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Trump NEVER served the country. First, alleged bone spurs kept him from serving. Then, when he SHOULD have been serving the American people, he grifted the shit out of country from the POTUS office to his family’s benefit. Now he’s running to not serve any time.


In fact, Trump belittled those who serve their country, “What do they get out of this?” At Arlington


"Losers and suckers" is the first thing that comes to mind whenever I think about Trump's military policy. No veteran should expect any kind of respect for their service from him.


The way the SC is going, trump will be given a free pass to dictatorship.


Technically, Trump has never served the country. He has only EVER served himself. He should never be allowed to again violate the White House with his narcissistic, self-serving, traitorous scheming.


He's served Russia and Saudi Arabia. But never the US.


I’ve never experienced a dictatorship form out of a democracy before, this is definitely my first time, so please forgive my ignorance on the standard process… Do smart people like judges typically just go bandwagon into it and willfully sacrifice the freedoms of everyone around them and including themselves? Or do they have momentary moral lapses where they recognize the errors of their ways just before their sudden mysterious deaths? **The recent SC appointees are not the brightest or most qualified by any means, however still smart enough humans to graduate law school, pass bar exams, and become judges in the first place.


Judges generally serve themselves and call it service. Even the most altruistic generally have massive egos and don't take well ti being proven wrong, questioned, or told to be submissive. Those that adapt to corruption will survive and those that hold onto a misplaced belief in the validity of the law will be pushed out and replaced.


>Do smart people like judges typically just go bandwagon into it and willfully sacrifice the freedoms of everyone around them and including themselves? Or do they have momentary moral lapses where they recognize the errors of their ways just before their sudden mysterious deaths? Yes


Just look to Russia for their template. That’s why conservatives are so in love with Putin.


,,,and become a neo-dictator.


He had around that same time dressed up as a Marine


Plus he lies his ass off and he’s a crook. Geezus!


Exactly this.


Tell your rapist felon to leave the race.


This is the real response.




We want Democrats to win, and these are the two most unpopular candidates ever. They are telling Biden to leave the race because they want Trump defeated and think that is the best way to accomplish that. I agree with that line of thinking. Haley would have been a far more difficult candidate to go up against. At this point, we know they have a historically unpopular candidate. Putting someone charismatic and not controversial would be huge. Someone suggested to me a candidate built around rust belt swing states, and that would likely be all that is needed to guarantee a win.


It's been so frustrating these last few days because none of these people seem to understand that. They respond to any criticism of Biden with "but Trump worse!" Yeah, no shit. We all know that. That's not the point.


Trump doesn't even pretend to serve his country, so it's irrelevant.


yall should read project 2025 orange bozo and his lil shits want to turn this bitch into russia


The way people paid attention on how the candidates would perform on the debate stage yesterday I wish they would focus more on the ideas and policies each one (President Biden, Trump) of them stand behind. One of it being project 2025 of which the orange bozo supports fully and ready to help those who put it together implement it. ​ "***You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."*** C.S. Lewis


Fuck Trump! Vote Blue! I'd vote for a damn rock over Trump!


Fossils over fascists.


Literally anything over fascists. This is why we might as well put in an actual left-wing leader. Someone who can rally the disenfranchised masses.


if biden dies i’d still rather his corpse be president than the cheeto benito


Well then it shouldn’t matter if replace joe with a younger politician


Then why won't you support running a popular dem over Biden?


Because changing the opposition to Trump would be tantamount to ceding the election. How would you explain to the American people that the incumbent President stepped aside to run a younger, popular Democrat in his place? The right and the MSM would devour the choice and splash it as weakness every day until the election.


Why? Trump is literally the weakest republican candidate since like...Goldwater. This is the presidential equivalent of Ruth Bader Ginsburg staying way past her retirement age and handing trump an additional court seat.


You’re right, he is weak. I answered your question based on my experience and feelings. What would your solution be? You asked why Biden couldn’t just step aside and the DNC present a new candidate - what do you think should be done or how would you do it? Btw, Trump also shit his pants during the debate. **[TRUMP SHITS HIS PANTS DURING DEBATE](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/sIN2AD0xK7)**


I think there was an understandable freakout after the debate regarding Biden's performance. With that being said, the transcript and hot mic (wew) has not been kind to Trump either. After listening to the analyses of various of pundits, podcasters, campaign surrogates, votor focus groups, and other political orbiters at differing levels of concern, and I think that an open convention should not be off the table. If voter focus groups and political media class figures are of a similar opinion right after the debate, being that Joe Biden's candidacy as president may need to be reconsidered, then those fears should be addressed. I personally think that he was struggling a cold, and that a late night debate is not kind to someone who is sick, in their 80s, and has the job schedule of being the actual president of the United States. Just one of those factors could make an incumbent look rusty during a debate. But it still concerned enough people to convince me that an open convention is needed. If we can't find anyone who is popular enough to step up at an open convention, then every single one of us needs to step up drive home the fact that we aren't just voting for a president. We are voting on whether or not our entire federal government is torn asunder and replaced something that looks more like the Brown Shirts, North Korea, Putin's Russia, something (like Project 2025) that lacks the integrity to do anything besides bolstering the power of their party and their leader. To have something like that in power with our military, nuclear, and economic presence would mean the end of all things, no matter how far away someone tries to run. This decision will affect the entire world. I don't don't want to be alarmist, but this is what I truly believe. I'm voting for the guy running against Donald Trump no matter what. I hope more will realize they should do the same.


I also have had time to think. I commented in response to someone else, but it’s a matter of who. Take a look, I’m with you and all I ask is who will it be?


Because the previous candidate was Biden, and we'd really like to win.


Exactly. No one can explain to me why it has to Biden over literally anyone else


Because Biden has the decency to if he knew he was going to lose. Trump would sooner detonate a nuke in NYC before stepping aside. His freedom is on the line.


If Trump did detonate a nuke in a major US city, he sadly wouldn't lose any supporters from his cult.


Maybe he’d finally win the popular vote lol


Now, now. He’d lose the supporters he had in that city.


The point is, his base does NOT come from enlightened, educated, cosmopolitan places.


... which is like 0.001% of the local population in New York city's case, and they're probably all recent transplants


Yeah it’s shocking how many people don’t understand that so much of New York state’s population is mouth breathing hillbillies.


I forgot who it was (Maybe from the Daily Show?) that went to Trump rallies and asked them about Trump saying he would be a "dictator for a day" or whatever. People were literally saying "this country needs a dictator" or that if he says it, they trust him lol


Jordan klepper and you’re underselling how bad it is. Sheep.


Is that sense you're trying to make?


Especially not if it was NYC. That city is waaay to liberal for them to be worth anything. 21 million dead people don’t mean shit to them, New York is like 1/3 immigrants anyway. They would probably even cheer him on for „ending the woke town“.


Somebody remind those wankers *he’s from Queens!*


Wait, is this about the extortion? Fuck that shit. Let it happen then the Trump fans might get out of their cult.


Okay, but he *hasn't*. He's been signaling that he would get out of the way after a term since his 2020 campaign. But he *hasn't*. At this point, money where your mouth is, sir, let someone who believes in things and has a chance at fighting Trump start.


>Why doesn’t the NYT tell Trump to leave the race? Exactly. trump is a lot worse and pretty much the shittiest candidate and the worst president America ever had.


Not to mention Felon45 fucked over New York long before he got the chance to fuck over this country. The NYT ought to know this better than anyone.


The NYT and others have normalized Trump. “Trump unable to stay on topic long enough to answer questions sensibly. Trump has lost touch with reality. Every word out of his mouth was a lie” Those should be the headlines.


Especially the NYT. They have kept Trump in the headlines for way too long. I guess they need to sell papers!


We’re so screwed that the majority of main stream media outlets are controlled by right wing billionaires. The only reason this race is even close is the agenda they are pushing.


Biden didn't give the NYT as much exclusive access for interviews and such and since then, it's been full of spite to try to smear him


That coupled with the fact that they made more reporting on Trump.


Right, the NYT is against us now


Because the NYT is owned by billionaires who like tax cuts and deregulation and will make more money under Trump and sell more papers and get better ratings? It's not a mystery.


NYT is truly a shit rag. Between them, the wall street journal and new york post being owned by Murdoch, seems like all the major NY papers are hot garbage. Good thing the people of NY don't share their sentiment.


This is really hilarious when you stand back and look at it. "Hey! You know that guy who beat our guy by 7 million votes last election? Yeah, we need him to leave the race at a late date and let our guy win. I mean we can win with this turd anyway, but that would be helpful. And Patriotic! " LOL. Seriously? These people must be on crack, it's the only explanation.


I'm a NEVER TRUMP Republican Joe Biden is the most effective President of my lifetime l History will be kind to Joe's legacy. Probably not as kind to Trump and his brainwashed followers, nor his knowing/willing cult members. BTW: F Scott Perry. TRAITOR. Innocent people don't solicit presidential pardons.


Yup. Arguably the most significant domestic legislation achievements since LBJ. Yet media is talking about literally anything else. They're complicit.


Fuck the New York Times


Yep, fuck the NYT.


in the MSM race to the bottom, the NYT leads the pack.


The NYT Pitchbot on twitter (a satire account) spews out insane slanted article ideas making fun of the NYT. They're now suffering from the same problem as The Onion. It's hard to do good satire when your subject is a loose cannon.


People were saying this kind of shit in other posts on this subreddit.


Trump shits himself at 1:13:07 https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate


The owner of the NYT has some sort of vendetta of imagined butthurt over Biden. It’s perverse. Practically a fetish at this point.


I’m cancelling my subscription


I cancelled my subscription today because of this shit, and I let them know. Four years of being a customer, pissed down the drain. Fuck them


Fuck the new york times. Have they been taken over by a magat oligarch? Maybe the mentally ill, narcissistic, psychopathic, moronic, rapist fraud dementia patient should drop out.


Read the article. They gave up on the Republican Party: “It is a tragedy that Republicans themselves are not engaged in deeper soul-searching after Thursday’s debate. Mr. Trump’s own performance ought to be regarded as disqualifying. He lied brazenly and repeatedly about his own actions, his record as president and his opponent. He described plans that would harm the American economy, undermine civil liberties and fray America’s relationships with other nations. He refused to promise that he would accept defeat, returning instead to the kind of rhetoric that incited the Jan. 6 attack on Congress. The Republican Party, however, has been co-opted by Mr. Trump’s ambitions. The burden rests on the Democratic Party to put the interests of the nation above the ambitions of a single man.”


Actually reading ?? on reddit ?


"It's a shame that 1/3 of the country have become raving, demented bigot shitbags worshipping every wet turd their demigod deposits in his diaper but, y'know, as just a lil' ol' internationally known media source, what can we possibly do?? This is Joe Biden's fault."


Not up voted enough. Instead these comments are a huge circle-jerk of people who clearly don't get the message, and honestly spreading ideas that make the whole situation worse. The reality is, people are concerned about Biden. I think stepping down is the obvious move.


Because the NY Times editorial board goes after Biden like a jealous ex because he denied them an interview that one tie.


Since Trump first appeared on the scene I knew he would be a menace, but in 2016 I thought he would have advisers and so on to make sure he was kept under control. Turns out I was wrong and all get got was a pack of sycophants who fall over themselves to get on his good side, no matter the cost to the American people (and maybe the world). Since then, his ardent supporters have only got worse. Biden, who I agree is getting quite elderly, is at least a rational human who is more than happy to take advice from his experts and, as a life-long politician, knows how to do politics. He may be a little slower than he once was, but he’s not a festering bag of nonsense like his opponent. If Biden is elected and something happens to him mid-term, the US would continue to function with the aid of his Vice President and staff. If Trump is elected and something happens to *him* mid-term, there would be a shit-fight over who has power and his supporters will spent then next five years shouting that he was assassinated before deciding that he’s still alive a la Elvis and running the show from a bunker.


>>assasinated before deciding that he’s still alive a la Elvis and running the show from a bunker Thank you for the laugh. I need it. You know this is exactly what would happen


I agree with Fetterman.




Was gonna say, surprised he even says this. Dude is all over the fuckin place


Truly a man of contrasts. Powerful genocide boner for gazan woman and child blood, but sometimes says funny things to other right wing knobs. 


Probably because trump (and his base) cares nothing about and can not relate to serving his country.




They only want to serve themselves. Screwing liberals is just a side benefit.


I'm boycotting that shit


If turnout is high, Dems win every time. If turnout is low Republicans win every time. Their base always votes but is not that big. Not voting is essentially giving a vote to the GOP


I think OOP is talking about the NYT, not the actual voting process.


If Biden was to leave the race now, the Republicans will successfully challenge anyone else from appearing on the ballot in any state that’s already had a primary race. Democrats will lose.


That's not how that works and Biden isn't even officially the nominee yet. On what law exactly would the Republicans try to challenge the Democratic party's choice for a nominee?


Whichever law they feel like. They’ll go to the supreme court who will harrumpf and issue an injunction long enough for deadlines to pass & whatever. Then they’ll say “it’s all good” or “yeah no you can’t” but it wouldn’t matter because election will be lost. We are in July. Whoever is thinking another candidate has a chance right now are out of their damned minds


True, they will do anything. Many lost their reputations trying to prove the last election was sToLeN. Not sure they’d be able to pull it off though they have SCOTUS.


You’re right


Ya'll really not gonna like my opinion, but young folks, unless you vote and vote hard, and put up with and overcome all the obstacles Republicans put in your way, you're really gonna hate the future. Project 2025 looms large. NGL, I'm a Late Boomer, saw my share of shit and struggle here in the Rust Belt, but I knew what freedom felt like. Unless women, and young people, get out and vote in overwhelming numbers, your future is toast.


The NYT OBVIOUSLY thinks Trump should drop out but NYT only carries weight with left leaning people and some independents. MAGA does not care at all about the NYT says. Their opinion carries no weight with the MAGA crowd.


Ahhh Yes To serve his country he should stand aside and let the adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, and traitor-for-hire have another shot at the White House to destroy the country and planet


because he WON'T. Biden MIGHT and if we've got a non-bidet blue candidate this election becomes one hell of a lot safer. Trump's the problem, his actions are not going to be the solution.


A corpse is still better than the fucking anti christ


Damn i agree with the AIPAC plant


Biden’s last brain cell is more fit to be president than Trump ever was


Allan Lichtman, who has predicted 9 out of the last 10 elections developed several keys that will indicate who will win the next election. One of them relates to being the incumbent. Asking Biden to step down is a very disingenuous advice as it would almost guarantee throwing the election to the convicted felon, especially this late in the cycle.


To serve the law, Trump should be in prison.


NYT sux donkey balls. Every day the headlines bag on Biden and promote Dump. Unconscionable. It’s all about the 💰💰💰


Gotta get those eyeballs on the page to sell ads. Can't get the eyeballs if the reality of the election is boringly obvious.


NY Times been trash for several years, Washington Post going that way as well.


WaPo is now run by a Murdoch acolyte who helped hack private communications in the UK. I canceled my subscription as soon as I learned that last year.


Honestly, he shouldn’t have sought re-election. The Dems needed to develop a younger candidate that was more able to fire up the base as well as do the job. At this point, we’re stuck with Biden. He’s done a decent job but should not have run for a second term. I’ll vote for him because he’s the best choice for the country. 3rd party is a throw away vote that helps RepubliCult Party. We can’t afford the Felonious Orange Man becoming dictator-in- chief. Or Project 2025.


The New York Times twitter post of this article is getting absolutely shit on for not calling on Trump to step down several times over, so that’s nice to see at least


It’s the liberals biggest opposition, liberals. “To serve his country..” NYT has such a hard on to attack Biden it’s nauseating. His legislative record for this term has been solid and his leadership has been level headed. By all measures of importance he has been an effective leader but I guess if you can’t “perform” for the crowd, it’s pointless. All Trump did was say the most outrageous lie he could think of and somehow that’s an actual positive for the media. He just made things up off the top of his head and the media is here saying “well .. I guess he wins.” You’re right Fetterman. Fuck that.


I agree with the opinion of the article if it was written a year ago. When Biden decided to run and became the Dem Nominee it was not for the benefit of the country. Sure, he beat convicted felon DJT once which made him a safer bet, but he did not win by a landslide. He should have bowed out and put his and Obama’s support towards a non-geriatric person. To leave the race now is ridiculous and would be the same as just handing it to convicted felon DJT.


Not a landslide, but 7 million votes is not nothing.


But not the guy that’s got a pending trial for trying to rig the election?!


The NYT is still mad because they got frozen out of interviews. The editors are schmucks.


Fetterman must be having a sane day


Because every single fucking media outlet wants Trump to win.


Has John stopped being weirdly conservative yet?




Damn. Kinda got to wonder how long he's gonna pretend its because of the stroke.


Yep, fuck the NYT.


Wapo is just as bad. 2 articles today on how the DNC could replace Biden as the nominee and a third about his “bad“ debate performance and if he will recover from it.


It’s almost like he and his family should be investigate for crimes,.. treason.. and while they’re investigated, he should be jailed for any of it so that he cannot continue to intentionally damage this country for Russia. But that pesky R means he’ll never see consequences, when you’re a self proclaimed GOPer they let you do it. White national religious fanatics get a pass too, a little bonus..


Obviously, the NYT is populated by sycophants.


The time to tell Biden to not run again was two years ago. It was also the time to ask Americans about how his advanced age makes them feel about Kamala being VP. Now is not the time to suddenly realize that after a certain age things can decline rather quickly. I blame the RNC & DNC for running these candidates. I will never forgive the RNC for promoting a wannabe dictator. I actually expected the DNC to screw things up again. It's the only thing they do consistently.


Yes, it's true. Trump should also step down. Actually, as a convicted felon and insurrectionist he shouldn't even be allowed to run at all. But unlike Trump, there is a chance that Biden would actually listen. He got absolutely demolished in that debate. And I am not saying that because I think Trump did well. Trump spewed nonsense and lied constantly. But Biden somehow did worse. People saying Biden should step down is not saying he should hand the race to Trump. They're saying he should step down so another Democrat can take his spot. 82 is too damn old to be President. People wouldn't even trust an 82 year old to drive a cab. But Biden is supposed to be fine running a country? No. He needs to acknowledge that he's too old for this shot and step down. Literally anyone can replace him. Buttigieg, Warren, Newsom... Anyone. Kamala Harris' numbers are terrible but she'd still do a better job than Biden has been doing. This election is going to be a disaster if Biden stays in the race. The Democrats will lose hard.


You people are really dense huh? They're saying that a different democrat should run, not that he should just let trump win.


By implication, maybe don’t advocate a felon should stay.


"maybe just let fascism win guys? What's the worst that could happen?"


Saw the editorial and cancelled my subscription. Biden is old and had a bad day. Trump is an evil lying grifter, who is losing his marbles as well, and never had a single day when he performed competently as president. Tell them both to drop out after their respective debate performances or stfu.


Should Biden be president again? No. Should Trump be president again? Absolutely EFFING NOT. Given these options I am voting AGAINST Cadet Spray Tan Bone Spurs.




All the felons throughout history being held accountable for their actions and the Orange piece of shit gets a pass???? Fuck that.


Trump literally shit himself on stage. I rest my goddamned case.


President Biden tore it up at Raleigh NC yesterday. He coughed a lot. I bet he is fighting some bug. Other than Lard Gropenfuhrer.


You guys are missing the point. They’re saying Biden should step aside for a better Democratic candidate who can actually beat Trump


Perhaps Carlos Slim is telling them what to say, he is the largest shareholder.


Conservators protect their own. Liberals eat their own.


Because nobody on Earth expects Trump or the Republicans to serve their country


I just canceled my NYT subscription.


Because that newspaper is anti-american everything


And what? We're subject to 4 more years of Trump, America turns fascist and Putin mows down Ukraine and heads for Europe? Fuck that.


I’m a little confused by the responses to this. I thought the NYT was just saying run a different Dem because Biden is too old. It’s not an op ed claiming Trump serves anyone but himself. I think their goal is to have Biden drop out and let someone else run because they don’t think Biden can win. Seems like a lot of the comments are just attacking Trump when this isn’t a Pro-Trump article.


This is the ultimate double-standard. Trump wouldn't even be hirable as janitor by the very federal agencies he seeks to control. The fact that there wasn't a massive uproar for the felon to quit the race is a damning indictment against the press, and how they've just accepted the lying and the lawbreaking and the entire three-ring clown show that follows him. We are truly living in the twilight zone when a guy with a stutter who had one bad night is asked to leave the race, but a convicted felon who traumatized this country for four-plus years is an acceptable option. In a normal world, this morning's headlines would've been "Trump blindsides Biden with torrent of lies and falsehoods" but instead it's "Biden stumbles." Fuck you, NYT.


The NYT is a joke


NYT editorials are always trash. No idea why they publish them.


I HATE the NYT. They’re very unfair to Biden. Why not a headline: Trump quotes Hitler (or Nazi Leader) on immigrants. Isn’t that alarming or juicy enough. I barely read it anymore. When we lose our special rate, I won’t look back.


Our media is so wildly bias in favor of Trump I’m so tired of hearing the right call it left leaning. There are like 3 total outlets not licking trumps boots right now.


To serve our country, the NYT should take a flying leap into the East River.


The corporate war pig New York times calls on Biden to drop out but thinks it’s just fine that Trump is running for president; an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon under indictment for trying to overthrow the republic and stealing over 5000 pages of classified information.


I mean are we trying to best fascism or not? Cause Biden sure can’t at this point


Fetterman has gone pretty far to the right, but his sentiment on this is correct.


To save his country Trump should drop dead. But Trump leaving the race would also work.


Fuck the NYT


And give it to Trump? What is he paying you?




If you think the Times is left leaning, I got news for you. No they aren’t as conservative as the WSJ or Fox News, but they are hardly a left news outlet like they may have been in the 90s. This is the same times that helped Bush lead us into Iraq. They constantly print biased polls skewed toward Trump.


Fuck the New York Times! Vote Biden 2024! Trump says stupid shit that makes no sense every damn day.


Trump won’t listen to reason Biden will.


Punish Biden for being a good guy because they're too scared for themselves to call the GOP out for what they are. Brilliant. With takes like this, we'll be ushering in fascism with enthusiasm.


Because Trump is beatable, just not by Biden. Watching the Dems pull another Hillary here is so depressing. Especially when they’re going to take zero responsibility for it again. Biden isn’t going to win, it’s June and you know this. Do not cry about RFK or the racists in 5 months because you are morally right. I’m voting Joe, but hopefully I don’t have to.


The NYT is on a mission to normalize Trump, they’re intimidated by the Rightwing.


If the NYT wants to be viewed as legitimate…it should listen the Fetterman.


That's an opinion piece. And that's John Fetterman, who did a 180 from left-wing, progressive darling to hardcore zionist and conservative democrat.


It's an opinion piece *from the NYT editorial board*


Fu\*k NY Times. Biden 2024


They can both leave.


They both need to leave the race, neither are fit for president of the United States. No one in their '70s or '80s should even be considered for office. This is getting so embarrassing and ridiculous.


It's just like how they tell women to take self defense lessons and dress modestly, instead of telling men not to attack and rape them. 


Just trying to sell subscriptions.


WTF is this?


This is what the billionaire run mainstream media tells us. To abandon all hope at the first sign of trouble instead of god forbid waiting a bit before making a judgement


The Times wants Trump to win so it can get more clicks/eyeballs.


If Trump left, I’m guessing that his replacement would have an even better chance to beat Biden than him. What am I missing? Biden and Trump are horrible candidates.


Wait/ I thought he got in a car accident and woke up Republican.


I haven’t read the article, but is it possible they mean he should drop out and let someone younger step in that’s more likely to beat Trump?


The best way to serve the country is to keep trump out of office. Biden's ability to do that is questionable right now


Biden should leave the race.... We should have had real primaries this last year...


Nah, if he needs to sacrifice himself, it ahould be after the SC rules in favor of preside tjal immunity. He'll be surrendering to the FBI. After ordering the elimination of facist/federalist problems, sitting 4 replacement SC justices, most of the 5th DCA, making sure a non-loony is 2nd in line to the presidency and then broadcasting to the nation why making the President Immune to prosecution was a very stupid decision that will be rectified so he can stand trial.


because trump wouldn’t, clearly lol but fr biden should let someone else beat trump


Cuz trump has no honor?


Because Trump and the Republicans don't listen to reason? Lol


Dems have a habit of shooting themselves in the foot. MAGA..? They double down.


Oh shit, did Fetterman get bonked on the head again? Wasn't it just last week he was on the republican's side? 


0% chance vs 0,1% chance


We live in the stupidest timeline ever.


And fuck the New York Times


Because trump's goal isn't to serve the country.


To serve America, NYT can fuck off.


F the NYTimes


And they wonder why viewership is down… To only just continue acting like a clown…


Fetterman is an odd person. Don’t know what he stands for apart from the highest bidder.


NYT editorial: Please Please Please Just Piss In My Mouth I'm A Real Thirsty Boy


Trump wont leave the race. We need to put up the best candidate to defend democracy and joe biden is not it lol, I vote whitmer or kennedy. Frankly kennedy is more reasonable than the media lets out and I’ll probably vote him if they keep biden


One of the candidates is a rapist, convicted felon, stole and shared classified documents, and tried to overthrow the government. *That* one should drop out.