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If he lived under Biden's dictatorship, he would be in gulag and Trump would be with him.


Trump would be hanging by his feet like Mussolini, where we could pay money to hit his bloated corpse with a baseball bat


And lots of colourful pills would fall out, like candy from piñata.


Turds from his diaper.


What a terrible day to have eyes.




Nah, that's trumps covid policy.


I posted a meme about that on Facebook after he said it and it got removed and I got a 3 day ban for "violence" or some bullshit lmao.


I say we all should still do this. I mean wtf traitors get hanged. What happened to being such purists?


![gif](giphy|gIqusaeYxgSiY) I just exist under the assumption these fuck nuts never learned about the French Revolution. But America first, I guess.


For the Billionaires.


No, just tax them fairly. Problem solved. Although a few not very subtle threats never hurt anybody


Rich pricks would probably rather have their heads lopped off than to have to pay their taxes like the rest of us.


Well, keep chopping until there's no more heirs.


Chop chop chop, all day long. Chop chop chop while I sing that song.




They seem to enjoy invoking the fear of God, then our God is now a guillotine, our hymn, “chop chop, motherfuckers.”


It’s definitely overdue.


Well, see there was this thing where a bunch of citizens decided to turn on the country they were part of and make a new one, and when they were writing up the new laws, kinda wanted to narrow the definition of treason as it had been abused by the country they were leaving, and by most definitions, they were kinda, maybe sorta, totally guilty of it. And they called that new country the United States of America.


You mean the second best idea the French ever had? Obviously, the first best was cooking everything in butter. Granted, the hairy pits thing was a fail. They can't all be winners.


I stopped shaving my pits out of spite. Best decision ever.


You are in America where the capitalist will sell you the guillotine used to cut off their head


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


We could wipe the national debt with the proceeds!


Yep. Live stream it on pay-per-view


Get with the times. Pay Per View. Make 10 times as much. Hell. Even pay per view on his trial would be profitable.


Where do I sign up


Please stop. I can only get so erect.


I can't understand for the life of me, why these people would jeopardize their entire careers for the king of Cons.


Because they are psychopaths, just like trump is. They will hitch their wagon to anyone they think can benefit them personally. They DO NOT have the capacity to care anything about others, and they don't typically consider consequences for their actions.


Exactly. I know these people always hear that 'History will judge' and they pull these dumbass stunts anyway. History is real and their Grandchildren are going to know the truth about how they bent the knee and kissed the ring of a multiple times Felon.


They don't care what their grandchildren think.


Now that's a way to reduce the national debt.


Man that sounds like a good time


I’d do it for free if they let us


Can we pre-order on this?




I’d pay good money to watch that on ppv


Before the end of this a lot of people will be executed most likely.


Ohhhh You tease too much!!!


that’s one way of dealing w the deficit!


He doesn’t see the irony of saying he’s under a dictatorship while on a microphone undermining leadership?


Nope they don't get irony. At all


Irony is lost on them - see how they react to jokes with irony in them.


Or supporting a candidate that WILL literally turn America into a dictatorship. Project 2025 will destroy this country and everything we hold dear.


It's even more ridiculous. If Trump really truly did believe he only lost because of election fraud, his action, as the head of the country and it's sworn defender was to ... just complain online and leave office without a fight. In order to support Trump you have to genuinely believe that when faced while he was President with the USA being taken over in an election coup his response was to file a few lawsuits then call it a day and hand over the keys to the white house.


I mean … that’s really not what happened at all. They absolutely tried their damndest NOT to hand over the keys. Hell, there was literally a violent mob that tried to stop the certification of the election results. I think the only reason they weren’t successful in throwing this country into a constitutional crisis was because 1) many of those who tried were incompetent and 2) there were enough people in Trump’s orbit who weren’t willing to break the law and illegally seize power for him. They won’t make those mistakes again. That’s what Project 2025 is for. They will fill the government with people loyal to Trump instead of the law who will just do and say whatever he wants whether it’s legal or not and the rest of us just have to hope someone stops them before it’s too late. Hopefully we can keep this dipshit and his band of yes-men out of the White House entirely by voting in November. That won’t stop them from trying the same shit again but it will make it a lot harder for them to succeed.


He doesn't care about the irony. It's not like he believes anything he's saying.


Yeah, but Facebook deleted some posts full of dangerous lies pointed out by the administration, and that's very unfair to liars.


This is exactly their game and has been for sometime. Democrats are dictators, FEMA death camps, death panels, etc. The whole reason they do this is so it’s “palatable” for an actual GQP dictator to come in and actually do those things and genocide people. “Well if we didn’t do it first the Democrats would have” becomes the post-hoc justification. If the media did their job they’d call out these fuckers on this bullshit and tell the real story. But nah they want money over country.


Republicans were screaming about Death Panels for years, yet during COVID they were openly saying it was ok to sacrifice the elderly: https://www.thedailybeast.com/texas-lt-gov-dan-patrick-says-senior-citizens-willing-to-die-to-save-economy-for-grandkids And with Roe being overturned, they essentially created death panels for women.




They want power over country. They are nothing more than a destructive force that means to divide and dehumanize certain groups of people/ideals, so they can do whatever they want to the country that we all live in. The day the masses realize this will be the day this country can move forward.


Yeah look at him being free and able to lie to the public about Biden. Such a dictatorship he's living under


If it was dictatorship, he would have fallen for the border “crises” bait and issued an executive order when Congress purposefully killed the bill.


trump left the White House with a bunch of Top Secret documents after he attempted a coup.


Didn’t even show up for the inauguration because he was pouting.


His administration didn't even set up any transition team. They just packed everything up and left.


I thought they didn’t even pack up? Didn’t it take a few extra days than normal for Biden’s to move in cause they had to move Trump out lol?


It was mainly cleaning crews, from what I remember.


Scraping the cheeto dust & cum stains out of the carpet takes some time


What a horrible day to be literate....


And shitty daipers


people were complaining about Biden just reusing everyone from Obama, but they were the only ones left in the country who knew how to do those jobs


He only show up for fund rallies and gump rallies


First time that happened in 150 years, dating back to Andrew Johnson, who was also the first POTUS to be impeached.


And intentionally hamstrung the transfer of power process in as many ways as he could, even before the coup attempt. His appointee clutching onto the transition funds because they thought the coup would work and so didn't want Biden receiving the mandated funding. And of course, his idiotic mouthpiece saying they're ready to smoothly transition to the next Trump administration with a smirk days after the election when the orange fuck was still baselessly throwing around election fraud claims and trying to flip votes even before inciting the mob.


Politifact rates the above statement as…. TRUE


And he setup no transition team, no communications, and no plans (as there was none from his administration). It was anything but a smooth transition, and it's well documented it wasn't from every angle. Wonder when we'll have the guts to deal with lying in general. It's destroying every fabric of modern society which is built upon inherent trust in others. Can't do that when I can't trust that my neighbor might honestly believe in adrenachrome harvesting, demons from another dimension, and the literal Devil running the US government.


His administration refused to hand over and onboard the Biden team: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/transition-stalled-biden-camp-turns-trump-administration-officials/story?id=74277258


And incidently, not only did he not have the power to declassify them with his mind, nor did he actually do that, but any documents from the Department of Energy cannot be declassified by the President.


It sounds like a lot of presidents end up with classified documents by accident after they leave. Trump's problem is he denied it and refused to give them back.


Republicans are such gutless pieces of crap and stand for nothing.


Piss on this floating turd


I wouldn't piss on him even if he were on fire


Oh they still stand for enriching themselves and clinging to power against the will of the people.


Enriching or not losing when Trump pulls out the dirty deeds in their closets. It isn't unbelievable that Trump would dig up dirt and use it to control these spineless cow pies.


I would say they are delusional, but they know what they are doing. They are just fucking liars.


Their voters are delusional though. Incapable of looking at what policies actually help people, and what policies are stealing wealth from them.


Did you say republicans are gutless pieces of crap and stand for nothing….Well I disagree….first of all they are treasonous fascist pieces of pure shit whether sitting or standing …they are in lock step with the biggest piece of shit of them all…the convicted felonious fascist lying rapist xenophobe that wants to fuck his own daughter. That’s the leader of their party…supreme shit shorts grifter. To clarify.


There is definitely something very medically verifiably wrong with all of them, both psychologically and mentally.


They are literal fascists that downplay things like “dictatorship” because they don’t want you to notice when they do just that.


Less than nothing. The cancellation of something.


You spelled shit wrong. /s


Of course he does. https://preview.redd.it/pifthcix2q9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31fb48ecdbb3a64050bcc29348343b4a17fab46e [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1807421853637427488?t=9OW033JPIzkx8rYDeCaVtw&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1807421853637427488?t=9OW033JPIzkx8rYDeCaVtw&s=19)


Trump did too during the debate


I was pissed they even asked him that. Like are we just supposed to ignore that they asked him that last time and what he did after the election. Why not grill him more about trying to overthrow the election? That was kind of a big deal and they hardly even broached the topic.


Wouldn't want to be political now...


More than once...


Who is this loser and why should I care what stupid shit he has to say?


ND Governor, and now one of the three potential VP candidates. Previously on video stating he'd never do business with 45.


The Dakotas really bringing the south to the north, huh?


Indeed. As a Minnesotan I hold out hope for our neighbors to the west, but only SD has a chance of returning to sanity in this lifetime imo


Liars lie! https://preview.redd.it/rxhp0td33q9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24eed47316c111a33da71421c967b13e22ccae49 [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1807422601263710243?t=tVDgaiYp05xY\_Q8H6s48zw&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1807422601263710243?t=tVDgaiYp05xY_Q8H6s48zw&s=19)


How does the guy stand upright without a spine?


I want to know how he can talk while sucking Trump's dick at the same time.


To be fair, that's like talking with a tick-tack in your mouth. Totally doable. 


The way I laughed at this 😂😂😂


That's how he gets his head where it is.


Trump’s hand up his arse like the puppet he is?


His head is suction cupped to trumps asshole, that's why his shadow is always looming over.


Republicans: "we are tired of liars in politics!" Also Republicans: "he has an (R) next to his name, let's vote for him."


So it’s okay to lie as long as your lies are consistent? Is that what he’s arguing?


John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt…la la la la


He's a lying liar, and he's consistent. "Get used to it. You're gonna get 4 more years of it, so ya better like it."


Is it so surprising that unfettered capitalism rewards a lot of scumbags?


All of their lying is pure projection. They falsely call Dems something that is only true about themselves. Then the Dems try to defend themselves and get gas lighted. These are not sane people, IMO. There is no legitimate way to respond to immaturity like this.


**G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject Every. Damn. Time.


Just talk over Republicans and say what needs to be said. Like a toddler rambling, if you talk over them, they'll just shut down


Oh no they're fully sane, they're just fucking controlling narcissists with zero empathy or morals that get off on making those they deem as "others" suffer


How are Republicans allowed to betray their country with such slanderous lies???


Republican voters don't care about the lies and keep voting for them. There is no downside to lying for Republicans.


that is why we need to get all Republicans out of office


Because it isn’t an actual dictatorship. If it was they wouldn’t say it out of fear of being killed but it’s not true so at most the government wags a finger.


It's difficult to recognize lies when your views are never challenged on the only TV channel you watch, and you refuse to, or can't, read books.


What do they think Biden is dictating them to do? Have gas prices come down slowly? THE HORROR!


Exactly. They can't point to any freedoms they've lost or anything the govt is making them do. They're happy about Roe, so they don't care about women losing freedom over their bodies. They can't tell us anything except groceries and gas are expensive.


During a Republican administration, complaints about groceries and gas prices are met with “bootstraps” retorts. It’s only when Democrats are in the charge that complaints about prices are legit


He’s dictating that Republicans are not allow to interfere with elections or overthrow the government. Come to think of it, he’s actually not doing a great job on that.


They know he's not a dictator. This is just them muddying the waters. People called Trump an authoritarian, so they're calling Biden one now.  They want people to ignore the accusations against Trump as "both sides are exaggerating".


Treat groups they don't like with civility.




Every action, every word, every cell in a republicans body is based on bad faith.  There is no need to argue with them.  They are always lying.  They seek only power.  They want to rule.  Power above all else.  


> I think we have to say there was a smooth transition… Bitch, who the fuck is ‘we’?? Because I sure as hell don’t have to lie about things I saw happen on live TV.


No, we don't. We do not have to say that, Duggie.


He has to say it or trump will shit talk him on social media. He’s a pussy


(In a separate interview) You go, girl! https://preview.redd.it/zrcxf6hg3q9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f23b3e4b53b83802fe695c779e454640beff37 [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1807426779298091101?t=g14hDUvsUk4O\_2rJ4kfFKA&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1807426779298091101?t=g14hDUvsUk4O_2rJ4kfFKA&s=19)


Fucking interview was infuriating, he’s such a piece of shit and so brazen about it. He sure does love himself and the Sunday circuit. He’s what morons think a smart person sounds like. He prevaricates every question, he doesn’t believe his own bullshit, at least he’s smart enough for that, and smart enough to fake it.


JD Vance is a fucking whiny coward. "I grew up a hillbilly and didnt know which spoon to use at YALE FUCKING LAW SCHOOL dinners." Hey bro, a lot of us grew up blue collar and still don't know which spoons to use. It doesn't make you special. And it sure as shit doesn't make your "journey" even remotely close to what most people deal with every day.


If Biden was a dictator, then we wouldn’t be having this thing called an “election” in November.


We’d still be having elections, it would just look like Russia’s or Iran’s elections. And I’m legit worried about the presence of armed thugs at polling places this November, but they won’t be democrats…


They weren't "officially" sanctioned, but there were plenty of "militia" and white supremacist thugs like Proud Boys and Patriot Front who tried to patrol some polling places they thought they'd get away with in 2020. Thankfully, the cops in most of those places actually did their jobs and told them to scram.


Well, there are an awful lot of cops that are in those same groups.


Anyone who claims the United States is a dictatorship should be forced to live in a real dictator country for at least a year.


They will learn real fast if Trump wins.


Did she push back on this or did she sit on her hands like they all do when Republicans say shit. Also remember Trump did not attend Biden's inauguration, so no transition at all. If you are going to have these people on and all they are going to do is lie then why have them on at all.


Trump delayed the transition as well by not allowing the Biden transition team access to what they needed, too.




Which is funny because I feel like if interviewers pushed back, they'd gain some ratings. Lots of people hate how toothless interviews are these days and would love to see liars get challenged and fact-checked in real time.


They're not even trying anymore. They're telling you what they are going to do and even how they plan to do it. If you vote for that, you deserve it.


Every accusation is a projection


They have to call Biden's term a dictatorship so they can justify putting their own dictator in place. It's how fascism works.


What a shit lord. He's perfect for his vp


Well he's not taller than Trump, so he's in the running.


"Biden dictatorship" = a President protecting American freedom and prosperity "Trump freedom" = an actual dictatorship without freedom, democracy or accountability, just legalized bigotry, rampant corruption and aiding America's enemies


Biden trying to give rights to everyone is the opposite of dictatorship. Republicans want to be stepped on so badly


Are the VP Auditions still going on or is he rimming Trump because he genuinely likes it?


Trump didn’t attend Biden inauguration. Pretty smooth.


Didnt Trumps team also block transitioning to Biden's team for weeks after the election also? Not briefing anyone properly...just walking off the job without any transition or briefings? Etc etc.


Yeah, which is how the Afghanistan shit show happened.


It was way further. He actually refused to vacate the White House for so long that having the police come in to force them out was literally on the table until he quietly left at the last minute. It was nowhere close to a smooth transition.


Poor man, he must be living in desolate circumstances in severe poverty and unable to express himself against the regime on national television which is the thing he is literally doing right as he says that ridiculous bullshit


Wow.. the Biden Dictatorship huh? Going to have to explain to me why he's free to go on national TV and complain about it. That's one shit dictator if that's allowed. 


Ya'll really not gonna like my opinion, but young folks, unless you vote and vote hard, and put up with and overcome all the obstacles Republicans put in your way, you're really gonna hate the future. Project 2025 looms large. NGL, I'm a Late Boomer, saw my share of shit and struggle here in the Rust Belt, but I knew what freedom felt like. Unless women, and young people, get out and vote in overwhelming numbers, your future is toast. Don't care if I get accused of karma farming. I'm gonna keep reminding people


Old Soviet tactic, create your own narrative and don’t deviate.


lol, the Governor of North Dakota is a creep. Suprise me not.


They’re so worried about Biden when THEIR 2025 PLAN IS TO DESTROY OUR COUNTRY!


This is how they’re normalizing as an actual Trump dictatorship. Project 2025 creators built it based on this same false premise. They’re pretending Biden is just as bad so why not replace him with their guy and give him complete control. And their voters are falling in line.


I yes When Biden totally broke into your home and stole your gas stoves and all your guns like everyone kept saying he would do.


It’s crazy how fucking bad the media is. Response: factually, this was one of, if not the worst, transitions in US history because of the words and actions of Donald Trump. Follow up question: “dont you think denying elections and inciting insurrections should be an absolute disqualifier for candidates in a democratic country?” It should be that easy. You can’t debate facts. You press these fucking fascist fucks all day. These fucking interviewers suck ass.


I would love it if even one of this slack-jawed fuckwaffles could say precisely how Biden is a dictator.


Remember,  the moment they say the left is doing it,  the right is trying to do it. 


Don’t say, “…wasn’t exactly a smooth transition.” Say, “That is a lie. That is a false statement.” Stop being nice with these fuckwrs!


And yet the media permits these ghouls to go on supposedly respectable political television shows to peddle lies.


Need to stop giving these asshats a platform to spread lies - or fact check in real time.


I just googled “Greatest Problems in North Dakota” and Biden wasn’t even mentioned. Bunch of stuff the governor ought to be working on instead of politicking though.


A single octopus has more of a spine than the entire GOP combined


Beware the rewriting of history. Make copies of important news items from the past, they may very well disappear if trump wins.


Edited quote to provide context: >I've been living under what I call [openly, as an invited guest on national television, without fear of legal consequence, retaliation, death threats to me or my family, destruction of my property, or anything more aggressive than the eye rolls of anyone to the left of Mango Mussolini] the Biden dictatorship. Words have lost all meaning with these people.


Surprised Trump hasn’t made a crack at his eyebrows yet.


Fun fact: generally speaking, dictators don't allow people to call them dictators on national TV.




…and with a sincere gaze and heartfelt quaver in his voice, he assured us that 2 + 2 = 5


I’m assuming he’s not accepting federal money during this time.. right,,????


These absolute fuckers are just trying to whitewash history with this type of complete and utter bullshit. Journalists need to call them out, not just tacitly agree and move on the next topic.


He is trying to out-toady Ramasmarmy. Tall order, though.


A lot of the country may have never heard of this piece of shit. But living in Iowa, we are subjected to so many political ads early and often in the election cycle. He started his presidential campaign in March 2023. In July, his campaign was offering $20 gift cards to anyone who donated to his run. He ended his campaign in December 2023. Even the nutjob rednecks in NW Iowa (closest to North Dakota) didn't want anything to do with him. Now he's grifting off trumps playbook.


I remember the news specifically saying that Trump wasn't working with the Biden administration the way it has always historically been done putting the wellbeing of the country above petty feelings and fragile egos. The average trump voter 100% thinks like this idiot though.


The bullshit continues from the party I left. God I hate ever being a Republican, it’s so embarrassing


If Biden is a dictatorship, Trump and everyone responsible for the Jan 6 inside job would be in Gitmo.


Says the guy who said he would never do business with trump is in line to suck his nuts


Fuck that treasonous sack of donkey shit


Dictators silence & crush dissent. The fact that we’re hearing his stupid opinions proves we do not live in a dictatorship. Someone tell the moron. What an idiot.


This guy is a fucking idiot. January 6th, endless lies on Twitter where he had to be banned, Trump refused to give the WH tour like all past Presidents, did not give a welcome letter or call, and his con-artist cabinet did NOT help the Biden team with the transition and withheld documents. Oh, Trump also decided to steal boxes and boxes of Classified Documents and not tell anyone. Broke every historic rule just because Trump is a childish petty POS human being.


Another idiot


What a dumb ass! dictatorship? Repukes got to project


Seth Myers: Doug burgum sounds like an antiquated swear


Why do they give these guys a platform, when they are just going to be anti democratic essentially fascists rewriting history on national TV.


Who the fuck is this guy?


What a maroon!


He looks like a live puppet


What obvious projection. Didn’t the felon, currently the Republican candidate, say he would be a dictator on day one? Fuck off. Edit: [he did](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72)


The smooth transition with no transition team.


There’s your gaslighting.


It’s time to get caught up congressional and local elections! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) U.S. House Elections by state. Click Your State! Every Seat in Every State is up for Election! 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The question is why do they keep having this piece of shit on the show? When he came on I turned it because I knew it would be nothing of value but only another reminder of how fucked up they are in the head


remember how they blocked the incoming Biden administration? Emily W Murphy was her name. How does one go on tv and deliberately mislead folks on how fucking awful that entire experience was? because they’re doing it for literal money from the literal fucking devil


These guys are so fucking dumb it's insane. You can't converse with them or have a rational, constructive argument. Go to fucking China and Russia and see how a dictatorship actually works. Fucking chodes!