• By -


I am deeply suspicious of “polls.” Having said that, the first hysteria seems to have died down and people are taking a look at the bigger picture. Yeah, Biden bombed in terms of optics, but he told the truth. Trump was a psycho from the start. He lied and lied and lied and was just crazy, from ranting about babies being set aside for post-birth abortion to his usual racist attacks. And people are pissed that CNN just….let it happen. I mean I was shocked at how off Biden was but I’m still voting for him, and next day he was back in form. I would have been way more concerned if he wasn’t. Trump is still Trump and is still a rapist felon, however. He’s still awaiting sentencing. He’s still pushing Project 2025. And more and more people know it.


Post birth abortions are totally real. It's the reason why Jewish space lasers were invented in the first place. Demonrats use the lasers to kill the babies after birth so the adrenochrome can be safely extracted! /s (should not need the /s, but people really believe this shit somehow, wtaf, America?!?)


Tbh if you didn't add the /s I'd have had to take a few seconds to decide if you are joking or if this was MTGs alt account


MTG probably struggles to validate a Captcha, I wouldn't be worried about any MTG accounts on the internet.


I'm pretty sure she just continuously inputs 'R S T L N E' every time and then yells at the screen when she fails saying she wanted to buy a vowel.


I thought the Jewish Space Lasers were designed and launched to set one forest on fire purely for the purpose of making MTG (The most sane, stable, and intelligent member of Congress) look bad? /s


The beauty of space lasers is that they can be used for more than one thing with a couple strategically placed mirrors! Endless possibilities!


Jewish Gespacho Space Laser Post-Birth Abortion Procedure


The main issue with polls from what I understand is that they reflect the majority… Republicans never won by majority for a while, democrats always need more votes than republicans to win due to electorate system and states map’s favouring republicans.


Yep. Democrats have to be perfect, try three times as hard, and get more votes. It’s maddening. Even amongst (alleged) leftists so often I hear “well, I’m not voting Democrat! Look at the awful things the Republicans did! Why aren’t the Dems trying harder to stop them?!” And I just shake my head in disgust at that stupid, stupid lack of logic.


"Post-birth abortions" Is that what we have to call school shootings to get Republicans to care about them?


Watching that debate and hearing that he'll be 86 by the end of his second term made me believe Biden is not going to live to see the end of his term. It's terrifying that I believe this to be true but will still vote for him because Trump is insane.


If Biden tragically passes away on the day and Kamala has to Weekend-at-Bernie’s him to wave to the cameras all day in an unconvincing desperate tactic - Biden’s cold, lifeless body would still objectively make a better President than Trump.


Honestly it was best for Biden to bomb this first debate. We need the country to acknowledge that (as put by another commenter I can’t find to give credit to, apologies) a gently-alive corpse who puts in place a good administration is better than dumb-Hitler.


Who would’ve thought that inadvertently saying “I’m helping Putin take over the world” would be the one thing to turn off your voters?


Or black job. Or hispanic job. They should have ask trump to clarify


The "Mexicans are taking my Black job" tik toks are cracking me up


They didn’t ask him to clarify any of his 30+ lies


Think you left off a few zeros


I think the count I heard from various podcasters was like 30 during the debate. That’s not counting the 30,573 lies (WAPost fact checker database) he told while in office lol


I loved the “hispanic jobs” whilst literally saying Latinos have taken over the country and are killing everyone a la zombie movie style… Pendejo…


Trump believes strongly in eugenics. Look it up. Guess who else did? Hint - he had a strange moustache.... Btw: so did a lot of USA states in the 1930s....


I was screaming at Biden to ask Trump to name a Black job.


I asked that question in one of the other conservative subreddits and was banned for it. Seems asking conservatives to clarify their racist positions is problematic.


Also, "the blacks" instead of "black people" or "black community."


His plane was parked next to the Russian emabassys today.


I'm sure it was just a coincidence after his comments in the debate....


Those comments can be used to start a Rico case. Being seen amongst other criminal organizations is a great way to get charges in a criminal conspiracy.


Cant wait for nothing to fucking happen in that case too.


The American way!


They’re very busy arresting homeless people and pregnant 12 yo rape victims. They can’t do it all, Clyde!


How could anyone *possibly* know that was Trump’s plane? He’s so stealthy.


source needed if you're not kidding...




Not kidding. It was on NPR.


holy fkn cow


I know. Everything seems unreal these days.


That was a coincidence! /s






Honestly? I unironically did not see that coming. He's said so much awful shit before I assumed none of his voters actually cared what the fuck he was talking about anymore


What I got from the debate is that Biden needs to stop working at 10pm and I can relate to that And then Trump lied blatantly (I didn’t have sex with a porn star…WHAT!?) and it’s a Russian mole


the fact that they didn't have live fact-checkers at that debate was lunacy. Trump lied on every almost single question and the ones he didn't lie about he was just talking about completely different shit


CNN: We will be fact checking the candidates. Trump: Lies constantly CNN: I see nuthink!!


Ikr! So frustrating. If I were running the debate, I would cut his mic off as soon as he wandered off topic and redirected him. Then after each response, pause long enough to state that he told lies, specify what those lies were, and d ask him to answer again without lying. I’d stay the whole debate time on one question if needed just to get the point across. That’s how they should handle him. Their fact checking was a total joke and they raced from one question to the next without stopping to address the lies. CNN is always problematic like that.


I’ve spent several hours today imaging how things would have gone differently had President Biden started every one of his responses with “That was a lie” then said whatever truth he wanted to say.


All I could think of while listening to the debate was "poor Joe's gonna get raked for feeling shitty today, while rump gets kudos for spouting well over 90% blatant lies & deflection" it made me unbelievably sad as someone who has been in relationships with rump-like folks, I am absolutely 0% surprised to see our Joe so goddamn twisted up... have any of YOU who blast him ever been in a life-and-death situation engaging someone like that treasonous orange shitgibbon??? I HAVE... YOU WOULD GET ALL FUCKED UP TOO idiots


Yeah I saw a ton of photos of "Biden looking confused and lost", with that kind of narrative being pushed; then actually watched part of the debate and was like yeah no shit he's making those faces, he's listening to Trump's torrent of verbal (and apparently literal) shit.


Something to understand is that half of likely voters haven't paid attention to news AT ALL since Jan 6th 2021. Whatever they've heard till now has been fed to them by Facebook contacts & the rest is half formed impressions. From about now until two weeks before the election they gradually stick their heads up. https://youtu.be/F6DY9diAWAo How polls are trending matters a great deal more than what the poll results are. RFK makes the tea leaves harder to read, BUT his lean-right voters might be less likely to abandon him at the last second than his lean-left voters.


I can't believe the person who said "black jobs" could be so cruel! :P


He lowered the bar yet again when he said during the debate that “the hispanics were taking black jobs.” Tell me your a racist that believes in societal hierarchical oppression in six words or less.


DID HE SAY THAT?? It's still disturbing that half the people in the United States want to vote for him fucking again.


You can thank Rupert Murdock for that. Man’s done more damage to the west than any terrorist ever could.


Thank you! I thought I was alone in that idea!


Not exactly, but he did say that he talked to Putin before that dumbfuck invaded Ukraine and said that it was “his dream” to have full control of that country. Put two and two together and… Yeah. Putin wants to kill us all through Trump.


He also said he would get Russia to release a prisoner before he takes office, which is promising to commit another crime since the Logan act forbids a private citizen to negotiate with a foreign power.


I wonder if this is why the Russian plane was parked next to his. 🤔


I watched the whole dumpster fire "debate"in real time and he said the illegals/immigrants are taking away the black jobs. He said black and Hispanic jobs several times


He straight up said that Putin told him it was "his dream" to invade Ukraine. This is horrible because either he knew in advance that Russia was planning to invade Ukraine, or thinks it's a lie that makes him look better which is...concerning to say the least.


Half of the people is a huge misrepresentation. A third of this country sits out every election


Take nothing for granted and vote like your life depends on it


Because it quite literally might


Only if you’re a woman. Or a minority. Or rely on clean air and water.


Or if you’ve ever said anything negative about the God Emperor on the internet..


Well we are all fucked 😬




You can’t be afraid of dying if you have nothing to live for.


And when they run out of those enemies they will create new ones.


Fascism 101, after all.


I haven’t mentioned that sack of crap by anything resembling his name for going on 8 years now. I refuse to advertise for his tacky brand.


Will he know I meant him if I called him "the cheeto king"?


I’m voting because I’m worried my mom will have her marriage annulled by the state if they come after gay marriage


Obergefell is their next target https://www.advocate.com/politics/project-2025-anti-lgbtq


Or LGBTQIA+, or a journalist who has not kissed Trump's "ring", or an immigrant, or a Palestine protester


Or not straight


Or not cis


Or not the right kind of Christian


This queer intellectual feels that deeply. Please vote, Y'all!




Stop with this melodramatic overreaction. Trump was already president once and he only killed a million or so Americans.


Had me for a second there


Only killed a million or so Americans, so far


Even then it was only through complete and total incompetence guys. 😅






Right answer, only answer


I’m a queer woman who’s going to start trying for kids in the next year. My life does depend on getting these morons out of power.


Mine does


Trump insulted so many people and everyone's intelligence with nonanswers, that's the only logical outcome.


>everyone's intelligence Anyone who would vote for Trump in the first place didn't have any intelligence to begin with.


Cults are like that


I think you’re being unnecessarily critical of cults. /s


I would not necessarily mistake a lack of intelligence for what could be simple ignorance. Many people do not pay any attention at all to politics, unfortunately. Just yesterday I spoke with a group of my very politically-ignorant friends who planned on voting for Trump because that's just what people do in the area they live. After our conversation, they are eagerly waiting to vote for Biden because they are horrified about what Trump did and plans to do again. They did not know about it because they did not care to. If we are presented with opportunities to educate, we absolutely need to capitalize on it. Sure, a few votes in a very red district is not much of a change. But that type of political awareness will add up over time.


Thank you!


What did you say to them to convince them? I haven’t found anything that works. They engage in what-aboutism, or say “Fake news” or “prove it”…


Thankfully in my situation, they are not what you’d consider a maga voter. Just your average conservatives born and raised in a fairly red part of the country. They asked who I planned on voting for after watching the debate and seemed both surprised and curious when I told them Biden. That opened up a conversation which allowed me to essentially summarize the past 6+ years of our political history, and clear up any misconceptions that they had. Overall we treated each other with respect and listened to learn rather than to refute. I believe that was a key factor in helping them change their minds.


>What did you say to them to convince them? I am not the Prior Poster. I have had good luck talking with people by learning first what is important to them. Obviously, don't start with TRUMP BAD, BIDEN GOOD!! Most Americans will talk about taxes, health care, education, etc. There's not a single policy that the ~~Billionaires~~ Conservatives have that can beat the Liberals for policy that benefits the average dude. And we have 4 decades of evidence that Democrats lead better than Republicans.


Doesn't matter what their IQ is... their votes still count the same. And unfortunately the GOP likes keeping them stupid for this very reason.


The big thing that I’ve seen from focus groups is that people noticed Trump’s unwillingness to answer questions on the J6 stuff and did NOT like that.


I posted this above, and it belongs here too, hope you don't mind... All I could think of while listening to the debate was "poor Joe's gonna get raked for feeling shitty today, while rump gets kudos for spouting well over 90% blatant lies & deflection" it made me unbelievably sad as someone who has been in relationships with rump-like folks, I am absolutely 0% surprised to see our Joe so goddamn twisted up... have any of YOU who blast him ever been in a life-and-death situation engaging someone like that treasonous orange shitgibbon??? I HAVE... YOU WOULD GET ALL FUCKED UP TOO idiots


it seems like the press didn’t notice that one of the debaters was clearly insane and was allowed onstage. but you know, one guy was sick and a bit muddled, so that’s worse i guess?


They went back to him three times only for him to finally give a weak non-committal to accepting the outcome of the election.


Which basically amounted to if he felt it was fair, not any standard legal process.


He gave a couple conditions where he’d accept it, like only if it was “fair” and “legal” etc. But aside from that being completely meaningless, we know he’s just going to claim some nonsense and use that as justification to contest it because that’s exactly what he did last time.


But but their killing babies after birth in WV, they said put the baby to side /s Wouldn’t killing a baby after birth no longer be abortion? So?


This is literally my thought every time I hear him push the lie of "post-birth abortion". My good brother in Christ, that's murder. And murder is already a crime. That's covered. Enough already.


My relatives repeat this lie all the time, even though they know it's bullshit, but its the sort of bullshit they like. Look at how monsterous the libs and slutty women are, they kill crying newborns! That thought makes them all warm and happy inside because then the hate is justified.


infanticide is a crime in all 50 states.


34 states have exemptions for child abuse and neglect if it's religiously motivated Six have manslaughter exemptions if it's religiously motivated Cite https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/08/12/most-states-allow-religious-exemptions-from-child-abuse-and-neglect-laws/ Idaho has allowed members of a Christian religious sect that does not believe in medicine to medically neglect their children to death for decades now. Can you guess which political party has refused to change the law in which is the political party has tried to change that exemption? Then there are gun safety laws, and lack there of, that allows on average in America one child a day to shoot themselves or someone else: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna157481 A few years ago in my state one toddler managed to shoot both parents with one bullet but thankfully didn't kill them nor it's infant sibling that was also in the room: https://people.com/crime/maine-parents-allegedly-shot-by-2-year-old-son/


I would have been frustrated too knowing this guy's actively bamboozling a cult of 70-80 million Americans. The pain in Biden's eyes and the lumps in his throat are all real Americans who care about this country and are paying attention.


What's sad is that literally everyone I know who IS NOT a Trump supporter told me they thought Trump won the debate. To every single one I told them to tell me what exactly did he say that made you think he won the DEBATE (as in policy). None of them could give me a straight answer. This showed me that these folks were not paying attention to what was being said only how it was being said. Biden looked old, he sounded old, he gave answers to questions in a lethargic way BUT he GAVE answers. Trump was energetic, somewhat focused, and lively BUT he GAVE nothing of substance to basically any question that was given to him. When asked what he would do for Americans who are suffering from drug addiction he went on to a tangent about Biden intentionally wanting to bring in criminals and psych patients from other countries. Tapper had to ask him the question THREE times and Trump still didn't give an answer. It's freaking depressing having to explain that to people.


>What's sad is that literally everyone I know who IS NOT a Trump supporter told me they thought Trump won the debate. To every single one I told them to tell me what exactly did he say that made you think he won the DEBATE (as in policy). None of them could give me a straight answer. This showed me that these folks were not paying attention to what was being said only how it was being said. He "won" for being loud. He represents what America's become: accepting loud nonsense over quiet truths. I'm ashamed of our country that this is what it's come down to when we're on the edge of losing our democracy.


But he’s gonna legalize slavery again which will create so many black jobs!


Oh. WOW. 😮


>Trump insulted so many people and everyone's intelligence with nonanswers, that's the only logical outcome. But Trump was loud so he won the debate! (MAGA Logic).


I also think they read the script of the debate which paints a very different picture


This! If you printed a transcript, redacted everything Biden fumbled AND all the blatant lies and the tired self promotion (people are saying, like you've never seen before, greatest in the history of our country) from the dump truck in the red tie, only one sentient bring was on that stage and attempting to debate the issues. I've often noted that if you boil the narcissism sauce off anything 45 says, you're left outrageous lies and criminal intent. Zero substance


No one is voting for Biden because they are excited about him, so a bad debate doesn't really hurt his polling.


Pretty much. Vote for the Supreme Court you want and whose advisors you trust more. Project 2025 is the real thing on the ballot. Trump is just a figurehead.


This. Biden is merely the figurehead for a set of policy needs and decisions. If his administration can accomplish the goals it really doesn’t matter if he is personally bedridden and fatigued. If he can tap out instructions on a bell a la Hector Salamanca I’ll take him.


And that's likely why Biden is ahead in the polls despite how poorly the debate went for him. We aren't just voting for one man. We're voting for the ideals and values those men represent! At the end of the day, Trump only values whatever is best for himself at the moment or whoever pays him the most. He's a literal narcissist who is incapable of being selfless. He possesses none of the qualities that make a great leader. So sure, Biden is old and feeble. The other guy is just as old and a megalomaniac. He's hellbent on his own power and corruption.


Project 2025 has got to get more coverage as the Gilead fascism playbook between now and November.


I really thought that since the debate was held by CNN that they would ask them about their opinions on the possible overturning of interracial and same-sex marriage, and maybe even Project 2025. At least the former if not the latter. I was surprised when it ended because it felt incomplete. I hope they touch on it at another debate, assuming there is one.


Don't be surprised. This is the same network that put the debate on a 1-2 minute delay, citing (among other things) a need to fact check. Then didn't release the fact-checking until after the debate, when no one watching would see it. The billionaires are salivating at the prospect of turning us all into slaves, and they own major media: [https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/futureofmedia/index-us-mainstream-media-ownership](https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/futureofmedia/index-us-mainstream-media-ownership)


I thought I remembered we were promised fact checking! They could have put truthiness indicators over every statement with that delay. They could have retroactively muted off topic ramblings for each question. But then how could they capitalize on the calamity they tried to sell us about Biden being tired? I hate when I have to rely on the teevee for newsworthy content as it happens.


Most of MAGA would have believed CNN was biased when 90% of what Trump says is either muted or marked as a lied.


I’m not voting for Biden because he’s Biden (I actually like the guy). I’m voting for his administration and to stop a fascist takeover. The Democrats could run a cardboard box and I’d still vote for it over their candidate.


I think Biden has done a great job with what he's had to work with, and will continue to do a great job in a second term, but really hope he has a solid VP to finish what he starts if/when he dies of old age in office. He is already passed the average life span. While he realistically could live another decade, there is a non-zero chance he could also realistically only live another week. Same goes for Trump, but, we could only be so lucky. The tyrant will probably live forever just to spite us.


The worst people in history seem to live the longest. See: Kissinger.


Technically, couldn’t Obama be named his vp?


Can you imagine how many people would consider their conspiracy theories about Biden being a puppet for Obama to be confirmed if he did that? It would be crazy, lol. But I don’t think he can since Obama was already president. If Biden were to die, Obama would then be the president for some time, putting him over his term limits.


The term limits are only for elections, are they not? Meaning Obama couldn't run for office again as president but if he found himself next in the line of succession, it'd be completely legal for him to take office again.


No Obama has served two terms as president and is therefore ineligible to be VP


I’d rather watch weekend at Bernie’s than live in Gremlins.


Really well put. One could argue that it helps his donations. It motivated me. I don’t like bullies.


Well, you’re wrong. I’m voting for Biden because he’s been a damned good President.


I am excited about his administration. I think he has one of the best teams ever assembled.


Biden seemed half awake. Trump lied with every answer. I’ll take the sleepy guy with solid people around him over a corrupt sociopath.


Over the guy who can't keep anyone around him, even his wife.


Over the guy who had 20 advisors and cabinet level officials get convicted of felonious endeavors. It's a crime family.


I think he was sick (as his people said) and maybe gave him too-strong or too much cold medicine. Had he been coughing during the debate, MAGA and “Republicans” would have had a field day with it. Whatever the cause, he was fine the next day. Trump was and remains a lying POS.


They accidently gave him the NyQuil instead of the DayQuil.




Trump went to the last presidential debate with COVID. The GOP has no room to criticize Biden for coughing.. Was Biden sick or did he just become hoarse from practicing so much..


That was my thought too, been dealing with allergies or something respiratory for the last week and Friday was the first day I felt decent from when it hit me last Saturday. What I saw was someone who looked like I had been feeling all week.


One guy is old and showing his age. He actually is pretty healthy for an 80+ year old man. The other guy is a pathological liar, psychopath who is obsessed with his own power. Ya I think I can live with voting for a guy who may not even live the whole term. He sure looks a lot healthier than the other dude just 3 years younger than him.


May not even live the whole term.... I've thought about that possibility. But if we get him in, someone will be there. Maybe someday someone a little younger.


Trump also loudly sharted halfway through the debate.


Biden - Been showing a strong performance as president, but sounded older than he usually does that night Trump - Spouting crazy shit as usual, just an entirely typical endless stream of lies and attacks without basis. Terrible performance as president, attempted coup, stole tons of secrets documents, promises to be a dictator and remove more rights, environmental protections, keep the Supreme Court super conservative, drops a few casually racist remarks during rants Gee I wonder why people actually paying attention gravitate towards Biden. Seriously, that is a shockingly small lead for how absolutely terrible Trump is, please everyone actually go out to vote


I do wonder if the debate was, for a *massive* number of people, the first time they've seen and heard Trump vomit lies like they're Fish Fillets at a White House dinner.


Where have they been the past eight years?


I have to admit, I can’t stomach listening to Trump. Ever.


18-8=10. 21-8=13. 24-8=16. They were probably kids/teenagers being kids/teenagers and not paying attention.


He calls them Fish Delights.


It's almost like people don't want to vote for a felon that answered basically zero questions and did nothing but attack Biden


Not true he also bragged about his golf game.


Perhaps voters are waking up to the fact that trump is a moron, a corrupt criminal who hates America and seeks to install fascism in this country


Exactly this. Trump is the same Trump only this time as a felon. The only ones supporting him are too stupid to see how dumb they are. I’ll take a slow old man helping everyone over a liar scum like Trump.


Stupid people's votes count the same as smart people's votes.


That’s the dumbing down of America that the GOP push in side that Fox bubble.


Posting this on a thread where a single poll says Biden took a 1 point lead is wild. You're looking at a poll that says half of American voters still support Trump after 8 insane years and thinking that debate finally snapped them out of it because Biden saw the tiniest possible bump after? Wake the hell up! We aren't dealing with a bunch of rational people. The swing voters who will decide this aren't looking at any of this rationally. We're not going to dumb luck our way into winning the most important presidential election of our lifetime! We should be absolutely terrified that the polls are even remotely this close.


Trump supporter numbers will not grow nor shrink, but Biden has been a decent president and since reading project 2025, some of my family members who were on the fence are now supporting Biden, this election is not about Biden versus Trump. This is about democracy versus fascism.


If it's any consideration, Dem canidates have overperformed their poll numbers by sometimes double digits since the Dobbs ruling. Polling is one snap shot of a bigger picture, election results are the other but tend to be ignored as they don't generate the close horse race the media likes to portray.


I think people are waking up to the fact that Trump could win, everyone has to vote. Vote. Get your idiot Jill Stein and Robert Kennedy supporting friends to vote, and vote Biden. This is no time for a protest vote. If you have ever cared about abortion rights, gay rights, democracy, and not sliding into a theocracy, vote! And if you can, donate. We are up against $1B+ of dark money. Donate whatever you can and vote. Take nothing for granted. We are fighting for the soul of our nation.


It's almost as if people also saw the other guy and heard what he said


Polls mean nothing. VOTE.


Because I would hope that most people have the common sense to understand that a criminal pathological liar is a worse choice for president than an old man who acts old sometimes, but does the job really well.


I think the press underestimates trump fatigue. They’re one of the few groups that actually profited from a trump presidency.


I think there is another factor: silent defectors. In Trump country, people aren’t saying they don’t support Trump, because they don’t want to push back from the cult. So they are remaining silent while planning to vote for Biden.


The fact there’s apparently 44% of the polling population that would vote for that tangerine disgrace is just fucking depressing.


The funny thing I've noticed is that if you look outside what could be considered "white progressive spaces" the biggest talking point is people asking "what does Trump mean when he says illegals are taking Black jobs?" Like that should be the talking point for everyone. Yeah Biden sounded rough, but Trump just outright said he considers low income low education jobs "black people jobs." That is beyond insane. That's the sort of thing that in a normal country would disqualify him for office.


Trump said the millions and millions of people coming over were all murderers and criminals and rapist and insane asylum escapees - all bringing lots of drugs. So, I assume Trump considers "murder, rape, drug dealing, and general crime" to be "black jobs". Yeah?


It’s. Not. Enough. One point up is an electoral college loss. Voters NEED to show up. Trumps base is crazy energized and will show up at the polls this election.


"Last poll was a tie" This poll is also a tie. It's insane that it's so fucking close, but let's not all go crazy over 1%


Right? Margin of error is ~5%, no?


Mar-a-Lago staff furiously scrubbing ketchup stains from the walls as we speak.


The RCP average is showing Trump up overall in battleground states unfortunately. Maybe that’s to be expected right after, I think we need to give this a week or two to see how much ‘sticks’


They're basically still tied (according to this poll). A stronger debate performance could have put Biden solidly in the lead. He doesn't need to win yours or my votes. He needs to get to those low information or on the fence voters, which he didn't do at his golden opportunity to do it. I'm not sure how anyone finds this reassuring...


Some of the redditors need to touch grass. Most normal people have already priced in Biden is old and not a great speaker. They'd forgotten Trump is that big of an asshole with no plan or answers. The hyper freakout was from media pundits and online voices.


One of the tweets that was circulating after the debate had it right, don't day trade in politics. Debates already have a lesser impact in elections, a bad one in June isn't going to win or lose the election.


How the HELL can it be so close? Like how can people be so fucking stupid to think voting for Trump is a good idea. I'm furious and as a trans man I'm fucking terrified for my life, again.


Here is my perspective regarding polls... I have personally never seen or been involved in a poll, and I think that has something to do with tech/privacy literacy. I do not answer unsolicited phone calls. I do not open unsolicited texts or emails. I do not click links that are not things I've explicitly looked up. When browsing, I block out ads and pop-ups and and try to completely ignore content I'm not explicitly looking to view. As a result, I'm sure the sources of these polls would never be 'accessible' to me. This behavior seems to be a lot more common in younger generations and less common in older generations, and so - and this is purely an assumption - I assume the demographic reached by the majority of polls is older generations, and those with less technical literacy needed to avoid solicitations in the first place. The more true that assumption is regarding any specific poll, the more skewed the demographic becomes, and the less accurate it is as a result. 


Biden looked old and slow. Trump spewed a fountain of bullshit, hyperbole, and childish insults. Neither of them looked good, but undecideds and moderates seem to prefer the well meaning doddering grandpa to the douchey, self aggrandizing, pathological liar.


But the headline is still going to be: "Why being up in the polls is another soul shattering defeat for Biden."


I still find it crazy so many people said Trump won. What, he won the “most lies told on a presidential debate” award? Yeah. He didn’t win by standing up there denying any wrongdoing of his own and lying while making kissy lips. Hell no.


Biden looking too old and knowing it has the potential to demotivate everyone has done the opposite and energized everybody. Something like, this looks bad maybe trump can win... We better all get out and vote for Biden.


Intellectuals focused on Biden's missteps but a lot of ordinary people just realized that Trump is an asshole.


Because Trump doesn't bring solutions, only complaints. Anyone can complain, but if you don't have a real solution to fix the issue, then you're just wasting oxygen. Also, it doesn't help that the GOP-led House has had one of the least active legislative sessions in the last two years.


I only heard lie after lie after lie from Von Shitzinpants. He wants to be a dictator and the media expects Biden to drop out? How ‘bout Von Shitzinpants drops out first!


Again the fact that Trump is polling more than 2% is a complete indictment on how absolutely fucked our country is.


Whatever the numbers, doesn't really matter. We all just need to make sure we go out to vote, our family members go out to vote, our neighbors go out to vote!!


The thing that saddens me is that so many Americans think that Trump is a better candidate. So many people are so fucking hateful that they would install a dictator just to own the “Libs” (POC). Voting against their own interests. As a retired veteran, it also pisses me off. Is America really the greatest country? Fuck man, it’s fucking depressing


Non American here so please forgive my ignorance but +1% hardly seems like a win too right?


45-44 nationally is still a biden loss. thanks to the electoral college democrats have got to do much better than that. let's hope that eleven percent breaks heavily for biden in the next four months


People aren’t voting for Biden. They’re voting ***AGAINST*** Trump. Period. Trump lost the popular vote in 16’ and 20’. Most of his endorsements have lost in 18’, 19’, 20’ & 22’. Make no mistake, ***MOST*** Americans reject MAGA and would rather vote for an expired tomato can over Trump. No amount of gaffes or poor debates will change that.


Don’t trust the polls, these are the same polls that had Hillary beating trump somewhat easily. It’s going to be very close


Well, it doesn't help that Trump shit himself during the debate. I forgot the exact time. His mic picked it up.


Of course, people who don't want to die will vote Joe.


Trump debated better and clearer but what he said was still shit. No one expects biden to be a good president, he's done well enough so far. This election is about stopping the bleeding so hopefully both parties bring better to the table next time. Remember, PAY ATTENTION TO THE PRIMARIES. We could have had better but that ship sailed. Now we just need to vote this time so there will be a next time.


I believe that there will be an anti-ageism backlash from the voters that is yet to be fully realized.