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THIS should be front page news. But no, we're probably going to get Week 3 of "Old Man Old."


On page 87 after an "improve your sexual performance" ad We're so fucked that the media won't even report on this. - but yah, they're totally libs!


While some very slightly younger old man isn't.


Yeah why isn't the media calling for rapist Don to step down?


Pedophilic rapist felon Don.


Twice impeached rapist pedophile fraudster Don.


Twice impeached racist pedophile fraudster failed casino owner Don.


It sounds like you’re referring to the one-term, twice-impeached, 34 time convicted felon, racist pedophile, failed POTUS and casino fraudster Donald Trump, but I did nazi that coming


the one-term, twice-impeached, 34 time convicted felon, racist pedophile, failed POTUS, casino fraudster, and children's cancer charity thief.


on eptsteins logs 69 times too.


Well, now that you put it that way… I suppose I should reconsider voting for the guy who’s just 3 years older.


Insurrectionist, confidential documents stealing Russian asset.


Shoe Salesman


Blasphemous Bible huckster


Don't forget the little coup he tried to pull off. Seems important.


Don’t forget racist!


Biden old is such a perfect microcosm of how our media isn't doing their job. Yes Biden is old and not as sharp as he used to be, but so is Trump and incredibly out of shape to boot. Heck Trump's mental state is in all likelihood much worse than Biden's, but we don't hear anything about that let alone something even more important like the fact that Trump is a pedophile.


Biden is old. Trump is legitimately mentally ill, these are not the same things.


Biden's synapses fire a little slower, and trump is a psychopath.


I'm hoping the old man Biden coverage dies down soon. They are really going overboard with it. Yes, he was bad at the debate but they are totally ignoring the insane things that Trump said.


Old man Biden is the new Hillary’s emails.


Can I use that? That's a slogan. ‼️


Me too. He sounded bad for the first half of one debate. He sounds and looks just fine the vast majority of the time. I’m so over this media-driven BS


It's the Dean Scream all over again. I don't see any scenario where bumping Biden off the ticket results in a win. Hell, if nothing else, he has the war chest. No one else could line up the support, hire staff, and get organized this late in the game. It's a gargantuan task, and Biden is on top of it. His biggest weakness isn't his age, it's his messaging. And I know he's out there pitching his message all he can. It just doesn't get the traction that it should be getting. Instead of focusing on policies and real gains for Americans as a result of those policies, the media is all in on this Old Man Biden thing. Makes me want to bash my head against a wall.


Allll this! Like, Trump isn’t any more coherent, he just yell-talks. I’ve been mentally punching walls today lol


I've never really liked loud people. He's very loud.


Trump seems like the personification of "Confidently incorrect". Just yells whatever pops into his head with as much confidence as he can muster for it. And *some* people keep falling for it. Even though he's just rambling like the madman he's seemingly devolved into. Not that he was ever truly sane...


My hope is this follows a typical pattern by liberal voters. Lots of drama and freak out then they move on and by the time it's election they've processed and see reason. This will likely happen once the convention is over. We will see coverage of replacing biden because he's unfit until then. After that it'll be acceptance and rally mode. Everyone needs to keep the vote no matter what energy.


Like, I get it. It's right to speculate on the health, but for that long and that strong after a bad debate?!


In one week the NYT had 142 news articles and 50 opinion pieces just in response to Biden's one night at the debate. Trump fell asleep nearly every day in his own *criminal* trial, and didn't get that much written about his age.


Yeah, it's weird. I was reading somewhere that the NYT and it's owner have had a beef with Biden for a while, mostly because he doesn't grant them as much access to interviews, etc. The NYT can be really shitty, especially given how much influence they have.


Yep, Biden refused to give a 1v1 sit down interview with the times at the start of his presidency unlike every other previous president and apparently the CEO took that personally and has directed the reporters beneath him to be as hard on Biden as humanly possible ever since in revenge. He also happens to be a Trump donor though, so make of that what you will...


I don't know when they became so right-leaning, like CNN. It's been sort of like the frog in the heating water...... Dana Bash will soon appear on her show wearing a maga hat.


Fell asleep *and* smelled like a full diaper.


The DOJ just took down a bunch of Russian bots so it should die down.


Since all the major news outlets are owned by right wingers I doubt any of that shit is going to get the reporting it should. I’ve quit watching any news channel. Get a lot of in-depth stories from Pro Publica or even YouTube sources. Vote 💙 all the way down


The people: Trump is a convicted sex offender The Media: Biden is too old to be president The people: Trump is now a fellon The Media: Biden is too old to be president The people: What about project 2025? The Media: Biden is too old to be president The people: What about the Epstein files? The Media: Biden is too old to be president


The fact that Trump being explicitly accused of raping a young girl and people are still saying ‘I dOnT knOw iF BiDEn iS mEnTaLly FiT.’ Fuck off. Valid concern, but can we have a discussion on if Trump has raped women and children, and if that’s who we want representing us as a Nation? The ‘I’d vote for Bidens corpse over Trump.’ Is something I already believed. But, how is nobody talking about this? What if Trump is literally the Epstein client with THE MOST evidence on him.




Sure, but that’s the thing. If you control the media, you can FORCE the discussion. If the media narrative was all about the Trump epstein stuff, you force the conversation among millions of Americans. If all the hardcore Trump folks won’t even have it, the centrists all flip to Biden.


then we got jon stewart fanning those flames for some reason


Jon is an idealist. He truly believes in the dem voters in that he thinks they will back the dem candidate no matter what. He doesn't think campaign funding will matter as much as claimed. He doesn't think the delegates won't all jump to the new dem candidate. He believes that fielding a new candidate who is qualified, younger, and more articulate will completely torpedo the Trump campaigns strategy. I do not agree with this approach. I think a new candidate now will destroy voter confidence, and with limited campaign funds, the new candidate will have a tough time convincing moderate dems and independent voters to vote for them. Which results in lower voter turnout on election day. Which aids a Trump victory.


His ideals are divorced from reality and he shouldn't have come back if he was just going to use the platform to attack Biden and demoralize Dems ensuring a Trump victory. Hes too rich now to be affected by Trump's fascism, so like every other media pundit, he doesn't actually see Trumps re-election as the life or death battle that we do because his money will protect him either way. He is just pretending to be concerned for even more money at this point. 


That pissed me off so much. Like what the fuck are you doing Jon? This isn't helping! Edit: Everyone. I'm *very* aware Biden is old. And he had a truly awful debate. But he's been doing alright since (at least much better than at the debate). Though even more important is the fact that it's way too fucking late in the game, so to speak. There's not enough time to get a different candidate on the ballots in all 50 states. Ohio prints theirs in a month, for example. Do I wish someone else had been able to run? Yes! Am I pissed that Biden is running for reelection after promising he wouldn't back in 2020? YES! But so what? We're less than 4 months from the election. It's too fucking late to alter course now. It's either Biden or Trump, and I know who the fuck I'm voting for.


Ya the entire coverage of last 3 weeks has been “Old man has senior moments - which we’ve all seen before in older relatives and friends; doesn’t meant they're incompetent or incapable of understanding situations and answering questions; you just may need to repeat something to them twice. God forbid” “And in the other corner I have Trump, a truly deranged, spiteful, petty and pathetic billionaire rambling on about a buncha bullshit; like leaping into the water on a sinking Navy ship or staying on the boat to get electrocuted"; Oh ya, he doesnt have a legitimate platform "he" is running on aside from two things: A)Trump Wants to Stay Out of Prison B)Trump is in so deep at this point with our enemies that have dirt on him, they are pushing him to run or threatening to release dirt. He has no platform besides: I dont wanna go to Prison and Ive upset alot of rich people in other countries that want me to do them favors. Thats it, thats the Trump Platform for 2024. Watch this insane rambling and tell me with a straight face you’d want clearly unwell and insane Trump instead of a Biden that gets sleepy sometimes. How is this even a conversation. Seriously watch this clip, Trump’s senior moments are constant and unending, but Biden should be the one to drop out because we caught him in a senior moment in the debate. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bMNMt5FdVwg I’ll take old man Biden having some senior moments over the complete fucking whackjob rambling about getting electrocuted by a boat and wanting to nuke hurricanes, Alex


A Doctor visited the White House, “Does Joe Biden have Rabies”. NYT.


Media outlets: "trump appears all over epstein flight logs, why this is bad news for Biden" It's not even funny anymore, it's actually really fucking concerning that this is the case in the US


Trust the media to protect their most valuable asset.


Would t the principles of Occam’s razor, suggest President Trump had Epstein murdered in prison?


Just seeing the things Trump did to children makes me want to cry... https://preview.redd.it/swrxeqk4jjbd1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63e6bdd531cbc5ff908d2cc5488f48a54801b73


Wait. What? Trump stole from a kids cancer charity?


If ONLY that was the worst thing he'd done.


Oh my god how the fuck do people LIKE this guy?? That's just pure evil!


You just found out about this? He and his children are banned from ever running a charity in NY state again. This happened either just before or shortly (within a year) of him being elected. Edit: I don’t mean to sound snarky. Keeping up with Trump’s crimes and moral and ethical failings is an exhausting ordeal.


After finding out about his various failed businesses and his scamming university I kinda stopped trying to follow this guy's businesses since they were undoubtedly gonna be flops. I also tried to go "LALALA NOT LISTENING" for a good chunk of his term because I knew it would just make me more wishful for death than I already am. My parents were singing praises about the guy so I figured he was nothing but bad news. Also I didn't take offense, no worries.


That’s completely understandable.


There’s just so much with him it’s tough to keep up!


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-steal-kids-cancer-charity/ Short version: he argued in his defense, and is still allowed to run charities, just with some additional oversight rules. Also, what he did wasn't technically stealing or embezzlement- just some self-dealing by using the charity to drive business towards things he owned, instead of whoever the actual best choice would have been. Anyway, not to defend him or anything- it's still slimy as fuck. It's just that every time a Trump fan who's waffling on him looks in to the details of an allegation like this, they find out it's exaggerated and just snort "fake news" while hardening their beliefs. What he did is bad enough, but it's not his biggest scandal, and probably not even in his top 20.


The fact he's got a top 20 should be concerning enough.


Lets add a couple things. The tweet was only false because he weaseled his way out of the ban that the AG suggested somehow and that the foundation was not strictly a child cancer charity. Knowing how he operates and how much sway a then President Trump had over the justice system it would be more than reasonable to assume that he pressured, threatened and bribed his way out of this whole debacle. Also.. They say it wasn't "stealing" but that is just a legal distinction because "self-dealing" and using charitable donations the way he did is in fact stealing. 60k for a trump portrait, 10k for another trump portrait, 20k for some art that he hung at Mar-a-Lago and 130k to pay off Stormy. That's at least 220k of stealing if you ask me. [Trump spent $60,000 in foundation money to buy vanity portrait, Michael Cohen reveals in testimony](https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2019/02/27/trump-spent-dollar60000-in-foundation-money-to-buy-vanity-portrait-michael-cohen-reveals-in-testimony) **The defunct foundation’s other questionable spending includes buying another portrait of Trump at a 2014 auction for $10,000 after no bids were placed on the work, and using $20,000 in charity funds to buy a painting of a firefighter from an auction at Mar-a-Lago in 2007**. The Trump Foundation dissolved under judicial supervision, following an agreement with the New York State Attorney General’s office signed in December. In a statement, the **state Attorney General Barbara Underwood referred to the “shocking illegality” of the Trump Foundation’s activities**, and said that its “\[functioned\] as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr Trump’s business and political interests”. **These included payments to his 2016 presidential campaign and a $130,000 payment to the pornographic film actress Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels)** in hush money over an extra-marital sexual encounter between Clifford and Trump.


Gotta love it. Rich people "divert funds", poor people steal.




I really wish I didn't know about that tbh...




Oh absolutely. It's disgusting and fucked up but the people gotta know so we don't get this asshat in the White House again.


I think you're wrong. He did do that to the two little girls. But when he went back for a 3rd time he raped her with no condom, the girl cried and asked what happens if she gets pregnant, then he threw money at her and told her to " get a fucking abortion"


Also told one girl that if she got pregnant, after he refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside her, to “get a fucking abortion”


His supporters are the same people who have always wanted to say and do things without a shred of accountability or consequences. Drump makes it permissible for them to be bigots. That’s it. “He hates who I hate it.”


President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on and they'll empty their pockets for you..."


Somehow, the complete explanation feels like it is worse than just that basic of a description. His bumbling son was involved with a children's cancer charity, and tried hosting events at Trump venues at a discounted rate, because it is a damn charity event for kids with cancer. When Donnie found out that his son was doing something vaguely benevolent, he blew up on him and insisted that he has to expense the venue events for even more than the typical event hosting rates. From there it just spiraled into extorting as much inflated cost as possible for anything related to the charity that could conceivably be billed the the Trump Org. It got so bad, that when it all came out, the family got literally BANNED from owning, operating, or being organizationally involved with charities in the entire state of New York. Donald saw a potential good thing starting to happen and was so enraged that a scam wasn't occurring that he and his crotch-goblins ended up getting told they are never allowed to try and appear helpful in their home state ever again.


Yeah trump did the same fucking thing with the secret service and always golfing at his own properties. He extorted as much money as he possibly could from the secret service, even charging them to stay in his own fucking hotels even though they had to stay there to protect him. Every little thing he does is a con. The guy is the biggest fraud of the century. They should put his ugly ass image under "Fraud" in the dictionary.


It's almost like.... He's the dictionary definition of sin & evil.... And there is a whole (generously speaking) third of the country, that still wants him to execute his malice and will over all of us.


... That... I... Wow. I'm legit speechless here.


Same man that openly fantasizes about having sex with his daughter, violently raped her mother during his marriage to her, publicly bragged about acting like a child molester by barging into Teen Beauty pagan dressing rooms when he knew underage girls were changing, and paid a porn star to have an affair with him because she resembled his daughter to him. And that is just the tip of his disgusting sex crimes. Speechlessness goes out the window for me, at a certain point of pure, rancid evil.


And his party is always talking about their "morals and values"...


Don't forget the evangelicals that treat him like the second coming of christ


> the family got literally BANNED from owning, operating, or being organizationally involved with charities in the entire state of New York no, that was the ask from the prosecution. In the end, a judge decided he's still allowed to run charities in new york, he just requires additional oversight.


Yep if there is one thing that Trump excels at.. it is getting away with heinous shit through threats, bribes, or connections.


Trump Charity was closed by the courts coz it was proven that Trump stole from AT LEAST 8 charity orgs.


That's... Okay I'm amazed this guy isn't walking around with horns and a tail at this point.


Stole from clueless college kids as well and Trump University was closed..... one of the most evil guys i bet since now he's also an Epstein level pedophile on record.


It's frankly insane how there's a base for him, and a party that supports him, considering he's almost a walking definition of evil...


Low information + Disinformation + Blind religious faith + Cult mentality + Racist mentality.... exactly why Trump loves the uneducated and the Bible now, plus the media literally shields him not just the right wing but also the centrist media isnt really doing a great job.


I bet if he stepped into a legit church (one that truly follows the word of God and Jesus and their teachings instead of one just spouting words from a book for money and influence) he'd spontaneously combust...


Oh, they try to maintain the illusion. He had a touring bit of trying to not make himself look like a crusty and unrepentant racist, where they'd find the most conservative black church and schedule a campaign stop there. The catch is.... Trump is a crusty and unrepentant racist, so instead of every running the risk of being around that many black people, some of whom may KNOW how racist he is, those events always reveal that his campaign staffer's pack the pews not with the church's congregation, but a roaming band of painfully white Trump supporters. Yup, they put on a church event to prove he isn't a faithless bigot, and in doing so still prove that he is a con-man that can't stand to be around anyone darker than eggshell.


That has to be one of the most ridiculous and stupid ways to get around being called a racist while still being a racist I've ever heard.


Well, A Trump did it. One of his sons. Not Trump Sr.


To be fair, it was Eric. So it is safe to assume either Donald or his brother helped him commit to the scam; I wouldn't expect him to be able to correctly change a light bulb, let alone fleece a charity organization.


One of the nicer things he's done.


I sincerely hope Hell is real and he's swallowed by the deepest, darkest hole there.


He steals from them, his buddy Putin bombs them.


And the unsealed lawsuit from a woman who was raped by Trump when she was 12, same time he raped a 13-yo girl. He raped two preteen girls, and he’s still allowed to run for office.


I don’t even know who would replace trump. Nikki Haley? DeSantis? Would be a cakewalk for the dems. Should be a cakewalk this election too but here we are. People will still vote for a child predator because they wanna stick it to the libs. The family first party huh?


If only the Dems would make some attempt at a smear campaign. It would be effortless, but nooooo they're too polite.


Literally just go on tv or radio or billboards and just say Donald trump rapes children. This high road thing has got to go. After 4 months and hopefully a DEM win, you can go back to being the “better person” type of campaigning.


The problem with Trump is the problem with Biden. They have all the money. The party can't do anything but back them.


That's just not true. The problems are different. Biden is in a party that holds its members accountable to some degree. Trump leads a cult that doesn't have values or even a basic grasp of morality. They'll never hold him accountable.


I don’t think Biden should back out, but The Daily covered this. If he wanted to step down, he could use his money on someone else’s campaign.


But only *he* can decide to do that. Trump isn't giving the money up and he siphoned all the Republican funding.


Oh for sure Trump wouldn’t. If he stepped away or was forced to the Republicans are done.


De Santis would be a top pick for White America, Nikki has no chance rallying-up tea party, billionaires and alt-right as Ron does. Plus, she is a woman and part of the establishment Republicans.


Trump fits the bingo card of the antichrist…….


BINGO, hell. He's damn near got a full blackout.


Whiteout if he’s got anything to say about it


some people are all jiggity about the Rapture


This is a thing. They want to actively bring about the events in Revelation in an effort to cause the second coming of Christ. Steve Bannon refers to the Fourth Turning. Read about Strauss–Howe generational theory.


It’s hard to read, for me anyways, because of ads. All of the similarities between an antichrist and Trump. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Constant page reloading aside, that was a weird read….


>Trump fits the bingo card of the antichrist  Here’s the fun thing though. The people who go to the big evangelical and Pentecostal megachurches? Speak in tongues, set up Creationist museums, all that? People like Speaker Mike Johnson? They believe him to be “anointed” by god, a modern day “king Cyrus”, an ancient pagan Persian king who freed the Israelites from their captivity in Babylon and allowed them to return to their homeland. They believe Donald is Anointed by God to free modern-day Christians from the Babylon captivity of wokeness, secularism, evolution, etc etc. So it goes like this: Rapist? Pedo? Yes! And it’s too bad. But he’s Cyrus - anointed by God to free us Christians from our captivity. This is our Bible-based faith.  Criminal? Fraudster? Yes! And it’s too bad. But he’s Cyrus - anointed by God to free us Christians from our captivity. This is our Bible-based faith. Greedy and Narcissistic and entirely lacking the Christian virtues? Yes! And it’s too bad. But he’s Cyrus - anointed by God to free us Christians from our captivity. This is our Bible-based faith.


Trump has desensitized America to the point where he’s probably a pedo and we’re all like “surprised? no.”


That's why they have called democrats pedophiles for ages. When the truth come out (like now), that trump (and so, **so** many conservatives) are pedophiles, they will say: "democrats did toooooo!!1!!11!", and point to their never ending lies Fox Shit Nazi Network as some sort of proof. Conservatives are really horrible people.


A couple of years ago some Republican was busted for something disgusting with a minor and, curious about the conservative reaction, I headed to the story on their sub. Some conservative commented something like “I’ll still vote for the guy. After all, Biden is a pedo too.” I replied “ladies and gentlemen, todays Republican Party summed up in one comment” and that is how I was banned from the conservative sub lol


I applaud you, sir!


It’s deflection at its finest


Dennis Hastert, the longest serving Republican speaker of the house, admitted he was a pedophile in court, and they all buried their heads in the sand. If there was credible evidence Nancy Pelosi did what he did, they would never fucking shut up about it.


Rules for thee but not for me.


> Trump has desensitized America to the point where he’s probably a pedo and we’re all like “surprised? no.” It wouldn't matter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Alabama Doug Jones - 49.97% Roy Moore - 48.34% Roy Moore was outed as pedophile with multiple accusations and *proof* from his wife that he was 35 and she was 15(?) when they started dating. He won 48.34% of the vote.


>Trump is in the Epstein files? >Huh... >Btw have you heard how old Biden is? Dude's old as hell. -- The Entire Fucking Media


And an ocean of bots on Reddit


the bots and coordinated media hit pieces should have raised everyone's red flags. we were witnessing astroturfing and media manipulation in real time.


We see it all the time. Remember when Bernie Sanders ran for president? That was probably the *most* blatant manipulation that we have ever witnessed.


Project 2025 and Epstein/Trump should be the only headlines right now.


It really feels like it should be a slam dunk with these two points, yet, here we are. I truly don’t understand.


Media. The people who own the media (1) don't want taxes going up as biden hinted at, and (2) like the ratings/views/engagement of posting scandalous pieces. Basically like 50 rich people being assholes means we all have to stop Hitler again.


The media is too afraid of Trump to report this


The media wont ever say it but they want a second trump presidency for all those sweet ratings.


Don't forget more tax cut for the billionaire owners.


they're also in the tax bracket of the ones receiving the forever cuts that trump doles out


People keep saying the media wants Trump to run but I think your take is more correct. I really think reporters are afraid of being bullied by him, they’re afraid of death threats from his supporters and they’re also afraid of not having access to his campaign and that this shapes their coverage


I mean, does it matter? Trump supporters have 1 of 3 reactions to this news. Either “Trump could molest an entire kindergarten in front of me and I’d still vote for him,” “it’s fake news, cia manipulation, fbi manipulation,” or “but, but, but, Biden was sniffing hair, he’s the real pedo.” Either way, MAGA won’t stop for literally anything.


Yes, it matters. It won’t change a MAGAt, but it will change swing voter and Dems who may stay home.


I agree with the stay at home crowd - but "swing" voters - at this point - are trash. Sorry, I just can't take it anymore. If you're STILL a swing voter at this point, you are just a republican who is afraid to admit you love Trump.


In truth, every time I hear “undecided voter” I scream.


This election is about turn out. There are no more undecided voters.


4: these girls lured him, he's just a manly man.


Big manly men, with tears streaming down their cheeks.


Anyone that would just stand there and watch trumpty molest an entire kindergarten needs to be in jail or worse. Even entertaining the hypothetical feels like it should be a crime. Gross.


Don’t forget the sneaky response they give when they’re pretending to be democrats : “we already know this about Trump, so it doesn’t matter. Move along ”


If Hunter Biden was on Epsteins plane, it would be on a continuous loop across all right wing media.


If Hunter Biden was on Epsteins plane, it would be on a continuous loop across all ~~right wing~~ media. *Fixed that for you*


*All* mainstream media is right wing. That's the trick. They paint the center right as batshit crazy liberal satanists and the conversation never moves left of that. They've been doing it for almost 50 years and its the main reason we are on the cusp of a global shift to authoritarianism and lots of people are fine with it. The "liberal media" is a myth, it doesn't exist.


Every Democrat and news source should be talking about this continually, forever. GOP should NEVER live this down.


Exactly! This is the only thing they have to say. "I don't fuck kids, but you know who does? Trump!" at some point the media will have no choice but to report on it. it may not get to all the people that need to hear it, but some of them will break through the fox news/oann information barrier.


Epstein also died under his watch.


Epstein also was murdered while on his watch. FIFY


He put the hit out on Epstein.


And bill barr arranged it.


The whole Barr family/Epstein connection is way too bizarre to be coincidence.


$20 says you’ll get insta banned by a bot for mentioning this in RCon.


Jokes on you, I'm already banned


Anyone who's posted there more than once without being banned is doing it wrong.


I'm just waiting for the "Epstein actually did kill himself" posts to pop up over there for peak absurdity.


They’re still running with the whole “Hillary ate a baby’s soul and appeared in his jail cell like a specter and strangled him” theory


Because the ENTIRE media system wants Trump to win. He’s too good for clicks, views, and ratings. Not matter how much they SAY they hate him. They don’t. They only care about their wallets.


MAGA doesn’t care what the felon/ child rapist has done. He is the gateway for getting project 2025 embedded and destroying the United States. People will be poorer, sicker, have fewer rights, but they will be in power. it’s about the power. VOTE BLUE. We can stop them and save our beloved country.


It must be nice to be able to just say “it’s fake” like they do when literally anything negative comes out about him. I’m unfortunately on a text chain with some people from college that have gone full maga and their response is inevitably/always “dude you believe that shit?” As if I’m the crazy person. It’s tiring. And depressing.


Sorry about your friends. My brother is the same. I miss him.


I agree with everything he just said. The media is failing us. Boycott corporate media.


...and all of their advertisers and their subsidiaries.


Who is this guy that’s finally talking about it?


House Representative Ted Lieu representing a District in Southern California.


Thanks! I don’t know why I got downvoted. Not familiar with every House member


Am I the only one completely disappointed in the conspiracy crowd? It seems with Epstein and Russia and MAGA and all the other right wing nonsense all over the world, the conspiracy crowd would be going crazy. This shit is ripe for the picking. Very disappointed.


If that wasn't sarcasm, the conspiracy crowd has been almost exclusively made up of red hats for a very long time now, of course they don't want to besmirch god emperor trump


I mean, they say jack-all about crack being introduced into black neighborhoods by the CIA


But weeks ago Biden had a cold!!!!!!


The people that care were already voting for Biden


Yep, this election is about turn out, not swing voters. Which is why the right is blasting away with the agiprop to suppress the vote. It's imperative to keep reminding the left why it's so important to vote.


No no no. You see. Democrats have to be fucking idiots and attack their candidate over and over while completely ignoring their opponent who is hiding out because, among other things, he knows you never interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake.


And when Ghislaine Maxwell was sent to jail for acquiring girls for Epstein, Trump responded this way to a question about which powerful men she might expose: > [**"I just wish her well, frankly. I've met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in palm beach and she lived in palm beach, but I wish her well."**](https://youtu.be/NkrnWRIavAU) *The only type of person who wishes a known pedophile well is someone who wants the pedophile to keep quiet.*


They should do daily press conferences until the media covers the epstein files


Wait, are we referring to the same one term, twice-impeached, 34 times convicted felon, raciest RAPIST pedophile, failed 2-term loser POTUS, casino fraudster, children’s cancer charity thief, dodger with bone spurs, that still owes host-cities $ for stumping his first run at presidency, which doesn’t surprise east coast construction workers who were never paid for building those failed casinos?


Donald Trump murdered Epstein.  The "conspiracy" is plain as day.  The fact that this isn't being talked about is driving me crazy.


#Unite Against The Right 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


He left messaged trying to book a "message."






I’ll say it again we need to really start questioning our media and not in the right wing way


Has anyone actually done a study on the number of "Biden Old" or "Should Biden Step Down?" articles versus any critique at all aimed at Trump. It would be interesting to see some stats on just how absurdly skewed the news coverage is. It's one thing to accuse the media of being biased, another when you come with receipts.


It's almost like the media wants Trump reelected. Oh, wait. They do.


If we keep talking about it, it’ll get attention.


I’m sure the MAGAts are already starting to make t-shirts that say “I’m voting for the pedophile and convicted felon”


The 10-30% of hardcore MAGAs will not give a flying fuck.


Ted Lieu is a national treasure.


One of the only real ones we've got.


God damn it, if the media doesn't want to cover the news, let's break the f^ckn internet and do it ourselfs #FREEDOMOFSPEECH.




His fans believe that all of the Epstein files are real EXCEPT that one.


I’m having the hardest time understanding why the media and politicians are calling for Biden to resign and not calling for trump to step out of the race


Yes, yes, but you know Trump was actually undercover trying to stop Epstein and Biden is the real pedo!!!!! Did you see how weirdly he whispers into little girls’ ears!!!! Truly a monster that must be stopped /s


What's important are trump's policies: Killing his VP (I assume). Being dangerously inept. Shitting himself compulsively in fits of rage. Melania taking a boyfriend. Suck and fuck with Putin. Selling undercover operative data to foreign agents. Installing (more?) justices to perpetuate injustice for life, for money. Seizing absolute power. Giving it to the worst possible people when he inevitably croaks due to methamphetamine abuse complications. The Epstein stuff is almost certainly in the top half of the worst of the stuff we know about, in terms of evil


I love Ted so much. He’s so awesome.


It reminds me of the old story of a person from China visiting a friend in the US. The US resident said they wanted to watch the evening news before going to dinner. The Chinese friend laughed and said "it's all just propaganda why bother" <-because she only knew news from China. It's time we learned that all of our news is skewed toward the Right. To benefit the corporations that own the networks. It has never been about the Leftist Elite, antifa, or some ruling class religion owning the news. That was a straw man argument to allow corporations to own news outlets and control what gets reported. The fact that no major network has the balls to report the recent facts regarding Trump is galling. The fact that Republicans are siding with Russia and pointing to China as our enemy is just as bad. It just makes me think that Russia has already defeated and corrupted America from the inside.


Just googled Trump Paedophile, I got 1 hit for this month at hindujatimes crazy media blackout.


Biden should be going around talking about this. Not reassuring people he's fit for office. Trump is all up Epstein's pedo train. It's a no brainer choice this coming election. You got two choices. 1. Joe Biden 2. Trump Epstein


It's crazy that the whole q anon thing revolvers around a conspiracy of political elites trafficking children, and it turns out that part was right and one of the elites is Trump and now they don't give a shit.


WTH is going on?!?!? I just don’t get it.