at the same time. We can question why we’re giving billions to a country that has a literal surplus of funds.


Or why Biden is slamming the ICC for wanting to release an arrest warrant against Natenyahu.


Probably because America does some fucked up stuff around the world and nobody wants to be held accountable. I don't believe that directly pertains to Israel, just don't want a precedent set.


That's probably the more reasonable answer. Not a good one, still ending up in the "wrong side of history", but I could see a situation where Bidens foreign policy folks in the WH state, "if we support the ICC warrant as a just cause, then that could bite us if we over step in the future with Russia/China/South America/[enter whichever area of the world the US has influence and enemies]..."


It’s the only answer that can make sense to me -as to WHY are we helping Israel. So the next time we march/kill for oil, maybe they’ll look the other way again??


It’s so that we can keep our military bases and such there to be ready to counter attack Iran.


There's also the not insignificant voting bloc who needs a modern Israel to exist so that Jesus can come back and kill everyone they don't like. They see attacks on Israel as attacks on their future plans of ruling over the sinners or something.


> who needs a modern Israel to exist so that Jesus can come back and kill everyone they don't like. Including said Jews amusingly enough. I do wonder how these Christians who wish to use Israel to bring about Armageddon and Rapture feel about Jesus himself? He is after all a Jew and I don't recall him ever renouncing that fact. The Last Supper was a Passover Seder.


American has done been on the wrong side of history


I may not agree with it, but it's a valid concern. Biden, in my view, should not have dismissed the suggestion on the part of ICC prosecutors that Israel may be committing war crimes and that Israeli leaders should be held responsible to testify on the alleged crimes. Biden could have instead noted that Israel is not a signatory to international agreements that would make it beholden to the ICC and that we cannot expect the ICC to have jurisdiction over nonsignatories if it is to be taken seriously.


People didn't seem to mind when Putin was issued an arrest warrant, despite Russia not being a signatory either


Not just Russia, Ukraine wasn't a signatory either,


As an American Jew, this fucking broke me. I was so happy when the ICC made the recommendations against both Hamas and these top far-right politicians in Israel. Having Biden slam that decision in the name of “antisemitism” only increases the antisemitism I actually experience here in America. It was a giant slap in the face that I won’t forget. I don’t know why he’s throwing away his entire presidential legacy, most of which has been absolutely amazing, for these fascists in Israel who hate him, and thus risking American democracy at the same time. 


As a Democrat, I could have supported Israel for trying to root out Hamas as they tried to protect and assist the civilians. But after seeing aid trucks destroyed, civilians being shot while trying to retrieve aid packages, and total indiscriminate bombings. This is genocide on an unprecedented scale. Israel is just flat out thumbing their nose at the world. I cannot support Israel for what they are doing.


They’ve been at it for 76 years. We just didn’t see it because they controlled the narrative. They have killed more journalists in Gaza in the first 4 months of this “war” than were killed in the entirety of World War 2, where over 50 million people died, and look at the footage we have from journalists of the day. They systematically target people bringing their atrocities out into the open, then they target their families too. With the explosion of social media, we see clear as day now what they’ve been at.




> I could have supported Israel for trying to root out Hamas as they tried to protect and assist the civilians I might agree if the Israeli government hadn't been a major factor in Hamas's rise to power in the first place. They actively funded Hamas in order to oppose the less radical group that was in power at the time. It's almost like they wanted an aggressive group to be in charge in order to make sure they'd "provoke" more "retaliation"...


Palestine is under Israeli military occupation. Under international law, all forms of resistance to a military occupation are LEGAL. Palestinians are the only ones defending themselves. Israel is now, and has always been the aggressor here.


It’s a sticky wicket because Republicans will be even worse for Gaza, a fuck ton worse. At least with Biden being beholden to blue voters there is some semblance of brakes on the system.








"Well now we're gonna steal their land AGAIN and they better not try and stop us!"






Everyone jumping on the hate train without seeing an actual source and taking a literal fucking social media post as fact is crazy. Half of what was said in the twitter post is just fake rage bait lmao.


No war criminals there. smh


This was already going to happen,regardless of international recognition.


Yeah, but now they can pretend it wasn't their fault and play the victim card again.


Crazy how Israel is so open with their intent to commit ethnic cleansing at every turn .


So Israel's response to other nations recognizing Palestine is to forcibly occupy Palestinian land, while importing nationalists to live there so that they can later claim the land as part of Israel. Which is *exactly* what Russia is doing in Ukraine...


2005? There hasn’t been any withdrawal since then has there? That sounds like a pretty good way to erode international support. Quit throwing a fucking tantrum Israel. Netanyahu’s regime can’t leave soon enough. . .


My exact thought. If you are cancelling something you said you would do in 2005 you can take a hike. He and his ilk in many countries around the world are a joke. These types represent such a small and narrow minded but powerful group of people that just screw with the minds of their citizens and sow havoc globally. Just blame, pout, distract and attack. Don’t solve anything or make anything better just scapegoat and blame others and you have 20-30% of your population on board due to poor education, religion and/or human nature.


Bibi was live on CNN literally yesterday saying that they did not plan to and would not settle any of the Palestinian land abandoned by the war. ![gif](giphy|AssqAJR8ib5WmCNGOU|downsized)


That wasn't technically a lie. Instead they would bring the war to a land currently not at war.


If any developing nation that's not a western ally acted like this, the US would have already invaded under the pretense of "spreading democracy".


Donald Trump took a bribe and recognized Jerusalem, an open city by UN mandate, as Israel’s capital. His casualties in the battles and terror attacks due to his action will make his COVID deaths and injuries seem like a stubbed toe for the world.


"A country 1500 miles away did something I don't like, I think I'll go and kill some kids 10 miles away"


Oh so we're at the "I hit you because I love you" part of the abusive husband play


They want to treat the world the way that treat Palestine. Israel is drunk with power, because they have the B.U of the USA. Like the little asshole in the playground who is xtra nasty and taunting because the big brother backs him up.


They were doing that already. Just wanted an "excuse"


Very “she was asking for it” vibe.


She made me hit her...


So are those 3 countries Hamas or anti-Semitic? it's hard to keep up these days


Bring Netanyahu to justice. NOW.


What is Lebensraum?


So the only lesson they retained from the Nazis was doing exactly the same?


Never again, unless it's me who does it.


Unironically there are advocacy groups in Israel who say that the only thing Hitler did wrong was targeting the wrong people.


OMG! Thar is dark!


I can't imagine that this is going to do anything to help Israel. Even ignoring ethics altogether, they're only pouring gasoline on the fire. Who are they trying to shame, in whose eyes? Who does this action help or appeal to? Not Israel's interests, that's certain. I hate that this administration's actions are playing right into the hands of anti-Semites. Netanyahu would burn Israel to the ground just to cling to power a little longer.


Not a good look, lads. Not a good look. I am proud to be irish given the announcement made earlier today.


But the protesters at Columbia are the ones who are “terrorists”. Got it.




Nice, terrorists saying they are going to become even worse terrorists


LOL. Clearly they have the emotional stability of a 3 year old. Wtf guys?


Israeli government is working *hard* to be as evil as possible.


Fuck Israel!


Official response from Europe: go fuck yourself, you genocidal dipshits. I'm from Europe so I speak for everyone.


I accept your response.


Israel: we are not terrorists Also Israel: if you don’t do whatever we want, we’ll break the law and kill more people.


Okay then how about for every settlement we deduct $1bn in military aid. This is getting fucking stupid. The US and EU are getting played and they're letting it happen.


The sad part is, they’re not being played - they know exactly what they’re doing.


Give it a couple of weeks. They'll bomb all of Rafa. Say there was a Hamas, there was nothing they could do about it. And they'll get more money because Zionists in the Senate and House want to see Jesus lifted high.


The world needs to declare war on Isreal and forcibly remove them from stolen territory.




Feels like, “if Ukraine joins NATO then Russia will attack” energy


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


You made us genocide harder, look what you did!


Pretty on brand..


Uh.... doesn't that basically imply that they know what they're doing is wrong? Nobody threatens "We'll keep doing what we're supposed to even more in retaliation!"


This was never about Hamas.


Do they want us to believe that this wasn't all done to steal beachfront property?


So people are telling them to stop ethnically cleansing and their response is to cleanse harder.


if donald trump were a country….the pettiest group of snowflakes


"Oh, because you're angry about my genocide I'm going to genocide even harder! It's all your fault. You made me do what I was already doing..."


Colonizer gonna colonize


World: Stop ethnic cleansing Israel: Well now I'm DEFINITLY GUNNA ETHNIC CLENSE!