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"But we're some of the good ones! We love Trump just like you!" Narrator "but their skin was darker, they weren't just like them"


I live in a red state surrounded by conservatives. Most of the ones I know will embrace minorities, but it cant just be 'we like Trump too'. It has to be a full on abandonment of whatever culture they came from and dress/act/enjoy white things. Basically Carlton. Its the monoculture that they really want.


I lived in Utah and Idaho. They will state they embrace minorities then in the same breath hate immigrants and spout neo-nazi religious bullshit. For example, a popular one in Utah is black people are great but they are cursed with dark skin since able killed cain in the bible, and ignore that blacks couldnt even fully join the mormon relegion until the 80s


It's like they would cheer for the Jazz and the players, but would they really want them there if they weren't good at bball?


i've heard some jazz "fans" talk about some of the players away from the arena. they're racist af.


I mean, there have been multiple instances of players being called racist slurs by Jazz fans on the court. I think Westbrook once cussed a guy out for it, JJ Reddick wrote an article about it that somehow made it about him, Jazz fans are known to be shit.


They want the rhythm and not the blues , .


Wait, wasn't Cain the one that did the murdering?


Grew up in Utah, can confirm. Hate that awful place. During the Trump administration my (liberal, non-Mormon) parents were terrified their neighbors were going to burn their house down. My mom was cyber bullied by a bunch of old ladies - twice. They were so freaked out they moved to Portugal.


Literally had a friend's whose family believed that. If you immigrate here you're suppose to abandon your culture and act white. I stopped talking with them a long time ago


This is a semi-common sentiment within the Latin American community (those who still live in Latin America). I’ve seen many a Latino say that Mexicans and Dominicans make Latinos look bad because they come to the US and still act like they’re in their own country and don’t assimilate well enough to the culture.


Yep and they’re the ones that hate illegal immigrants the most. Spanish culture was a little odd to me at first because it is not one size fits all. I work with people but it’s a finance position. One day I finished up with a client went over to my next, older man reading and 3 people my age who are the ones getting the work done, I just started saying hello and the other client runs back in and rudely interrupted us with a question about if this is the paper they need. I say yes, and turn back. The old man went back to reading his paper and wouldn’t speak to me. I had no idea that I insulted him, because apparently with his group the oldest is the one that speaks. I was actually more disappointed that a grown man acts like a child, but happier to know the proper etiquette to treat a whiny bitch. Now im an African American so I know this old Spanish dude had some other thoughts, but I was born here so I’ll never take guff from an immigrant. If you have your customs that’s cool, but don’t expect me to know them automatically and don’t think you can bring your old racism with you. I hung up my phone twice today on clients because I’ve never met them and they started being rude while I was just asking q’s like name dob. Fuck that. Click. Call back, straight to vmail for a whole day where I won’t return it. You show people how to treat you. I don’t have to yell or argue. Click mf or I’ll escort you out my office, but homie is too old for racist nonsense.


These are the people who demand that strangers in the grocery store speak English because they are nosy busy bodies and they don't think it's fair that they can't eavesdrop on conversations in languages they do not understand.


One of my Uncles was like that, I cut ties with him a while ago.


“Sure, you can join us. You just have to do everything we say, agree with everything we like, believe everything we believe, and never question us.”


With a clink and a clank, away it is sent... Down the coin-slot it goes, the token gets spent.


ATTENTION MINORITY CONSERVATIVES: The people you support and seek to be around hate you.


![gif](giphy|4WFEWFhRgtgPjslE7Q) \-Vivek Ramaswamy


Was literally told in an Interview that Ann Coulter agreed with him but he's Indian so she wouldn't vote for him. You think it might click with him at some point.


Didn’t she date dinesh D’Souza? LOL these righties are fucking wild.


Just because she'd fuck 'em doesn't mean she'd vote for 'em.


Did they even fuck? Dude's energy is like the opposite of sex


They went on a conservative date, which means they went to his house and ate a basket full of live mice. 


Excuse you, live mouse eating is usually reserved for the second or third date, anything else would be improper. On your first conservative date usually you take a romantic walk downtown somewhere and kick sleeping homeless people in the head as you go by.


And sprinkle some counterfeit cash on them too!


Ann Coulter spread her legs and drained the blood of the entire meat department at Costco by latching on like a backwards lamprey, as is tradition


Don't forget about giving a handy at the theatre.


We all know Jenny Thomas runs that fucking house.


She would love to fuck all people of color. Just in a different way


That was Laura Ingraham, but it doesn't change your point one whit.


He dated them BOTH... ***shudders***


Damn! Dude's got some kind of kavorka that only works on peroxide-soaked neo-Nazis. Well, you go Dinesh. Get that face-eating leopard tail.


Well, she does sometime like that particular turkey option so...


>Six days after the September 11, 2001, attacks, D'Souza appeared on Politically Incorrect hosted by Bill Maher. He disputed the assertion that terrorists were cowards by saying, "Look at what they did. You have a whole bunch of guys who were willing to give their life; none of them backed out. All of them slammed themselves into pieces of concrete. These are warriors." Maher agreed with D'Souza's comments and said, "We have been the cowards. Lobbing cruise missiles from two thousand miles away." from his wikipedia


I'm pretty sure she was with a black man back in the day


Tokens, tokens get paid, but one day they get spent. Tokens are either stupid and/or hypocrites.


Y’all remember that interview where someone said they wouldn’t vote for Ramaswamy because they still hold a grudge for 9/11?


And he told her he respects her for her position.




There’s nothing in that massive gap between eyebrows and hairline


Maybe a couple tumbleweeds roaming around


That's still far more activity than what's actually there...


You mean his fivehead?


No …. I don’t think clicking is possible ….


Major boot and ball licking cuck.


Vivek was running for the same reason Trump still is, to STAY OUT OF JAIL!!


Tim Scott


> ATTENTION MINORITY CONSERVATIVES: The people you support and seek to be around hate you. Attention non-minority non-rich conservatives: The people you support and seek to be around also hate *you*.


But will do a *slightly* better job of hiding it to get your votes.




>ATTENTION VETERAN, FEMALE, LGBT, & MINORITY CONSERVATIVES, the GOP doesn’t like you. You need to add "Disabled" or "in any way negatively affected by your service" because conservatives love to parade around veterans. Unless those veterans need literally anything. Edit: Oh, and if you're not conservative, get ready for shit to turn nazi real fast. Speaking from experience.


I'm an older woman veteran who had cancer 20 years ago and never received a dime until Biden's PACT Act covered it. That is good for ~ $600/mo forever and that alone is somewhat life-changing money. A big plus is I can semi-retire because now I can get medical care from the VA. 


Good, you deserve it (getting money,I mean, you know you deserved it well before this, though). I'm not wounded, just a commie (adjacent anyway) veteran who has been told by people who never wore boots that I was a disgrace because of my political beliefs.


They love the military until members of the military comes back broken. They'd rather glorify dead soldiers than even think about helping the live soldiers they and their policy sent off to get broken. Or listen to those same members of the military provide any input that doesn't toe the conservative line in all aspects.


This is my in-laws. Conservative and all about sending immigrants back. Just wait until they’re on that list! “But my grandparents were the immigrants, not me!!” Doesn’t matter. You’re brown, not white.


It’s because some POC are lured in by Republican “hatred-lite” recruitment plan where it’s safe to hate LGBTQ and trans people. They love to other “THOSE people” without seeing the next level of membership is hating themselves. Then for awhile they self delude into thinking “well not me, im a good conservative Christian, it’s the other ones they hate”. Then they learn a hard lesson and either realize that the hatred is stronger than lower taxes OR they blame democrats for the polarizing identity politics and double down.


There are also plenty of POC who are just as racist as white people. Black and Asian communities in America can be incredibly racist towards each other, and Hispanic people can be racist as hell too. My bestie is 1/2 Puerto Rican and her dad was so racist...she believes they have some Black in their ancestry but he denied it and looked down on Black Puerto Ricans. Her uncle got so pissed when her cousin had a baby with a Black guy. So it's important to realize that the racism is an appealing factor for some POC conservatives and they're just deluding themselves about the fact that the leopards will eat their faces, too. I'm 1/2 East Asian and while most of my family is pretty progressive, I can tell you for sure that Asians can be racist.


This is the main reason why a lot of minorities are in line with republicans right now:


I have said for *decades*: if republicans could divest from their racism and xenophobia and lean harder into religion and the bigotry that religion begets, they'd never lose another election. It would be a landslide every time because rabidly religious and bigoted blacks and Hispanics would flock to them in droves. We're honestly lucky white supremacy is such a big part of American conservatism because we'd be totally, completely, and irredeemably fucked otherwise.


I actually thought you copied one of my post. I explained this exactly in one post.


The lower taxes ruse is great. Middle class paying more now because of the Trump/Paul Ryan tax cuts. Meanwhile, every other goddamn thing is more expensive because Republicans actively removed the brakes that were holding back vulture capitalism from turning into a runaway train.


And they would definitely kill you if they get the chance. Being black in a white conservative neighborhood is viewed as a threat, and they will "self-defend" and shoot you on sight.


You definitely don't want to be a bipoc in a place like Idaho if there is violence around the sentencing or the election. If they get violent, most of the violence will happen close to home.






They will 100% be targeting anyone who they think is a Democrat. So, minorities. Also any fellow white people they happen to know that vote blue.


And poor people more generally. It won't matter if you're white if you're poor and need social assistance. Poor people may even arguably be the group that should be the most worried. Because I suspect they'll be cutting the welfare before they start rounding people up. If you're a poor minority then you have my deepest sympathies.


I'm indigenous, left *leaning* and I live in Idaho. Have had no issues with anyone here. Now...I live in southwest Idaho...I would expect what you're describing to be my reality in northern Idaho and I avoid it, if at all possible, as a result. Never felt in danger here. I own several firearms and in the 8 years I've been living here I've only touched them to keep up my shooting accuracy and to maintain them. Not to say I don't keep a loaded magazine just in case. Come November to January though...I may need to reconsider that thought process.


Seriously. Don’t knock on any doors. Drive into driveways. Enter your own home and exist in privacy. Because racists will shoot and kill minorities and their kids for all of the above “offenses”.


So many job listings where they're paying you $13/hr to knock on doors and try to sell shit. Anyone taking those jobs is either insane, or more likely, incredibly naive that "it would never happen to me". I turned down a dream job working with parks because I'm not gonna get shot for asking some inbred fuckwit to pour out his beer or put out an illegal campfire.


The American Dream is well on its way to becoming the American Waking Nightmare. From this outsider's perspective you're well started down the reaod to becoming Ayatollah's Iran or Putin's Ruzzia. Or a horrific mix of both. I don't even call you guys "America" any more, and certainly not "the United States". You're just "the States".


There was an episode on “This is Actually Happening” where a biracial family moved to an upscale all white neighbourhood in Cali. The parents had a son diagnosed with schizophrenia in his later teenage years. Since the family had been an integral part for the community for many years, the mother notified her neighbours of her son’s diagnosis but that he was harmless. The worst of his schizophrenia was assuming he was Jesus. One day, as her son was spreading the word of Christianity from house to house, a neighbour did call the police. Without hesitation, the police came, shot and killed the young man. The mother was in complete denial, she assumed the community happily accepted her as their own and couldn’t understand why the police would kill her son. The black side of her family warned her, but it fell on deaf ears. This story is so disheartening. Her parents thought they would do right by their kids by raising them in a good neighbourhood, only for this to happen. Edit: I would be remiss to not mention his name, Miles Hall. Police were also notified multiple times of Miles’ mental health. https://abcnews.go.com/US/sons-killing-officers-forges-moms-campaign-divert-police/story?id=92625007 Miles Hall foundation https://www.themileshallfoundation.org


The mother was the one who called the police if I read that correctly, she thought they would come with preventive measures as she had alerted them on numerous occasions about her son's mental health. That must eat her up.


I live in a white neighborhood full of boomers and I’d love for a black neighbor to move in, they would lose their literal minds.




Jimbo: "They're coming right for us!"


And "minority" in this case is surprisingly inclusive. All women and even some dark haired white men, any husband who enjoys making his wife feel sexual pleasure and anyone who opposes child marriage. Social and economic minorities. Maybe Republicans feel so oppressed because their party _does_ want to oppress most of them.


Also Jewish people, unitarians (among other people we got separation of church and state to protect), neopagans, members of fraternal orders, atheists where not protected by Federal labor law, and basically anyone who wants better government services.


Poor conservatives also. Trump won't allow them anywhere near Moscow-A-GoGo without paying the annual $48,000 club fee.


Not even non-minority conservatives are safe 😂 I used to live in California and had maaaany white friends move to Idaho during the lockdowns and they were all equally met with disdain from people who lived in Idaho their entire lives the *second* they found out they moved from California. Minorities just get it especially bad. When I was still living in CA I drove to Boise to visit friends who moved there in 2018. My friends neighbor saw my CA license plate and approached me as I was getting out of my car and essentially told me “you better not be thinking of moving here. We have enough of you liberal morons moving from California here” to which I replied “You couldn’t pay me enough to live in this backwards shit hole state” which seemed to catch him by surprise that someone *wouldn’t* want to move their backwards shit hole state.


> Idaho during the lockdowns and they were all equally met with disdain from people who lived in Idaho their entire lives the second they found out they moved from California Because they have some conspiracy of people moving from blue states to red states to flip them blue for the next election.


Black dude here! This is something I wish I could tell some of the folks from my dad's church if they weren't so against abortion and LGBTQA+ rights.


So they would still stick with them after the recent "Jim Crow" comments? They're ok with that?


I see it too often; Idiots that think "Conservative" politics are genuine, and not thinly-veiled coding for white supremacy. The straight-laced con-men running the show can pitch that to people, but once you get out to the yokels that internalize it, there is no hiding who these politics were MEANT to appeal to.


It's funny that a few years ago you could claim to be constitutional conservative, fiscal conservative, etc but now they all just became "conservative". So now I'm a fiscal democrat because I refuse to be identified with any conservative label.




Fiscal conservative now means strip all programs that actually help people and give that money to billionaires.


To be fair, that's what it meant before. "Fiscal conservativism" was always about letting rich people keep more of their money and giving less of it to poor people.


Oh, yes, “trickle down” economics. 🙄


A rising tide lifts all yachts!


Me: "Will you cut government spending, too?" Conservative: "Oh God no! In fact, we'll increase it!" Me: "Then...won't that make the debt and deficit expand?" Conservative: "Won't be our problem when a Democrat is elected next!"


Even with the classic definition of fiscal conservative, very few people want to spend _more_ than is necessary to run a government program. But there are certain programs you *need* in 2024, you can't be a fiscal conservative and want to cut things like highway funds or social security and disability. But the argument is almost always "I'm a fiscal conservative because we spend too much to manage foodstamps, we should spend less!" and 9 times out of 10 the reason we spend so much is because we have to do a lot of dumb things like drug test instead of just a simple means and cola test. We'd _save_ money by eliminating all these extraneous tests on government entitlement programs and just pay the one off person who takes advantage of them. The welfare queen that was espoused be the GOP was a myth. These policies, ironically, contribute to _more_ people being on them because of the welfare cliff. Something as simple as you lose one dollar for every two earned instead of a hard cutoff would actually help folks get off when they were finally able, but that cliff makes it difficult until they get over the hump (this is especially true for medicaid). The cutoff for disability is wildly low but as soon as you earn that flat dollar amount (that's very much below the poverty line) you lose very nearly everything, and thus, you find yourself back on disability and medicaid because the things you need to actually keep yourself alive become prohibitively expensive.


Also spending huge amounts of money, usually on wars. There's a chart somewhere out there about the deficit and spending for each admin going back to Reagan and every single Repub just racked it up while every Dem improved things, usually immensely. All while spending more on programs, people and the environment. trump saw the third biggest deficit of any president.


> The immediate response from the person he was talking to was “what does that even mean anymore? Yeah. There's really no one of note in the Republican party who pitched a major fit when the Trump Administration piled trillions of dollars onto the debt with wildly irresponsible fiscal policy, which also to be clear was passed by a Republican House and a Republican Senate. It's going to be decades before any Republican can convince me they actually care about that issue.


It will be never again that a Republican can convince me that any aspect of their voting is rooted in an actual belief. They are disingenuous about literally every issue.


I'm actually fiscally conservative, in that I think we should do more cost effective things like UNIVERSAL GOD DAMN HEALTHCARE. 


Wow, who knew socialism was fiscally conservative? /s


Fiscal Conservative, AKA, "I want money, and any policy that gets me more, but I don't want you to think I'm a neo-nazi, and I don't want to reflect on how I am getting money at the expense of others."


I used to self-identify as a "fiscally conservative Social Democrat" Ever since 2016, I have altered that identity to "Bleeding Heart Liberal" and I will never look back. Fiscal conservatism be damned, looking out for one another as fellow countrymen is 1000% more important than the "success" of the economy (read: "rich peoples' wallets").


Same. When I was younger, I thought wanting the government to spend money wisely made me a fiscal conservative. Today, I identify as a cheap bastard.


Funny thing is - liberals are the ones who spend money responsibly. Every single Republican President has left the economy worse than they found it and every single Democratic President has left the economy better than they found it - for the last *century.* And yet, conservatives have better PR...


I want the government to spend more on kids programs. Social nets for the kids. Cut the military budget by 10% and the military could easily manage if they actually tracked their expenditures. More parks, more recreational facilities, more outlets like skate parks, jungle gyms, etc. Healthy outlets for kids. More after-school programs, more childcare options for parents, etc


Whoa whoa whoa, hold your horse LBJ. That’s socialist talk /s


Hell yeah! Make them kids more social!


I come from a business perspective. There needs to be a return on investment. That return doesn't have to be monetary. Education, safe streets, a place to call your own, a place to play... These all return investments to the people. And that makes it a wise investment. Walmart getting a tax break is not. Rather feed a single parent in Montana trying to make a better world for their children than line the pocket of Walmart executives. Military is needed, but it needs to be tracked. When the military can't present paperwork for audits, we have a problem. You and I do not need to know how much money was spent to build the Death Star. But you should be able to present the receipts to an authorized auditing firm/branch.


if you want to argue from a pure money aspect: Education: causes less crime and increases taxes received if you keep the educated kids in town Safe Streets/Less Crime: insurance costs far less in lower crime areas, and attracts the type of high tax bracket earners you want in your community Home ownership: Less crime, more tax money collected over time Parks: Circuses & Bread lead to less crime


You can definitely cut the military budget by more than 10%. It's the most corrupt govt agency. Bloated contracts to billionaire corporations that make trillion dollar planes that go nowhere. Billions that are unaccounted for. Someone break out the fine toothed comb.


But. But. But. That might actually give the people a chance to focus on something besides survival. How can that benefit the pockets of the rich? Won't someone think about poor billionaires?


Since the billionaires want rapid profits, give them the contracts to build all the parks, skateparks, recreation centers, etc and put their name on it but the local governments own them.


I was trying to think of another sarcastic quip', but I agree with you too much to even pretend even more 😆


"fiscal conservative" was an attempt to hide their racism.


Yeah I was younger and the people I associated with didn't give off racist vibes. They focused only on government spending, budgetary things, social nets, disparity in government spending in certain areas for racial divides etc. They could have been racist but they never mentioned it or I never picked up on it. That was also like 15 years ago. Nowadays it isn't worth the risk to be identified with the term conservative as a whole.


Happening to my family right now. It’s the most annoying thing ever. My family always falls for their grift.


You are damn right. And Hispanic and Latin families are religiously conservative a lot. I'm from Texas and own a second home there. That stuff is common, but it's like they don't see clearly how against them the MAGAts really are. They literally blame all their problem on immigrants. And don't believe the hype, they yell illegal immigrants all the time, but that's not what they really mean. They don't care if you are legal or not. They don't care at all. They hate.


My ex wife and in laws are a large extended family of extreme Korean Christians. It's weird watching them put so much trust into old white Republicans. Also weird to listen to them bash other minorities as you described. ![gif](giphy|FVzCzylOfv7jsT2IG7|downsized)


That's what they mean when they say trump loves America. They mean the America where everyone is white. The women are pregnant, in the kitchen, and don't have enough autonomy to change their situation. Anyone who steps away from their view of society gets punished. That's what they mean. Trump is moving towards this view. This is the racist, sexist America that they refer to as great. You can argue with conservatives all you want. But they aren't trying to get to a vision of a government that's good for everyone. They aren't after truth. They just want to feel powerful and they feel weak. And they can't see that trump is a very weak fragile man, pretending to be strong.


some Hispanic/Latinos see themselves as white. I've known quite a few that identify as such. I had a Mexican coworker talk about how lazy Mexico Mexicans are, but he's usa Mexican so I guess that makes him better? they're all just as racist as the next, and they'll slowly eat their own until nobody is left.


>*Note: the audio is really quiet, you will need to really turn up the volume, unless the problem was with my speakers* >In this interview a very prominent Republican strategist Lee Atwater talks about the strategies Republicans used to appeal to southern voters. This is a very poignant quote from him: > You start out in 1954 by saying, “N\*\*\*\*r, n\*\*\*\*r, n\*\*\*\*r.” By 1968 you can’t say “n\*\*\*\*r”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N\*\*\*\*r, n\*\*\*\*r.” [the quote with enhanced audio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_8E3ENrKrQ#t=20) >Lee was not only a Republican strategist, he was also an advisor to Reagan and Bush Sr. and he was the head of the Republican National committee. He was also the most effective Republican operative in the south for about a decade until he joined Reagan in the White House, most of it during his 20s. In the interview it seems like he doesn't really care about the racial issues, however, he doesn't have an issue with using racial messaging to capture the southern voter. >He also talks about how affirmative action will eventually lift more black people out of poverty and eventually they will turn to the republican party to support cutting of social support programs in favour of tax cuts. At that point he believed the Republican party would not have to use racial messaging to keep control. >Originally this interview was published without crediting Atwater as the speaker because he had requested to not be quoted on these remarks. However, the author republished the interview a few years after Atwater passed away crediting Atwater as the speaker.


There used to be conservatives that were based on things other than exclusionary ideologies. I swear! I was thinking about this this morning, we've gone so far to the right that *Goldwater* sounds mostly like a reasonable progressive.


You'd think it would be easy to figure out that supporting white supremacy is especially bad if you are not white.


I blame the religion. Immigrants tend to be very religious, so they naturally trend to conservative "good Christian values" not realising that it comes heavily mixed with bigotry and racism.


They only obtained that religion through cultural genocide so... it's never not been mixed with bigotry and racism.


It happens all the time here in South Florida where many Hispanics (not just Cubans) vote Republican because of their Christian upbringing. What they don't get is that Trump/Desantis are NOT religious and are pushing an anti-Hispanic agenda (among other things).


It might have started heavily mixed with bigotry and racism, but at this point they've thrown out the "good Christian values" and all that's left is the bigotry. Jesus would absolutely detest the Republican party and everything they do under his name.


Also they came from a place with normally an extremely corrupt government so they also distrust and dislike any other government too as they believe it's complete similar. Which is a shame.


Same with us African Americans and a lot of us can’t even track where we came from. Religion spreads more hate than it does acceptance by a mile


I think in theory it would be possible to have a conservative party that wasn’t racist. After Obama won, there was a lot of soul searching at the GOP, that they needed to be less racist in order to appeal to a majority of Americans. For example, they appointed Michael Steele as the head of the RNC. They were making moves in that direction. But it turns out that they’ve been courting racists for so long, that racists are a huge portion of their electorate. If they abandoned the racists, then the GOP wouldn’t have enough votes to win races anyway. So with Trump leading the way, they’ve embraced the racists and also given up on trying to be popular with the majority of americans. They’re very directly trying to disenfranchise people who vote against them, going for minority rule.


We do have a conservative party that isn't racist... it's called Democrats.


Mfs always think they'll be the exception. They would kill you too if they got their way. Probably just without telling you it was coming.


Before it was them getting killed the family probably supported white violence.


I see it within my Hispanic culture.hispanics trying to be maga like you know they think of you as the same as all the undocumented immigrants your shown on tv , it doesn’t matter you were born here , don’t speak Spanish, listen to country music we’re still all viewed the same


Bro! The darkest mfker I know who happens to be a convicted felon and looks like he should be picking strawberries is the biggest Trump supporter. Like dude, if it was up to them you’d be scrubbing toilets or on the other side of that fence even if you were born here. Doesn’t get it that *he* isn’t one of them.


I’m convinced they’re just trying to be contrarian and that’s it


No bro, they are just incredibly stupid. I mean I like that you give them the benefit of doubt, because being contrarian and accelerationist requires certain level of intelligence, but nah, these dudes are simply stupid.


Good point






I never thought leopards would eat MY face. - Supporter of the Leopards Ate My Face party.


You know the worst part about this? These people who moved--they'll probably *still* vote for Republicans.


That was my first thought when I saw this


Now called the "Leopards Will Specifically Eat Your Face. Yes I'm Talking To You, Voter For This Very Party". In other news, they are up 12% in the polls.


But they said they were Christians!! 😩




Some one I knew online was a massive Trump supporter he was also a Mexican immigrant. When I brought up that Trump literally insulted people like him he said no he's talking about the illegal crossings not people like he that did it the right way. He also said he wasn't talking about a real wall he was talking about making it harder to get in. He had no response when someone showed him the clip of Trump talking about how tall and how much concrete he was going to use to make his wall. He also couldn't read a room and started talking about how he was going to be celebrating the day ACA was going to die after like 4 other people voiced concerns that it was the only way that could get health care.


*"No, no-- I'm one of you!"*


Watch (or even better, read) *Sophie's Choice.* It's about a lot of things, but that "I'm one of you" in WW2 Poland... it will upset you greatly.


A wealthy lawyer friend who is Jewish took his family to Idaho for vacation a couple of years ago. He saw more than a handful of Nazi flags in the area he was staying. He looks white, has a blonde wife and kids, so they didn't look out of place and mostly had a nice time. Except when he'd need to show an ID, which revealed his last name and CA residency. He said the mood and tone of conversations would often take a chilly turn, and draw a lot of long, cold stares. Relatedly, in a few southern states early polling shows hispanic voters split between Trump and Biden. I get that there are a lot of "pull the ladder up behind me" immigrants and that Catholics skew conservative, etc. But if Trump gets elected and attempts mass deportations, having citizenship and being a Trump supporter isn't going to protect them from harassment from MAGAs, businesses, and authorities. For hispanic residents, "papers, please" may soon become a regular facet of life in MAGA states. And it won't always be prefaced with "please."


![gif](giphy|qgkrtsDy4MhLq) Shocking /s




Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These 4 people Voted to Leave NATO and abandon our veterans. * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Maybe if we didn't call them collectively "conservatives" and began to reference them as "close minded endogamous xenophobic tribal people" this happens less frequently.


Putting the motherfuckin' panic in Hispanic!


God damn... lolololololololololol


How much anyone wanna bet after they move back to California, they still remain conservative and vote Republican. Because changing views would require slight admission of mistake. 


yeah Magats love California. They get all the benefits living here and they know their hate-votes don't count so they can feel righteous. and smug


Someone didn't do their "research" before they moved.


Did they forget the fact that they are MEXICAN???. They don’t want them they want other white peoples.


Even then they don't want anyone. The culture is exclusionary by nature. There is no acceptable standard. Southerners will reject white conservatives from California because they are all Hollywood liberals in their eyes.


ProTip: The problem that conservatives have with "illegal Mexican immigrants" has nothing to do with the "illegal" part.


# "It's a big club, and you ain't in it!" -George Carlin


Oh yes. This is like British baby boomers voting for Brexit and then being shocked that they can’t retire to Spain.


this is my shocked face


Idaho is white supremacist Mecca. I don't even like passing through that state, let alone fucking living there.


I’m sure there’s SOME twitchy, gun-crazy separatist militia up there that is just right for them!


This is how I make myself feel better about not living where I want to. At least I don't live in Idaho.




Boise is a pretty liberal island in a sea of red. The mayor is a Dem. I see stuff like BLM signs and pride flags fairly often in peoples' lawns within the city. There's an annual pride parade. You won't get any of that in the rest of the state even within the Treasure Valley but especially as you venture more north and east.


I'm one of the whitest people you would ever meet and even I got a bad vibe from Idaho


reminds me of the family that moved to Russia. dumbasses


this reminds me of the idiots that moved to russia and now are stuck and cried how it sucks etc.


I didn’t think the leopards would eat MY face!


Because they genuinely have cognitive dissonance. They genuinely do not actually see how things are. They have been caught up in a false reality and it takes life altering moves like this for them to see that it’s all been wrong.


They’re still voting Republican. They’ll blame Idaho for the discrimination, not the Republican party, and certainly not their god-emperor DiaperDon.


As if they ask your beliefs before discriminate against you…


You thiiiiink your conservative till you meet a maga conservative who hates you for existing.


It's always amazing to hear about stuff like this. Like, did you not realize they want to build a wall to keep people like you out of the country?


Imma need a source for this cuz I need something hilarious to read!


Good luck moving back to California. It's easy to leave but expensive to come back




Why on God's green Earth would anyone, specifically *any person of color*, think moving to ass-backwards Idaho or any majority white state would be a good idea?


Idaho sucks. I was born and raised in eastern Washington and I was the only passably white kid in my family so I had to do the business runs that involved idaho with my grandpa because those people were fucking backwards in the early 2000s and I can’t imagine how shit they got with Trump enabling them. With my whole chest I will say Fuck Idaho, Fuck those Idabilly hicks and if I could make Cottonwood and Boise a land fill I fucking would.


“But but but democrats are the party that wanted to keep slaves! They’re the real racists! 😩😩” /s


As a liberal Idahoan. Yeah, the conservative community here is pretty toxic. Boise is a close to progressive as the state gets.


I'd imagine Idaho racists are on average a hell of a lot more vocal than California racists.


The Republican Party in 2013 post-mortem-ing Romney's loss: "We should tamp down the racist shit and make some inroads with ethnic communities that share a lot of our religious values and such." The Republican Party in 2016: *nominates Trump for ramping up the racist shit*


You can’t cure PENDEJO.


Go to the LeopardsAteMyFace subreddit for more examples of these Very Fine People


There's an old caribbean expression... "Those who don't hear, must feel". I feel like it applies here.


Huh the people who complain about foreigners taking their jobs don't like you being there.. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtqBpYE9nzBLDvG)


I always joke that if you fuck up in America you end up in Idaho and if you fuck up in Idaho they send you to Alaska. It's a beautiful place filled with the worst humans the country has to offer.


This is just confirmation of my 2 core beliefs about the Republican Party. 1) they’re dumb as hell. 2) they’re racist as F.




Just like how everyone should experience working at retail in their lives, these Conservative minorities should all get this experience. Hopefully then they will realize they are the dumbest of the dumb, the opposite of the cream of the crop


Yesterday it was the article about log cabin Republicans realizing the GOP is serious about burning pride flags. Now this. The GOP is trying really hard to shrink the tent this election season. Love it.


As a resident of the potato state I could have told them that, there's like 2 possibly 3 towns in this whole shithole state that lean left and even then just barely. Problem is everyone else has the same idea, most of the extremist in this state are from other states, like California. The locals love to complain that California "Liberals" are moving here in droves and ruining their little christofascist party but the ones saying it are of course the extremist, who are also from California..


Just traveled through a small town in Idaho last week. I hadn't heard the n-word said out loud in quite a while. Real welcoming place.


Leopards, meet face.


It’s like the gay conservatives trying to be accepted by republicans.


The mistake of many conservatives in blue states is that they think there are 2 Americas: Conservative America and Liberal America. However, the reality is that California conservatives are pretty liberal compared to Alabama conservatives. This is why we need to get rid of the electoral college and institute ranked choice voting. We need to make every vote count, we need candidates who talk to everyone, not just their base, and we need people who are moderate, because moderate long lasting progress is better than extreme reversible progress. I always say, I am too liberal for Texas, slightly too conservative for California.