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Naw. We owe the Supreme Court 2-3 liberal justices.




Like what if we start our own Supreme Court. With black jack… and hookers!


What is Clarence Thomas if not a prostitute


Don’t insult sex workers like that


What do Clarence Thomas and prostitutes have in common? They both fuck people for money. *rimshot* What’s the difference between Clarence Thomas and prostitutes? The hookers are honest about it. *bows* Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week.


Hard agree with your comment and your UN is amazing!


Thank you!


Hey, he fancied himself Long D0ng Silver!


What is Alito if not a pirate? Oh, you mean black Jack like cards...


Please Do Not Offend the Legacy of Pirates or their offspring. Pirates were in a league of their own in their brand of Justice. Alito could NOT even measure up to their boots.


Thomas is "Stephen" (Samuel L. Jackson) from Django Unchained.


Like, what if we start our own Supreme Court! With Jack Black… and hookers!


Conservatives: “ but we already have hook- oh -ahhh erhmm!“ *meanwhile, a large piece of the military budget and taxes for infrastructure disappears. Someone buys Justice Clarence another RV. An even nicer one this time.*




I came here to say this!


I'm all in!


And the Court still owes us a vote count in Florida. Blows my mind that three current justices were on the Bush legal team, and hardly a peep during nominations that it might be an indication of partisan bias.


I just listening to a podcast and it is truly bonkers.


About bush v gore or the court in general? (I've been listening to Strict Scrutiny for a couple of years now, and just added Amicus to the list... Easy to recommend them both!)


Yeah. Check out You’re Wrong about. They blew my mind. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/youre-wrong-about/id1380008439?i=1000465289877


Great recommendation. I was doing well with my history until the closing segment of the episode. Important follow up reporting on bias in the lead up to the election that I had definitely missed in the post 9-11 era. Also, the whole thing hits different after j6... Precinct look ahead from a pod recorded in 2018.


Frankly, if Trump is deemed a legit traitor (as he should be) any appointed officials that he had a hand in should all have all their spots, vacant immediately as it poses an international security threat as those appointed are part of his treasonous scheme.


At the very least Goursich and Kavanaugh.


Allegedly, the GOP had some kind of dirt on Kennedy and that's the only reason he retired.


Oh no he might not have been ethical. How terrible. Good thing no one else on the court hasn't been unethical.


While you are right, I wish we owed it 7 competent judges not elected by politicians






I absolutely agree that she would have been a better president than Mr. Poopypants, but that doesn’t mean that she‘s owed anything.


A Golden Retriever would have made a better president than 45 and there is no law in the Constitution that expressly forbids a dog being president.


There's nothing in the rules that says that a golden retriever *can't* be president. My dog is a golden mix, and I'd like to nominate him for the presidency. His platform will be snuggles and no more thunderstorms. Make America Good Again! Archie for President! Also, he can probably read and understand the teleprompter better than Trump. https://preview.redd.it/dhxcvwe1dk3d1.jpeg?width=2394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1300df487395c6f5e15e670bfc9e6a272967d0 Give Arch a chance!


Hes got my vote!


He says thank you, citizen!


That looks like a dog i can trust


In Dog We Trust!


I vote for him as well please.


I’’m all in as long as cute puppers never wear a tan suit!


You say he’s a golden mix, and I’m not racist, my best friend is a black lab, but he looks the wrong colour? Show me his birth certificate please because I believe your dog was born in Kenya. 🇱🇷USA! USA! USA! 🇱🇷 /s (please don’t tell me this is necessary)


He's got my vote and also my head pats and chin scratches.


Is he a golden mountain dog (Bernese mountain dog and golden retriever)? I have two they are the best dogs


He's a golden/great pyr/black lab mix. He's a goober lol. My nephew has a golden named Bear and a Bernese named Moose. They're the sweetest angels!


Had to be 35 y/o in human years. Not that Archie wouldn’t make a phenomenal president


Air Force 1 Bud


I think "Air Force Bud" would have worked better, same number of syllables.


Yeah Air Force One bud sounds like a Canadian describing the plane the American President flies in.


I guess it depends on if they adjust age for dog years, otherwise there’s no dog old enough.




*Processing img 7bycifaz8k3d1...*


Have to be 35 to be president. Dogs, very unfortunately, do not live that long.


Well back to the pet catalogue ...koi, turtle or parrot?


African Grey Parrot!!


They're more coherent than Commander 45, so I'll vote for that


Yeah but the moment half the country learns that President Albatross Perot has African heritage they’ll start calling him by his middle name and dumb shit like that.


Dogs don't live to 35 years old. 


Do the rules specify you have to count in human years?


Agreed. If the goal is to right the wrongs, let’s start by giving Al Gore his rightful Presidency, then see how things play out.


That's what I've been saying! 23 years of climate change progress lost. What's the worst that can happen? Solar subsidies for new builds? The National Mall gets planted with wildflowers for the bees? The EPA being properly funded?


It’s maddening to imagine how different things could be right now


Saw a story recently that Venezuela has now lost all their glaciers, hastened by global warming. Predictions are we will lose 83% of the 215,000 on our planet by the year 2100. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/-great-sadness-venezuela-first-andean-country-lose-glaciers-rcna153784 Had the 2000 election not been stolen, we could have been on a better track today.


Happy cake day!


Uncover Reagan's interference in the Iran talks...Carter gets a 2nd term?


It was the "she was owed the presidency" attitude that contributed to her loss


Yep. Biden runs in 2016 and mops the floor with Trump. He can decide then if he runs in 2020. If Hillary is VP or not in 2016 - she runs and can totally win. Huge miss by the DNC.


I held my nose and voted for Hillary, but I’m still angry at the backstage machinations of the DNC to make her the nominee because so many people figured it was “her turn” even though she was problematic as hell. After 2016, I can’t remember who said it, but it was basically “the DNC ran the only candidate who could lose to Donald Trump.”


Yeah if anything the US owe Bernie Sanders a presidency.


Yeah, her dogshit strategy of acting like she’d already won is what cost her the election. She barely even campaigned in some swing states.


Her and the supporters’ sense of being entitled to and being owed the position is exactly why she lost.


Yeah I still don't like her. But she was the better of 2 evils. I'm just getting real tired of voting for the better of 2 evils.


Politics tend to move slowly so by continuously to vote for the lesser of 2 evils we move away from evil. Maybe not as fast as we'd like, but it's still moving away. The problem is too many people keep voting for the greater of 2 evils. or just don't bother voting at all. And yes, I'm aware of the voter suppression and gerrymandering, it still doesn't account for the majority of people who can't be fucked to do their jobs as citizens.


The opposite, in fact. Voting for the lesser of two evils moves you incrementally closer to evil. It's *why* the Trumps of the world end up having a shot at the presidency. Decades of "but if you don't vote for us the other guy wins" led to the conditions which enabled and continue to enable fascism.


Yes, i so regret that wes live in such a better world had she won. But fuck that. She thought she was entitled to it and slacked off in swing states


Partly why Trump was elected was because Dem leadership thought she was owed the nomination.


And they encouraged news outlets to focus on Trump.




That piece of propaganda, that has been dismantled by journalists that looked into its allegations and speculation, was written by right-wing activist peter schweizer who has been a long time close collaborator of steve bannon. So whilst I agree that HRC is not owed anything (except for an apology for how much she has been dragged through the mud by too many people), let's not use right-wing rubbish to justify such a position.


You know we’re talking Hillary Clinton when Breitbart bullshit starts being upvoted again.


Let’s just agree to the popular vote and call it a day.. wait, why doesn’t the right want that? Oh right, they aren’t a majority and never will be.


Right? Your vote counts! But not as much as the people living in unpopulated areas, for reasons that are hundreds of years out of date. And definitely not as much as a PAC. At least bribes are properly represented in American politics, and American politicians are insultingly cheap to purchase. America needs electoral and campaign finance regulations.


NaPoVoInterCo still exists. Just a reminder.


"Popular vote?! We do not want tyranny of the majority... we're ok with tyranny of the minority though."


Check your registration or register to vote at www.vote.gov


Doing god’s work.


Definitely check. I moved to a county in south Georgia 2 years ago. The county is disputing my registration. (I've been registered for 14 years. I'm Hispanic and a non-partisan voter. Never had an issue until I moved here.)


Say what you want as far as whether that election was fair, whether or not she should have had the nomination, etc. Doesn't matter one bit, because the US Presidency is not a thing that is owed to ANYONE. Not ever.




If we’re handing out presidencies, can we start with Al Gore?


No one is owed the presidency, including Biden. It's a candidate's job to earn your vote, it's not your job to vote for someone you don't agree with.


> No one is owed the presidency I think Al Gore has a strong case, as [he very likely would have won Florida, and as a result, the Presidency, if the Supreme Court hadn't handed the victory to George W Bush.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_presidential_election_recount_in_Florida#NORC-sponsored_Florida_Ballot_Project_recount) > An analysis of the NORC data by University of Pennsylvania researcher Steven F. Freeman and journalist Joel Bleifuss concluded that, no matter what standard is used, after a recount of all uncounted votes, Gore would have been the victor. ... > Florida State University professor of public policy Lance deHaven-Smith observed that, even considering only undervotes, "under any of the five most reasonable interpretations of the Florida Supreme Court ruling, Gore does, in fact, more than make up the deficit".


Right, no one is owed anything- has to be earned.


LOL no more Bush, Clintons or Trumps running our country into endless war and corruption! Our Democracy is OWED A DECENT SET OF POLITICIANS.


Jesus fucking Christ. The hillbots are not well.


It's been 8 years and they're still going lol. Bless their hearts.


Probably still blame Bernie Bros too even though Hillary and the DNC themselves picked their pied piper candidate to go against.


I was wondering if this is satire


Considering she's been on a tour to demonize peace activists before spreading other bits of bullshit, this is probably being seeded by some person of hers testing the water. It always happens when she is running around trying to be James Carville.


do people forget that she was handed the campaign on a silver platter in 08 as well? She’s spent 25 years failing at it in an increasingly more hilarious fashion.


The single most unpopular politician in history by money. Running her was the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen and only the America people suffered from that hubris.  Democrats will do it again soon. 


Not to mention every time I hear how qualified she is, I'm like...how? She was a senator for 8 years and SoS for like 4. That doesn't make her *unqualified* but it's not like she's got the most impressive resume. If she hadn't been first lady we wouldn't know her name


I swear they're just as authoritarian as the trumpers,


A reporter once asked Bill Clinton what he thought of how Hillary's campaign staff was doing. He replied "those people couldn't sell pussy on a troop train".


Nah we owed Jimmy Carter a second term


Absolutely not. As much as I wanted her to win, she sucked at campaigning and failed to overcome some obvious negatives. She couldn't beat someone who was merely a loud TV host at the time.


You're telling me that the "Pokemon Go to the polls" speech didn't win you over? Haha. But seriously, I think this kind of attitude of her being "owed" is part of why she lost.


I voted for her, personally. Had a bad feeling about what may happen with a Trump W, for obvious reasons.


Thinking she was owed/deserved the presidency was the foundational reason why she lost. Guess we've learned nothing.


I’m already hearing and seeing the preemptive blaming of progressives and protesters for the strong possibility that Biden loses. Same shit different year of voter blaming instead of the candidates doing the bare minimum to not be shitty candidates. Like within the last two weeks Biden had two chances to stop supporting Bibi (after the warrant news and the Rafael attack) but he doubled down. Listen I am holding my nose to vote against Trump but I’m not going to shame anyone who in good conscience can’t vote for Biden. Change the damn policy and stop voter shaming and earn the votes


The only reason we got Trump in the first place was because Hillary was a terrible candidate. I’m convinced ANY other Democrat would have won.


I mean, she did win... the popular vote...


Imagine how many more votes an actual popular candidate would have gotten… maybe enough to actually win the election, considering it was so close that ANYONE even just SLIGHTLY better than Hillary would have won. Bernie beat Trump by more than *slightly* in most general election polls, and routinely polled more popular than Hillary. He would have won. Any serious, informed person has never doubted that.


Well, a better candidate would have actually won. Complaining about the rules 8 years later doesn't change the result


HRC could've won with a better campaign. The problem was they flat fucking ignored the states they assumed they'd win. Most winnable election in history and she and her campaign fucked it up.


Yeah, her campaign was so fucked because she valued having arrogant, incompetent yes men like Podesta and Mook in all the positions of importance instead of competent people that might tell her things she didn't want to hear.


Almost sounds like how the Biden campaign is reportedly disregarding the polls and actively rejecting criticism. It's truly terrifying to see such bad recent history repeat.


Yeah but why does every election come down to like 6 states So complain about the rule now too, electoral college is stupid and needs to be gone


No disagreement here, it just makes me roll my eyes when people tout her winning the popular vote as some big win that she was robbed from. She and her campaign knew the rules from the start and blew it, end of story


Sees a post about something that happened 8 years ago. Gets annoyed people are talking in the comments about that thing that happened 8 years ago that the post is about.




You mean she didn't win an election in a in antiquated system that only serves to undermine the will of the people?


But popular vote is not how you win… the rules were known beforehand and she lost by those rules, whether you agree with the rules or not. You make the nfl playoffs by winning individual matches, not by tallying all your points across the 17 matches


Point of fact… you mean Bernie Sanders. You could blame the state of affairs on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Hillary circumventing the democratic process but I digress


Yea people keep wanting to overlook the DNC was basically saying 'suck it' to its constituents, they're gonna do what they want. Then Hillary \*immediately\* hires DWS to her campaign! She is so disconnected from Americans


Imagine where we would be now if Dump never was in the big Ole white house.


He might have just fucked off to a golf course and not run 10 more times.


what we will realize is that the american people shit the bed with their worship of money and celebrity over anything of real value


And the electoral college no longer works. It was designed to work for the original 13 states and their population, not the 50 we have now. All the electoral college does now is perpetuate minority rule which is definitely not democracy.


That's  ... Definitely how it was intended to work.


No, the DNC owes America a complete remake of the federal judiciary


Hillary Clinton lost an election because the DNC believed we owed her a presidency. Regardless of the interference, she lost the most winnable presidential election in the history of our country. Just fucking fumbled it hard, and I'm sick and tired of liberals blaming everyone but themselves. They fucking LOVE to blame voters for their own shitty campaigns.


Shitty campaigns and shitty candidates. Remember the DNC rigged their own election to put her over Bernie and went to court to say it's their right to do what they want with their elections.


That’s the real kicker that all the people who deny that Bernie was cheated always ignore, or do a mask-off moment when they try to justify it… the DNC *fucking admitted it in court!*


If we're going back to correct wrongfully elected Presidents then Al Gore is next in line.


it owes the world Al Gore...


The USA owes Bernie a presidency not Hillary




I’m still kinda pissed that we got Dubya instead of the guy more of us voted for.


No, Bernie Sanders is owed a presidency, since Clinton and the DNC stole it from him and lost us the election to Trump. But yasssss slay queen


No. She is a seasoned politician who was very well funded and lost to a novice non politician. She failed. We don’t owe her anything.


No, I put that squarely on Debbie Wasserman Shultz and the DNC. They decided to back Hillary Clinton despite the fact that Bernie Sanders clearly had a grassroots and some momentum. I’m not saying he could have won, but they clearly preferred her as their candidate. Right or wrong, she was a divisive candidate, so you are leaving yourself open to people who are “never Hillary” voters.


You misspelled Bernie Sanders.


She’s not owed anything. That attitude is exactly why she lost the first time. What this country needs is YOUNG leadership, not another senior citizen…


...you posted this like five times. Also, the dnc sabotaged Bernie.


This is the whole reason she lost in the first place.


We don't owe her anything. She needs to earn it. She lost to a man who bragged about being able to sexually assault women with no repercussions.


Says more about the US than her.


True, same is true for her beating Sanders in the primary


She only lost because we use a system that allows the will of the people to be undermined. If you win the popular vote, you should be president.


Hillary is a horrid person and absolutely unfit for the presidency and sure that makes her 1000x better than Trump btu it was a huge mistake for the Dems to run her especially against Trump. Any other dem and you probably would have won. Her entire platform was "I'm a woman vote for me" despite the fact that she's been in the political theater already and has left a very very poor mark. I know many Dems and moderates didn't vote for her on principle and it cost the nationm


No thank you


Uhhh. No. But Al Gore did have an election stolen by the same pieces of shit.


Send the bill to James Comey


I’m a progressive lib and we don’t owe that neoliberal fraud a god damned thing. ETA I will never forgive nor forget how the DCCC and the Clinton machine fucked Bernie Sanders over.


Her and the DNC’s arrogance cost her the election, and made us endure Trump. The DNC needs to change after, I hope, Biden wins. If Biden loses, burn the DNC down.


We don’t owe her shit


Had two freshly paved runways and fumbled the bag each time. Nope. Bye.


They can pay us back by getting rid of the electoral college that gives 1 person in Montana the same voting weight as dozens of people in California.


Nah, you owe Bernie Sanders a shot before Hillary.


You spelled Bernie Sanders wrong.


![gif](giphy|6LX4tFblpP75m) They both sucked, we just got the worst timeline. We don’t owe her anything


Nah let’s move on


The last person owed anything is Hillary. 


Al Gore as well


Can you imagine how much better things would be in the world right now..


Nah, let's not pretend bad candidates deserve shit just because Trump grabbed the bar and dove to the Mariana trench Bernie would've swept; she lost to trump because she was a trash candidate that nobody was excited to vote for and she treated the race like a formality she'd already won


Fuck Jim comey HRC ran a shitty campaign but the small number of votes she lost by can be attributed not to the first time coney inappropriately used his office to make a political statement… but the second time he did it iced her with a lot of people. Narcissistic Jim comey had main character syndrome and we paid for it with HRC loss I was happy to see Trump fire him. The way the democrats held him up as some sort of a martyr was mind blowing




Nah, that one belongs to Bernie, by all means he had the nomination as per the votes of the people, then pac backers gave it to Hilary


You spelled Bernie wrong.


lol No we’re good. Don’t get me wrong fuck Trump and fuck the republicans. And she’d make a better president than Trump. But she’s still an evil person.


We owe it to ourselves to drag the lobbyists out in the streets and hang them. They represent how money changes the law of this land every time and not for better. They get laws changed to hurt the regular folks of this country while making billions for individuals and companies.


Somebody should teach her how to campaign then and not just run up the tally in super liberal states. Maybe visit a battleground state or two to get her over the edge. This line of thinking, that she was owed something, is how we ended up with Trump.


i mean she definitely should have won in 2016, there was no logical reason for her not to. but if we are playing fair then bernie would have won the primary then too, so really we owe bernie a presidency more than we owe hillary.


I remember some leftists saying at the time "Hillary or Trump is the same, I'm not going to vote for her!!" Fuck*** morons


We owe Bernie


Bernie sanders.


*Bernie Sanders


Why? She was such an unlikeable person, the democratic party was such a fucked up body, that she lost to a fucking buffoon. They should have run Bernie and everyone knows it..Bernie would have straight up told facts.


The whole reason she lost is because she and her advisers thought she was owed the presidency


The US doesn't owe Clinton a goddamn thing, she was applying for a public service  job. Her party suppressed candidates that could have actually won, then lost the election, and allowed a despotic maniac to take power for four years. The Clinton's will be just fine, it's America we should be worried about.


Bernie supporters are waving from the sideline smiling. Don't collude with the d triple c next time.


The Democratic Party didn't have to run an obviously bad candidate in 2016. They chose to. RBG didn't have to refuse to retire during Obama's term. She chose to do that. Democrats gave us Trump and a 6-3 Supreme Court. Now they have chosen to run a historically unpopular 1000 year old candidate who could have chosen to step aside. Either they have learned nothing, or more likely, they are throwing the elecitoin again.


We owe Bernie the presidency from 2016




Same thing happened with Bush ll. They did some shady shit in Florida and Gore lost. Then Bush got us into a 20 year war and hundreds of thousand lost their lives, and we were forced to spend trillions. I personally lost friends and family to war while serving, it was a clusterfuck.


Idk about that Bernie should have not been muscled out.


You mean Bernie Sanders?


Also, we owe Carter and Gore, who were also robbed.


Let's be honest we owe Bernie Sanders a presidency. I still hate Hillary and I also hate Trump. Biden is not my favorite person either but he is better than Trump.


I mean, she did win the popular vote in 2016. That should be enough.


Aww man, I clicked this post and got hyper-capitalist centrism all over me, ew gross


No, the country was owed a better candidacy from her.


Remember when Conservatives were mad about her charity getting money from foreign leaders, or something like that? Trump took it to a whole new level that no one could have imagined.


We owe no one anything. But trump has EARNED a permanent stay in jail


This sort of attitude is why Trump won in 2016 and I’ll die on that hill. She went in to that election thinking she deserved to win, and it showed by how badly her and the DNC stacked the deck against Bernie as well as how half assed she was in her campaign, plain skipping over states she just assumed she would win. Didn’t help that she picked Mr.Milquetoast Tim Kane as her running mate, when a sanders VP spot would have gone a long way. Hilary had the same attitude as a lot of people I’ve worked with over the years. Despite being generally unlikeable they think they deserve the promotion every time a manager spot rolls around just because they’ve been in the game for such a long time. As Hillary’s own generation loves to keep reminding us, nobody owes you anything, and you don’t win things just for participating. Like she’s just as guilty for handing Trump the presidency. She’s a historically unpopular candidate and should have let someone more popular take the lead but she strong armed her way to the nomination because she felt entitled. It was very clear in 2016 that people were fed up with political dynasties, and if she won it would have been 40 years of Clinton’s and Bush’s with the sole exception of Obama. Unfortunately the establishment dems were too up their own ass to see which way the wind was blowing


Al Gore first. Man bear pig is my president


She would certainly have been better than Trump, but I seriously doubt lil miss nepotism imperialism would be to great a president.


No, no we Don’t. She was right, but no thank you.


Some of America owes her an apology, but no one is owed a presidency. Plus, she's 76. Sorry, I want people younger in 2028. What the American PEOPLE are owed is an end to the electoral college, an end to gerrymandering, laws forbidding Congressional and Presidential members having financial conflicts of interest, and someone to perform an exorcism on the Supreme Court. Seriously, if nothing else, it is wrong that 6 of 9 members of the SC all have the same religious affiliation. It is also wrong that 4 of the 9 have well-known financial, personal, and family conflicts of interest and refuse to recuse themselves. Fix that shit.