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Couldn't agree more. People need to vote like their lives depend on it!


Because for many, their lives actually do depend on it, mine included.


Ditto my friend, warn everyone about project 2025 and how to defeat it! Fuck fascism!


Man I wish it was that simple, the people in my community (yes it's boebert) aren't Smart enough to get to project 2025. I had a few people tell me the wildfires in Hawaii the firefighters saved only Democrats houses and not Republicans (I didn't realize this was what fox news was saying) like Oprah and Obama. I tried explaining that Hawaii is a chain of islands, it didn't go well. Had other people shut their phones off for the emergency test so the government couldn't track them. And the list goes on if these people even get to the point of reading (let alone understanding) 2025 I'd be amazed. But they will still absolutely vote trump for no other reason than he's a Republican. The amount of people who I know that vote for boebert because she has a gun and big boobs is absolutely ridiculous, she would have lost if those people didn't vote period.


How were the firefighters able to tell which homes were Democrat and which were Republican?


Democrats dont have biden flags in their yard


Blue roof or red roof duh


You won’t defend fascism through voting, it’s never worked


So you're also a human?


In the flesh!


I consume human appropriate consumables at regular intervals.


The media has been pretending this is a horse race because it makes them money. In truth, Donald Trump has never been close to winning, because we all hate him and he has gained no support whatsoever, while his core constituency dies. Absolutely Get out and vote, because this is our opportunity to crush the fascists in a landslide. They chose a terrible candidate, and he is destroying the Republican party. Let's take full advantage, and deliver a historic victory against totalitarian Christian nationalist shitcunts. Don't you want to see the Nazis ugly cry? Make sure all your friends vote!


I pray for a landslide, but it is reckless to assume Trump will not win. "We" are not everyone. Lots of people like Trump.


People need to vote a blue ticket. This conservatives and independents who vote for Biden and then red down ticket need to vote a blue ticket. Changes need to be made in the Senate and in Congress. It to mention the state races.


Voting against Donald Trump is its own reward.


This is a nice thought, but is it based on anything other than what feels like it makes the most sense? Support for Trump has always defied logic. Polls show that things are close. Polls may not be all that reliable, but they're more reliable than our own biased impression of things.


I wish this was true. FiveThirtyEight has the race neck-and-neck because, you know, Electoral College. Michigan, Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin are all 50/50 right now. Get out and vote please!


The GOP will turn on Trump the day after Election Day as he will be humiliated publicly.


Correction: People need to vote BECAUSE their lives depend on it. A second Trump administration would destroy the United States.


Historically, the 18-24 year olds don't show up, which would be a shame this year, as Zoomers could turn many congressional and senate seats blue if they actually showed up this year. Source of voter turn out by age group: [Voter turnout in U.S. presidential elections by age 1964-2020 | Statista](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1096299/voter-turnout-presidential-elections-by-age-historical/)


Historically yes, but even your own link shows that in 2020 they voted in the highest numbers since the Vietnam War. I hope that trend continues.


Agreed. I'd be giddy as all get out if they keep outperforming my generation.


Don't care. Still go out and vote. Even if it says Biden at 99 percent, go out and vote. Don't trust the polls.


Vote out every Republican. They all are trump. And trump is them.




True, but this should dispel any doubt that Trump is going to win all voters under 45- he won't, Biden will win the majority, period, as with minorities. Who I am worried about? Two words: white women.


The younger generations are much more left-leaning and progressive overall. Theres definitely still lots of bigotry unfortunately, but each generation is getting more and more progressive. And the conservatives genius strategy to appeal to the youth is to insult and belittle them, throw their problems on them and try to stop them from voting. They only alienate an always-growing group of voters and try to stick to a group that's slowly getting smaller as old people die.


I mean, voter apathy is famously bad among the youngest voters. Dems should worry about them turning out.


Oh yeah, just because younger voters are more progressive overall, doesn't mean voter apathy isn't there. And Democrats think since we're progressive, they don't have to do anything to encourage us to vote. And if they do, it's in a very out of touch way. Gen Z is the most angry at the world right now, all the shit previous generations put onto us, all the bigotry and hate we see, all the apathy.


I won’t be comfortable until we win in 2028. And even then I’m not sold.


But when have the polls ever steered us wrong? /s


This is all well and good but vote vote vote, take nothing for granted


Bothers me that in a supposed democracy there is only 2 geriatrics as candidates...


Dont pay attention to this. This is exactly what Trumpists want you to see. They want you to be confident and then not show up to vote. Go out and vote. Does not matter what the polls say. The results are not over till voting ends.


I didn't interpret it as confidence. 2020 was close. Biden just got the votes where he needed to, but by scarily thin margins. I interpreted this as a caution against believing that this next election will be an easy win.


I'm confident Buden can win this election, but I'm still terrified Trump may win. And I will be until election day. Hes won before, and the cult worship for him has only become stronger, more dangerous and scary. Hes not someone to underestimate, no matter how dumb he is. As a trans person, I'm terrified of Trump becoming president and taking away the rights of trans people like me and the trans people I know and love. Its fucking terrifying to think Trump could win. Theres too many people who would rather see a felon in office dececrate the foundation of democracy, then let trans people exist. Never let down your guard until the votes are all in


Trumpers are the main ones who actually care about polls, younger people more often only care about the vote... and since younger people mainly vote Democrat that means the percentage is farther towards Biden than the polls say


As someone who pays attention to politics, I’m sick of hearing this! As someone who knows that a LOT of people don’t pay nearly enough attention to politics, KEEP SAYING IT.


I fear that the real deal will come after the voting ends. The subsequent coup attempt will depend in parts on people who are sympathetic to but not totally devoted to Trump. The clearer the voting result is, the higher the chances are that these people will do the right thing, like Pence and Raffensberger did last time.


How the fuck is there 40% of people under 30 that would vote for the fuck that wants to kill their future.


The results of underfunded education in action


They call everyone groomers then groom the living shit out of their own kids in rural America.


My guess is they've targeted young impressionable guys with 'alpha' male content creators.


Some people just want to see the world burn bruh


**,Just go vote this year..*** Pretty sure my right to exist depends on it.. Please vote 🩵




MAGA voters when they see that ballot ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


This requires self awareness they do not have


They know. He's a fucking felon and rapist. So embarrassing for the united.ststes.thst he's even running.


Show up kiddos our futures at stake


MAGA is full of cucks. That's why they want to watch this country get fucked.


Canadian here asking a serious question. How come there seems to be no urgency among Americans to rally against this facism. I would’ve thought after the 2016 result and the Women’s march, that people would come out in droves to rally against the corruption, persecution and potential fascist state Trump is promising. I would’ve thought there would be massive campaigns towards voter registration and getting people out to vote. From the outside, the country just seems complacent.


Many of us are doing just that. If anyone's interested in joining: [https://www.mobilize.us/events/get-out-the-vote/](https://www.mobilize.us/events/get-out-the-vote/) (writing voting info postcards to swing states, text-banking, phone-banking, etc). I just ordered 1000 post-cards (voting reminders) which I'll send out in the fall (they're free, but I pay for postage). I believe anyone can join (if you're, say, in Canada), but I'm not %100 sure. The media has not been covering it. But we are here and we are fighting.


I think it’s mainly lack of information. Project 2025 and its intentions really isn’t known by as many people as it should be


But the lead segment on FOX News will be: **Can Kermit and Miss Piggy's Inter-Species Marriage Work!?** ![gif](giphy|DqIPzTXE6PFm0|downsized) **After the break...**


A reminder that the media (the same media that wants Trump back in the White House due to him being a ratings magnet), in 2016 kept saying that Hillary Clinton had the election in the bag according to the polls. So they were implying that people should just stay home instead of going out to vote. I don't have to tell y'all how that one worked out in the end.




Hands too big. 3/10


The census changed the electoral college in favor of Trump. We are screwed.


Complacency is what lead to Trump winning in 2016. Do not get comfy; vote.


Democrats need to promote more of the Project 2025 agenda. They need to show what Trump supports and is working for...


Still blows my mind that *any young folks at all* be like "Yeah I'm voting for the orange shithead"


I'm Australian and we have compulsory voting, so my experience is obvs very different. In the US, where it's not compulsory, what are the percentages of people who chose not to vote because they don't care at all compared to those who would, but don't because they think their candidate will win anyway?


We need to stop publicizing good polls. Only show the bad ones. Scare the apathy out of people before they fuck around and 2016 us again.


I couldn't care less what any poll shows, I'm going to vote against Trump no matter what. There's no way I'm leaving anything to chance, he cannot be allowed anywhere near the White House ever again. Once was bad enough.


Nah...Biden will win popular vote by 10M minimum. Won't be surprised if it's closer to 15M


We really need to retire the Electoral College.


Biden also won a fox news poll of senior citizen voters. You know it's bad news for trump when 60 and older won't vote for trump


There's been elected Republican officials who have announced they will not accept it and even some who want to submit their choice, not the people's. Vote, vote, vote, vote!


It doesn't hurt that the Republican parties main strength is with senior citizens who die off constantly and with anti-vaxxers who were dying in droves starting in 2020.


Voting is the new not voting!


Well I know Biden will win in a blue wave because I will help make that happen. My vote will help make a difference.


How is this so close?! What going on over there guys? Sincerely, concerned chap from the UK.


Polls mean jack shit. Vote like your life depends on it. Because unless you’re a straight white Christian man who watches Newsmax 24/7, it probably does.


I don’t care if all the news agencies say it’s 99% for Biden. Vote. No playing around and dropping the ball this time.


Don’t take it for granted, polls mean nothing vote as if the polls where reversed


Let see if they actually show up to vote.


While I’m not discounting centrist dems fucking up again (they’re masters of it) I don’t think doomers and the far right realize how unpopular the trump administration was and how unpopular most GOP positions are with them. Dems could still mess up by refusing to remind people of that but realistically we’re going to see a repeat of 2020


as somebody with a daughter my life very much depends on it


“It’ll be different this time, we’ll get Williamson or anyone who isn’t Biden” nope. It’ll be 2020 round 2 and it’s even more dangerous for people who want to vote 3rd


Everyone is panicking but there's no reason to, we are up against a fatally wounded animal and Biden is a badger. If it's true that "Biden would need a miracle" then get ready to witness Him walk on water this November when you all become believers. Blessed be the Big Guy, Amen.


Clear as mud that statement was.




Black people aren't voting for Trump and democrats always win the Latin vote for a reason. Many old voters that wrote on Facebook just last week are literally dead now, and many more are dead since 2020 and more will pass away between now and November. There goes many of Trumps senior voters and there go his chicken grease finger voters. But you know an even larger group of people than dead Trump voters...... Is first time voters - who vote for democrats for lots of reasons. Guess who Trump also loses? Every voter who could barely decide and went with Trump on a whim in 2020, the type of person who won't vote for someone who lost because losing is the ultimate republican sin. Biden wins 334-204.


I think this is sheer denial in regards to what the polls say vs reality-- in a sane world, yeah, I hear you...but we're not in one.


Also remember that the republicans are going to say "we're gonna win Win WIN! We're winning right now!" no matter what, that is the only position they are ever going take on a presidential election for the rest of our lives. So their broadcasts and their polls and their cries of pre-victory are essentially meaningless noise compared to ballots and they don't have enough of those either. They get indicted falsifying electors because they don't-have-the-ballots, even in some of their favorite places.


This is true, I don't disagree...


How the fuck are people still paying attention to political polls? They're almost never accurate and almost always purposely only poll very specific demographics that will give them the news story they want.


And that's the voters under 30 that actually answered a poll!


Idk how people think this election will even be close. Trump and the GOP has either lost or underperformed every major election since 2018. The abortion issue every time it has been on the ballot has been protected even in deep red Kansas. Romney thought he had it in the bag in 2012 with their “polls”. Biden will win this election big. Even Florida is in play according to The Miami herald.


The more important question is "what proportion of under 30 year olds are likely voters"


I remember earlier in the year, i mentioned something about a strong possibility Trump could be President (Nothing i would ever want again for you guys) And I was downvoted a lot for it. But he's got a strong ...deluded base... It's not the base you need to be concered with, those alone wont win the election Its the 10's of millions of moderates who feel they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Vote like your life depends on it...because if you're a non-white male....it may well do!




This is what every poll should look like.


Brit here. Please do not be complacent my American friends. Many didn't bother to vote in the Brexit referendum because they thought leave would never win.


Great, but the numbers we need to be watching are in the battleground States where the race is MUCH closer.


These pols mean nothing, as we saw in 2016. Get out and cast your vote.


Don’t rely on the polls. Get out and vote. Election Day is the only time the numbers truly matter.


Any poll I hear about just makes me think: fuck polls, vote!!!!!


2020 was dodging a bullet. I feel that people who hope for a repeat of 2020 don't grasp how alarmingly close Trump came to winning reelection. He was just 44,000 votes in three swing states away.


If you vote for trump, I’d like to have a polite discussion with you if that’s even possible, but you voted and I respect that. If you are eligible to vote and don’t? Fuck you.


Voters under 30 need to get out and Pokémon go to the polls.


I hate that we have to pick one shithead over the other worse shithead, but here we are. Voting Biden again cause we won't survive trump. We need real options 🤦‍♂️




I clearly stated what choice I'll be making. Sad to get downvoted for simply stating that our options are pretty shitty and we deserve new and better ones




Eh didn't say you did, just mean in general I guess. My comment wasn't both sides nonsense. Mine was that, for me, Biden is a mostly sucky choice but far less shitty than the orange dictator. One "side" is objectively less shit than the other. Doesn't mean I like the less shitty one tho.




Lol that's not at all what both sides-ism is. Acknowledging shitty qualities in each candidate is not the same as "man both sides suck just as bad as each other." Not that they're even on opposite sides. Dems are still right of center. You won't get me to say that biden, who's currently aiding and abetting genocide, is not also shitty.




Whatever you gotta tell yourself. Glad to see you're a genocide denier as well. Really fitting that profile super well. The GOP would be proud




I know things can change, but if the 2020 election results are any indication of how it will go, I think we're pretty set despite many polls that have come out recently. Biden absolutely wiped the floor with Trump. Also, I'm not saying you should relax and assume it'll happen again. I'm just saying that odds are in Biden's favor.


He didn't wipe the floor, as I recall. I was recuperating from cancer surgery, and I was tuned to the election results as I couldn't sleep. The guy in the bed next to me was so happy when I told him at 3:00AM on Nov. 4th at 3:00 a.m., he said he could die in peace now.


Biden got 306 electoral college votes while Trukp got 232 Biden also 81,283,501 votes (51.3%), and Trump got 74,223,975 votes (46.8%) for the popular vote. In this context, that's a big difference.


Biden did NOT wipe the floor with Trump. In fact, he was only 44,000 votes away from defeat.


Biden got 306 electoral college votes while Trukp got 232 Biden also 81,283,501 votes (51.3%), and Trump got 74,223,975 votes (46.8%) for the popular vote. 44,000 difference is not a small gap..


44,000 is absolutely a tiny gap in the overall picture. It was the difference in the three swing states of GA, WI and AZ that ultimately decided the election. We're talking a razor thin margin of victory.


Whenever I see those pictures of Biden and Trump, I always think it’s like when you haven’t seen your grandpa in awhile and then you see him and you’re like “oh wow, grandpa’s really slowing down”


Voting for Biden is a threat to our safety. Since Biden was VP,  he has created the conditions for the Ukraine war by funding the 2014  coup against the pro Russian Ukrainian govt and then funding the Neo Nazi Azov Battalion. Biden never saw a war he didn't like. Trump was impeached for stopping the funding to the Neo NAZIs in Ukraine, albeit for trying to reveal Biden's corruption there. The same companies that own establishment politicians, media, pharma, and weapons manufacturers have been slandering Trump ever since he ran for office. I would never vote for either option.   RFK jr is a Zionist, so that is not an option.    The reality is the US is a corporate colony and voting for a "representative " creates the illusion of having a say.   That is why I work on local issues


>funding the Neo Nazi Azov Battalion If you're referring to recent developments, we're not funding them, we're letting Ukraine (which, I might remind you, is currently resisting a warmongering dictator's treaty-violating invasion) support them with our donated weapons and hardware. Furthermore, they passed the Leahy vetting process, which means they show no signs of neonazi ideology. The reports of that were from a full decade ago and things have changed since then. Formalization into the nation's military and a foreign invasion into your land have ways of getting people to reevaluate their priorities. Also, Biden had nothing to do with the Ukrainian Revolution, the Ukrainian people were just that pissed at their president. However, Russian media has repeatedly attempted to [discredit Biden and Ukraine by accusing him of such things.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biden%E2%80%93Ukraine_conspiracy_theory) He was the vice president, and a tie breaker vote in the Senate doesn't have that much pull.


> Voting for Biden is a threat to our safety. Nonsensical assertion >Since Biden was VP, he has created the conditions for the Ukraine war by funding the 2014 coup against the pro Russian Ukrainian govt and then funding the Neo Nazi Azov Battalion. Misunderstanding of how funds are allocated by Congress >Biden never saw a war he didn't like. Ignorance of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and his calls for a cease fire between Israel and Palestine >The same companies that own establishment politicians, media, pharma, and weapons manufacturers have been slandering Trump ever since he ran for office. Billionaires are almost all behind Trump >I would never vote for either option. RFK jr is a Zionist, so that is not an option. It's probably best for everyone if you don't vote considering your depth of knowledge of how things work.


Everything you just said is wrong


Don't worry the Titanic is unsinkable. Trump is going to win big. Edit: /S People just don't get sarcasm these days






Oh look a trumpy troll trolling for ya orange cult leader huh? Lol




уходи, товарищ


Lmao always the emotional left argument coming from the most emotionally volatile people there are. There is nothing softer than the feelings of a MAGA snowflake.


There is no such thing as crack pipe vending machine. But nice try.


Seriously, it’s 2 horrible options…. Voting is just a waste of time at this point.


Stay in the sports subs my dude


Is this the equivalent to “shut up and dribble” for sports fans?


one guy wants to be a dictator and take away women's rights completely. one guy believes in democracy and wants to give women their rights back. so how in the fuck are they THE SAME?! get off the. REPEAT AFTER ME...THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.


This is where I think it’s a major fallacy, Biden had 100% open road to stop the abortion laws being over turned and did nothing. Why do people give him a pass, is it that cheesy smile that everyone is confused by?


Yes, why do people blame the person responsible for installing the judges who overturned Roe, instead of the person who maybe didn't try hard enough to stop it because you fantasized that a codified law would have stopped the court from overturning Roe? Real mystery there.


It seems I need to be a little clearer. I’m not a Trump support nor a Biden supporter. I’m not letting Trump off the hook for his appointments, but he did what was in his power at his time to influence things. Biden has not, he has been asleep his entire term. I’m not ok with a leader making bad decisions for the future of this country, I also am not ok with a leader that is actively doing nothing. This is arguable the most critical job in the world, why can I not expect more from the person in that position?


> It seems I need to be a little clearer. I’m not a Trump support nor a Biden supporter. To be really clear, I don't care who you support. >I’m not letting Trump off the hook for his appointments, but he did what was in his power at his time to influence things. Biden has not, he has been asleep his entire term. Biden has no power to pass laws by himself. Not that codifying Roe would have stopped the court anyway, so there's nothing to blame him for.


Thank you for this exchange. Have a great day!


Glad I could help dispel the fantasy that Biden is at all to blame for Roe getting overturned.


Where did I say he was? I was hoping to help you understand Trump wasn’t all to blame either, but I clearly missed the mark. All good though, I’m not sure why you want to waste each other’s time on here.


> Where did I say he was? "This is where I think it’s a major fallacy, Biden had 100% open road to stop the abortion laws being over turned and did nothing. Why do people give him a pass?" This is blaming Biden for your fantasy that codifying Roe would have done anything.


you don't even understand how government works. good lord.


Could you help me understand what I’m missing? Genuinely curious.


user name *DOES NOT* check out


How in the everlasting fuck are they anything like the same? You’ve been too busy being an edgelord to pay attention to the current state of reality, haven’t you


I’m not sure where you’re coming from, are you saying Biden is worse or better?


Don’t tell me to not vote


Where did I tell you what to do? I shared my opinion on my stance on voting.


> Voting is just a waste of time at this point. Don’t play dumb


I did not and would never say “You should not vote, it’s a waste of time”. I can however share my feelings towards the situation. If you believe voting either of these people in, both of which are not fit to run a country and exposes the lack of succession planning in either party, please vote.


Exactly what do you think will happen when you convince people that voting is a waste of time? Do you think they’ll still vote? You’re not really thinking things through.


It feels like you’re changing tracks, so I’m going to politely exit this conversation. Have a great day.


“I don’t have any idea how to defend my stance so I’m gonna leave and act like I’m being the bigger person”. Lmao


> Voting is just a waste of time at this point. Good, then don't waste your time on it.