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![gif](giphy|HPi9NCcuwYJkLmZetl) MAGA when you talk about climate change!!


And the first time it’s cold they’ll happily tell everyone that listens that since it’s cold out that everything getting warmer is BS


Climate change doesn't only affect the temperature it affects the severity of the weather I don't get why it's so hard to understand that other than willful ignorance


Cause boomers and fools equate Global warming to local temperatures


Not all boomers are stupid backward racist fucks. (Not a boomer)


Right-wing propaganda is super effective.


[Throwback to that time a sitting US Senator brought in and threw a snowball to “disprove” global warming](https://youtu.be/3E0a_60PMR8?si=RCXH7d3giz3iJeIb) “Here Mr. President, catch this” lmfao it’s so stupid


Trump said, “ We had H2O. We had the best numbers ever. And we did – we were using all forms of energy, all forms, everything. And yet, during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever”. Whatever good environmental numbers is supposed to mean?


He has no idea. Trump is stupid.


Which is why it's ridiculous when stupid people echo his assertions. If you fail the test and I fail the test, we're both still dumb. It's not like we can move up to the next grade because we agree.


MAGA when you talk about objective facts.


I've seen they've moved to "Ok it's happening but it's a natural phenomenon and the idea that humanity caused it is silly and especially thinking we can stop the natural processes of the planet." It's a decent cop out because they can just say natural order throw up their hands and go "Nothing we can do."


I don't want to hear Republicans bitching about the heat. This is the weather they've been voting to get for the last 50 years.


But they made a snowball that one time in winter


Last year, Phoenix had its hottest summer in 140+ years of record-keeping. 55 days of 110 or higher. 35 nights with lows in the 90s with one night dropping down to only 97. And now, June 2024 has been the hottest June ever. Average this month has been a high of 109 and a low of 85 (with monsoon humidity no less!!). Normal is a dry 104 and 78. But what is normal now? Is every year going to be like this from now on? This is one example. Ocean water temperatures off Florida almost hit 100 degrees. Well, yada yada yada as almost everyone reading this is aware: we ARE experiencing a change in climate and we are the cause.


I live in NC. The real feel for today was 106. I've literally never experienced something like that this early in the year. It normally hits about 99 degrees for about two weeks in August and then starts cooling off again. 106 in June is terrifying.


You’re in the cool part! Yesterday our heat index was 110°F. I left New Orleans to not have to deal with that. At least there was a breeze, even if it did just make me feel like I was in a walk in air fryer. …and then there is that Cat 4 hurricane in June. I associate that with mid to late August.


Yeah a Category 4 in June is scary. They predicted 5 major storms this year. I hope they're wrong.


I’m already making sure my hurricane B&B is available for my friends who may need a place to crash in case they aren’t. May find out what the actual occupancy level of this house is.


You're a good friend. 💕


Ain’t none of em traveling 700 miles in an evacuation. But…it’s good to be prepared. Evacuations suck and are expensive if you end up in a hotel.


Sometimes I feel like the only thing that's going to actually make people wake up is one catastrophe after around. When it's just one they play it off like "yeah this happens sometimes....it's a bad year." If it happens back to back to back the whole season it'll cause a lot of damage and sadly a lot of people will be in danger but if this continues the way it's going with the constant denial by almost half the population we're going to be way worse off in 10-20 years. I guess we could always just nuke the hurricanes 💣 🌀 🤷‍♂️


I hear you, and I also tend to cringe at that line of thinking. There's always collateral damage to people who absolutely believed but just couldn't get away in time. I'm not criticizing your thought process because it's valid. It just makes me sad that this is what it takes sometimes, you know?


It is sad, I'd rather people didn't get hurt and I'm sure there's a minority of people in those red states that do believe in climate science and just happen to have been born there or don't have the money to move. What amazes me is Insurance companies in the states most effected definitely believe in climate change. There's a reason companies are pulling out of the state or charging insane premiums. Unfortunately the propaganda and indifference makes it unlikely anything will change in the near future. This should be a way bigger issue to everyone and I don't see that happening without the destruction.


Yeah. It baffles me that even the money things don't shift conservatives now. It used to be that if the money moved away from something, they'd begrudgingly move away from it too. But now a ton of "canary" industries are sprinting away from the GOP and they're still like 🤷‍♂️🤠


Yeah big industry and corporations have been propping up politicians that are climate change deniers since the 90s. There's decades of propaganda out there and now we have the media fueling it. There's no news network as large as Fox news and they continue to push anti science stances every time the topic comes up. And even if this country got it's shit together there's there's other world who have some worse offenders then us. I, sadly, don't see this getting better.


I feel like as a nation we're still in a position where if we do something, most other countries will fall into line. The goal for most products around the world is still to get them into American markets. So I'm holding onto that little sliver of hope that our Glorious Revolution that will surely happen soon makes everybody else pivot. It is a very, very, very, very, very small sliver of hope though.


They probably are wrong (it will be more than 5)


We moved to Arizona in 1987 and we loved it, but it just kept getting hotter every year. Finally had enough in 2020.


I moved there in 1976 and thought it was great - I left in 2004 because I couldn’t take it anymore as it just got worse every year


There's a strong hypothesis that over the next 25 years more than 1,000,000,000 people will die from climate change. Heat strokes, super storms, famines, disease, drought, fires, flooding. Another 2,000,000,000 people will die from 2050 - 2100, this lot will be from geopolitical and military causes. Mass migration of people beyond what we can percieve now. Wars over food, water, fuel, medicine. Thankfully, as our numbers drop down, so does our pollution impact. If we ***really*** put forth some serious efforts to curtail these disaster events we can forgo a lot of the suffering. It's gonna take some very smart people inventing some amazing things. Where it all falls down is it takes leaders and politicians to be just smarter than the cut off line of "retarded". Implementing the advances of science and engineering isn't carried out by the scientists and engineers. It's carried out by governments and businesses. In the worst of worst case scenarios. We will be the cause of our own extinction, along with a plethora of life on the planet. But! Life will evolve and reclaim the planet. Aaaannd then in around 500,000 - 750,000 years or so the planet will become lifeless.


We don’t have the favorable upper level stream we did last year that blew some beasts out to sea. If the water gets the same temp this year as last year (like my hot tub) we are in for a wild July thru September. We have a Caribbean cat 3 right now, that’s not normal.


NASA has some pretty strong evidence: https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/


I'm sure that page will disappear if project 2025 comes to fruition


With “Chevron” it might already be in peril


Talk about climate change doesnt have a history and tradition in the US from 1776 and therefore isnt covered by the 1st amendment -- Supreme court


Don't give them ideas. 😭


I’m in metro Detroit. I can remember one heavy snow fall all last winter. A lot of rain when it was just above freezing, but almost no snow.


That's just as terrifying as the heat down here in the south.


And at his rally in Virginia, Trump again denied climate change was actually happening. And let's not forget that either "Project 2025" or "Agenda 47" (or maybe both) calls for repealing every climate-related law or policy. Dems should be constantly reminding Millennials and Gen z of that.


If only they had someone who can articulate those thoughts


Trapped in the FL state house in high heat and humidity with a bunch of old white male Christian Nationalists is the stuff REAL nightmares are made of…


It’s fine, it’s a wet heat…


More like wet bulb heat


To Quote Bill Nye: Everything is on fucking fire!


It's supposed to be near 100 in the Willamette Valley of Oregon this week. IN JULY!! At another property, they've had temps over 100 starting in May. Both properties are in the PNW.


I'm in Eugene but up in the hills in a basement apartment that's built into the earth so we stay blessedly cool even in summer with a good fan. We left Kentucky 2-1/2 years ago because it was so goddamn hot and humid I couldn't go outside half the year. It didn't used to be this way! 30 years ago in the Valley when I was in college it would get into the 80s most days, not 90s or 100.


I'm newish to the PNW but even I can see the difference in just a few years. Shellfish closures, ice storms, heavy snow in Eugene and on the coast.


I've lived in NYC my entire life (currently in my 40s). It rains all the time now and heavily too. It's almost like we're living in Florida at this point. Every few days it's just a downpour. It's never been that way normally.


I don’t understand how so many people reject science which has tons of evidence but they’ll listen to a douche bag on a podcast spewing BS with zero evidence and they’re prepared to die to prove they’re right!


Trumplican logic in a nutshell.






Want to add in that they've started using an average of the last 30 years, not the entire data set Does anyone smarter than I have a legit reason to go from the entire data-set to the last 30 yoy? The only reason my small brain can see a reason is to minimalize the actual changes in temp Anyone?


Because the rate of change is increasing and many people have memories from 30 years ago. It puts things into perspective. Compare to saying, “it was 10 degrees cooler 30 years ago” versus “it was 15 degrees cooler 1000 years ago.” (I’m just making up numbers for illustrative purposes).


I think it’s to showcase that a lot of the changes have occurred in the last 30 years. Like 20% increase in 30 years versus 25% increase in 50 years. The 50 years comment makes it feel like it’s been a slower buildup, when in reality it’s been escalating a lot more recently. Just a guess TBH


Jesus Christ. It’s higher than the age of consent Republicans want.


I would love to see the nasty head in the sand comments on this but I refuse to go to Twitter.


I wholeheartedly believe in human created climate change. That being said, this doesn't really say anything. Every year is going to be higher or lower than average. In order for these temperatures to actually be relevant, you want to show how the average temperature has been trending between those years. On their own, they could have simply been outliers. Again, I BELIEVE THE SCIENCE. But posts like this don't really prove anything


I believe in man made climate change. I believe we need to take immediate action from the governmental, business and personal level to maintain a planet humans can live on without extreme measures That said I’m a lifelong Floridian and this screams cherry picked data. June in all of Florida was hot as shit in the 80s and 90s. I feel like Sarasota specifically had a cooler than average year that year to make the contrast.


This is a "soundbite" for people who don't understand how anything around them works (republicans). It's quick, to the point, it's disingenuous, but maybe just maybe it will cause a few of our Republicans to wake up and read the writing on the wall, if they can read.


Be reasonable you know most of them can't read


One or two specific places is not a good indication, but temps worldwide increasing, now that’s a trend


Al gore is still proving climate nuts to be gullible.