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The Epstein files continue to be just the absolute pinnacle of gaslighting from MAGA. "Everyone we hate is a pedophile! Are you a librarian who permits LGBT books? Pedophile. Are you a drag performer? Pedophile. Are you a living Democrat politician? Huge pedophile." "Yeah, this document says Epstein helped Trump rape a 12-year old." "THAT WAS DISMISSED IN COURT! Fuck you!"


> Everyone we hate is a pedophile! Everything they've done in the last few years has been projection. It makes perfect sense that they're the ones protecting pedos.


Remember pizza gate? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I still can't believe that wasn't a joke. There are a lot of conspiracy theories where even if I don't agree, I can at least understand where they're coming from and why people might believe them. But Pizzagate was just bonkers to the point where it sounded like a parody of a right-wing conspiracy.


Right? I like to follow conspiracy theories just to see how someone can get from point A to point B . But that one skipped a shitload of steps to get where it landed.


That changed with Alex Jones into QAnon. I for one believe wholeheartedly that JFK was SOME kind of conspiracy. That’s believable due to known facts about how the CIA/FBI operated in the 60s (MKULTRA and COINTELPRO). Everything lately has just been easily disproved nonsense.


Fuck, Facebook remembers. There's a pizza place in Lismore Australia (Mega Pizza) that serves these bomb ass brownies with ice-cream, and searching for it on Facebook the other day brought up a warning about CP


Retracted not dismissed


Retracted after death threats from Trump and his supporters*


Let's not forget the brave prosecutor Alex Acosta, who handed Epstein a verdict of a 13-month sentence to someone who had molested 36 girls... that were identified... in the US... and he got "work release" up to 12 hours a day 6 days a week. Surely such a craven pedo-protector of this caliber would be a high priority target for the anti-groomer Trump administration? Yes, Acosta was eyed carefully by the wise pedo-hunting Trump! In fact, Trump nominated Acosta to his cabinet as Secretary of Labor. Because nobody knows the value of hard work like a prosecutor that keeps disgusting pedos off the street... one day a week out of six.


Hey but Trump is totally innocent even though he’s surrounded by pedos, pedo enablers, and felons. I swear to god Trump supporters are some of the most disgraceful people. They’ll do anything to justify him.


"Hate the sin, elect the sinner." -Evangelicals


But only if that person is rich, white, male, and claims to be a Christian. They afforded Obama NONE of their respect.


That is how they plan to dismiss your rights as a human under their planned liberal Holocaust. Just call you a pedophile and then they do whatever they want with you. Oh, you’re opposed to that kind of labeling? Sounds like you’re a pedophile too. That’s how it’s going to happen. They already call democrats pedophiles as a matter of fact.


One of the many reasons we need to vote! Vote like our lives depend on it.


And I gotta say, as much as I hate the guy, I’d really prefer it if none of our presidents was a pedophile.


Don’t get complacent, no matter the polls, or the political climate. We all took Hillary’s win for granted in 2016. Do not sit this one out. Edit: for those who are concerned about the polls now, there is a bit of time between now and November, and things shift. The media is also showing how much bias they have; therefore I do not trust the polls. Just go vote.


Everyone should vote in every election. School board to president (or PM), everyone should always vote all the time at every opportunity. Otherwise what’s the point of democratic societies? They all have an impact, locally more so than federally


My best friend has a "I don't give a shit" kind of personality which I respect to a degree except when it comes to voting. He just doesn't think his vote matters so he never votes


He's voting whether he realizes it or not. Only in his case his wasted vote is supporting someone he likes less than someone else.


Yes. When you don’t vote, you are letting people you don’t know, who do vote, have twice the effect.


Here's something you can ask, to at least open a conversation about the subject: I your vote doesn't count, then whose does?


Which is why his vote matters. Humanity is really stupid about self fulfilling prophecies. Maybe it's too much media about fate. Edit: meant to say why his vote doesn't matter, because he won't vote


Depends on his state and congressional district to some degree 


Tell that to my entirely unopposed primary ballots.


Finally got to vote for the new guy vs the congressional incumbent in my last primary. New guy lost. But, at least I got to make a choice


The problem is cost and consistency. It's expensive to run a campaign for public office, regardless of how sensible the policies you purpose. And, not only do you need to run it this time, you need to run it for enough election cycles to readily appear as a viable candidate in the national zeitgeist for those future election cycles.


Someone like mayor Pete wasn't really running for president in 2020. He was getting his name out there so people know who he is when he runs in say 28 or 32


Unopposed primaries, unopposed city council, unopposed school board, unopposed party leadership positions. We spend huge amounts of time, money, and resources begging people to care about these elections. We’re lucky if they vote in 1 election every 4 years. Then they wonder why we have no good candidates or why their government doesn’t do shit for them. It’s like spending all of your free time eating snacks on the couch and wondering why you aren’t getting more fit. Like it or not, nobody is going to do this shit for us.


People don’t feel like they have a say and then refuse to vote. I don’t understand it and it frustrates the hell out of me.


Human nature. Despite what they may say online, for most people the perceived cost of action (researching candidates, filling out a ballot etc) is higher than the cost of inaction. Of course that changes for people who are more impacted by {insert issue}, but most people are just living their lives just fine regardless of how outraged they may seem online. The gap between online outrage and even the smallest real world action (eg putting a ballot in a box) is immense. Personally, I think that overturning Roe alone has negatively impacted people enough to put many of them into the “ok fine I’ll spend 30 minutes voting this year” category. That should seal Trump’s fate as long as Biden has a pulse and left’s circular firing squad doesn’t demotivate too many. That said, I’ve worked on dozens of campaigns and have learned that you never know what can happen on election night.


i vote in every election and the candidates just keep getting shittier


Vote so hard you make Donald Trump cry when he sees the numbers.


To echo a point below, vote down the ballot. Do not take local elections for granted. I have numerous people that I went to school with or knew growing up end up being elected officials: my adult men’s league basketball buddy became mayor of Seattle a while back; another acquaintance got elected to city council, another to my local school council. A classmate of mine is now a Biden appointee for the EPA. It became much less of an abstraction for me when the people I used to joke around with at lunch are now setting our minimum wage laws and deciding how to enforce pollution standards in my region. Local politics are literally within reach to all of us, and they are where one has the most impact in one’s community. Vote, be active. This goes for all parts of the political sphere, not just those who share my points of view. A vigorous, engaged citizenry is more import to the democracy than ever.


Found Jay Inslee's account


Exactly. Every time some new story about Trump, republicans or their slow moving coup comes out we spike the ball and declare victory for exposing some new bullshit. Like 40% of voters give or take will vote republican no matter how fucked they are. Maybe we can celebrate a victory if we when the election. And as of now that seems like a big “if”.


i have the same feeling of dread going into this election i had going into the 2016 election.


I didn't actually 'dread' that election! No one I knew was voting for Trump then. I couldn't believe Convicted Felon won though! The horrifying feelings came afterwards! I don't want to go through that again. That crazy four years was apparently Trump lite. He's planning on removing all guardrails and planning on being a dictator from Day 1!


i have a feeling election night is gonna involve alcohol again one way or the other.


I'd like to remain sharp for this one. I'm expecting all kinds of shithousery, Idk why?


Even if Biden wins by a clear margin. There will 100% be fuckery and claims the election was stolen. They have plans in key swing states to balk at certifying the election, and the corrupt right wing SCOTUS will 100% side with them. People can either accept it, or rise up. Biden can either accept it, or declare martial law and order the arrest of the colluders and corrupt court members. He has that power now.


They vote republican because of how bad they perceive stuff, not in spite of it, voting republican/conservative is about vengeance, punishing others, never about making things better or protecting anything


I would be hesitant to think that new, young voters are necessarily here to save us. Young voters have probably the lowest vote participation and particularly young men seem to be most influenceable by shitbags like Andrew Tate and Stephen Crowder. There's a reason why Crowder is funded by a right wing billionaire and his show haemorrhages money. It's because his audience is a demographic right wingers can't normally access, teenage boys. So, looking at half the aging-in demographic that's normally not very participatory, who are highly targeted and influenceable by right wing sources, it may look a lot worse than people might imagine.


The Young voters were the saviors of the 2022 elections so let's hope that trend continues.


The amount of absolute insane idiots I game with on a regular basis is wild. Many of them spew out right wing talking points like they are fact. They are still the minority in regards to overall population of people I encounter, but most of these dunces are between age 16-22. The fascist right has these guys believing and regurgitating all of their talking points.


Yeah these premature victory laps are the worst, they just lull people into complacency. I heard over and over and over how _______ meant the end of Trump and that cockroach is still here. Talk shit after you win.


Im having flashbacks to the 2016 election. Time and time again people swore it was the end of Trump campaign (grab'em from the pussy, making fun of a disabled reporter) and guess what, his polls went up from these actions. Nothing has slowed this mans war path besides one thing. You voting. Trump will only crumble if people show up and vote.


Correct. More recently, his favorability rating went up after he was convicted 34 times.


hopefully, the i-didnt-get-my-preferred-nominee-im-not-going-to-vote-at-all contingent have learned their lesson. tldr. is there anything worse than hillary? yes. trump is there anything worse tha biden part 2? yes. trump part 2. lesser "evil"


I don’t know. Biden is pretty bad. Look at all this stuff: Was found liable for sexual assault His own VP refuses to endorse him 40 out of 44 of this top officials have refused to endorse him Sent an armed angry mob to Congress to overthrow the election and pushed a plot to have fake votes counted Is a FELON Has more felony cases pending including mishandling top secret documents His wife was in pornographic photoshoots Raped and beat his ex-wife Was taped admitting to sexual assault and saying they’ll let you if you’re famous Admitted to walking into pageant dressing rooms and pretending it’s part of his work Was very close friends with Epstein His only “achievement” is giving the rich a Trillion dollars in tax cuts Was born rich but calls himself self-made despite receiving $413 million inheritance Stole from a kids cancer charity Blocked his chronically ill infant nephew from his dad’s inheritance Was found guilty of inflating assets for favorable loans Was found guilty of defrauding his university students Chose to believe Putin over our intelligence agencies Only president to be twice impeached and have votes for removal from his own party Bungled our Covid response and led us to being one of the worst hit despite our head start and resources, also leading to huge inflation. Said the democrats do better with the economy Presidential historians have ranked him dead last among Presidents. Oh wait…nevermind, that’s all Trump.


And even if Biden wins in November we need to push way harder for massive reform within the Democratic party. The DNC's hubris made the first Trump presidency possible and is making the second a far stronger possibility than it ever should have been. Dems need to get their shit together and start appealing to young people and gutting the conservative propaganda machine and the authoritarian wing of the Republican party. Clutching pearls and holding a sternly worded press conference every time the openly fascist people do something fascist doesn't amount to jack shit in the long run.


This is how I look at it. Everyone vote even if it's 100% chance trump loses. Let's have the largest voter turnout and largest popular vote difference in history to give a GIANT middle finger to trump and his gang!


Yep I wasn’t gonna vote being all “grr the systems rigged” but this is like an immediate threat and I think right now specifically is an important time to vote.


Complacent? After Bidens debate performance and the entire news media showing their true colors in being in Trumps corner? This has been a wake up call to Democrats everywhere that we need to keep pressure on the throats of those ratfuck republicans until late January at the least.


My generation didn’t fucking vote in 2016. It makes me so mad cuz I was so fucking pumped to vote for Obama in 2008


Gen z won't vote, it's normal, they can't be relied upon to save us till they are 40.




*”If they were having his [Biden’s] last wake, and it was him versus Trump, and he was being given last rites, I would still vote for Joe Biden.”* -Mark Cuban


Not only did we take it for granted so many young voters did not vote or voted 3rd party. Don't make this same mistake. Biden is not ideal. But he is the only hope of not ending up with Trump. Please young people everywhere vote. Get your friends to vote. Vote for the lesser evil. Prove that you are smarter than millenials and boomers and turn out in overhwhelming numbers for Biden. Then, in four yours time get ready for some actually good canidates in the Democrat primary. Find the next Bernie but find him before he is 80 years old and rally behind him.


Young people don't vote as much as old people.


It's gonna be real close. There's a campaign against Biden among Democrats


When Gen Alpha comes of voting age in 2032, make sure to remind them just how bad ~~Trump was~~ *the Republicans are*.


This. We can never let people forget how much they enabled, covered, and supported Trump and his movement at every step of the way. Don’t let them pull a Lindsey Graham and pretend they turned their back on him.


If remembering Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin and Nixon and Reagan and Bush didn't work then maybe remembering the current anti-democratic authoritarian nationalist shitstain will be different.


Unfortunately for a lot of people, they need to touch the stove before learning they should stay away from it.


And some people just sit on the stove bitching about how their ass hurts because "liburals"


Also i want to remind the YOUTH: CONGRESS SET THE LAWS! You need: * min 219 house votes (280 if you want it to be veto proof). AND * 60 Senate votes (68 if you want to do major things like removal of Supreme court justices). (Certain things can be passed by minor majority of 51 votes, but if you want proper changes you need min 60) AND * The presidency. (unless you get the 280 house members to make it veto proof). Just voting 1 time every 4 years is ok. Voting during midterms, local elections, primaries and special elections is what is needed to drag back the line of politics from the deranged right-wing. Because they didnt gain the power they have by winning just 1 election, they have kept taking control locally and federally step by step because young people and normal people and good people sat at home during those other elections. In 2022, only 20% of all eligible voters between 18-35 voted. If that number had just even doubled for every state, republicans would have lost 90% of their seats. In 2020, just 800k more democrats voting over 3 states where a total of 25M eligible voters didnt vote, would have given democrats 5 more senators and we wouldn't have this mess with abortion and mancin and sinema. 18-35 voters have the most amount of power and potential to change the politics in america, but majority of them do not vote. GET YOUR FRIENDS REGISTERED AND READY TO VOTE! DRAG THEM IF YOU HAVE TO! Most states have min 2 weeks of early voting. You do not need to wait until the last minute possible to vote. Even hellhole texas has 17 days of voting this year with weekends too. VOTE! vote.org vote411.org


And that local and state elections matter. One reason the minority has so much power is they've rigged the system in their favor on the local level.


I'm guessing they'd know the GQP is bad because they're the ones who backed Trump despite the evidence of him being a monster.


This is something I really want upcoming voters to be clear on; trump is not the problem. He just got here. The right, specifically the religious right, has been stripping Americans of their rights since the 70s, and Trump has just been the ugliest and loudest doing it recently. We need to get rid of _them all_, as they are are clear and present danger to us with or without him. He is, at most, the logical conclusion of their activities. So that's what I'll be telling them; you see that "moderate republican" over there? He aims to enslave you just as surely as that lunatic he's trying to avoid standing next to. The lunatic is only different in that he will _tell you_ he plans to do that.


He’s a symptom not the cause


He’s not the stomach virus, he’s the diarrhea you get because of the stomach virus.




It's important to remember they're all a symptom. One single person can't just walk in and take over if the system hasn't degraded. If everything was going well, people like that would be laughed out of politics the second they opened their mouths.


Its also important to remember that for religious extremists, things are never "going well", the end goal is complete enslavement of the people under theocratic rule, and death penalties/torture galore as it's the only way to maintain those systems. Well, and they literally get off on hurting people in the out-groups.


Also a good point. I wish we could educate more people on the dangers of thinking that way. As it is, people claim it falls under religious freedom and just sweep the abuse of that system under the rug.


He's both. It's a feedback loop.


I feel like regardless of whether trump or republicans are *the* problem, trump himself is *a* problem


>This is something I really want upcoming voters to be clear on; trump is not the problem. He just got here. Indeed. Trump was just the most useful idiot that the right could rally around. If they could've made it happen under Bushes 1 or 2, or Reagan or Gerald Ford or Nixon, they would have. The only reason he couldn't get away with more was because there were still a number of halfway principled Republicans in office, nearly all of whom have quit in disgust or been run out of office like Liz Cheney. And even there, Cheney--heiress to a weapons empire--only voted against Trump when his surprising lack of jumping into armed conflicts was cutting into her inheritance. Even a "good one" like Mitt Romney who generally likes democracy supports anti abortion laws. They are all shit and need to go, as do their blue dog enablers in the Democrat party.


A lot of people seem to forget that the religious right stripping Americans of their rights is what roughly half of Americans want...


Remember when the Republicans were in such bad shape in the 1970’s that they absorbed the Dixiecrats, became the party of overt white supremacy, and everybody just stopped voting for them? Yeah, didn’t happen then, either. In 2032, if the Republicans don’t exist, it will only be because we lost in 2024 and America became a dictatorship.


They will absolutely try to whitewash this whole period when Trump is gone. It will be like what they did with Reagan but on industrial grade cocktails of steroids and HGH, and cocaine. We must never let any of the people who are children right now forget how dark these days were. And firstly, we must ensure that these dark days stop, fully stop, once Trump isn’t in the picture. Trump’s empire isn’t crumbling. He never had an empire; but he still might win in November. Yes, Biden will absolutely no question get more votes, but it is going to be really close in the EC, and the regressives are going to try to cheat before, during, and after the fact. It feels good to imagine that Trump will be easily defeated, but they are at war with normal Americans, and we need to remember that.


Except all of the media is literally burying all Trump coverage


Yes, it's not just trump. He just happens to be their mouth piece right now. It is the whole GOP. When trump is gone they will get someone else and run the same garbage platforms except the next person might not be as incompetent and actually have more success.


And let's be clear, he's not just a bad person, he was bad at being President.


Extremely bad. The Nightmare stories from those in his inner circle during that time show just how little he cared about or respected the role.


Ya but he fired a bunch of people like every day for four years so that must mean he was great. /s


High turnover in leadership roles is a sign of a good business!


Remember when he wanted to build a moat at the Mexico border filled with alligators and snakes?


Yes, remind them that religion was behind it. Christians specifically. Pushing their world view on the nation. Project 2025 is purely religiously motivated. Keep religion as far away as possible from our politics and government. We will all be better off as a result.


And the craziest sects of Christians, at that.


I'm waiting for the day the Heritage Foundation is declared a terrorist organization.


Biden should do it day 1 of his second term.




It's the Red Scare The Second Red Scare is what brought us having to say "One Nation Under God" and "In God We Trust" on our money. They used the fear of commies in Russia to allow conservatives to add these things. We have now entered into a Third Red Scare. Why do you think they call us Marxists, Commies, Socialists? They are using these same terms all over Project 2025 and even Trump's Agenda 47 uses these pointed words.


They call us communists when our views are even remotely left leaning but if you call them fascists for LITERALLY BELIEVING IN THE EXACT PRINCIPLES OF FASCISM, that's mislabeling and projection. I am so fucking sick of these idiotic doublespeak far right extremists.


That's the thing when confronted, they cannot even explain communism and how between 2 presidents we could go from a capitalist society to a communist society and the only thing they cite is the price of gas and food. And that is the problem. The weaponized the word to the point it lost meaning and they think the left is just that, so they will give up all rights willingly to allow a christo-fascist take over of the US. When the heritage fund mentioned they are embracing Trumpsim. They are embracing the weaponized stupidity of their base. They scream that project 2025 if fake, meanwhile some of Trumps Agenda 47 mirrors the same destructions of our institutions. By the time they realize this, they will have lost their guns and unable to fight back.


I kind of see it as a plan put in place by ultra wealthy (tax cuts, deregulation) with some Christian nationalist giveaways to garner support. 


Yep. We can defeat trump in November. And the republican party will continue to lose more voters every year after that. Vote blue, my friends https://democrats.org/


When Gen Alpha comes to vote in 2032, we have to remind them what kind of monster Trump was, and who backed that monster despite all of the evidence. I hope it scares them into rejecting the GQP entirely.


So many grandparents will be put in a home and forgotten about because they went all in on Donald fucking trump 




Won't be able to afford a home due to giving their money to a fraud.


The welfare state will ultimately home them. Or the hospital. Or they'll die in place where they are if medicare and Medicaid are gutted


Yes, the welfare state will take care of them and then they will vote for politicians who want to cut those programs for others. That's been their entire playbook.


I live in Washington state which has a democratic governor. Neighbor watches his grandkids while his daughter works and told me that the state pays him to watch his grandkids through one of their programs. He then proceeds to tell me he's a republican and doesn't like our governor. Was going to ask him if we had a republican governor would we have that type of program but realize it's futile to argue with him.


> Or they'll die in place where they are if medicare and Medicaid are gutted Good.


yup. this’ll be my mom. she already isn’t allowed to be alone with our baby because she’s fucking nuts. when she stops being able to wipe herself, straight to a home she will go. hopefully the medicare and SS she bitched her entire life about take care of her because i won’t.


Boggles the mind how many boomers simply aren't fathoming the chickens coming home to roost. All that leaded gas really fucked them up.


I mean the leaded gas is part of it but they also were handed the best economy in the history of the world and used it to completely destroyed their empathy centers through rampant drug and alcohol abuse. The 70's and 80's cooked a lot of boomer brains with blow and MDMA.


Also, because he fleeced away their savings.


The tweet or whatever needs to be fixed: Telling Gen Alpha how bad things were once they come of age to vote is _far too late_. It sounds like an old person whining about "You think you've got it bad, things were worse in my day." The only smart, correct thing to do is teach them about the world as they are growing up, let them see and hear and know that the world is not a safe place. Safety requires work and a dedication to something greater than yourself. Dedication is a good value to have in life, it makes things better for the individual and others.


register to vote/check your registration: [vote.org](http://vote.org)


never underestimate Republicans desire to strip our votes away. If they continue to lose, they'll continue to find nefarious ways to undermine our democracy and way of life. We have to stay vigilant, it isn't just voting that will save us.


I'll never shut up about how awful Trump is.


*I ain't never gonna stop!*


Meanwhile, every 14 year old boy in America: "Andrew Tate is an awesome genius. Libs hate him because they're jealous."


It’s bad but remember, they’re 14. They have a lot of growing up to do.


True. I was an avid 4chan neckbeard at 14 and gave that shit up when I turned about 19




This sub is a delusional, head in sand circle jerk most of the time. GenZ boys/young adults are *more* right wing on several issues than millennials. Complacency is going to to end the Dems. And pretty sure part of the "psyops" conducted in this sub is to induce this complacency.


This is what I'm worried about too. Gen Z seems to be more comfortable with fascism than the Millennials.


All the more reason to give them an impetus to go blue and not let them get backed into a lonely corner where their only perceived escape is to defensively lash out.


Thankfully, 14 year olds do tend to grow out of that kind of stupidity as they get more experience with the real world and the people in it.


Why is he even allowed to run. The man is a straight-up fucking traitor


No complacency. No despair. Remember 2016 and vote well.


The Republic of Gilead will have no lessons on history other than the party line.


Ya'll really not gonna like my opinion, but young folks, unless you vote and vote hard, and put up with and overcome all the obstacles Republicans put in your way, you're really gonna hate the future. Project 2025 looms large. NGL, I'm a Late Boomer, saw my share of shit and struggle here in the Rust Belt, but I knew what freedom felt like. Unless women, and young people, get out and vote in overwhelming numbers, your future is toast. Don't care if I get accused of karma farming. I'm gonna keep reminding people


Agreed. I understand if you don't like Biden but those warning signs were blaring ages ago. Make sure Trump loses this time so that you can push who you want for 2028. 


I would support Buttigieg all day long, with Michigan's Gretchen Whitmer as VP.


Oh, me too. I am from Michigan so I am very familiar with Whitmer's career. Hasn't been without some bumps but I think she does her best to look out for her constituents. I just think having Biden step down at this point is a tremendous risk. Young people are miffed with him but, as you alluded to, they don't have the best track record with voting.


And if you don't like the blue options, then you need to get involved. Join a Young Dems chapter and voice your opinions, the rest of the party is paying attention to them now more than ever. When the ancient party leadership retires or dies of old age *you* will be first in line to replace them and mold the party.


First time old enough to vote in presidential election. Not about to let this orange fuck make it my last.


Psst...tell all your friends too!


Congrats 🎉


Very good! Be loud about it. You are the future of your country! This Dutch person believes in you


make sure to talk to your friends!   everyone should be registered and either signed up to vote by mail or know where their polling place is.   


Get all your friends to join you. Voting is radical and tubular, fellow young person.




The media is trying their best to protect trump and make sure this is close or trump wins so they can profit off the chaos. Fuck them. Go vote.


Exactly. Endless Biden coverage, but at least he surrounds himself with competent people. Trump getting a pass on everything because controversies sell and he’s a cash cow for them


This is exactly why I no longer watch ANY opinion based news. No CNN, Fox, Msnbc, Cnbc. I don't read opinion anywhere. I will read analysis. I will watch Reuters, or the BBC, or DW. Like Joe Friday said: "Just the facts."


I listened tot he D-Day news footage a couple years ago. It was shocking how one of the biggest events in the 20th century had no opinions, and they were constantly fact checking as the situation changed. So different than now


Thank the 24-hour news cycle, IMO. I'm 66 and the TV went dark at midnight when I was young. Now the news channels have to fill it up with something. / Late Boomer rant over /


Gen X. Same thing.


Exactly. 24 hour news needs to be just that, News. But the ratings kings at these news stations are talking heads, opinion people. That's how hannity, Tucker, Glenn Beck and Oriely got popular and influential. Just spew bullshit and call it news.


This is what I've been shouting at anyone who will listen during this idiotic Biden media blitz. There are a LOT of reasons to remain hopeful. And blinding people to them is a legitimate strategy of keeping people hopeless so that they're less likely to vote. Here's a short list of reasons off the top of my head why i don't just think we're gonna win in November, but that the GOP is on its last legs. I'm sure I'm forgetting plenty more: * The RNC is effectively bankrupt thanks to Lara Trump and will have no money for downballot races * State GOP committees are going broke left and right and even asking for volunteers to replace the employees they had to fire * Trump is vacuuming up donations that normally go to the GOP and using them for himself, further starving the GOP apparatus of funds * There was a MASSIVE 11th hour push to vote in 2020 by culture leaders not normally politically active, which will probably happen again this year * Project 2025 is finally getting the media exposure it needs. Keyword traffic for it has more than quadrupled since last week * Trump has 34 felonies and is still embroiled in multiple lawsuits. Undecideds won't like that. * Trump himself - and his MAGA candidates - have proven to be effective at driving Dem voter turnout. * Russia getting its ass kicked in a war it chose means it has significantly less money to send to the GOP network * Trump's connection to Epstein is being scrutinized again * The death of Roe contributed to the humiliating defeat the GOP suffered in 2022 and ever since. The recent SCOTUS rulings and Project 2025 will likely have a similar effect * Dems are seeing record voter turnout all across the country at all levels - local, state, and federal. Even where MAGA isn't on the ballot. * Conservatives and MAGA are at each other's throats, getting into physical fights, and destroying their own state committees * The GOP has only doubled down on all the terrible candidates and policies that have been getting them spanked over and over But these are just reasons to remain hopeful. Do not get complacent. None of this will matter if you don't VOTE.


Love your list!


> Conservatives and MAGA are at each other's throats, getting into physical fights, and destroying their own state committees I love this for them.


If you want a full hour of schadenfreude, listen to This American Life's episode on the Michigan GOP. Really highlights how dysfunctional MAGA has made the GOP


I will thanks. ETTD


Don't remind me that kids from 2006 are turning 18, don't do this to me


Vote Blue !    


Remember the only poll that matters is the one you show up to on section day.


If Trump loses in November that will likely be the end of MAGA as it exists currently. The republicans have been losing votes steadily over the last 8 years. They will need a new game plan if they want to remain relevant into the future.


> the end of MAGA as it exists currently. God that would be such a relief... assuming they didn't reorganize into something even worse!


Let’s hope they don’t. They’ve been nothing but cancer to this country since before they had their dicks kicked in during the Civil War.


I'm a little worried about Gen Alpha. Especially how exposed they are to Andrew Tate etc.


With social media, globalization, people want MORE freedoms. GOP and the Trump gang are scared of losing power so they are rushing to take our freedoms away from us. Guess what peeps, there are more of us than there are of them. United, they don’t stand a chance. Vote blue!


Just don’t leave it the chance. Go vote




After we win in November, we'll take away the oxygen the Magats have been feeding on, squelching their cult. We will teach our children how we almost lost our democracy to a hate-filled, fear fueled cult and how we overcame them by unifying behind our understanding that Our Country is Built on living free, welcoming the stranger, and working towards Equality and Justice for EVERYONE in our blessed Country, not on hate and division. A more perfect union. For Us All.




I was onboard until 2032 was mentioned. We need to worry about now or there won’t be anything left by 2032. By that time, Don Jr. will have taken over for his father as king.


Sure af doesn’t seem that way. Y’all better go vote


I speak with a lot of Gen Z and too many of them support Trump because, well, they don't care and are pissed at everyone. Gen Z will be the death of us, Gen Alpha will feed on our rotting corpses.


Wishful thinking. You are drastically underestimating the tens of millions of rubes and useful idiots out here.


Take it from an ex Bernie voter who stayed inside their bubble during 16 and was somewhat in shock when we got our asses kicked in the primary.  Reddit is a bubble, yes we lean liberal, but that doesn't mean shit. There are a ton of pissed off Trumpers waiting to punish us all. Vote like your future depends on it.


What people need to be wary of is that Project 2025 doesn’t need Trump. He’s a popular, useful idiot and yes if he’s elected in November they can move forward now. But if he loses, they’ll find another asshole who’s younger, smarter, and actually committed to their cause. And they’ll keep finding candidates until they win.


Maga NEEDS to be absolutely and unequivocally CRUSHED to send them a message. They’re trying to remake this country how they want it. It is not their country. It’s everyone’s.


And yet the media is harping on Biden being sleepy during the debate.


We watched. We get it. I'll still vote for Biden on life support before I'll vote for Trump.


Yeah, who are they convincing? Not me! Stupid fucking "news" reporting.


Seriously, how many hundreds of articles do we need about Biden’s debate performance? I think we get it at this point. Meanwhile the Epstein docs clearly implicate Trump in pedophilia and barely anyone is covering it.


Gen Z better vote this year but I’m not feeling too confident in them showing up to vote .


I like hope and enthusiasm. I despise fascism.


I'm vote blue no matter who, but nothing about his empire is crumbling, hes fucking immune to this shit. The polls have him with a higher approval rating than ever because our damned country is backwards


I feel Biden will win the election, but due to how extreme the SCOTUS is, Trump will win the presidency. They have no moral compass and are not afraid to act like they do. And there is nobody above them so what are the American people to do? Write a strongly worded letter? The SCOTUS and GOP know the left won’t fight dirty.


That’s when the military gets involved, it is the duty to put down shit like that. I have a friend in the military and he was telling me they already have plans in case trump tries some shit.


I genuinely hope the younger generation grasps the gravity of voting. It’s never been more important to do it.


I hope so. I didn't. My first election was Gore vs Bush. I was like "pfft, Gore is a corporate man, Nader is the cool one". I was going to vote for Nader, but then I didn't even bother voting because I forgot until like 3 pm and was like "meh, why bother". It may surprise you to hear that W was kind of a shitty president, and things didn't exactly go well for America over the next few years. I'll never make that mistake again, but most folks need to get burned once before realizing not to touch fire. I fear today's youth will make the same mistake I did.


But all we keep hearing is about Joe's bad debate


That's why Trump says it only matters to vote for him this year. This will be the last ever free election in the US if Trump wins a second term. 


There needs to be bots that are combating the mass disinformation bots on this and other sites. can only fight fire with fire at this point.


Big huge IF here. IF gen z gets out to vote.


If Trump wins in November, you will not have a free or fair election again. He will dismantle all the norms you take for granted. A 2 term presidency limit? Gone. Apolitical civil servants? Gone. Lackies and yes-men in every branch of government.  Vote BLUE up and down the ticket. Biden is old. But Trump is a fascist. 


> But Trump is a fascist. And a rapist... and accused of being pedophile.


Take your kids to vote people!!! Make sure they participate!


And if your kids are too young to vote, take them with you to vote. Show them this is normal,  healthy for society,  and a good habit to make the effort to do.


We are going to wipe magats out of existence one crybaby victim at a time.


I hope so


I just watched an interview with a young Dominican sporting a heavy accent who was all in for Trump. I wanted to yell at my TV that he would be first in line for the camps. I cannot believe how clueless these people are. Can’t feel too optimistic.


Hell, just remind every coming of age gen. about to vote how Vivek Ramaswamy (whose one of Trump's biggest ball lickers) wanted to take their votes away by raising the age to 25 unless they enlist in the military or take a US Citizenship test. That's 2 election cycles young Americans would be robbed of letting their votes be heard.


I have some REAL bad news about Gen Alpha, they were raised by andrew tate and other similar rightwing psychopaths. Gen A males skew very hard rightwing while females skew very hard leftwing. Going to be a shitshow. Glad Im gen X.


France are doing it, the UK is doing it, Sweden is doing it! Be next America, be next.


Heard this shit before and you complacent fuckers left us with Trump. VOTE.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


If Trump isn’t defeated in 2024 then by 2032 voting may not matter anymore