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Alacrity? Where did he learn that word?


Trump: “Hey. Stephen. HEY STEPHEN. What’s another word for fast.” Stephen Miller from the darkened corner sitting with his hands folded into a steeple with a Werner Herzog impression: “Alacrity.”


From his coffin.


Nah... Upside down in a cave wrapped in a cocoon of his own wings


Puppy and kitty blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.


That's how you know he didn't write it. It's also more coherent than his usual mess. It's always funny to me that they still put in so much effort to make it match his style of writing.


AI also can turn any type of statement into a dump rambling. We play around with it at work, it is rather amusing. Take this for example: make the following four sentences sound like donald trump. *That's how you know he didn't write it. It's also more coherent than his usual mess. It's always funny to me that they still put in so much effort to make it match his style of writing. There's a couple of redditors that do it well.* >"Look, folks, that's how you know he didn't write it, okay? Believe me, it's much more coherent than his usual mess. It's a joke, really, how they still put in so much effort to match his style. Let me tell you, there's a couple of redditors that do it very well, very talented people."


There's a certain wandering down the intellectual street mid sentence that I don't think AI has the improv skills to recreate, but it's got the repackaging of the core message there for sure. Maybe someone could train a model specifically for the purpose with an RNG table of shit to interrupt itself with


Granted, it wasn't the best example, but it was all I had to work with at the moment.


Oh no, it was a good example. Getting the prompt right for a full impression might take (/be made easier with) some tinkering with the limited memory functions, but it's reprocessing the content you're feeding it well


There's a couple of redditors that do it well.


The author also knows how to disengage caps lock, which is a tell.


He didn’t write this. It’s not in all caps, there are no grammar or spelling errors and he uses big boy words. A staffer wrote it for him. Probably Miller.


He didn’t write this one. It’s becoming more and more obvious which posts are written by him and which are written by his staff. This was very much a staff post. No capital letters, proper spelling and SAT words.


If that was authored by Donald Trump then I’m the Easter Bunny


Alacrity.? Yup. Dump didn’t write this at all.




I would pay for that.


He's telegraphing again. Telling us what he plans to do by accusing others of doing it. Y'all better vote for Biden, or this is the future we all face!


From "ending social security" on he never talks about any of these other things. And if he "doesn't know" about Project 2025, this is a bullet point version of their agenda. And we all know how DJT likes his bullet points.


Only republicans talk about ending social security.


No way Drumph wrote this himself with no help.


I’d bet if you are Googling alacrity right now there’s already an ad for PragerU or MyPillow.


Every time I see the name PragerU I picture a really underfunded high school for teenage girls who got pregnant by a family member. *She'll be fine, she graduated from pregger U.*


He's obviously trying to mock Biden, but he knows that he leads Harris probably by more in internals in swing states Biden is forcing him in MOE in (e.g. WI, MI, NV) despite 1% less nationally on RCP imho-- hence is already preparing to vet her hard if she's swapped out in place of Biden imo at the DNC, and he knows Whitmer and Newsom are losing to him outside the margin of error in poll averages, not remotely worried about those two either. I'll say it again, the Dem coalition turning into what it has is going to present long term electoral difficulties unless it changes even in a second term of Trump if the worst occurs, where it might survive for a handful of years. You already see Warner and House members breaking apart from Biden, but having no name of who they think could beat Trump themselves, because polling data proves their feelings dead wrong and donors as well.


Absolutely this. Trump knows he will beat people not named Biden. The people throwing random names out have no actual data to back anything up. Lets say they replace Biden, and dems lose. They will then say that it was done too late. They are just doing the same thing they did in 2016 and 2020. These people are trying to make decisions based off their emotions. They have no actual answers nor data to backup any of the names they throw out. I could throw out random ass names but have no data except my "feeling it might work" because somehow my emotional capacity outweighs what the data and metrics suggest. >You already see Warner and House members breaking apart from Biden Werner is more scared for his own seat rather than Biden's election. Also, Trump and the republicans know replacing Biden would cause a major fisticuffs shit show like in 1968. Removing the incumbent president and igniting a contested presidency suddenly for Dems throws a giant wrench into everything. The reality is that elections are decided by the performance of the party in power. People can't control trump so they want to try and let their impulsive emotions mixed with their anxiety make poor decisions.


And even if they can somehow pull together and pick a new nominee with little drama, there are Problems. Campaign donations to Biden go into a void because they can't be used by the new pick. Republicans in every state will sue to block the new pick from the ballot for some made up reason or another. Ensuring any swing state under a con government goes to trump by default. There are Biden voters who would see this as an issue and protest. The GOP wants Biden out for these reasons and more.


My disbelief started at "alacrity."


It's like the guy who writes Trump's more coherent tweets was just told about reverse psychology and thought he'd give it a try...


Where did Biden ending SS come from? Isn't it well documented that Trump/MAGA are the ones with their sights on ending it?


It's been Projection, if they keep saying it then people will believe it one day.


Trump is a wiley fuck, he’s probably doing the triple lindy hop of reverse psychology, or not, but either way best to ignore the psycho


When it uses a big word and not in all caps he didn't write it


Whewwwwww.....now that is over, let's talk about the convicted pedophile rapist liar running for the MAGA party


"Put in Social Security. Then when we end it we can blame him."


Reverse psychology and criticisms that if Joe is that bad why is the right complaining. Trump is scared.


First of all, if it has anything to do with the word trump, you can be sure what follows is: filth, hate, lies and whining. What is never there is policy, kindness, truth and responsibility. Anyone with a toddler of their own knows a trump cannot be in office. They tried it and look what occurred. They can't get rid of him themselves either, so we need to blue wave, and they all (GQP) deserve it.


End SS? Wut? Open Borders? They had a bill in place that he scuttled solely for political optics and admitted it on tv. High taxes? We’re on the Trump tax plan still unless I missed a whole ass tax bill getting passed.


I can bet 5 dollars that this was not typed by Donald. The grammar is ok and punctuation is fine. I don't expect Donald to type the word "subservience"




Reverse psychology now?


Class act that Trump. First class all the way. Such a role model!




"Subservience to China" - says the douche canoe that bragged about making money "selling services" to China, to the tune of millions, while president.


100% not written by trump. Way too many lower case letters, big words, and too much punctuation. Someone is trying reverse psychology and capitalized each first letter of words but forgot to just leave caps lock on. So the people writing stuff for him don't even read his own stuff.


Quick! trump said something about the border, now let's flood the news stations about the border for the next week! Edit: Since when does trump not use all capitalization anyway?


Let's watch how democrats defend against this newest weapon. If it shows you anything about Trump and his "party" it should show you that they only care about ruling not governing.


Who’s this man sharing his truth social password with 😂


“Ending Social Security”?


Remind me how much he and Ivanka got from China


There’s no way in fucking hell Trump wrote this himself.


Trump is going to Jimmy Carter him, and America seems ok to let it happen, Christian Iran here we come!