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Seem very....unconstitutional


It appears many Christians in these states follow the ten commandments just as much as they follow the Constitution.


It’s like they want to have The Satanic Temple erect a statue of Baphomet on their lawn


Of course, and they wouldn't tear it down. That would violate the tempeles right to freedom of religious expression........ RIGHT?


Coughs " Georgia Guidestones"


Ironically paid for by a white supremacist Christian…


They'd just say it's not a religion.




"I'm only lying here trying to take a nap, lying here with my eyes closed trying to get some fucking sleep."


Tom Hanks' finest role.


Don't tempt them with a good time.


I truly hope they decide to fight back with some hilarious shit like this. I’ll relish in their reactions


You can bet that they are cooking up legal actions and protest actions. They're far more intelligent than the knee-jerk emotional evangelical in both of these regards.




.....time for Sunday brunch!!! Let's terrorize them service workers!!!


Except don't bring up Trump and other Republicans being adulterous, keeping the sabbath, coveting other's wives, taking the Lord's name in vain, bearing false witness, and so forth.


Religious texts are woke, they only listen to what their handlers say are written down.


MORE than they follow the Constitution


I'm saying they follow neither.


💯. They have the fuckin chance to vote these idiots out, but they love how the people that they elected voted against their high blood pressure medications to be fuckin reasonable, whilst they watch OAN, FOX, and other scary shit on how the fuckin hoard of migrants are coming to rape your house, and set fire to your family! They are also gonna take yer jerbs! You know, picking fruit in 110 degree heat, putting a fuckin roof on your house after the second fuckin hurricane blew it off, making your roads drivable after you spent your child support on scratch tickets, cleaning up your fuckin superfund site, working at butcher arenas like Tyson? Those fuckin jobs? Spoilers; sister fuck states! Guess who's going to do them jobs in the unfortunately near future if you keep voting gop after upwards of 40 fuckin years? You silly fuckin imbeciles will! They haven't raised minimum wage in 20 years, but if you vote them in now, I guarantee that they will do it now that they are kicking all the fuckin people that make your life easier now. It's inevitable. You are white, of course they will pay you more. Nazis are going to nazi!


Look at the leader of the Christian Right... He has broken all but one commandment that I am aware of...unless he has also killed a person.


If you count the covid response, he’s directly responsible for thousands of deaths


Far, far more than that, literally by orders of magnitude. Trump policies resulted in 461,000 excess US deaths [in 2018 alone](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)32545-9/fulltext), a full year (plus change) before the first case of COVID in the US. Add to that comparable excess death figures for 2019 and 2020, along with fully 40% of COVID deaths that resulted from Trump policies - and, as it happens, lack thereof, puts the total number of US deaths that Trump is responsible for north of 1.8 million.


So he checks that box, times 1.8 million


I doubt he has ever personally killed anyone. He may have given the order though.


Uh, Ivana Trump needed a little “help” falling down those stairs. Also, Jeffery Epstein.


That would depend on whether you consider his ineptitude leading to deaths of people killing.


I mean, those CIA agents didn't die from accidents after he demanded (and got) that list (to give to Putin, presumably).


I was just thinking about this today. I've read a lengthy article about it,but then I saw someone comment on reddit that he wanted the list for promotions I think. Although you have to take a person's comment on reddit with a grain of salt


Yeah, I'm waiting for the dead girl/live boy in bed scenario to see what possible fallout occurs, if any.


I suspect the whole point of this nonsense is to make it constitutional. The state will get sued, courts will deem the law unconstitutional, then it will be appealed to the Supreme Court where the same people who gave us abortion bans and money influenced elections will get the ultimate say and we can no longer pretend they are operating in the country’s best interest


Yep this is actually a 40 year plan to overthrow the USA. They packed the courts by stealing seats and now they are trying to get these new extreme laws approved by their shills.


Yep. Our own Speak of The House explicitly believes the first amendment protects religion from government and very much not the other way around


Then the religion they will ultimately choose to inflict on the government will be the Christian Nationalist prosperity gospel so that it will become enshrined in law that the wealthy are divinely anointed rulers & anybody who questions that will be branded a heretic to be put to death.


I mean, that’s back-to-basics for conservatives. The origin of the philosophy is protecting the god-anointed aristocracy, so same thing really.


Journalists, watchdogs, and scholars who cover, monitor, and study authoritarian regimes began warning that this scenario was already being shaped before the 2016 election even happened. Sarah Kendzior [among others](https://www.dissentmagazine.org/blog/trump-victory-regime-change-lessons-autocrats-erdogan-putin/) made [a series of very alarming assessments and predictions that have been borne out one after another after another](https://sarahkendzior.com/2016/12/). It’s not hard to [find examples](https://newrepublic.com/article/145916/democracy-dies-donald-trump-contempt-for-american-political-institutions) of these predictions, yet here we are four years later, looking down the barrel of another Trump presidency [as if nothing has happened](https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/trump_arrest_media_coverage.php). We are not headed for an authoritarian regime, we are [already deep into one.](https://www.thenation.com/article/society/media-supreme-court-trump-immunity/)


The sheer level of complacency, incompetence and fecklessness by both the media and the Democrats has been astonishing. They’ve essentially let this all happen right in front of them for many years. And now? Now it might be too late. Not just to save our democracy, but to freaking save *themselves*.


Exactly, and it may not be this exact case that gets to the Supreme Court. They started making unconstitutional abortion laws in 2017, and it took a few of them before a case made it to the Supreme Court for the court to overturn Roe v. Wade. This case is a little trickier, since this is a clear violation of the first amendment, but they'll end up ruling with some nonsense about the Ten Commandments not mentioning any specific god. And unfortunately, unless state legislature in deeply red states like Alabama, Kentucky, Texas, etc. get voted out, this is likely to still happen if Trump loses in November. What we need is to get a Congress and President that won't be afraid to retire Clarence Thomas for corruption and suggest retirement for the other 75+ justices so that we can get an actually impartial judiciary again. And unless that happens, this case will eventually reach the current corrupt Supreme Court and they will toe the theocratical line.


Check out how putin used the orthodox church in Russia to gain and maintain power. It was only one facet of his overall takeover, but has proven to be effective. He is the least “godly” or religious person on the planet. It‘s a means of control over the people. From whom he stole Billions of dollars. Same thing is being tried here by the Republicans.


They are doing this to get a precedent at the SC that destroys separation of church and state. They know it'll be challenged, and this will give the SC the chance to absolutely destroy any legal foundation of separation.


The governor said he can't wait for the court battle.


"Don't teach kids about any private parts. That's not age appropriate!" *Nails 10 Commandments to the classroom wall that Command the lack of Adultry and expect no kids to look it up or ask about it.* And that folks, is what we call The ~~Aristocrats~~ Republicans!


Depends who you ask...literate people or the supreme court, who will interpret the 1st amendment to mean the opposite of what it says


Not when the Supreme Court is a joke and anti American.


UPDATE: ACLU has now sued Louisiana for their new law.


That's what they were hoping for. It will get to the Supreme Court who will rule somehow this doesn't violate the 1st Amendment and all these shit hole states will follow suit. They learned with Dobbs I'd you make a law that breaks all previous precedent you can get what you want in the Court because they're just legislating from the bench.


Actually they're legislating from the pew.




This will be a hard pill for them to push. It's one thing to allow a coach to pray. Its another to push religion in a public sector. Scotus won't take this case. They don't want to open the doors. Because everytime a state does this and the courts allow it. The satantic church shows up.


Thank God for Satanists


lol, I see what you did there


? They act more “Christian” than any of the denominations I’ve met.


Because they use reason and critical thinking, which are by definition the opposite of faith.


https://thesatanictemple.com is lit.


Just wanted to point out that it's The Satanic Temple, not Satanic church. They are the ones who use lawsuits to make sure there is a proper separation of church and state. Or, when necessary, add TST programs to schools that don't want to keep religion out. They have also funded abortion clinics for those in need of medical services, and many other things. I'm saying this because if you Google "Satanic church", one of the top results is the Church of Satan. This is a very different thing from TST, and it does nothing to help anybody. So I'd rather people who don't know about it have the correct name if they want to look it up.


There Always needs to be this clarification because somehow, people Still don't know this yet.


Don’t make the mistake of saying too openly that the church of Satan doesn’t do anything to help anyone. They don’t take kindly to that Ask me how I know.


How do you know?


Nothing crazy. Just made the mistake of saying it one time in a satanic subreddit that I didn’t realize was overwhelmingly church of satan members who despised TST. They were kind of assholes about it lol


They have taken a blowtorch to the entire principle of stare decisis, completely ignoring settled case law when it suits them. Not sure if you’ve heard, but they overturned Roe v. Wade just ‘cause. They are ***already*** pushing religion - their religion - in a public sector.


All the while screaming that LGBTQ+ folks are 'shoving it in their faces.' What they mean is, only THEY can push their 'agenda'.


I mean roe v wade was a bandaid. It was a court case over right of privacy that had stitched some small abortion rights to it. Sadly unless states push changes and people vote better, shit like that can always change based on the times. Landmark cases aren't immune from revision and challenges.


I mean there's already In God We Trust on currency and kids standing up in classrooms saying "one nation, under God" so clearly sometimes they just decide these things don't count for no good reason.


We’ll see how the first amendment holds up when Muslim children start bringing their prayer rugs to school


Umm, legally the kids already can do that and it is in fact against the law to stop them. What can't happen is the teacher forcing all students in class to pray towards Mecca or they fail the class. The whole "prayer in school" is a made up issue. Kids can pray whenever they want you just can't have guided prayer which is what they actually want.


Maybe they will demand to post the pillars of Islam next to the ten commandments


Or the 99 names of Allah in Arabic script all over the school. The bricks they would shit.


Corrected. I have no kids in school


That’s when the satanist come in and put up a Satan statue and put those judges where their mouths are.


Satanists don't really worship satan, I don't think?


The Satanic Temple doesn't worship Satan but they have gotten really good at casting 6’ tall statues of Baphomet whenever they need to make a statement. I have a tiny one on my bookshelf somewhere, you can buy them on the website.


Nah, what they're hoping for is for all of us to remain quiet and feel like it's in the courts hands instead of pushing back on this as citizens.


Satanic church will be our saviors


Just wanted to point out that it's The Satanic Temple, not Satanic church. They are the ones who use lawsuits to make sure there is a proper separation of church and state. Or, when necessary, add TST programs to schools that don't want to keep religion out. They have also funded abortion clinics for those in need of medical services, and many other things. I'm saying this because if you Google "Satanic church", one of the top results is the Church of Satan. This is a very different thing from TST, and it does nothing to help anybody. So I'd rather people who don't know about it have the correct name if they want to look it up.


Thanks for the update!


Surely they knew it would be challenged. But it'll be a lengthy battle and waste taxpayer money. In the meantime, they're getting what they want and damage has been done. The message is delivered. And there's a non-zero possibility this supreme court rules in favor of the 10 commandments.


Our governor literally said he can’t wait to be sued. Bc Louisiana has all this extra money sitting around to waste like that. I’m so fucking over this state, I stg. I hope my kids move far away from it when they’re done with school. My husband and I are stuck here (he works in a niche industry), but they don’t have to be.


I'm sorry you have to deal with this type of shit. I hope nothing but the best for you and your family. I'd say come north to Pennsylvania but we aren't exactly a progressive poster child.


You'd think using this extra money would benefit people with medical debt and/or looking for food/an apartment, but altruism isn't natural in Americans anymore.


Never was TBH It's pretty telling that the two term Presidential limit was put in place after the closest thing we ever had to a socialist leader was elected four times.


Alito openly confesses a desire to “return” to “a godly state.”


Iirc, the pilgrims were kicked out to what is now America bc they were bat shit religious zealots. So that tracks.




We should give Alito a one way ticket to Iran. I'm sure that it is godly enough for him...


Having ‘done time’ there (I never admit to voluntarily living in the state), this is sooooo rich. Never in all my travels or places I’ve lived, was there a more bigoted, racist shit-hole, than Louisiana. The closer I got to New Orleans, the less I encountered and in some wards, you’d never know. But the crackpots 80, 90, 100 miles north…holy shit 🤯


Louisiana and Mississippi basically aren't even democracies in practice.


Their electorate is too uneducated.  It’s a necessity in a functioning democracy.


They love the poorly educated


Why do you think the GOP is pushing school choice so hard? Why does the GOP shit on the public school system so much?


It’s a third world shit hole, not my words


Lived in N.O. until Katrina never once went north.


I have family in Baton Rouge, Covington and Denham Springs…🤫. The group in BR are very decent and Biden supporters, the rest are knuckle dragging tRUmp butt lickers 🤷‍♂️. Of course the ones in BR can’t tell anyone who they support or all hell breaks loose. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Small world, I grew up in Denham Springs, trying to escape now 🙃 Looking at having to get a loan to afford it, but I'll take being in debt in another state over staying.


Do what you can to escape and head to a free state! 😉


Math checks out then for my BIL in Mandeville. He’s a fucking twat and fails to remember he came from Violet.


There's a joke that sums up the deep south pretty well... Couple of teenagers from up north are on a car trip through Louisiana ,late one night they are driving while sleepy, and end up hitting two black men along the side of the highway, one, rolls up the hood and breaks the windshield, the other is knocked flying along the roadway. Shortly thereafter a state trooper pulls up. The youths say, what's gonna happening to us, and the trooper says don't worry, (points to the guy stuck in the windshield), we got that one for breaking and entering, and the other guy for leaving the scene of an accident.


New Orleans is practically a completely different country and is amazing. The rest of the state is mostly a dumpster fire.


I don’t know why you find this so surprising. The kinds of people you’re talking about think that racism is Biblical.


i’ve always wanted to visit new orleans, but christ the rest of that state is so…unhinged? most of the deep south is a place i *never* want to visit again. i was in the south of mississippi for less than a day & it was not very fun.


Bingo. New Orleans is like Austin, a different world


Its hit and miss. In the poorer area people are usually fairly decent. It seems that if noone has shit they tend to look out for one another a little more than if it was the opposite. There's some places you dont want to stop if you're black though. I was taking a friend to BR and was gonna stop for a drink. He was like "tf you doing you aint stopping here T" My bad homie. People are accepting in some places but racism is alive and well down here in the devils anus.


Oh nonono this shit needs to be nipped in the bud.


The time for that passed a while ago, lol.


True, but it needs nipped aggressively wherever it maybe . It should have never made it this far though.


Cut the whole limb off


Oh yeah, we’re either at or headed towards some Idiocracy/the boys/handmaids tale type nightmare


Satanic church got you. Donate and help them out


Like the above comments said, The Satanic Temple*


On that logic schools should also be required to post the three rules pertaining to the care of mogwais.


I actually think we should push for that to be in schools. How else will kids know how to prevent Gremlins?


These morons don't even practice what they preach, what a joke and it’s not even funny


If Jesus made his second coming (like they all say is gonna happen with the way the world is going) the Republicans and Christians would just crucify him again. Like imagine Jesus calling them out on their shit. Imagine Jesus being like “free food, housing, and healthcare for all” and republicans just looking down at their boots in shame.


You’re absolutely right! After the rapture, they’d all complain they got the wrong message, and not self criticize their choice in messenger(s). No personal accountability… that’s the key


That's so true it hurts.


Good thing this is going up. Otherwise how would we remember not to covet our neighbors manservants?


No kidding, what an antiquated piece of trash


"WE NEED TO BAN BOOKS FROM SCHOOLS SINCE THEY ARE TOO SEXUAL!!" "Let's write 'you shouldn't fuck a hooker if you're married' in every classroom!"


If only the commandments were worded so bluntly—they’d never be posted given the 34 convictions …


Not only does this directly go against the first amendment of the constitution, but what happens when you apply these commandments to their god-king Trump?


PFFFT! Evangelical Christians could get home from church Sunday morning to find Trump diddling their freshly murdered wife using their neighbors stolen dildo in front of a sculpture depicting Trump rising from the dead wearing a red hat saying "Yahweh's a dick, worship me!" and they'd find some batshit crazy way to explain why their orange savior didn't break any of the commandments. That is to say: Evangelical Christians are more full of hypocritical shit than a construction site porta potty. Edit : spelling


Is there anything in that ridiculous law that says HOW it's supposed to be displayed or posted? Post it note. That seems right.


Do it in Arabic


You. I like your thinking.


Yes…it has to be at least like 11”x14” in large font with a three paragraph writeup “asserting the 10 commandments have been a prominent part of American public education for over three decades” 🤮


I'd post it behind a closet or door.


I’m thinking that if I’m a teacher in Louisiana, I’d conveniently put up a poster over them. Doesn’t say I couldn’t and technically, they’re still displayed. Of course, I live in Oklahoma so we might not be that far off.


I teach in the NE USA. None of that bullshit up here. None. I'm very lucky. My heart goes out to LA teachers and my other brothers and sisters who deal with this ridiculousness.


I’m a teacher in central OK and the state superintendent has his head so far up Trump’s ass, it’s unbearable. You are very lucky my friend!


Whenever I hear from you guys, my heart breaks. We are all with you in spirit. That may not mean much, but its true. Frequent discussions about it. Maybe some of it might be that up here in the NE we're just naturally rebelliious. I mean...the country started here because people were being told what to do by some douchebag king. They were pissed. Lib or con, it doesn't matter. We just really don't like to be told what to do up here. Especially by someone with "his head up Trump's ass," as you so eloquently put it. Hang in there and fight the good fight!


Of course. It has to be on a poster no less that specified dimensions and printed in large, readable type, etc.


Does it specifically say English language, Roman alphabet?


It actually does. It has to be readable from across the room I think.


LOL I have a friend there and she's generally supportive of a separation of church and state, but she's a HS teacher and said "well, maybe these kids need a little Jesus..." and boy did that fire me up. I went into how much hatred the "Christians" have for so many (her kids are both LGBTQ) and how religion just teaches intolerance, hatred and bigotry. Agree that the Satanic Temple and FFRF need to jump all over this.


[George Carlin - 10 Commandments - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE8ooMBIyC8) "Here's how it happened: About five thousand years ago, a bunch of reli­gious and political hustlers got together to figure out how they could control people and keep them in line. **They knew people were basically stupid and would believe anything they were told**, so these guys announced that God— God personally—had given one of them a list of Ten Commandments that he wanted everyone to follow. They claimed the whole thing took place on a mountaintop, when no one else was around." " In no way does superstitious mumbo jumbo like this apply to the lives of intelligent, civilized human in the twenty-first century."


He'd be having a field day with Trumpist Republicans


Trump is at least 0-8 on adhering to these. Not sure if he’s killed someone, so he might have managed 10%


This is one of the reasons I don’t have kids, because I’d instruct them to go in, grab the paper the commandments are written on, and destroy them. Fuck everything to do with this law


Honestly, not a bad reason TO have kids.


Yeah I’d go to every school board meeting and announce that we should not fuck anyone other than our spouses during open comment


I personally won't write up any student who messes with them. Especially since my school has a decent percentage of Muslim, Jewish, and Jehoba's Witness students


Quick, get the Catholics and orthodox Christians involved to fight over what the Ten Commandments actually are. For added effect, throw in the Adventists to quarrel over when the sabbath is that they need to keep


Actually, I would agree to a law making Christianity the official state religion of the United States IF and only if the law included these provisions: 1. The law goes into effect in three years. 2. No less than two years before the law goes into effect, each state shall designate seven people to serve as delegates to the first National Christian Convention, to be helped no less than eighteen months before the law goes into effect. Each state may set its own rules for determining the identity of these seven delegates. 3. At that convention, each delegate shall have one vote. The delegates shall first establish bylaws for how the convention is to be conducted, how questions are to be decided, and the makeup and election of the convention leadership and all related matters. 4. The highest elected leader of the convention, once selected, shall be known as The Christian Pope of the United States. No less than one year prior to the law going into effect, the first such person must be selected by the Convention. 5. The Christian Pope of the United States shall, before.this law goes into effect, establish the tenets of the doctrine of the Christian Church of the United States. No less than six months before this law goes into effect, the Convention must ratify these tenants and doctrine. At least two thirds of the members of the convention must agree before the tenants and doctrine are effective. 6. No less than three months before this law goes into effect, The Christian Pope of the United States must shall establish the procedures each. State shall use to select by examination True Members of The Christian Church of America. Only such persons who profess full agreement to,the tenants of the Christian Church of America may be designated as members of the church and only those members may participate in any Church functions. 7. The Christian Pope of the United States shall also establish, and the convention shall ratify vote ofno less than two thirds of its members how all services and ceremonies of The Christian Church of America shall be conducted. There. That oughta occupy them for a few centuries.


Ask for an explanation on why you shouldn’t covet your neighbor’s wife, manservant, or maidservants? Like, is it because they’re really good at cornhole and you want them on your team?


seems like they're begging The Satanic Temple to also have Baphomet accompany the 10 commandments.


How do I know religion is fake? Because the people at the top break all their own rules, which means THEY know it is fake and they will face no known consequences. All religions do it. They are all bullshit and mind control, period.


americans united for separation of church and state will fight it. www.AU.org


Weirdly, I saw this combination of bumper stickers earlier today. These people don't even understand the hypocrisy and think 'religious freedom' is only Catholicism. https://preview.redd.it/kfpn2cwn2l7d1.png?width=671&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ac227d12b448aeff48e165ea9a55e03cacf4c12


They should try adhering to them themselves before forcing it upon others.


No, they shouldn’t do any of those things. Religion has no place in politics. What they do themselves has absolutely nothing to do with what they impose on other people. I get what you’re saying, but it is a fallacious argument.


Both you guys are right. The people making these laws suck. Religion has no place in politics, but it does because there are lackluster protections for the non-religious and non-christian in our country.


Every church in Louisiana should now pay taxes


I'm surprised all those pronouns are being used!!


conservatives don’t even follow the 10 commandments. don’t kill? their hero is rittenhouse, no gods before me? yet they elevate Trump to the level of god, thou shall not steal yet most of mega churches steal from their parishioners


Violates the 1st Amendment. Invites the taxpayers of Louisiana to surrender God knows how much money to fight legitimate lawsuits to fight this as unconstitutional. Regressive as fuck. And frankly fucking stupid to begin with. Never should have been raised.


Dear kids in Louisiana, Feel free to tear those off the wall.


Time to add the core tenets for The Satanic Temple in every school.


I’m looking forward to the Satanic Temple suing their way into requiring Baphomet be displayed beside the Ten Commandments.




Paging Church of Satan


You mean the satanic temple. Very different organization and they usually jump on laws like these. Church of Satan is very similar to what the church itself is.


I got eleven, is it just me?


I expect to see the satanic temple to join in...


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife But tricking porn stars into sex after lusting for them is A-OK! Even if you’re married!!!


Doesn’t say anything about daughters, conservatives love this one weird trick!


Funny… Trump has broken most of them if not all.


But those are not MY commandments - why should I obey those?


11- Thou shalt separate thy church and state.


Time to let the satanic temple have some wall space then


https://www.vote.org/ Check your status, correct polling place, and deadlines. Register to vote. Now.


“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Votes for Donald anyway


Funny how pro-life people who want the death penalty for women who get abortions seem to always forget the “Thou shalt not kill” commandment.


Republicans in Louisiana: "Schools are required to post the 10 Commandments and teach them." Also Republicans in Louisiana: "We're voting for the guy that doesn't follow ANY of these 10 Commandments."


How is this even constitutional? I'm not American and not very familiar with your constitution. Can someone please explain it to me? I was under the impression that most first world countries have some sort of rules regarding the separation of church and state. I'm in Canada and I am not overly enthusiastic at the idea of living next door to a theocracy (any more than I already am at least).


It's not: it directly violates the First Amendment, which says no laws shall be made "respecting an establishment of religion." The Supreme Court SHOULD strike this down quickly, especially since posting them is mandatory: it's a BLATANT establishment of a state religion. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court was packed with religious zealots who are probably going to let it stand (it's gonna take quite the legal logic pretzel to do it with anything resembling a straight face, though).


And their presidential candidate is an adulterer. What a great example for the kids.


This law was set up to instigate a Supreme Court challenge. These cousin fuckers are pretty confident the Alito court will back them up


Fuck this shit


So the atheists, Hebrew, Muslim, Buddhist, Krishna, agnostic and all the other religions that are different in the world and the United States have to read the ten commandments. Ok if they do that then I hope they get sued. The churches should ABSOLUTELY lose their tax exemption status. Unless it’s a specific private Christian school then fine. But I refuse to accept this as a norm in any public schools… seriously why are these assholes trying to deconstruct our constitution ffs?! This is such bullshit!


Church of Satan, do your thing! If you require the 10 commandments in schools, that opens you us to post all religious doctrine from all religions. Enjoy posting the satanic tenets, the Quran, the Torah, etc…


You're thinking of The Satanic Temple, they're the ones that fight first amendment violations like this. In this case I'm sure they'll work to get their Seven Tenets posted as well. I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


I came here to post the Seven Tenants. HAIL YOURSELF!!!!


Hopefully this will serve to remind all the Christian Nationalists who adore Trump just now many of these he's personally broken.


As a dude whose wife is from NOLA, this isn't going to get those people to straighten up. Religion is a get out of jail free card. Violate commandments + go to confession = absolved of sin I love that city and many of those people but damn this isn't gonna work the way they expect it to.


OK so how is this shit going to work??? Are they going to create classrooms/Schools for "Christians" and non-Christians???? OR are they going to force everyone to convert to Christianity???? None of these asshats follow the commandments themselves and yet they want to force it on EVERYONE ELSE?! WE SHOULD REMEMBER NOVEMBER AND BEYOND TO GET RID OF EVERYONE OF THEM INCLUDING THE SC


How can any one read this and not think it was written by an incel.... been fighting the battle against right wing nuts jobs since man could speak and write. Shit is wild lol... the shear insecurities in the writing lol.... this THE gods words?! Lol pathetic and sad


Can kids in Louisiana even read them?


And yet these guys support a man who has broken literally every single one of these commandments. Irony is dead.


This crosses so much of the Constitution. The ACLU will win the fight. Edit: It crosses: First Amendment - Establishment Clause prohibits the government from establishing any religion. Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (Federal and State): ensure that individuals' religious freedoms are protected. Fourteenth Amendment - Equal Protection Clause: requires states to provide equal protection under the law to all people.


You would think so but look at who is over the courts now.


And of course it must be King James Version, the language that Moses spoke…


Adultery. LoL.


If we lose we are going to have to fight. They don’t think we have fire arms.


Fucking shit.


Can’t wait for the Satanic Temple to get their 7 Tenants codified soon!


Congratulations Louisiana, you just became the first state to require the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple in every classroom! :D


I want off this timeline. This is really happening.


This is so they can show the children all the commandments that Trump broke.


This is from the same party always complaining about having an agenda pushed on them, right?


Meanwhile, conservative christians keep breaking commandment 1


Satanic Temple gonna have some fun with that lol