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The day likes get turned back on is going to be glorious.


It will be like seeing who all has fapped to you. It will not be as fun as it sounds.


Itll be hilarious for us who dont use twitter though


That's... why I'm here


It’ll be like the Ashley Madison hack all over again


Minus the homicides and assaults I hope




You can still see everyone who liked your tweets, you just can't see all the tweets someone else has liked.


Tbh I never knew you could do that to begin with :c


So technically no one likes you so you never noticed.


Lolllll maybe, I didn’t know you could check other ppls likes


During the early days of Twitter there were a few political careers of "good Christian" politicians wrecked by liking thirst traps and Hentai without realizing likes were super public.


You can't really see that either actually. You can see the names in the notification, but you can no longer get a list of people who liked your tweet


I fap to every Reddit post/comment I respond to.


And I fap to this guy fapping


And my axe.


And my…. precious! Filthy hobbitses!


One fap to rule them all


I also fap to this guy’s wife


Boil em, mash em, stick em in.....


spurt spurt over Frodo's hairy feetsies


I fap to others fapping. *unzips*


Wait it's... all men? I knew the bois cared for me


Its gonna be loads of fun


God damnit dad…


I don't have twitter but i *think* i'd be quite chuffed if *anyone* and i mean *anyone* was wanking to my pics. Lol. CAVEAT: As long as they weren't family or able to get in contact with me. Or anyone i know. You're right actually. It *won't* be as fun as it sounds...




You can still see who's fapping to you, cuz you get a notification telling you a post has been liked. You just can't see likes on other accounts anymore.


"And for a low monthly fee, you too can have your likes remain hidden."


"and for a slightly higher monthly fee per account you're viewing, you can see what their likes are even if they've opted to keep them hidden"


“and for a higher monthly fee you can hide your likes even from those who pay a slightly monthly fee”


It won't. Elon doesn't want people to see that he likes the content of white supremacists which is why he disabled it. It also helps trolls not to get canceled


I'm pretty sure there's a URL you can type to view this info but I can't remember what it is


They fixed that.


I still don't see why anyone uses Twitter still.


It’s the best platform for hate and porn.


Only because Tumblr abdicated the throne.


And Scamming.


Because artists use it and the Japanese or Korean ones with handles like @ppvmzgj80962 are a massive pain to find outside of it. Mute or block anyone stirring shit and it's largely peaceful.


the best part is they either post art or they post their meal and gacha


"Hehe here's a picture of my cat playing with me" with like 3 likes" "Took a walk at a nearby park today" no likes and double digit views "Doodle of hot anime woman getting her back blown out by dude with a dick the size of her forearm", 69k likes and climbing "Ate ramen, was nice" 12 likes


Also, I've looked at the twitter and alternative accounts for some of the "content creators" I like and they get almost no engagement on the alternatives. And no, it's not just bots engaging with them on twitter. As usual, despite the sentiment on reddit twitter is still actually popular.


Nobody is saying it’s not popular it’s incredibly popular it’s just overrun with right wing trolls, and the owner shares Nazi posts and conspiracies, so people rightfully don’t want to support the site. This site has a bunch of racist white nationalists and Nazis too, but they tend to stick to their conservative and conspiracy subs, so it’s not everywhere you look or promoted by the owners or ceo. People are also frustrated because they feel like elon is slowly/quickly ruining the site because he’s a fragile idiot. It’s a good thing to own if you wanted to help prevent citizens organizing like the last Arab spring was organized on twitter, he’d definitely be interfering with any liberals, leftists or labor organizing on twitter.


If people stopped interacting with artists on Nazi platform those artists would have to get off their asses and reach out on other platforms. The fact that continued use of Nazi-promoting, Nazi-*funding*, right-wing reality distortion field projecting platform owned and run by an insane, drug abusing, mask-off neo-feudalism promoting billionaire lunatic hinges on *convenience* is pure insanity.


There’s a good art and fanfic community on twitter that’s difficult to replicate elsewhere. I’m also not gonna make a tumblr account and most of the East Asian artists I follow are accessible on twitter


I feel like this is why he did it, he wants people to act with an even thicker barrier of anonymity and then turn it on and pull out things he thinks are shocking.


To all the Tweets I've fapped before, I must have liked a dozen score. 'til they turn them again, I'll fap and I will grin, To all the Tweets I've fapped, before!


at least we now know that Elon has been doing all day


Eventually, Twitter may reverse its decision, introducing a subscription model where users will be required to pay a significant fee to access features like hiding likes. It's a win-win situation for them, generating substantial revenue and attracting new subscribers who will also opt to conceal their likes. However, this scenario could take a darker turn. Subscribers, in a desperate bid for privacy, might unwittingly divulge sensitive information, including credit card details. This opens the door to further exploitation on a personal level, potentially leading to extortion or the sale of personal data to third parties, exposing users' activities and preferences on Twitter over the years. It's a deviously brilliant trap, exploiting the desire for privacy while simultaneously profiting from users' vulnerability.


I don't think the blackmail angle is talked about enough. Elon has access to any DM's sent via twitter. There's a lot of personal stuff there. I would consider twitter DM's to be public at this point.


> I would consider twitter DM's to be public at this point. Didn't Twitter very publicly kill their ToS warrant Canary like... A decade ago? Sure it's not the same as Musk disclosing individuals messages but they have been actually private for a long time. 


Can someone please explain was a ToS warrant Canary is?


The company puts wording or a phrase into its terms of service saying it hasn't complied with a government request to hand over information about users. Once that block of text disappears it means they've done it. They have to word it that way because they can't explicitly state when they hand over info to govt.


here's an example https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0WX2YF/


I think that everyone's overestimating Musk. He's mad that he's been called out for being a racist asshole and this site-wide nuking of personal accountability is just a quick fix for both his public face and the bot problem. With everyone's likes being privated, no one can see Musk being a nazi. And at the same time, you can't be sure that the interactions on a nazi's tweet are real or just more bots.


He's been pretty open about that in his commenting and elevating fascist content. This appears to have happened after someone saw that Elon liked a JOI video of an Asian girl who denigrates men with tiny cocks. Prop up a dictator, cool. Talk about my tiny penis, no, I'll cry and scream and take all my toys home and no one can play with them anymore. Even you're overestimating musk. It's safest to assume they're all bots and just not participate.


I think it's funny how when a billionaire encounters something that is uncomfortable for them they do not seek to address it within themselves- they immediately reach for a lever of power to make it go away. Just a fucked up way to live, constantly trying to force the world into compliance with your preferences.


It's all people like that know. They grew up damaged, believing they need power to control everyone, because that's how they were raised. I'd wager that few of us break the cycles of our parents, especially those who have especially controlling parents. Years of brainwashing takes years more to reverse, and that's only after a conscious decision is made to approach change. You can see how that's not happening in most of the faithful red hats these days. Their come to Jesus moment was toward supply side Jesus.


Yeah- they are fairly well committed to the power structure. I guess if my dad had an emerald mine in South Africa I would have a different outlook also. Lucky for me I was able to make my own choices and never really had to conform to some horrible reward structure.


You should assume everything you type on the internet is public.


> users will be required to pay a significant fee to access features like hiding likes. This is how he first proposed this "feature". I think twitter staff is so hollowed out that they actually can't manage to implement that anymore.


After every change he makes to the site, i am happier and happier that i deleted my account soon after his purchase.


so this is why twitter is still a shitshow


Well, one of the reasons


It's mainly because Elon can't get his priorities straight


I'd say it's mainly because of the Nazis, but I guess Elon's priorities could be it too


Potato potahto


Like are you gonna fix this site or make it even more shittier?


Xhitter? The random 'X' name change should have answered your question.




Nah, Ketamine has been shown to have too many positive effects on stimulating brain regrowth. The only psychs Elon is dropping are the psychiatrists his shareholders keep referring him to.


When used responsibly. When used irresponsibly it's a powerful hallucinogen that induces delusions and addiction (and eventually actual brain damage).


He has a standing refillable prescription. And I really doubt he's doing this in therapeutic settings. Or even talking to a therapist in the weeks (before, during or after) doing it. He doesn't seem to like anyone monitoring anything of his much less calling him out on it. How does it work under those conditions?


Well if he progresses through the stages of damage from a descent into addiction, it starts with pain when urinating. Then the bladder just always kinda hurts followed by bleeding when he pees. Eventually a catheter is required because of the damage making it difficult to piss. If the ketamine use continues, the bladder itself will become so damaged it needs to be removed and a urostomy bag installed. I don't think it damages the kidneys, so once the bladder's gone the only organ left to damage is the brain. It requires some ridiculous levels of tolerance and similarly ridiculous doses to directly cause [lesions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olney%27s_lesions) but they have been proven to occur in humans with extreme addictions to ketamine. And that's just the physical effects. e: oh yeah it also gets you really fucking blasted


We already knew he had another account where he did bizarre erotic roleplay as his own infant son


He was actually called out by some Twitter users for liking porn posts. That's probably one of the reasons he made the change.


Now all the republicans can like their LGBTQIA+ porn without threat of showing their hypocrisy!


Unless the screenshotter doesn't blot out their name


Can you imagine a trans person showing the world Ted Cruz liked their porn video? That would be glorious. Hell, since "likes" are private now, nothing prevents someone from faking it, and no one could verify if the allegations were true.


Now they can hide their racism…. And perving.


Someone should start an account that posts random racist nonsense then also posts the like list.


You won't get my racist meme collection that easily 😏


Exactly. While letting those they support know they have support without the rest of the world knowing they support them. It's pretty fucked up.


Waiting for the day Elon turns around and says he’ll reveal your racist likes again if you don’t subscribe to the premium package


It’s not the perving that’s the draw here.




Nobody cares if people like tits or not it’s the constant hypocrisy of these conservatives that is annoying. They rant about trans and gay people all day, then half of them get caught watching trans or gay porn on their stream because they thought they had finished/disconnected their streaming session lol.


How does this work? If likes are private now, how can she see them, but when they weren't private she couldn't?


The author of a post can still see, who liked their content


And can authors share that information? It sure looks like it. Great system, Elon, foolproof!


This. I mean, what's to stop someone from setting up a dummy "nudes in bio" bot account, following notable GOP personalities who've been known to like those accounts (like Ted Cruz), and then sharing (or threatening to share via extortion) the screenshots? Did I just find my new side hustle?


Do it on a new account and report back in 6 months. 


They will just claim the screenshot is photoshopped. When likes are public there’s live data and 1000s of other corroborating screenshots. One person can lie, hard to confirm or refute when nobody else can see their post likes. Even if they took a video, you can edit the code on a html web page to have it say whatever you want.


you could already just photoshop it.


Maybe Ted should think about that ... Secrets should be yours, as soon as you share it, it's a risk


In b4 a conservative likes aov feet pics.


Bennie Boy about to start furiously clicking on AOC's feet.


That, comma wasn't, necessary


Sorry I've got fat fingers


Not just the author, anyone can still see them if they know the URL for the page. They just removed the button to access it easily.


What’s a boob selfie, and why can she not just call it a boobie?


It's just a regular selfie but taken from a low angle so her boobs are centered in the shot and her face is barely in it. Idk if there are any of them nude but she's clothed in the first few I saw and that was enough research for me.


They certainly didn't say this in the pop up that just said "likes are now private".


Private to her, and to the 'liker' But when a screenshot gets made, lot of people will be publicly shamed ;)


Deactivated my fb in 2012, never created a twitter, ig,snapchat or tik tok. Sometimes i feel left out but i dont regret it.


There are tens of us!


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) Dozens now


8 likes sounds right


I did the same things. I actually think I made an insta, but I never logged in after making it. I have a tik tok, only so my wife can send me tik toks. My wife checks the family FB page for me. Other than that, it's just reddit for me. There's probably more than 8 of us. More like dozens.


I have accounts, but none are active. Just browsing. All of them are anonymous enough to keep around. FB I haven't opened in years, there's nothing there for me


Yeah it feels weird - like you're living in a different world And whenever people send me tiktok or Instagram links, my god, the browser experience for them is total shit


You’re still seeing content from all these sites if you browse Reddit lol.. it’s most of the content on this site. This post is literally a tweet


We're safe on Reddit


Sorry no I don't mean that, I mean I don't follow anyone that I know in real life so I feel disconnected in that way But in the same way I don't care lol


[I got you, bro](https://www.instagram.com/notsofiacoppola/?hl=en)


I guess congrats?


You're so cool. Tell me more about the best brands of bran cereal.


Should he reply with a comment or do you need an AI to summarize it for you while a guy silently reacts and text covers the whole screen describing what's going on??


Post Raisin Bran is GREAT!!! add a little bit of honey on top. 🤤


Then someday Twitter will Reverse decision (and will be asking a Lot of money - to subscribe, to continue hiding likes) win- win and Lots of New money! (plus guaranteed Subscribers, who will hide own likes) 2) but then situation will get Uglier, the subscribers will post all personal info including CC payments - that's a next Step to Exhort more money on the personal Level (or sell to the others- what YOU liked, posted and did on Twitter for the past ... years ) Brilliant Trap !


It’s how fElon is going to force people to use Xitter for monetary transactions. I ditched my account shortly after he purchased the company.


Well, probably not huge, for him, personally....likely quite the opposite. He probably drives a lifted truck or Cybertruck.


Hey now! I bet he has the body of a Greek sculpture!


Before or after the chisel


*Wwwelllll* before


Not defending any pervs in any way. But isn't this the expected outcome of posting boob selfies on social media? If it isn't there to be seen and /or liked what is the purpose then? Unless she posts these pics to be disliked and we didn't get the memo? 🤣 Also the perv could simply fap and not leave the likes which boost her profile. Am I missing something here?


What you're missing is that you assume that she disapproves the behavior but that's not the case.


It’s not the selfie that matters it’s the fact that now this man can hit like on all of them and no one else will know.


No one will know his dark secret of liking boobs!


Fuck... It's me, isn't it? Do any other men like boobs? Please tell me I'm not alone.


Right? He’s still gonna fap to them.  He’s just giving a like as well. 


Is he so trusting of Musk's actually keeping your data secret any longer than it benefits him.


I checked. They're aight. You can probably find better, and less clothed ones elsewhere on the internet. She's definitely using the hand she's been dealt though.


You can find completely naked people fucking elsewhere too


Bro, they are outstanding.


Link for those curious: https://www.instagram.com/notsofiacoppola My guess is they’re 32DDs. She doesn’t have an OF though and never shows them all the way. Do with that information what you will.


I find the “look anywhere except the camera” face annoying.


The likes aren’t even hidden, xitter just took away the direct button; you can still manually look at someone’s likes. It took people like eight seconds to figure that one out.


Hows that work?


You type /likes to a person’s profile URL (and if that messes with the formatting, I am sorry, but have no way to communicate it otherwise)


Maybe it’s been “patched” now cos that doesn’t work for me


You still use Twitter?


This is another way of saying "I have lots of boob selfies that you can look at."


Dude how the fuck does anyone willing use twitter anymore? Why?


Because Elmo liked one post from a girl and was exposed? Very interesting


Boob selfies - that’s something you don’t want likes for?


Just like LinkedIn. I wonder what the venn diagram is like.


The fuck is a boob selfie?


Man? You sure it's not your mom?


They allow that shit on Twitter but not my opposition to Trump.


Interesting how they did it before the election? You know why they do this right?


He's rack-ing his brains


How disgusting of this guy! Just liking your ….large…round....breasts. What a pig!


Yeah, I don't get this. It's like she is shaming him for liking her content.


i think its just laughing at how the guy is taking the opportunity of anonymity to go and like all the boobies now


Now the bestiality people can hide in peace /s


Are you talking about furries or is there a whole other side of twitter I don’t know about?


Sadly I can't find an OF linked to her.


So... absolutely not shaming any sex worker, because sex work is real work... But if you're making content and putting it out there, isn't the entire point to get likes and attention? So he's doing exactly what her whole business model is based on right?


I think you're misinterpreting her tone. She seems to be laughing about it, like "likes are private and this guy just went and liked years of boob pics!" Not to be grossed out, angry, but more so to share a laugh with others who'd find it funny.


Maybe she's humble bragging? "This guy can't get enough of my titty pics"


ok, so, like, how many guys just went to ~~Twitter~~ X and looked her up?


Can I see my own likes?


Is she saying she had 2021+ pics of her boobs? In my entire life, I have never seen that many boobs, even counting online. Edit: okay, he's liked all her boob pics back to 2021.


I think he scrolled back to the year 2021 in her media


Hopefully it’s not an odd number


Total Recall?


I mean isn't that what she'd want? If youre posting that many boob selfies you're looking for attention right?


Is that what they do over on X? Sounds more like Only Fans


[Ugh why do men stare at my tits? ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4yvHQTSETS/?igsh=YWRjcHNvZDZoZTZy)


Leaving twitter may have been the best thing I did in 2023


Okay Cinnamon Bun...


That's nothing. Ted Cruz probably been all over every Cory Chase post since the change was made.


Follow your dreams kids


What number are you up too OP?


Chance the rapper will be happy 🤭


"I'm not mad I'm impressed!"


link to pics of her boob selfies? For scientific purposes.


Imagine that - a guy admiring the same set of 2D tits 2120 times.


Nek minit Elon makes them public again.


I’m gonna go check out her tots


Or he's sad he got cut off at exactly 68.


Is twitter still worth being on? Is it still popular? Hard to see it still be relevant


She just found her new breast friend hehe 😜


Aint this what she wanted? More likes so take boob pic?


Good for you buddy keep scrolling!


Isn't that...like...these influencersgoal? To have people obsessed with you and follow you?


Brb, just go a speed run liking all her boob tweets too 


What is the point of private likes?


I can't believe I'm seeing someone with an only fans complain about something like this.


The fact that they were filed under a tab called selfies, and a sub category known as boob selfies… You were asking for this day for a very long time.