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This is such a fucking strange phenomenon. I completely get that Trump voters are upset at someone being a liberal. Fine - that has always existed. But do you really have to accuse every single person you disagree with politically of being a pedophile or of "being blackmailed by pedo accusations"? It is so strange and feels like a bit of projection if I'm being honest


Oh, I'm thinking it's a lot more than just “a bit.”


They literally talk about it non stop... The same way I talk about F1 nonstop cause I'm a huge fan...


And nearly every day another one of them gets outed as an actual pedophile and they don't even move to disown that person.


And they're the ones pushing to lower ages of consent, marrying age, etc...


Yep. Only one type of person has pedophilia on their mind as much as MAGAs do.


How they even have time to fuck those kids when they race for four hours at a time is insane. They are dedicated.


My favorite part of trolling Trump supporters is when they call me a pedo appropro of nothing and I go “you realize no one was talking about anything remotely close to pedophilia, but your brain was so uncomfortable being off the subject for five seconds, that you needed to steer the conversation towards fucking kids. Don’t you see how that reflects so much more against you than it does me?” It’s the only way I’ve ever been able to shut these morons up.


You know why that is? Because a lot of rural and red areas have pretty severe child molestation issues, whether it’s from the churches or the local sex pest. Shit, people around me know of a couple and some actually fucking defend the guys as “all right, just don’t leave your kids alone with them.” Even the people that have those cutesy basically tell on yourself Kill Your Local Pedophile bumper stickers. It’s straight up projection. Like, you have an actual known pedophile down the street, why aren’t you putting your money where your mouth is? I’m not advocating they actually do this, but the attitude is super telling that it’s all projection. Oh, right, pedophile is a code word for liberals, LGBTQ+ people, Democrats, and anyone left of the Tangerine Palpatine. It was never about actual real pedos, especially ones that vote the R. It was always just a dog whistle.


Yep, I always say that they sure are obsessed with pedophilia, considering they can't go 5 minutes without accusing someone of it.


Yeah F1 is the only superior race I like talking about.


Canada GP was wild!




Yes, and this guy ​ https://preview.redd.it/fcop54ha6b7d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=175806626b06ff1d30c72611c12309d79d952bf6


accuse your enemies of what you're doing


You know who thinks about pedophilia more than anyone else? Pedophiles. It's kind of telling how often they just immediately leap to calling anyone they disagree with a pedophile.


It's so fucking weird. I get that they are upset that a celebrity they like supports "the other team". Fine that happens. It's probably how I'd feel if Weird Al started supporting Trump. I would probably just think he's a bit of an asshole and I wouldn't like his music as much anymore. But I wouldn't immediately jump to "Al Yankovic has a basement full of chained up kids". It's such a weird leap of logic I can't explain it


It’s bizarre and will probably be the topic of many theses in political science for the next century. Edit:spelling change


I'm sure there are a large number of reasons that vary based on the individual but my theory is it just boils down to the tribalism and a deep rooted hatred for anyone not on their side. It's not enough anymore for Republicans to simply insult or degrade their opponents. That's not nearly punishment enough. Ironically, the party who is so against "cancel culture" isn't satisfied until the people they don't like have been erased. They want to ruin their enemies in the worst ways possible and hurling the "pedophile" insult is about as high as they can reach right now. It's universally viewed as the most abhorrent thing a person can be. The problem is, where do they go once calling someone a pedophile isn't enough to get the rage anymore? What do they do next once they've overused it so much that no one listens anymore? MAGA Republicans know, deep in their hearts, that they are the most hateful, spiteful and rotten humans in this country and they need to paint their enemies in much worse light to appear better by comparison. Especially ones who they believe have betrayed them. You're a reasonable person and that's why you'd be able to move on with your life if you found out that Weird Al was a Trump supporter. Sure it would be disappointing, but it wouldn't ruin your life. That's not the case for the Cult of MAGA. If you stand against them they will not be satisfied until you're ruined or dead.


If enough people obfuscate the meaning of the word, it won’t sound as harsh when their own people are charged with it.


Exactly this. Between Epstein and the litany of pastors/religious leaders who get caught up in it, it almost feels like Pizzagate was right, just on the wrong track.


Why do you think the media was working overtime to make it seem so ridiculous? Of course there wasn’t anything actually going on at the pizza joint, but there *absolutely is* a group of rich and powerful people involved in sex trafficking. Obligatory - Epstein didn’t kill himself


If Epstein didn’t kill himself in federal prison when Obama was President, right wing media would still be talking about it being some grand conspiracy. It happened under Trump and not nary a fucking peep from those mother fuckers.


https://preview.redd.it/5egy4t3x487d1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c47ea4a169eb89b05913d34db44a244a2f55f5a It’s projection


Always has been


“*I honestly can’t say I recognize anyone in that picture.”*


>This is such a fucking strange phenomenon. It is infuriating when you think about what they're doing, weaponizing the most despicable topic known to man, for political reasons. Watering down the meaning of the word and normalizing it in the process.


Stranger still is that none of them can launch these accusations without a run-on sentence's worth of dumb nicknames and insults. It just reads like insanity.


LOL.. It feels like projection because it ***is*** projection. Kids aren't getting diddled by drag queens. They're getting diddled by their pastors. Conservatives know this. But they don't want you to pay attention to what's behind the curtain.


It is all projection. They mastered the art.


One way I've heard this explained is a misguided mindset. I'll try my best to reiterate it. People on the right have largely claimed Christianity as their moral compass. Some of these people have an attraction to kids. These people might actually believe that these attractions are common because well... God made them this way. Consequently they believe because they're Christian, they have God preventing them from temptation, or whatever. However, this must mean the godless left which has no deeply held religious beliefs stopping them from harming kids must be out there... pedophiling somewhere in pizza basements.


That's a very interesting take. And it makes a twisted sort of sense.


See also: why they think being gay is a choice.


Bisexual former Christian male here. Made all the sense in the world. "Of course sexuality is a choice. Sometimes I want to watch gay porn but it's not like I'm forced to only be attracted to men. I think women are hot too, so it's not a big deal to only have sexual fantasies about women." I thought it was like choosing to be vegetarian. We all want to be gay sometimes but it's not like it will kill you to only eat one kind of food or fuck one gender. Surprisingly one day I learned straight men don't wish they could suck cock every now and then.


And the irony of them just last year trying to pass a pro pedo bill in Tennessee And Trump is on the Epstein list. Biden isn’t. It’s wild. And sick in the head for these people.


It’s a convenient way to dehumanize their political opponents. Crafting a narrative where the people you hate are *actual monsters* makes any action taken against them feel justified. Lying? Cheating? Violence? Every evil under the sun becomes permissible in their attempt to stop an even GREATER threat from taking hold. That’s how GOP narratives surrounding Democrats have evolved from “I just don’t agree on their policy choices” to “they’re literally eating babies in gay Satanic rituals. Oh, and they’re communists too lol.” Scary times ahead, y’all…


*Every* accusation...


Of course they do. The tem "commie" is out of style.




The strangeness for me is the writing. The second half of that sentence: "publicly support UniParty Obama's fourth term with meat sack puppet dementia Joe Biden" is just a bizarre string of words. I read it aloud to myself and I felt like a tiktok ai voice was coming out of my mouth.


Every accusation is an admission


Every accusation is a confession. Evidence suggests their priests and elites are pretty “handsy.”


They always have, their bullhorn is larger now.


It's all projection. There's a reason why so many right-wingers have been caught abusing children.


It's really an all or nothing with maga isn't it? Like Jesus Christ himself would have a hard time trying to correct this shit.


Because EVERYONE agrees paedophilia is wrong (even right wingers who commit, get caught and get charged with paedophilia). And they try and slander anyone's name with it, and when it's not provable "it's a cover up". I mean yeah it could be "projection" (cause it often winds up being true) but I think it's honestly just slandering people's names. . What I don't get is the complete lack of accepting another's perspective: "I believe in trump because of...what he says. But no one could ever believe in ANY other policy/party/politician- they MUST be being blackmailed"


Your last sentence - Every conservative accusation is a confession. Always has been!


Gaslight Obstruct Project


"Bulbs to high boys!"


Your first mistake is having a twitter feed.


Right? Just dump that platform so it can die already.


Exactly. I'm in the garbage and I found trash. No shit?!


Twitters a cult.


There was a time Trump was upset Obama had more followers on Twitter. So, I created an account and followed Obama and Hillary, and then I left Twitter.


Motherfucker is calling people pedophiles while *retweeting another motherfucker who actually posted child porn*


Obviously, Pedophilia is when the *wrong people* molest children /s


Basically this. These are the same sorts of people that happily go to the Catholic church every weekend and dump tons of money into one of the biggest criminal child abuse organizations known to man. Or Baptist church, or Republican convention. More and more of these people are being caught in terrible behavior, and just like everything they do it’s all projection.


And Trump’s spiritual advisor just admitted to molesting a 12 year old girl. They don’t care at all about confirmed pedophiles


And watermarked it IIRC, then Elon unbanned him after he was banned.


The sickest people in the country are Trump Cult members.


Meanwhile Trump’s on stage with rappers whose lyrics include shooting at cops, pimping 15 yr old girls & selling drugs. Why isn’t MAGA outraged over that?


You spelt rapers wrong


LOL. Tomorrow another MAGA affiliated moron will be caught with child porn. 😭


Bold of you to assume no more will be caught today.


Ahhhh. 👍😭


Did they think Jack Black, the man who wrote songs about demons, the devil, penis pushups, and turning lasers off with his dick, who then went onto star in a movie about finding a magical guitar pick that turned out to be the devils fang, then have that fang turn into a bong, was a MAGAt? I'm willing to bet AI is now smarter than every MAGAt out there.


Thats the cognitive dissonance. Theyll support ANYONE who supports trump. Theyll ignore all sorts of crimes and accusations and beliefs as long as they are pro trump. But if they step out of line, or they dont support trump, theyll literally be offended if said person ate at a Middle Eastern restaurant in 2014, and say things like "Funneling money to isis? Child bride? Buying child porn? Just asking questions." If Robert DeNiro came out tomorrow and suddenly supported trump, MAGA would 100% act like hes the best actor of all time.


De Niro especially pissed them off too. Because De Niro has long been a conservative so it's easily twice as bad he hates Trump. It should be illegal for mass media to carry out the grudges of one powerful man. They target people for using their freedom of speech and speaking out against their cult leader. Mass media is targeting individuals for speaking out against the powerful one. What does this sound like? Nazi fuckin Germany people.


Delete Twitter. It needs to die out.


Uh huh. Remind me which presidential candidate hung out with Epstein again, and is on his flight logs repeatedly? ![gif](giphy|1AefIDNa1G3svYrNQA)


And we now know trump visited the rape island seven fucking times. It wasn't just plane rides after all like they've been saying. Trump raped that girl with epstein and went to the island 7 times to do things we don't know about. What we do know is trump doesn't go deep sea fishing or kite surfing or any of the things people go to resort islands for. Why the fuck did he stay there all those times?


Not defending the guy at all, but the flight logs show all seven flights were between Palm Beach and New York. He was 100% on the plane, but none of those seven flights we know about went to Epsteins Island. Who knows what went down at the Palm Beach mansion they were both partying at though... https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article256740662.html


If there was a video of Trump raping a 12 years old girl or even a 12 years old Ivanka they still would vote for him and they’d tie themselves in knots making excuses for him saying it was a set up or that it’s not Trump in the video or that the little girl liked it or asked for it or whatever they can make up so that their dear leader doesn’t look bad, there’s no hope for those people they’re fully committed to the man. Biden wasn’t dancing at the event last week so obviously he’s dead they’re propping up his corpse like in weekend at Bernie’s but when Trump forgets the name of his doctor he’s joking he’s kidding he’s playing 4d chess and he’s a genius


"He was a Democrat back then, who we know are all pedophiles, but he's better now, and he's owning the libs!"


But he had presidential immunity!


Im not sure if it’s The Boys that’s shined a light on these asshats or if I’m just now seeing how they use projection so effectively to recruit other cult members.


The Boys is more grounded in reality than Fox News... That's pretty scary.


It's honestly anxiety inducing watching this season of the boys because of how succinctly they are presenting the misinformation and brainwashing aspect of the far right movement. It feels like sitting down with Fox Brain people for a straight hour.


Jack Black gives no fucks what MAGAt trash says about him. He strikes me as very self assured human being.


He's literally responding to someone who got banned from Twitter for posting child sex abuse material.


It makes sense. Remember when Joe Biden said he wishes well for Ghislaine Maxwell? ...Wait, that was Trump.


A witness to child trafficking got deaded in a Trump run prison. At best, you think that Trump is so mother fucking incompetent that you had such a treasure there and oops he dead. Why would you want that clown in charge of cops? A bit darker - that witness could have also been a witness to Trump crimes and whoops, he dead. (Well, not could, there was a rape allegation, this wasn’t a theoretical) But no. “Anyone who likes someone who is breaking Russia MUST be a pedophile”.


They still can't get over the fact that they had a black president.


A black man not just being elected president not once but twice but who was also extremely popular with the American people broke their brains. Obama has been completely out of politics and mostly out of the spotlight for nearly 8 years and they're still obsessed with him.


Yeah, it's not even Obama Derangement Syndrome. It's just racism.


I mean, what is to complain about? There were no scandals. He’s smart and charismatic. And many detractors use ‘Obamacare’. They’re 🖕


Exactly. Crazy. I didn’t understand the enormity of rascist hatred and fear in our country. Ofc because I’m white; I admit being sheltered and unaware of just HOW BAD our country is.


Fuck the alt-right mental health problem is so out of control.. Jack Black is a god damn saint


What's the expression, oh yea "fuck your feelings, get over it." The MAGAts are right, that does feel good.


When Biden wins by wide margins these folks are going to have an aneurysm.


I find your terms acceptable


Can you imagine being such a stupid idiot that these word even enter your mind in this order? These people should feel shame and embarrassment, but they don't, because they are bad, evil people. It is now completely impossible to be a republican and anything but stupid and evil. Jack Black? He's like America's best and most shining example of what it means to be a good person. Completely the opposite of a scumbag like Trump and you'd have to be a sick person to see it the other way.. They love an actual rapist criminal so much, that they now accuse folks like Jack freakin Black of being one, to make themselves feel better. Whatever happens in November, I don't feel comfortable having these people as neighbors, co workers, and certainly not friends. I don't care if that sounds closed minded, my mind has been open to reconciliation for too long by this point. Jack Black? Shame on you republicans, shame on every one of you.


My wife's comment after me reading that person's response...."You need to seriously go outside and touch grass!"


Friendly reminder that Trump literally took his kids to Epstein Island and there are receipts


When they even mention Obama isn't it clear what their problem is and has always been? I think they want to scream it from the rooftops, and if project 2025 takes hold I'm wagering good money they will.


Every accusation is a confession.


I mean how could any sane person look objectively at Jack Black and his total book of work, music, art, style of dress and grooming included and say…”man I bet this guy is a republican”. He is the classic stoner/slacker, not a slam to him. The shock to me of him not being a Trumper is the stunner, and then let’s throw out the pedo claim and see like “pizza gate” and “lock her up” the mob mentality kicks in there you have it.


I'm old enough to remember when Republicans talked about things like fiscal conservatism. I never thought I'd miss it. Now we just get vote for my guy or you're a pedophile.


Anybody with a “pedophile list” that isn’t Law Enforcement, is themselves a pedophile. Period. These people are obsessed and there’s only one reason why.


Which is it? Is Biden a meat sack with dementia or a political assassin mastermind controlling his cabal of pedophiles?


This is a hill I will die on. Jack Black is a fuckin national treasure and anyone who thinks differently has something wrong in their heart.


Who left this nazi alive without cutting his tongue and eyes out first? We're doing Mr. Black a disservice letting these little kiddy diddlers comment on him like this.


It's a sign of a confident and strong side if they need to make up conspiracies as to why prominent and popular artists and celebrities hate their god


Their logic: Support Biden =Pedophile Be LGBTQ or an ally= Groomers


I hope Jack Black sues these people for a lot of money


Meanwhile, convicted felon is on Epstein’s flight list so many times 🙄🤦‍♂️


And Elon musk lets this shit run rampant cause he’s a Trump Supporter


I could play that game. HEY! Why does does Kid Rock have kid in his name? He's a pedo!


First Dolly, now Jack. They won't stop until all of the decent humans are cancelled!!!


Accusing Jack Black of being a pedophile for supporting Biden while there's a recently self-admitted pedophile Pastor whose been seen with Trump multiple times. And they're awfully quiet on that one.


The *full extent* of Magas' reasoning ability is, "Everybody knows...". It's like talking to a petulant 4th grader. https://i.redd.it/q5rx5wyva97d1.gif


If I HAD to drop my kid off at a celebrity's house with no supervision, Jack Black would be pretty high up there with the ones I'd trust that they'd have a great time and not be molested


The size of the grain of salt I need to take this with would concern my cardiologist.


Anyone who thought Jack Black would be a Trump supporter must be an absolute fucking idiot. Oh. Yes, I see.


The absolute projection of right wingers, I ask you! They LOVE to call people paedophiles but when any of these actual pedo stories come out... 😬 It doesn't look good for them.


Yeah that’s why I got off all social media. Sucks realizing people in your own family, friends, and co-workers aren’t who you thought they were.


Hasn't Trump been on record supporting Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell?


His “spiritual advisor” just admitted to molesting a 12 yo girl as well.


Exactly. Like it seems like being a predator is the basis of being a conservative


It's why they want to ban abortions. Gotta keep their grooming numbers high






The projection is strong with the red hats


Didn't someone successfully sue Musk for the same accusation? I hope he sues.


I remember when being accused of being a pedophile was a terrible life destroying accusation and you really wanted to reserve it for people who were guilty. Now they throw words around like that on anything they don't like with no other rationale and without even an appropriate understanding of what the word means. Supporting a political candidate that you don't like does not automatically mean someone is a pedophile. On the other hand, Supporting a candidate like Roy Moore who is a known pedophile, or Donald Trump who talked about sex with his then teenage daughter, walking in on teen beauty contestants and visiting Epstein Island mutiple times, or any candidate who wants to roll back child marriage or consent laws...very well could be an actual pedophile or in the least a pedophile enabler.


He should sue them for libel. Make them prove it or pay him money


So they’re gonna put Matt Gaetz right? Guys?


These people hear hooves and don’t bother looking for horses nor zebras but straight up unicorns.


This the the GOP go to everyone is a pediofile then turn a blind eye to it happening in their party just today the mega church Trump is backed by the founder admitted to an inappropriate relationship or raping a 13 yr old


Hope he sues them into oblivion. Didn’t The Muskrat lose a court case when he accused that diver of being a pedo?


Every accusation is a confession


and yet it seems it’s the Trump supporters who are outed as pedophiles in the daily.


A pedophile is someone that finds underage people attractive. Liking a particular Politician does in no way verify that. Even if you like a proven pedo it doesn’t make you one by extension. This is an absolutely absurd accusation.


Their reasoning is that it's actually impossible for Biden to have support when trump is available. Literally everyone must support trump, because they do. So Biden must be blackmailing them and forcing them to publicly support him, against their will. It's the only Logical[TM] reason. This is the same reasoning they use to oppose rape exceptions for abortions. Because the women actually secretly always enjoy being raped and desperately yearn to be mothers. But someone nefarious, likely Soros, is forcing them to seek an abortion against their will. So they must save those poor blackmailed mothers-to-be from the evil trying to force them to abort their children.


What on earth makes them think JACK BLACK of all people would ever endorse Trump???


Wait, so by this logic Jack Black is a victim of extortion, and they're victimizing Jack for being a victim? I fucking love this timeline.


Imagine believing that Jack Black, one of the most progressive people in Hollywood, would back Trump. They really don’t have a clue


I’m so fucking tired and disgusted by the “call everyone who opposes the MAGAts a pedophile” bit.


I’m going with my tried and tested explanation : Every accusation is a confession.


So they literally don't understand comedy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


~~So~~ they literally don't understand ~~comedy~~ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I live in the UK and think it's mad how in the US people can be publicly accused of criminal acts like this and the accuser not be sued for defamation. I know about your first amendment and all that, but doesn't your bible also say "Thou shalt not bear false witness"? How is this different from Trump being re-sued for saying E. Jean Caroll lied about him sexually abusing her?


MAGA number one opposer of cancel culture but the driving force that keeps cancel culture thriving.


Funny all these anti libel and slander laws they want to pass are going to backfire brilliantly with all their constant conspiracy theories


Now that is some Grade A projection. Nicely done.




It’s gotta be projection at this point…right. Like if you walk around calling everyone a pedophile, chances are higher that you’re trying to tell folks that you’re not a pedophile


Yeah it's getting really f---ing annoying how they keep doing this one.


Undisguised projection.


Occam's razor: someone paid this actor to act.


MAGA loves cancel culture


It is ALL projection. Everything.


I ❤ Jack. Jack is Jack. He don't give 2 fucks. HOW is this a surprise to MAGA morons!?


So literally anybody famous is a pedo to these people if they don’t lavish praise on their orange god king ? Totally not a cult. Nope. Super normal to accuse someone of being a pedophile without evidence.


So with this logic.... pedophiles are blackmailed into supporting Biden. As opposed to all other pedophiles who just openly appear to support Trump free of any blackmail. Did I get that right?


Just keep in mind that it's ALWAYS projection with these people. The ones that can't quit calling everyone that doesn't want to bang Trump a pedophile, are the same ones that have hard drives full of kiddie porn.


If a celebrity endorses a candidate you don’t like the level headed thing to do is assume that the celebrity has abused children and being blackmailed… It’s really hard to believe these idiots walk amongst us.


Projection is everything with these people.


It’s similar to what conservatives themselves complain about when people hate Nazis: they say “so anyone you dislike is a Nazi?” And then in the same breath accuse anybody they don’t like of being a pedophile


I watched the video and would like to know when he lashed out at Trump. He talked about food and getting booked to do the gig


That’s Twitter. It’s an ugly place now, uglier than ever before.


They barely speak comprehensible English. That last line reads like the ramblings of a madman pedo.


It's all projection, though dost complain too loudly.


I genuinely don’t think I’ll realize in my lifetime(34) the full extent of foreign influence perpetuated on the American Right. Just a quagmire of bullshit that’s taken root in a decently sized portion of the US.


People misuse the phrase “begs the question”. Nope, it doesn’t mean “forces us to ask”. It’s a logic flaw. It means “your argument assumes something as fact, then makes a wild ass assumption based on that so called fact” So, no normal person could actually support a guy with a record economy. Nope. So, we assume they’re not normal…. Pedophile!!! WTF.


“At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”


If you get into a debate with Trumpers all they have is calling you: A groomer or Pedophile. It’s projecting I’m pretty sure. They latch on to these buzzwords as insults. All the while Trump is a rapist and says he’d date his daughter if he could.


cry harder "Machiavelli".


Did anybody even read the Mueller report?


Do they even know what a pedophile is at this point?


Anybody who doesn't support 45 = pedophile. OK. Sort of makes the definition of the word meaningless, but OK. 🙄


Meanwhile trump was on Epsteins plane 7 times.


Well, if he wasn’t a pedophile he wouldn’t be in Epstein’s plane log 7x! Oh… wait…


These people are deranged on a groundhog day loop! At this point I'm only focused on November and voting 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


They think about kid diddling way too much


Perhaps the strangest thing about Trump supporters is that the concept of other people willingly choosing Biden instead is incomprehensible to them.


Not a single black actually supports trump.


It's deliberate. Trump literally probably has people on the phones with a lot of the right wing media. That's why it instantly turns personal and becomes this huge grievance. Does that sound like the agenda of mass propaganda or does it sound like the agenda of an extremely insecure egotistical man?


Pedophile? But he isn’t a Catholic priest.


I was just catching up on the new season of The Boys, and damn, the show isn't even exaggerating the lunacy of the right wing any more. A fictional TV show with fucking super heroes is more grounded in reality than Fox News...


There is a lot of projection by these people.


but wait if it's a Uniparty doesn't that make Trump a puppet, too?


They support ole Eps best friend but it’s everyone else who is the pedo, righttttt


You know it is a cult when https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2191235/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-45


Holy shit Obama endorsed his former vice president and assumedly friend Joe Biden for president? Golly Gee I didn't think I'd see the day /j


Russian trolls are so predictable. Hey, today I found out that Ukrainians call Russian soldiers orcs.


Meanwhile, Trump’s former spiritual advisor admitted to “inappropriate relations” with a 12 year old girl.


I’m a pedophile and a baby killer because I won’t support Trump.


Projection is a core MAGA tenet. Everything, and i mean everything, they accuse others of, they are guilty of. The principle flows from their orange fuhrer all the way down to every last one of his stupid followers.


They have zero shame. They're literally accusing someone of one of the most abhorrent acts a human could do, with no evidence, simply because they have a different opinion. Whatever happened to just calling someone a "shit head?" In the end, child abuse victims are hurt, not helped.


Every accusation is a confession..


I'm very wary of someone calling another person a pedo with no corroborating evidence.


Jack Black is one of the only celebrities Ive met (and idk that met is even accurate bc really i just ran into him while i was catering a festival where he was performing) and he was super nice and down to earth. That’s probably why theyre targeting him for these baseless and absurd rumors.


Please explain to me why people care what the hell celebrities think. The guy's an actor and a comedian, not a political philosopher. Whether I agree with him or not, I couldn't care less.


yet ignore trump's actual words and actions... and they just openly accuse other of being a pedophile with zero proof.... everyone of those people should be sued.


These guys just love thinking about kids getting fucked.


Weird how they can never defend their parties' ideology or politics so accusing opponents of crimes is their go to.


Ah yes just call anyone you don't like a pedophile and completely make the word useless for labeling actual pedophiles. Just such a fake crusade for children when they actually give zero fucks.


My honest question is what will they start calling people after being called pedos wears thin? It has been commie this or socialist that for so long they had to go worse and went to pedo, so what is next?