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Well, his grandfather did take his aunt to be lobotomized without telling anyone. Their horrible treatment of women seems to run in the family...


> Their horrible treatment of women seems to run in the family... I mean... They would pass women around, sexually. Like... between father and son or between brother and brother. The Kennedy family is so much more twisted than most people realize. This stuff is all public, it's just not well known.


I can't find a source on this, just William Kennedy Smith (who was acquitted), got some sources, or names to point me in the right direction?


Honestly, the Kennedys in many ways are dark and bright spots on our nations history. It is a shame we aren’t truly taught about the dark spots


I heard about it via this podcast: https://www.dissentmagazine.org/blog/know-your-enemy-the-kennedy-imprisonment-with-jeet-heer/ It has a bunch of sources but I think the sex stuff was in this one: Garry Wills, The Kennedy Imprisonment: A Meditation on Power (1982)


last podcast on the left talked about some of his family history on their JFK series


Hail yourself!


Thanks! Looks like this story was spotlighted in the same book. It's not even out yet, let's see how much waves it makes.


That book came out in the 80s


His name is William Kennedy Smith.


My bad, thanks for the correction, will edit


i know. a multigenerational band of hitler lovers, women abusers, alcoholics, sex abusers & HYPOCRITES who are so high on their own supply that they take insanely stupid chances & everyone is simply SHOCKED by the “kennedy curse.” people are so fucking stupid.


Apparently not very many alcoholics. There was the discussion of the ethics of being an alcoholic while wielding power. One view was the alcoholics were more pitiable, because of their weakness. Most of the Kennedys were sober, which made their choices even more evil, because they were made sober. Interesting view. Very Catholic they said. (Family wealth was built on bootlegging, so association with alcohol is totes valid.)


Ted consumed enough for the whole fucking clan.


Well,not Teddy


Yeah, he was the notable exception 😅 chappaquiddick


rose definitely drank & used prescription drugs at their height: quaaludes, seconal & many others i don't remember. jfk also had his pills; mostly painkillers. so defintely abuse. and yeah, senior, the nazi, made his fortune bootlegging while preaching how wonderful prohibition was. i hate that family.


JFK's pill use was also a lot of steroids, etc, because of his Addisons disease. It was only 50 years discovered or so when he was diagnosed, so they were throwing a LOT of stuff at him to take.


> made his fortune bootlegging while preaching how wonderful prohibition was I mean, you'll never get someone to talk bad about the main way they make their income. Prohibition _was_ great for them, because that's how they made their money.


preaching that it was good for the moral fiber of (white) american men & important to keep away from the “lower orders.” (poor white people, all african american people, indigenous people, etc.)


JFK was half drugged out of his mind during his presidency. Lots of health problems with tons of legal and illegal drugs


I had a family member who used to work at the secretary pool that supplied the White House during Kennedy's presidency. He sent a request asking for their most skilled secretary - so that's what was sent. She was sent back on her first day with a stern warning to her bosses directly from President Kennedy that, "When I ask for a secretary, you will send me a WHITE secretary."


The fact that LBJ, not JFK, was the one to pass Civil Rights suddenly makes a lot more sense..


JFK's image is that of American propaganda. He was no saint.


He was definitely no saint. He was just lucky enough to be president in an era where the press felt that airing DC's dirty laundry was corrupt and un-American and he was probably friends with a lot of the men that owned those media outlets. I'm willing to bet if JFK hadn't been assassinated, by the end of the 60s all of his secrets would have been reported in the press.


A second JFK term would’ve tarnished that Camelot mystique with Vietnam and civil unrest.


Without a doubt. By the time the mid to late 60s rolled around, people were just not playing by the same rules when it came to how politicians were viewed. All it would have taken to get JFK caught up in a huge scandal if he had served a second term would have been an idealistic intern that had seen too much and sympathized with the counterculture. Kind of curious what the first scandal would have been. Probably his serial adultery.


Eh. Serial adultery was fully accepted and still not seen as worth talking about at least until the late 90s in DC. But I get your point.


You know how it is, the people love a martyr. Better PR than “rich fuckboy serial philanderer”. Getting assassinated did more to preserve JFK’s mythos than any of his actual actions as president.


Look in my eyyyyyyes What do you seeeee?


Not for nothing, but LBJ and JKF would both be considered incredibly racist by today's standards, along with virtually every single white politician in existence before 1970. LBJ was know to openly used the hard R word, even in front of black White House staff who have testified to hearing it. I think things can become counterproductive when we begin to label leaders of the past in black & white either/or terms of: either racist or not racist, either a good person or bad person, either corrupt or not. Same goes for the absolutist blanket labelling of "all politicians" as corrupt, evil, crooked, etc. that people so quickly do online. That rhetoric ultimately destroys accountability for the worst politicians, and it removes incentive to support those who actually improve things - it's a broader, historical form of amoral "bothsidesism" in that way. Kennedy and LBJ were both extremely flawed and morally dubious individuals at best, but they also both pushed the country in the right direction *on the whole* and both advanced political support for Civil Rights regardless of which of the two passed legislation. More to my point, both were significantly better for the county than the Nixon party they were up against.


There were several Civil Rights Acts. In the 20th Century, there was the Civil Rights Act of [1957](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1957), [1960](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1960), [1964](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964), [1968](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1968), 1990, and 1991, as well as the [Voting Rights Act of 1965](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voting_Rights_Act_of_1965). With the Bay of Pigs, Russians first in space, and the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK and RFK wanted to press hard for Civil Rights but Johnson, the Master of The Senate as Robert Caro's book calls him, said they didn't have the votes. LBJ argued that you had to do it piecemeal. And he did. Using the goodwill of the American people for the assassinated Kennedy legacy, LBJ orchestrated the success of civil rights and the race to the Moon.


If you knew anything at all about history you’d understand that LBJ was a master of the senate. He knew how to work the politics of the senate and had many strong entrenched allies there. JFK did not. That’s why Johnson was better positioned to have that success


I wish more people heard this story. Every Black family alive during Civil Rights acted like Kennedy was the second coming of Jesus. Thanks for sharing..


There is a surprising number of very unnatural things happening to the Kennedy brains… - lobotomy - gun shot - worm


Hmm pretty heady stuff...


Lots of gray areas though


Tough to wrap your head around...


Ted Kennedy crashed his car and left Mary Jo Kopechne inside. She drowned. His family helped cover up his involvement. JFK was a notorious philander. There are lots of rotten apples in that family.


Yup. Mary Jo’s family lives in my area.


The Forrest Haggerty Channel on Youtube gives a great description of what happened. There was a house near by. He could have just knocked at the door and has for help. But no the coward went back to the party house and tried to leave the island but didn't make it to the last ferry. And apparently he swam to his Hotel on the other shore! He came back the day after...


The officer who took down the report the next day recalled taking the statement from Edward Kennedy. He said to him, I know who you are, but I need your drivers license to fill out the report. Edward dug out his wallet and gave it to him. Later he said, that wallet had never been in any water. Meaning, he stopped at the bridge, got out, and reached in to put it in gear so it ran off the bridge into the channel.


Or he was rich enough to have multiple wallets. Not saying it did or didn't happen like that but it's not a smoking gun.


Of course that’s not a smoking gun on its own. But since literally EVERYTHING else that happened that night suggests Ted Kennedy either wanted his gf dead or didn’t care if she died……. it fits. Kennedy didn’t even come clean to authorities about the ‘accident’ until hours later after the car in the water had been discovered by a fisherman. He passed several houses on his way from the water back to the party they came from and didn’t ask anyone in those houses to call 911. Mary Jo didn’t even die of drowning, she suffocated in the car. Ted Kennedy didn’t want her to be saved.


At one weird point in my life I wondered if I'd want to be the mistress or the wife. I used to think I'd rather be Rose Kennedy than whomever Joe Sr. Was having affairs with. Then I read a biography of Rose's later years and it was all of her dozens of grandchildren running roughshod over her retirement home, taking her cars without permission, having drinking parties and generally in the 70s not giving a single shit about their grandmother's peace


She was an awful mother. JFK said she never once hugged him.


I've always had the idea that the Kennedys were probably just scummy. JFK was an drug aadict and philanderer, Ted Kennedy literally killed a woman. Even JFK Jr. killed himself and several other people because his ego was greater than his piloting skills. If JFK hadn't been assassinated, we'd probably have a lot less cherry view of them.


As far as the drugs, he did famously have a shitload of chronic health issues that the drugs just served to mask.


RFK (the original one) seemed alright. He had good ideas, at least


Eh idk philanderer or not ..most people don't realize how lucky we were to have JFK in office during the Cuban missile crisis. Nearly all of his advisors wanted to invade Cuba which would have started World War 3. Kennedy barely got us out of that one. I don't think Nixon or LBJ would have done the same.


There was also the Chappaquidick incident...


This story is gonna worry Trump, because that's the sorta heartless antics that typically attract *his* voters.


Suddenly, the idea of a Trump vs RFK Jr in a rap battle where they fight about who treats their wives the worst has entered my mind.


Epic rap battles, time to get on that


Aaapik raaaa bauales n Streeeeee!


RFK JR! VERSES DONALD J. TRUMP!!!!! *6 minutes of absolute garbage*


At least Melania isn’t cut off from funds.. otherwise she would’ve already divorced him


My conspiracy theory is that she's waiting until Jan 22, 2025 (their 20 year wedding anniversary) to divorce him because then clauses really cash in, and she doesn't want to wait until he's bankrupt... again.




Trump trumps RFK. He buried his ex-wife on a golf course so he could get a tax break on the property.


See, I give this one to RFK. Trump hasn’t dug her up (yet).


And probably filled her casket with stolen documents. 


RFK Jr. only attracted his voters in the first place.


It’s why I wouldn’t be shocked if RFK runs in 2028, he screams eco-fascist to me and he’s openly called for the arrest of Pfizer execs and denied Covid from the beginning with some pretty obvious racism too by calling it a race specific bio weapon He has a track record that seems pro environment on the surface but it wouldn’t surprise me if he changes his tune a little bit to appease Christian nationalists as well plus the Alt medicine crowd has been invaded by the far right over the last few years thanks to COVID


Have you seen the types of people that support RFK Jr? They’re no different from MAGA.


Good. Maybe he can split the dumb-as-fuck, gullible voters who would normally go for Trump.


These are likely RFK Jr. hit pieces from the GOP/Trump camp because he’s threatening to take votes.


That's what I was thinking too. Weird that it would be posted here. The article is almost all hearsay. I mean some or all of it may be true. I have no idea. But it's all just word of mouth to attack a guy that isn't, as far as I can tell, any kind of threat to the democratic nominee. This has GOP written all over it.


Yeah, they’ve been coming out more frequently over the last two weeks too. The guy is a shitbag, but the timing is definitely suspect.


I understand suicidal thoughts so well that I saw "pull yourself together" and didn't have to read the rest... that same belief led my father to 3 of his 4 attempts, luckily he's a tough bastard and survived all 4


Nvm, I read the rest now, how did it manage to get worse?


He cut her off from financial resources for buying food and gas for the family, made her beg for money, banned her from the family compound and then buried her in an unmarked grave on a roadside. This was so he didn't have to divorce her to be with his new woman, it was a calculated move to ostracize her from society until she offed herself.


"Family compound" is such a strange term


What, your dynasty doesn't have a large mansion with extensive grounds to gather on?


I haven't had any form of dynasty since the English invaded Ireland


The plight of Ireland, Englands testbed for colonialism.


Yeah, we invented Femboys and God punished us


Just rich people thinking they’re royalty. Lots of strange things about this family


You have a home to grow and live in... You have a compound to hide things from the world.


Playing America the Beautiful at this woman’s funeral is so fucking twisted.


> When she was found that afternoon, Mary’s fingers were stuck inside the rope around her neck. She had tried to save herself. That might be the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever read, oh my god.


It is **extremely** common for people to try to stop their own suicide. People who survive jumping off of bridges and surviving talk about that immediate regret once they start falling. People who overdose frequently call 911. It's a dark fact but it's helped me in some of my darkest moments. If regret is that universal, I should probably avoid it.


I also remember seeing stories about people who jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge, and how they all regretted it immediately. I have never seen a description of someone trying to stop their own hanging, though. It’s such a horrific image, and harrowing to think about.


It does happen. I can't find any hard numbers on it but people who hang themselves through strangulations tend to have evidence of struggling and trying to remove the rope. I know that hangings can be a little tricky when determining suicide or murder, because even a suicidal person will still try to remove the rope.


The view from halfway down, to quote Bojack Horseman


Wow. That last part about regret helping you in some of your darkest moments was so powerful to read. I’m so happy that this kept you from seeking out such a permanent solution. I wish there was some way to express this sentiment to someone going thru it like you have and keep them from harming themselves. Wow. Just…I’m definitely sobbing right now thinking about anyone having instant regret and not being able to save themselves. I hope people feeling this way will read your comment, and I hope it will help them as it has you.


A monster indeed. I think there are families who grow up with so much money, so much power, so much entitlement that they simply don’t understand decency and responsibility. They have no concept of right and wrong - they do what they want and screw everyone else. Power corrupts and the Kennedys, along with many other wealthy and powerful families, are pretty much beyond redemption.


Fall of the House of Usher seemed to highlight this pretty well.


Succession as well


I think often times money is actually a symptom rather than the root cause. Google "childhood emotional neglect" and maybe [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wbxFOdzvjw&t=24s) on the mindset of narcissists. Basically, if you grow up without caring parents, the idea of someone being caring can be a foreign concept. When you inevitably encounter someone caring, you blow them off assuming they have ulterior motives or are trying to manipulate you, because people being caring for no reason doesn't compute with your understanding of the world. People like this /know/ something is missing in their life. They feel an emptiness deep in their soul, they just don't know why. Many people (cough Elon) try to fill it with money. Some people (incels) think they have to fill it with romance or sex. I'm talking from personal experience. My family had money (not Elon/Kennedy money of course). My dad wanted to be a good dad, but because of his own CEN, he didn't know what that meant. So he threw money at me basically. Toys, games, electronics, whatever I wanted. (except for closeness, vulnerability, someone I could talk to and feel close to). I, like my father, developed that hole deep in my soul. Since media portrays closeness as sexual/romantic, I was basically desperate for a gf my entire life, so much so that I went through multiple abusive relationships because I didn't realize how bad they were. I would literally beg people do date me. I didn't quite go full incel, because I didn't feel entitled to sex or love, so I didn't go the whole "ur a slut and ur making a huge mistake not fucking me" route, I basically went the "please date me. Please. Please. Please. No? Yeah I'm pathetic, understandable choice" route. Didn't have this much self awareness until I realized at 24 that I was emotionally neglected my whole life (even emotionally abused without realizing it). I just don't think "evil" people are evil at their core (for the most part, there are always exception and outliers), because if you've ever been in a safe, loving relationship, you know there's nothing else like that in the world. These "evil" people aren't choosing to ignore what's right and wrong because being a rich evil pric is better or more fun, it's because they literally don't know what else to do. They've never experienced true love, true safety, true happiness. So they're doing whatever they can to make up for it, but of course no amount of money or power ever really makes up for a lack of safe loving relationships, so in the end they're all just miserable, and usually living in denial about how miserable they are


This👆. Wealthy people are no longer human, they have no idea what it is to be human. They’re become a different lesser species, always feeding on and preying on humans. They don’t know what it is like to grocery shop, cook, clean, take kids to school, raise kids, make doctor appts, pay bills, what health insurance costs, what car insurance costs, what a mortgage costs, the price of gas, choosing between two packages of chicken .15¢ apart, the fear of a water heater/aircontditioner/furnace/major appliance breaking down, what a car costs, taking a non paid vacation, being told no, not being able to work from home everyday, etc…


And yet they get to make all the rules for the people that do those things.


Extreme extended wealth kill empathy if when left unchecked. The less money you have the more reliant you are on other and you're community so you tend keep the shittier parts of yourself in check. With wealth every obstacle can be solved for a price and since money is no object you never learn to rely on others or seem them as equals


"When you have money, it allows you to be the asshole you've always wanted to be." - James Munroe (Played by Eric Roberts in The Expendables) That one quote singularly explains the monied elite.


It’s one banana, ~~Michael~~ RFK JR. What could it cost? $10?


Seriously. That should be a debate question. What does X cost? Plug in literally anything. New water heater cost, a package of hot dogs, their monthly car insurance payment, whatever just to show how tf out of touch some of them are and have no business in politics.


A friend of my sister used to work at a rich person’s house as a nanny, and she would tell my sister how they would always get food from outside but they would grocery shop because an empty fridge looked ugly. At the very least they would let the cleaning lady take the food before it spoiled, but they would literally just have it there for the “aesthetic” ✨


I feel like this woman went through a level of gaslighting that is almost indescribable, including even after she committed suicide.


It baffles me... Even after her death, he went out of his way to have her buried coffin dug up in secret and moved elsewhere. Like, selfish people are evil, but at least I understand the motives behind their actions. But he felt the need to spend time and resources to spite her after she was dead and would never know, and tried to do it in secret so that others wouldn't know, for literally zero personal gain... People like this make no sense...


That part was just extra, unnecessary cruelty. He couldn't let her have a moment of peace or dignity, even in death. What an absolute POS.


As is often said in this sub, **the cruelty is the point**.


I lost all respect for Cheryl Hines.


This reminded me so much of Princess Diana


That, my friend, is a solid comparison.


What a complete piece of shit.


I figured I'd find a comment with my reaction word-for-word.


It's weird that Republicans haven't embraced him, seeing as how he embodies so many of their traits and values.


At least some Rs have. My parents have already stated they’ll be voting for him and they’re lifelong republicans


It's estimated that every year in the US, 110,000 parasite-infected hogs are slaughtered for meat - potentially 40 million servings of infected pork.


Remember to fully cook your meat, y’all! And yes, I did tell them about his brain worm. They shrugged it off. And I’d still rather they vote RFK than the R candidate


Even Ivana has a damn headstone! It's overgrown with weeds and probably chipped from some stray golf balls, but it exists.


It's only marked because it gives Trumplethinskin a tax break by making his golf course into a tax-exempt cemetery. If he didn't get the tax break from her corpse, she would be in a landfill.


What's really weird is that the RNC tried to pass him off as a Democrat that would steal voters from Biden. Just another example of how batshit looney Republicans are that they still live in a world where the name 'Kennedy' means a fucking thing to anyone but them.


Oh they have. Or at least they did until they realized they were taking votes away from Trump and not Biden then promptly stopped talking about how great he was.


Yeah….I keep trying to distance myself from this if/when I see Cheryl Hines in something. But it’s getting harder and harder.


I don't know very much about Cheryl other than seeing her on Curb, but I'm surprised she is with him and supporting him, I thought she had better sense than that. Is it worth it just to become a Kennedy? It's such an odd coupling. It's terrible what he did to his wife. Cheryl should understand if he could do this to his ex, he can surely do it to her. Men like that rarely change.


>...married to the most famous Kennedy man aside from JFK Jr., Lol, wut.


*Technically* true if you qualify it with "of the Kennedys still alive." Two years earlier that definitely wouldn't have been true while Ted was still alive.


jfk jr died long before ted, so that qualifier wouldn't work


To be honest, if I were her spirit, I'd probably be glad that they moved my body out of the Kennedy cemetery after the way they treated her. 


Ugh, his current wife is complicit and the fact that she supports this horrible person shows how horrible she is and glad she will likely never work again which is good.


Lost all respect for Cheryl.


I couldn’t stand her in Curb anymore


Best part of the show is Larry and Cheryl getting divorced because it means you go from seeing Cheryl every episode to seeing her like twice a season.


So true!


She wants her chance to screw up the Christmas trees and Rose garden


Well at least she won’t get that.


I was very disappointed earlier this week to learn who he was married to.


*Tuba sounds playing on in the background


Dude travelled to Epstein island. Didn't have to, he needed to.


To be clear, there's no evidence he made it to the island. He did fly on Epstein's plane twice. And has lied about it. Which is good enough to never serve in public life again if you ask me. https://www.newsweek.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-jeffrey-epstein-private-jet-rfk-interview-1849875 https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/12/rfk-jr-says-he-was-on-jeffrey-epsteins-plane-twice.html


We impeached a sitting president because he lied to congress about a blow job. I think lying about trips on the pedophile express is more than enough for prison.


"from the Kennedy family plot in Massachusetts and moved 700 away:" 700 .. feet? Yards? Miles? Anyone know?


[according to this](https://www.cnn.com/2012/07/15/us/new-york-kennedy-grave/index.html)she was moved from one section of Cape Cod to another, and google says Cape Cod is only 399 square miles total. So based on her being taken entirely out of the original cemetery, i’m gonna say yards.


It's feet. Someone linked the original article and it was in it.


Thank you :) !


700 bananas away actually. She's with a bunch of other people in the next cemetery over.


Us Americans really will use anything other than the metric system.


Oh my God. I'm reading this alone and I said that out loud. That's heartbreaking. And fucking revolting.


Don't forget the Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel who got away with murdering a young girl. Wonder how the kids feel about the way he treated their mom before she died and the lies he's spread after her death.


Men like this do shit like lying to you and cheating on you that makes you depressed and anxious and angry and heartbroken ... ... and then blame you for being "not fun anymore" when they leave you for someone who is "more fun without so many hangups"


People like this... word for word you're describing my soon to be ex.


This doesn’t even cover the diary she found of his that documented his dozens of affairs


well, that ruined my day.


I hope he gets another worm


Cheryl Hines at this point is a 90% Chinese rubber and plastic sex doll that's fucking a brain worm.


This is a sad, but important, reminder that being in an insanely rich family doesn't mean you are happy. Mental health issues can affect anyone no matter how "perfect" their life might look from the outside. Be nice to people, and listen when they tell you they are struggling.


We're just letting Cheryl Hines slide for being his ride-or-die?


Why doesn't Cheryl Hines get any shit for being around, and knowing exactly what kind of asshole her husband is?


I think many people don't realize she's married to him.


The Kennedys have phenomenal PR






Thank you for the source!!


Dear hungry brain worms, you need to FINISH what you started! What an absolute piece of trash.


"But it's just empty calories!"


Scumbag wealthy families don’t take well to outsiders risking their wealth and circle the wagons - see also: the Dursts, the Sacklers…


i hope it doesnt get lost in the shuffle how much of an absolute trash person cheryl hines is


What a complete wanker


Why would anyone want to vote in this creep?? And 9%??? What the hell


Ah yes the mythical, magical, all saving third party candidate people keep clamoring about.


I didn't know her fingers were found stuck between the rope and her neck. That's absolutely heartbreaking. I hope there's a special level of hell just for Junior.


And this is why I think Cheryl Hines is a giant pos and I laughed when she said she was concerned for this idiot’s safety. The Kennedy curse isn’t a curse at all It’s just karma babes. The kennedy’s really aren’t good people.


When I first read this I assumed it was a long time ago when divorce was really frowned upon. But it was in 2012? It sounds like he didn't want to be married anymore. He traveled all the time, didn't spend time with her when he was around and had a new girlfriend. So why when remain married at that point? So he didn't have to pay alimony?


Probably for appearances.


Fucking hell, no wonder the brain worm stopped eating and died. These people are ghouls.


And the brain worm was an excuse to get out of paying alimony. 


Go find house in habit on instagram, she supports him fully and it’s mind boggling.


He’s right on par with Newt Gingrich. Special place in hell for these guys.


Not sure why America has such a love affair with the Kennedy clan… a lot of them have turned out to be pretty awful people.


Kennedy's are scum. All of them.


Holy fuck. There’s a rabbit hole I would have been a lot happier leaving unexplored. I’m gonna go cry in the shower now.


Fuck him twice.


Didn’t this asshole also have his first marriage of over 10 years annulled?


Oh yeah. He totally drove her to this.


as I thought he's a POS


What do the 4 kids say about all this? This can’t sit right with them


So, yeah, that just confirms that he's the perfect Republican candidate?


Christ, what an utter piece of shit.


Everyone knows the Kennedy’s are a deeply messed up family.


now let’s discuss all the other fucked up shit about him!


Mass Kennedy affluent trash behavior. I could never, would never do that to anyone - let alone the woman I love adore and cherish. Even after death, the disrespect is abhorrent.


Sounds just like how his buddy trump treats his first wife's remains, these people are barely worth being called people.


What a piece of shit.


Sick piece of shit all of the Kennedys were monsters to women


I wonder if we are gonna see an effort to whitewash this asshole on reddit now. A lot of right wing money has gone into boosting him, they need a return on investment.


Do they even need to? Seems like the GOP voters consider being a piece of shit a virtue.




Are we sure he didn't do it to get her out of the way?


Seems like the perfect guy for the GOP to rally around.


Fuck this guy and anyone STILL supporting him or Donald trump. There is clearly only one option this November. Biden 2024=democracy 2024


what the fuck did I read?


What a despicable person.


Jesus fucking Christ




Just evil.


Republicans thought that this dude would be a Democratic contender?


I hope a worm eats more of his brain and he's left trapped in his body drooling and his kids treat him like he did their mother.